Nancy Pelosi - Bettina Network's Blog

Posts Tagged ‘Nancy Pelosi’

It is time to resign

Sunday, August 4th, 2019

or to be thrown out !!!!!!!

Three shootings, spaced across the country in one week, coming immediately after Treasonous Trump had an extremely racist and white nationalist and Nazi tinged rally during which he called for his base to support him and show themselves with action, is a message we cannot ignore.

Treasonous Trump, Moscow Mitch and Cute Nancy – it is time to wrap it up and leave.

The El Paso, Texas shooting in Walmart is a clear historical re-enactment which includes Charlottesville, where the supporters of Treasonous Trump brought back to life, Krystallnacht – the Nazi theatre, complete with torches and winding down a ‘sort of’ mountain to make sure the message was sent. If we didn’t believe Donald Trump was at the head of a Nazi-type regime, that should have cleared up any doubt. If we didn’t believe how he prepared for this, even as far back as his first marriage during which he kept “Mein Kampf” on his night stand and read from it every night (according to the testimony in his divorce from the woman who slept with him for years and had three children by him.)

The shouting by those who participated in that re-enacted Nazi theatre was clearly “Jews will not replace us.” And what do we read from the notes left for us by the white male neo-Nazi white nationalist who shot and killed at least 20 people and injured some 26 more during his rampage in El Paso, Texas? – Among other things his concern about being ‘replaced.’

How much do we have to go through before we come together to take action against what Treasonous Trump, Moscow Mitch and Cute Nancy have in store for us?

Power and money motivates Treasonous Trump and Moscow Mitch and clearly it also motivates Cute Nancy. To impeach Treasonous Trump would not bring the power and glory to Cute Nancy that beating him soundly at the polls would bring – so she is willing to risk his not being brought to justice because of her glorified thoughts about her own ability to pull this off. Her flawed reasons are seen by others, but she is totally blind to them – blinded by the power and money shining on the opposite road. Either way, with Treasonous Trump as president or without him Cute Nancy still benefits and moves ahead in her job.

Moscow Mitch is clearly building an empire with his wife and doing it in the muck and slim of treason along with Trump. A patriot is not a word which even begins to describe Moscow Mitch. Someone who puts himself and his power and money needs above all is where Moscow Mitch has always been and continues to be. I read in this blog some time ago the question asked as to how Moscow Mitch knew Treasonous Trump would be the next president, however, illegitimately. From everything showing, the country wanted Hillary Clinton as its next president. Moscow Mitch knew otherwise and he showed that knowing by the way he worked to keep President Barack Obama’s pick for the Supreme Court from even getting a hearing. He certainly was not stonewalling that nomination so Hillary Clinton could choose the next Supreme Court justice. We see the actions happening all around us, but we don’t walk those action to their most logical conclusion. We prefer to keep on our blinders so we can keep from acting to save these United States of America. We think that by so doing we will come out of this just fine. We won’t! Germany thought the same and look at that history and how much was paid so most could live their quiet lives of desperation as they always had – without taking action which could upheaval or jeopardize what they had and where they were going.

So in the long run aren’t we all after the same thing? Power and money? Only the degree to which we act and the size of the reward we have decided is ours, if we work hard, keep silence differs. – Go along to get along is that what separates us? Big sin or little sin?

They all need to go. And NOW!


BN Members Respond

Friday, July 26th, 2019

Thank you for the article on Nancy Pelosi. I agree 100%. It is time people started speaking out and telling the truth instead of the heroine worship which started to perform around her.

I have searched for reasons as to why she has taken such a hardline on this no impeachment of Trump stance. It made no sense, especially when she has more than enough to impeach and substantial stuff. Whenever I hear her talk about it all I can see and hear is B___ S____. I was also amazed to hear Trump lambast the four women. Nothing about that little interlude made sense until I read your article on your “Conspiracy Theory”. I think it is more than a Conspiracy Theory because Trump has been very careful with Pelosi and always had her back. Not good for the Democratic Party until you take a look to see if this is a small group of those who were in control for decades, have very old thoughts about how to do things – much outdated – and intend to keep power in cahoots with the likes of Trump.

The fact that they have a moral imperative to impeach the man for reasons that are criminal actions, treason and more. I know treason isn’t the correct term, but it gets the concept I am reaching for across.

Keep up the good work. You do seem to be quietly and invisibly within the circles. I will continue to send the information I gain to you. Use it as you see fit.


I read your articles on Nancy Pelosi “A Conspiracy Theory” and I think you are onto something and not a conspiracy.

As I watched the Congressional Hearing with Mueller III, it was quite something. I was so sad to see my friend showing his age – although with what he has accomplished in his life, “well done, my good and faithful servant”.

Those hearings, hauling out Mueller when he was clear he did not want to testify and said the Mueller Report was his testimony, seemed to be geared to an audience of one. That one being Nancy Pelosi. Are her friends and co-workers to the point of having to use such tactics to get her to see the wrong she is doing? At best she is making a political decision and where she needs to be making a moral, ethical decision in line with the Constitution. Why have impeachment as a tool to maintain and continue this Republic if you are going to use instead a political decision making process which is clearly leading to the possible radical change of this Republic into a Fascist Government. It seems Ms. Pelosi’s decision was one to maintain her power instead of maintaining this United States Government in the way it should go and using the tools those who put them in place for just such a moment-in-time set up to maintain democracy.

I wish others had the guts you folks at Bettina’s seem to have. I now know where to go with all the bits and pieces of information I have and want to see shared. I had a friend who sent me your “blog” and suggested I call you with what I have to share, but I ridiculed her. I take back the ridicule.


Thank goodness for “The Squad”. I don’t agree with all of their politics, but I certainly appreciate their clarity and the way they are willing to walk out in their truth. It is like a breath of fresh air blowing through some really stale smoke filled rooms full of the traditional politicians who we could do without. Maybe they could be re-trained to do something useful – like street cleaning. Also, maybe, it is time for Nancy Pelosi to resign. If you can’t handle the heat you need to get out of the kitchen. Risk is what life is about – she seems to have left that part of life and is looking for something that does not exist – surety. Perhaps Trump’s theme, which he stole from Reagan is one that fits her present space – ‘Make America Great Again”. Some people age wonderfully well, some just don’t move beyond what they feel was their high point in life and would keep the rest of the world in that space so they can maintain those feelings. Or, at the very least – she is taking the road which she sees as having the smallest risk, (from her perspective), and the greatest power reward. I was a supporter of Ms. Pelosi. No more.


Ed Note: There were many more comments, but the above encapsulates all of the expressions we received. The most common – much to our amazement – was the one which said the Mueller Hearings seemed to be broadcast for “an audience of one – Nancy Pelosi.”



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#NANCY PELOSI – A Conspiracy Theory

Thursday, July 25th, 2019

It is so sad that Ms. Pelosi has put political power ahead of ethics, morality, good judgment. If the Democrats win the 2020 Presidential election she will be all powerful. If they lose to Trump, however…………………. It is time for all those kind of considerations to take a back seat to the morality of where we are today with a president who should have been impeached months ago.

IT IS TIME TO IMPEACH TRUMP. It is actually way past the time, but Nancy Pelosi has another agenda and it is not in the best interest of the United States of America.

This is what we see – admitting that we are looking from afar – however, the look is not great.

We saw the small, brief exchange between Pelosi and Trump during their time in the Oval Office just before Trump shut down the government.

Trump – Have you changed your mind about impeachment?

Pelosi – No I haven’t

Why would such an exchange have taken place? It was totally out of earshot of Schumer and totally besides the point of the meeting.

The conversation followed the press conference with Trump, Pelosi, Schumer about shutting down the government. During the meeting it did sound as though Pelosi was thinking of impeaching Trump – she assured him she would not.

Check out the video footage. That exchange was not picked up by talking heads, nor was it mentioned after it happened by anyone.

We went back to take a look and found history supports Trump supporting Pelosi in quiet ways and Pelosi supporting Trump.

Most recently – when the four minority Congresswomen – “The Squad” – were rumored to be at odds with Pelosi, Trump jumped in and removed what looked like the Squad attacking Pelosi and then they were working together with Pelosi still the “powerful person in charge.”

Trump continued his attack on the squad – way beyond its usefulness to him, but his attacks did cement Pelosi’s leadership over the Squad.

Then came the meetings with Pelosi and others to agree upon raising the debt limit. A meeting for which Pelosi received much credit a bit too easily and why was that put into the works when it happened? Did that strengthen Pelosi’s hand politically so her calling the shots would be questioned less? Or…………

Go back and take a look at the back and forth between Pelosi and Trump over time. You will draw some interesting conclusions.

We are raising the issue of Pelosi somehow being beholden to trump? Or having a quiet behind the scenes relationship? etc.

It is time for Pelosi to crawl out of the swamp and stand in the sun with her co-workers and start this impeachment. Impeachment does not happen because the Senate approves and will move it through – impeachment is about the citizens of the United States. Pelosi could be involved with impeaching Bill Clinton for a consensual affair, but renege on impeaching Trump for his criminality, treason and more.

At this rate – Pelosi will protect Trump from impeachment until she gets him to the finish line and he quite possibly wins the election because close to the finish line Putin takes over from Pelosi and makes sure Trump wins.

Just saying!



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Saturday, May 18th, 2019

by Marceline Donaldson

The ethics of winning has taken precedent over the Constitution of the United States, what it offers and why. The ethics of winning is ruling the Democratic Party and it is time for that to stop. Excuses are being made instead of the relevant people showing courage. Tomorrow is way too late. Our democracy is already half-way down the tube.

If the way to remove a corrupt president was to wait until the next election to vote him out of office, there would be no need for impeachment. That is how Nancy Pelosi and others are acting – lets wait and in the 2020 election “he” and “they” will be voted out and we will have our country back. Right! Folks promoting that need to sit down, shut up and let those who can lead take over. This takes courage, forthrightness, honesty – not gamesmanship to attempt to best the gamesmanship which has brought us to this place. Think about what happens if you, Ms. Pelosi, have led your people into a losing election. Foreign interference is clearly ready and able to turn the election over to Donald Trump for a second term. They had too many goodies from him in this first term not to make sure he survives to continue playing Santa Claus to them, leaving all those goodies under the Christmas Tree.

The ethics of winning says it is more important to attempt to use what the president is doing and has done, – no matter how corrupt; no matter the damage being done to the United States government; no matter what; to claim that letting him stay in office and hope you win the next election in 2020 and that will show him. In reality that is the route and road on which to walk to insure that this republic ceases to exist and the ‘king for life’ emerges.

That kind of thinking usually backfires and leaves everyone disgusted and the “entitled corruptor” in charge.

We wrote about Mitch McConnell many months ago and asked why did he hold those judgeships open, especially the Supreme Court vacancy, until Obama was out of office and the next president would take the reins. That clearly, in McConnell’s opinion, was not going to be Hillary Clinton, in spite of the fact that this is what was showing – everything he and the rest of us saw said Hillary would win the election by a substantial margin. But O’Connell had eyes and ears where we could not see nor hear. He would not do such a thing, unless he knew things we didn’t know about who was going to win in 2016, because that might result in a far more liberal nominee to the U. S. Supreme Court than the one Barack Obama was proposing. We will ask again – what did McConnell know and when did he know it? Many should be asking that question and should have been asking it months ago.

With all of the current information coming down which is implicating someone or someones from Congress as being implicit and active in Trump’s Obstruction and other crimes it clearly seems to be pointing to McConnell as the one working with the Russians to get Trump elected.

Nancy Pelosi, however, is another story. She needs to sit this one out, move aside and let someone else take over her position because her thinking is not clear and is deep into the ethics of winning. She is very risk averse and would rather experience little risk and live in an autocratic state with Trump in charge, rather than acting out of the kind of ethics she should have to preserve this republic. She is leading us right into the whirlwind calling it a small spring storm for which we don’t even need an umbrella.

Something is not right with Pelosi and whatever it is isn’t showing on top of the table at this moment so others can see, but clearly, that not rightness has to do with Donald Trump. Is she the one who is standing between Trump and impeachment? And if so why? It certainly looks as though she is protecting him and he knows it, almost as if they have some kind of agreement that she will block impeachment for him.

Impeach or violate and ignore what the framers of the Constitution created for us to have available when someone like Trump comes along as president. When the United States is fighting the United States president: When a foreign power has intervened and practically is sitting at the desk of the president telling him what to do: When this president is corrupt and has a goal of turning the United States into what has happened to Turkey – with their Parliament, or Congress, so weakened President Erdogan becomes president for life and does exactly what he wants to do with no one intervening except the visitations of his fascist leader friends to help him guide the United States Government: then it is time to call for those making this possible, by their call to inaction and more, to resign. And that includes you, Ms. Pelosi.

The framers of the Constitution of the United States set up the possibility of impeachment for a reason. When Nancy Pelosi takes it on herself to negate that and plays instead with the ethics of winning deciding to wait for the next election because it seems “safe” and she either does not want to ‘risk’ impeachment or she is being held back by forces which should not be involved with her at all then it is time to sit Ms. Pelosi on the sideline until others with courage, insight, truth and no game playing take over.

Pelosi and McConnell have something in common. They see supporting Trump – either passively or actively – to be to their personal advantage.

McConnell supporting Trump above the board for all to see what he is doing without letting anyone know about his probable connections to the Russian conspiracy and Pelosi supporting Trump under the table for reasons we can’t now see or know but which will soon be unveiled – that is a horrific place in which to put this United States Government. That is not why they were elected.

Trump, during all of this, is still calling out “Fake News”. That is understandable. He was on the television show “The Apprentice” for years and that was all about Fake News/made-up events. His experience with the media has been all around Fake News. That has certainly been his relationship to reporters and others as he tried to manipulate the news with false information when he was moving his business and other interests along. Sometimes he was successful getting his “Fake News” reported on as regular news so when he comes into contact with “Real News” and reporters researching and investigating real news he doesn’t know what to do, how to act, what that is all about, because that is an area with which he has no experience. Lies, distortions, play acting and more is what he knows about the media because that is how he interacted with them. He was not in control of the media, but he did his share of manipulation of the news and putting out lies as facts. So he calls out Fake News as Real News and Real News as Fake News. What a screwed up world we are currently inhabiting.

With Trump’s appearance on “The Apprentice” for so many years – his interaction with the public is very closely akin to Bill Cosby’s who appeared as this wonderful, upperclass African American husband and father who did all the right things. It took decades for anyone to take seriously the allegations of sexual assault against Cosby because his “TV Image” always intervened and made it well nigh impossible for anyone to believe Dr. Huckstable could do the things of which Bill Cosby was accused.

Donald Trump, posing as this TV business person and always coming out ahead with books written by others under his name portraying him as a great deal maker, we now have to sort out the difference between his real self and his TV persona. Many have had a problem with that and are still trying to see him as he really is.

And the rest of us? We are in a state of shock to see how fast all of this is moving with extreme sexism against women once again showing up and the beginnings of an attempt to reverse Brown v Board of Education to bring us back to the 1950’s when White Male Supremacy ruled everything and everybody and many now see that in danger – the White Male becoming equal to the rest of us has created a kind of hysterical fit in this society which we are all having a horrible time watching and experiencing.

It is time to stop this horror movie now playing on movie and television screens all over the world and get back to reality. It is time to clean-up this earth from all of the ugly, corrupt, vileness which has been dug up and spread around like an over-full cow pond smelling, corrupting children, making a grand mess as we live under the leadership of a criminal enterprise headed by a mafia “Don” with the people who should be calling and starting the impeachment process doing everything they can do to let time pass so they can make good on their promise not to impeach.

Oh, for some truth telling in the middle of all these lies. That truth telling which can stop the obstruction we are being forced to experience and which can only be had during an impeachment process needs to start soonest. Investigations are nice and do something – impeachment gets the job done and every Senator on record for where they stood at this crucial time in this United States. The kind of lying, cursing, oppressing, destroying going on today will last a very long time and we will pay for all of this with our freedom.

Turkey just had a vote. The president lost the vote in Istanbul. The president negated that vote and declared it would be done over – and everyone knew it would be done over until he liked the results. Is that a precursor for where donald Trump hopes to be leading the U. S.?



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