…..and lots of success, great experiences, with much learning which develops into wisdom.
We had an amazing year full of many challenges which we have learned from and used to improve Bettina Network, inc.
We added Bettina Network Hedge Schools – which you can read about here –
and while tentative at first, they are now the most requested places to stay in Bettina Network.
Members of Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community will receive write-ups about additions to the Hedge Schools all throughout 2016.
We hope you will suggest additions that will improve our offerings. In 2016 , we offer, $150 for suggesting a home which becomes either a part of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools or Bettina Network’s Bed & Breakfasts.
We are also still traveling to spend the night at the homes of those who want to join the bed & breakfast part of Bettina Network, inc. We do not take anyone into the Network without someone. who is a part of Bettina Network, spending the night to know what kind of experience guests will have in that particular location. We do the same thing with Bettina Network Hedge Schools so all of Bettina Network homes are thoroughly checked out and so are the guests who make reservations to stay in those homes.
Bettina Network Lifestyle Community is moving along and our goal this year is to make the Bettina Network Menu of Events one of the most outstanding and reliable calendars on the planet. That is a tall order, but we have experimented for a couple years and are now ready to move forward growing this gift for those who qualify. Membership in Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community is not something you can buy. It is totally a gift from Bettina Network, inc. You access the benefits of this membership with a password which we send to you and renew yearly..
Besides putting together a calendar of events for a particular location, you can also use your password to add events which you would like to see offered by Bettina’s Menu of Events.
Bettina Network’s Blog passed one million readers about December 15, 2015. It was time for great celebration. The Blog continues to move ahead with an average of one thousand plus readers each day. In 2016 we will have a small number of sponsors of this Blog. Sponsorship will be open by invitation only.
If you are a member of Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community you can send information, articles, blogs, pictures to add to this publication.
Reviews of places, things, books, etc. that we find interesting and stimulating will become a more frequent part of Bettina Network’s Blog over 2016. If you have suggestions, please don’t hesitate to send them.
Bettina Network Foundation, inc. is becoming amazing and beginning to fulfill our goals in ways we didn’t dream possible. You can read about the Foundation here: –http://bettina-network.com/pages/foundation/?ref=foundation and in Bettina Network’s Blog.
One of our big pushes this year – in 2016 – will be Bettina Network’s Estate Sales. It will be the end of February before that promise begins to be fulfilled, but we think you will find what we are doing with this part of the corporation, exciting. And – there will be parts of Bettina Network’s Estate Sales which will be accessible by Bettina Network Lifestyle Community Members only.
We have an improved money and credit card collection system. Our web site has a secure page where you can leave your credit card for any number of reasons and receive an email with the details of your charge within a minute of Bettina Network having charged your account. We love this part of our improvements and we hesitated on installing it because we wanted to be very careful with other people’s credit cards. This worked so seamlessly we fell in love and are now moving along very happily with our new system.
If you have suggestions for change, additions, subtractions, etc. please don’t hesitate to call us, email us, send us a letter, or however you communicate – stay in touch and help us keep Bettina Network, inc. moving ahead and fulfilling its original promise.
I couldn’t end this without a comment on the struggle we had all year and in past years as we suffered from having our business idea and business plan stolen without our knowledge or consent. That is still a problem. However, Harvard Business School has done a study on Airbnb and found racism in their system negatively affecting both host families and guests who are non-White. It is very difficult to maintain diversity/equality. It is easy and careless to install such a system which practices racism against minorities, especially in this 21st Century. Technology makes that kind of racism the kind which Pontius Pilate would understand and recognize immediately – bring that bowl of water and let those who practice such racism wash their hands and deny intentionality and culpability.
We look forward to all the excitement and experiences we are going to have in 2016 – the good, the bad and the in-between. All of it is what it takes to keep us on our toes and moving ahead.
Have a wonderful New Year!
From – All of us at Bettina’s
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Tags: bed & breakfast, Bettina Homes, Bettina Network Foundation, Bettina Network Information, Bettina Network's Lifestyle Community