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Love and Sex – A reader adds comments

Saturday, September 8th, 2018

Thank you for that blog.  It struck me for some time that we are being led by a group of white men who seem to have sex on their minds and we suffer the consequences because love is required of leaders.

What does it mean that our president – Donald J. Trump – has been accused multiple times of sexually abusing and assaulting more than a dozen women and his reputation goes far beyond that if you go back many years.  That kind of appetite generally will also turn to greed, jealousy, and many other emotions that destroy and will not build up and Trump is showing that he is into destruction of this society as quickly and completely as possible.  This is not new for him because he showed us that in the way he ran and built his Trump Organization.  Why?  Because it will give him worldly goods beyond his imaginings and will give him power over many who want the same thing.

Is he about building up an American Oligarchy the way Russia has an Oligarchy?

As far back as the 1980’s it was clear that Trump was beholden to the Russia and Eastern European mafia.  Take a look and it certainly looks as though his billions were created by those relationships.  And, just think of what he can now acquire as he opens the doors to this country’s treasury and assets to those with whom he was financially related from the ’80’s until today.

Everyone is saying he is beholden to Putin and Russia?  He is actually beholden to the Russian Mafia and is an asset of the Russian and Eastern European mafia’s.  Apparently he didn’t meet Putin until all of this running for the presidency occurred and the Russian mafia did what?  Loaned him to Putin to achieve Putin’s goals?

What a difference it makes to have someone as president who is into love instead of sex.  I don’t like to make comparisons, but when I saw John McCain’s family during his funeral remembrances I don’t think I have seen, in one family, such a coming together of the world’s people.  It was beautiful.  I wish we had more of that.  It was family trying to live a life of love rather than controlled by sex and all such an emphasis entails.

Apparently, McCain tried to bring along those with whom he worked.  His relationship with Lindsey Graham shows that.  He brought along Lindsey Graham and now Graham has resorted to who he was before his close friendship with McCain.  The need for power, recognition, importance can lead to such ugliness.  That is so very sad.  I remember Graham before McCain and he was a flake – racist – sexist – and I could throw in a few more negatives, but if you are that old you should also remember the news coverage of where Lindsey Graham was coming from during those days.  And then he changed and became someone we all began to respect.  That has stopped now that McCain is dead.  He has reversed course and has once again become the man he was back then.  He looks as though he has been working hard to become Attorney General and it also looks as though Trump has promised him the spot to get Graham to be one of his supporters who Trump can bounce around for whatever he needs.  That is so sad!

As I read your article on Love and Sex – how different this world would be if we had that movement towards love.  If we could see each other in that light instead of in the light of sex – which is where we move immediately.  Try to be friends with someone because you have much in common, it could be a great friendship, but the outside world would see it in terms of sex.  We have not been able to rise above how we describe the animals.  Tell someone you love them and it immediately takes on a component of sexual attraction.  What is wrong with us that we have not developed beyond such a place?

The world of love is so superior to the world of sex that it is unimaginable how we are able to maintain ourselves on the lower level of sex and not be able to rise above it when there is this incredible place we could be.  All of our religions tout love.  However, most also have these warnings and judgments against sex except how they define it and how we have tried over the generations to legislate sex – such a waste.  I had not thought before reading your article that this need to reduce love to sex and then control sex had to do with inheritance and who owns and inherits what.  Power – greed – corruption all come into play as we have ruined many lives with our nonsense.

If we could somehow get out of the muck and mess to which we consign ourselves and see another way of living what a great world this would be.  People like Donald Trump would have to re-work their ethics and themselves because they would be odd person out and never in a position to become dog-catcher let alone anything else.

Games like this op-ed thing would not be played – there would be no need.  Who wrote that op-ed piece?  Either Donald Trump or Treasury Secretary Mnuchin, who saw it as a way to raise himself up above his peers and position himself to be able to rise when he got out of the Trump Administration.  He has given himself an excuse and a cover for his being there in the first place.  After Gary Cohn left, he had to do something – and so we have this op-ed.  He won’t admit to it, but he will quietly circulate it when he is ready to be employed elsewhere to shore himself up to a higher place and overcome the negativity he has acquired as a part of Donald Trump’s cabinet.  I could be wrong – but in this guessing game that is my choice.


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Ethics – Character – Gerrymandering

Wednesday, August 8th, 2018

by: Marceline Donaldson

Looking at the election in Ohio in a district which has been badly gerrymandered over the decades we need to seriously define what it means – especially in politics – to steal, lie, attempt to destroy an old republic trying to become a democracy using gerrymandering as one of many tools. If you want a quick end to this United States Government with all it has meant over the decades and few hundred years it has been trying to move to a place of freedom for its citizens – try lending your hand to those working hard to bring about gerrymandering in many districts so they can have power, control and more in their attempt to satisfy their greed.

I lived in Ohio for several years around the late 1970’s into 1980. It was a place I loved and would move back to in a heartbeat. I called Cincinnati home, but visited and worked all around the state.

What I remember are events which probably were the genesis for what is going on in Ohio today = the Gerrymandering part and where and how the Republicans took hold.

I was Republican in those days – and Ohio was pretty much in the Democratic Party.

Driving around the country side there was an amazing phenomena. When you came close to what was a lovely body of water – a pond, a small lake, etc. – there was a loud and ugly smell of feces. Looking into what could have caused such a smell I discovered a corporation from Germany which was financing Germans who were dairy farmers and leaving Germany in fairly large numbers to do their dairy farming in the United States.

What was driving them out of Germany were laws being promulgated which would have made them control their cows and more properly dispose of cow manure in ways that were beneficial to the rest of society and did not cause the kind of blight and nose rebellion I was experiencing driving through some farm lands in Ohio.

Those dairy farmers from Germany used the ponds as cow toilets. They put their cow’s feces in those ponds and in a short period of time – well, you know what happened.

As I looked at the map, those areas which became very Republican Conservative and today Trump supporters are the areas back in the 1970’s and 80’s which were being taken over by German dairy farmers putting their cows feces in places to wreck the beautiful pastoral quality of the land. These were not the good Germans who stayed home and obeyed laws meant to protect everyone. These were the Germans who had the mind set of some Americans who expected to be able to pollute, etc. as their god given right. So they combined.

When I last checked it out – there was no stopping them. The corporation, with lots of money, which was financing them, made it possible for many to “immigrate” to the United States so they would not have to depend upon American banks to finance their land purchases nor to upfront them the money they needed to get their dairy farms operational.

When you talk about unwanted immigrants against whom the United States should erect barriers and walls – they were the group. Trump, however, with his German ancestors who, it is alleged, had these mafia connections and gained wealth through what is also alleged to be illegal means – with Trump himself gaining his wealth through casinos,and many schemes which bilked lots of people as he filed serial bankruptcies impresses me as one immigrant family which should have been blocked at the border. I doubt that he sees anything wrong with that kind of immigration or those immigrants. They are simply taking advantage of the ‘freedom’ offered in the United States and being very industrious in the process. I think of them when I have to drink pasteurized instead of raw milk because of the way so many such people fouled up the milk supply.

It is a straight line from those events to the control Republicans were able to wrest for their own re-elections by incorporating those “immigrants” into their scheme of gerrymandering – who I am sure as time passed have became U. S. Citizens. They did not seem at all inclined to clean up their ways or their dairy farms or to stop polluting the lakes, ponds and streams of the United States with their cows feces – which means they would not be able to go back to Germany and meet its understandable requirements that Dairy Farmers respect the land and others in the areas surrounding their dairy farms.

Haven’t seen any of that in the analysis of what happened in those areas of Ohio and how what happened affected todays election and the previous elections where gerrymandering became the standard way to power and political control. People with that kind of mindset would be very open to schemes like Gerrymandering.

Anything except – be a good citizen and respect others. Sometimes you win and sometimes others win, but at all times mutual respect is the order of the day not artificially creating situations and circumstances in which you control all the time to your detriment, the detriment of others and most especially the detriment of the United States of America. We stand for something. A republic demands mutual respect. Freedom does also. Get with it and stop all of this nonsense or you will wind up with a politician in charge who makes Trump look like an angel and a do gooder instead of the corrupt power hungry, greedy, grifter, alleged sexual abuser and assaulter and pathological liar he has shown himself to be.

by the way – have you noticed the one thing all of these folks have in common? Their need to engage in sexual abuse, sexual assault and misogyny against women with its concurrent disgraceful behavior towards children.

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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.
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Trump – the Enemy of the United States and its People!

Sunday, August 5th, 2018

It becomes harder each day for those who support Donald Trump to continue in that space without having to take that step into a treasonous space.

This morning, we watched the Hitler history on cable television and it was amazing. Our host family brought us breakfast on a tray because we couldn’t move away from the television. A real wake up call. There was no way to watch that without realizing the similarities.

I remember years ago all the publicity surrounding Donald Trump’s divorce from Ivana Trump. Big in all of that were things which seeped into the media from the divorce proceeding. Things like the claim that Trump kept a copy of Mein Kampf next to his bed on his nightstand and read a part of it every night. When you see how he is walking through his presidency, the lessons of those days comes through. He learned them well.

The first part of this many part documentary talks about how Hitler started out – before he got to first base – requiring loyalty from his friends and those around him. Personal and complete loyalty and requires them to make public statements of that loyalty. What struck me as I watched that was the cabinet meetings and other times when Trump required each member of his cabinet to pledge their loyalty to him in those two to three minute public speeches and to say wonderful things about him personally. They were not pledging their loyalty to the U. S. Constitution, they were pledging their loyalty to Trump personally.

In the middle of all this personal loyalty, Hitler in return had his best friend -Rohm – killed along with others. Just like Trump, who requires loyalty of others, but gives none to anyone in return.

What also struck me was Trump’s speeches being very much like Hitlers’ after 1934 when Hitler made a power grab like Trump is contemplating for 2018.

Striking too was the way Hitler folded his arms in front of himself when seriously speaking – exactly the way Trump does, especially around the table (among other times) when he threatened North Korea and Kim Jong Un with fire and fury like nothing the world has ever seen.

I’ve heard many talk about the Trump narcissism. In this documentary outlining Hitler’s “reign” what is talked about and what fits for Trump is not Hitler’s narcissism but his messiah complex. His need for absolute rule. Everything Trump has done since taking office and before seems to have come out of such a Messiah complex. Which says Putin and all those others who see Trump as a buddy and member of the club are, one day soon, in for a very rude awakening. If Trump continues in office they will rue the day they hooked up with him and it will probably be a sharp and complete surprise.

Trump’s messiah complex paralleling Hitler’s comes out when he talks in his campaign speeches and other places about only Trump being able to solve the people’s grievances. Only Trump can solve the problem aobut which he is talking. In this documentary comes Hitler talking about how only Hitler can solve the people’s grievances.

What was off for me in Trump’s campaign was his slogan to “Make America Great Again”. Since America was and is already at the top of its game his slogan seemed a stolen slogan from Reagan with Trump not wanting to do the work of coming up with one of his own. Many have tried to put that into some kind of context and explain what Trump and his supporters mean. With this documentary, Hitler’s slogan – Hitler-type nationalism will make Germany a great power and restore Germans to greatness. Deutschland UBER Alles.

Given the economy and the condition Germany was in after the war that kind of promise had a context which could be put into some kind of real space. For Trump to have taken that part of Hitler’s history and made it a part of his campaign when America was not in the lowered economic position that Germany was in at the time, shows just how much Trump copied from Hitler and his history without any thought to the actuality of the situation of America and Germany. Barack Obama brought America from the brink of a serious recession into a slow, upward moving economy – which is the kind you most want, since it will last over the long term and not suffer a blazing blow out.

If you are stealing – ‘whole hog’ – from another those things won’t register until years later when your mind clears of the fog created by such devotion to and copying of another man’s life.

Hitler’s history with women so totally parallels Trump’s that it is amazing – except there is, so far, nothing in Trump’s history to parallel the murder of one of his women, although lets just give that a bit of time.

Hitler constantly had a parade of increasingly younger women until Eva Braun, who was 17 at the time their relationship started and Hitler was well into his 40’s. Each one of Hitler’s paramours was much younger than the last. I don’t think I need to go into any detail to make that comparison with Trump – who is now with Melania, someone the age of Donald and Ivana Trump’s children.

Another very striking parallel is Hitler’s dependence upon unrest as a means to gain power. That is clearly what Trump is trying to do and maintain as president. He has constant unrest on every level. When the press and people see him as having something positive going there is much discussion and attempts to explain why he upheavals his own work. Looking at what happened in Hitler’s Germany – unrest for the sake of taking total power totally parallels Trump.

And the biggy – using minorities to galvanize his power – distract the populace – and give them something to do while he moves ahead consolidating his position in the country without their interference is very familiar. Trump has used the immigration issue unbelievably close to how Hitler used the Jews. A distraction which gives his base something to do to feel better than and to keep them busy constructing hell while he makes sure other large parts of his agenda get accomplished with very little blow back.

If the Republicans remain in power after 2018 I am sure we will see violence against every kind of minority such as the world has never seen before as Trump prepares to take over complete power in 2020.

The institutional structures which most helped Trump achieve his goal are the global billion dollar companies which are pulling together immense power through money, control, ability to respond in seconds, ability to manipulate very large numbers of people through propaganda and how to most effectively abuse technology is a done deal.

Relatively new global corporations are destroying others, blocking minorities and taking away whatever economic steps forward they have been able to make. They are what is being used to the corporate world at the top all white, all male, all norther European ancestral roots. That has become increasingly clear as we’ve seen Russian ‘infiltrators’ and others pointing out constantly to Americans in their circle how much alike they are and how much they have in common. The clear script running at the bottom of the television screen as they do this is the White Racism, White Nationalism, White Supremacy they are pointing to with moving.

When you come right down to it what would that commonality be that the Russian want Americans to see, believe and adopt? Not governmental structures; Not democracry; Not republican forms of government; ……but the need to be and include only white and ‘better than’.

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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.
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Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you. Please also tell us if you want your name as your byline or if you want your article to appear without your name.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

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Trump and the U. S. Supreme Court

Wednesday, June 27th, 2018

Members of the Supreme Court, appointed by Republicans and being Republicans, came together to make a decision on the latest version of Trump’s Muslim Band and decided to support the personal bigotry of the Republican President  – Donald J. Trump – instead of the Constitution of the United States.

When the second African American man was appointed to serve on the United States Supreme Court, those who made that decision appointed Clarence Thomas, a man accused of sexual abuse, sexual harrassment and  more.  Nevertheless, Clarence Thomas’ nomination was validated by Congress because the White Males in this country, especially those in Congress even after hearing the incontrovertible evidence as to Clarence Thomas’ character knew their own culpability in such sexist activities and cherished their sexist playground peopled by females more than they did the honesty, reputation and accurate interpretation of the Constitution.  Their decision in passing Clarence Thomas through to the Supreme Court showed one role females play in this society, which the Congress representing the society would not give up.  A woman’s abuse as sex object and her availability as object of sexual abuse , sexual harassment and sexual assault without penalties of any kind insured for the future.

That is still true as evidenced by the fact that we elected Donald J. Trump as president of these United States.  An illegitimate president, but one still in office almost two years on.  A man accused of sexual abuse, sexual harassment and sexual assault who admitted to such over national television and bragged about his illegal sexual activities.

We are now in the process of making sure that the institutions of these United States, including its Constitution all bow to his wishes – his autocratic wishes – his clearly evil wishes and actions which he is undertaking to remake this country from a Republic into an evil dictatorship with him as the dictator.

If this sounds angry, it is.  My life has been fighting against such evil and it just reoccurs.  We then start the process all over again.  Those who want to live in a society where they and ‘their kind’ are better than get better at it each time because we have had experience of knowing how to be more sophisticated and hidden in what we are doing and how we are changing the structures in which we live while, at the same time, keeping them the same.

This latest Supreme Court ruling putting the stamp of acceptability on Donald J. Trump’s wishes to make sure these United States discriminate against its citizens and those who would like to become citizens\based on their religion.  In the past the United States Supreme Court has ruled in such a way as to discriminate against African Americans slaves, making that legal and later against supposedly “freed slaves” by ruling that separate and unequal was legitimate and the law of the land – a ruling which stayed in affect from the late 1880’s until 1954.  A law which destroyed many lives and caused millions to live lives of quiet and sometimes not so quiet desperation.  The Trail of Tears under which Native Americans suffered and attempted ethnic cleansing and its ruling in 1944 that it was legal to incarcerate Japanese Americans in Concentration and Internment Camps because they were Japanese Americans and as such could not be trusted the way German Americans and Italian Americans could be trusted.

There were rulings by this same United States Supreme Court which is claimed to be color blind and sees all Americans as equal no matter their race, sex, sexual orientation, religions ethnic origins, etc.  So much for that mythology.

This ruling came about to facilitate the ethnic cleansing that we are in the middle of, led by Donald J. Trump who ran on such a platform – who set in place an Administration full of neo-Nazi’s; racists, sexists, anti-every religion except his kind of ET.Evangelical Christianity espoused by the likes of Franklin Graham and others who give this president a “mulligan’ whenever he transgresses God’s laws.

We held up to you what was happening – the United States was on its way to becoming another country following in the footsteps in Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany only worse.  You heard those warnings and said – that is an extreme comment. We pointed out to you that Concentration Camps would soon be established in these United States and you said – that is ridiculous and an exaggeration.   And you now have Concentration Camps, Internment Camps and you are on your way to Death Camps.  Those steps were taken in swift succession.

Today, they are peopled by children who have been weaponized to bring about Trump’s dream of an America over which he and his family rule like the worst despots,  the fascist leaders he has clearly articulated admiring like Kim Jong Un; Vladimir Putin and several others.

One thing Adolf Hitler did not do, but Donald J. Trump has done, is the weaponizing of children – “suffer the little children to come unto me for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven” – these are the ones he has weaponized and will continue and worsen his use of them.  Donald Trump is the man who bragged about deliberately walking into a room full of 16 year olds unexpectedly and unannounced. – The 16 year olds in various stages of undress as they prepared to be a part of his beautiy pageant and as such were in a position under him with his fairly substantial power over them.  Sounds like today?  Only this is not a beauty pageant; the children are much younger and much more vulnerable under his complete control as he can decide whether they live or die.  Try that when you think of all the children who are now unaccounted for, who cannot be found.  The United States military is preparing to house the world’s children in what is the equivalent of “black sites”.  Today, they are Hispanics.  Tomorrow they will be Muslims.  And after that?  After he has expanded his internment camps to accommodate the 100,000 and more he is currently demanding – will he then ‘intern’ the DACA people and be able to do so other quietly as he ushers them out of the country keeping them in the interim in these camps?  Camps that he could not establish for DACA because the uproar would be deafening.  But he can take this move very sneakily and by the time we know what he is doing it will be well along the way with many DACA people having been ‘evicted’ from the United States irrevocably.  He is moving fast to achieve #MAWA.

What has he needed to take this country all the way to an evil dictatorship which destroys its own people?  Trade Wars – we have that.  A recession that will make the “Great Depression” look like a wonderful time in the life of this country by comparison.  We are moving fast into that place.

We now have the largest federal deficit in history and we are moving extremely fast to make it as large as possible as Trump rips off everyone.  Here is a man who talks about saving money to his electorate and outlines how his latest evil scheme is going to save the United States tons of money.  How is that working for you?

Trump spends almost $1,000,000 per weekend as he travels to his golf courses and to his private club Mar a Lago to take on his management oversight of his property.  To make sure the marketing and oversight – by Trump – is still in place and producing results?  He manages and checks on all of his places at the expense of the United States tax payer making sure the marketing is such that the world thinks they have access to him on weekends and can get their projects funded and more if they patronize his privately owned businesses.

Trump has set up Concentration Camps and Internment Camps with children currently in residence.  The cost of keeping children in those camps is about $2,000 per day.  Before the camps were set up the cost was something like $360/day.

And the Trump administration is turning out to be the most corrupt administration in the history of this country.  His appointees are being exposed one at a time and he ignores the corruption of those who do his bidding and show him their loyalty – not to the country they are supposed to be serving, but to Donald Trump persoanlly.  They can be as corrupt as they want to be and rip off everyone and everything as long as they are loyal to Donald Trump –  A current example of a mafia “don” – only this time angling to be a mafia “don” on a world wide scale.

All of this gives new meaning to Melania Trump’s jacket and its meaning – “I really don’t care.”  Is this Donald Trump’s attitude and thoughts about the United States Constitution and the United States of America as it relates to and affects everyone except him?

Turning back to the United States Supreme Court.  What role has it played in this democracy?

We could go all the way back to slavery and when that was made legal and the law of the land.  But this would become a very long article. How did slavery become legalized?  See any coincidences and similar ways to achieve the evil a small group wants to install within the structures of these United States to maintain themselves as “better than”?

Let’s skip to the 1880’s when Plessy vs. Ferguson was before the Court.  How did it rule?  It made separate and (un)equal legitimate and that stayed in affect until 1954.  the U. S. Supreme Court turned back every attempt to turn back Plessy vs. Ferguson.

To insure that there was no equivocation and no misunderstanding that the Plessy decision was the intent of the Court, it ruled in the Korumatsu case that Japanese Americans – American citizens – many of more than one generation Americans – could be held in what are now called “black sites” because they were a threat to the National Security of the United States – and stripped of everything they owned.

Isn’t that what is being claimed by the United States Supreme Court today?  Trump’s travel ban must stay in place because it addresses the national  security of these United States.  Just in case you missed the confluence of these cases – at the same time the Chief Justice Roberts complained about the dissent statement of Justice Sotarmeyer he also declared the Koramatsu case to have been reversed and closed.  What he didn’t say – there was no longer any need for the Koramatsu case as any kind of exmaple as the Court moves along in other deliberations because the Trump Travel Ban does much the same thing – insures that now Religion is added as one reason which can be used to discriminate against American Citizens and others.

Those Concentration Camps and Internment Camps and Death Camps now hold Hispanic children.  They will probably soon hold Hispanic families.  They will, no doubt, move from there to holding DACA and from there to Muslims in general. And then what?  Are those plans being laid within the White House for the rejection and cancellation of the citizenship of Naturalized United States citizens because of “National Security”?

Those being held in the 1940’s in Internment were not German Americans nor Italian Americans.  Both groups would have posed a threat to the United States if the reasoning behind the Koramatu case was real and not a bunch of lies put together by the United States Government with the intent to incarcerate in Concentration and Internment Camps United States Citizens.

That goal was clear recently when “reparations” for the Japanese still alive who were interred in those camps.  Reparations for that group was passed by Congress and the people charged with investigating, for the purpose of handing out those reparations to the Japanese American families negatively affected by their incarceration without cause  – those people were pushed to “slow down” their investigations and to “slow down” their handing out of the reparations because the Japanese Americans to whom the reparations would be going were getting old and if the process moved slowly many would be dead before they received their reparations and the United States would not have to fully reimburse “saving money” in the process.

And what is behind all of this?  All because many of you need to maintain your identity as “better than” and you are going to do that no matter the cost to others or to yourselves.  So evil is taking over this country and swiftly.

If you dig a grave for me – make sure you dig a second grave and line it with a lovely and comfortable mattress because you will, without a doubt, be your own undoing and wind up in the same place.  I heard that someplace – and the more I think about it the more I realize what a true statement.

GREED – POWER and CONTROL over others – STEALING from others because of your own laziness – and on and on and on! – that is what is ruling these United States today under Donald Trump.


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.
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Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you. Please also tell us if you want your name as your byline or if you want your article to appear without your name.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

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Hair Color – Organic/Beautiful/Changeable!

Sunday, June 24th, 2018

Many breakfast table conversations move into the areas of health and beauty.  We have heard just about everything people do to enhance their natural looks and we have tried everything talked about.  We don’t put everything out for you to try or know about because we want to make sure someone in the Network has tried it and thinks it is marvelous.

As you get older your hair ages just as your skin, your bones and everything else.  So trying to “fix it”, “stop it”,  “shape it up”, “strengthen it” and in this case “keep my beautiful locks” can become a constant pre-occupation. A fun pre-occupation, but time consuming – so, expecting great results goes along with the staying beautiful and always at my peak of perfection.  My grandmother used to say “when you step out of that front door you should look as though you just stepped out of a band box.”  During those years I knew what she meant.  Today, I often wonder just what is a “band box”?

Entering into this discussion  comes “Henna” – a hundreds of years old solution to all kinds of hair problems.  One not so popular today because it is simply a plant which has been mashed and ground to a powder.

Several of us have been using Henna in different ways for several years and it has turned out to be fantastic.  It has taken all those years to learn how to get the best results but it was worth the trial and error and the gnashing of teeth. My hair has never been so beautiful and we are 20 times (4) years old, or maybe its is 20 times (2) years old or maybe it is something else?

The Henna we found most usable is the kind which is pure organically grown Henna.  No chemicals of any kind added; no preservatives; no anything else – just the crushed leaves of the Henna plant.  If you are going to try Henna, make sure it is real and not a part of a mixture of other things.

Now to – how to use Henna for your hair:

First:  Wash your hair with a good shampoo.  The Henna we settled on advises that you wash your hair with a shampoo without essential oils.  I use an organic shampoo with lavender essential oil and it seems to do fine although it is possible that the Henna would last longer if I listened to the experts.

Second:  Decide with what you want to mix your Henna.  We’ve tried eggs, organic apple cider vinegar, tea, coffee, yogurt and much more.  I found eggs and organic apple cider vinegar works best in my hair which is naturally curly and can look unruly if it gets dry – which can be often.

Don’t try eggs and organic apple cider vinegar at the same time.  Try one and next time try the other.  Inbetween applying Henna I now use a raw egg in my hair after I shampoo.  Crack the egg, beat it to mix yolk and white, cover your hair with the raw egg and make sure your all hair is covered while you sit with your hair and head wrapped in something like Saranwrap or a shower cap and wrapping a towel around my head for 1/2 hour or more depending upon what else I have to do. This is the same process I use for the Henna.   If I mixed Henna with organic apple cider vinegar. then when I wash my hair in-between Henna applications I go back to using the egg as a conditioner.

I was totally amazed at what the raw egg did for my hair.  At first I thought it was the Henna, but after many tries I realized it was the raw egg.  My hair comes out softly curled in spite of my doing nothing to it after the egg application except drying the hair with a towel and putting on a bit of organic Avocado Oil to keep it from drying out.  I know the effect has not come from the Avocado Oil because I used that before I started with Henna and eggs and after a day or two my hair dried out and looked as though it was breaking off and out of control.  With the egg and Avocado Oil my hair lasts looking great for about a week before it needs to be re-washed.

I don’t use organic apple cider vinegar in-between Henna-ing my hair because I didn’t see what good it did.  When I use it combined with the Henna the color seems brighter and shinier.

Third:  Ready to apply Henna to freshly washed hair – mix the Henna powder (which is ONLY Henna leaves pounded into a powder) with one or two raw eggs which you have whipped before adding and then add enough water to this mixture to end up with something the consistency of a thick, wonderful yogurt – which, by the way, is something you can also add to Henna.(Instead of the egg or apple cider vinegar).

Those who used tea and coffee didn’t see any observable results.  Their hair didn’t change in any way neither for the good nor the bad.  It didn’t seem to affect the color nor did it seem to contribute to how long the Henna results lasted.

My results last for about two months.  After that it is time to try again.  It lasts two months not because the color changes or leaves the hair, but because the grey grows back in and I have that color line between the new growth which is grey and the Henna’d hair.  What I really like is the new growth once I put in Henna, comes out a bit lighter than the old hair and it sort of mimics the grey and dark brown of my original hair.  The lighter color around my face has a softening effect.

I also like the fact that my hair looks as though I have had it streaked as the grey throughout comes out lighter than the hair which is still dark brown and that is also an effect I love.

You have to experiment to finally get the results you like and if you enjoy variety you won’t stop there, but keep on going so each time you step out you have a new look.  Not a drastic new look, but one of which you are aware.  Friends notice how nice you look.  It isn’t dramatic enough to notice and be able to see what the changes really have been.

Fourth:  Once you have the Henna mixed the way you would like – making sure the water you add is very hot – apply Henna to your scalp and hair until you have used it all up and have a thick coating with every hair strand covered well down to the scalp and root.

Fifth:  Wrap your head and hair with something like Saran Wrap or other material which will hold heat.  If you have a salon type hair dryer – where you put your head in the bubble and turn on the heat; or a hand held dryer with the cap attached to the hose that is great.  Go ahead with either of them.

If you use the Saran Wrap or a plastic shower cap – the ones you used to get from the airlines when you travel are great for this – after you have covered your hair completely then wrap a towel around your head to keep in the heat.  If you have the salon dryer or cap style dryer turn them on for at least 1/2 hour.  The darker your hair the longer you need to keep the Henna covered and heated.

Sixth:  Once the time has passed – I keep Henna on my hair for one hour for best results for me (you have to decide your best time through trying different times) – rinse your hair thoroughly with very warm water until the Henna has all washed out.  Be very thorough in this wash.

Seventh:  After rinsing the Henna out of your hair completely, shampoo as usual, towel dry your hair, and add a bit of organic Avocado oil.

Eighth:  After all of the above go about life as normal.  If you set your hair on huge rollers, do that.  If you shake your head, do nothing and go about your business do that also.  If you comb and arrange your hair the way you would like it to look when dry and then put on a netting to keep your hair in place while it dries – do that also.

Let us know your results.  This is a give and take article.  We’ve given and now we are ready to take in your experiences.  Let us know if you want your results published with or without your name.  You do have to be a member of Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community to have your results published in the Bettina Network blog.


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.
Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you. Please also tell us if you want your name as your byline or if you want your article to appear without your name.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to:


How to Unstop Your Sinks!

Wednesday, June 13th, 2018

We had a guest who came into the kitchen asking for baking soda and vinegar.  We didn’t know what to make of the request and asked if we could help with something?  She said no, she had everything under control, but we only had apple cider vinegar and organic at that.  She said she had never used the apple cider vinegar before but it would have to do.

When she came back to the kitchen about 5 minutes later to return the unused baking soda and apple cider vinegar she had this big smile on her face and said she was delighted to know that apple cider vinegar worked just as well as white vinegar because she preferred the natural kind, but had not used it before.

What was she doing?  The bath tub in her bathroom had water running out rather slowly and in her own home she put baking soda and white vinegar down the drains once a month.  She put that combination down every drain in the house on the first of every month.

So, of course, I took the baking soda – bought more from the store – went around the house and put baking soda and apple cider vinegar in every drain – showers, sinks, bath tubs, etc. and voila a small miracle – the drains run out quickly and just fine.  I was worried that I would have to call a plumber to have my drain pipes flushed out because I had noticed the slow draining water, but didn’t want to spend the money so I put it off.

Now I am glad I did.

Hope this helps someone.

P. S. – she was not the first person to tell us about baking soda and vinegar.  A couple from Hawaii, who we love dearly, left about a month ago and told us about the baking soda and vinegar, but like most of us I procrastinated and didn’t have either the drain pipes flushed out nor did I take their advice on the baking soda and vinegar.

I love this business.  Look at the information, wisdom and friendship that comes along with it.


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.
Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you. Please also tell us if you want your name as your byline or if you want your article to appear without your name.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to:

Porn Star? – Brother Adulterers?

Friday, June 8th, 2018

We could not stay silent about Rudi Giuliani’s comments which he made from Israel about the “classy women” Trump married as opposed to the horrible porn star claiming “falsely” according to Giuliani, that she had an affair with Donald Trump.

Lets take a look at history.  Here is the “Classy Woman” Trump married.  His Wife – Melanie!

The traditional photo of a nude woman on a bear rug is acted out here.  A porn star? Methinks this was done for free and to catch ‘the Donald”.  Lessons acted out in public to show young women how to reach the kind of success women should strive for to spend their lives ‘under’ a man – catering to his every wish and doing his commands so you also can wear designer original clothes, fly on private jets around the world and more.  Your own business giving you some kind of independence which porn stars have?  Not likely!  Independence is not a part of this – note the handcuffs as she is handcuffed to the bed – how about that for symbolism Mr. Giuliani. . These are the lessons Melania Trump brings to young women and young men. This was certainly her way to success and even today, dressed in more clothes which cost a small fortune, her message is – you are an appendage to “your man” and you live your life through him and his life, never on your own standing on your own two feet. Independence is not in the cards.


Still lying on that bear rug!  These are the values to pass on to your children? Use your body in this way to get your man who will take care of you so you won’t have to go out into the world and take care of yourself. Melania talked about her interest in fashion. We know several models, none of whom earned their money using their bodies in this way! It did help her get a rich husband, however, a husband who puts no value on women except to satisfy his ego and prurient needs.

Supporting her husbands’ support for the NRA? Showing how women can give their support to the NRA for their husbands benefit?

Half naked with a box full of jewels on a plane represents what kind of moral value? Selling one’s body?  This must be what Rudi Giuliani calls “classy woman” – but is she selling her body or her jewelry?

Why does Giuliani have the gravitas to represent Donald Trump?  Because they are brother adulterers and they treat women in the same very degrading way.  Wasn’t it Rudi Giuliani who was out on the steps of Gracie Mansion calling a press conference with his “mistress” – who apparently then was his press person – telling the press he was divorcing his wife.  Where was his wife?  In the kitchen of the same Gracie Mansion with his son making breakfast for her family.  Did she know about his press conference or the coming divorce?  No!  When did she find out – when a press person called her to get a comment from her on the then mayor’s press conference.  Until that point she knew nothing about her husband divorcing her.  How kind!  How considerate!  How like Donald Trump!

With some 19 plus women accusing Donald Trump of sexual abuse and worse, including rape, it is time for this country to deal with the truth of who their leaders really are and act accordingly.  Also take a look at our “leaders” and “aspiring leaders” and see where their moral compass is pointing – it seems to us they are willing to do anything to achieve what this Trump administration calls success.  Take a look at EPA Pruitt – complimented by Trump on the fine job he is doing.  On his way to becoming an American Oligarch by raping the United States of America.

Donald Trump’s base includes so called Evangelical Christians!  Where is your Christianity when these are the people you are supporting to lead your country?  Where is your Christ?  Certainly not among the likes of these – or are your sins so close to theirs you must support their deviances from Christian values to be able to live with yourselves?  Trash those who do good – Hold up those who lie, cheat, steal, commit adultery, abuse women and worse.

Support those leading this country straight to hell!


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.
Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you. Please also tell us if you want your name as your byline or if you want your article to appear without your name.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to:

What is Bettina Network, inc. – i.e. Publications

Sunday, March 25th, 2018

Bettina Network, inc. has several areas within its corporate structure.  Bettina Network Hedge Schools is one – to refresh your memory or read about the Hedge Schools see

Also included in Bettina Network, inc. are its publications: Bettina Network’s Blog and Bettina’s Menu of Events.  Both described below.  If you have questions don’t hesitate to email us at 

2.) Bettina Network’s Blog

is a conglomeration of conversations which take place around the breakfast table in one or another Bettina Network Hedge School/homes.                    


A Member or Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community sent us information which they would like disseminated to a large audience,


something happens which just strikes our fancy and we want to share it with all of you.

– all will go immediately to Bettina Network’s Blog.

Bettina Network’s Blog covers a wide range of topics —- With points of view you generally won’t find other places — you never know what will appear next — and that comes from the diversity within our corporation.  An article could come from one of the  Bettina Network Hedge Schools; members of Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community; or our own quirky people who work for the Corporation; or from those who volunteer to help us achieve our goals to “make this a better world one small step at a time”.


3.) Bettina’s Menu of Events

provides a rich, curated list of activities that will keep you busy,


will add to your intellectual knowledge base,

and help create and expand your store of wisdom.

Use the “Menu” before your next stay in a Bettina Lifestyle Home!

Bettina’s Menu of Events also includes reviews of everything, critiques of events, places, restaurants, happenings and more.

To use Bettina’s Menu of Events you must be a member of Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community.

As a member you will receive a password, which allows you access to Bettina’s Menu of Events, among other benefits.

Besides getting events to attend during your stay in a Bettina Network Hedge School you can also add events you find of interest so others can share what you found.  Some of our best events have been added to Bettina’s Menu of Events by members of Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community.  We encourage you to search the world for just that perfect event to share.

……And so we grow.

You can interact with us by:

CALLING: when you next need reservations either for yourself or from visitors coming from other cities, states, countries who would benefit immensely from spending their time away from home in a Bettina Network Hedge School.

Our homes are wonderful places to stay – some reach the appellation of exquisite.

Not much can compare to what we offer.

Our rates range from $110 through $495/night. In other cities the rates also vary depending upon what is offered.

Call if you are moving, changing your lifestyle, settling an estate – we are able to sell furnishings, jewelry, automobiles, stocks, bonds, etc.

Call if you have a home and want to join Bettina Network, inc. as a Bettina Host Family sharing your knowledge with guests who come from around the world. If your home is not currently ‘exquisite’ we have people who will work with you to make sure you are on a par with everyone else in the network.

Call if you have a home you want to donate to Bettina Network Foundation, inc. that we can use to house those who are in need and so continue to expand our training and more, recovering someone who might not find their way otherwise.  Yes, we do offer a tax deduction through Bettina Network Foundation, inc. a 501(c)3 corporation.

Call if you just want to talk to get acquainted and know more about who we are, what we do and where we are going.

And in the future, coming as soon as our resources allow – Bettina Network’s Research Library.


All of us at Bettina’s Bettina Network, inc.

P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238

1-617-497-9166 (or) 1-800 347 9166 (toll free within the U. S. and Canada)




Bettina’s Menu of Events can only be accessed by members of Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community via their personal password .

Check out our web site for more information at .

We are an exciting company which also includes Bettina Network’s Blog – Bettina’s Menu of Events – Bettina Network’s Sales – Bettina Network Research Library and Bettina Network Foundation, inc a 501(c)3 corporation.


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A Readers Response

Saturday, March 17th, 2018

Thank you for what you have written in the Manchurian Administration.

What amazes me is that Jared Kushner let the cat out of the bag early on that there was and would be “collusion” with Russia and Putin when he wanted to set up a “back door” communications channel for Trump and Putin to communicate.  And, when he wanted that back door to be immune to U. S. Intelligence Agencies listening and spying on what they had to say or what transpired between Putin and Trump, that just seemed to be Kushner trying to protect Trump from what he had to know would be a price to pay if those Intelligence Agencies could listen to the connection and conversation of those two people.

It seems very far fetched that Kushner would come up with something like that and present his idea to the Russian Ambassador unsolicited or with no reason except coming only from Kushner’s mind.

That is one of the most telling pieces of this saga for me.  That had to come to Kushner from trying to carry out his and Trump’s part of this agreement with Russia and Putin so Trump could become president and stay on the good side of Putin.  Clearly, to be on Putin’s bad side carries lots of danger.

I have followed this and it seems so clear to me that apparently, the Trump followers and supporters prefer their White Supremacy in all and any of its forms to a democracy.  That is a tough trade off but when it is your identity we are talking about people will give their lives to maintain their identity.  That is rock bottom who you are and that is not easily changed.  Our basic nature endowed identity is the group from which we come.  Add to that the next step humans most often take – to declare their group better than any other group and you have all these machinations, killings, spyings, and more to maintain themselves as better than at all cost.


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you. Please also tell us if you want your name as your byline or if you want your article to appear without your name.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to:


Food – Vanilla – Chicken Stock – Horrors!

Friday, February 9th, 2018

I have had to turn off the cooking shows.  I keep looking for one that does something other than season its desserts and sweets with vanilla flavoring and its savories with chicken stock.

Ever wonder why describing how dishes taste you always have to add – they taste a little like chicken, don’t know why, but I enjoyed the dish.  Or, describing a sweet you can’t really define the vanilla taste, but it is present.  That is probably because every dish made today that is not sweet is full of chicken stock and every dessert has vanilla flavor.

What is that about?

Well, the desserts are easy to fathom.  We use white conventional flour, white over-processed sugar, low-fat milk which has been over processed and is roughly equivalent to sugar water.  Debased – with the taste stripped out as well as the nutrition.  So,  you have to put in desserts  something to restore the flavor.  Thus comes the addition of vanilla.  Try baking without vanilla.  Let the ingredients win the day.  Try a cake with real organic cherries in the batter for a flavor component.  There is always raisins, cinnamon, nutmeg, hazelnuts, and so many more.

Try baking, cooking, saucing your desserts with organic whole wheat or whole any grain or whole anything else.  Organic eggs add incredible taste;, whole organic milk, organic butter, organic turbinado sugar, organic maple syrup or something equivalent  and you will see an amazing difference.  I very seldom use vanilla and get lots of compliments for the flavor of desserts.  Don’t totally eliminate vanilla, but use it on purpose for the taste not to carry the entire dish. Why?  Because flavor comes from all the ingredients and does not have to be restored by adding vanilla.  That just dumbs down your taste buds.  Once you get them back to rally tasting what you are eating you will really see how bored you can get with vanilla.  That is a real shame because vanilla is an excellent and adds great flavor, but not to everything sweet.

That is difficult to do when using almonds since the FDA has decided there should not be organically grown raw almonds.  Before you get the almonds, those dubbed ‘organic’ have been toyed with and those that are not organic or have no such descriptive label have really been trashed.  Someone decided almonds must be, at the very least, pasteurized or they will deliver mold, etc. to your gut.  Sound like the processed food industry looking for graft or profit where it would otherwise receive none?

Organically grown raw almonds are very good and not at all a threat to your health.  That is very far from the truth. Whatever the economic benefit to those delivering such an edict to all of us won the day.  Those raw almonds, not organically grown, have been chemicalized to avoid the mold.  Whenever I see something like that I think “shelf life”.  Don’t know if that is the case, but it is my fall back reason and it has been right in the past so I have no reason to doubt it today.

With everything savory using organic ingredients, that also makes a huge difference. Put aside the chicken stock and try water for a change.  The dish you are cooking provides a unique flavor all its own without the use of a “cheater” ingredient.  The chicken stock industry must have paid a pretty penny to get not that position.  There are other stocks on the market, but chicken stock seems to be the one used in just about everything.  Whoever came up with that must have made quite a load of money.

When cooking, you can taste the difference between grass-fed and hormoned/chemicalized meat.  You can also taste huge differences between wild and farm raised fish.  Wild fish tastes the way one would expect fish to taste.  Farm raised fish has a strange texture and the taste leaves something to be desired so additions are necessary to make a decent dish, probably the addition of chicken stock – and on and on it goes.  And you can bet any salmon with Atlantic in front of the name is farm raised.

Who is behind all of these changes to our food supply?  They are coming fast and furious and a stop sign is needed for all our benefits.

Homes that are a part of Bettina Network Hedge Schools are either totally organic – like one in Harvard Square – or they are on their way to becoming organic in their toiletries, food, paper products, cleaning products used and more.  Any way we can move the Network in the direction of using products that don’t destroy the environment or your body that is the direction in which we are headed.

Any suggestions to help that movement are welcome!


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you. Please also tell us if you want your name as your byline or if you want your article to appear without your name.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to:


The Bettina Oracle Speaks

Monday, February 5th, 2018

You keep calling me out to tell you more – this time no small answers lets take a broad brush across all of what is happening in the United States and why!

I told you some time ago there would be a continued upswing in their stock market from Barack Obama’s economic policies until Trump’s policies began to take hold and then the stock market would tank.

That happened last week.  Take a close look at the numbers.  Friday the stock market went down 666 points after a week of going down substantially.  What does that mean?  The market is screaming for you to hear its underlying movement – take a look at the Bible.  For those of you who don’t believe in such – humor me and take a look anyway.

Pick up your Sunday School lessons.  For those of you who did not study scripture pick up a bible and open it to Revelations Chapter 13.

What does the number 666 mean?  Try reading the Book of Revelations – Chapter 13.  The number of the “beast” – the antiChrist – the devil.  And that is where the stock market ended on Friday.  It gave you as good an opinion of Trump and his policies and presidency as was possible for an institution which speaks in numbers, a different language from all of you.  You are accustomed to looking at the stock market for indications of the health and lack of it of individual businesses and as a whole for where the economy is going six months down the road.  Now, take a look at it as an institution which reflects where multi-millions of souls exercise some kind of opinion and judgment daily.  In the United States Stock Market there are no secrets.  Someone knows – and the movement of the market tells all of your secrets.  And on Friday, after leading up to it all week, the stock market spoke as loudly as it could to reach you about this President of the United States.  That was a collective comment.

Where has all of this upheaval come from – what underlies this?

The United States Congress and the President of the United States:

First the Congress:

It cost immense amounts of money to run for Congress these days.  Most of a Congress persons time is spent raising money, most of which is spent on polls.  Why polls?  So Congress people don’t have to risk telling their truth – standing for anything – so they can have positions they espouse and on which they run and base their Congressional careers.  These Congress people take a poll and whatever the poll says has the largest number of voting people in back of it, that is what they espouse.  They redress the polls as though that is their opinion, their program, their – ‘je ne sais quoi’.  That is one thing creating all of this ugliness.  It comes down to lies, pretense and more and for what?  To be elected to Congress.

To get into Congress one has to raise incredible amounts of money and it looks at though that is what has happened to the United States Congress.  People are looking to side with those who can promise large sums of money for their next campaign to renew their Congressional Seat.   For example, wasn’t it Paul Ryan – third in line for the presidency behind Michael Spence – who pushed for a tax cut and immediately thereafter received a $500,000 contribution towards his next Congressional Campaign?  Or his next whatever he decides to do campaign?  To have to raise such huge amounts of money puts the power as to what this country will be like into the hands of the billionaires who can easily buy an election.  Or should I say, who have already bought several Congressional seats and some Congress people and those who want to be are falling all over themselves to show how obsequious and servile they can be if their Congressional campaign is backed with money from the few.

The phenomena of Donald Trump has brought that into clear view.  And then there are the connections that people who win the presidency have and use. Some connections during the campaign, many many more after the election.

Trump’s  very wealthy friend – Steve Wynn was finance chair of the RNC.  That means those running for Congress could be shut out of RNC monies if they didn’t toe the line and do what Mr. Wynn – who is Mr. Trump’s very close friend – says and tells them to do.  And – the president usually dictates the character, morality, values of those with money who come close to him – they usually have commonalities of character, morals, value systems and more.  Didn’t I hear a rumor that Steve Wynn and Donald Trump are claimed to have sexually assaulted many?  And aren’t they rumored to have other similar proclivities in common?

Didn’t you notice the bowing and scrapping that has been going on amongst Congress people.  Could that money possibility for his coming campaigns be what has been motivating Devin Nunes?  Bowing, scraping, foot shuffling, running around making a fool of himself for his future in the government.  And everyone says they are mystified as to why he has been doing this.  There is nothing mystical about it.  What it is about is human greed and grab for  Power and Control.  For some, just the warm fuzzy feelings they get from being close to and being seen as close to and representing power.

And — you see Congress people lining up to make sure their obeisance is in tact and that it is duly noted so their campaigns will be generously  funded.  And you see Donald Trump’s power extended and strengthened as he lines up with people who have the money to finance Congressional and presidential campaigns.  He becomes a power, just because he is president, because those wealthy and super wealthy individuals need to control the politicians so their prurient and business and personal needs and wants are satisfied and not handicapped politically and by politicians.

There are two political parties in the United States.  One party takes charge and pushes the agenda of the wealthy through and the reaction against it moves and helps to grow the other party in the direction of taking over some of its people.  That goes on until the parties change positions, beliefs, and things they work for and stand for.  A third party has never been able to develop beyond a very small group because the two dominant parties will not allow that to happen.  Until it does, and a strong third party forms, the United States will go through these charades.

I remember when the Democratic Party was the Party of slavery, of racism, sexism and more.  They were the ones keeping Africans from voting and were behind the KKK and other such groups.  Then, along came a handful of people who moved their followers out of the Democratic Party into the Republican Party because it looked as though there was a vacuum and into that vacuum they could put their followers and achieve the goals they were used to achieving through the Democratic Party.  In addition, the Democratic Party recruits its adherents through movements. The KKK, White Supremacists, White Citizens Councils were dying out and the Black Civil Rights Movement was becoming strong. The Democratic Party started recruiting from these groups and from the feminist organizations. as the Feminist Movement became stronger with more people joining and working to achieve its goals.

And then there is the Presidency:

For decades the office of the president of the United States has been accruing more power on a gradual ongoing basis.  If the inhabitant of that office is a moral person then the office and its powers are safe.  If not, and the office holder has the morals, character and soul of a Donald Trump then everything, everyone and the institution itself along with the Congress, the Legislative branch and the very Constitution of these United States are all threatened and the citizens are threatened with a move away from the Republic, which is the current government structure – not towards a democracy but towards a fascist state where moral corruption can abide and hide from public view.  Lies, theft, self-aggrandizement, scape goats.  All these thrive under such structures.  People regress from responsible adults working so all can thrive to dependent and irresponsible children supplying the powers in the system with their needs, wants, frivolities, debaucheries and more at the expense and sacrifices of the many.

The office of the president must be changed with far fewer powers so it is in line with the other  branches of government.  It needs constraints – a fail safe – to make sure it doesn’t become the monster it is becoming under this current president.  Clearly, we lack the ethics, morals and character to be able to trust our ‘elected leaders’ to move us in the right direction, to respect and follow the constitution, and to not bring foreign – particularly hostile foreign governments into these United States simply to increase the power, money and control of the government over which the current occupier of the office can exercise power.

Well, that’s it for now.  Pay attention – stay involved – guard your soul against corruption and everyone will be fine.  Don’t be afraid to speak up and speak out. When things get rough and one or the other side gets out of hand take to the streets to bring things back into some kind of equilibrium while the forces of the universe try to bring enough strength into your system for the creation of a third party.

There are so many good people in the United States.  It is worth saving – so hold tight, work hard and don’t give up.  Also, step up to speak truth and act out of your beliefs.  In such a circumstance you die once.  Shrivel, give in, give up, throw away what could be because you want a soft, smooth, effortless life – you will die a million times.


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you. Please also tell us if you want your name as your byline or if you want your article to appear without your name.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to:


Many Responses to Trump Article!

Sunday, January 21st, 2018

Since we had several responses to the same blog – we thought we would combine them as best we can to let you know what members of Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community are thinking about and responding to.  These are not direct quotes as we have tried to condense some, which were very long, and write the essence of others.  We do think we have kept a faithful reporting of the comments we received.  The emotion against Trump is amazingly strong.  We think, at some point, something has to give before this society explodes.

  1.  Overtime as I read or hear about Donald Trump and his machinations, I think KARMA and how it acts in the universe.  I also think about and am appreciative of your making the strong statement that mental illness and evil are not the same.  How many people claim Hitler was mentally ill?  Stalin? and all the rest?  There is a difference.  And, since the world is moving away from religions of all kind, no one wants to admit that evil exists.  We have seen it in human nature and it comes out, no matter how hard we work to suppress it.  You have to name something before you can conquer and move it out.  I am going to be one of those joining the #evilTrump group and put that hashtag on my postings that I feel show Trump’s evil.

2. It is interesting to me that once upon a time I used to love reading about the social goings on in Washington, D. C., particularly those around the president and his cabinet.  None of that seems to exist today.  I have yet to read about Trump and his wife going to social events in Washington.  I also don’t see anything about the “Washington establishment” having social events and inviting the president and his family.  Have I missed something or does Washington society see in this family the same thing the rest of us sees and doesn’t want to spend an evening mired in Bull Crap.

3.  Closing down the United States’ financial arm of the government by refusing to fund it on the anniversary of Trump’s inauguration.  What a way to mark that day.  We have decided to wear black arm bands until Trump is removed from office.  We can’t walk around in pink hats, but we can keep our hats in our pocket books for times when we can put them on.  I think the import of those arm bands say clearly the kind of grief we are experiencing with this man as president.

4.  When I heard the president prevaricating on which the day the government would be shut down and. which day he would announce his “Fake News Awards” – I was not surprised that he threatened a lot, but didn’t deliver until 1/20/2018. That is the day of his big celebration planned at Mar a Lago.  I wondered when I first heard of the celebration who would attend.  At $250,000 per couple that is more money to join the disappeared and unaccounted for and unreported disposition of money from the Trump inauguration.  People must now have a clue as to where their money is going.  My thought when the shut down loomed imminent was whether Trump would attend, because of the possibly low numbers of people who subscribed and would be attending?  There has been almost no coverage of the event and the press has been very carefully kept away.  That event shrouded in silence given what is happening all around and given what attendance or lack of it means to what is happening elsewhere it is quite suspicious that it was almost totally not covered by the press.

Everyone seems mystified as to why Trump has acted so unbelievably wild given this huge event on the horizon.  One would think his normal way of being  would be to do what he could to attend and bask in the glow of people idolizing him.  If that was not to happen and it began to be clear as the day came nearer – how to get over what would be a very revealing lack of support by his big contributors and save face was an issue.  Doing what he could to not fund the government was one way to glossing over this possible lack of participation by his big supporters.

I can’t believe people who are careful about their money would have made reservations to pay that kind of money to attend this “celebration” given the history of money disappearing and not being accounted for by the Trump group.  That seems to me to be what is behind this government shut-down.  A cover-up for a possibly failed “event”?  It would certainly have been majorly covered by the press if Trump were in attendance, but given that he was not there it seems that press coverage was elsewhere so we have next to no information as to what happened.  Have to get on the telephone to friends to see who knows about this – I am sure someone will talk about Saturday at the Trumps’

5.  I have taken a flying leap into wishful thinking as to why I think Trump worked so hard to see that the Government was shut down on Saturday 1/20/2018.  Mueller was ready to indict and arrest – Trump, Pence, Kelly and all the rest, but shutting down the government meant those about to be indicted would not be arrested during this event?  maybe that will happen next week.  Just a thought.  I also thought the “Fake News” awards were meant to cover-up something.  Especially since the date of release of that “award” kept changing.  Wonder if those changes had to do with the Mueller investigation?  One can only hope.  Especially strange that Pence was not at the Mar a Lago party – they sent him out of the country during the party.  Hope another book is coming out to explain all of these things.  Can’t wait to read the reality so I can stop guessing.

6.  Oh, the news leaking out about Russia infiltrating the Conservative movement.  Do you think “Karma”, which lots of people are beginning to talk about, had anything to do with it?  My dream is that those “Russian” and others infiltrating the Conservative movement would actually be converted in the process.  Anything is possible, right?  I wondered why there were these pictures around of so many of the loudest Conservatives and Evangelicals  turning up in Russia!  Whatever  being a Conservative used to mean, today it seems to mean you are cavorting with those who want to take down the United States Government and their way of contributing to that is by being an undercover part of the Conservative – especially Evangelical group.  How things change.  There was a day when Russia was the “evil empire” and we were taking down the wall – Ronald Reagan famously went to Germany to say “Mr. President, take down this wall.”  One would think that experience would make us very wary of building walls, especially for such evil reasons.

The Conservatives and Evangelicals are intransigent in their support of Trump, no matter what he does, and I can’t believe true Evangelicals would take that position.  When I hear people like Franklin Graham supporting a man who is an adultery, sexual pervert, pathological liar, sexual abuser, see no reason to ask for forgiveness because he has done nothing wrong etc. etc. and sees him as a role model for our children, I wonder how much money Russia and its allies have contributed to Franklin’s group.  Hearing about the infiltration of the NRA, a group I used to wonder how they became so powerful and with so much money so quickly, it certainly makes one think that others must have followed suit.

Editors Note:

That ends our trying to put out what we received from several people.  We combined two or three comments into one and did our best to accurately give to you what was given to us.  When someone like Donald Trump is doing his best to undermine and destroy all of us so we become too exhausted to fight back and he can just move along swiftly with his program with diminishing push back, one good way of fighting back is to openly and publicly vent to let all of that ugly out of our systems.


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you. Please also tell us if you want your name as your byline or if you want your article to appear without your name.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

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A Trump Brothel! Arguments against allowing Immigration into the United States!

Friday, January 12th, 2018

by:  Marceline Donaldson

When one looks at minority groups, the most mystifying problem turns into a question.  Why are so many women against feminism and equal rights for women?  Why are so many African Americans against other African Americans putting the entire group down?  Why are so many LGBT people against their own making the loudest, ugliest and longest “jokes”.  Maybe, just maybe Donald Trump has given us the answer.

Trump has been anti-immigrant for a very long time.  He ran for office on an anti-immigrant platform.

BUT, Trump comes from an immigrant family and not one that has deep ties into the United States.  Trump’s immigrant family recently came to this country.  His current wife – Melania arrives only after she became an adult and from an Eastern European country.  She is first generation immigrant.  Trump’s grandfather came when he was about 16 years old, no education, no money, no family – just here to make his fortune where it was believed that the streets were paved with gold.

And so, it becomes rather obvious that the Trump family has seen through the lens of their own family what happens when you let people immigrate to the United States.  Given their extreme racism, it is clear the conclusions this family would draw.  They are conclusions that say – if our family made contributions to these United States which have brought this country down low instead of raising it up high then goodness, what will “they”  – those others do if allowed into these United States.

What have the immigrants in the Trump family contributed since they immigrated to the United States:

Let’s start with the earliest Trump into these United States.  Grandfather Trump.

He started the rest of the males in the family on the construction/hotel/mafiaconnected/casino  road they have taken.  He built and ran a hotel.  And so the rest of the generations of his family followed suit.  His hotel was rumored to also be a brothel.  A rumor so strong it still exists to this day.  So the Trump family of immigrants started their fortune probably tied in some way to whatever mafia existed in those days in Grandfather Trump’s location.

And then comes the father of Donald Trump, who continues in the family business by continuing the construction work.  Question is, did he also continue the shady side to be able to fund his construction?  Did the money invested have mafia ties – maybe conditioned upon the other side of the Trump family business like Grandfather Trump’s is rumored to be?

We know the father of Donald Trump contributed to the continuation of the racism in this country which others were working mightily to eliminate because, among other things and  of all people – Richard Nixon and his administration sued the Trump’s for racism because they would not allow African Americans and probably other minorities to rent in their buildings.  Barely out of the old country – lying about which country they came from because of the negative connotation their German ancestry would have brought onto them at that point in history – they claimed to be from Switzerland.  So they were very conscious of what they were doing; how they were violating the laws and constitution of these United States, but continued and did their best to cast themselves in the best light possible, given their ‘immigrant’ background. And the child Donald Trump learned his lying at his father’s knee.

Why did they move away from their German background?  That was the time of Hitler’s Germany, after all.  The man who Trump seems to be most copying as he moves about his presidency.  In its early stages he clearly is moving in the direction Hitler moved in after he became head of Germany.  Quickly changing the judiciary so it grovels in front of him instead of doing the job of following the Constitution of the United States and that will worsen as he continues very quickly to make those changes – and Trump, the son, is very aware of that.

Instead of getting rid of the Jews,a la Hitler,  who were succeeding and moving out of the Jewish Ghettos to which they had been consigned for quite a long time – Trump, the son,  is doing his best to get rid of non-whites and non-‘Christians’ as he moves about his purge of these United States and sees the gains minorities have made in this country.   However, he has not gotten over the family’s anti-Semitism because we see it peeping out and becoming a deluge as Trump shows his partiality to Zionism and is clearly trying to bring Israel into being as a Christian country.  A dream of the KKK, White Supremacist and especially the ‘Christian’ evangelists.  By the time he finishes with his divisiveness in Israel – well, I really don’t need to spell that out.

the father of Donald Trump saw a like mind and belief with groups in this country like the KKK and that is where he gravitated.  When the huge march on Washington, down the Washington Mall of the klan in their white sheets and pointy hats happened way back when, the father of Donald Trump was one of the group he was one arrested, but he apparently not before he had his moment of glory expressing his beliefs publicly.

Donald Trump showed how closely he held those beliefs when he had his followers re-enact “Krystal Nacht” in Charlottesville in the not so distant past and came out publicly to make sure everyone knew this was not being done against him, but with his blessings.  His father would have been proud.

The Trump’s under Father Trump must have been violating the Constitution big time when it is Nixon who hauls them into court for violating the anti-racism housing laws.

And then comes the “Don”.  Donald Trump, who has been accused of everything from being a mafia ‘don’ or at the very least a part of and blessed by the mafia (although at this point one would think that at least the Italian mafia would be a bit too American to have anything to do with the “Don”, but nevertheless…) to treason to being a pathological liar, to being one who assaults women and brags about it, to being someone who launders for the mafia – or is it for the Oligarch’s who seem to have made the traditional mafia second class citizens in their reach …and on and on goes the list.

This is the president of the United States.  This is someone from a recent immigrant family. But this is a white immigrant family.  Maybe Donald Trump has it wrong.  His own involvement has probably clouded his judgment, he should be closing the borders to those from “white” countries who seem to be doing most damage to these United States.  Hmmmm!  Maybe I should scratch that out – is that racist?  Or can such a statement be called racist.

And lets not forget his current wife, Melanie who has left a permanent image for young girls and women to follow of posing nude in nothing but handcuffs hooked to bed posts and high heel shoes along with being practically nude in many outfits on an airplane to posing next to an airplane, which we assume is a Trump plane in black boots and very little else.  Being the First Lady has never had such ugly images connected to the job and they will all be left for posterity.  The young girls in these United States now have a First Lady role model to imitate to follow who has shown them how to go from immigrant with very little money to millionaires in her own right, married to a claimed billionaire, and being lauded as First Lady of these United States with a wardrobe which includes a $54,000 coat while others starve and suffer from no shelter in below zero cold on the street

With that kind of family I am not surprised that Donald Trump is so anti-immigrant.  If this is what his immigrant family has ‘achieved’ since it arrived on these shores goodness knows what others will do to continue to drag down these United States.  He can’t let that happen – he must act.

No United States President has ever been rejected as a state visitor to England – what used to be a close ally.  Trump has changed all of that and had to cancel his state visit to England – we assume because he was advised that he was not welcome there.

So hopefully, you now understand why Trump is so anti-immigrant.  I am sure he is only trying to protect these United States from those he thinks will bring the kind of harm he and his family have brought to these United States and wants to do whatever he can do to prevent such from happening. I am sure you also know why he has zeroed in on non-white immigrants.  If white  Immigrants can bring down the worst judgments on other immigrants, no matter which country they have come from what will the non-white  immigrants do.  Trump can’t let that stand or take that chance.  He has, after all, this first hand experience.

And now you have the answer to all of it – most specifically, why would a fairly recent immigrant to these United States be so anti-immigrant in his policies when he gets the chance to make some.


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you. Please also tell us if you want your name as your byline or if you want your article to appear without your name.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to:


The American Tax Cut

Thursday, December 21st, 2017

by:  Marceline Donaldson

If ever I have seen a group of people who should not be in government, it was those folks standing on the steps of the Capital – built by slaves – awaiting the arrival of their “leader”.

It was like a Greek play!

Along comes four White MEN!

My first thought was that the earth was going to open in front of them and – oops! – there they go!

but that didn’t happen.  They arrived in front of all those people who gave them such an ovation you would have thought they did something great.  But then we traditionally also applaud and give awe to evil!

I’ve never felt more justified in something I did; some action I have taken then at that moment when I thought back and realized I left the Republican Party, I was not one of them.  Today, I don’t understand why I stayed so long.  Trying to get people to change – to recognize where they were going.  I no longer had to hold up to them constantly their incredible history and from whence they had come.  That was futile and energy I spent doing that could have been better placed.  I put behind me the black man who headed the Republican Party in Louisiana – that is history and he would have changed parties along with me, if he were still alive. I wondered, if when Strom Thurmond changed parties to become a Republican this was his vision?  No – couldn’t have been because his reality was two families, one black and one white with his black wife having produced a black child with whom he had a relationship and who he educated.  However, with this display he, Nixon, Regan and all those others who helped bring us to this moment must be in great pain as this result from their life on earth turns up the heat they are experiencing in hell!

The applause was bad enough, but what came after was like watching a satire deserving of Saturday Night fame.

I watched White Men make total fun of their leader as they took the microphone, one after the other, and started out with such exaggerated, extravagant praise.  I wondered how they were able to deliver their acolades without falling down laughing right on the steps.  From watching them they were clearly poking the bear and enjoying their “secret joke” at his expense.  And ‘the bear’ probably was totally unaware of where they were really coming from.

When one called Trump the best president who ever existed as head of these United States I knew, without a doubt, that this was a group of people making fun of their leader.  My eyes widened and it became especially the height of satire when a woman took the microphone to do the same thing.  I wondered if she had ever been sexually assaulted!  And was she now holding up on a pedestal one of her assaulters in front of whom she was still fearful!  But her eyes danced so she must be one of the satirists.

such an incredible few minutes.

Like watching a bad movie!  But this was real life and these were real people!  These are people others elected to be their ‘leaders’.  Hope that changes.  We really need to take a closer look at those for whom we cast our votes.  We need to take our votes more seriously because those elected can and have done much damage.  We need to look pass the manipulations, the lies, the greed, – and yes, the word we don’t think applies to politicians – the evil created when we elect people who lie, cheat, steal, obfuscate. and do whatever to benefit personally from the post to which they are elected.  These folks are SAD!  Tragic!  Self-absorbed!  Turned into themselves to work for their own destruction! etc. etc. etc.

No wonder so many in this society are on drugs.  One probably has to be to take this.  Now where did I put my doctor prescribed pills…………….



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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you. Please also tell us if you want your name as your byline or if you want your article to appear without your name.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to:


Rummagings About Morality

Tuesday, December 5th, 2017

Isn’t it amazing what it takes for the experiences of your life to come together.

What is it you have wanted more than anything else in life?

For me – since I was little – it was wisdom and understanding.

Funny thing about that – it is exactly what I have received from life.  Not money – success – fame – all of that started to break in at different points along the way, but just as quickly as that breaking in started, all of those things – money, success, fame – were killed.  How and by who I will probably never know.  But wherever there were lessons to be learned I was there and the world seemed to open up to give me its ultimate secrets.  The biggest and most guarded secret is the one which showed me if the world defined money, success, fame had broken in, the wisdom and understanding would have stopped and that which had already broken in would be gone in a very short period of time.

Things that seemed obvious to me were a blank to many of my friends.  If that is not true, they were magnificent in hiding what they saw and understood. And what I understood was what one fears and that which keeps one from stepping out on faith is really who you are.  The fear is of losing those things the world has provided and putting you in a position of want – that seems to be our greatest fear.

So many things come to us for learning and almost all of them we ignore as we look and walk in the opposite direction.  We live on assumptions.  The assumptions we have put into our minds and hearts because that is what we want to believe about life and that is what we want to believe about those around us and that is what we want to believe about the world in which we live.

One grand truth, being presented on a world-wide stage these days is the moral structure needed for the world to maintain its racism, sexism and all the rest.  That moral structure is deep within our souls today and we live by that structure without ever thinking about what that has done to us spiritually.  The sacrifices we have made as human beings over the generations to satisfy our most base needs are horrifying when looked at on a world-wide scale.

How many lies do you have to tell yourself to believe and act and create your world around the incredible belief that you and those like you are “better than” everyone else.  What lies have Alabamians had to tell themselves to support and vote for Roy Moore.  We are living out a morality play each day and it is stark.  There is nothing romanticizing what is being played out on the U. S. Government’s stage.  It is and has drowned out and is quickly removing every good thing we have ever been about – and that is no exaggeration.  How did the ovens in Germany come about?  They were created by those who were born, raised, lived and died in a society which was full of normal human beings trying to survive but gradually taking that need to survive and that fear of failure to incredible heights.  They were not evil people, they were just like us.  They became evil as they became more and more entrenched in the opportunities to achieve untold wealth, great fame, etc. etc.

As human beings we seem to have been born with the need to group together with like minded, like looking, like acting human beings.  We have had our tribes which insured our continued existence.  There is nothing wrong with tribalism,  until the day comes when that tribalism slides into “my tribe is better than your tribe and your tribe must serve my tribe so my tribe can have more of what it wants in this life at the expense of your life and times.”

What do these rummaging have to do with today?  It brings to mind and heart all of the huge sacrifices we have made to create a country in which some are better than others; to have created that country on the backs of slaves who were demeaned and considered less than human; to have used the marriage laws to enslave others; and to have used women in various states to satisfy the most prurient needs of humans – which once satisfied become progressively more enslaving and violent and demeaning.

What price have we paid for that to have happened?  We live in and have created a society in which we have split the human race into sub-races, all described with some inhuman traits and all claimed as less than. The price for that has been our honor – our integrity – our beauty – our grace – our loveliness – our ability to love one another “as I have loved you.”

These times with Donald Trump have been times which have surfaced and brought front and center the sacrifices these United States have made to maintain as “better than”.  We have built what we call a “great country.”  We have built a country we consider better than all others and have never seen the sins we have put into that country’s structure.  We have built a country on a huge flaw and that flaw is today creating a huge earthquake.  What remains when the shaking and spewing up of stuff from the center of the earth stops is anybody’s guess.  We have built a country by condemning Jesus to death and then calling for a bowl of soap and water and a towel with which to wash our hands of the carnage that followed.  We have build a country and then divorced ourselves from its history.  We have built a country and taken no responsibility for the price we demanded others pay for its creation, its wealth,  and its continuation in the same vein which caused many generations to take on a system of moral values which they practice and deny at the same time thinking that others can’t see the lie!

Slavery – the Trail of Tears – the opening our doors to immigrants from all countries and then labelling them as “less than” by those deemed on top of the heap –  all have prices to pay and today we are paying those prices.

Our value system was shown as bereft when we killed African slaves who ran away, when we lynched Africans who dared to vote.  It didn’t matter whether they were 100% or 5% African, they were not on the same high level as others who were redesigned as – not human and a part of the human race – but “White” and better than those who were not white.  The north ignored the lynchings and claimed the moral high ground.  They had psychic ways to deal with such people.  It was a slow painful death they put out.  The south engaged in incredible violence and so Billie Holiday sang “Strange Fruit” and everyone knew what that meant the lynchings were so wide spread.

For years the “flowers of the South”, the “Southern Ladies”, had a stereotype and pictures which showed them as “beautifully” adorned and having their place on top of the pedestal, that very high mythical column.  They were blinded by the compliments, the supposed lifting them up above ordinary humans, the opening the doors for them by others so their gloved hands didn’t have to touch that which many mortals touched before them.  And so much more.  We bought our own horribleness because it flattered our egos and built up our vanity.  The truth of the degradation, demeaning, violence against were all denied by even – or should I say especially by – the women against whom it was thrown.

Today that has been exposed and is continuing to be exposed on all of its levels.  It has been like peeling the onion.  We are almost down to the core so the fighting and brutalizing has become blinding in its attempt to maintain what has been and move it even further by making it function in spite of the fact that the cover has been removed and we can see all of this in its stark truth.  We have become that corrupt?

Alabama is symbolic of these United States and its historic degradation of those in power.  Drunk with its own strength against others “not like them” it is almost as if retribution is at its door step.

We thought the bottom was reached with the carnage on the Petus Bridge, but that was just a way station on the way to greater evil.

To have seen yourself involved in that kind of sin and to move on to ever greater sin and to then claim god on your side, behind what you do, pushing you to ever larger acts of evil – it is mind-blowing how anyone can see you and not recoil from the evil coming from your very pores.

Today, it is not about African Americans on the Petus bridge – it is about the right of males to brutalize, sexually abuse, tear down, misuse and lots of other adjectives – women.  What will it be about tomorrow.  The same souls are calling the future.

Women in corporations were brought in to serve the men and that happened because the women had been trained to acquiesce and to demean themselves.   It becomes understandable how that could have happened when you own a small corporation where you do a lot of the work and see how you can get behind because you become overwhelmed with only 24 hours of the day.  And you then see how easy it would be to bring in people who have been labeled “less than”, “not as bright as”, not meant for the higher things in life – especially the exercise of power,”  to have them do all of the grunt work and most of the real work while you prance around like a terminally ill peacock taking credit, money, power, success.

The campaign of Roy Moore is a Calling.  It is Roy Moore set up as the bait to call folks to maintain a society which allows women to be used as sex objects and then discarded.  He is bait to call folks to lie, cheat, steal, and yes – murder – because women have been murdered in the name of preserving and passing down to our children a society which has institutionalized and wants to continue in the way it has been going for hundreds of years.  He is bait to have some folks turn away and try to set up the same structure, but less transparent.  For these United States to be racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic and all the rest means these United States has transgressed in gross ways against its citizens and against others around the world needed to maintain a “better than” society where the hard and dirty work is done by those scraping and scratching 24/7 just to put food on the table and a roof over their heads.  It is a society with trap doors for those who go too far and are not among the group designated as “better than”.  Why else would a man become Secretary of the Treasury who has had tens of thousands of people thrown out of their homes onto the street and who lives in a mansion which could house many more than just himself and his wife?  Why else would we have laws to prevent any other than those selected by that society to succeed with enormous road blocks to trip, fell and kill those who are able to get around those road blocks?  but we have standards which are necessary to continue the denial – we have those few to disprove the rule and maintain them vigorously.  Even the KKK had to have a few blacks to maintain their superiority and proclaim their high morality because they accepted those few – the others were not worthy, not human, not equal to.

Amazingly, my life has escaped the anger that should come from living in such a place, but it has.  Why?  Because that anger is generated in those who share the moral values of those doing the bigotry.  To see how far we have gone off the road is to understand the story of Adam and Eve on a level most ignore and just quote the Bible as a very literal book.  To demand the you read and understand the Christian and Jewish Scriptures literally is to totally miss what it is saying.  The story of Adam and Eve is the story of what could have been.  Where we started from and how far into sin, degradation and evil we have fallen.  Adam and Eve turned their naked bodies into horrible sinfulness and ugliness they had to hide.  Evil crept into their lives, which they cultivated and still today cultivate.

Many of us hoped and thought the horribleness in Alabama would give way to something more beautiful.    After witnessing that period of American history in Alabama and in other places around these United States – that example should have brought many to their knees asking forgiveness.  Instead it seems to have generated a hard hearted response – a determination to continue on the path of violence towards women as not only justified but able to give one entry into the hallowed halls of government.

So much more could be said – however – the one relevant thing is “How long, O Lord, how long!”


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you. Please also tell us if you want your name as your byline or if you want your article to appear without your name.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

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Trump and Kelly – Resign!

Friday, October 20th, 2017

The Manchurian candidate has become the Manchurian president.

Trump has spent his presidency causing chaos, confusion and more.  Isn’t that what Russia would have wanted in exchange for helping Trump gain the presidency?  Donald Trump, now President Trump has not missed a time of sowing the wind so we could reap the whirlwind.  Does he do this in the expectation that when his tenure as president is over Russia and its friends will reward him with a Trump Tower in Moscow, to be the largest such complex in the world?  Isn’ that the kind of goal Trump would relish and fight to achieve?  With an ethical standard that has no traditional right or wrong, his sense and practice of ethics is relative to what is happening immediately in front of him with right replaced with what benefits Donald Trump and wrong replaced with that from which Donald Trump does not stand to gain,   Spending time as President of these United States – doing Putin’s bidding – or the bidding of whoever is his ‘handler’ is the place where Trump will spend his time and energy.  He is doing an incredible job fulfilling his role as ruiner of America – the Manchurian President.  A side job he has probably decided on for himself is the job of lining his pockets with as much as he can before he is out as president.

General John Kelly, or rather Mr. John Kelly (since he is today a civilian and not a General)  – the  Chief of Staff – whose unvarnished bigotry was on full display during his appearance in the briefing room – you need to resign before your very soul is destroyed.  Your hypocrisy and bigotry is flying all over the world for all to see.

It was clear during Mr. John Kelly’s appearance yesterday, in the briefing room, to defend his boss, that he and his boss have a lot in common.  Kelly clearly supported his boss – voted for him? – is very much like him when he isn’t hiding behind the veneer that the training he received during his tenure in the armed forces allowed him to learn about and use.  John Kelly is definitely not the adult in the day care center, but a bigot working amongst other bigots.  In such a circumstance it is very easy to lose your ethical center and, if he ever had one, it is now clearly missing.

Many things were uncovered during Kelly’s appearance in the White House Briefing Room and many things have been confirmed. When Donald Trump took office as president, ‘GENERAL’ John Kelly was named head of Homeland Security.  That department rolled out the first Muslim Travel Ban in record time.  It was brutal and caused incredible grief, suffering and casually vicious evil for tens of thousands of people.  That was the work of Mr. John Kelly.  The armed forces gave him the tools he needed and he used them  to act out and attempt to put into the United States system of government a travel ban which was bigoted and a part of Donald Trump’s plan – which Kelly agreed with – to “Make America White and Christian Again”.  What Kelly does not realize is that once his ability to contribute is over, and he has done what he could to help Trump and others re-establish bigotry in these United States,  he will clearly be shown that the group discriminated against includes Catholics.

It was an incredible experience to watch this former United States General stand in the briefing room and make a fool of himself because his bigotry led him to that place and time.  Kelly outlined his bigotry for all of us without even being conscious of how he was exposing himself.  He outlined for all of us his bigotry and the incredibly flawed and romanticized view he holds of the United States.  His description is a romanticized version of the bigotry which existed in these United States as he was growing up and in many places still does.

This view is palatable if one takes John Kelly’s description and ignores the reality of a country that was racist, sexist, violent against minorities – especially in the Brighton/Greater Boston area during that time, gave great privilege to white males with Northern European ancestry and – especially during the time John Kelly describes – was particularly bigoted against the Irish.  Irish from Brighton, MA. would have experienced that bigotry and apparently John Kelly escaped the reality of his life growing up and taking on the identify society tried to give him by putting in place this “better than” picture and now describes to us, with all the rhetoric of the White Supremacist with whom he clearly identifies. a world that did not exist except in the corner of his mind which he uses to justify himself and identify himself as better than and more equal than….

John Kelly took his place on the platform with his tikki torch just as others did in Charlottesville, VA. when they were out marching around and doing damage to others  imitating Hitler and Nazi Germany’s Krystallnacht.

Kelly talked about how wonderful this country used to be.  Woman were honored; churches were filled; etc. etc.  Kelly had no consciousness that he was spouting the worst kind of racism and sexism.  From Trump, women are sluts and objects for sexual abuse and misuse.  For Kelly they are honored on pedestals way away from the real world and there they should stay.  In that vein, as we turn the armed forces into a “sacred space”,  we need to remember that sexual abuse, rape, and all the rest which Trump brags about doing, was very prevalent in the armed forces.  The fight to reduce what was wide spread and so accepted that a woman’s career in the armed forces was just about over if she brought formal charges against anyone after she was sexually abused or raped or… is something that happened during Kelly’s active tenure in the armed forces. I don’t see John Kelly’s name amongst any of those who fought against those practices.

While Kelly tried to be the “General” during his time in the White House Briefing Room, misusing his title in the service of someone whose bigotry got him into the non-sacred space he was now occupying, Kelly’s common ground with Donald Trump kept slipping out.  Calling Congresswoman Wilson an “Empty Barrel”, among other epithets, was clearly in the mould of his boss.  Kelly was arrogant enough to attempt to reduce a Black Woman, whose life shows her care and work for others and the struggle that she has been through because of how Kelly’s racism and sexism contributed to making her life significantly harder, he tried to reduce her the exact same way his boss would have, with the epithet of “Empty Barrel” and a string of lies.  Kelly’s mental illness was on full display.  The kind where he can do and say and the person he is doing and saying about has no ability to respond.  His is the word that will stand – OR – does Trump have something on Kelly that forced him into that position?  It seems to me that is the case with several people – in Congress, on his staff, etc.

Kelly showed his inability to see or participate in any kind of equality when he claimed to be “stunned” that Congresswoman Wilson was listening in on such a sacred conversation.  The fact that the conversation was taking place in an automobile and the conversation was clearly on speaker phone to which anyone in the car would hear and could listen, didn’t come into his calculations.  Neither did the fact that he and others were listening in on such a “sacred conversation” as well.  They were doing the right thing that they were qualified and should be doing.  With the exact same actions Congresswoman Wilson was somehow violating some code of privacy – the White’s listening were the privileged deified to do so by White Supremacy and the Black Congresswoman and others in the car not allowed to violate that “sacred space.”

Most Blacks can understand that assumption since a part of racism is cornering a Black into a space where no one else exists and oppressing them in such a way that their psychic responds to the hurt so inflicted and ‘puts them in their place’, but they cannot object nor bring that oppression public with any credibility.  A strange satisfaction racists have gotten for generations. A racist act Donald Trump performs on a daily basis in almost all of his acts and conversations and now we have seen that his Chief of Staff does also.

President Trump is accustomed to demeaning minorities.  He arrogates that right to himself and has apparently done so throughout his life.  It was his birthright given to him by his father, who was involved enough with the Ku Klux Klan to have been arrested as one of them at one of their rallies.  His birthright from the way his father trained him to insure that the buildings they built were not to be lived in by Black families.  We know that from the civil rights law suits filed against them by the federal government probably because they accomplished this discrimination and bigotry using federal funds and violating United States laws.  Habits instilled from childhood, which Donald Trump to this day apparently still follows as normal and the way things should be if America is to be great again.  If America’s greatness is to be defined as the racism, sexism, violence against women and others, etc. etc. that are a part of America’s history, we are sadly going into the dustbin of history not into greatness.  We will be there in good company with Putin in the adjoining dustbin.

Clearly, from General Kelly’s presentation, not only the Bannonites carry tikki torches for this president, but so do his ‘generals’  The way this administration is mirroring Nazi Germany is incredible and moving very fast down the road as they take into the Trump administration the equivalent kind of who helped Germany become the country of extreme bigotry under Hitler’s leadership.

In the United States, we have never had so many “General’s” in an administration before.  We have gone against what we have outlined as not permissible in a democracy to bring in Trump’s generals.  To have supported the election of Trump for president the first requirement these generals would have needed was for Trump and his people to see the familiar bigotry in their lives and belief systems.  Kelly has clearly outlined and shown the rest of us why he qualified to be Chief of Staff.

After that display in the White House Briefing Room and his rolling out a program (the Muslim Travel Ban) which violated the Constitution of the United States and many other such slights and crossing the road from democracy to the Russianization of the United States that Trump seems dedicated to bringing in, Kelly has shown himself qualified to work for Trump.

It is time for’ General’ John Kelly to resign as Chief of Staff and remove himself to a retirement community of all White, all Catholic Christians where he will be most comfortable.

Having lived a long life and having seen what it was like to have your ancestral roots in Ireland, it is amazing that General John Kelly could say the things he said in that WH Briefing Room.  I grew up where Irish, Africans and Native Americans lived, worked, married, raised children together.  They did that because they were this country’s outcast.  “No Irish Need Apply.”  That is also John Kelly’s world before he replaced his past history with this clearly unreal and very racist storyline.

Where General John Kelly was raised, Irish were the servants because no other jobs were available.  They scrubbed floors, cleaned toilets, demeaned themselves for the WASPS for whom they worked to be able to put food on the table.

Mt great-great grandfather was Irish and his family came to this country settling on  a farm in Ohio and then moving to Illinois before he moved to Baton Rouge, Louisiana.   My great-great grandfather Adams married my great-great grandmother – a Choctaw Indian who was on the Trail of Tears, forced to walk from Alabama to the middle of the country with no food, no clothes to protect from the weather, no place to sleep except wherever the group being pushed along by the U. S. Federal army – ordered by their generals to keep these people moving along so White Christian ‘Americans’ could have the land on which they lived and worked for generations.  John Kelly’s ancestors were not a straight line down from those Generals, they were a straight line down from the Irish, Africans and Native Americans who tried to support one another during that time frame because the bigotry was so strong and their lives were considered less than nothing, except when needed to do someone else’s dirty work.

General Kelly needs to remember his history and the history of those who went before.  Having been raised in Brighton, MA. – now owned by Harvard University – was not the best of upbringings.  One ‘out’ he had in this country was to join the armed forces, which he apparently took.  But he also developed a “better than” attitude adding that to his identity.  “General” wasn’t enough.  The ability to oppress via “White Supremacy” had to be added to his belief system as the ground under John Kelly to make him feel adequate to his life.

Donald Trump needs to resign along with John Kelly, especially when it will be discovered that the two of them caused the death of the four special forces men who gave their lives for what the men thought was a good cause – defending their country.  Trump and Kelly caused their death by doing their best to demean their country and turn it into a bigoted space in this world – sending the likes of those four who died into harms’ way to justify and bring about Kelly and Trump’s need to be better than – their need to be a part of a system of government for which your skin color, hair and religion determine your place in that system of government.  They are working hard to make sure democracy is stopped and along with Vladimir Putin is replaced with a system of government which oppresses its people and forces them to work while the governmental people at the top reap the benefits of their toil.

The movement today is to keep America White and Christian.  But “white” is relative.  Only in America are people classified as “white”.  In Europe they are French, English, Scandinavian, etc. “Race” is an ungodly invention, which happened in America to justify slavery so Christians could go to Church on Sundays.  Color goes only skin deep and probably doesn’t go all the way through the skin.  Instead of classifying people by their hair, color, etc.  try classifying them by their character, achievements on behalf of others, etc.  Our entire U. S. government would have to change if that were to happen.  Our current governmental leaders  lie, cheat, steal, sexually abuse, etc. etc.

Weinstein is being excoriated for his alleged sexual abuse.  Trump was elected president in spite of all that was alleged against him and in spite of his admitting to and bragging about sexual abuse, but he was rewarded by being elected president.

Trump whipped up the crowds at his rallies into a bloodlust group of people screaming for Hillary Clinton to be jailed – about having her killed – about doing violence to others for which he, Trump, would pay the legal fees for those taking such actions.  A large group against one woman who Trump felt was becoming too powerful and certainly not reflecting her female stereotype.  Trump and his campaign brought  violence against women out from behind the private places where it usually happens into the bright sunlight with people owning and bragging about their bigotry.  He brought the KKK out from behind their white robes and pointy hats.  He made being and admitting to Nazism an OK thing to do.  He is responsible for bringing all of the symbols and institutions of Nazism into public view in this country.  He has made it acceptable.

Donald Trump and the way he is ‘governing’ looks as though his strongest goal is to fill his coffers with the United States gold and to add to it as much of the world’s gold as he can manage to pilfer.

John Kelly looks like the assistant who is going to destroy the last bits of his character and end his life as the person who most ably assisted Donald Trump in that mission.  How he is characterized today by those having to live and work around him is not how he will be characterized when the history of his life is written by others once he has passed out of power and can no longer negatively affect those who speak truth.

Some stray questions!

Congresswoman Wilson was threatened after she spoke out about Trump’s telephone call to the point where her office felt its security threatened and reported the threats.  At the same time, Trump says he refused to answer reporters questions about the incident until Congresswoman Wilson repeated what she said about him and the telephone call.  From watching him and hearing his comments, it was clear to me that he expected her to recant what she said.  That sounds to me like a definite threat someone would make who knew about and could make happen the violence threatened against the Congresswoman.

Trump and Kelly – RESIGN!

Trump has established temporary Concentration Camps – using disasters which create extreme pain and suffering to create these CCamps through his and his staff’s refusal to act in any kind of a timely fashion.  Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands are two examples.  He has to finally come around to acting somewhat positively, but he does not do so until much damage has been done and the “brown people” involved have been pushed decades behind everyone else.  Inviting the Governor of Puerto Rico to Washington, D. C. and trash talking about the corruption happening in Puerto Rico around the help they are receiving from the United States, while at the same time praising the hard work and honesty of the people in Texas is beyond one’s ability to imagine that a President of these United States would so engage in that kind of talk and actions.

Trump and Kelly are using disasters and travel bans as one way to attempt to get rid of the fact that most of the people in these United States, today,  are minorities and their numbers are growing.  Another way is the various Muslim ban’s Trump and Kelly have brought into being.  Be particularly aggressive in throwing non-white, non-Christians out of these United States to attempt to continue the supremacy of White Christians so this country can remain bigoted against minorities and women. It was effective during Katrina.

New Orleans was reduced from over 70% Black to some 50% Black and from overwhelmingly Democratic to Republicans taking over.  What an example for Trump to follow! And, in the process, Trump is becoming more outwardly and publicly bigoted in everything he does and says.  When the story of what happened in Niger is finally revealed – even if that means we have to wait for another regime to tell the truth – will it show that Trump and Kelly caused the deaths of those four young people through their bigotry having added Chad to the list of countries whose people are not allowed into these United States – among other things they have done, some even more direct to the cause of those deaths?

Trump and Kelly – RESIGN!  You are a disgrace to this country.


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

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Puerto Rico – CCamp 2017 style

Friday, September 29th, 2017

The story of the Trump Administration and Donald Trump continues to unfold and as it does, the fascism and the many ways black, brown, yellow, red, purple people are negatively affected by this administration continues non-stop.  Trump has not missed one way of doing everything he could do to diminish, degrade, take away the rights of U. S. Citizens under the Constitution, respond only to those who are white – northern european – and hiding that fact only loosely under specious rhetoric.

The NFL debacle – was that to distract and take people’s attention away from what the administration was going to do and was in the process of doing to American citizens in Puerto Rico – the Brown people?

We have a president who actively pushes and demands that American citizens, especially those ‘in charge’ – violate the U. S. Constitution in the way they live, conduct business and interact with those “under” them.  He did it with the Muslim ban –  with the NFL – and now with Puerto Rico in the way he has handled the response to the tragedy under which they are living.  As much as he could use his office to make the lives of minorities horrifically worse he has not missed.

With the NFL the president has done much tweeting and in other ways making demands that the ‘owners’ of the team – the owners of the franchises – refuse their people their constitutional rights and if they demand and move ahead as though they are full citizens of this country living under the U. S. Constitution with their rights under that Constitution fully respected then the U. S. President wants them fired and their personhood diminished in the process.

The president of the United States has done almost no tweeting – especially when compared to what he does regarding other issues – about the situation in Puerto Rico.  The tweeting he has done about Puerto Rico has clearly uncovered his goal – which is to do as little as possible and to lead the American people into a space of doing very little for those others.

There are many ways to get the results you need from Concentration Camps and in this case the storms have produced an incredible time and way for the Trump administration to horribly oppress a group of brown people who the Nazi’s w0uld have sent to Concentration Camps.  Only Trump’s CCamps are 2017 style.  You can’t, in 2017, get rid of minorities the way Hitler did – one has to be imaginative about it and Donald Trump has been unbelievably visionary about how to recreate CCamps doing as much damage to minorities as possible while living to do the same for another day.  Do the deed and don’t just deny, but talk about what a fantastic job you are doing for the brown people.  Talk about how much aid you are giving them.  And then throw in quietly, you can’t do much because they don’t have the money to pay for their aid – and even more quietly engage in foot dragging to make sure the lives of the brown people in and around Puerto Rico takes the largest toll possible so the diminishment and elimination of the minorities of this world takes place in Trump time with Trump’s denial, but continuation of his actions as he moves on to the next event which will allow him to so eliminate minorities.

With General Kelly at his right hand it is not possible for Donald Trump to give any credible reason for waiting over 8 days to waive the Jones Act and on and on and on it goes.  Either General Kelly is complicit in this 2017 time of using what’s at hand to attempt to destroy – or at the very least – substantially handicap, oppress, keep in as bad conditions as possible so as many die as possible or if he is not complicit, he is continuing as Trump’s Chief of Staff and not giving Trump the benefit of his knowledge and experience from his military training and wisdom; his time spent as head of Homeland Security when he very efficiently brought in the Muslim ban or ?

What more is there to be said?  Keep foreign governments from coming to the aid of Puerto Rico by keeping the Jones Act in place.  Keep the Puerto Ricans in painful, disease inducing, death inducing, and in a place where they are starving with very little to no health helping possibilities and on and on goes the list.

Playing to his base again?  Fading into the woodwork are the Fascists, the KKK, the White Supremacist, the Mafia – all who are now clear believers in the fact that Donald Trump is on their side, doing what they would do and making sure he puts a good face on what he is doing so he can continue onto the next tragedy, catastrophe, demonstration and more that he can use to push the goals of his base – their racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-semitic and more goals to change this country and move on to work with his friends around the globe to indeed change the world.

Change this world how?  Make the the rulers of this world and those who benefit from the life of others white again.


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Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

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In June 84,437 readers and in August 92,452

Wednesday, August 30th, 2017

We went over the 2,000,000 readers mark in August, 2017.  Over two million readers have visited Bettina Network’s Blog.

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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

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An Open Letter to Our Leaders!

Sunday, August 20th, 2017

From:  Harold E. Doley, Jr.

To:  President Donald J. Trump:

Vice President Michael R. Pence:

U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell:

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan:
Congressman Cedric Richmond:

“Robert E. Lee stated that he would not be buried in his Confederate States of America (CSA) uniform because that act would be seditious.  At Lee’s funeral in 1870, no former soldiers or participants marching in his funeral cortege were allowed to wear CSA uniforms. 
There is a simple remedy for our present state of affairs regarding monuments to former Confederate generals and the Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia, it is to go to the U.S. Constitution. 
Section 110 of Article III addresses treason and sedition.  Treason and sedition are federal law/Constitution violations.  To support the Confederacy and its symbols is to be a traitor of the United States in fact and in spirit.  
Section 110 of Article III states: “Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open Court. The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason.”  Thatpower of punishing the crime of treason is exclusive in Congress; and the trail of the offense belongs exclusively to the Federal tribunals.
In 1790, the Congress of the United States enacted that: “If any person or persons, owing allegiance to the United States of America, shall levy war against them, or shall adhere to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States, or elsewhere, and shall be thereof convicted on confession in open Court, or on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act of treason…”
Our history books have incorrectly labeled the war between the states as a Civil War, which is a misnomer.  What occurred was a group of states succeeding from the Union and creating the Confederate States of America and attacking the United States of America.  This was a war of secession.  If it were a civil war, which is an attempt to change the government, that would have been a revolution. 
We laud Mayor Mitch Landrieu of New Orleans and we thank Wynton Marsalis for initiating the removal of the monuments in New Orleans.  It is ironic that the erection of statues and the naming of boulevards and schools for Confederate soldiers and cabinet members of the CSA is a romantic notion.  There was not one bullet fired or cannonball shot in New Orleans during the Civil War.  In 1862, Admiral Farragut disembarked from the USS Hartford at the Port of New Orleans, walked to City Hall and told Mayor John T. Monroe of New Orleans, either you surrender or we will level the French Quarter.  Confederate General Mansfield Lovell advised Mayor John Monroe that opposing the Union would be futile.  New Orleans, the largest Confederate city, was captured without conflict.  Therefore, the monuments and other namings in New Orleans do not have any historic relevance whatsoever.  Again, just romanticization.  Likewise, members of the white supremacy groups, Neo-Nazis and KKK, are overwhelmingly not descendants of those Southerners that fought in the army of the Confederate States of America.  For those to state that they have a kindred spirit with the Confederacy is a fantasy.  Those Americans aligned with these groups which are not based in historical connections should just be bold enough to state that they are racist, anti-Semites, and white supremacists, rather than attempt to distort that which motivates them.
America’s history is complicated.  My great-great-great Aunt Sarah Knox Taylor, was married to Jefferson Davis.  As an American of African ancestry and a descendent of the Mayflower (even though I cannot become a member the Mayflower Society because I fail to have one or two documents that would complete the link) my DNA confirms that lineage.   Last August, when David Duke was running for the U.S. Senate from the State of Louisiana, I challenged him publicly to take a DNA test to which he did respond on his web site.  I do not think, after looking at David Duke’s history, that he is part African-American, but I do think that he may be part Jewish.  
We, as Americans and our elected officials, must embrace the Constitution of the United States that was penned by our Founding Fathers, who themselves were flawed just as is our Constitution. However, the document  addresses the issues that are tearing us apart today and it gives us the solution.
The President and Congress should focus on the economy, tax reform, the budget, foreign affairs, infrastructure, and running the government for the benefit of all Americans whom they were duly elected to serve.
Harold E. Doley, Jr.
U.S. Citizen”
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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

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Donald Trump = U. S. Terrorist

Sunday, August 13th, 2017

It is now conclusively proven  – Trump is a terrorist.  This weekend broadcast that for the world to see.  He is the Hitler of this ‘Alt-Right’ movement.

We now also know where the Nazi’s went when they were thrown out of Germany.  Their heirs and progeny are carrying on their mission in the United States.

What an optic for the young people in this country.  When those from about 15 years of age and under see what is happening day to day what is it they see?  What lessons are our children learning?  Well – for starters – when they were born and came to even a small awareness of being a part of these United States, they saw the country with a president who was African American and he governed with elegance, style and caring.

And then came an election when Barack Obama could no longer run for president, having served two terms, a new president was elected and this time he is white.  Our children see and are learning that maybe a white man for president of these United States is not such a good thing.  He is crude – limited in intelligence – substitutes an evil shrewdness for that lack – brings to power with him in his administration the neo-Nazi’s, the racists, the white nationalists, etc.  And they destroy the country that has been built with the blood sweat and tears of many.  Mostly, he is a man walking in Roy Cohn’s shoes and finding that even the shoes of his mentor are too big for him.

The terror, the Crystal Nacht re-enactment, the Nazi’s reborn and demonstrating their furiousness at the justice, equality, caring that has come into these United States since they last tried to rule the world rejoice about one thing – they celebrate their father- Donald Trump – who has given them new life  and the space to cultivate and spread their evil across the United States and eventually across the world.  Is that why his Congress has only a 15% approval rating?  Because they are his choir – closest to his throne and bent on keeping him in power so they can benefit from the crumbs thrown their way?

This father of the reborn Nazi’s, White Nationalists, KKK and others of the same ilk is in his death throes knowing his time in power is very limited and knowing very well that he will unceremoniously  be removed for his prior sins in a very short time, is leaving office with as much “fire and fury” as he and his can muster.  He is leaving office with a massive coming together of those who supported his election to the presidency as he and his underlings could muster.  He is treating the rest of us to a bit of theatre  such as the world has never seen before.

In other places around the world, his cousins, who tried to stage such a Nazi comeback, have been rebuffed by their citizens.  In these United States, however, that has not been true.  We have welcomed and lifted up the neo-Nazi’s in the name of the Republic.  We have been very slow to reject and move out someone with his followers who have been and are still threatening the power and justice of these United States.  Somehow, many seem to believe their white privilege will be maintained by this group and if they just keep quiet they will also benefit and live to take over as the saner side.

The slogans being thrown around this weekend in Charlottesville are interesting and probably quite true.  The identifier slogan _Blood and Soil_ hanging out there to make sure you recognize who they are and from whence they have come – their history and ancestors.

Another which rang quite true – “No Jew will replace” – with variations on that slogan was one we heard chanted frequently.  Also quite true.  They have totally closed the door to make sure Jesus, a Jew, would not be able to come anyplace near where they are standing and holding ground. Even Donald Trump has dropped the act of pretending to be a follower of Jesus.

It has become quite clear that while the KKK tried to imitate and thereby gain entrance into parts of a believing and faith filled group such as Christians when they started with their mis-use and abuse of the symbol of the cross, this time around they have apparently thrown out the cross and come out into the sunshine and fresh air with their filth.  They apparently don’t realize that fresh air and sunshine is exactly what will destroy them and their followers.  “No Jews..” is a very accurate statement for them to make.  Jesus was many things, but by birth and life and his teachings he was most definitely a Jew.

This has been a week-end that will go down in history.  With the interpretation of historians 20 years from now we can only guess how the United States will fare under their pen.

What led to this?

One striking thing is the reason the Nazi group and its followers gave for organizing this week-end.  To prevent the removal of a Confederate Memorial Statue.

Take a look at Germany after the war and how it conducted itself trying to restore its country and its people back to some kind of normalcy – which means respect for others – equality – justice.

One thing they did not do was to allow statues, memorials, and other remembrances of the Holocaust to happen.  You will not find bronze statues of Hitler and his Lieutenants anyplace in Germany.  You also could not find copies of “Mein Kampf”.  They did everything they could to wipe the slate and start down another path.  The memorials you will find, the ceremonies of which you could be a part are for the victims, not the perpetrators of that Holocaust.  Our memorials, statues and ceremonies are for the perpetrators of slavery, for those who benefitted.  If you are in the African American community you will find memorials to the victims, but in very few other places will you find such.

What did the United States do after the ‘Holocaust’ of slavery – which went on a lot longer and destroyed and killed many millions more people.  We have statues and memorials and ceremonies and Confederate flags and everything we could find to keep alive the feelings and story and everything else of those who benefitted from slavery and brought so many to their deaths.  By those statues we constantly glorify the fight and stance taken by those who attempted to maintain slavery in these United States.  We want to keep a story alive about their valiant efforts, their life giving for this cause of maintaining the enslavement of other human beings.

Whenever, today, we threaten to remove one of those statues and/or memorials or take down one of those flags from our Capital Buildings and/or grounds the earth moves and shakes and becomes a horrendous place to be within a radius of whatever statue is so threatened.  We want to remember and celebrate that time in United States history.  We do not want to wipe it out – we want to bring it back.  “Make America Great Again” – goes one of our most recent slogans.  Make America a slaveholding country again.  Make America a country which uses and abuses others to gain wealth, privilege and strength so we can move more decisively against more and more people to bring them into our fold to use and abuse.

Isn’t that where the immigration controversy comes from?  The Trump’s have their products made in another country.  Why?  Because they, like others who do the same, can make slaves of and abuse those who are destitute making them work for a living at slave wages.  Isn’t that a real life example of what the demonstration by the “Alt-Right” this weekend is really all about?  The threat that America may lose the ability to pay $1 for a product and selling it for $100.  Keep the world under our thumb and we can abuse its people and use them to create the billions of dollars of wealth that is being accumulated by a few – almost exclusively all white, all male and all northern europeans – well, except for those being used to disprove the rule.

And at the same time immigrants we are keeping out of this country and those we are throwing out are all – really? – brown.  And brown people now make up over 40% of our citizenry.  What happens if we don’t stop immigration – we will be a country ‘flipped’.  And then what?

May God forgive us all.  Those who act – those who allow themselves to be acted upon – those who watch and keep themselves clean and away from the fray so they can live to benefit from it all.


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.

Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

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