by: Marceline Donaldson
apologize on my behalf. Your apology to the Kavanaugh family on behalf of the American people included me as a citizen – the daughter of a citizen – the granddaughter of a citizen – the great granddaughter of a citizen – the great-great granddaughter of a citizen and even further back to before American citizenship when a part of my ancestors owned this land and were put on that long walk without food or water so the land they lived on and owned for generations could be taken from them, given to and used by people like you.
I have nothing to apologize for and will never apologize to someone like Brett Kavanaugh who has been credibly accused of the assault of at least three women and who knows how many more who are afraid to come out and tell their story.
Why do they not come forward? Because you and people like you have made sure to keep them scared and ashamed so you could sexually assault whoever whenever you decided your ego needed that. So you nominate and hold up another credibly accused sexual assaulter. I could say like you – but so far only three women have come forward to accuse Brett Kavanaugh. Some 19 and counting have come forward to accuse you, Donald Trump.
No, Donald Trump, don’t you dare include me in some apology that you make, not for yourself, but on behalf of millions of others for whom you have no right to include in any apology. More than half the citizens of this country did not want and do not want Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court and you arrogate to yourself the right to apologize for them? Who do you think you are!
Apologize for your own sins and the mess you continue to make of this country with your racism, your sexism, your Nazi leanings, your White Nationalism. – Brett Kavanaugh was not on the Federalist list – you put him there for your own evil reasons and you nominated the person you put on the list and then you fought in the filthy way you have shown yourself capable for decades, to get him confirmed.
You have a lifetime of ugly for which you have never apologized, not even once for anything and you have done much that a thousand apologies won’t begin to address. – Your mentor, Roy Cohn, taught you to never apologize but claim your failures and uglinesses as greatness. He did a fantastic job on you because he had a willing student who acted like a sponge and who stayed on his knees in front of Cohn for decades taking in everything Cohn put out.
You have continued McCarthyism in this country from your association with Joseph McCarthy when you were young. A man who was a drunk and who upheaveled this country in horrible ways. You are doing the same. You claim you don’t drink, but there is such a thing as a “dry drunk” and that is the style I see you showing in how you live and in the way you have been “governing” – to use the term ‘governing’ loosely. A style you picked up from McCarthy and are projecting into the future – you have also picked up his politics, his belief system and are throwing them into the face of the world. Putin may be your friend today, but he needs to be careful because you will throw him overboard the first chance you get when you see how to claim his power and control.
Under your leadership I see the United States of America sinking to a new low. I am always amazed thinking your ethics and evil have hit rock bottom, but you then manage to go even lower. You have this ability to make sure there is no bottom to the lies you will tell, the filth in which you will engage and now you have taken on this bold, upfront projection of your unbelievably sinful actions onto others. Today it is the Democratic Party you are blaming for your evil – tomorrow?
I do not apologize to the Kavanaugh family for anything. So your apology to that family needs to be modified. I DO NOT APOLOGIZE TO BRETT KAVANAUGH FOR ANYTHING! Take my name out of the general apology you made on behalf of all the citizens of this country. How arrogant of you to apologize on my behalf when you have sinned big in your lifetime and have never apologized for any of it. Brett Kavanaugh needs to apologize to me for his part in being so entitled and so in need of power and control that he will work with you and Shine and McGahn and McConnell and Grassley and so many others to bring this country to a new low and for arrogating to themselves the right to degrade women – so he and others can gain money and some kind of male ego power. He showed the direction in which he was going when he sexually assaulted Christine Ford – was that a preview of things to come? He would then go on to assault not just women, but the institutions in which he lives and works? He has certainly done a job on the U. S. Supreme Court. He has taken that body very low and they just might not recover.
However, I have to thank them all of those good ole boys for the way their evil has exposed how the sexist structure of this country works. I thought I knew. This, however, has exposed a whole deeper and unbelievably uglier level.
The way the white, northern european-ancestry male, – today’s ‘ruling class’ which clearly includes the Bush family – who came to this country under heavy clouds even hundreds of years ago and whose ancestors enslaved Africans and did so much more and who are now demanding that they be allowed to continue their right to rule even if that includes the ‘enslavement’ and constant sexual assault of women. Look at the uproar when it appears that sexual assault may come under castigation and be held accountable with women no longer afraid or ashamed. How will they exercise their out of control male egos?
And don’t be surprised that this ugliness has the Bush family in the middle. Under their ‘rule’ the Supreme Court has been brought low. They are responsible for both Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh, the two credibly accused of sexual abuse and sexual assault, being members of that high court.
To confirm to the United States Supreme Court a man who has been credibly accused of sexually assaulting at least three women and whose public drunkenness is out there for all to see and whose character has been on display as he totally disrespected members of the Senate who were not a part of his “group” is not something I need to apologize for. He needs to apologize to this country and resign.
You and your friends and followers now leading this country have as one of the talking points on your “manipulate the voters scam” call the women and men “a mob”, who peacefully demonstrated their objection to Brett Kavanaugh being confirmed to the United States Supreme Court. That tells us all as loudly as you can that the Republican Party is now the Party of White Nationalists, led by the Eastern European and Russian Mafias.
By calling a peaceful demonstration, in the image of the demonstrations under Martin Luther King, Jr., “mob rule” says exactly where you come from. You and those following you said the same thing about African Americans and others who demonstrated against the extreme racism practiced in this country which they were trying to get addressed and changed. What were they trying to achieve? To get African Americans treated like human beings – to get people like you and your friends to respect the United States Constitution. Until then they were treated abominably and that treatment was out of control – especially in places like Mississippi where you received such accolades for the sexism you were promoting and the ridicule you were parading out for all to see as you called Dr. Ford “evil” and ridiculed her in many other ways and held up sexual assault as the right of privileged white males that was being threatened by a King-type mob.
It is no accident that all 11 Republican members of the Senate Judicial Committee are white men. Your entitlement keeps you from even seeing the problem you are perpetrating. You see only your right to rule being threatened. And your right to rule in the style of Adolph Hitler – Josef Stalin – Mussolini and others.
To call those demonstrations against you and those who follow you “mob rule” and other names even worse says you and all your followers are completely in line with neo-Nazi’s. The neo-Nazis who reenacted Kristallnacht in Charlottesburg who you called good people. They killed a woman standing on the sidewalk; they re-enacted Kristallnacht making a statement to the world who they were and what they were about; they brutalized, beat, attempted to kill peaceful demonstrators who you then characterized and continue to characterize as the people in the wrong, Donald Trump. When you call the people peacefully demonstrating against Brett Kavanaugh being confirmed when he should not have been – a mob – and we all remember your calling the people who brawled, maimed and killed in Charlottesville “good people” we know exactly where you stand and where you have stood your entire life. This is nothing new. You and your family were racists and sexists, KKK members, Nazi supporters and today people who have cheated the United States of America through the way your family handled its finances. The United States of America, the government over which you claim you are president. You were trained into evil by your parents – your immigrant parents – and you have taken their training steps further down the road to perdition.
And to set the record straight – Senator Grassley, another racist, sexist and probably neo-Nazi is someone who follows you and does your bidding is who he is not because of his age. He has always been like that – go back into his record and you will see he comes out as he is today through years of experience acting out his racism, sexism, and Nazi tendencies.
McConnell simply wants power and is shrewd and without ethics enough to do whatever he has to do to get and keep power even if his actions border on the same evil you are spreading around the world. Power is addictive and he is a total addict, probably irretrievable.
Beyond all of the above, I would like to know what part Christopher Wray – a Trump appointee – played in all of this? The FBI has been mentioned, but its leader, who could have and probably did have some influence in how those investigations went, has not been mentioned at all.
To call Dr. Ford evil and to mock her the way you did in front of the people, some of whom claim, you paid them to sit there in your rallies and yell their approval of whatever you had to say, is evil Donald Trump. It also says you have one use for women and after that they should just go away until the next time you need to sexually assault another human being.
Sexual assault is something you see as your right. Not my words, Donald Trump, but your own words. You and those with you think sexual assault is not a crime, but something they should not be harassed about because that is what they engage in. You set the example. Your election, with all that you have done, clearly says the Republican Party is a sexist, white nationalist group intent on remaking this country into a country led by fascists who have not one shred of decency nor ethics and whose character is in the toilet.
Not one corporation in America would have hired Brett Kavanaugh. He is not innocent until proven guilty – he has not been charged in a court of law. He is credibly charged, as his background is exposed in the process which all candidates for Supreme Court Justice must engage, with at least three sexual assaults against women and incredible intolerable drunkennes and American Corporations will not, under any circumstances, hire such a person. You made sure, however, that he was promoted to the highest position in his field in these United States of America because those are the kind of people with whom you always have surrounded yourself and now as president you do the same in spades. You clearly have no tolerance for good, clean, law abiding people because they will not serve your purposes. They will be fired or resign before they do or will tolerate some of the things you have pulled in what was a republic on its way to a democracy. You have intervened and your illegitimate presidency has taken this republic and put it on the road to a fascist, intolerant, Nazi-type country – and of that you are proud.
Judgment Day is right around the corner and I don’t mean Mueller’s. No one can get away with what you have done and are doing – the universe will not allow it. Not just what you have done as president but all the years before your presidency. I have seen people who fell off that straight and narrow road, but who worked to pull themselves together and become better functioning members working to bring about a just society. You have been evil from your youth with no thought of apologizing nor atoning for your sins.
The only thing keeping you today are your years when the television industry dusted you off and used your image to create a person many people would like to be or befriend. The fact that you are not that person – you only played that person on television the way Bill Cosby played a great father figure while sexually assaulting women – and when you did play that person for whom you were the avatar you were told what to do and how to act with many supporting even putting on your makeup, combing your hair, picking out your clothes and so much more. That is who we now have as president of these United States. A figurehead performing, as if on television, the role of President of the United States of America and this is who the Republican Party supports. And please don’t say I am just another angry Democrat. I have never been a part of the Democratic Party in my life. I was a life-long Republican. I saw the beginnings of the making of this forest of evil startingg with Strom Thurmond when he left the Democratic Party and moved into the Republican Party. I thought it was temporary and I could fight what was happening because the Republican Party had such a fantastic history. I had an African American cousin who was head of the Louisiana Republican Party. This was my Party. Well, wasn’t I foolish and emotional when I should have stepped back to see the reality of what was happening.
The Republican Party has become the playground of every bigot in the world with political aspirations and it isn’t even ashamed as everyone inside and outside of the Republican Party sees what is and has happened.
People are fleeing – I am not alone.
You think this is angry? I had to calm myself way down before I could even begin to write this. This is above any anger I have ever felt. I will have to pray hard for months to overcome this.
May God have mercy on your soul.
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A Donald Trump Reality Show? With more segments to come?
October 25th, 2018Well, the excitement continues! The reality show has a new segment being played to distract – discourage – get more people involved in the “Trump, the Illegitimate President” show being produced for the American voting public.
It should not be amazing to see the bomb threats the day after Trump declared he was a “Nationalist”. That looked to me to be a message to those who were ready to start the fireworks to make sure the Midterm Voting would go as Trump wanted it to go. I expected something like this when I heard Trump’s declaration of being a Nationalist. He promised fireworks close to the Midterm Voting time. Come to think of it, so did the ex-Mayor. Sorry I can’t replay their television appearances, but I am sure you remember their comments. They were striking.
This parallels the statement Trump made during the Presidential Campaign of 2016 – I am sure you remember that? He asked Vladimir Putin to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails for him. And the very next day Putin did just that.
It is not possible to 1) find the ingredients needed 2) make the bombs 3) deliver them to appear in the headlines the day after Trump’s declaration of his white “Nationalism” without some prior knowledge and planning to make those two things coordinate in time.
Yesterday he announces he is a “Nationalist” – who was he giving the go ahead sign to? From Steve Bannon’s reaction, I think one might ask him. Today, the bombs appeared in many places at once.
Every day it becomes clearer that the time Trump spent reading Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” which he kept by his bedside according to the divorce accusations that went back and forth during his divorce from Ivana Trump, is now paying off for him. This is the kind of thing Hitler and his Troopers did as he rose to control in Germany.
It is time for Trump’s friends to take a stand. All of those who claimed to be Trump’s close friends and are collecting many dollars from sports fans to support the teams they own and control – you need to come forward to state where you stand on all of this. You are, after all, making multi-millions off those who vote. Are you backing Trump? Do you support him and those he supports? All his other friends who have backed him – you also need to come forward and declare where you stand in all of this. We are beyond just supporting a candidate or a candidates choices for other offices – this is an entirely other thing.
It seems clear to me that this is a campaign tactic of Donald Trump himself. It has done two things – one knocked the Khashoggi murder off the front pages and two possibly collected payment, in kind, from those who conspired to have Khashoggi killed with the support of Trump, which he todate has given, in return for these murderous tactics close to the United States elections.
You can call it a conspiracy theory if you need to do that. After all, we lived for years with Trump’s conspiracy theory that Obama was not a legitimate president.
Clearly, Trump is the one who is not a legitimate president of these United States. He ran for president to destroy the country and deliver it to his fascist friends who in turn would support him as the puppet president of these United States under the control of and with the cooperation of his new friends.
Ed. Note: From the response we are getting to what is happening with the bombs, every single one believed that Donald Trump either orchestrated or knew about this bomb scare plan and when he made his comments about being a “Nationalist” gave the go ahead to the scare tactics that will happen from now under the midterms. Most conjectured that this was the beginning of the set-up to make sure Trump would have reasons to “take over” this country as its fascist dictator and refuse to accept the results of this midterm election.
For most, they felt their conjecture was real when they saw Donald Trump’s demeanor at the rally which happened the evening of the day the bombs appeared. That was to gauge the audience reaction to this bomb scare to decide what happens into the near future with such events. The conjectures were that the violence would escalate in this attempt to put Trump in the position of a despot in total control of these United States before the midterms take away that possibility.
We are still reeling from what we are hearing about Donald Trump’s possible involvement. We knew he was disliked by many, but did not realize the depth of those feelings.
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