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An Amazing Sunday morning – Riverside Church in New York City

February 11th, 2025

by: Marceline Donaldson

Many years ago when I was in college at New York University I lived on Riverside Drive and walked to church at Riverside Church on Sunday mornings. It was an amazing experience.

In those days Riverside Church was mostly all white. The minister when I was there was Harry Emerson Fosdick. Riverside Church was interdenominational and quite an experience for me. It was at Riverside Church that a very strong call was made for reparations to African Americans for all that they experienced in these United States including slavery. James Forman, executive director of SNCC took over the pulpit at Riverside on May 4, 1969 and read the document created in Detroit Michigan for the National Black Economic Development Conference. The document came to be known as the Black Manifesto and was written because racist white America had exploited and still, to this day, is exploiting the resources, minds, bodies, labor of blacks who helped to build this most industrial country in the world.

Formans demand was that white churches and synagogues pay reparations for Black enslavement and continuing discrimination and oppression. It had been written by Forman and delivered by him commandeering the pulpit of Riverside Church disrupting the regular service. The Black Manifesto was first presented at a conference funded in part by the Episcopal Church and the National Counsil of Churches amongst others hoping to bring Black leaders together to discuss how to socially and economically implement Black Power. If ever there was a time to go back into history it is today as Donald Trump and Elon Musk try to bring about in these United States what even South Africa has rejected.

Given that history, through which I lived, Robert and I decided to go back to Riverside Church, knowing where it was we wanted to see where and what it is about today.

We are including for you a service from the church. Their services are recorded and you can access them; join the list of those who “go to church on the internet” on Sundays; or just to watch and listen to what has happened since the very emotional events involving Riverside Church in the 1960’s.

It is a very moving service. As you can see the church is no longer mostly White. Today, it has a black female pastor and is inclusive of many cultures and different kinds of people with a commitment which is very strong. It is a place where one could raise children in the Christian faith and they would be quite happy to be there – not many churches today can say that.

We would appreciate your feed back.

Please ignore our lack of media experience. We somehow put up two film of the same service and don’t know how to take down one leaving the other for your use.

A Reflection on Donald Trump’s run for the Presidency!

January 2nd, 2025

Marceline Donaldson

“We spent the day watching the Trump Campaign – hearing the media stories leading up to it and the Donald J. Trump rally itself at Madison Square Garden.

It was an amazing time. At the end of the day we felt as though we needed a thorough cleansing because what we saw and heard was mud slinging all over this country, the world and its people in the ugliest way.

We have a couple people who knew Trump back in New York many, many years ago. Given that and our own knowledge, to hear the claims in the rally by several participants that Trump built New York was beyond the pale.

We thought over all we heard at the rally and several things we knew before the rally started and lots dropped into place;

The first was what we heard about Trump being gay and that it was the gay community in which he was intimately involved that brought him and his business from Queens to Manhattan. We reheard about Roy Cohn with several people telling us how deeply involved Trump was with Roy Cohn. We heard a bit of that gayness from Trump when he talked about Arnold Palmer’s private parts on television. It was almost as though if confirmation of Trump’s gayness today was needed – here it was.

In that context it made sense to us that Robert Kennedy, Jr. chose to be a part of the Trump family. Robert Kennedy Sr. apparently was involved with the McCarthy happenings back in the day, before he saw the light and moved over working with the Democrats on a very different level. Jr., who came along later didn’t do that. His family’s McCarthy connections had too strong an influence on him. He went in one direction resulting in his joining the Trump campaign and the rest of his family took a different less racist, sexist, etc. route.

Listening to the people who came to the podium to give their testimonial speech and to knock Kamala Harris was also amazing. I felt, after all of that, seriously in need of a really good cleansing bath. The foul language, the lies made each person who took the podium a little lower in our esteem than they were prior to their talk..

One strong thing that came out of the time spent watching all of this was a clearer understanding of why racism, sexism, homophobia and all the rest of the bigotry which has pervaded this nation almost from its beginnings has been practically impossible to get out of the structures of this country – the political, family and religious structures inclusively.

To support Donald Trump and his vice presidential choice (Vance) one has to be a real, true bigot whose ethics are in the dumpster. There have been many excuses made as to why people support this vile bigotry and dumpster ethics, because you can’t support people who clearly have horrible, vicious, ugly, vile and illegal ways of being who are running for office without your vote being cast giving them positive back-up for who they are – how they are – and permission to bring all of that up front into this country, its political system, its corporate structures, into the lives of the individual families and into its religious beliefs and structures.

We are talking, not just about Donald Trump. We are talking about tens of millions of people who have spent their lives destroying the lives, the quality of life, the future of others causing many deaths in the process.

When one looks back at just Donald Trump you see a man who is and has been gay from at least his young adult years who has no problems acting in a horrendous way against other gays, making their lives as difficult as possible because it suits Donald Trumps need to move ahead in this society denying and denigrating others with his same sexual proclivities because it helps him financially and otherwise without a thought to those he is seriously hurting.

One sees in Trump a man who had no problem ripping off people trying to get an education at great cost to themselves and their family looking forward to a better future only to discover they were doing it through Trump University which has been shown to be a place ripping them off for the millions of dollars it put into Donald Trump and his cohorts pockets.

All through Donald Trump’s life there have been incidents like Trump University. Some not so big and ugly – some which have made what happened at Trump University look like just a beginning to what has escalated now to a country-wide horror and if Trump wins the presidency, soon to a world wide dumpster fire

We don’t have to go back through each incident, I am sure they are well known to you making you not notice the little bits which just slide through, but which are strong parts of the Institutional Racism and other institutionalized bigotry making it hard to impossible for others. Something as small as media referring to Trump by his last name and to Kamala Harris only by her first name – sort of in the style which prevailed during slavery. The master referred to by his last name, the slave or servant only by their first name and even that didn’t happen often – just like with Trump and a description of what is being talked about acknowledging the other person at times without any name being mentioned.

Trump’s immigrant stance with his threats as to how awful immigrants are and what he is going to do to stop most from entering this country and according to Trump – turning it into a garbage dump. That is the most telling of all his lies. Trump himself came from a German immigrant family. Their money came from Trump’s grandfather who made his living once he was in this country by using women as prostitutes and eventually built a hotel -a bordello – where women lived and entertained men sexually for money. None of that, along with the abuse of the women has ever made the media although it should be very relevant given Trump’s anti-immigrant stance.

His anti-immigrant stance continues when you notice that his first wife was an immigrant and so is his current wife. To look at their lives, what have they contributed to this country as immigrants – other than marrying Donald Trump and becoming citizens? His current wife was a nude model and in pictures is nude on a bear rug in the ugliest way along with pictures which are practically nude standing next to a Trump plane or inside the plane with a case full of jewels in a mostly nude pose. That clearly carries a message – especially to the young people who see such pictures and then connect the picture with someone who was the wife of the president of the United States who is now running to be president once again. The rewards of such behavior?

We could go on for pages, but I think the message we want to put out is clear. Until the citizens of this country get their ethical lives together and live good, caring, positive lives without needing to be better than; without needing to lie, cheat, steal and more; without needing to abuse and prostitute women to achieve their financial goals for themselves we will always be in a spot like the one we are in today. We can’t really talk issues, policies, how to move ahead making sure that all of our citizens are whole and able to live good, caring, substantial lives until we stop supporting the likes of Donald Trump because we are caught up in his money, etc. That brings us to the spot we are in today where the billionaire class is taking over and using the rest of us to earn more billions in crude and unethical ways.

The latest influence Trump has is to cheat trying to be president by bringing pressure on newspapers not to endorse Kamala Harris or not to endorse at all if they are not going to endorse Trump. IS IT TIME TO BOYCOTT THE WASHINGTON POST, THE LA TIMES AND AMAZON to get their billionaire owners to stop playing lets pretend they are good and whole people and when the chips are down who they really are surfaces? Don’t we deserve better than that?

Help us, Dear God, to live lives of caring, of truthfulness, to acknowledge our sins and work to correct them, to do what we can to remove evil from who we are and from this world we did not create, but in which we now live. Help us to live with concern and caring for those traveling with us on this journey and remove the likes of Donald Trump, his followers and those who support him in his evil ways hurting whoever gets in the way or does not cooperate or who wants to make billions at the expense of others or who have made billions and that money has only served to awaken and accelerate the evil ways they live their lives. We have so much and we give so little and we justify the evil we do without conscience keeping us back. Keep in front of us the lives of those who are good and just and have managed to move ahead doing good, not evil. Lift us up as we try to lift others through this coming election in these United States. Help us to create a beautiful, just and giving country no matter our status. Amen!”

White Nationalist Convicted Felon elected president of these United States

November 8th, 2024

What a headline!! What an incredible end to the presidential election in the United States.

This is one of the few places where you will see such a headline from people who live under, accept and think this capitalistic democracy has something to offer the world – just not this bit of horribleness.

How that happened can be seen in all the people who now will spend lots of time and money sucking up to Donald Trump – the one who now has power and that power will deliver much money into his coffers. Those sucking up to him are those who want a small piece of that money and power to flow to them and they are willing to pay whatever price is asked for that to happen. Sit back and watch, America. You will see where many of those moving up in this administration have had their ethics, lifestyle and beliefs compromised way back when.

The United States has been a racist/sexist/misogynist country almost from its beginnings. We thought, this time, things would be different. Change would happen. Equality would flow into all the lives in this country, especially those who have had to live without experiencing such.

We saw many areas over the past several years where racism/sexism and all the other isms were having a time when those very bigoted areas were being pushed back and on the horizon was a more equal America. It shone brightly for all to see – or so we thought.

We thought we saw America becoming the country it claims to be. We thought we saw an America coming into being which actually respected every man and woman as equal – no matter their financial background – their racial background – their sex – their sexual orientation – their religious beliefs – and no matter the country from which they and/or their parents immigrated to these United States. We thought we saw mutual respect one for another. We thought all of the past ugliness was fading in the way we thought we saw Kamala Harris’ acceptance as vice-president and as a presidential candidate.

How wrong we were. Our dreams were interfering with reality. Donald Trump and his surrogates were, instead, re-enforcing the negative racist stereotype of black women; they were doing everything they could to portray Latina’s in negative ways; they took every such group and denigrated them as much as they possibly could so a White Nationalist who is also a Convicted Felon could emerge and rule this nation/this country in ways to bring it into alignment with Hitler’s Germany. “Hitler speak” was all over the Trump campaign. It was recognized and talked about by all, but those backing Trump were those referred to as “less than” under Adolph Hitler so why would they notice; be worried, or see anything other than – “this could possibly be the way to re-elect Donald Trump.”

The clearest example of how this bigotry works is shown in the life of the woman Trump has chosen to be his number one representative. We all know the most effective African Americans to keep down other African Americans are those who are imbued with the same racism as their White Racist brothers and sisters. Here we have an example of a White Woman, imbued with the sexism which the man who chose her has in his DNA. She spent lots of time, energy, and more getting him elected in spite of the way he has publicly treated, talked about, joked about, put down women of all colors, complexions and sexual orientation. In spite of knowing the history of the man she was promoting and working extremely hard to get elected as president of these United States she persevered and her reward has been to be appointed Trump’s Chief of Staff and I am sure in coming days she will be acclaimed as a fantastic example of Trump’s ability to ignore the sexism in which he is steeped. Her example of the future where white women will be so honored, who are the counter part the African Americans who can only see themselves as moving ahead and up is to knuckle under accepting and promoting the inferiority of their own group while the rest of society “exceptionalities” them.

We go over the same things from one generation to the next and here is an example of how we maintain the sexism is which we and our ancestors have lived for generations.

CONGRATULATIONS AMERICA! You have managed once again to maintain white northern european type males as superior to everyone else and to make sure the top of the ticket remains in their hands. One day there will be a reckoning – God’s reckoning for which we pray every day all day for it to come soon.

Trump as President? And Kamala…..

November 6th, 2024

Having watched the returns come in and listened to the people commenting, I heard everything except what really spoke to this election – and probably others as well.

The United States is a racist, sexist, anti- minority country. Trump’s election says it will be continue to be so for quite some time. This country started out using Africans to do the work of building, cleaning, and doing everything else while those who called themselves “citizens” did very little of that kind of work – or any kind of work except building a culture and society which denigrates those considered to be “less than.” Africans were stolen and held in bondage being forced to work free. We are a country which had its beginnings and growth using slaves. Human Beings we stole from Africa and forced to live out their lives in the most horrible of circumstances.

Over the decades, things changed and gradually Africans became African Americans – others joined that ‘minority group’ and continued to work for very little. Their lives and talents were controlled on many levels to keep these second, third and fourth class citizen building this country and receiving little in return.

After many generations of this, we put up the lie to which all were forced to subscribe, that we were actually a country of “separate, but equal” citizens.

Today, many thought this election was going to turn things around – finally – and we would have a more equal country with the structural/institutional racism and all the other -isms which pervades everything we have/do/think would gradually fade away and equality would be Americas gift to the world.

However, some things about this election bothered us even while we tried to put them to rest. We would like to share them:

Donald Trump has been elected the 47th president of these United States in spite of his ethics and way he has lived and acquired his assets. What does that say about the people who elected him – who voted for him to be their president? His is and has been a life lived destroying others, threatening even more, taking what he wanted from those who had less than and generally moving ahead living on and taking from whoever whatever he could rip off.

One example is Trump University, which destroyed the dreams of a college education for many and took the money of people who saw their dream of a college education go up in smoke. He took their money – gave back nothing – and added their money and wrecked dreams to his coffers and his history. This was only one of many such schemes and they continue to this day. His treatment of women is abominable and he has destroyed the lives of many women through sexual assault, rape, and so much more – this now 47th President of these United States.

We could go through his life and list his sins, but you know them as well as we do and yet many of you even knowing all of that still voted to make him president of these United States. What does that say about your lives, ethics, ways of being?

Many of us thought the institutional bigotry woven tightly into this society was lessening and losing its grip as a more equal society was coming to be – BuT some things about Trump’s ‘ascendency’ still bothered us and as we see this election, our concerns were well founded.

Did you ask yourselves why the person running against Trump was always a woman? Once – when Hillary Clinton was his adversary we could push that off and look at it as just something that happened in the normal progression of our lives in these United States. But, when Trump ran again and he was running again against a woman – this time an African American-Asian woman with a Jewish husband – that was a bit much and today, the covers have dropped from our eyes so we can see clearer. – if only we will look and see and act in our lives with the knowledge of that which is in front of us.

Kamala Harris arrived on the scene of presidential hopefuls when Joe Biden clearly was losing the race. And then much upheaval around that and Joe Biden is removed and Kamala Harris is in his place. What did that do – rock bottom? It kept a white male from suffering the humility of running against someone like Donald Trump and losing. Let that role be taken up by a woman – and it was at a time when Trump and his followers felt he was winning easily. So maybe Trump isn’t the only one trying to preserve this racist/sexist society’s ways.

So the Institutional structure of bigotry against African Americans, Women, Jews, Latina’s, Gays, American Indians and so many more could be kept in place and the white male northern european ancestry people could maintain their position as “better than” for much longer because clearly Trump and his followers are going to put bigotry solidly back into this country’s structure so it remains for several more generations. Trump’s campaign and campaigners did much to restore and renovate the structural bigotry under which many live and made clear what the future will be like letting everyone know where they stood as far as the “better than” structure goes and as far as taking down those considered less than in as crude and vicious a way as possible. Remember the island of garbage – didn’t they call that Puerto Rico? And if you have any doubts as to how Trump’s time as president will go as far as bigotry is concerned, when he took to the stage and made his talk about accepting this presidency there were no blacks to be seen anyplace on that stage and no one noticed or cared. The first salvo in “cleaning up” the society that others have contaminated by including minorities as equals.

One of our hopes that minorities would be able to build multi-billion dollar corporations is now gone. We experienced the destruction of that hope when the City of Cambridge set up the Capital Network as its venture capital arm and sent the three guys who took everything they could from us and who sent others to take what they could not take at the time to destroy one black-owned company with an original idea in which other venture capitalists wanted to invest. They did invest, when Bettina Network, owned by African Americans was handicapped as much as possible and Airb&b was established by three white males, taking everything including the business plan of our owner to raise the money they needed and so, the work to destroy Bettina Network, inc. went into high gear. And this was not the only company. Three generations ago Marceline Donaldson’s family was involved in the establishment and growth of United Fruit – now United Brands and received nothing for their work, ideas, etc. And take a look at My Chart just recently. A company whose original idea was brought forward and worked on for several years by 10 Nigerians who came up with the idea; did the programming and hard work of the beginnings of a company which has revolutionized one part of health care and they received nothing for their years of hard work, but the ability to watch as their work was stolen, their company was destroyed and they were pushed aside in very ugly ways by venture capitalists who thought those were great ideas and wanted to invest, but not in companies started and owned by black folks – especially Africans. Those companies – and many others, where the ideas were original to the minority founders and the companies were turned into companies supposedly put in place by white males even though the work and ideas were put in place and were originally the work and ideas of minorities – stolen – outright stolen. And I could go on describing such thievery for pages.

The continuation of such is what you voted for when you voted to make Trump your next president.

Trump used his pulpit as he held one rally after another to create around Kamala Harris a negative black image with all of the negative and ugly stereotypes this society has created and kept around black women, while all of the vile, illegal, vicious and ugly things he has done in his life are held up for society to cover their racism and raise him up to president of these United States.

His first time as president was bad enough. His campaign brought out the ugliest parts of this society. His presidency made clear there was no mistake in who he was and there was no change in Trump to a nicer man who moved his past ways on the side and took on a better way of being. The power of the presidency only made him worse. We saw what he would do as president and today all through his campaign, he and his supporters told us who he would be as the 47th president of these United States and we voted to say YES, that is how we want this country to be and YeS all of the ugly that we saw we want continued and YES his breaking of laws and threatening to destroy these United States as we know it and how we think we want it is going to happen under this man. A man who -according to court records in his first divorce – kept Adolph Hitler’s Mein Kampf on his bedside table and read it nightly. We claim to be a society which keeps the Bible on our bedside table to read to keep us walking that straight and narrow path. This has shown that to be a lie.

This time Trump has experience. This time he is surrounded by people who clearly have no problems destroying a few hundred years of building a democracy. This time he has laid out in advance exactly who he is and what he is going to do. And this time the people who voted to make him president did so knowing exactly who he is and what he is about. Saddest of all they are willing to tell the most outrageous lies to the rest of us to get what they want. One of the worset they told during Trump’s candidacy was that he built New York.

God forgive!

Donald Trump – a summary from decades of experience!

October 30th, 2024

“We spent the day watching the Trump Campaign – hearing the media stories leading up to it and the Donald J. Trump rally itself at Madison Square Garden.

It was an amazing time. At the end of the day we felt as though we needed a thorough cleansing because what we saw and heard was mud slinging all over this country, the world and its people in the ugliest way. We knew the Trump people and Trump himself were not worried at the lies being told, because when called to account DENIAL would be the order of the day.

We have a couple people who knew Trump back in New York many, many years ago. Given that and our own knowledge, to hear the claims in the rally by several participants that Trump built New York was beyond lying without any care that most people knew that was a lie. Trump and his people told the lie anyway – in the hopes it would get some innocents to vote for him thinking he really did something other than disrupt much in New York in a very negative way?

We thought over all we heard at the rally and several things we knew before the rally started and lots dropped into place:

The first was what we heard about Trump being gay and that it was the gay community in which he was then intimately involved that brought him and his business from Queens to Manhattan. We reheard about Roy Cohn with several people telling us how deeply involved Trump was with Roy Cohn. We heard a bit of that gayness from Trump when he talked about Arnold Palmer’s private parts on television just days ago. It was almost as though if confirmation of Trump’s gayness today was needed – here it was. What is wrong with that? The same thing wrong with African Americans spewing hatred of other African Americans and trying to hide their identity as such. Trump is totally anti-gay and has dumped all over the gay community. It is time someoone “outed” him.

In that context it made sense to us that Robert Kennedy, Jr. chose to be a part of the Trump campaign. Robert Kennedy Sr. apparently was involved with the McCarthy happenings back in the day, before he saw the light and moved over working with the Democrats on a very different level. Jr., who came along later didn’t do that. His family’s McCarthy connections had too strong an influence on him. He went in one direction resulting in his joining the Trump campaign and the rest of his family took a different less racist, sexist, etc. route.

Listening to the people who came to the podium to give their testimonial speech and to knock Kamala Harris was also amazing. I felt, after all of that, seriously in need of a really good cleansing bath. The foul language, the lies made each person who took the podium a little lower in our esteem than they were prior to their talk. Some were so low, in our esteem, they were wallowing in the mud with the snakes and others like them.

One strong thing that came out of the time spent watching all of this was a clearer understanding of why racism, sexism, homophobia and all the rest of the bigotry which has pervaded this nation almost from its beginnings has been practically impossible to get out of the structures of this country – the political, family and religious structures inclusively.

To support Donald Trump and his vice presidential choice (Vance) one has to be a real, true bigot whose ethics are in the dumpster. To be able to support someone for any office, let alone that of president of the United States who has shown themselves to be so thoroughly corrupt as Donald Trump is one has to have similar ethics and beliefs. One has to have lived a life lying, cheating, stealing from others; attempting to destroy others to take what they have; creating businesses which cheat its consumers; hate and actively attempt to destroy Blacks, Native Americans, Gays, Women, Latina Americans and all the others they have attempted to destroy who are not white male northern european types.

There have been many excuses made as to why people support this vile bigotry and dumpster ethics, because you can’t support people who clearly have horrible, vicious, ugly, vile and illegal ways of being who are running for office without your vote being cast giving them positive back-up for who they are – how they are – and permission to bring all of that up front into this country, its political system, its corporate structures, into the lives of the individual families and into its religious beliefs and structures.

We are talking, not just about Donald Trump. We are talking about tens of millions of people who have spent their lives destroying the lives, the quality of life, the future of others causing many deaths in the process.

When one looks back at just Donald Trump you see a man who is and has been gay from at least his young adult years yet has no problems acting in a horrendous way against other gays, making their lives as difficult as possible because it suits Donald Trumps need to move ahead in this society denying and denigrating others who have his same sexual proclivities because it helps him financially and otherwise without a thought to those he is seriously hurting.

One sees in Trump a man who had no problem ripping off people trying to get an education at great cost to themselves and their family looking forward to a better future only to discover they were doing it through Trump University which has been shown to be a place ripping them off for the millions of dollars it put into Donald Trump and his cohorts pockets.

All through Donald Trump’s life there have been incidents like Trump University. Some not so big and ugly – some which have made what happened at Trump University look like just a beginning to what has escalated now to a country-wide horror and if Trump wins the presidency, soon to a world wide dumpster fire

We don’t have to go back through each incident, I am sure they are well known to you making you not notice the little bits which just slide through, but which are strong parts of the Institutional Racism and other institutionalized bigotry making it hard to impossible for others. Something as small as media referring to Trump by his last name and to Kamala Harris only by her first name – sort of in the style which prevailed during slavery. The master referred to by his last name, the slave or servant only by their first name and even that didn’t happen often – just like with Trump and a description of what is being talked about acknowledging the other person at times without any name being mentioned.

Trump’s immigrant stance with his threats as to how awful immigrants are and what he is going to do to stop most from entering this country and according to Trump – turning it into a garbage dump. That is the most telling of all his lies. Trump himself came from a German immigrant family. Their money came from Trump’s grandfather who made his living once he was in this country by using women as prostitutes and eventually built a hotel -a bordello – where women lived and entertained men sexually for money. None of that, along with the abuse of the women has ever made the media although it should be very relevant given Trump’s anti-immigrant stance.

His anti-immigrant stance continues when you notice that his first wife was an immigrant and so is his current wife. To look at their lives, what have they contributed to this country as immigrants – other than marrying Donald Trump and becoming citizens? His current wife was a nude model and in pictures is nude on a bear rug in the ugliest way along with pictures which are practically nude standing next to a Trump plane or inside the plane with a case full of jewels in a mostly nude pose. That clearly carries a message – especially to the young people who see such pictures and then connect the picture with someone who was the wife of the president of the United States who is now running to be president once again. The rewards of such behavior?

We could go on for pages, but I think the message we want to put out is clear. Until the citizens of this country get their ethical lives together and live good, caring, positive lives without needing to be better than; without needing to lie, cheat, steal and more; without needing to abuse and prostitute women to achieve their financial goals for themselves we will always be in a spot like the one we are in today. We can’t really talk issues, policies, how to move ahead making sure that all of our citizens are whole and able to live good, caring, substantial lives until we stop supporting the likes of Donald Trump because we are caught up in his money, etc. That brings us to the spot we are in today where the billionaire class is taking over and using the rest of us to earn more billions in crude and unethical ways.

The latest influence Trump has is to cheat trying to be president by bringing pressure on newspapers not to endorse Kamala Harris or not to endorse at all if they are not going to endorse Trump. IS IT TIME TO BOYCOTT THE WASHINGTON POST, THE LA TIMES AND AMAZON to get their billionaire owners to stop playing lets pretend they are good and whole people and when the chips are down who they really are surfaces? Don’t we deserve better than that?

Help us, Dear God, to live lives of caring, of truthfulness, to acknowledge our sins and work to correct them, to do what we can to remove evil from who we are and from this world we did not create, but in which we now live. Help us to live with concern and caring for those traveling with us on this journey and remove the likes of Donald Trump, his followers and those who support him in his evil ways hurting whoever gets in the way or does not cooperate or who wants to make billions at the expense of others or who have made billions and that money has only served to awaken and accelerate the evil ways they live their lives. We have so much and we give so little and we justify the evil we do without conscience keeping us back. Keep in front of us the lives of those who are good and just and have managed to move ahead doing good, not evil. Lift us up as we try to lift others through this coming election in these United States. Help us to create a beautiful, just and giving country no matter our status. Amen!”

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Reviews on the Financial Channel – CNBC

October 14th, 2024

A morning review from Wolfe Research was unbelievable. Mostly, however, we take such reviews as people having credibility because the company for which they work does such hard work to come up with the results.

This morning, the reviewer talking about what he sees in the coming U. S. presidential election. He talked about what each one had to offer and where they were standing.

We put his comments in the trash because he talked about polling errors in Trump’s favor or polling error “in the other person’s favor.” So he started out showing his bias. Trump was named – Kamala Harris was called “the other person.” He went on to talk about what his research company thought each person had to offer. We tuned him off because his bias was clear and shared by many people on the financial channel as well as other places.

Don’t pass over such small shockingly racist and sexist comments which are so structurally in the system that we assume there is nothing to it and if you point these things out – you are just “picking” unnecessarily. This is institutional racism and how it is maintained. It gives to you the unsaid impression that “the other person” is not really on a par with the person talked about with his full name mentioned.

What is this Migrant/Immigrant thing about – complete/ with conspiracy theories and lies?

October 8th, 2024

Every place you go where you see or hear anything about this 2024 presidential race one hears negatives about immigrants. Where is this coming from?

Listening to all of the media and the people involved it is coming from Donald Trump and his supporters and the leaders of this MAGA movement. Why?

Whenever you have a group of the same kind of people you have evil. That is a strong lesson that is learned the hard way.

Where does Donald Trump get the ideas he is promoting, pushing, demanding that his followers adhere to? There are several places and people and they were all on display over the past week.

Our question has been – who is that standing behind Trump? Jesus Christ it is Elon Musk.

How did that happen?

Take a look at Donald Trump’s background. He comes from an immigrant family. So what is this about as he trashes immigrant families? The first of his family to come to this country was his grandfather. Who was his grandfather and how did he survive and make his fortune in these United States? By using evil – he survived and thrived on the backs of women. The first thing he did to survive was to push women into prostitution from which he – not they – benefitted. When that was successful, he went the next step and bought or built a hotel which he used as a House of Prostitution. And with that money the fortunes of the Trump family were made, but they will never be able to wash off the filth with which that money was made as can be seen by what happened with the next generation of Trumps. On down the line they stayed in Court trying to justify their “better than” attitude. Their closing their apartments to any except those like them and trying to defend their right to do that in a democratic nation fighting for the rights of all and to get rid of the racism the Trump family was promoting and forcing into being in Queens, New York – among other places.

Having that family beginning in these United States it is no wonder Donald Trump thinks all immigrants are negatively tainted, immoral and evil. Some of his family escaped their history. Trump was not able to do so.

One of the main reasons seems to be what my grandmother used to say “show me your friends and I will show you who you are.”

Recently, we were able to see Donald Trump on stage with his main supporter and the man who has given substantial amounts of money to the Republican Party over the years to bring about what he sees himself as now being just a few votes from achieving – Elon Musk.

Discovering this was devastating to me. The first thing I did was to sell my Tesla stock – all of it. Unfortunately it was at the time whenn the market took a large dip and selling that stock during that time my stock account took a large dip. However, God is good. My stock account has recovered its losses and we are moving on,. That is not true of Trump and those who follow him.

During his most recent political gathering, whose purpose it was to elect Trump president, the image presented was Trump at the microphone saying incredible negative things along with the devil incarnate – in the form of Elon Musk – doing his devils dance in back of Trump. If ever I have seen images from prior past history come alive, that image of Elon Musk jumping, dancing, waving his arms, showing his naked middle while shouting his happiness to finally be public in his being the power behind the throne, those minutes showed that clearly.

Trump became who he is financially through the guidance and support of Roy Cohn. Many wondered what would happen to Trump when Cohn died. It didn’t take long to get an answer. Trump was first trained via a television show to smile on cue, with pages to read and act out a show that totally took down the capitalistic system and showed how people like Trump are shaped and how they will give up their very being for the success of the show. Trump took all of that history into his first run for president and afterwards .

After that time, it didn’t take much for Elon Musk to step into the role of Roy Cohn. Only a hand full of people knew what was happening, but there it was – the return of Roy Cohn in the form of Elon Musk – only Musk was many steps further down the road towards evil than was Cohn.

That also explained why Vance was chosen Vice Presidential candidate and the attempted assassination of Donald J. Trump. Trump blamed that attempt on the political forces aligned against him. He mistook those forces for the Democrats. He totally missed the future – with Trump assassinated and Vance taking his place as the puppet president that billionaire group has envisaged for quite a few years.

Vance is a man accustomed to bowing to people like Musk to move ahead and gain wealth. His entire vocational life has been led bowing to Thiel. He has been well prepared for what just may happen – so ask yourselves – are you ready for a Vance presidency?

Was that assassination attempt one planned to put Vance in office as president – after the killing of Trump, the funeral processions, etc., Vance being put in Trump’s place as presidential candidate without time for the United States voting citizens to get a chance to see what he is really like? And the end of the United States as we know it with the billionaire group slipping into the places of leadership and authority. with their minions pulling up the rear and closing the door to anyone else has been accomplished.

We are seeing in Cambridge Harvard Square what happens under those circumstances with historic housing covenants pushed aside and homes being “updated” to prepare for a place for the billionaire group to move into with influence on Harvard and other nearby Universities to shape young people in the image of those who are needed to serve them and take on working to bring about the billionaires image of the world put in place as a reality. Take a look at houses sold for $4 million dollars being put back onto the market within the year at $9 million. Houses being sold at $7 million back onto the market in less than a year at $18 million.

So – is this all fiction? or is this the future given the possibility of a brief Trump presidency followed by his successor within six months of the beginnings of a Trump presidency.

Dear God, forgive us our evil ways and bring us into a world full of love, caring, grace and so much more where we value each other for our shared humanity and move behind us and out of reach the evil we tend to favor when we are tempted by the reincarnation of the devil and evil with his money, power and harshness he promotes us to use to reach and teach each other.

Attacks on Trump – Really?

September 16th, 2024

Another claimed assassination attempt on Donald Trump just happened while he was playing golf at his golf course. The calls have started for more security. We expect much more will surface as we suffer through yet another preventable horribleness.

We hope you realize if you join in the conversation with demands for more security to prevent another such happening, the funds for that will come out of your pocketbook.

No, we don’t want to see Trump assassinated. We do want to see him acting more responsibly so the rest of us don’t have to lose information from the media on whats going on in the world because his news has taken over everything.

It is time for us to make demands of Donald Trump.

We happen to be one of the groups his people are targeting and our lives are disrupted because of the attacks we have had to fend off for years and endure and still, we have more fighting to do to keep his people from totally destroying our life, health, finances.

No, we do not need to increase the funding or secret service people “protecting” him.

The first assassination attempt should have made Trump and his people much more cautious than they are today. If he wants to play golf – we all know golf courses are impossible to protect and an ex-president like Trump needs to take that into consideration and act responsibly.

As an ex-president he could golf at federal golf courses which are almost 100% safe. If he wants to continue golfing at Trump owned-golf courses he could close the course to the public during the times he wants to golf making it just about impossible for an assassination attempt to happen. These are only a couple things he could do to avoid such trauma. There are many more.

Will he do that? Probably not. The money he would lose doing that is not something Trump could countenance. He prefers the taxpayers spend their money to increase the security around him. He is not about do do anything to secure his own environment so his life is not threatened.

It is interesting how this attempt on his life attracts 100% of the media’s attention and this attempt could be the means by which he has a badly needed change in the presidential campaign he is trying to run so he can become president – AGAIN! Close out the competition with this assassination attempt and on and on and on.

Really tired of Donald Trump. The only thing he has done for those who follow him is to show clearly why racism has been around so long and is so hard to get rid of. Trump has “outed” many if not most of the racists, sexists, etc. in the society. He has appealed to the worst in human nature and spent a good deal of his adult life reading and learning about the lives of people like Hitler and how they reached their leadership positions. He did not go far enough to see how they ended.

To be a follower of Trump means – by definition – you are racist, sexist, homophobic and more. It also means your ethics are totally questionable and you are the down slide into the muck and mud of being able to destroy your neighbor because you have something to gain.

It is not possible to support someone with Trump’s lack of ethics without being someone with the same unethical and immoral life structure as Donald Trump. To support him for president or anything else when he clearly is immoral; abuses women and assumes that is his right; assumes the mantel of enforcing racism, sexism and all the other ‘isms as well” – this clearly comes under the category of sin.

Dear God – open the eyes of those who claim to be your followers, but who really give lip service to that because they need a cover to not acknowledge nor do the hard work of living a reputable, moral, ethical life which does not demand the right to destroy and threaten others. Open their eyes to see the filth in which they wallow when they follow a person who lies, cheats, destroys others for his own gain. Help them to totally reorganize their lives to the glory of your name. Amen!

FROM: Bettina Network, inc. Finance Area

August 5th, 2024

The U. S. Stock Market has been giving signals over the past few days and this morning it actually looks as though it is tanking.

Some things are too coincidental about this “tanking” to ignore:

  1. The person showing outstanding for winning the Presidential Election in 2024 is Kamala Harrisl.

2. It has been crystal clear that large corporate interests have thrown their weight behind Donald Trump who looks close to a babbling idio when he appears.

3. In spite of that, the corporate/moneyed interests are still showing behind Trump. How do they help him win this election? They use the only thing they can and that is the stock market and today shows their hard work.

4. The coincidence is this pressure is put on VP Harris over the time period she is choosing her VP running mate. If they can’t have it all – is this a statement that she better choose their person?

We could be wrong, but when you put culture, politics, finance together this downturn looks clearly the result of the finance folks exercising their strength to put pressure on the U. S. voting public for their choice. Today won’t show this, but the comments from finance commentators will begin to bring out how much better one side is over the other…..because………………..

Please God – give us the strength to overcome this bit of evil!

The Presidential Race and the Maintenance or Destruction of Bigotry!

July 17th, 2024

Totally at stake, as the race for president of the United States moves ahead, is the continuation, renewal, intensifying, creation of a more intense and practically indestructible form of bigotry. That becomes clearer as the race moves along.

As we look at the Republican National Conference, we see the “circling of the wagons”; the pulling out of any power anyone in that group has to promote Trump and erase any negatives he has created in his life that might keep John and Jane Q Public from voting for him.

If you believe in these United States and if you are really and truly a “Christian” as many of Trump’s supporters claim to be, you would not be able to even stomach the fact that someone like Donald Trump is not only running for president, but all of his “Christian sins” are being removed, submerged, cleaned up, hidden from sight by his friends and supporters and who is being solidly supported by the billionaire/venture capital group; a man who violates the law as easily as he breathes; who has not only been accused of abusing, raping and attempting to destroy women, but who has bragged about it while knowingly being recorded and who not only keeps going, but is being endorsed by many who call themselves “Christian”.

As you look at this campaign progressing, most of the media has already crowned him “president”. Before one vote is counted they have announced to all that Trump has won the presidency.

Why are some folks so excited by that prospect? Much has been tried to maintain the extreme racism, sexism, bigotry that has existed in this society practically from its beginnings. It was beginning to wane and move aside. Also tried and sometimes very successfully has been the misuse and abuse of those “different from” trying to acquire wealth by those who need to maintain their existence as ‘better than’.

The people most excited about the Trump presidential campaign and his chances to become president once again are the billionaire group – mainly the Venture Capitalists. Why? Because their identity as “better than” is at stake. Trump’s clear racism and sexism – his abuse of women – his ignoring of the laws, ethics and more and moving along his objectives pushing aside those kinds of possible blockages against what he wants to do for his own financial aggrandisement is simply a reflection in the mirror of what many, if not most, venture capitalists are also about.

It is no accident that only some 2-3% of money invested in new, substantial business ideas and structures goes to minorities and women. The rest goes to white male northern european types. The claim that “there are none qualified and producing” is not true. In fact it is an outright lie. That comes from the lack of integrity, character, honesty of those in or moving into that billionaire/venture capital group. Many have stolen the ideas, businesses and much more from minorities and women while claiming the originality of their ideas to themselves.

We know that from personal/business experience and from what we have uncovered through our research as we saw what was happening to others followed the same pattern of what happened to us.

The bigotry of Trump and his followers; their lack of integrity/ethics/character is and has been clear.

As those who follow us knows Bettina Network, inc. was created as a national and continued into becoming an international network of private homes for whom Bettina Network made reservations, advertised, marketed, etc. and they did this in a growing national/international way. How did Brian Cheske and his buddies discover the idea? They were sent to one of the homes in the Bettina Network, inc. to stay and to discover what that Network was all about. Who sent them? The Venture Capital arm of the city of Cambridge, Massachusetts and Cheske and his two friends did the job they were sent to do. They stole everything and used what they stole to found Airbnb – and said at the time of the stealing – they had no idea private homes could be put together in such a way and they walked away with the business plan and so much more from Marceline Donaldson, in particular. Let me remind you that Bettina Network, inc. was conceived, founded and structured by African Americans assisted by many minorities and women. There were even some white northern european men who helped – none of whom would have been taken up by that Venture Capital billionaire group.

Most striking, is the fact that Bettina Network, inc. was not able to even get a telephone call returned from the Venture Capitalists who work with such innovative and growing companies – especially those moving ahead with a new idea which was considered astounding and their business amazing.

AND – lets be very clear – they were not the only minority conceived and grown companies which were not only actively ignored by the Venture Capitalist group, but whose ideas, structure, etc. were stolen by those sent by that group. WHY? From looking at the history, they wanted the idea and the business, but wanted it grown and structured by White Male Northern European-type males with the total elimination of those who originated, grew and demonstrated that such a company was possible and would move into the billionaire group.

We met and spent time with young white males who were all over MIT looking for those unique companies, founded and led by minorities or women that they could take back to their leaders to be refounded and funded as though white males had the original idea, designed the structure and moved the company ahead with substantial funding by the billionaire/venture capital class.

With Trump as president there is a green light shining for those to go ahead and make sure minorities and women dont’ get a foot hold.

Our second favorite example is “My Chart”. An idea, structure, hard work to give birth and bring to fruition this hospital aligned corporation which no one has any idea that the original idea, work, sacrifice to test, grow and take out the kinks was done by Nigerians. They were invited to Silicon Valley and stripped of everything they worked hard to bring about over the previous 10 years.

There have been many such companies in American History. Marceline Donaldson can trace her roots back to a great-grandfather who was instrumental in the founding of United Fruit – now United Brands – so the pattern for eliminating those who worked hard to help found and bring along a billionaire company is not new. It is a part of the institutional racist structure of these United States and that structure is being reinforced and cemented into place by Donald Trump and his presidential campaign with its followers who see what he has to offer in this area and are totally supporting the structure.

When you support that group you are supporting the institutionalizing of the separate and unequal structure which has plagued this country almost from its beginnings when slavery was growing all over this country and which created the wealth of the United Kingdom’s Royal House.

The only way you can support such is if your ethics, character, integrity, honesty parallel those of Donald J. Trump. Maybe it is time to find your way to your knees to ask God’s forgiveness and direction into a different more God-like way of living, learning, making a living, and so much more.

The Trump/Biden Debate exposing everyone!

June 30th, 2024

It was quite unbelievable. No – not the debate, but the aftermath and all of the talking heads showing their lack of decent ethics, understanding and etc. and etc.

Joe Biden took on this debate in spite of having a cold. I have not heard anyone talk about that. It is a miserable time dealing with someone who is lying constantly, misrepresenting, and so much more negative stuff when you don’t feel great. It is even worse to see the fall out from a lifetime of hard work for these United States and your one night’s debate performance get such crude responses.

That is no different from the acceptance and actual talk about Donald Trump being the next president after a one sort of bad night for Biden – (sort of bad night because most of his responses were pretty good). What was especially good about his debate performance was the contrast – truth versus lies; horribleness and threats versus goodness and truth; one person with a history of working hard for this country on the right track versus the other person working for himself immersed in so many falsehoods there were back to back discrepancies in what he talked about. One minute he said one thing, the next he contradicted himself and lied.

My life has been horrendous given the fact that I am Black/Female/accomplished. Every time I threatened to break through there was something blocking. What was blocking? – The institutional structure of this country which prevents blacks, women and other minorities from achieving to the top of their talent, intellect and possibilities. The only minorities and women I see moving on up are those who have been put in place in a higher place than they can handle and clearly being there to disprove the rule.

The rule that took down a black female president of Harvard University who had only been in her position for a very few months. Why was she taken down? Certainly not because she wasn’t qualified. The claim was one to attempt to destroy her credibility whatever else she might try to do. Having gone up the ladder at Harvard – one is investigated thoroughly each step of the way. She passed on to her next step higher with no problems. However, the higher she reached and the closer she came to that pinnacle many were horrified. How could such a person represent Harvard University? The people who put her there must have been a bit crazy. So Congress called her and a couple others to “testify”, but was that really done to take them down and put them in their places using the attorneys working with them to make sure they didn’t stay on those high pedestals and were taken down? They were all women!

Harvard is now safely in the hands of a proper white male.

That debate showed starkly why my life has been so difficult. Donald Trump is the embodiment of structural, institutional racism, sexism and all the other isms. His history brings together some horrendous “coincidences”. He is a man who has been horrible about gay folks – who was strongly showing his own gayness as a young man in New York. Once he was able to move beyond his reputation and began to show signs of success he became the gay community’s nightmare in the way he has done everything he could to block their lives, limit their opportunities and throw up images which keeps as many down as possible.

He showed his ugly and very foul ethics from the time he was quite young. This was also clear in New York when he was a young man. It became uglier as he got older. Lies are something which Donald Trump puts out whenever it suits him and always has. It is amazing that knowing he was trained at the feet of Roy Cohn, Joe McCarthy and yes, even a Kennedy. All three sat at the head of the table promoting McCarthyism – destroying the lives of many who did not conform to their horrendous political positions. Who was the Kennedy? – The father of the Kennedy now involved in this campaign clearly working for the betterment of Donald Trump’s campaign.

The campaign’s ethics showed in the way they put a campaign sign on my property without my knowledge or consent.

Lies are what Trump told the American public during the debate. Do you want someone who constantly and viciously lies to you about everything or someone who has a short downturn because he has taken on debating such a person feeling pretty bad with a cold?

My other question is why has the media ignored that fact? Isn’t it the media’s constant coverage of Donald Trump during his run for president against Hillary Clinton that helped move him into that position? He did not win that presidency that he served, but he came close enough to push his way into office with the acquiescence of the many, helped by the same media that is ignoring Trump’s lies and other uglinesses during that campaign and dumping all over Joe Biden ignoring and not mentioning his cold.

I remember when I couldn’t turn on the television or read the newspapers without something about Trump? Where was mention of Hillary Clinton – his opponent? Not many places. Certainly not nearly the kind of coverage the media gave Trump. As that was happening, I remembered my grandfather – who was a journalist in his day, amongst other vocations – telling me – whatever they want to say about me, positive or negative is fine as long as they spell my name right. Lots of negative coverage can get someone elected as much as, if not more than, lots of positive coverage. Isn’t that what happened to that election that Donald Trump actually lost, but millions of people still voted for him?

As voting Americans, many voted for someone who assaulted women, bragged about that himself, was accused of raping women, saw women in “their places” and not at the table with white northern european men and so much more?

With his television series which vaulted him to fame and helped put him in the place of running for president, I remember when he talked about having a “black” program like the one he was doing. It would be only for blacks and that, he thought, would be a great improvement in bringing about equality. He apparently also thought that would relieve the burden from his shoulders from the people who were beginning to talk about the racism – the lack of a black/minority/female presence showing up in his television show. Separate and “unequal” – what we spent much to remove brought back by Donald Trump to the cheers of his supporters.

What this Trump-Time has shown me is the extreme racism and sexism structured into the institutions of this country. The kind of ethics one must have to live, breathe and grow a country whose institutions reflect that bigotry is the kind of ethics Trump has and is showing along with the millions of people in the country following him and working to make sure he is the winner and on top. It is a safe bet that he will continue and make that bigotry more entrenched so millions feel safe that they will be “better than” for as long as Trump is around.

We are supporting, by the millions, those whose horribleness is showing in their very negative sense of humanity, equality, truth. We are supporting, still, the racists, sexists, perverts, liars, filth spreading people like Donald Trump for president and using the fact that Joe Biden had a cold which put him in a bad place for one few minutes after a lifetime of hard work for America and all of the American people and we turn on him demanding he step down and someone “more qualified” than that ‘old man’ take over.

This should be unbelievable, but my life experience tells me that is America. That is especially the American media.

An Interpretation of the Stock Market for today!

May 31st, 2024

Special to Bettina Network Journal, inc.– May 31, 2024

It is amazing to “trade the market.” If you are an investor you have reached the wrong place. We are traders and probably don’t know what we are doing, but as long as we increase our money – what difference does it make? The bottom line is what counts. Our great leader thinks we are crazy, but then it won’t be the first time we accrued that reputation.

It is hard to make money if you don’t go the way of AI (Artificial Intelligence) – so here we go.

Today we bought Dell Technologies! Its identifier is DELL if you want to look it up.

Day before Yesterday, it was selling for about $168-$173 and as we sat and looked at the trades we read a bit and discovered it was the day its earnings were going to hit and everyone was expecting DELL to go up and have a bit of a rally. That didn’t sit well with us because we thought – “NVIDIA isn’t going to want that kind of competition.” And, while DELL is important in the AI world with all of the upgoing that was happening, this one would tank. And yesterday, tank it did. From about $173 to $139 in practically minutes. My god what happened to those who lost all of that money so fast.

One thing we discovered in the market. You can’t think of money as being important. Today you are flush tomorrow you are broke and you have to be able to go your way and keep your life going. Forget the urge to vomit once you’ve lost that kind of money so fast.

We didn’t puke, we decided to wait and buy at what we think is the bottom of this move so buying at $140 with 100 shares and then 1,000 shares we will start a phone bank and call friends to tell them to buy DELL.

Well, our leader interjected, maybe that is not such a great idea. Maybe you should think that over.

Thinking is not one of our strong suits. We will just sit here and dream about all the things we are going to spend the money on when DELL makes it move up as furiously as it made that move down. We thought about praying, but we don’t want to get God involved in this bit of greed. We will just THINK DELL’s move up.

Maybe you can help by doing a bit of research to see if this is a good idea or not. We discovered DELL was founded in Round Rock, Texas! Anything which was seeded in Texas has got to be good and move to make the Texas cowboy predecessors proud. Isn’t that one reason why ELON MUSK is moving Tesla’s headquarters to Texas?

DELL is rumored to be a company through which AI chips must pass. We don’t know what that means, but it sounds good.

Let us know what you find about DELL. We can still buy after the official close of the stock market so we are going to pull out all of our money and put it into DELL. If we go completely broke, we hope you will drop dimes into the cup you see us holding as we stand on the corner where the red light makes cars stop.

More to come!

Everything in the market today is about AI – WHY! WHY! Aren’t typewriters good enough for you people!

TRUMP and the ETHICS of the American Billionaire Class

May 31st, 2024

It is quite something to have seen Donald Trump move from the spoiled child of a millionaire construction family to president of the United States. The one thing that has been consistent has been hisunbelievably bad ethical base which sinks so low it becomes hard to take in his life story and actually believe that such a man became president of these United States. As the media describes his latest sins against all humans, never has his ethical base been called out and described as his actions dictate. nor the ethical base of those who support him. They are still described as “normal” Americans. What does that say about the American ethical base?

What has that led to? A discussion about the ethical base of the wealthy in America – particularly the billionaire class using its wealth to support the kind of sin we have to see and face daily because of a Donald Trump and those like him who are rushing now to put up their money and wealth to support his transgressions. The guilty decision in this law suit is no exception.

We just saw the coverage on CNBC and particularly the business segments with their discussion and it made you want to pack up and leave these United States. The problem with that becomes where would you go! Donald Trump supporters, who push such evil in the face of others are mostly those who have made lots of money in these United States and have stolen from others to do that. Case in point is why billionaires have stolen and block out minorities and women from the money they put up as “venture capital” for the next great idea to appear in the economy. Billionaires have become such, from our experience, by stealing the companies, the ideas and so much more from just ordinary people who spend their lives working very hard for next to nothing when they have actually been those who started particular billionaires on the road to success because of successful theft of their life and work by the particular billionaires.

A man who has been accused – in the court system – of sexual abuse; who has bragged about his sexual abuse of women; has emphasized what he thinks of women and minorities and that is not much; has dragged out for all to see his horrible treatment and his feelings about his right to be abusive towards women just because of who he is – has the support of millions of people in the billionaire class and beyond. What does that say about America and its ethical base?

People who support Donald Trump on any level need to be called out for their ethical base. Your ethics are in the dumpster if this is the kind of person you feel should be president of these United States and their are tens of millions of such people. If you have ever supported such an incredible cruel, sexist, racist, manipulator to gain power instead of working towards and supporting those who are worthy- then you need to take a look at your own feelings of what is right and wrong America. And we can’t really limit this to Americans. Wasn’t Saudi Arabia the first country Trump visited after being elected president? Did his power erase for them his sins?

If you are Catholic you need to go immediately to your priest for a good long confession of those sins you have hidden. Except which priest would you go to and feel comfortable with in such a situation, especially if you are female. – Oops, take that back because male and female have the same problems of sexual security.

WHY does the American media talk about all of this surrounding Donald Trump without coming out with the real core issue. The man wallows in what Christians call sin. He does this publicly, in a very bragadocious way, who will destroy this country’s democracy for a dollar and a bit of fleeting power. And there are millions who are following him down that hole to hell.

What does that say about Americans’? We have been through slavery – taking away the very life and wealth of African as though it was our right? Today, we fight the thought and possibility of reparations wherever and whenever we can and those doing the heaviest fighting spend the most money on the fight to maintain themselves as better than and others under their feet constantly stomping all over their lives, families, futures. The confessing and making amends for the sins of slavery will never happen in this country. Donald Trump is clearly shining star to call all away from doing such.

We have been through turning women into wives who are only good enough to stay at home, take care of the children, clean the house, be the “arm candy” of – especailly – the corporate husband and accept the physical, emotional and psychic abuse which goes with that territory. If they don’t their lives turn into a living hell and constant fight, just because they are relegated and have been kept in this hole of inequality for hundreds of years. Many are still there with no hope of reprieve of any kind.

I have been aware of men at the top in corporate America who are screwing other men and before they have been able to bathe or shower they are out attempting to destroy the lives of those who are gay.

We are all heated up about immigrants and how many are moving into America. Is that because immigrants are horrible people who would destroy this country and are only crossing those borders to get something for nothing in a soft life? Or are there many Americans making loud noises because they are afraid the immigrants will take away from those immigrant American billionaires and others their right to be “better than” everyone else because – as we all know – the immigrants being fought and kept out are those considered “minorities” in this country. “Less than”. You can come in only if it is determined you are the kind of immigrant who will do the crud work so others may continue their feeling of “better than” and not have to do the kind of work immigrants are doing just to survive. Not included in that description of the minority immigrants are the English immigrants, etc. who don’t have such a hard crossing the border into America.

All of that is wrapped up in this Donald Trump play being broadcast across the world.

We have an ex-president who has run for office and cheated to win being supported by millions of Americans. We have an ex-president who has declared verbally out of his own mouth that he has the right to sexually assault and abuse women just because he is who he is and others on his level have the same right. We have an ex-president who was nurtured by Roy Cohn, Congressman Joe McCarthy and others of their ilk all of whom we held up during their good times. We have an ex-president who has been shown to be guilty in the court system of the United States of sexually assaulting a woman – with many others making the same claims – and has had to pay millions for what he did totally against his will and the will of those who aim to do the same and here we have many Americans supporting him to become the next president of these United States after he did an ethically horrendous time as president showing the children growing up in these United States that to which they can aspire if ethically they sink low enough.

This is a man who is constantly held up on CNBC Business as well as other shows. Whenever his name comes up with a horrendous activity he has done hurting women and many others Joe Scarborough is the first to come to his defense and dump on those giving him and his ugly vicious lifestyle. Joe has done this for years and still has his place at the top of this show. What does that say for its management and the show’s goals. It certainly casts American businesses into the dumpster by association.

We could go on for pages because none of what we are seeing is actually calling out Donald Trump for his viciousness, his aggregious sins against God and humankind, his theft of money, opportunity and the very life from others, and so much more.

When, O Lord, are we going to give up hell for just a little bit of heaven free from such horribleness!!!!! Why are we so attracted to and so many tens of millions support such?

Once I could say, forgive them, but today I really can’t.

Bettina Network, inc. talks stock market and other interesting items!

May 22nd, 2024

We are moving fast with our “comeback”. As those who know “Bettina Network, inc.” you know the problems we have had over the years since 2008. That is the year we discovered three guys, who stayed with us on their way from the east to the west had the ugliness to take everything we had and what they couldn’t get they had others take – for instance our business plan which was copied by a professional chef and his wife who then was treasurer or Bose. Who sent them to do such a thing? The Capital Network – a part of the government of Cambridge, MA. – itas Venture Capital outreach which we were going to every Thursday and were treated like crap. The last time we went our corporate name had been taken off the list. We didn’t know what they had done, guess that was just a follow-up to give three white guys a chance to steal and develop the business idea and work of black men and women.

Brian Chesky and his two buddies copied everything they could and have not stopped copying. They went west and established Airbnb. We worked from 1982 on developing that business. It was a concept about which they admitted when they stayed with us they didn’t know possible, etc. etc. Today they have copied our latest changes in Bettina Network, inc. and it is revulsive to have that on your back in a world where blacks and women in business are destroyed as much and as often as possible. See our article coming to Bettina Network Journal on “Unfair Competition.” Competition such as they present because being white males they were able to get venture capital money and other investments to carry out growing a business in a way it was not possible for this African American family and particularly its African American female leader coiuld not do because of the racism and sexism in the venture capital world.. That needs to be addressed soonest.

Because of what happened to us, we have been investigating the entire area and have found our business isn’t the only one so viciously stolen, there have been many. The black originators have just disappeared, but the businesses they worked hard to grow are thriving into the billionaire category with white males given credit for those businesses original idea, growth and success. All of that happened before white males stripped blacks of those businesses and moved on kicking the black and female entrepreneurs to the curb.

You might want to subscribe to Bettina Network Journal. We are adding trading in the stock markets as a part of that publication. We love the market, as many of you know. Marceline was the first or one of the first African American stock brokers in the country. She loves to trade and that is producing some incredible information – for example – Nvidia, the AI company is changing the world. Someone or someones are beginning to try to blunt their influence. NVDA’s earnings are due out today and it has the entire market focused. A couple days ago, an article appeared in the Financial Times with the claim that Amazon was cancelling its orders for NVA’s chips and will wait uintil the new (#4) chips come out. Those chips are not expected out until the end of the year. That kind of news could negatively affect the price of the stock and especially at this point in time it could negatively affect the stock market. Who stands to benefit from such? Especially when this mornings news says Amazon came out with a statement denying it said such a thing. Amazon said they did not cancel any NVDA chips. Ohhhh! And who is head of NVDA? He looks Asian to us.

Read about Robert Kennedy, Jr. who is now publicizing his dalliances into the stock market with “Gamestop.” He claims to have invested $24,000 into that stock – a claim he makes from the pulpit of his presidential campaign. He is coming out as a presidential candidate politicizing investments for his own reasons and his own benefit. What will that do to your investments and trading if his behavior increases and is picked up by others. Who is behind this – trying in another way to destroy the U. S. political system and its democracy? Are these guys totally and completely self absorbed and seeking power doing whatever they can do to destroy democracy for the rest of us?

And much more to come.

Bettina Network, inc. and some stock market and others interesting items!

May 22nd, 2024

We are moving fast with our “comeback”. As those who know “Bettina Network, inc.” you know the problems we have had over the years since 2008. That is the year we discovered three guys, who stayed with us on their way from the east to the west had the ugliness to take everything we had and what they couldn’t get they had others take – for instance our business plan which was copied by a professional chef and his wife who then was treasurer or Bose. Who sent them to do such a thing? The Capital Network – a part of the government of Cambridge, MA. – itas Venture Capital outreach which we were going to every Thursday and were treated like crap. The last time we went our corporate name had been taken off the list. We didn’t know what they had done, guess that was just a follow-up to give three white guys a chance to steal and develop the business idea and work of black men and women.

Brian Chesky and his two buddies copied everything they could and have not stopped copying. They went west and established Airbnb. We worked from 1982 on developing that business. It was a concept about which they admitted when they stayed with us they didn’t know possible, etc. etc. Today they have copied our latest changes in Bettina Network, inc. and it is revulsive to have that on your back in a world where blacks and women in business are destroyed as much and as often as possible. See our article coming to Bettina Network Journal on “Unfair Competition.” Competition such as they present because being white males they were able to get venture capital money and other investments to carry out growing a business in a way it was not possible for this African American family and particularly its African American female leader coiuld not do because of the racism and sexism in the venture capital world.. That needs to be addressed soonest.

Because of what happened to us, we have been investigating the entire area and have found our business isn’t the only one so viciously stolen, there have been many. The black originators have just disappeared, but the businesses they worked hard to grow are thriving into the billionaire category with white males given credit for those businesses original idea, growth and success. All of that happened before white males stripped blacks of those businesses and moved on kicking the black and female entrepreneurs to the curb.

You might want to subscribe to Bettina Network Journal. We are adding trading in the stock markets as a part of that publication. We love the market, as many of you know. Marceline was the first or one of the first African American stock brokers in the country. She loves to trade and that is producing some incredible information – for example – Nvidia, the AI company is changing the world. Someone or someones are beginning to try to blunt their influence. NVDA’s earnings are due out today and it has the entire market focused. A couple days ago, an article appeared in the Financial Times with the claim that Amazon was cancelling its orders for NVA’s chips and will wait uintil the new (#4) chips come out. Those chips are not expected out until the end of the year. That kind of news could negatively affect the price of the stock and especially at this point in time it could negatively affect the stock market. Who stands to benefit from such? Especially when this mornings news says Amazon came out with a statement denying it said such a thing. Amazon said they did not cancel any NVDA chips. Ohhhh! And who is head of NVDA? He looks Asian to us.

Read about Robert Kennedy, Jr. who is now publicizing his dalliances into the stock market with “Gamestop.” He claims to have invested $24,000 into that stock – a claim he makes from the pulpit of his presidential campaign. He is coming out as a presidential candidate politicizing investments for his own reasons and his own benefit. What will that do to your investments and trading if his behavior increases and is picked up by others. Who is behind this – trying in another way to destroy the U. S. political system and its democracy? Are these guys totally and completely self absorbed and seeking power doing whatever they can do to destroy democracy for the rest of us?

And much more to come.

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Years ago, when Trump was going through a divorce from his first wife, in her filings she revealed that he slept with “Mein Kampf” on his bedside table. He has been preparing for what he is doing today for decades. After a time those divorce filings were made private, but the news media had already printed the fact. We don’t know Trump’s background and many don’t seem to care. As I met some of his followers my only thought after a time of getting to know them – “birds of a feather.”

Because of what happened to us, we have been investigating the entire area and have found our business isn’t the only one so viciously stolen, there have been many. The black originators have just disappeared, but the businesses they worked hard to grow are thriving into the billionaire category with white males given credit for those businesses original idea, growth and success. All of that happened before white males stripped blacks of those businesses and moved on kicking the black and female entrepreneurs to the curb.

You might want to subscribe to Bettina Network Journal. We are adding trading in the stock markets as a part of that publication. We love the market, as many of you know. Marceline was the first or one of the first African American stock brokers in the country. She loves to trade and that is producing some incredible information – for example – Nvidia, the AI company is changing the world. NVDA’s earnings are due out today and it has the entire market focused. A couple days ago, an article appeared in the Financial Times with the claim that Amazon was cancelling its orders for NVDA’s chips and will wait uintil the new (#4) chips come out – which probably won’t be until the end of this year. This morning Amazon came out with a statement denying it said such a thing and adding that they did not cancel their NVDA chip order. That kind of news could negatively affect the price of the stock and especially at this point in time it could negatively affect the stock market. Who stands to benefit from such? And – by the way – whenever we see a picture of the head of NVDA he looks very Asian to us. May be just a comment, but it is worth knowing when something like this tries to do negative damage.

Read about Robert Kennedy, Jr. who is now publicizing his dalliances into the stock market with “Gamestop.” He claims to have invested $24,000 into that stock – a claim he makes from the pulpit of his presidential campaign. He is coming out as a presidential candidate politicizing investments for his own reasons and his own benefit. What will that do to your investments and trading if his behavior increases and is picked up by others. Who is behind this – trying in another way to destroy the U. S. political system and its democracy? Are these guys totally and completely self absorbed and seeking power doing whatever they can do to destroy democracy for the rest of us?

SAT Exam Re-Established by Harvard

April 22nd, 2024

WHY? Could it possibly be because a long established entry exam was doing its job of keeping minorities admitted to Harvard to a minumum? Was it doing a fantastic job of keeping Harvard’s freshman class members mostly members of this society’s “better than” majority with only a few minorities admitted to “disprove the rule”? Or has it been re-established because once the SAT Exam was taken down as a requirement the entry class members at Harvard University were – for the first time in history – majority/minority?

Eliminating the SAT EXAM as an important part of qualifying for a seat in Harvard’s freshman class showed clearly the cracks, irrelavancies, bigotry which has kept Harvard mostly white northern european male for generations. Once it was eliminated, the part the SAT EXAM played in maintaining institutional racism showed starkly. That change threatened the white northern european male group with the need to be more qualified than and eliminated the fact that white european ancestry males were given spaces, not because they were more qualified, but because the cultural background of the SAT EXAM gave them a leg up in being admitted to Harvard.

Look at what happens if they have to stand on their own two feet – their own intellect, – without the help and protection of culturally installed “helpers” such as exams which are slanted to give them a way into the institution walking in front of more qualified minorities. They had a “helper” (one of many) along the way which moved more qualified minorities back and gave white northern european ancestry males the full steam ahead whistle in spite of the fact that those more qualified but of a different cultural background were pushed aside by those “helpers” – put there by the ancestors of that white european male group who knew they had to really cheat to make sure their progeny were given that leg up they did not earn, but inherited.

We now move back to the place where Harvard’s freshman classes will revert to the percentages the “better than” group enjoyed, without being the most qualified. That better than group will come back into play at the top because they were raised in that space culturally which was designed to give them the top spots without having to deal with or worry about their future as the undeserved top of society.

The few minorities who applied; were rejected; were intellectually more superior than those “better than” who were actually admitted even though undeservedly so, those minorities will be denied a seat in that freshman class so the United States can continue to suffer from the racism, sexism, etc. it was beginning to see a way through into the freedom that equality, equity, and so much more brings.

Why, O Lord, are we being subjected to the same ugly, vicious, life denying situation over and over again throughout the generations. Why are we now seeing the future where our children will be subjects under that white european male group which has destroyed your creation?

Donald J. Trump – In Context

January 24th, 2024

by: Marceline Donaldson

Life is amazing. The older I get the more my life, my past history, delivers amazement to me. It has given me an exposure to people, power, things that today I realize does not ordinarily happen. We shield our children from those outside of the box in which our families have put us. I am very grateful for what I have been given even though it keeps me in trouble because that background means I have had the experience to see what others don’t and since I am black and female, that seeing is always denied by society and its inhabitants.

Seeing what surrounds Donald Trump and how he has lived has been one of the amazements of my life.

I saw how my life circled around my family even when I thought I was living new experiences in new territory. I had to acknowledge I was a continuing part of my mother, grandmother, father, grandfather, etc. History is never very far away.

I keep seeing Donald Trump circle back through his family history. It was not pretty and was, apparently, majorly experiences of criminality. Donald Trump did not deny those influences, he lived into them and now they have circled around and he is ending his life walking the path walked by one of those who were most influential in his creation.

What is most amazing, as I look at his life, is not what he or his family or his mentors have done, but how the society in which we live has rewarded them for evil, ugly, criminal acts, lies, and so much more. This United States society is supposed to be so much better than any other in the history of the world. In reality, it can’t be, because too many millions of people have given the lie to what we pretend to be. For someone like Trump and his family having succeeded financially to the level on which they live says there is something very wrong in these United States. When I look at the people so greatly rewarded, inside of me is the whisper – why! Is this that on which this society has been founded? Is this what happens to a slave-owning society which has grown through the work and lives of people they have used to build fortunes without recompense of any kind? Without even humane treatment? Is this why racism, sexism and more are so hard to eradicate? Is it in the souls of those who have pushed their way to power? Certainly Donald Trump’s life says that is true. A man mired in criminality became president of these United States. A man who rapes, abuses women and more, brags about it and millions vote for him.

We have racism, sexism, and all the other ‘isms’ by which we live and give our obsequious “ok” to without a moments thought as to how much evil we are bringing into this world by so doing. It is difficult to be in business in these United States without criminality being involved somehow and without doing to others in this society what was done to the slaves of yore.

To trace back through Donald Trump’s criminality over his entire career, we find it is “in your face” and we all know that family and from whence they have come, but so many rush to be a part of what the Trump’s are doing, including their criminality.

Looking at the race he ran against Nikki Haley is what started this line of thought back over my history and his.

Who -in Iowa – amongst all you Evangelicals – voted for such a man? Who is New Hampshire? What did you do with your religion when you went into that voting booth???? Have you looked at your family history to see why you were able to vote for him and support what he is about? Or were you arrogant enough to engage in much justification and denial of what you were doing and what you were bringing into this world because you saw worldly, financial, power accruing to you?

Donald Trump is from an immigrant family and yet he shows his hatred for immigrants and his belief that he is ‘better than’. How could he be that arrogant, assumptive and unaware. Some say it is his sense of inferiority. – As I look, I see a sense of entitlement and lack of caring that has allowed Trump and his ancestors to cross lines which we know hurt others without any sense of the fact that God is a just God and one day his turn to pay will come. That God comes not just for the Donald Trump’s of the world, but for those who tried to benefit by being a part of his evil.

His grandfather, the first of his family to come to these United States, was a German immigrant. At first Donald Trump and his future generations dressed up his background and his coming to these United States from Germany, calling Germany by other country names, because of the Hitler/Nazi connections. That connection slips out every now and again – like during his divorce from his first wife when it became public that Trump slept with a copy of “Mein Kamps” and other Hitler writings on his bedside table.

Once here, in these United States, whatever was his grandfather’s history before coming here, once arrived he was immediately into criminality and extreme abuse of women. His grandfather’s history certainly explains Donald Trump’s treatment of women. It did not start with Trump’s generation, that use and abuse of women goes back quite a few generations.

This is a man in whose family women were the means to wealth. He feels very comfortable with that because he is in a country where the lives and work of African slaves was the way to wealth. It even created the wealth on which English royalty sits and uses power from that historical founding.

Trump’s grandfather earned his living and his substantial estate by prostituting women – the Trump family’s way to wealth and power. First, he used women as street prostitutes and then, when his grandfather acquired enough to own a hotel, the rooms in the hotel were occupied by prostitutes who entertained the men who came to see them (for a price) in their rooms and other parts of his bordello

Sometimes, others have questionable backgrounds tinged in criminality, but the Trumps’ were quite forth coming and proud of their background and so we have Donald Trump who has no problems raping, assaulting and generally letting the world know that his “better than” feelings, attitudes and more are historical and he acts as though he is proud of that history. He certainly has shown – in very arrogant ways – his pride in physically attempting to destroy women for his own enjoyment and feelings of power.

That is one of Trump’s family legacies. The money that made him who he is today came from that history of his family abuse of women. But what about all of the “evangelicals” who helped to make him who he is today and who continue by voting for him; contributing to his campaign chest; and so much more. How do they justify that with who they call “God.” Trump’s grandfather’s wealth is the basis of Trump’s father’s wealth and therefore of the – what was it – $250 million he inherited of this money acquired via this criminal immigrant family? His family made it very clear, as Trump’s father built his wealth in Queens that he was doing it by treating African Americans the way they were treated by the majority of the society in his day. Court records are clear with law suits the Trump’s had to fight to maintain their racism in housing.

As a young person, I left New Orleans, LA. for New York. I wound up at New York University. My New Orleans background opened me up to the world able to see things others just seemed to miss. It took awhile for me to understand that. Donald Trump was a part of that opening up.

A part of my time in New York was as part of an Ashram, which was in an apartment on Central Park. An exquisite place with beautiful views out of the windows of the park. I didn’t live there, but I did show up frequently and my dress at the time was a sari. Mostly, during that time you saw me in an Indian sari. When I married my ex-husband the wedding was in that Ashram/apartment and it was a glorious affair. It was officiated by a Jewish Rabbi, since the man I was marrying was from a Russian Jewish immigrant family. That certainly connected to my family and my upbringing which was back and forth with the Sam ZeMurray family – a Russian Jewish immigrant family.

I didn’t know Donald Trump personally. He was not a friend. He was not even an acquaintance. He was someone I saw as I moved around New York. Often, it was seeing him having dinner at one of the restaurants – very elegant restaurants – on the sidewalks of New York. He was always with a Jewish man and the two of them were ‘spooning’ over a candlelit dinner.

As I saw him and got to know who he was I was amazed at what I saw. He and his ‘mentor’ were all around places I happened to be. His ‘mentor’ was Roy Cohn – a Jew who hated Jews and a gay man who hated gays and there was Donald Trump whose life has shown that he also hates Jews and was and is rumored to be a gay man who hates gays.

Trump migrated along the path laid out for him by his family, his mentor and those he chose as companions. All of the things we see today can be traced back through his family. He has not been one open to society – to learn – to grow – to understand – to give or to give back.

The way he treated Roy Cohn is an example of who he is and is becoming. Besides his family path he has and is walking down the same path as his mentor, Roy Cohn. After being a very strong, influential and not very nice person, but very partial to his “friends,” Cohn gave Donald Trump a very large part of his life. Cohn brought Trump from Queens to Manhattan and helped bring him into the society, seats of power, the money he has today. Trump used Cohn to move ahead and from what I saw gave back to Cohn – nothing.

At the end of Roy Cohn’s life he was broke, ill and not in a good place. At that point in time, at the end of Cohn’s life, among the missing in Cohn’s circle was Donald Trump. Trump saw Cohn almost not at all during the time when Cohn needed him the most. He did turn up for his funeral in a Jewish funeral home, but only for a minute or two, stood in the back and shortly left.

This is the man to whom millions of Americans are giving their vote, their confidence in his leadership, their obeisance.

What always strikes me about that – Roy Cohn could not have risen as high as he rose with as much power as he wielded in New York and Donald Trump could not have done the same without the people who financed them, who worked to make them even more powerful, who saw in them leadership that they wanted to follow. Many of those people who follow and support Donald Trump, if not most of those people call themselves Christians. From what we have seen, actually, many of them are mafia related – others just don’t have an ethical base to carry them through life, but share Donald Trump’s criminal lifestyle albeit on a much smaller scale.

God forgive!

Bigotry American Style

December 16th, 2023

So much is happening with the United States trying to maintain its bigotry and at the same time push forward its claims that it is working hard to acknowledge the past and move into an area of equality, diversity, etc. etc.

The most aggregious has been the Congressional hearing just ended with the three women presidents being excoriated with the attempt to fire all of them without it looking as though extreme sexism is what was at work here. It was clear as reporting began how threatened white and other men are at the aspect of these particular three colleges being led by women. It was an incredible example of Institutional Racism/Sexism/etc. etc. etc. and how hard and fast these strongly entrenched policies and ways of being are in these United States.

First – the people invited were all women – heads of major Universities. A PANEL LIMITED TO only women . The set up was clear that the goal was the firing of all three or as many as possible so the next attempt would be easier and then the rest would go without those responsible for maintaining the Institutional Bigotrty in this society being blamed. As much as possible in the removal of bigotry is “blame the victims”.

Second – the person chosen to do the whack job was also a woman. One whose history parallels the history of the black men who were attached to the KuKluxKlan decades ago. The KKK always had a black man within its group so they could point to say – “see, we are not racists, here is our n—–“. There was Ms. Stefanik playing that role for white men and she did an incredible job. Seeing her face and eyes as she asked some of the worst questions was quite an experience. It was evil personified.

Third – the women on the panel were coached by a law firm. Which firm? Who were the people doing the coaching? And most amazing of all – these highly intellectual woman who crossed many barriers, taking a lot of grief on their way to the top – accepted without question what they had been told as good answers to possible questions by this very questionable law firm – firmly entrenched in the Institutional Bigotry of the country. When asked tricky questions, they simply gave out what they had been coached to say by people you don’t have to meet or know who they are to see their bigotry coming through fiercely. It was quite remarkable how they took care of business.

On the other side, looking at and hearing the women on the panel, one has to ask what happens to us as we move up? Is the lure and liking of power become so strong that we ignore and go along with the program put in front of us? The “white paper” we need to follow to remain in power and possibly move up even higher? We become, intellectually and otherwise, replicas of the white and other kinds of men trying so desperately to maintain their status as “better than.”

It would be easy to fight this Institutionalized Bigotry if it came only from white northern European men keeping their sense of “better than” by institutionalizing the bigotry necessary to make that possible, but we have all of these non-whites – men and others – going along with the program because they have not done the work of learning what and how they are discriminated against and how can they function to destroy as much of that bigotry as possible. Those who need to be like the “better than” with the thought that this is what will move them out of the “less than” category if not completely, then at least for a little bit of the time.

The panel seemed programmed and thoughtfully planned to get rid of the women heads of major colleges and especially aimed at Claudine Gay – the African American woman just appointed as president of Harvard University. Clearly, she is a target and that will be only the first of many attacks to come attempting to remove her, but without having the effort fall on the University or its supporters or anyone else in the all white northern European male community which runs the world in the most bigoted way. It has been the destruction of this globe – having created climate and all the other problems, but no one seems to have the guts to go there. Dancing all around that fact, but no direct hits.

And then we move on to the bigotry against the elderly. So accepted you can’t turn to any television, radio or internet channel without hearing about President Joe Biden being “too old” to run for office. Ageism put in your face. Institutionalized Ageism promoted daily all during the day with no one calling out those making the bigoted attempt to remove an Irish American who is a bit too into equality, diversity, etc. When you hear the comments spewing out with alacrity – substitute “ageism” with “racism” and see how that settles your stomach.

I did not realize the incredible affect Ageism has on this society. I was too young and the problems of being black and female wiped out any other consideration – being human and limited in how much I could take both emotionally and otherwise. Ageism will probably replace racism as its most bigoted area. The old folks, especially those into “equality, etc” are being removed from being actively a part of society by putting them into “assisted living” and other such places. If they won’t go and are a bit too active and especially if they are non-White, in Cambridge, the police arrive to force them out of their homes into the hospital until they can be incapacitated and then placed in the homes where such people live out their lives. Problem solved. We experienced that and saw the rewards to the people who did the deed. In our case – $195,000.00 plus to the hospital that allowed itself to be so used. Not bad, huh? Especially when the money came illegitimately from your insurance and never should have been ripped off.

That knowledge of how the elderly are being increasingly mistreated by the bigots in the society and how Institutional Bigotry works on the elderly to the point where we have Institutional Ageism raging and being reported on by the media without any acknowledgment of the reality of what it is – its negative affect on the society and the lives of those who are elderly. The negative stereotype of the elderly is overwhelming without any clue that this is extreme bigotry we are promoting. There are those who are elderly, sick, unable to function, whose mind is going or gone. There are also those who are young and in the same position.

We are now into anti-Semitism, which is being used to cover up what is happening in the other areas of bigotry and not at all benefitting Jews by making them more equal. It used to be that Jews were pictured as running the world and taking from it much more than they should. And when you objected and pointed out the bigotry against Jews their “Jewish spokespeople” would be all over the place making sure anti-Semitism stays, but within the bounds of respectability making it harder for those experiencing it to fight the bigotry. Those “spokespeople” tended to be Jews who wanted quiet because their positions in society depended upon their keeping other Jews under control.

I could go on with this as one example after another appears – both currently and historically, however, I think the point is clear and hopefully you will take it up to bring about true equality in these United States. We need that desperately and soonest so we can stop killing each other as that white northern European mostly male group continues in control of the major assets in this society and continues to attempt to destroy all of us as they over reach to see who will become god. Looking at history – some ancient some almost modern – You can see we are trying to return to that structure of Emperors, Kings, Pharoahs and other such “leaders” . So far, we are in a state of only a small handful having reached the billionaire and now brushing up against the trillionaire status jockeying for who will lead the world and garner most of its assets for its small group of followers needed to maintain their control and obscene wealth. Shortly, that will change with many groveling to follow those who seem clearly destined to achieve that kind of ancient power calling it by other names and setting in place what seems to be another different structure, when in fact, the structures trying to come into being are all the same just named in more modern ways.

if we don’t do something to change ourselves realizing we are human – fallible – sometimes good – sometimes absolutely crazy. Please, God, open our eyes, our hearts, our minds to use the good side of our humanity to create a world worthy of you.

Trump History and connections including Robert Kennedy, Jr.

November 4th, 2023

We see things happening in the news – relevant history, but most of us are not old enough to remember actual historical events from generations past connected to the present without being an obvious and clear connection.

One that we in the Bettina Network who are of an age remember is the connection between Donald Trump and the Kennedy family.

Going back to the McCarthy era, there were three people at the head table for events featuring Joe McCarthy. They were Joseph McCarthy, Roy Cohn and Robert Kennedy, Sr. He was a part of that group and one of those at the top. We generally don’t want to remember nor hear that repeated because Robert Kennedy, Sr.’s history has dropped and does not acknowledge that connection. He is remembered more as connected to the liberal wing of politics and to causes with a positive bent. However, history cannot be erased even if we don’t want to hear it repeated and even if we have changed that history to make it more palatable to todays worth.

Some of the Kennedys follow Robert, Sr. example as he moved into a more liberal side of the political spectrum. We don’t want to know about the fights between Kennedy, Sr. and Lyndon Johnson because we don’t want to see or characterize a Texan as more “liberal” than a New England Yankee. Nor do we want to see that competition moved into a liberal/conservative stance with Johnson being the liberal and Kennedy, Sr. the very conservative Trump/McCarthy/Cohn-type character.

Today, we see that part of Robert Kennedy, Sr.’s legacy surfacing in his son, Robert Kennedy, Jr. – someone definitely and unequivocally connected to Robert, Sr.s early days in politics and Roy Cohn and Joe McCarthy and sitting on the floor at Roy Cohn’s knee, while worshipping Joe McCarthy, there is Donald Trump. Sitting at the feet of his then masters, absorbing all they had to offer. We not only see this face of Donald Trump with his mentors, but we see Trump – a young person at the time, but now as he has aged and become involved politically, following and taking to the next level on the way to hell the example and beliefs of his mentors. The picture, as we see Trump and Kennedy, Jr. today, becomes more complete.

We were first made aware of this when a sign popped up in the garden of one of our leaders on the Mount Auburn Street side in Cambridge, MA. without her knowledge or permission. Those who know her know she immediately went out, ripped the sign out of the garden and tossed it. That was just the beginning.

If we harken back to Donald Trump’s divorce from Ivana Trump andif we kept up with such things we would remember the Trump divorce with Ivana Trump, the woman Donald was divorcing, talking about and describing how Donald Trump had a copy of “Mein Kampf” on his bedside table and read it constantly. That part of the divorce was public at the time. The divorce proceedings may now be under a security wrap – and the “Mein Kampf” book may be one of the reasons.

However, if you look at what Trump is doing today and has been doing for quite a few years you will see the fruit developing publicly out of what Trump was doing years ago privately. His social media “writings” – as we read them – come directly out of Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” and in a way only one steeped in the politics and beliefs of Adolf Hitler could have written and/or espouse in his public/political speeches. One cannot see or hear Trump without the echoes of Hitler’s politcal talks echoing in the background as Trump brings the echo to the forefront.

Most of us sleep with a copy of the bible or whatever the sacred book tied to our religious beliefs. Trump slept with a copy of the sacred book tied to his religious beliefs – “Mein Kampf”

Knowing that and lookiing at the transformation of the Republican Party it makes much more sense as to what is happening in that Political Party and with Trump followers outside of that Party.

While Trump followers are re-enacting the Rise of the Third Reich and Adolf Hitler, the rest of us are watching the racists, anti-semites, anti-feminists, users of politics to cheat-steal the government, steal from its citizens, try in very Nazi Germany ways to keep themselves “better than” by destroying and oppressing further its minority citizens and immigrants escaping oppressive governments.

As Americans, we like to think of ourselves as “better than”. In actual fact we have lots of problems and the fight within America between the good and the bad and the really evil is now out for all to see. Trump has wiped away the deniability we had for generations and we are all exposed. So what now?

When we look back on all of this we make a connection between Haiti, Trump, Kennedy, Sr., Republican Party and more along those lines. Haiti went from being a free society having gotten rid of its Colonial oppressors until those oppressors went under the society to destroy it from within and Haiti now has to deal with all of that. The Republican Party has also come from that point of view. In Louisiana – where we are now being introduced to M. Johnson as Speaker of the House – there is the example along the same lines. The Republican Party was the Party of freedom If you were African American and wanted to vote the Democrats worked against you and were aligned with the KKK. The Republicans shored you up and helped you by – among other things – having an African American head of the Republican Party in Louisiana with similar things happening in other places. If you wanted to vote back then you knew you were and had to be a Republican and that was the Political Party you joined. Today, however, the change in Haiti is dramatic as is the change in the Republican Party.

Is this what human beings create? I am good and working for the freedom of all today, but tomorrow – watch out – I can become the devil incarnate working for some to be at the top and others – as the pyuramid goes down to the bottom – working to enslave others because I can’t live without being “better than” able to mischaracterize the others in the crudest of ways.

Women in the United States are fighting for rights which were secured decades ago. Blacks are just beginnning the fight to save the Supreme Court ruling which declared separate is not equal. Others are fighting to block Trump and his followers from bringing back hate, evil, “I am ok you are not ok, you were born to serve me.”

Dear God, is there relief from all of this? Can we humans actually move away from such awfulness into a better world or are we condemned to fight the same fights, experience the same oppressions just passing them along to the other side – us today, them tomorrow? When do your promises come alive and apread throughout the world or am I waiting in vain and my death will end it all for me as their deaths will end it for others like and unlike me?”


Memories – Brought back by an Ice Farm

October 13th, 2023

by: Marceline Donaldson

Watching a television documentary this morning about ice farming in Maine brought back enormous and very emotional memories.

I loved to stay with my great-grandmother who we called – Grandma Bucksell. Whenever I could, I walked from my house to hers because she and my Uncle George Adams had so many great memories and things to pass on to me – acivities for me to do which was normal for them, but fantastic for me.

Every few days a man would pull up, in front of their house, in his wagon drawn by horses. He was the only person around who went from door to door in a horse drawn wagon. He had ice and milk on his wagon to deliver to Grandma Bucksell to put in her “ice box.” To this day I call a refrigerator an ice box.

I didn’t think much of it then, but years later I remembered those days. She also had a wood burning stove and coffee beans in the oven in the morning for that days coffee.

The connection the television documentary I saw this morning made for me was to connect the origination of the ice in the state of Maine with its final destination in New Orleans. It was a powerful memory and an even more powerful connection.

To see all of the people farming ice on a lake complete with the culture of ice farming; with the men in the ice house who had to work years to get to be able to work in the ice house and all of the family culture that went into ice farming was special.

As I age, I am beginning to question why we are so hot on developing all of the technology and AI and everything else which is ruining the planet, our health and our lives. What do we really have to gain by all of it? A better life or a stressed out life which keeps us from enjoying family, friends and others in a community which spiritually, emotionally and in many other ways enriches us all?

I go back in my mind often to those days of early morning breakfast in bed which my Grandma Bucksell brought me with the wood burning fireplace going to keep the room and house warm. Try as hard as I might my coffee does not match the coffee from those days and the breakfasts are just not the same. It was a lifestyle which enriched me spiritually, emotionally and in many other ways and one I was not able to give to my children no matter how hard I tried.

It was great to know there is an ice farming museum in Maine which is keeping all of their history together, sharing the culture and lifestyle which ice farming created in those environs and are using the museum to keep the culture of ice farming going. I hope they add something about the people who received the ice all over this country and how their lives paralleled.

May the museum and all of its restorative endeavors be ever successful.

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