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Archive for the ‘Health and Beauty’ Category

How is Your Muffin Top?

Thursday, December 8th, 2011

copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2011

“Muffin top” is a fairly new word in the lexicon of things wrong with a woman’s body and a fairly new concept in what needs to be worked on and “fixed”.  A new word/phrase coined by those who are in the business of making money by increasing women’s consciousness of some part of the anatomy which  is declared defective, ugly and which needs to be made perfect.  We  should hate our muffin tops – they are caused by fat and they and/or their company has the way to make it go away for a substantial amount of money.

One never knows what the conversation will be at breakfast in any of our homes.  This morning’s choice of “muffin tops” at first seemed frivolous to me, but as it went on I realized this was something becoming very important to many women and men.  I would be on the verge of uncovering a bit of knowledge new to me that I could add to my health and beauty routine.   The conversation started in that direction because the youngest woman at the table was fretting over her ‘muffin top’.

The response to her fretting was the information that muffin tops come as you age and your frame shrinks.  The extra skin goes someplace and neither exercise nor cosmetics is going to get rid of it.  Dieting may make it thinner with less fat under the skin, but it will not make it go away and neither will exercise – unless someone out there knows how to eat and/or exercise to shrink skin.

Women of past generations wore girdles – even thin women.  Because this current generation has mostly lost touch with their mothers and grandmother’s, who they consider not as wise nor knowledgeable as their peers, they have lost touch with why women of past generations wore girdles.  Those older generations had to do something to make their garments look smooth and to hide that skin flap – which we now call muffin tops. The old becomes new again.  If only we could go back to having conversations with our relatives who are of an older generation we would be so wise!  You either know history or you are doomed to repeat it – someone actually said that in some history book!!

It became urgent in the discussion to explore muffin tops, because women and girls are now wearing jeans which sit on the hip – right under and emphasizing the muffin top.  Is it because emphasizing such a “problem” area can increase the money spent by women to hide it – eliminate it -mutilate it?  Not even plastic surgeons can rid you of your muffin tops.  You can get a scar around your body to cut out the extra skin, but it won’t last because as your frame continues to shrink your muffin top will return.

What to do?  No one had an answer.  One woman wore control top panty hose because that was the least intrusive way to keep her outer garments smooth.  Another wore a girdle because she wanted to make sure she had everything hidden.  The young woman, who started the conversation with an almost passing comment about feeling uncomfortable with her ‘muffin top’ showing, was the youngest woman around the table.  She was also the only woman around the table who wore those hip hugging jeans.  Aren’t they what started the movement in ghetto’s across the U. S. among African American young boys wearing pants which bag and hang down almost and sometimes definitely below the crack in …………?  Is that where designers’ got their inspiration for those hip hugging jeans?  Is that the direction in which those hip huggers for women are going?

She wore those instead of the jeans which went to her natural waistline – which is what she used to wear – because the advertisements are all equating those who wear those waist-high jeans as wearing ‘grandmother’ jeans and she didn’t want to look old.  (She was probably about 30 years old).  No one had any sympathy for her.  Everyone told her to get rid of those hip huggers and wear normal clothes for normal body shapes and she wouldn’t have to worry about a muffin top since ‘normal’ or ‘grandmother’ jeans hide your muffin top and give you a much nicer, softer shape.  Somehow, I don’t think she was listening – she was looking, instead at the picture of Jane Fonda in pants which are tightly fitted around the legs.  Since she looked as though she had short legs I wonder where trying to wear those tight-legged jeans will lead her?  Sleeping in a leg stretcher?

The woman at the table who impressed was the one who picked up our blog about liquid vitamin C.  She was using every kind of lotion on her thighs and her body from the waist down to get rid of the rapidly increasing look of fat breaking up under the skin – not wrinkles exactly, but a not so great look which only promised to worsen as time went on.  She waxed eloquent about liquid vitamin C.  It took a little while of constant use, which for her was every other day with a liquid Vitamin C overall massage after her shower, but the results were startling.

She did tell us the first two times she used the liquid C she had a bit of a problem with ‘peeing” – her word, not ours – but she just adjusted her water intake – drank a lot more water during the day – and by the third liquid Vitamin C massage she was fine.  She did not offer to show us the results, we had to take her word for the fact that the skin from her waistline down to her knees had dramatically improved – smoothed out and she was now happy about wearing shorts.  She could even look good wearing a swim suit without parts of her body being reminiscent of having cottage cheese under the skin.  That was important to her because she spent the winters in resort areas where looking good in a swim suit was important.

She put a little of her liquid Vitamin C in our saucers and we all tried it.  I must say the results of just one trial were impressive.  The liquid Vitamin C became sticky after a while so we had to rinse it off – one woman asked for olive oil and put the olive oil on her face after she had the liquid C on for several minutes.  She had a grand facial massage tapping all around her face for quite some time – until someone else got a bit irritated at having to watch and she left the table.  When she came back, her face looked fabulous.  She had rinsed off the liquid Vitamin C and olive oil with cold water and just patted her skin dry.  So very quietly I resolved to make that a bi-weekly regimen.

We went on to note that Dr Oz has finally caught up to Bettina Network’s blog.  One of his recent shows talked about not using soap – ever.  I went back and searched the blog and found we had talked about that months and months ago.


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Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

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My Feet and Liquid Vitamin C

Wednesday, September 28th, 2011

copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2011

Please copyright this under my name and the Bettina Network’s name.  I don’t know why – it just strikes me as the thing to do for this blog.

I discovered Liquid Vitamin C a couple years ago and was excited to read your blog on using Liquid Vitamin C as a cosmetic.  It works beautifully.

My discovery was with my feet.  As I grow older, my feet grow uglier and have a tendency to puff up if I sit too long.  By accident almost, I massaged my feet with liquid vitamin C and put white socks on over the C.  I left them on and forgot what I had done, going about my daily life.

Imagine my surprise when I went to bed, took off my socks and found beautiful feet.  It was such a freeing feeling.  I felt great all day, but that was the real treat at the end of the day.

Since then I make it a part of my health regimen to massage my feet with Liquid Vitamin C after every bath and if I skip a day and don’t take a bath I still wash my feet, give them a liquid Vitamin C massage and put them in white cotton socks.  What a difference a small thing like that makes.  My first shock at seeing my feet come out of the white socks the first time I tried this was nothing compared to how much more beautiful my feet have become since I started doing this on a regular basis.  I could have had plastic surgery on my feet, which I was considering seriously because they looked so awful, but now I don’t have to do that.  It took quite a few months to achieve this result, but constancy gave me a good result.  If I had plastic surgery the recovery time would have been much longer – given the pain, inconvenience, adjustment and inability to walk for quite some time.  This way, I have beautiful feet and this whole process made me feel a lot better given the influence of the liquid C into my body on a daily basis coming from my feet.

Hope my experience benefits someone else.


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Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

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Coconut Oil and Alzheimers

Thursday, June 16th, 2011

copyright 2011 the Bettina Network, inc.

We had a great discussion around the breakfast table on Coconut Oil.  I pass it along to you.  You can put it in Bettina’s Blog, if you like.  Maybe other houses in the Bettina Network of bed & breakfast homes would like to start the discussion around their breakfast tables to see what surfaces.

The conversation came from my having seen a segment of the Dr. Oz show which had Dr. Mercola on as a special guest.  Thanks to you, I now subscribe to Dr. Mercola’s newsletter at so he was no stranger when I saw him on Dr. Oz. The topic of Coconut Oil came up and to my surprise, they were very positive about it.

I am from the generation which was told Coconut Oil is bad and you shouldn’t use it ever.  It was put in the category of trans fats and could wreck everything from your heart to you liver to your total health and decrease your life expectancy.  I listened to that, in spite of the fact that my great-grandmother used nothing but Coconut Oil.  I am, you see, from the generation of people who trashed what they were told growing up in favor of what they hear from their peers and the spin on everything the marketing people spread around the globe.  It has taken a couple decades, but I am a reformed family negater and am doing my best to recover the information and wisdom which had been passed on to me by various family members.  The longer I live, the more I am shown their wisdom and information was real and long lasting.  It stood the test of many generations and is still very viable.

I am a part of the women who have just been liberated, who are roughly akin to first generation immigrants who discard their culture, their language, their family’s wisdom in favor of what they find in their new country.  Maybe I have just started to pass that ‘newbie’ space and am moving on to recovering who I am and who the women were in my family.  I owe them a lot, which i did not repay nor acknowledge.  Trying to say thank you as I recover what I’ve almost lost and grieving over my actual losses of the wisdom and stories the woman in my family tried to pass on to me is overwhelming for me right now.  The damage sexism has done to women continues to add-up.  I do my best to hold it up for the next generation to see and understand.

I first came upon Coconut Oil in a new light at my daughters house. They had this huge container of Coconut Oil, which they used for everything.  I was appalled and was sure they were destroying their health and worse, the health of my grandchildren.

When a guest started talking about the Dr. Oz show and Coconut Oil – I had seen the same show and was doing research into Coconut Oil because of the conflict between my daughters using Coconut Oil; the information I was raised with; and the prevailing information about Coconut Oil out in the ether.

Dr. Mercola talked about Coconut Oil being something which possibly could reverse Alzheimer’s.  Which to me meant it could probably also reverse my forgetting nouns and proper names.  The conversation around breakfast was fairly heated because one gentleman decided only people who were uneducated could really seriously consider using Coconut Oil after everything ‘science’ has discovered about ‘these foods’. As he talked I immediately defended Coconut Oil because he set off an old feeling which arises when people talk about ‘these people’.  Is this a minority food?  Is this food threatening to some industry which doesn’t want or like the competition?

I checked out Bettina’s Blog and found we have an article on the blog about massaging after a shower with Coconut Oil.  Wow! Ahead of the curve?

As the conversation progressed, we heard – if the guests were correct – there is no ‘good science’ around Coconut Oil being a very negative food which raises your cholesterol.  The tests which the marketing people push, were done with partially hydrogenated Coconut Oil – so the Oil iself didn’t stand a chance.  The test results were pre-determined to make it look bad.

When one uses Organic, Expeller Pressed and whatever other words were thrown out during breakfast, it turns out Coconut Oil is a good food.  All the words meant that Coconut Oil should be bought and used unadulterated without being processed and without being full of additives or hydrogenated.  So off I went to buy my Coconut Oil and try the massages, adding Coconut Oil to everything I cook – although I can’t quite get into taking four tablespoons of the Oil daily for the Alzheimers cure – it sounded pretty gross and I am hoping that with no Alzheimers nor dementia in the family I will avoid that one.

I should read Bettina’s Blog a little more diligently so I don’t pass over breakfast conversations like the one you put out on Coconut Oil and Massage.  I am going to massage my scalp with Coconut Oil and let it sit for a time before washing my hair.  Maybe it will reverse the beginnings of hair loss I am experiencing.  It can’t do any harm and I am way ahead of the game if my hair starts to grow in thick and shiny and beautiful.  Isn’t that what was used in the Hawaiian Islands for generations – before the U. S. introduced them to all this other stuff – and they were healthy and beautiful people with thick, shiny hair?

Ed Note:  Thank you for this article.  I would like to add a brief conversation we had over breakfast about using Coconut Oil in a Latté by putting it in the milk before the milk has air whipped into it.  The taste is supposed to be excellent, but I must put in the caveat that we have not tried this. The person who told us about this use for Coconut Oil used skim milk.  We are not fans of skim milk because we think it is an unhealthy way to go so when we try it, we will try it with whole milk – raw if possible, as untampered with as we can find if we can’t find raw milk.


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Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

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Beautiful and Elegant Skin!!

Saturday, April 9th, 2011

copyright The Bettina Network, inc. 2011

well, we have once again stumbled upon one of the fountains of elegance!  Can’t say youth because that is a fallacy!  Everything that looks good is called “young”.  That is a bad habit we should break – soon!  Try this and when you look in the mirror you will see reflected back, a more beautiful you.

The youth of today are already out of control with an abominable arrogance. How did they get it?  All the marketing of “youth” would make the strongest young person arrogant.  We use ‘young’  and ‘restore your youth’ to market and advertise products almost as much as we use ‘sex’.  The most common tag line in advertising is to try this and that – it will make you look and feel ‘young’.  That makes the strongest young person arrogant.  And we wonder what’s wrong with our ‘youth’ today!!!

This beauty secret is something we’ve known about for generations.  Many of us had a tough brush with this growing up.  COD LIVER OIL!

What does that have to do with beauty and elegance?  Try it on your skin and see what happens!

Another breakfast discovery at one of the Bettina Network bed & breakfast homes!

Take a capsule of cod liver oil – one with oil on the inside, not a solid capsule – clip off the end and squeeze out the oil into your cupped hand.  Very gently rub this oil all over your face as you would any face cream.  Let it stay on your face at least 20 minutes, preferably longer,  and voila! a change for the better that can be seen.  Only make sure you aren’t going out soon after because folks will begin to move a little away from you when you enter a room and sit down.  You will smell like cod liver oil.

We tried it for several weeks and people we met were commenting on how great we look!  We put it on at night before going to bed so by morning when we splash cold water on our face to get a little blood flow going in the cheeks, the smell of cod liver oil is gone.

Sorry, the royal wedding is having an affect on my language – the royal ‘we’ will probably be around in everything I write until all this hoopla has died down!  My children try to say that royal ‘we’ has been around a lot longer, but I just ignore them.

This beauty treatment did bring back some controversial memories, which I suspect many of us share.  I remember my grandmother giving me cod liver oil on half an orange and telling me it was just an orange and good for me so eat it.  She claimed it would keep me beautiful.  One look at that very oily orange and you knew you were being conned.  One taste of that orange and you just about gagged on everything you had recently eaten.   What she should have told me was to take that half-orange soaked in cod liver oil, rub it on my face, let it stay for a goodly amount of time, and I would always be beautiful!

What struck us as we tried this cod liver oil on the face was the fact that unlike other oils which tended to bother our eyes if we weren’t careful and put oil too close to our eyes, cod liver oil didn’t do that.  We could put cod liver oil under our eyes and on our eyelids and there was no stinging, burning or other negative side affects.  We don’t know why, we are just reporting on the results of our experiments.  You might find that to be true or you might find some other affect.

What also struck us was the fact that the cod liver oil was absorbed into our skin fairly quickly.  There was no oily residue even when we put on lots of cod liver oil.

We decided this would be one of our beauty regimens.  Dry milk, vitamins A and E one day, coconut oil a second day, aloe vera gel a third day, royal jelly a fourth day and cod liver oil capsules on the skin on the fifth day.  If that doesn’t create an amazingly beautiful person – on the outside – we don’t know what will.  Try it, you’ll like who you see reflected in the mirror in about three to four weeks.  Remembering that natural remedies don’t work immediately, although if 1) your skin is dry and has been neglected for some time, or 2) you have been spending lots of money and time on cosmetics which at worst dry out your skin and at best do nothing for you, you are likely to see some immediate results – both in the money left in your pocket book for you to spend and when you look at your face.

We haven’t tried it, but I suspect this would make a great all-over massage treatment.  In which case you really want to stay away from other people until you have given yourself a great cod-liver oil massage; let it stay for an hour or so; and have rinsed yourself off in the shower with luke warm moving to cold water.  This might even be good for your health!


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Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

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Beauty in 2011

Wednesday, January 19th, 2011

copyright The Bettina Network, inc. 2011

This is the year I throw out my cosmetics and follow organic beautify treatments.  Not organic cosmetics, but organic foods used the way I have been using cosmetics.

I was part of a fantastic breakfast conversation at one of the Bettina Network bed and breakfasts which talked about – basically – only using on your face, skin and hair, those products that you would eat because within seconds what you put on your skin shows up in your blood stream.

I was the one denying this and talking about the block your skin has from products getting any further than just on the surface – certainly not getting as far as your blood stream.  And then, when I got home I looked up what we were talking about and realized folks must have thought me really ignorant because I didn’t really know anything about the topic.  I didn’t let that stop me from spreading ignorance.  I don’t normally act like that, but these are emotional topics and everyone thinks they are experts.  I thought I knew everything there was to know about cosmetics, etc. because I spent a few thousand dollars a year on cosmetics and here I could have had better results spending only a couple hundred for everything.

I’ve gone over Bettina’s Blog and found some of the things talked about and have tried a few.  The one that has produced the best result for me is the virgin organic coconut oil.  That is the one I objected to over breakfast because over the years, everything I heard about coconut oil was telling me to stay away from it because it was bad for your health.  Imagine my amazement to hear folks talking about how great it was over breakfast and their experiences with it.  And just think how uninformed I was and sounded, especially since I insisted I knew what I was talking about.

This letter is my way of ‘eating crow’ from my bad behavior at breakfast. I hope you will share it by putting it in Bettina’s Blog.  If you don’t I will thoroughly understand.  Also feel free to edit it anyway you feel necessary, in case you have space requirements.

The woman whose beauty regimen I have been following, was very quiet at breakfast,  but she did describe how she uses coconut oil all the time. She looked stunning.  She is not a great beauty – sorry – but she had this aura around her, which apparently comes from her beauty regimen.  She uses coconut oil as an all over massage after her bath (yes, Virginia, she takes a bath – that freaked me out) – who in this day and age takes a bath.

Once I got over her bathing instead of showering – I could hear her again – she massages with coconut oil and uses it to give her scalp and hair a real good massage as well.  Another quiet person around the table suggested coconut oil was being touted as being good for Alzheimer’s and for thyroid problems.  Since I am at that change of life stage, the thyroid sounded good to me.  I don’t have a thyroid problem, but I am at the age where that is possible, so I massage my neck every day with the coconut oil – hitting the spots where I think my thyroid lives.  I know about thyroids thanks to Dr. Oz.

I’ve been using it for a few months and feel great, – I look much better – and my skin and especially my face have taken on the brightness and healthy look of the woman who I admired. I love the soft sheen her face had and that is what I’ve been trying for.  Some of the other stuff talked about I haven’t yet tried.  The use of beta carotene on your lips instead of lipstick struck me as really great, but so far I have been going without lipstick.  Once I get the coconut oil down, I will move on to the beta carotene and then the aloe vera as an alternate massage to coconut oil.

There is so much I heard around that breakfast table that today sounds really great to me – I really regret getting up on my high horse of knowing it all and not really listening.  I could have learned so much more.

Thank you for providing this forum.  I’ve added a lot of good habits to my daily life which I had no knowledge about before staying at your bed and breakfast.  Do all of your homes have this kind of breakfast?  If so, I will never travel another way.  To visit friends and pick up good habits which will last a lifetime and make me look really good, what more could I ask.  Thanks also for putting up with me – I wasn’t the best breakfast conversationalist.  a bit too pushy, but I am really nice deep down.  When I’ve made a nute of myself I always apologize.  In this case, please accept my apologies and my thanks for what I took away from your bed and breakfast.”

Ed Note:  We published the letter we received in its entirety with no edits.


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Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

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What Causes Obesity in Children?

Tuesday, September 14th, 2010

What follows is a synopsis of a breakfast discussion and a copy of what I put on Linkedin because the breakfast discussion and the question under the “White House Linkedin Group” were the same. The Linkedin question was “What causes obesity in children?” The Bettina breakfast discussion was – why is it so hard to control your weight when you are very careful with what you eat, but gain weight anyway. In neither discussion did the food industry come in for much of the blame for these weight-gain epidemcs.

What wasn’t in my Linkedin response, but should have been is the fact that growth hormones are put in meat these days – including meat called “natural.” When it isn’t given as injections or other ways, but in the food the animal eats – that gets around the labels. The big difference between “natural” and “organic” in meat is in what the animal is fed. Those growth hormones don’t stop at one generation.  They pass on to you who eats the food. So, you eat one pound of food and it acts -for example – in your body as though it was three pounds of food.  Now do you still wonder where the weight gain is coming from?You can make many claims if you word them so that they avoid what is real and makes the public think they are getting something that is not actually what they are getting.

“Marceline Donaldson – from Linkedin – • I am amazed at the variety of comments on this question when the answer is really very simple. I am also equally amazed at how far we are willing to spread the blame when the blame lies with our food processing industry which is trying to maximize profits and they do it by maximizing the shelf life of food doing whatever they have to do to get more for less.  It isn’t parents or teachers or any of the various peoples being blamed. Having worked in the food industry I was amazed at a very young age at how food is treated and then sold to the unknowing and unsuspecting public. I had no idea another human being would so jeopardize my health to help a company for whom they worked make more money at my and their expense. There was a disconnect – big time – between food processing and the end result of what happens to who eats the food.

We put antibiotics in food as though there are no repercussions and then blame the appearance of superbugs immune to antibiotics, on India We put pesticides in flour to kill the bugs which grow because flour is kept in silos and of course bugs are in the flour and the silos. We then sell that pesticide and bug ridden flour to the public. We put dirt in flour to increase the profits because the FDA only requires flour to be a little less than 100% pure, the balance is in dirt shoveled into the flour to make up the additional weight giving the company the additional profits. I could go on for pages – we do nothing about any of this, except let it ride.

We allow fruit to be picked green, ship it around the country gassing the fruit so it arrives at its destination looking as though it is fresh and ripe with the public buying and not eating foul tasting fruit.

We raise our meat and chickens in foul and filthy conditions, but make them look good at the end through packaging and wonder where the obesity comes from? And the illness?

Wake up folks! You are being poisoned and are denying and not wanting to know or acknowledge the truth.

My time spent working in the food industry means I have never since used white flour or flour that was not organic. My husband spent time working around sugar and won’t touch white sugar because of seeing the men working there spitting tobacco juice into the sugar which was then packaged for human consumption. We’ve both seen the conditions under which chickens are raised and eggs collected and we are surprised when there is a huge egg recall? we only eat organic eggs and ones from farms we’ve seen and know how the chickens are raised, what they are fed, etc. We’ve seen dairy farms where instead of requiring that dairy farms be clean we require that the milk be pasteurized and now we are finding ‘ultra pasteurized’ milk on the shelves. Why? Shef life. What nutrients are left in that ‘ultra pasteurized’ milk? None. There is no difference between drinking that milk and eating junk food – both will ruin your health.

Our current food industry is a disgrace! And we blame others for our sins committed against ourselves, our children and our unborn grand and great grandchildren who will be more disease ridden than we are and more ignorant of what is happening with their food supply.”


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Fresh, Healthy-Looking Eyes

Wednesday, February 10th, 2010

A tip from a guest – sent via mail to the Bettina Network, inc.

Thanks for Bettina’s Blog. I enjoy reading it and followed your suggestion of saving it for Sunday morning. It is more fun than the newspapers I read on Sundays and informative in ways no one else tells us. My experience at breakfast in the Bettina Home where I stayed was fascinating. I learned an enormous amount and was very impressed with the intellectual level of your guests.

My tip doesn’t begin to meet those lofty levels, but it was astounding to me and I would like to pass it along to others.

I read your post about keeping your skin beautiful with vitamins A, E and organic powdered milk and have been using it religiously. It has done wonders for my wrinkled skin, which is smoothing out and has taken on a fantastic sheen. My husband tells me I have taken on a “glow.”

I’ve taken your post one step further to increase the good results I get. When I rinse my face with water from my cupped hands the ten splashes you suggest, I don’t dry around the eyes. I dry the rest of my face because I don’t like the feeling of water dripping off my face as I wait for the water to dry, but not wiping around the eyes has done wonders for me. The skin around my eyes was puffy and wrinkly. For several months now I have not touched around the eyes, only did the ten times water splashes to my face without drying my eyes and I can’t believe the difference. Imagine dewey eyes at my age.

A nurse I know said it happens because whenever you dry around your eyes you are compressing the veins and the thin skin and that is what’s happening. Don’t know if that’s true or not and don’t know if I am remembering exactly what she said, but it was something like that.

I really don’t care why, I care about the results from the ten splashes and not wiping the eye area – I look well rested. I send this tip to you in exchange for your tip about what clipping the vitamins has done for the rest of my face.

ed:Note – the Blog to which the reader refers is “Bettina’s Premier Beauty Secret” published in March, 2008


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Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

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Saturday, March 21st, 2009

Sent to us in an email from Dr. Robert Perry ON 3/20/2009:

We received an email from a reader who said the following “There is no such doctor at Toronto’s Mount Sinai Hospital – this has been debunked over and over.  This has been circulating since May 2003 and just keeps going and going like that dumb bunny.  Each time it shows up, someone changes the doctor’s name or hospital but if you Google and doctors’ name you will get lots of hits.”
We thank the reader for drawing this to our attention.  The email on lipstick was sent to us by a medical doctor who is well known and has practiced medicine for many years.  It is also from someone who we have known for many years so we were confident of his information. Because of this new information from a reader, we have hired a consultant to research the issue of Lipstick and Lead and have taken the blog out of line until this research is complete.  We want to make sure we have the best possible information because we are discovering that many people read Bettina’s Blog and as my grandmother used to say – the only thing you have in the end is your character and we want to keep ours in the best possible shape.
Thank you for  reading – and for your emails.  They help to keep us going.  As soon as we can we will return with whatever information is found on this issue.

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Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

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A BEAUTY SECRET told around the Breakfast Table

Wednesday, October 29th, 2008

copyright 2008 The Bettina Network, inc.

We discovered what we consider another sensational beauty and health aid.
One of our guests was talking about her beauty regimen in the mornings.  She was sharing because when she arrived she asked if she could put her Aloe Vera Gel and Aloe Vera Juice in the refrigerator.  She was carrying it in one of those lined bags in which you can keep things cold.  Because we are curious, over breakfast, we asked what she did with her bottles.  She is the first person to arrive carrying her own Aloe Vera and we were all ears with lots of questions about her answer.
She uses the Aloe Vera Gel in the mornings after her shower to give herself an all-over massage – she said for health reasons, but her skin was glowing.  After she gives herself a massage she waits a few minutes for the Aloe Vera to be absorbed into her skin and then gets dressed for the day. Many questions followed.
What does it do?  She didn’t know, but if it is good for burns, etc. she decided it must be good for wrinkles and general health and she feels and looks good after her morning shower.  She brought the bottles out of the refrigerator and we were impressed that the Gel and Juice contained nothing but the Aloe Vera plant.
A couple years ago, I remember a guest from Australia telling me she used Aloe Vera Gel after bathing the way other people use lotion.  It didn’t register at the time.  Maybe the second telling by another person helped open our ears.
I’ve tried it for about a month now and it is GREAT!  I tried her way – which was to alternate between using the Gel and the Juice, but I made such a mess with the juice we had to shampoo the rugs in the bedroom and give the bathroom a good cleaning.  I’ve decided to stick to the Gel and alternate it with milk baths, milk facials and Vitamin A and E facials and massages.  I don’t want my skin to get used to one thing and then have that stop working after a while.  Variety is a great beautifier.
The Gel – after a couple weeks – gave my skin a softness and a glow which it hasn’t had for a lot of  years.  Another guest is trying it and she has promised to let me know if it does anything special for her.  She is 83 years old and has lots of wrinkles so she should be a great test case.  I hope she doesn’t take offense, but if it works on her and smoothes the wrinkles and improves her health, it should work on those much younger.
I might add that we pass these ideas along that we’ve heard about and that we try and friends and other guests try, but they and you do so at their and your own risk.
Since we are talking about organic food (yes, the Aloe Vera Gel and Juice must be organic), there should be no harm done, but just in case, don’t go off trying something because we talk about it on this blog.  From the writing on the Aloe Vera Gel bottle, the company apparently assumes you bought it to drink.  We haven’t gone that far – although we know anything you put on your skin is in your bloodstream in seconds.
Before we use any beauty products, we make sure we can, at least, pronounce and know the names of all ingredients in any and everything we put on our skin – or use to wash our hair. Since we have a long acquaintance with the Aloe Vera Plant we didn’t have any hesitation trying either the Aloe Vera Gel or the Aloe Vera Juice.

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Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

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Bettina’s Premier Beauty Secret

Sunday, March 2nd, 2008

copyright 1984-2008 by Marceline Donaldson

A caveat with these beauty secrets – they are a bit magical because they only work for those who use the Bettina Network!  Others can try them, but their efficacy will be greatly diminished.
To have flawless skin without makeup or foundation try the following:
   a.  Throw out your soap.  A beautiful person NEVER uses soap.
   b.  Wash your face, without a towel or wash rag, by splashing it with warm water using your hands as a cup for at least 10 splashes.
   c.  Pour a bit of dry milk into the palms of your hands and use this to clean your face.  Rub it all over the face until the milk granules become liquid milk.
   d.  If you have time, lie down with your feet up (without rinsing off the milk).  The milk will dry and tighten your skin – a nice treatment for those pores.  And yes this can be done by male or female – it works equally well for both.  Guys, if you don’t tell anyone why your face starts to look dramatically younger and healthier, we won’t either.
   e.  After about 10-15 minutes, rinse your face by splashing water on it from your cupped hands, until all the milk is gone.
    f.  Clip open a vitamin A capsule (fish oil, not beta carotene – unless you want a very red face), squeeze the oil into the palm of your hand and gently rub this oil into the skin on your face.  If you are super careful, you can also gently pat it around your eyes.  We find this to be a great eye oil.
   g.  Clip a Vitamin E capsule, squeeze the oil from this capsule into the palm of your hand and gently rub this oil into the skin of your face.  You can also gently pat this around your eyes.  You will find the Vitamin A oil to be thin and easy to rub into your skin.  The Vitamin E oil feels and acts more like glue.  It is a preservative of the A and you get more out of everything by ending with the Vitamin E.
   h.  After half an hour or so – or anytime after that – rinse your face with cool water.  Do this by splashing the cool water onto your face using your hands cupped together and keep splashing – for at least 10 times.
   i.  Using a soft towel, pat your face dry.
Enjoy the day with beautiful skin.  – OR – you could go through this regimen at night before going to bed.  The next morning you need only rinse your face – 10 times – with cupped hands and very cool water before running out to work, shop, breakfast or a meeting!
You will see amazing results after about two weeks.  Each day, your face will glow a little longer until the result is constant and you have all the time beautiful skin.  And then throw out all those cosmetics you paid so much money for which probably really don’t work.
FINISHING TOUCH:  This regimen will give your skin a glowing sheen.  If you want a mat finish (no sheen), use a cotton ball or tissue on which you put dry milk – no powder please, you will ruin all your hard work.  Pat and very lightly rub this dry milk all over your face and brush off the excess.  In a minute or so the oil on your skin will take away the powdery look and you will have a mat finish all day.  To refresh your look, splash cold water on your face for, yes, 10 times.

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Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

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Republican Women Unite

Saturday, January 5th, 2008

copyright 2007 The Bettina Network, Inc.

It is time for a revolution! And for some basic change!!!!!!

I’ve noticed as the hair turns grey, many of you get on the “blue” band wagon and put the traditional laundry bluing in your hair.

It is beautiful, with the silvery blue look that it takes on – however – you have been cast as being “red” – from “red” states and all of that. So take your political assignment seriously and start to look the part. (Society has made an interesting symbolic choice for you, especially given the fact that when we were young, “red” had a different meaning. If you were from a “red” state, McCarthy would probably have called you up before his House on UnAmerican Activities Committee).

So it is time to change your hair and publicly acknowledge your party affiliation. Not in a hat wearing, banner waving, slogan yelling way, but far more subtle and much more sophisticated. Political Correctness is important in this modern world, so instead of the laundry bluing, which is really more characteristic of Democratic women with their “blue state” origins than it is of you, get out your bottle of beta carotene – the vitamin A capsules from carrots in oil – and let us start a politically motivated health and beauty change.

This is also very healthy and good for your hair, unlike the bluing, which dries it out – or the hair dye, which is probably the cause of so much cancer in women – the beta carotene costs only pennies. You can give the money you save to charity.

For the few pennies this costs we could convert many women to Republicanism from welfare, the homeless, from the lower-middle-income category. This is also an excellent plank to add, under the diversity section, to the National Republican Party Platform when it is drawn up.

How to achieve “Republican Hair”?

1. Wash your hair – any good organic shampoo will do.

2. Wipe it with a towel to get the excess water out. Don’t dry it, just sort of wring it out.

3. Clip the tip of a capsule of beta carotene – making sure you have the kind with the oil inside.

4. Squeeze the contents of the capsule into the palm of your hand. This will turn your palms orange for a little while, but ignore that, it is healthy for your hands as well as your hair. If you really get carried away you can clip another capsule to put on your face. You will have to rinse your face with lots of water before going out to avoid stares, but your wrinkles will be gone! Well sort of gone!!!!!

5. Lightly and gently rub your palms together and then put the beta carotene oil in your hair. Rubbing your hands over your hair the way you would with any oil. You want to make sure you have a good, but not excessive application.

6. If your hair is shoulder length or longer you will probably need two capsules. If you add the facial you will need three!

7. Don’t blow dry your hair. This will defeat the purpose as the heat from the blow drying will get rid of the color. It will also probably get rid of the vitamins which you want to feed your hair on the way to making you politically correct.

8. This works best if you set your hair on rollers and let it dry naturally. After a few treatments with beta carotene, drying will be quick because your hair won’t hold all that water after washing – a plus for our side. Younger Republican Women won’t understand this since they have this wash and wear hair. They could reach political correctness if they put the beta carotene in their hair and instead of blow drying before leaving home, they went about their business with their hair still wet from the shower – as many do. (And we wonder why the number of people with pneumonia has skyrocketed of late.)

The rollers are well understood by that upper-middle-aged generation, which the young and haughty will join soon enough.


A. This hair treatment will help you understand why our female ancestors wore those frilly, dainty, lacy, shower-cap-like
contraptions to bed. If you don’t do the same, your pillow case will be orange in the morning! Although mine washed out just fine, yours might or might not.

B. The red color will last two or three days at most. The Vitamin A benefits continue much longer, but the color fades. It doesn’t exactly disappear, but it just sort of fades leaving your original hair color, with its grey looking as though it has a blond overcast. To make the color go away completely, simply wash your hair – and then start over again.

A PERSONAL NOTE: My hair color faded at breakfast in the midst of an exciting conversation. Folks around the table were a little awestruck as they watched my hair fade from carrot red with darker red streaks to its original dark brown with grey streaks. Although the color didn’t entirely disappear. It just sort of faded, leaving my original hair color with a blond twinge.

The health benefit? My hair has never been healthier. With all the other thngs I try, this one definitely helped old hair turn young.


when asked to give our names and a paragraph about our bed and breakfast, we declined. Normally, we wouldn’t hesitate, but this being a political year with a highly heated campaign going on,  we weren’t sure folks could read this in the tongue-in-cheek manner in which we wrote it.  So if there is any flack coming from this incredible piece of writing, we will let the editors of the blog take it while we duct under the cover of anonymity.

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Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

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