Breakfast at a Bettina Network Hedge School can be awesome as you talk to so many different people who come from amazing places with experiences that span the globe and includes ideas, history, remembrances and thought processes that sharpen your own.
I would not trade being a part of Bettina Network Hedge Schools for anything. My intellect is stimulated on a daily basis, let alone my knowledge base.
We had an incredible conversation at breakfast about the Supreme Court nomination and all of the push back for and against Barack Obama making that appointment. Basically, I wanted to know what does all of this mess mean?????
What came back to me was awesome!!!!!
First was a question – why would Mitch McConnell and all of those pushing to keep Obama from making this appointment be fighting so hard against that possibility, especially if Hillary is going to be our next president? I thought, as did others, that Hillary would more than likely make a more liberal appointment than would Obama. He is and has been a great president, but he is, in many ways, tied to the establishment in ways that Hillary is not.
And, if Hillary is not elected president would Bernie be any more conservative? He has shown by his Civil Rights involvements early on and his backing away from that commitment as he became more involved in his life’s work that he knows the establishment and he would not have been able to get as far as he has if he had kept his Civil Rights work active and if he had been actively involved bringing about those kind of changes in his environment. Vermont can handle liberal, progressive, socialist changes, but it is still a very White state. So, while his appointment to the Supreme Court would be quite liberal, his establishment ties said to some of us that he would be willing to accommodate his friends – especially those he needed to help push his presidency in the direction he wanted it to go. But that accommodation would not be nearly close to what Mitch McConnell and those fighting with him would be fighting to achieve. So why would Mitch McConnel and friends, not known for their liberal leanings, be working so hard to stop Obama’s appointment to give Bernie the go ahead to make this appointment?
It seems to me they know something we don’t and what they are working so hard for at the moment is for the appointment to be put on hold until someone more conservative becomes president and they can continue on with business as usual. And who would that be? Donald Trump or someone who will soon come out of hiding in the wings onto front stage?
There have been many conspiracy theories floating around this country connected to past presidents and presidential elections.
The one that sticks out in this discussion are the conspiracy theories around how Jack Kennedy was elected president. Rumor had it that his father made a deal with the mafia to produce the votes needed for his son’s election – especially around the Chicago area – and they did. Rumor continues that it was Marcello, the southern head of the Mafia in this country at the time, who put in the demand for Kennedy’s assassination because while the Mafia did its job for Jack Kennedy and his family, the Kennedy’s turned on the Mafia. The father – with his Mafia connections – made the deal, but Bobby and Jack went ahead when elected, to move against the Mafia and it does not tolerate those kinds of actions without a particular kind of payback.
Looking at the candidates, it seemed to us that Donald Trump’s business interests are casinos, construction, and gambling with heavy involvements in Las Vegas and New Jersey. That could be conspiratorialized to produce a Mafia connection linking Donald Trump’s success with the successful backing of his businesses by Mafia interests. He may even be one of those at the top himself, as this conspiracy theory unrolled itself.
Connect that to the conspiracy theories around Jack Kennedy and you have the new President of the United States elected the way the conspiracy theorists claim Jack Kennedy was elected. Although, according to those theories, someone intervened on Jack Kennedy’s behalf – he did not have the clout with the Mafia to do those negotiations on his own. All those trying to understand the Donald Trump phenomenon have apparently either not made this connection or are too young to know this ‘history’.
Is that something Mitch McConnel and his group of friends would know about? Would this be what they are structuring with this recalcitrance to allow Obama to even nominate a Supreme Court justice? Do they know something the rest of us don’t and are acting on that knowledge to keep a clear path open for what they know is in our future?
Since we are not a part of that inner circle we can only look on and attempt to interpret what is happening from their public actions and their current public actions say they are expecting a President of these United States to be elected who would push their political and other interests and one of the biggest is who is appointed to the United States Supreme Court. Who would be that swing vote that would bring the Court either one way or the other.
Given that Obama would probably appoint a more acceptable person to the Court in their eyes than would Hillary Clinton, we are seeing their hand tipped as to the fix that is in and the rest of us are supposed to sit back and be so involved in the fight, in the agenda they have set out for us to engage, that our minds are engaged in a way that we cannot see and do not realize what the McConnell boys’ actions are telling us as clearly as if they had taken an airplane and done sky writing about what they know is coming down the pike.
For all of those yelling ‘racism’ that is keeping you from seeing what is actually happening here. Clear your minds and think much more broadly.
All of the above is simply the result of a few people having breakfast together conjecturing, adding bits and pieces of history and bits and pieces of conspiracy theories which have been floating around for decades. Nothing serious and any similarities to the American Political scene at the moment are strictly coincidental.
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Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.
Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.
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Weight, Beauty, Looking Young – always!
Thursday, April 7th, 2016copyright 2016, Bettina Network, inc.
We have had much correspondence and many breakfasts around the topic of food, gaining weight, losing weight, looking beautiful, how to stay young, etc. – both at Bettina Homes and elsewhere.
We have gathered up all of our notes and this is the result.
Many breakfast discussions have centered around exercise, food choices, weight gain and/or loss and what do these things have to do with looking and feeling fit.
The consensus we have found is the best way to look young may have little to do with all that is discussed in the media and in lots of advertisements, but the biggy for looking young for many decades when all of your friends are clearly aging is to – 1) drink no alcohol and of course, no drugs of any kind, 2) eat organic foods and in moderation, 3) take a brisk walk each day to let the sunshine hit your body and the fresh air circulate all over, around and through you, 4) if you drink coffee and/or tea, make it organic. There are now several organic coffees on the market and there have always been organic herbs over which you can pour hot water for a great cup of tea.
We have noticed that the obesity figures are sky rocketing and wonder if that has more to do with what weights are considered obese. For example, for women it is getting ridiculous. A size 8 is now considered a ‘plus’ size. That is one way to drive the weight industry into making a zillion dollars. And those companies selling exercise equipment. If a woman’s size 8 is a “plus” size, can you imagine the money women are going to spend getting down below that so they won’t be considered ‘fat’ – or a plus size – or obese?
What is very sad is how women look who are now within the range of ‘ looking good in your clothes’? Most I have seen look as though they have just been through a very stringent course of chemotherapy, followed by radiation and have not yet recovered from the ravages of those treatments. Women models have make-up on their eyes which makes them look sunken and sick. A size 14 used to be considered normal and anyone wearing a size 14 looked pretty good. Healthy, beautiful, with lots of energy. I don’t understand how anyone can have energy – without some kind of ‘uppers’ when they eat a salad or less a day. Where is all of this headed?
All of this was brought to the forefront for us when we had breakfast with a model. She was lovely. She was there for the conversation and the breakfast seminar during which everything and anything is discussed. She had black coffee and a piece of very hard bread which she took out of a wrapper in her pocket book. We had fresh organic fruit – several kinds mixed together; a slice of organic bread with cheese on top and a sunny-side up egg on top of that with a side of beautifully cooked asparagus. For dessert we had a New Orleans-style bread pudding with hard sauce without the rum. I don’t know how she was able to have her breakfast with us eating away at the above, but what we were eating didn’t seem to bother her. I guess she has had lots of experience not eating while others enjoy a lavish meal.
From breakfast she had a very stressful day planned. I wondered how she was going to make it through such a strenuous day, especially since she had been exercising – doing her regular morning workout – for about an hour before she came to breakfast. I asked several times what keeps her going given her schedule and her diet. She kind of ignored me, explained she would have a small salad for lunch – without dressing of any kind, and a piece of chicken with a vegetable for dinner. That is her normal kind of eating day.
We wondered about the example this sets for young girls. But we were corrected and told to wonder about the example this set for young girls and young boys since both now had role models who were skin and bones and nothing else.
Thanks for the platform, Bettina people. I have a blog, but you have so many more people visiting your blog that I think I will send you articles I have written from time to time. Loved the house where we stayed. It was super elegant and breakfast was beyond a five star hotel breakfast. What we learned that morning was invaluable and would not have been available, except from the people around the table. They were very special.
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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc.
Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.
Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.
Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.
Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to:
Tags: bed & breakfast, Bettina Homes, Bettina Network Hedge Schools, Bettina Network's Lifestyle Community, breakfast table talk, Guest Comments, health, health and beauty, weight problems
Posted in Bed & Breakfast, Bettina Homes, Bettina Network Educational Institute, Bettina Network Hedge Schools, Bettina Network's Lifestyle Community, Breakfast Table Talk, Guest comments, Health and Beauty, Hedge Schools | Comments Off on Weight, Beauty, Looking Young – always!