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Posts Tagged ‘Donald Trump’

Christianity Exposed!

Saturday, August 13th, 2022

by: Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett and Marceline Donaldson

We are fighting huge battles with the forces of good and evil. Our current society doesn’t like to talk in these terms, however, it is hard to do otherwise as you look at just how stratified we have become around the issues of truth, justice, goodness, and more. And, whether we are on the side of goodness or on the side of evil there is a “Christian” group to which we can belong.

Christianity has as its central figure and the one it calls you to follow, Jesus the Christ. He was a person who had nothing. He went from one city or area to another and depended upon the residents of that place to provide. He did not seek gold, silver or any of the indicators of wealth. He sought those who would walk with him following his example and being true to a kind of openness, giving, caring, calling evil into question.

His quest was not for human values of being “better than”, of having “more than” or doing whatever it took to acquire wealth and power. It was not what is presently held up and set forth as life’s goal. It was about bringing forth God’s kingdom on this earth with values very different from those we all presently claim and are living our lives to acquire.

Today, we have groups which call themselves “Christian” and which are so imbued with evil, resentment, jealousy, stripping others of whatever they have anyway possible that we wonder and truly expect them to be struck by lightning or some other dramatic happening. We find such groups developing colleges and other institutions of learning to pass on their values and their concept of what it means to be Christian. We find the way they live so affluent and so lacking in inclusiveness we wonder how they are able to even claim “Christianity.” Their exclusivity, their narrowness, their seeking after money and spending it on an amazing lifestyle which screams “over the top” belies everything Jesus taught.

All over the planet are these groups. In the United States they thrive and reach enormous stages of wealth shedding the goal of actually helping others with judgments on all of those around who do not follow their examples or their beliefs. They are wealthy, live in huge mansions, have money to spend in anyway they desire. Their wealth seems limitless and when they call on the general populace to send them more the response is immediate and fulsome.

The people they look down on are those who could be equated with jesus of Nazareth.

We do our best to denigrate those following the road Jesus trod. We do even more to emulate those calling themselves Christian who are walking in Satan’s path reaping the material rewards promised to Jesus on the Mount if he would fall down and worship Satan. How many would resist that call? Or would you deny Satan and walk away in poverty with nothing but your core Christian values which you live out daily?

If ever a human being was walking this path of exclusivity and doing whatever was necessary to acquire endless wealth, that person is Donald Trump.

What is amazing about him are the people following him! Before he was elected president he had lived many years in the public eye. During those years, his lifestyle was apparent to all and it was clear that amongst other things, he sexually abused women. That was not hidden or cleaned up before the election, we all knew about that and a lot more, yet millions voted for him. He built a business and a political campaign which put him into the White House in the United States as president. What happened to this country that this is who we elected as one of our leaders.

All of us have the ability to walk in Donald Trump’s shoes. There is the promise of wealth, power, and so much more which this world holds up as goals for us to reach. What causes some to reach for those goals and others to walk the path Jesus of Nazareth trod knowing the pain, agony and finally one of the most horrible deaths imaginable? What does one group have that the other does not? What goes on inside those who choose Donald Trump’s path. What makes him continue down that road bringing as many people with him as possible?

Where do those who choose the path of Jesus of nazareth get the stamina, the commitment, the need to walk that path almost from birth to death.

We have taken pieces of the earth and given them values which have made others risk their lives to go out and find as much of those pieces as possible even knowing that they may be destroying the very planet on which they live?

What made those at the top of cigarette companies manufacture and produce a product that everyone knew was harmful to the health of humans and could cause cancer and a horrible death, yet they marketed and developed and did everything they could to build their own wealth by building and distributing such a product? What is even more mysterious is why they, knowing the harm the product they were producing caused to the human race, take part in excessive smoking which gave them the same cancer and pain before death, they were giving to others as their marketing and distribution became successful and produced enormous wealth for them and others at the top.

There is so much in our environment which points us to the paths we should take. We spend so much of our time denying all that we see, hear and feel.

We went to the introduction of the Festscript written to remember and honor Howard Thurmond – dean of the chapel at Boston University- after his death. Robert had written a chapter in the book and so we were there with others to acknowledge Thurmonds life and the influence he had on so many and to introduce this festschrift remembering his work amongst us.

His wife, Sue Bailey Thurmond, gave a talk about her husband and one story she told was about the times at the end of his life when they talked about what would come after death. Thurmond agreed that, if he could, he would come back to tell her there was life after death. If he didn’t come back, well……. We sat in stunned silence as the story unfolded. Most of the people in that room who had been invited to this celebration did not hear that part of the story. We asked the people sitting on either side of us if they heard Sue Bailley Thurmonds comments and they said they heard her talking, but did not hear her say that. We decided, the four of us, to talk to her after her comments and ask about that particular part. Had we imagined it or had that really happened.

What we were asking was did she really say her husband had come back from death and told her about life after death and its existence. She said she was not surprised that many had not heard what she said, but he had come back and had told her about life after death and she had included that in the story about his life and death. Most of the people in that room were ordained clergy.

The beauty of life in its fullness is right there for all of us to see and experience. Instead, we look to what we have given value – gold, silver, oil, and more to give us the feelings of a life well lived and to dictate our actions as we seek to accumulate such so our status in this society would rise.

May we take our lives and live inclusively. May we take our values from the life of Jesus of Nazareth. May we live on this planet as human beings accepting who we are with our strengths and weaknesses and stop following the example of those who develop their lives walking the path Satan walks.

Disinformation – What is it? What role does it play? Why use it?

Saturday, February 26th, 2022

Disinformation is the creator of institutional racism, institutional sexism, institutionalized bigotry of all kinds. It is the main tool humans use to create their societies, their governments, their families, their lives.

Shakespeare used disinformation to promote anti-semitism and it was such a powerful use of disinformation we accept it as normal, right, gospel even unto today..

Politicians use disinformation to win their contests and having been successful at it, they continue to use disinformation as the major tool in their tool box to run the government they have won through such evil.

Disinformation created the negative black stereotype to which many pledge allegiance.

Disinformation is what we have used for hundreds of years to oppress women and keep them as tools and the unacknowledged slaves of this world.

Disinformation is the god of our world and the one to which we really give obedience and in whom we trust all of our assets, our lives, our everything. It is and has been used to invalidate God and put in God’s place the creative creature we need to rule – to prove our point – to gain the ascendancy – to maintain the fiction that one person is “better than” another. We have successfully created and follow a god created, through the use of disinformation, in the image of man – white man.

Why use it?

Because we are lazy. Because we are power hungry? Because we value money above all else and this is one way, the most effective way to achieve all of those things.

The disinformation we have created, even in telling the story of our history, is so strong it negated Christianity and distorted its history into the one needed to rule the world.

It takes courage to be truthful.

The one thing we are loathe to accept and acknowledge is our human weakness – our sins – our lies. How to go on living without that acceptance? Through disinformation.

Kill a human being and then go to Court with lots of expensive attorneys to attempt to prove that you did no such thing. The way the attorneys do that is through disinformation.

Fire a human being from work whose firing comes down from the top corporate suite because that person is violating the stereotypes we live by. How to do it? Through disinformation – through lies, innuendos and more.

Maintain separate and closed neighborhoods by race, ethnicity and more – HOW? Through disinformation.

Look at what is happening in the world today! What has caused it? How was it done? How has it gotten this far? Through the use of disinformation.

Where are the people who are going to come out and tell the truth about Putin and what he is doing?

Where are the people who are going to come out and tell the truth about Donald Trump and what he is and has been doing?

What would they lose if they did this? – Money, power, reputation, what they see as their future and where they want to be and go in this world.

Jesus threw the money changers out of the temple. Who amongst us has the courage to tell the truth about our banking institutions? Who has the courage to call out those spreading the disinformation that the rest of us have bought into?

Why is it so difficult to call out those spreading disinformation with current and accurate information?

Why is it so difficult to simply tell the truth?

The empires we build on disinformation are very small yet that smallness builds empires.

Will we and the societies in which we live ever be free of disinformation?

If we could all come together at one point in time and agree to destroy disinformation and never use it – maybe we might have a chance. Isn’t that why institutions like the United Nations, the Church, the Synagogue, the Temples came into being? And isn’t that also why they are all failing? We have not been able to give up the incredibly addictive drug of disinformation

One of the saddest figures I have seen is the man who took his gun and went to the pizza parlor to shoot it up because of the disinformation he believed which was told to him to stop one political candidate from winning the presidency of the United States in favor of the one who encouraged, paid for and helped spread the kind of disinformation which that pathetic guy trying to rescue young people from the pedophiles in the basement of that pizza parlor when the pizza parlor did not even have a basement. All done through disinformation.

Disinformation is the way Donald Trump has chosen to use as the means of living his life gaining money and therefore power and control. The truth does not exist in his life and surroundings.

Trump became the enemy when he teamed up with Vladimir Putin. Disinformation reigns supreme in their worlds.

Disinformation goes from those at the top all the way down to the very smallest of human beings. We all rely on being able to use disinformation – the creator and maintainer of institutional racism and all the other -isms.

Isn’t it time we stop disinformation – call it out for what it is and pledge to live our lives in truth? Elect our officials based on the truth of who they are and what they are about – earn our living based on the truth of our work and more?

Is it possible for human beings to even live in truth? Is that why disinformation has so taken over our world and is that which we are trying to spread around the universe so when we are able to access the universe at our desire we will feel at home?

God forgive.


Friday, February 25th, 2022

Donald Trump has been responsible for a lot of evil and ugly which has crept and is still creeping into this world.

Fueled by dreams of a Trump-Moscow hotel complex, Trump had his minions and himself traveling to Russia begging with their hat in their hands because Putin was holding out a ‘bait and switch’ offer they could not refuse. They did not see the switch coming.

We remember Trump’s public response, as he chose, on the world stage, between Putin and the USA. Trump made this choice after a talk with Putin alone when Trump was the newly minted president of the United States. We believe a part of that public and private meeting has caused this attack on Ukraine by Putin.

Some of the white men in Russia, led by their own greed and reach for power, showed us how they have given their lives over to evil for a very parse return. These were recently on television and showed clearly their choice of subservience to evil instead of dedicating their lives to good. They will die soon without the ability to take one dime with them. They sacrificed their lives for pure unadulterated evil instead of for what could have been working towards a better, more just, more equitable society. May God forgive! The story of Judas and his 30 pieces of silver is alive to be told in this generation.

We think what is happening in Ukraine and what could possibly happen in other parts of the world soon, is Putin carrying out Hitler’s vision of the world with himself – Putin – in charge as the great god and emperor.

Hitler was effective for a very short period of time and over a very limited geographical area. We think Putin sees himself as the perfection of Hitler’s dream and able to carry it out world wide, without making Hitler’s mistakes. That becomes clearer as Putin projects himself and his goals onto others. Calling others Nazi’s and calling for the de-Nazification of leaders he opposes.

This is what happens when a human being, living in a society with other human beings has accumulated over $200 billions of dollars as his own personal wealth. Boundaries are gone and the only restraints left for him are the set of ethics by which he has lived his life. As more material wealth is accumulated, larger parts of whatever good and caring ethics remained are ditched.

Clearly, as we have watched Putin over the years, his ethics are in the toilet. That is now clearly showing and will become even clearer as time goes on.

No one has ever explained why Trump had that strange, shocked look on his face when he came out of the meeting with Putin and announced to the world that he was going to put his future in the pot with Putin’s. Trump had been elected by the American people, with the help of Putin who changed, added, subtracted, but basically had Trump’s back and added what Trump needed to become elected president. Trump’s ethics have, since that time on, paralleled Putin’s. Whatever the cost to his reputation no longer mattered – he was now one of the Putin Puppets Sowing Evil.

We think what Trump learned in that meeting was the future according to Putin. That future was taking over the world; denigrating and destroying the wealth and the world of minorities, making them subservient to white northern european males and taking over the countries of the world in ways which have perfected that path walked by Hitler -and – with Trump’s help, the United States was already being primed to meet this fate.

The January 6th insurrection was its opening public salvo. We believe this was planned for sometime prior to January 6th and was that on which Putin built his dreams of the future. The Charlottesville re-enactment of Hitler’s “Crystal Nacht” and so much more

When Trump lost the election and even with massive aid he could not recoup except to get himself more and more into the weeds facing jail and worse, Putin – we believe – decided to go it alone without that feather in his cap and so he is starting with Ukraine and moving from there to the rest of the world. He has waited long enough to see how Trump would fare. Clearly, both Trump and Putin can see that Trump is not the one to lay the United States at the feet of Putin.

We wondered why Ukraine was so prominent in the campaign for U. S. president and why it was so necessary for Ukraine to come out against Biden. We now know.

Putin’s dream of world dominance includes a world where the White Nationalism in Russia is built upon and put down in the rest of the world, reviving it in Germany, and with Trump’s, help pushing it forward in the United States.

How one man could collect some $200 billion dollars in assets is obscene. How much must others have suffered for him to be able to do such a thing.

It is time for all of us to look at wealth accumulation, raising serious questions and putting down limits so someone going down that path does not have viable options in this life.

Robert and I had an experience which opened our eyes to what is happening in this world with wealth accumulation in ways we could not have imagined nor dreamt. The attempt at taking over Robert’s life and destroying the end of his life was simply to get control of and spend any assets he might have. What became clearer in that not only were Robert’s assets at stake, but they also were going after my assets to take them for their own use. That was especially clear towards the end of the campaign waged against us when the last Court hearing scheduled was supposed to be to declare Robert “incapacitated” and his wife guilty of Medical Abuse against her husband with the State of Massachusetts claiming he had no one else to take care of him and in that hearing was to be made a ward of the state – under the guardianship laws – with the state agencies having control of everything we owned, had worked for over a lifetime, etc.

I had already been told to find a small room someplace because I would not be left penniless, they were not that mean, but I would also not be able to live an extravagant life. A small room would be paid for so I could continue on. I will never forget that conversaton.

The charge against me of “medical abuse” supposedly against Robert was totally without merit, especially when you look at the record and you see Robert had been to a doctor twice in the week before they started this campaign against us, before they made those charges and before “they” sent the police to force Robert into a police ward at MGH for no reason with the doors to the ward locked and guarded by armed guards and police with guns.

Given what happened and the way it was legally handled, it is past the time for Probate Court in Massachusetts to go through a complete evaluation and overhaul.

Whenever anything even close to that happens in the world we feel a kinship to the people so attacked.

That Court hearing was cancelled because at that point it was clear this was a criminal conspiracy against us and not real. I wondered what would have happened if we had not spent so many years in civil rights activities and did not have that small ability to navigate this kind of world of evil. It is amazing how many people step back to wait to see if you are going to still be their friend – depending on the outcome of what is happening to you.

If you look back at our history you will see Bettina Network Blog wrote and circulated some tough and honest blogs about Donald Trump, his history and more.

As we look back, we see these things happen to us and others when “they” can pick you up somehow and take control.

What happened to us? Robert fell down the back stairs in our home when the front stairs were being stained, new carpet applied. I took Robert to the hospital after the fall and there we were “picked up” by those waiting for such instances. Others have experienced such falls and worse without what followed with us involving forced incarcerations and more.

Mostly, the people who experience this kind of thing are Jews, Blacks and other minorities. The record is replete with such and it is also replete with the huge amounts of money siphoned off from such families in this process. That kind of thing now even has a name – “The destruction of generational wealth.” The goal is to limit how far the next generation of minorities can go without the gift of the life work of their family. Take away their ancestor’s wealth and distribute it to white male northern european types.

We fought them successfully – but not so successfully when you think we were stripped of some $200,000.00 in assets which went directly to Massachusetts General Hospital where many games had been played to make sure such a pay day was in the offing.

And how did Robert get out of MGH? I put the story out on their Facebook Page and two days later came the order from the top to “get that man out of this hospital.”

This is a small example. This is, however, what leads to the billionaires who have neither worked for nor should have the kind of wealth they have accumulated.

Putin is an extreme example, but he is an example of what happens when such ‘over the top” wealth falls into the hands of one man. That kind of money is also over the top power and with that kind of accumulation he can call the shots which have caused the death and destruction of hundreds over just the past few years.

Take a closer look at Putin. Take a closer look at those with the hundreds of billions of dollars at their disposal. They do call the shots in this world and this world is not the better for it. The rest of us suffer because of their dominance, their abuse of power and their use of money that has been stolen. It is not just African slavery of the past several hundreds of years we need to be talking about, it is what African slavery has evolved into that we all need to be concerned about and involved in making sure this world stops the evil which has had it in its thrall.

A History of Segregated Housing – sort of!

Monday, January 3rd, 2022

by: Marceline Donaldson

and Rev. Dr. Robert A. Bennett

Segregated housing exists in these United States because the laws of the U. S. were very strong in insisting that blacks not be allowed to live in “white” neighborhoods. These are and were laws that were strongly and effectively enforced even into the 1960’s, 1970’s and beyond.

Today, we cover the fact that we have totally segregated neighborhoods by telling the lie over and over again that it is because blacks and other minorities are not able to afford to live in neighborhoods which are dubbed as white. That is as big a lie as has been told. It is one way structural racism is explained away so it can continue unabated. First comes the law and then as those laws are challenged and removed the structure remains in place because it is supported by universal fictions to maintain the separation of the races. In fact, neighborhoods are more segregated today than they were generations ago.

Structural/institutional racism is entrenched in these United States and shows no signs of giving way to a more equitable system. The legal structure put in place to keep slaves separate from their former masters has simply morphed into a culturally and societally and politically accepted set of rules which are, in actuality stronger than the laws. There were three white families living on my block as I grew up. What changed that was Eisenhower’s highway system which created ghettoes with all blacks living within and blacks not allowed to purchase homes without.

In New Orleans, one of those deep south cities with its share of black millionaires (unlike the more liberal north where there were none), an area known as “Sugar Hill” where blacks lived in beautiful homes was ripped through by Eisenhower’s genius idea, which had at its heart the maintenance of structural racism which was beginning to break in several areas. Ripped through by condemning some of the homes on “Sugar Hill” which were then torn down to make way for the new highway system.

North Claiborne Avenue had black and white owned businesses up and down the street. That also changed with this highway system into an all black area or white-absentee-owned businesses catering to blacks which are bars and funeral homes and little else with abandoned, junked cars where a boulevard of trees once stood.

All the creators of wealth in this country make sure blacks are not able to access those areas which create wealth and housing is at the top of the list.

A house in Roxbury, MA would appraise at more than ten times less than the identical house in the Back Bay, Beacon Hill or Harvard Square. If that is in the Brattle Street neighborhood of Harvard Square – where you will find only one or two blacks – it is more than 10 times less than and that in the shadow of Harvard University.

Proof of these laws and restrictions against blacks and other minorities living in certain areas of our American cities can be found all over the place – including in law courts. Legal documents had clauses in the deeds which said specifically that this home could not be sold to African Americans. Besides deeds having such restrictions, some areas – neighborhoods had legal restrictions against homes in those white neighborhoods being sold to blacks and other minorities.

Of the many ways blacks were oppressed with very limited abilities to accumulate wealth this is and was one of the largest and most widely used. The laws which maintained this limit on black wealth were sometimes viciously enforced.

Even into the 1960’s and beyond, if you lived in a white neighborhood and you were black you had to move into a black neighborhood. How did it happen that you were able to buy into a white neighborhood? You passed for white – you had white friends stand in for you so no one would know the house was being sold to blacks – and on and on the story goes.

We used to think realtors were responsible for this incredible separatism and segregation. Upon much research we discovered that was not true. It was the law.

As the segregation laws weakened, Blacks and other minorities began to be consigned more rigidly to particular areas and kept out of areas designated – albeit not in law or otherwise in writing – for whites only. Developers began to build homes in areas for blacks only – supposedly to form cohesive black communities which were and are considered ‘healthier’ places to raise children.

Those areas so designated as “white” are areas in which wealth via property ownership was very profitable. Homes purchased in those areas could increase in value dramatically and over a very short period of time. An African American family struggling to purchase a home in the areas informally designated as for blacks only generally struggled to pay off the mortgage and would have less equity at the end of paying off the mortgage than they had when they purchased the home. And this is not limited to the past. That structural racism still exists today in these United States.

As lawyers went to Court to knock down these laws, the cultural, societal and political change began to come to maintain the same structural racism formerly and formally protected by those laws. As the laws dropped, white society converted this legal separation into one maintained by lies.

Today, we have Donald Trump and his people promulgating many lies which shock us when we hear such blatancy. What we do not admit to or hold up to learn from is that we have a historical structure from which this group has patterned itself probably because the lies of the past and into the present which are told to maintain a racist structure worked and work and have prolonged the life of that system by many decades. The lies told as our American Society changed over from being structured as a racist society by laws into one maintaining the structural racism set down by laws into one set in stone by lies.

Lies maintained and promulgated by the entire society without connecting the history which would have turned a bright light onto those lies showing the truth and what those lies were intended to and did create.

A very prevalent lie still told is that Blacks lived and live in “less than” neighborhoods because they could not afford to buy homes in white neighborhoods. Banks cooperated by red-lining and using other means, such as charging blacks exorbitant interest rates or forcing blacks and other minorities to get mortgages from institutions which preyed on them and waited for them to realize they were not getting anything better from the standard, acceptable banking institutions. This is one way blacks and other minorities were told they could not afford those neighborhoods deemed for whites only. In actual fact, blacks could not afford to live in those neighborhoods because generally they had to pay several hundreds and, in some cases, thousands of dollars monthly above that paid by whites for the same mortgage. Structural Racism. What they also were not told is that their credit worthiness had and has to be way above that expected from whites to whom larger mortgages and other credit instruments would be given.

The “for whites only” signs are no longer written into the deeds and maintained by the laws. They are far more effectively maintained. The institutions having to do with real estate – banks, insurance companies, real estate sales companies keep the lines of demarcation. They keep the structurally racist neighborhood configurations which also maintain racist schools; grocery stores; beauty salons; and so much more by lies structured into and accepted by this society. Ordinary services which whites have routinely and affordably have access to in white only neighborhoods were and are not available in black neighborhoods. The reasons for the lack of such in black neighborhoods were and are laid at the feet of the black victims in those neighborhoods who were and are scammed out of a decent living for which they worked hard. The lies so told very effectively structured into the system a “better than” education for whites in the white only neighborhoods and inferior to negative educational opportunities for the blacks and other minorities who were paying for the white only educational opportunities through their taxes. Diminished vocational opportunities were and are done through closing jobs to blacks and other minorities which were and are then only available to less qualified whites. Not having control of the way their taxes were and are used they had no control over the way their taxes are still used to subsidize such white only opportunities which permeates throughout this society and was justified by the lies describing blacks and other minorities as “less than” therefore not qualified for such higher levels of accomplishment and not worthy of monies being spent attempting to better their lot because their laziness and inability to further their lives and families does not justify the expenditure.

It is no secret that even labor unions were and some still are closed to blacks and other minorities and many jobs are available only to those with union membership. The examples are infinite.

When it was determined that the family living in a white neighborhood in Los Angeles were really black and only “passing” they – the whites in the family as well as the passæ blanc’s had to pack up and move. In many such cases either you moved or the police came along with court papers and they moved you not taking much care as to how your belongings were treated. The more upscale the neighborhood the more likely you would be immediately and quietly removed – for breaking the law. Since most didn’t want to face jail, they moved, eliminating the need for further legal interference.

Today, that can’t be done by law, however, it still exists. The kind of problems blacks and other minorities face living in white only neighborhoods are only limited by the imagination and resources of the whites who are threatened by the black and other minorities living in “their” neighborhoods.

Today, we try to make the case that the banks are responsible because of their horrible racist real estate lending practices which decree you will have a difficult to impossible time trying to get a mortgage in these white only areas. Banks, however, are only re-enforcing what has existed from the beginning. That does not justify their current practices – which are put in place because it is illegal to write into deeds the elimination of African Americans from being able to buy certain houses. In these cases it is not the law decreeing separate and unequal, it is the society re-enforcing and making possible the same results that would have come from those laws. Today’s institutional practices enforce such law through lies.

Cities – like the City of Cambridge – get involved by the way they handle real estate taxes and other issues around African Americans to insure in very polite under-the-radar ways their city remains strongly segregated and they have succeeded.

We cite Cambridge because some claim it is only those “unintelligent” blue collar and other such people without a Harvard, MIT, etc. education who do this. Some of the most racist real estate acts have happened in the shadow of these schools.

We, the Donaldson-Bennett’s, are an example of such. Living in an area for 39 years, not one African American family has purchased a home in that area since we moved in. Many people thought our home was owned by Harvard. it is the only way they could accept our living in this neighborhood. When we put our home up for sale because we were just tired of what we had been experiencing for some 38 plus years, we had visits from neighbors who questioned our right to sell a house they claimed we did not own – that Harvard owned. We live in a home appraising at approximately $5 million on which we owe not even a tenth of that. To get the mortgage we now hold, we had to pay some 6% interest in an era when 2 and 3% interest was normal.

This is a study in extreme racism. We have all of the current requirements for success – a Harvard doctorate (PhD), Harvard Business School, Boston University Masters, etc. etc. etc. But we lack the whiteness required by this neighborhood and those who hold up living in this neighborhood as proof of their superiority. It has been quite a ride.

The last time we put our house up for sale, the Wall Street Journal published some unbelievable letters describing the house we were selling. Those letters are republished in this article.

We think it was no coincidence that the problems we had with the police coming to our home trying to shove Robert into a psych ward for no reason and when that didn’t work trying to accuse Marceline of abusing the man she has been successfully married to for 37 years – also with no proof – and moving on to the Probate Court system blatantly denying us of any and all legal rights, winding up with MGH draining our insurance of almost $200,000 with no medical reasons for having done so and with MGH knowing they had no medical reason for such and knowingly allowing physicians to force Robert to take medicines he did not want such as anti-psychotics which is something that violates the laws of Massachusetts plus so much more – we believe what happened to us is criminal. Our choice is to spend the last years of our lives in court fighting this or to let it go. We haven’t yet decided which road to take, especially since the attorney we hired was more interested in her political future than the case she took and did nothing about except concentrate on how to sell us out, but told us all the stories of what she was doing and going to do working along with Attorney Sullivan who never materialized, but is working hard for Weinstein – an accused abuser and assaulter of women. It is viciously bizarre. But then also bizarre is an African American couple having gained wealth into seven figures through the purchase of their home in an all white ‘closed’ neighborhood. The harassment visited on us for all of the years we have lived in this home defies belief.

In California, adjacent to areas selling into the millions which were selling in the hundreds of thousands just 20 years ago, African Americans are finding their beautiful suburban area homes newly built some 20 years ago and sold to mostly professional blacks and adjacent to those homes for whites only with their substantial increase in value, are now selling for half of their purchase price. What makes that difference? The quality of the homes are the same. The neighborhoods are still beautiful. What caused that difference where blacks who sell today have to take a 50% drop in their wealth while whites in the same general neighborhood and over the same time frame have seen a 150% and more jump in their wealth? Structural Racism.

What do we conclude?

Generational wealth needs to be put front and center because as blacks and other minorities gain in financial strength and are super concerned about leaving wealth to their children for their benefit, that generational wealth is being taken by others to make sure that potential increase of strength amongst blacks and other minorities is destroyed before it can work its magic. Millions have been lost and more about to be put through the shredder.

The minority elderly are being abused to take away their wealth making sure it does not move on to the next generation for which it was intended. Structures are being put into place swiftly to aid and abet that and we are all ignorant to that fact. We are blinded by what we do not want to see or acknowledge as true.

On the bones of that racist real estate structure deep seated in these United States rests the segregated educational system; the jobs structure; the social structure leading to the cultural foundation which rests on and will continue as a white northern European Racist Christian culture kept in place through the lies that have been told and accepted across generations.

As blacks and other minorities achieve, lies develop to block that achievement and postpone any possibility of equality surfacing in this society for many more years to come. AND did anyone think the achievements of the last Civil Rights Movement would be challenged and turned back?

And where do you stand? White? Are you activist or do you see your future in acceptance and quiet help to promote the lies so you and yours will have an easier time in this life raping others for your own advantage. Blacks and other minorities? Acceptance because something is better than nothing and you were raised on “go along to get along” and life will be easier. Not worrying about what has been taken away from you, but living on what others have torn away from white society which you can sit quietly by expecting whites to appear to tear such away from them to give to you as the exceptional minority who they can control who will help them promote and spread the lies? Today’s version of Step-in’ Fletcher?

For Equality to Surge Worldwide – Royalty Worldwide must step-down!

Friday, December 17th, 2021

The United States is being strangled by its inability to move away from the need to be “better than”. It shows up in every thing we do. It shows up in our identity. It shows up in even the little things. There is that very ugly push to which we respond with a verbal denial if questioned.

However, so is the rest of the world. In many different ways money, power, status, birthright and more are totally institutionalized. Groups fight for ascendancy. One group wants “better than” to remain and to be more defined using violence and anything else needed to maintain. Another group fights constantly for civil rights – equality and diversity are seen by them as the goal. They fight for the right for everyone to be “free and equal”.

Racism, bigotry, the “better than” sickness pervades everything and has not been removable for hundreds of years.

There had to be a “better than” mentality for slavery to develop. There had to be a “better than” mentality for colonialism to thrive and keep so many in bondage for so long.

What has been the one through line which created, maintained and justified one person better than another; one group better than another; one country better than another; one family better than another? Where did we get the example to follow and the group to look up to? How is that maintained in our society today?

That through line starts and ends with royalty. Every organization in which we work, grow, expand, use to attempt to solve humanities problems is patterned after “royalty.” – the Royal Family is the prototype for oppression and the oppressor which pervades all of our lives. We find ourselves someplace in the triangle with “royalty” at the top.

Once upon a time we had monarchies all over the world – even extending back a few thousand years to the Egyptians. African countries had kings and queens. The Chinese had Emperors. Some countries still have their monarchies to which we must pay obeisance. There is a particular way to address royalty. One must not touch royalty in some countries. One must curtsy to royalty to show ones inferiority to them. All of which we accept – act on – and don’t give another thought to how that has made all of our lives horrendous.

An entire industry is forming around Meaghan Markle because she brought African Americans into the royal family in England and had children who are now “royals” and black. The hatred being dumped on her is unbelievable that human beings could be so crude. English royalty – white by definition – has been sullied by these African American children. Is the definition of black still – 2% black means you are black? Once upon a time, not too long ago in America – if you were living in a “white” neighborhood and were found to have even 2% black you had to pack up and move out of that neighborhood. So now we have people arguing back and forth about how Meaghan’s children are not “royals.”

The English Royal Family has brought untold suffering into the world, which we try to ignore and which Americans act as though they are above the fray, but when you look at those who came to settle these United States and who brought their way of being with them you can see the hangover from the royal dynasties from which they have come.

It is time for us to give up this play and face the world with courage, morality, freedom of spirit where we are all created equal with our individual quirks, sometimes called our shared humanity.

Isn’t it time for us to move past this into a world full of real love. We can’t even talk about love without sex sneaking in. Can’t we walk away from and drop the chains we have put on ourselves into a better life which is the one God really intended? The United States is suffering because of Donald Trump who wants to be king – over all, but in reality his spirit is so shrunken and imbued with evil you can hear and see it as though it is a foul cloud surrounding him. And we have Jeff Bezos who sees himself on the good side, but who wants to be emperor of the world and is moving to take all the assets of the world into his own sphere of living robbing the rest of us of much we would have if he did not strip away the billions he is doing daily. And there are more – the Gates of the world who was beholden to IBM for his fortune – and the Elton Musks and so many more. All feeling justified in what they are doing to this world and acting and living as though they were royalty. The pattern is set and used many times over.

Love is the answer. Finding it is almost impossible. We have been so infected with the sting of royalty we have conflated love and sex and most can’t seem to experience love without sex intervening. Isn’t that what royalty brings to us and has brought into this world? What did it mean when conflating love and sex was institutionalized by royalty to the extent of having a group of lesser royals gather around the bed to watch when the “top royals” were having sex?” That is no longer true, but it was true long enough to have the love/sex connection structured into societies that followed.

Christians have been trying to live the Gospel and understand what it means to say God is Love! We get that so confused we have even taken the saints and clothed them in crowns of diamonds, rubies and all of the rocks in the world to which we have given value.

We are so caught up in the royalty figures we have set up to worship we have projected God, the angels, the people who have died, onto the sky all dressed in incredible rainmnent that we wish we had on earth to wear and put different kinds of crowns on their heads depending upon the status we have given them in the “Heavenly Royal Family.”

It is time for royalty to abdicate and become man and woman made in the image of God. Those we acknowledge as royalty with all the trimmings and those who have acknowledged themselves as royalty and are busy acquiring all the trimmings to make themselves over in the image of royalty must take another look at their “contribution” to society and their ancestors distortion of what once was God’s amazing gift.

Danforth and Thiel have What in common?

Friday, October 8th, 2021

The more we research the more unbelievable it all becomes. Maybe we are naive with expectations we should dump. Maybe the world needs to stop idolizing white male northern-europeans-ancestry people and start over again including everyone in decisions, actions, all to advance better living for everyone. It is really tiring to see generation after generation making the same mistakes.

We have been digging to try to understand what is going on with the Republican Party. Why has it become so extremely racist/sexist/add all the other minorities, but waffle a bit on homophobic. That was our first clue as we followed the money. – who could cause that? John Thiel?

We were taught early on that when it comes to politics and trying to understand the underlying dynamics – follow the money. We’ve never really believed that because it is difficult to actually believe the people you know and want to respect make their decisions; take their stands; argue for hours, days, months for something, not because they believe in what they are saying, defending, promoting, but because it will bring big dollars into their bank accounts.

It is time to believe that and stop blocking our thoughts by giving everyone the benefit of the doubt.

We’ve known about former Senator Danforth and his backing of Clarence Thomas for quite some time. We have also known that he continued that kind of political machination to get Josh Hawley elected to the Senate. What we did not know was the involvement of John Thiel -lots of money John Thiel.

What we are also connecting is the influence John Thiel and his money have on those investing in the businesses which are and have become the billion dollar businesses – with their founding and hard work to develop the ideas done by and stolen from women and minorities to make sure young white males, mostly northern-european-ancestry-types, but also a small handful of males from other groups to keep the monied people in those outlying groups merging with his to control the world and Make America White Again. At least the Amazon founder is upfront with his need to become emperor of the world. John Thiel, one could say, roughly parallels the Wizard of Oz.

What we search for today is to know those who work with John Thiel to keep the world mostly white-male-northern-european-ancestry people.

Mr. Thiel apparently does have a lock politically on the Republican Party. The orange blow-hard at the top simply follows orders – from what we can tell.

While many of us look at Donald Trump as the one to whom Republican politicians are pledging their fealty, Donald Trump does not have the money to keep them loyal. Some have claimed it is Putin and Company. We are wondering if it is not John Thiel who is causing this mischief.

Many are looking today and worrying about what is and will happen to the women and children in Afghanistan. We are looking and worrying about what will happen to American women and children. We are seeing the same kind of crack down, happening in Afghanistan, coming to the women of America. Starting with the abortion issue and moving on from there to roll back the gains minorities and women have made including Brown v Board of Education.

Donald Trump’s slogan – “Make America Great Again” – which many believed was actually the public face of the real slogan which was and is “Make America White Again”. That slogan was stolen from Ronald Reagan and his time in politics and in political office. That was also a time when racism reared its ugly head and gains were rolled back. Strangely enough it was also used by Bill Clinton of “don’t ask don’t tell fame.”

One of our founders tells us how quickly the racism under the table surfaced when Reagan made his first run for office. She was Republican then and precinct chair in Wayzata, Minnesota – the area that was the bastion of some of Minnesota and the country’s elites. Into the meeting came all of these Texans – all new to the area. That would not have meant much to you then, but how much does it mean today when you see the damage Texas is trying to do to the civil rights of all the “wrong” people. The damage Texas is doing to “Make America White and Male Again.” We could go back even further in Texas’ racist history to bring up the story of the Texans who went to the prison camps and checked out a Nazi prisoner on a Sunday to take them to dinner. They were taken to restaurants which refused to serve African American soldiers unless they came around to the back door of the restaurant and didn’t eat inside, but in the yard outside with the garbage and other unhappy scenes, or left the area with their food to eat someplace else entirely.

When Marceline entered the room as precinct chair there was an audible gasp and the ugliness and racism that immediately surged was so obvious the natives experienced shock. Some of the Texans were newly working in Minnesota, some were there, not for jobs, but for the Republican Campaign to support Reagans candidacy.

Reagan was not elected during that precinct meeting, but Marceline was removed as precinct chair and Reagan was elected during the next such meeting four years later. The ground work was done in that precinct caucus – they just had to wait four years for their work to grow and spread itself across the country and it did.

All of that was supported by someone’s money. All of what is happening today around Trump and this Republican Party is being supported by someone’s money.

We are looking at John Thiel as the organizer of the money behind Trump. Et tu?

Michael Cohen, A Jew – Experiencing Structural and Institutional Bigotry by the FEC

Tuesday, May 11th, 2021

Michael Cohen, at the direction of his boss, Donald J. Trump, acted in a way which violated the law. He was tried and convicted and sent to prison.

Donald Trump, his boss, did the act which caused the problem. He then required Michael Cohen to carry to its fruition the cover-up so Trump would not be negatively affected by his lewd and sleazy behavior at the polls since Trump was running for president and his actions would have been reported by the media and probably would have caused him to lose many votes.

Michael Cohen did his boss’ bidding and wound up in a heap of trouble. Cohen told the judge that the illegal contributions—payments to Clifford and McDougal to keep quiet about their alleged affairs with Trump—were “in coordination with and at the direction of a candidate for federal office,” implicating the president in a federal crime.

While the FEC prosecuted Michael Cohen and Trump was scheduled to be prosecuted because of all that came out in the investigation and trial of Cohen, just recently, the FEC came out with a statement that it was going to ignore the actions of Donald Trump and not prosecute him.

Other candidates for president have run afoul of the FEC and been prosecuted. How come Trump has been ‘exonerated’?

Since Trump was the reason for the ‘crime’ and leaned on Cohen to get him out of a jam and, it is alleged signed one of the checks which went to Daniels and McDougal it is amazing that the person who was at the core and coordinated Cohens activities is not being prosecuted for the crime.

Cohen – a Jew

Trump – claims to be a WASP as he works with and apparently helps to facilitate some activities of the White Supremacist organizations which feel beholden to him. Is this what has exonerated him and spared him from prosecution?

The FEC is showing the structural and institutional racism it practices as it made these decisions.

To Wear a Mask or go Maskless says what about you?

Monday, January 25th, 2021

by: Marceline Donaldson

I am old enough to remember and to have been through the campaigns against smoking.

When it was discovered that smoking caused cancer and even second hand smoke could damage the health of the person inhaling another persons’ cigarette smoke, it was quite a brawl. Sort of like the one we are having with masks or going without a mask. The arguments are the same and the people I have encountered without a mask are the same people who refused to give up blowing smoke into the environment of those who don’t smoke.

What is also amazing is that these are the same people who refuse to give up their identity as “better than.”

Your identity is basic to your being. To have been raised with an identity which claims you are “better than” and experience that as comfortable and that by which you live and move and have your being and by defining others as “less than”, as people who owe you their agreement to stay in “their place” and not disturb the outer, better, larger environment where the “better than” thrive, is a soul destroying thing.

Once upon a time, many years ago, I was on the National Board of NOW. At that time, the law suits and one push was on stopping people (actually men) – (actually white men) from smoking cigars on airplanes because the exhaust and replenish system on the airlines could not effectively remove all of the smoke and other pollutants which such smoking put into the air. Only one or two people were needed to smoke cigars on the plane in which you were traveling to cause problems for everyone else. That, according to the science coming out, not only caused health issues with everyone, but created an extremely uncomfortable environment for those flying.

It was a pitched battle. Finally, after many resources spent – time, money, etc. – the airlines decided to eliminate cigar smoking on planes. That was an incredible victory.

Later, the battle began to eliminate cigarette smoking as the scientific papers were published about the damage cigarettes could do to the human body. That battle was worse than the one around cigars. The cigar smokers just started smoking cigarettes on planes instead of their beloved and deadly instruments of disease.

Gradually, the fight was and still is being won as people today have to deal with even apartment buildings which now say if you live in that particular apartment building and are a smoker you have to agree to smoke outside and not in your own apartment building for which you pay substantial amounts of rent.

Restaurants were another place where the battle against smoking inside the restaurant raged. It was won and people started moving to eat in the “bar” side of the restaurant so they could smoke while eating. The war against smoking found them and today even those in bars can’t smoke inside the bar, but must go outside for their favorite bit of poison.

When that fight was raging I was at IBM. They had a thing where you had to go to Atlanta, GA. for six weeks of training before you could sell those wonderful machines. In the training classes people, of course, could smoke. Light up anytime and foul the air for those in the class who found that a horribly filthy and very uncomfortable habit.

We fought that in many ways. During my class time, success was not gained, but in subsequent classes smoking was outlawed in the classroom. One had to go outside to smoke. So progress does happen. It happens excruciatingly slow and people lose their lives and health in the process, but it happens.

One action we took, as an aside, was to also challenge IBM’s inviolable “dress for success” class and rules. On one of the last days of class we arrived (females, of which there were almost none), in MuMu’s, hair in large curlers, no make-up and slippers. The men arrived (not all, but many) with their jockey shorts over their dress pants and cut off t-shirts over their dress shirts. It was hysterical and great fun, but produced no change in IBM’s dress rules or the necessity of taking such a class.

What is it about human beings and the human spirit that everything must be as we are and everyone must live according to how we live and want life to be. We change facts to accommodate our comfort zone and claim we have the “right” in this country to jeopardize the health of and make uncomfortable and even denigrate and destroy those who aren’t like us?

Those who don’t live our lifestyle? Those who insist on refusing to change when the growing body of science shows us problems which we could address and make better with some simple changes of our lifestyle? We prefer to demand our “rights” to do things harmful to others while totally overlooking the other persons’ “right” to be safe and more. Doesn’t that come from our basic need to be “better than”? The belief system, culture and more that many would rather died for than give up and change.

If we are “better than” our neighbors, friends and all others then we can go about without a mask because we find wearing a mask uncomfortable, not pretty or stylish and all the other reasons we have thrown up. We do not want to become comfortable wearing a mask because it is our “right” to go around without one. Isn’t it interesting how we can demand what we consider our rights, even when those rights that we claim jeopardize the health and well being of others?

It is no mistake that we elected a man who exemplifies all of that and demands his rights over all other human beings? The man who demands to be top of the heap and all others are under him accepting what he doles out to them and for which they are grateful. How come we do all of that? What is there in the human spirit which thinks that is great. We join wild groups because they reinforce the identity we are on the verge of losing – “better than”.

That “better than” need is more lethal than the most terminal and painful of cancers. Yet we insist on living through that kind of culture and that kind of life.

That “better than” need led our ancestors to euthanize attempt to exterminate American Indians. It allowed and encouraged us to use slavery to build these United States. Used the Chinese in a slavery kind of structure to build our railroads – and all through we use denial so we don’t have to acknowledge what we have done and are doing to the detriment of ourselves and others.

To care for others. To be concerned about those with whom we live on this planet doesn’t take much.

An example from my IBM experience shows the difference. I lived in Ambassador Andrew Young’s house while I was in training at IBM. I could not live in the townhouse apartments right next to the classes during that time because I had two young children with me. They had me and I had them and wherever I went they went for all the years of their growing up.

It was difficult driving the 30 to 45 minus to class each day instead of walking a short distance to the classes. It was horrendous trying to figure out and find ways of making sure they were taken care of during the day. That would have been simple had I been able to live in the housing provided by IBM, It took a lot away from my time and ability to really get into the training – although I did a respectable job of it.

No one at IBM cared about the situation I was trying to handle. Men were the main people in those training classes. Men had wives at home who stayed there and took care of the children and anything else that needed to be taken care of because society looked at that as the job of women.

Towards the end of my time in training at IBM, I had caused such an upheaval that a couple people turned their attention to seeing what they could do to make things right.

My girls were learning horse back riding during that period of time so the IBM people found a camp not far away which had young people – about the ages of mine – who lived at the camp and followed their program of learning to ride, show and jump horses. That was a near miracle. I picked up the girls on the weekends and we went ‘home’ and were able to do touristy things satisfying to all.

How wonderful if IBM had put together a few people who gathered such possibilities for people in my situation so my time during training could have been more productively spent. It didn’t take a lot, just caring. Their response, at the time, was to eliminate people like me because it was too much to include us and much better to carry forth the “better than” attitude.

The caring that is missing amongst the people who refused to smoke outside; who wanted to smoke while in class; and so much more.

There were only two or three people in those classes who smoked. They, however, made the room unbelievably uncomfortable and dangerous to the health of the rest of us. The same attitude prevails among people who refuse to wear masks. One would think that past ones time as a rebellious teenager, the need to “prove” things would have abated.

All of those folks have something in common – their identity, which contains the strong belief that they are “better than” the rest of us and why should they accommodate. What a wonderful change in this world when and if they are able to do show some kind of caring for others where there is no payback that they can see for themselves.

“Better than” is a vicious philosophy by which to live. It is incredibly destructive of the human soul as it takes hold of ones personality, character, lifestyle and makes them so incredibly ugly to the rest of society. “Better than” so blinds us as humans that we can’t even see how negative is the way such people are seen by others.

May God forgive your sins against one another and give you the ability to open your hearts in a caring, healing, wonderful way to experience this life as it was intended to be experienced, not to experience it within the confines of a lifestyle with ways of living and choices which lead to a life of denial which leads to a life of lying, cheating, etc. etc.


Monday, December 28th, 2020

by: Marceline Donaldson

We have been raised with Christmas and all the trappings. The Christmas decorations in the department stores; the characters who make up the story like Santa Claus, Jesus, the reindeer including Rudolph and so many more.

As you grow into adulthood, one of the first things that happens is a questioning of all of the stories of a child’s Christmas beliefs.

I used to love going to bed on Christmas Eve with much anticipation of waking up the next day with every wish fulfilled and a Christmas tree with every toy I ever wanted under the tree.

As an adult, however, I have questioned it all.

The only thing left is Jesus, Mary and Joseph surrounded by the Shepherds, the Wise Men and the animals around this baby in a manger. Today I realize all that surrounds the “Holy Family” is romanticized because Jesus, Mary and Joseph were homeless but for whoever let them stay in the barn. We portray this as a wonderful scene all warm and cozy and beautiful. In reality?

Christianity came into being in the Near East. It came into this world through Judaism. These were and are very un-American type religions. But Christianity, in particular, spread across the world and particularly across these United States. Something had to be done or capitalism as it developed , arm in arm with slavery and later with the Industrial Revolution would be jeopardized as it pulled together that underbelly group of people who were always at risk of losing their jobs and who always lived on the edge because that is what capitalism requires to control inflation and to grow again quickly when the warning signs are gone – people, lots of them, grateful for a job alternating with the misery of being out of a job and how will we eat! Christianity morphed as it grew in these United States and a structure was superimposed on the religion which put it under the control of Santa Claus and his henchmen.

That was a religion in which one could believe and not have it interfere with ones day to day necessities of living. Jesus, Mary and Joseph would not interfere with the growing influence of the great white father – the huge, older white gentleman with flowing white hair, a happy demeanor, who took care of all those who were “good” and Santa and his helpers defined what it meant to be good. He was not the great spirit talked about in Scripture and Christianity, but enough like him that we could live with this religion and it would do our bidding. This religion with the Santa Claus structure built around it to tame it would maintain the world’s sexism, its racism, define its ethics and we would not have to deal with the values, ethics and more of Jesus. Santa Claus flying through the air in a huge sleigh full of goodies for those who followed what he laid down under the guise of partnering with Jesus over Christmas and the birth of this God made man. Santa would be the one left standing when Jesus had been emasculated and put in “his” place. Something had to be done as Christianity spread so this Santa Claus developed to maintain “white” culture and values and everything else which Jesus and his crowd threatened.

I remember stories and pictures, especially from Texas of German prisoners of war being brought to the United States, during Hitler’s time, and put into the prisons constructed to hold them. What most of us don’t want to remember are the stories which circulated and which were well documented about U. S. citizens who went to the German prisons on Sundays to ‘check out” a prisoner and take them to dinner at a lovely restaurant. In Texas most of the stories were about these dinners in the restaurants where black GI’s could partake of the food, but had to do so by going around to the back door of the restaurant – placing an order – paying the same amount for their food as those who were inside seated at tables with their German prisoner of war guests – but who had to eat their dinners in the back yard of the restaurants or take their food someplace else because they were welcomed on the battle fields in Europe and other places, but not in the restaurants and such other places in these United States where the Nazi Germans could go.

And so enters Christmas and Jesus and that entire story.

As I grew older I began to understand a lot more. With family who were clergy and/or totally devoted to the Christian Church – Episcopalians, AME, Congregationalists, Catholics – I began to look around and realized the spiritual world in which we were living was totally skewered. We in these United States had created an identity of being “better than.” Better than anyone – blacks, jews, latinas, LGBTQ people, people from other countries we did not consider culturally equal to, but less than ours. We have paid high prices to maintain that identity. One has to be constantly at war to maintain such – peace is not an option.

Those “better than” were recently threatened with the possibility that maybe we were all equal and these United States went crazy. Most recently 74 million citizens stepped up to the plate to say they were irretrievably better than and would vote for whoever guaranteed they would maintain that fiction for us all. As it was at the time of Jesus’ birth, so it is today.

This Middle Eastern religion – this Christianity as it grew and spread broke into two parts. Many denominations, but two major groups. One group spread throughout the European countries into the United States and South America. The other spread along with it into the same countries, but the theologies differed. The teachings changed. The belief system of the two groups were so widely different I didn’t understand how they could all fly under the same banner of “Christianity.”

We lived and live in a very racist, sexist, bigoted world. A religion like Christianity could have changed all of that. Instead, we changed the religion.

We took the theology and superimposed on that simple religion, on the faith and belief system which Jesus brought – the religion in which today we claim to believe and have ordered our lives around. A religion with a set of beliefs which maintained and helped grow the structures of capitalism and slavery which walked hand in hand. Later on as slavery gave way to Jim Crow – and even later as Jim Crow gave way to the sophisticated bigoted structures under which we now live we still espoused this “sort of” Christianity suffering under the institutional structure we superimposed on it for reasons of control. These institutions were constantly structured and re-structured to hide the truth of who we are and in what we believe and the world we have created. It has a picture it puts out to help us maintain the belief that it is all good.

We live in a sexist/racist/anti-immigrant society – in these United States, extremely so. To make that palatable and a structure with which we have made peace we created Santa Claus – a very large, older white Northern European-ancestry male who overcame God and Jesus. Santa Claus dressed in the red of joy, living comfortably in the most inhospitable of climates with amazing powers. A man – a superman who every year gave gifts to the world, but only to those who in the world adhered to the rules he put down for this society. The United States created Santa Claus, his sleigh and reindeer who flew around the world delivering gifts to the “good little boys and girls” and bad things into the stockings of those who did not behave properly.

The idea of this huge white man who had access to every home in the world was scary to many, but we kept our peace because to say such things about Santa Claus was unacceptable. He could enter your house at will whether you wanted him to or not and indeed this Santa Claus went into every home on Christmas Eve to deliver “gifts”. In the mythology you had no way to keep him out nor would you want to.

Take away what the marketers and advertising people have given to Santa to make him acceptable and you are left with a very autocratic, ugly, and pushy man who didn’t make it into many homes because they were not “good” enough or supposedly left sack cloth and ashes in those who didn’t fit Santa’s mold for “goodness.” Nothing was ever said about what Santa did to the homeless, but it was not good because they received nothing. They didn’t have the beautiful stockings to put up to receive Santa Claus’ largesse.

Growing up there was always the shock between Jesus, Mary and Joseph and God’s promises and the reality of what we turned Christmas into. Going to the Churches as a child growing into adulthood it was the same across the United States. Some Churches were for whites only. Some Churches allowed non-whites to come in, but you had to sit in the designated spots in the back of the Church and there was the requisite sign which indicated “For Colored Patrons Only”. Some Churches – especially in the north didn’t have the signs and you could enter and worship, but in the balcony and you had an etiquette about how and when you entered and what you did and how you acted. Always in a very subservient way so you could be assured of being welcomed back.

And – that was not generations ago. Coming to Cambridge, MA. Christ Episcopal Church in Harvard Square with its then rector the Rev. Murray Kenney referred to his “plantation” and there were blacks very proud to be members of Christ Church who saw nothing wrong with being able to attend only if they sat in the balcony and did not interact with those whites who were real members of the church. A pattern practiced across the north.

Today, we have that same separation.

Years ago, I had friends – Mary and James Tillman. They had “sensitivity” sessions on racism for corporations and churches. If you were a member of the Southern Baptist Church back in the 1960’s or 1970’s or there-about and you were elected to a national office in the Church you could not serve in that office until you had been through the Tillman’s course and they said you were ready to serve in the Church because your racism would not handicap your service.

Their sessions were amazing. I went to a few – in spite of the fact that they generally did not allow blacks to attend. They couldn’t because most blacks would defend whites showing their racism and block Mary and Jim from moving to help that person deal with and understand their racism. It was tough and the sessions put you through much to get you to face and deal with your racism. All done in the context of Christianity.

Problem is – Santa Claus and his henchmen intervened and after that incredible and incredibly brief period of time the Souther Baptists reached the point of not allowing women to be ordained – who prior to that could be ordained – and moving Blacks into those spaces of oppression which they could not fight against without being moved out of the Church. That has changed a bit today, but the blacks so moved into leadership positions still are surrounded by the wisps of smoke which come from the racism/self-hatred/self-negation they have to practice to stay in their positions.

Sort of reflective of what happened in these United States when Barack Obama was elected president and we looked forward to moving into a time of wonderful equality, justice and God’s peace only to have the rude awakening of Donald Trump whose racism would have made him comfortable around Hitler and Santa Claus. As President Obama was replaced by President Trump who, while claiming the office of president actually acted more like a foreign agent of Russia – a country in which most of the people, especially those at the top, were white.

So where do we go now with all of this. How do we walk in the sunshine again without the shame our history could dump on us?

I have no answers – make no proposals – have spent a lifetime fighting for justice and trying to live as an equal amongst equals and have not been very successful at it.

This last bout, that Robert and I suffered was enough to make us realize the extreme racism in these United States is alive and well and will overtake anyone at anytime and feel justified in the act. We spent our lives trying to bring about justice – trying to help people see the beauty of truth and how it most helps you live a great life – how much better it is to be equal than better than or less than and opt out of responsibilities which face others.

We made many sacrifices for our children so they would not have to experience what we have had to endure. When we stepped back we saw that we simply did for them what our parents did for us – a life of sacrifice which produced less than nothing and we and they still had to go through horrors. A lifestyle generations before us practiced without realizing the hopelessness of such sacrifices.

As young people working hard to acquire an education and all the other accouterments this society claims are necessary we were sure footed and thought we knew the answers. Today, we are just as sure we don’t have the answers and those we put out there were only given to us to insure our blindness and deafness and that we would not impede the growth of the white culture of Santa Claus violating Jesus and all the teachings of Christianity.

A Petition to replace Andrew Jackson with Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill

Saturday, December 12th, 2020

We took on this campaign a couple years ago when Donald Trump announced he would not honor President Obama’s plan – already set in place with the currency plates created and the date set to run this new $20 bill. He did not feel Harriet Tubman was someone who would do anything good for the United States and, indeed, would be an embarrassment. Trump cancelled the run of this new currency.

Since we started this campaign, many others have taken it up and adopted and adapted it as their own. Several people designed and created stamps for sale so you could take the currently available $20, stamp over the picture of Andrew Jackson before spending your money. That $20 could be spent with good feelings that the person on it representing the United States was someone who sacrificed much for her country and, indeed, as the end of her life was given military honors for the work she did leading many slaves to freedom – hundreds of slaves as the risk of her own life.

We just signed the petition “Replace Andrew Jackson with Harriet Tubman on the $20” and wanted to ask if you could add your name too.

This campaign means a lot to us and the more support we can get behind it, the better chance we have of succeeding. You can read more and sign the petition here:

Thank you!

Marceline and Robert

P.S. Can you also take a moment to share the petition with others? It’s really easy – all you need to do is forward this email or share this link on Facebook or Twitter:

Bettina Oracle talks about Donald Trump!

Sunday, November 22nd, 2020

So much time spent on such a small, mean-spirited human who is turning the world’s attention towards himself. What is going on in the United States is simply the country being exposed for all to see – its history from its beginnings is being highlighted. Those most hurt by the choices made as these United States grew into a super power being held up and given the chance to call for the destruction of the United States or its spirit being renewed into what it could have been from its beginnings.

At the same time what is happening is its last chance for atonement. It is time to say “God forgive” and do what’s necessary to become the country you could have been generations ago.

Now, however, Donald Trump has a serious mission in what he is doing with the United States presidential election. He has been given the chance to atone for the misdeeds of those who went before in his family or to be destroyed for eternity.

So much conjecture, on earth, going on about what Donald Trump is really doing when it is simple and should not be using all of the energy it has used. The media is leading this charge and it needs to take a look at its goals and make some serious changes. Research and report the truth – not the facts turned into ways to extend and gain money and power. That is just as evil as what Donald Trump and those around him are doing.

Donald Trump is doing his best to help a friend. A friend who means everything to him and is responsible for Donald Trump having become President of the United States. That “friend” is Vladimir Putin of Russia. They have common goals and needs for power, control and mostly money. Putin is one of Donald Trump’s mentors – someone he would dearly love to imitate.

The shock Donald Trump felt when it became clear he had lost the election was, at first, unfathomable to him. He knew his friend was going to “fix” the election the same way he did in 2016, but these results said something different. Had he offended?

Having absolute trust in his friends power and need to have Trump in his orbit as President of the United States with all the plans they made for the future, Donald Trump knew something was wrong. He also knew this was his chance to show “Vlad” his loyalty and who he really respected and to whom he would give his life.

The world is conjecturing that this is now about Trump trying to protect his family and others. No – this is about being the bridge across which Vladimir Putin can cross or rest until he is able to move along with the plans they made for the future.

For Donald Trump, he could not “concede” this election until he heard from Vladimir that everything was fine and he would return as President from 2021 through 2024. Even if this was a real loss, he still could not concede or make other decisions about moving forward until he heard from his love – Putin.

Vladimir, however, has not been able to produce for Trump because Vladimir himself is in trouble in Russia and. in addition, having some physical problems, things have not gone as smoothly as he had hoped.

Putin was distracted from concentrating on Trump and the U. S. Election. It was a very bad time for his to have his concentration weakened because those in the U. S. who have that power threw a curve ball by making such a push on “Mail-in ballots.” Mail-in ballots can’t be hacked and the plans made to throw in the number of votes in the places needed was not possible. With Vladimir Putin in a position of weakness from physical and other problems Trump was almost, but not quite, on his own.

Trump disappeared from view because he needed to be immediately available in case messages came telling him what to do to salvage his presidency. In the meantime, he would do what he could to pull his own weight and show Vladimir how great he is as someone who can be relied upon for the jobs ahead. If he was not president then he needed to go about the process of tearing down a country – even one as large and old as the United States – so he and others could flourish.

So far, Vladimir will probably have to retire soon because health and other issues are about to surface and retirement is the best route for him to take.

That leaves Donald Trump on his own without someone else taking care of him for the first time in his life. This is really his last test. Either he will come through and use his God given talents for good or he will show the world and the universe that he is really thoroughly evil and has other directions in which he must go. That would be tragic for Trump.

The United States has its own “proofs” to make and we shall see how well that goes.

Slavery of Africans; genocide of American Indians; using the Chinese to build the railroads in the United States in a form of slavery; sex trafficking of the children of immigrants and so much more.

How will you ever cope to fulfill your promise America. Especially when the first thing you have to do is to stop calling yourselves and feeling as though you are the best country and people in the world. That by itself is evil – can’t you see? Won’t you change?

If not, there will be another Donald Trump in your lives in the not too distant future and that will your end time.


Thursday, November 12th, 2020

We need to make this an article, but what else is there to say!

We remember when there were articles about Senators taking money from the NRA for their political campaigns. Could that be why they are now so quiet about this Trump ‘Coup d’Etat’ thing? And why they are so quiet about so many other things they were elected to address? Isn’t it time for them to check themselves to see just how naked they are – in imitation of this Emperor and those who went before him, in whose path he is now walking?….President Andrew Johnson…..President Andrew Jackson….Adolph Hitler….Mussolini…..Stalin…..and back to Rome and further?

One of the attorney generals in the U. S. has just about stripped the NRA of its power and money in these United States and it has to either fold or work hard to re-grow. It seemed to be clear when that happened that the NRA was a channel through which Russia (and probably other fascist states) funneled money to intervene in the U. S. elections. However, today, with this Trump thing we have totally pushed that part of the story out the window.

It is very sad to see the United States going through such trauma. However, think for a few moments of the trauma experienced for hundreds of years by American Indians, Africans, Chinese, Latinas, Jews, LBGTQ peoples and more because of the kind of bigotry that has been rammed down the throat of the U. S. and the world by the likes of Donald Trump.

Why has that bigotry been so strong and lasted so long? If you can count you can see the strongest reason being the 72,000,000 millions of people who voted for Donald Trump. Keepers of the flame of slavery, bigotry, greed, hatred and so much more.

If you are bigoted and want a fascist government in place to ram your extreme prejudices into and throughout society so you can feel that you and your country are “better than”, Donald Trump must have seemed like a glass of spring water for someone dying of thirst.

He pulled no punches. Donald Trump showed all during his run in the primary and throughout his presidential campaign and when he came down the escalator to accept the nomination of his party for president of the United States. No one could hide from the ugly racism, the putrid sexism his hatred of Mexicans when he announced how the Mexicans were rapists and more. That should have sent those in attendance running and screaming out of that place. But they applauded. Given that, we understand that a very large segment of the United States population is about as bigoted as they come. Some try to hide their prejudices behind an elegant demeanor, an intelligent mind, an ivy league education, their surface devotion to the sacredness of their definition of motherhood and more, but when they pulled that lever or scratched in that circle voting for Donald Trump they exposed themselves to God and everybody .

What is amazing to us is the two sided nature of human beings. The president of Mexico is one of the few international leaders who has not come out to congratulate Joe Biden and to welcome him into the international community as a partner. What is that all about? Did he not hear? Did he not know? Is he trying to be neutral and in the end will go with the winner?

The United States will recover from the trauma of Donald J. Trump’s Coup d’Etat, but will the handful of us who are not prejudiced – who are not bigots – who have not seen the United States as a “better than all the rest” country – how are we going to survive?

If you had any doubts – any questions – any hesitations that you were judging “the Don” harshly? Your questions have been answered. If you want something, some kind of measuring device, with which to judge those you elected to govern take a look at those standing with “the Don” and then take a look at those working hard to try to help this United States move to a democracy, a better – healthier – happier place.

The Emperor has no clothes and the patches over the eyes of the Emperor’s subjects which have been in place doing a job of not allowing his followers to recognize his nakedness, have been removed. Do they create and put on new blinders so they don’t have to deal with a government structured and run according to good and true ethics? According to justice for all? According to kindness, understanding and helping those who need help? Or do we continue to accept this Emperor and continue to play the game of “better than” because it is easy, taking money from those in need and giving it to the wealthy along with all the other games we have been playing for generations.

The Emperor truly has no clothes and his naked body is the ugliest thing we have seen in generations. He is a negative walking living stereotype from his hair to his ballet dancer hands to his walk to his daytime diapers. Do we applaud as he passes by or do we let him know we see him as he is and it is time for him to get dressed and join the rest of society!

We are happy to announce and introduce the Newly Elected President of the United States – Joseph Robinette Biden

Saturday, November 7th, 2020

It is with great jubilation that the Bettina Network Blog, inc announces the results of the 2020 Presidential Election.

Joseph Robinette Biden has won the election and will become president on January 20, 2020. Senator Kamala Harris will become vice-president in an election which will be studied, analyzed, dissected and more for generations.

President Trump stayed true to one of his idols – President Andrew Jackson – the entire time of his presidency of these United States. He has done quite a bit for this country bringing its racism, sexism, and other forms of bigotry to the fore causing President-elect Biden to have to keep this at the top of his agenda over the next four years and beyond.

It is now time for those who tried and are still trying to start a civil war in this country to go back underground and stay there until a vehicle can be built to take them to another planet.

The United States went into apoplectic fits after Barack Obama was elected president and many worked hard to bring about basic changes after President Obama’s presidency so that would never happen again. What they actually did was to re-enforce for many the superiority of President Obama’s tenure – African American, over President Trump’s tenure – German American. One prominent American said “if we had only known we could have been electing many different minorities over the years and America would be the country she has pretended to be from the beginning.”

With President Obama’s presidency starting in 2008 – young people born in about 2000 have a look at race very different from others born in this country and, indeed, others around the country. It was an elegant, efficient, substantial presidency which while not perfect is the kind of representation most of those in America want from their government. Those same young people born about 2000 have lived to see what the presidency is like when a white American – from a German family who immigrated to these United States starting with President Trump’s grandfather, has wrought.

They were able to see that one does not have need to have a perfect family to be elected president. President Trump comes from an immigrant family who came to these United States and started building a fortune, which I am told that first generation of immigrant did using prostitutes – and from that beginning the hotel interests of the Trump family had its beginnings. The hotel which started it all was alleged to be a bordello, but the money was green and Trump’s father continued in that vein by making a substantial fortune in partnership with a family reputed to be a part of the Italian Mafia.

Coming to adulthood, the young people born during that 2000 – a little before and a little after – are now making up the citizenship which will elect the next presidents of these United States and having as their example the contrast between Barack Obama – African American and Donald Trump – German American, racism in these United States will probably take a tumble downhill for quite some time.

Unfortunately, the current president – Donald J. Trump – will not be at the inauguration to congratulate the new president. He will have left to start his new life in Turkey.

Expectations were that Trump would go to Russia after his tenure as president because of his alleged service as a foreign agent for that country while he served as U. S. President under the Russian President Putin. However Putin is retiring and himself making plans to move on.

With a Trump Hotel in Turkey and his rumored presidential election strategy sessions with President Erdogan of Turkey having gone on for many months, a friendship has evolved which will create a major business alliance between Turkey, Erdogan and Trump.

There were hopes in the Trump family that a Trump Tower Moscow would come out of Donald Trump’s presidency, but that presidency has been such a horrendous mess that will not now happen.

Our congratulations to President-elect Biden and we commiserate with President Trump as he leaves office to start another venture.

A Publicly Acknowledged Bigotry acceptable for Supreme Court Justices.

Friday, October 16th, 2020

by: Marceline Donaldson

It is not only acceptable but a required part of your resume´ to be seriously considered for a substantial position within this Trump administration.

We have watched such happen for four years and each time a new set of nominations comes along we know the people so nominated have made Trump comfortable with the fact that they are full of prejudices and ready to act on them to bring about the ‘Northern European-ancestry white person’ as better than anyone to create the society Trump and his followers envision. After all, he did not have the Bible, nor Thurmans ‘Jesus and the Disinherited’ on his bedside table as did Martin Luther King, Jr. and so many others. On his bedside table – according to testimony in his divorce hearing – was a constant copy of ‘Mein Kampf’. Today, he does not have to go back and rummage through to come up with ‘what would Hitler have done’ – he has so internalized that way of being that it just oozes from him automatically in just about everything he does.

That can be clearly seen as we have lived through the many which this current Trump administration has nominated for top positions, middle and ‘at the bottom’ positions to maintain the bigotry which has existed in this country since its beginnings in slavery.

if you are full of racist, sexist, homophobic, immigrant, religious and all the other bigotries which we have been and are forced to live with to create and maintain one group ‘better than’ all others, then you have a chance of making Donald Trump’s list of nominees for government positions.

If your lifestyle shows you live that bigoted life as normal and everyday, you are certainly in line for promotions. If you assault women, have sexual problems disrespecting and forcing yourself on women or getting involved with all kinds of sexual deviancy and show your disdain and disgust for women who are independent and demand to live a life ‘equal to’ then you are also meant for greatness in this Trump government. If not, you are just cast aside and blocks thrown in your path even if you are far from the center of power. You still have to struggle so you won’t do much damage to the bigoted lifestyle required of you.

Currently, the topic is the Supreme Court nominee – Amy Coney Barrett.

What a great jurist she could be if only she wasn’t so imbued with the extreme bigotry which has been her lifestyle choice. What a destruction of the talent God gave her to use for good instead of for the evil path she has chosen.

That affects the rest of us because we do not have the internal strength and fortitude and honesty to call her out on her bigotries because we are afraid that in the process we might also be outed for all to see. Or, at the very least, have to endure shame and embarrassment as others rush to her defense.

During the hearings, to determine if Ms. Barrett should be confirmed, what was missing were questions about her extreme sexism. How can someone be a Supreme Court Justice in these United States when you believe women are inferior to men and cannot do the things a man can do or rise to the level to which a man has an automatic right to attain.

And then immediately comes – from many of you, even as you read this – DENIAL, DENIAL, DENIAL, EXPLANATION, EXCUSES, etc, etc ,etc.

I have heard those denials and explanations and excuses my whole entire life and today, being over 80 it is beyond enough already. But because I am losing the ability to continue to tolerate such doesn’t mean it will go away. My mother reached that point – so did my grandmother – and my grandfather – and I could go on listing all of my ancestors. But who would care? A few of you would give lip service and commiserate for a moment or two, but that would be the extent of it.

My family has achieved much, but their achievements have been in the midst of incredible sacrifice – ‘on all sides’.

To come from generations of people who intermarried and tried to be family under the stress and weight of this society’s bigotry has been an unbelievably difficult, painful, searing life experience.

I identified with Amy Barrett as I watched her demeanor, her dress, her way of speaking and recognized them all from my New Orleans upbringing. She certainly does not dress like a New Englander and I was just delighted to see that.

However, as who she is and the choices she has made through her life were exposed during these hearings my New Orleans upbringing at its most painful was also exposed.

New Orleans was and is a place where the most liberal and most conservative can co-exist and that goes through the generations. There were slave markets and free blacks with substantial assets. I grew up in a mixed neighborhood – white, black, rich, poor, mafia, police all lived within a couple blocks of one another. Three white families on my block.

By the time I went off to college, Eisenhower had started his extreme geographical segregation of whites from blacks and turning middle class ‘mixed’ neighborhood into all black, drug infested blocks with the beautiful boulevards with their trees and picnic tables in those mixed neighborhoods into filthy, crime ridden places where expressways – freeways – whatever they are called were built over those boulevards and became areas where you would then find abandoned cars under the freeways and the trees and picnic tables and white and black small businesses on both sides of the freeway gone and bars and other such places even today existing in their place without even a historical reminder of what went before.

Children assume that is how it ever was and ever will be because as they become adults they see what their efforts amount to – nothing except pushing them down and holding up those who are quiet and appear to be satisfied with the status quo.

Amy Coney Barrett comes from a neighborhood which I remember well and I am sure with a little prompting you will also. “Old Metairie” – where those who were ‘wanna-be’ lived in cultural constriction and extreme racism. Turn the pages to the time of Katrina and remember when people in New Orleans trying to escape the fast rising flood waters ran to escape by attempting to cross the bridge from New Orleans to Metairie and were met by those with guns determined that “those people” are not going to threaten and rape our women. And what happened? “Those people” trying to preserve their lives were stranded at the top of the bridge and had to stay there for very long periods of time in the heat, the blazing sun, no food, water, shelter because they couldn’t turn around to go back from whence they had come – the flood waters now prevented that.

That would have been one of many events which shaped Amy Barrett’s life and life choices.

How did she respond? She became, on the one hand someone who adopted Haitian children, which gives her some “street cred”, but on the other, where her identity lives she became an extreme sexist – which by definition is a hatred of women.

Her Catholicism, in which she was raised, gave way to belonging to “People of Praise” – a paraChurch, where those belonging run back to their identity within the Catholic Church when that is more comfortable, but do not leave behind their beliefs as “People of Praise.”

One of their most basic beliefs is in the inferiority of women and that is shown clearly in their structure. Men only on the board of those who governs Women subjected and under the governance of their husbands. Things most of us have not had to deal with for decades.

Women getting the vote; LGBTQ rights; equal pay; and so much more has come from our moving beyond by light years from where Amy Barrett decided to sit and make her life and out of that life her choices and now she is being promoted as someone who can make choices for millions of others for decades and where are we – talking about not criticizing her religion because that wouldn’t be right and so much more nonsense. Nonsense to allow the status quo to exist while we claim to be in another place fighting for equality.

Equality does not come from putting a woman or a man on the Supreme Court as a jurist who does not believe in equality and whose “integrity” will allow her to vote in such a way as to insure that equality does not come and the racist, sexist, structure of this society which we have all fought to change remains in tact. Maybe a few cosmetic changes, but with Ms. Barrett’s beliefs, not even that, especially since those questioning her demurred from the most basic issues – do you believe in the equality of women or do you equivocate on that and are not willing to step out and be counted.

My husband and I pray for this society daily. All we have left is the hope behind those prayers – that the next generation will not have to endure and go through the kind of horribleness we have been put through because some people’s egos and identities were so weak they could only survive believing they were better than and insisting that the society in which they live continues and maintains its structure which allows the bigoted to be sated and not threatened with having to go through the emotional trauma of moving from ‘better than’ to ‘equal to’.

We have so much to atone for and every time we make a start, the fear rises and the future without the identity you were raised to believe was your birthright comes forward and does not look good so we take a side curve and move in a direction where ‘the more things change, the more they stay the same.’

It would be tragic for Amy Barrett to be confirmed as it was tragic for Kavanaugh to have been confirmed. We saw the pattern, but when it happened again we decided to walk the same path because it was easy and those who stood up to say it is time to change this were martyred – and that is normal for us. We do that so well we have even hidden the mechanisms by which that happens and we look the other way.

Sadly, in this society, our excuses come down to money. How much will my doing this cost me – how much will I gain from being silent – how much will I get to rake in from going out on the limb just a short distance making sure I am always safe enough to be able to get back to the trunk in case the branch shows signs of breaking.

God forgive!


Supreme Court Nominee – Amy Barrett. Really!!!

Tuesday, September 29th, 2020

Amy Barrett is a woman being appointed to the Supreme Court who does not believe in the equality of women.  Equality does not happen when one lives in a community and one’s first loyalty is to the content and structure of that organization giving deference and obeisance to men. In this case living under the board of governors who can only and always be men.  

In Ms. Barrett’s case, her entire life is structured around the concept of women always under the authority of men.   She has accepted that and lives with it as her life’s mantra.  It is not spiritually or emotionally possible to then have a job outside that community which requires you to be a person who sees others as equals.

She believes a career in the law is a means to the end of serving God.   God, the way she lives in that concept, is one who structures society with men on top and women in, at best, secondary – lesser people who cannot handle the responsibilities given to that male board of governors.

Someone who has purposefully elected to be a part of a community such as People of Praise should not get a pass to rise in other groups where their community beliefs can be set aside to make decisions which are disparate to what they are taught and teach and live by in this community. Their tendency will be to undermine that group to which they do not belong as a lifestyle choice so that it becomes and its members become a part of POP.

Human beings cannot do that without waking up the evil side of their lives, which will increasingly become the side they use to make decisions in their vocation outside of POP.   Your life beliefs – especially if they are as strong as those in People of Praise and as different from the concept of this Republic called the United States as is the lifestyle demanded by the People of Praise  – do come into account and totally influence your decisions.

Barrett does not see herself in an equal marriage.  Her husband is the head of the family.  This is re-enforced by the larger community in which she lives, works, breaths.  That community  is headed by an all male board of governors and women are identified as those who cannot serve on that board of governors. Their lives are lived on a very secondary plane because they do not have what is necessary to take on that first level?

Its institutional structure, economically, is one of a communist organization or a very  developed socialist organization on its way to being communist.

To be fine with women excluded from the highest leadership positions says a lot about how she would rule as a Supreme Court Justice.  The economic lifestyle of her life group also says how she would rule if she were confirmed.

To question Amy Barrett on her membership in the People of Praise and her ability to be a justice who sees equality as the guiding principle of the U.  S. Constitution is not questioning her on the Catholic religion since People of Praise is a non-denominational paraChurch group.

It is totally like Donald Trump and his beliefs in the inferiority of women and their use as objects to have appointed someone like Amy Barrett to the Supreme Court.  To have someone with the belief system of people of praise as a Supreme Court Justice is one way to destroy and undermine the Supreme Court as Trump has done to the other parts of the u. S. Government.

How much money is he receiving and from what quarters to make this decision.

This is an extremely authoritarian group where each one reports to someone higher up and there are no secrets and no decisions made solely by one person – apparently, even in their career.   Who plus Amy Barrett would occupy her seat on the Court?

Republicans has gone into fits and one of the worse threats possible seems to be the threat of having someone in government in these United States – either elected or appointed – who lives in a Socialist and/or Communist political structure, especially someone at the top with major influence. 

Donald Trump has made it his choice to appoint people in high places who would contribute to the downfall and destruction of the Republic of the United States and who would most likely be instrumental in replacing that Republic with a very authoritarian, fascist system.  This nomination of Amy Barrett to the Supreme Court is no exception.

Bill Barr – the Attorney General is either closely affiliated with or a member of Opus Dei – a group which encourages its members to promote their faith through their everyday lives.

They live in a controlled environment and all the while Opus Dei hides behind the Catholic Church.” It is claimed they are not free to make their own decisions.

Mike Pence is a member of a similar group and it may be the People of Praise.  He has not identified the group to which he belongs, but what we have gleaned is that it is the same type of authoritarian, evangelical/catholic group which requires the same kind of sell-out of the U. S. Republic as those apparently belonged to by Bill Barr and Amy Barrett, amongst others in the Trump government.

These are cultish groups.  Pence cannot meet alone with a woman without someone else present. Members do not make their own decisions, but have others pulling the strings of the people so appointed.  To have the president of the United States appointing people who have the tendencies that one must have to maintain membership in such groups is chilling.

It suits his extreme authoritarianism, but these United States were founded by people running away from such.  These appointments and others say much and go along with the type of person Donald Trump chooses to appoint and with whom he chooses to work.

Their economic structures are also all mostly communist.


Romney – Pelosi – Trump

Friday, February 7th, 2020

by: Marceline Donaldson

The experience of having seen and heard Mitt Romney lay out in all its rawness, his reasons for voting to convict Donald Trump was amazing, confirming and an experience I shall never forgot and one for which I give thanks.

In doing so, Romney gave all of us a pattern for how our particular religious practice, our faith, our politics could go together.

We live in a country founded on the separation of religion and politics. In spite of that, we have the religious right demanding that their religious beliefs be the foundation which creates the policies on which this country continues to exist. How do we reconcile all of this? How can you live without your religion when it claims to be all consuming and the basis on which you live, breathe and from which comes all of your life decisions and function in a country which attempts to keep religion and politics separate!

Mitt Romney and Nancy Pelosi have given us one way to walk being able to live our religion with dignity, respect and honesty and function in these United States. In addition, Mitt Romney has opened the door for the acceptance in these United States of all religious beliefs. Who would have thought that would be done by a Mormon. A fairly “new” religion and one still being pushed aside; its believers and belief system ridiculed; and its adherents not often accepted by the rest of the country.

My study of theology over the years gave me an image of Donald Trump and his religious belief system which is clear, unequivocal and straight out of scripture. You have, no doubt, read what other writers in this publication have written as they outlined this belief system and tracked Trump’s walk through it with some clarity and quotes from Scripture.

There is a story in the Christian bible which is incredibly parallel to the walk Donald Trump is taking through his life. It apparently started when he was a young man and has become stronger over the years as he has walked this path with all of its trappings to get to his current post. That is the story of Satan tempting Jesus on the mountain top and offering Jesus all the beauty and power of this world if he will bow down and worship Satan. Jesus refuses and we move on from there.

Looking at Trump’s life you get a clear picture of what would have happened if Jesus had accepted Satan’s offer. Trump is only one of many men who have come along and said – “Let me replace Jesus, I will bow down and worship you Satan and I will do your bidding throughout eternity. Give me the power Jesus rejected.” We have seen and read about the life these men led and their “achievements” along with the power they sought after, grabbed for and finally had to relinquish at the end.

Yesterday, when I was at a very low point, sitting aimlessly in front of the television, there was Mitt Romney saying- my God and my faith are the center of my life and from that comes the decisions by which I live. Those are not his exact words, but that is the meaning of his preface as to why he was voting to convict Donald Trump.

After that short speech by Romney came another one on television by Donald Trump, who said “I do not believe in anything this Jesus – the Christ – person has said, nor do I nor will I live my life making decision that go along with His Gospel – how ridiculous. I will make decisions that go along with my belief and my dedication to the worship of Satan which I have cultivated throughout my life. Given that, I will retaliate in the worst way possible against all of those who did not, do not, will not do my bidding. I will attempt to destroy their quality of life and where possible the very lives of those who do not do my bidding. I will get others to “take them out”. They are horrible people. They are people who have blocked my ability to do Satan’s will and live the life Satan has required of me so I will have absolute power on this earth.

Those are not Trump’s exact words, but they are the meaning of what he said. He clearly abrogated the very core of what it means to be a Christian, to follow, to live into and to attempt to walk the path Jesus – the Christ – laid out for all Christians. He very clearly, loudly and in some detail said to everyone at that National Prayer Breakfast that he was not a follower of Jesus – the Christ; he did not believe in Holy Scripture; he would not live his life following the dictates of what – up to that point – he had called his religion. This weak and out-of-date belief system entraps those tending towards the same power grab that is sending many politicians into the arms of Trump and so into the arms of Satan. Christianity is not going to ‘entrap’ Satan – a few thousand years of experience shows that. It is also not going to entrap Trump he is now far beyond its grasp.

Trump has been able to move many others off the path of Christianity and helped them find the path Satan carved out for him and for those who would follow him. At the same time, in another setting, I watched Trump, still on television, bringing before the cameras, commending and raising up for all of watching, many of those he has been able to corrupt. Or rather, he gave us another lesson on how to recognize and bring into your ‘group’ those already corrupt to combine together to do Trump’s bidding. One such person received a sustained standing ovation when his name was called. The whole scene made you want to vomit.

Those are the people I was struggling trying to understand before this extravaganza happened. It was as though God said – turn on your television I am going to show you the answer to your prayers and relieve your consternation over what is happening in your world. And on came Trump and Company celebrating their “victory”.

God didn’t actually sit next to me and say that. This is my interpretation of what I heard and learned from the unveilings of the past few days.

Donald Trump has, in the past, walked up to the line of destroying Christ for many, but in his talk at the Prayer Breakfast he crossed it and was very clear that he is not Christian, never has been and finds Jesus and his teachings the extreme opposite of who he is and what he is about. That makes me wonder about the White Evangelical Christians who almost rabidly support Trump and all he is about. Donald Trump has been very clear about his belief system, how he lives his life, what he is going to do moving into the future and what he expects from his supporters.

It does not take much to realize what he is planning for those who don’t get in line, join the “team” and follow him.

It was amazing to me that all of this was revealed so quickly and in the context of a National Prayer Breakfast. I heard in my head a little ditty which many repeat – “fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me; fool me three times – wow, am I that morally corrupt?:”

So many people have told me over the years – when someone tells you who they are; what they believe; where they are going; and how they are going to treat you if you don’t behave in a certain way- believe them and make your decisions in life including that knowing instead of a hope and a wish that they were otherwise, were going to magically learn lessons which would allow them to be otherwise and better than they seem.

Thank you Senator Romney! I too try live my life by my faith in God and my belief in God’s promises. Lots of people I know live the same way. I just happen to be Episcopalian. My friends, who live the same way, are a gathering of people from Catholic, Baptist, Hindu, Muslim, and many more denominations/religious belief systems. I saw when you were Governor of Massachusetts that out of your belief system came the health care system that we now enjoy in Massachusetts and beyond. Out of the lives of many of my friends have come some amazing achievements – not grand and glorious which the world celebrates, but quiet and necessary and with large contributions to the lives of those around them.

Thank you Nancy Pelosi! As an African American/New Orleans Creole woman my life has been a continuum of one oppression received from this society after another. Not one day passes that I do not have to deal with racism or sexism or a combination of the two. And when those hits come I also have to deal with the denial of that experience by the rest of the world, even at times from my own family. And I know and have seen I am not alone in those experiences – many are forced by others to go through those horrors for reasons they don’t even seem to know or want to know, but which they put out there and demand that many go through so they can keep their identity as ‘better than’ whether that identity has served them for good or for ill.

In the process, I have learned to keep on keeping on and maybe help someone else to do the same. Trying to help someone climb over a particularly large stone they were having a difficult time getting over or getting around. Watching you on a national scale has been one a truly wonderful gift. May you continue and move from great to true greatness as you do your job on a daily basis.

My experience has been – there is nothing in this world stronger than prayer. The miracles I have seen coming from people joining their prayers together have been earth changing. May you continue to find strength in your faith to do what you needs to be done, standing in your own light, without need for the approval of those around you.

Satan is still looking for those to do his bidding who will fall down and worship him. Donald Trump needs to look at the example of those who did just that and how the end of their lives came exposing their evil and sin to the world as they went out in a blaze of horror, filth, agony and huge regrets never able to see the beauty which comes from the love of God and from those around seeing who they really are and caring for them in spite of their failings.

Trump is clear, that is not his way. He showed that for all to see when he walked away from a mentor who spent much of himself and his resources and fortune helping to educate and move Trump to the place he now holds – even moving him and his business from Queens to New York without which help none of what Trump has done would have been possible. When Roy Cohn became ill and in need at the end of his life, the person to whom he had given much and who very greedily accepted everything given to him assuming he could always go back for more and did while giving nothing back in return walked away from him, turned his back on this ‘friend’ and attended his funeral only briefly standing in the back for just a minute before beating a quick retreat out of there.

Throughout life you have to make life affirming, life changing or life destroying choices at many points. I hope the choices which those reading this make will be for good, for love, for kindness, for caring, to help relieve the suffering of others, realizing the humanity -the fragility – the tendency to fall and fail we all share and experience at different times of life is what joins us together.



What follows are some of the ways you can support our work:

Learn More About How We Use Your Donation!

Project 1 – Estate Sales after the Sale!*

*This contribution is to the Bettina Network Foundation, inc which is a 501(c)3 organization and tax deductible.

Project 2 – #WellsFargoBoycott*

This contribution is to the Bettina Network Foundation, inc. which is a 501(c)3 organization and tax deductible.

Project 3 – Growing Bettina Network’s Blog

into a major media outlet bringing to the public news, recipes, thoughts, reviews of businesses, etc. from the perspective of those who belong to Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community.  This is not a tax deductible contribution. You can send a check to Bettina Network, inc. P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 to support this blog! Please make your check payable to “Bettina Network, inc.”

Project 4 – Boycott the Twenty Dollar ($20) bill

If you prefer your gift go to the Foundation, make your check payable to Bettina Network Foundation, inc. The money we receive for the Foundation will be used to support the many activities in which we engage to try to make this a better world. 


Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to:

This is a curated blog so you cannot write your responses at the end of each entry. TO RESPOND TO THIS BLOG email 

Bettina Members Respond to Trump

Saturday, February 1st, 2020

Bettina Member Speaks: Thank you for the blog on Kobe Bryant. No one wants to go there, but Donald Trump has pulled out all the stops to distract from his horribleness and he has been very good at it. It took me quite awhile before I realized the distractions he and his followers apparently created were just that and neither news nor anything else. When it came to the time of Trump’s trial to remove him from office it is clear there would be another distraction to make other distractions look small by comparison to attempt to lessen the impact of his criminality being in the news. Kobe Bryant’s death was just that and its timing was exactly at the time Trump needed such. It did serve as a distraction like nothing else could have.

When John Bolton’s book excerpts started coming out at the same time as Trump’s removal trials were starting, I felt something really big would happen because something outrageous and vile and extremely evil would be needed to attempt to diminish Trump’s negative headlines. After the killing of the guy at the top of Iran happened because Trump gave the order for what looked like the same reasons, it did come to mind that someone could have caused Kobe Bryant’s death and that someone would probably be Donald Trump and his supporters. No one has had the guts to say anything about that, but you folks always come out with truth and this could very well be truth and not a conspiracy theory.

Looking at what is happening around the world, it all seems geared to keeping a white master race over all. So it has been almost from the beginning of this country and so it is now. Those in control have been feeling insecure as the United States moves towards the minorities becoming the majority and the same thing is happening in other parts of the world. The people fighting to maintain the kind of control they have maintained over the generations is becoming more visible and shows their insecurity and the lengths they will go to maintain themselves as white and – as you folks would say – “better than.” Russia, under Putin, is the first to come to mind and aren’t they a very white nation? And on and on it goes.

You had a down time with the blog which worried me. I called to find out what was happening that we weren’t seeing blogs. I was sure before I called you would be in the midst of some kind of harassment, but I was equally sure you would come out of it. Glad to see you back. I am enclosing a contribution to keep you keeping on. Keep fighting back. You are trying to combine a great business with an outlet for those who who use your services to have things to say that are not credibly being said by others. Keep it coming and don’t let up.

You have lots of followers, lots of love and many people pulling for your success. We know what happened with Airbnb and it was ugly. Every time I see their name I get angry, especially when I see the mess they are making of what was a fantastic industry that survived over the generations. I also see Marceline’s family background in journalism coming through. That is a powerful combination and I hope you pull it off. – call me when you need help and I will certainly positively respond. In the meantime, I will be out here spreading the word about all of you and your business.


Ed. Note: Thank you so much for the contribution and for being there for us as we move ahead growing and changing the business, keeping the blog moving towards our goal of a media outlet which puts out the ideas and more that we pick up in the process of meeting folks who become supporters and our source of news, ideas and more. You are the reason we keep going.



What follows are some of the ways you can support our work:

Learn More About How We Use Your Donation!

Project 1 – Estate Sales after the Sale!*

*This contribution is to the Bettina Network Foundation, inc which is a 501(c)3 organization and tax deductible.

Project 2 – #WellsFargoBoycott*

This contribution is to the Bettina Network Foundation, inc. which is a 501(c)3 organization and tax deductible.

Project 3 – Growing Bettina Network’s Blog

into a major media outlet bringing to the public news, recipes, thoughts, reviews of businesses, etc. from the perspective of those who belong to Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community.  This is not a tax deductible contribution. You can send a check to Bettina Network, inc. P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 to support this blog! Please make your check payable to “Bettina Network, inc.”

Project 4 – Boycott the Twenty Dollar ($20) bill

If you prefer your gift go to the Foundation, make your check payable to Bettina Network Foundation, inc. The money we receive for the Foundation will be used to support the many activities in which we engage to try to make this a better world. 


Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to:

This is a curated blog so you cannot write your responses at the end of each entry. TO RESPOND TO THIS BLOG email 

Hard to Write This Trump Conspiracy Theory!!

Tuesday, January 28th, 2020

Ed. Note: Progressives can engage in conspiracy theories as well as right wing conservatives. We thought long and hard before publishing this, however, we give our members the right to send us articles to include in Bettina Network’s Blog and so we will hold to our promise to publish!!

Member 6 – I was appalled, sickened and heartbroken to see and read about the death of Kobe Bryant, his 13 year old daughter and others involved in their incredible work to make this a better world.

At the same time I was wondering what Trump was going to come up with to cover, mitigate and distract from his defense teams presentation. So far, he was always on time and on the money with horrendous events which have been full of lies, misrepresentations and more which we all have been able to see through quickly.

While I was watching television with these thoughts going through my head, the program I was watching was interrupted and the announcement of Kobe Bryants’ death came across the news.

Maybe that is how I conflated the two, but it looked unbelievable that at the very moment all of Trump’s defense started to fall apart as John Bolton’s book excerpts became public, Bryants helicopter crashed – an event that would engage the world because of who Kobe Bryant was and how beautifully he lived his life and he was an African American man, which traditionally has meant he was a threat to Trump’s identity and ego.

What caught me was the 15 minutes Kobe Bryants’ helicopter circled while being held from landing in crucial circumstances.

I know next to nothing about aviation, but that stuck with me and I could see all kinds of things causing that delay which, in my mind could have caused the crash. And probably there would come out all kind of explanations as to why that 15 minute circulation in the sky under circumstances which could clearly cause catastrophe would be justified.

At first I decided to keep these thoughts to myself – given how horribly I reacted to Trump and his group’s conspiracy theories. But after watching non-stop reporting on both Trump’s defense people and the helicopter crash almost seeing them side by side, Trump’s murder of the Iranian came into view and the Khashoggi’s murder came to mind with Trump’s support of those who were claimed to be responsible and a whole lot more. I was looking at people who have no respect for human life and act out that there seems to be no boundaries those folks will not cross.

I don’t want to intrude on the grief of Kobe Bryant’s family, friends and supporters. It is a horrible loss for all of them and all of us to have been deprived of Kobe’s next act and the things he and his family have to contribute and would have contributed to all of us with great generosity. What an example Kobe Bryant has been to this upcoming generation and how few such examples do w have today for Kobe’s life to have been cut so short by some kind of “accident”.

But power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Trump has declared that he has complete power over all and he is acting out the part.

I don’t know what, if anything, all of this means, but I felt totally compelled to put it out in case it is more than a conspiracy theory – and if not – then to give you some idea as to the direction thoughts are going as events happen around us. I have not in life thought of things like one man in Iran being murdered to cover the ugliness of another. Nor had I thought the head of a large country would kill a newspaper commentator because he said uncomplimentary things about him and where his leadership was heading. Maybe it is the times corrupting my thinking and thoughts and then again——— the timing of Kobe Bryants death, killing, accident…………

A Response by a Bettina Member

Thursday, December 5th, 2019

First – I am young, white and male. I need to put that out front so you know something about where I am coming from. I am also a scientist who has been using Bettina Network for several years and look forward to my time spent in one of your homes in Harvard Square – it is my favorite place to go. I get the education in that house that I didn’t get at home and I get to stay in real luxury surroundings at the same time – something I also did not get to do at home.

I read Marceline’s article on Kamala Harris and there are things I would like to add that she did not say. Things I researched after many breakfasts in her home which just blew my mind. Mostly, about telling the truth.

To tell the truth about Kamala Harris means to say that she was one of those who supported Barack Obama from the beginning. At the beginning of Obama’s candidacy, when others were looking elsewhere, Kamala Harris was strong in using her time and other resources to work towards getting Obama elected president. She has yet to be given credit for that. What blows my mind is the fact that so called “older blacks” are supporting Joe Biden because of his closeness to Obama. How such is that?

That should not be such a surprise to me because I noticed over the years African Americans are not great supporters of Bettina Network. I have yet to meet one using this network and my conversations with those I know blow my mind. A couple African Americans I know and who are friends of mine would rather stay in lesser accommodations and pay more than to stay at the Bettina Network. They don’t articulate why, but after a short conversation it becomes clear they do not give much credit to a company owned by another African American, especially a woman. Given that I have some understanding as to why blacks are not supporting Kamala Harris. To support their own seems to be a negative to just about every African American I have met. This is an article, after all, in which I am determined to tell the truth as I see it in this life. If that violates you or makes you angry so be it. I have had to struggle years to be able to face life as it is rather than as it is described to me for me to believe as the truth.

To tell the truth about Joe Biden, which few are doing, means to say that he was not one of those supporting Barack Obama when Kamala Harris was out on the campaign trail doing exactly that. My research shows that from the very beginnings of Barack Obama’s campaign there was Kamala Harris doing everything she could to support his candidacy.

It is to admit that Biden was instrumental in seeing that Thurgood Marshall was followed by Clarence Thomas – and that is who “older blacks” are supporting instead of supporting Kamala Harris? I was too young to remember the hearings, but I went back to read about what happened when Clarence Thomas was put on the Supreme Court and it was vile and who was instrumental in seeing that happen? Pictured in newspaper clippings as chair of the panel that made sure Thomas was exonerated enough to be elected to the Supreme Court – Joe Biden. So now we have to live with him on the Supreme Court without acknowledging who was instrumental in making that happen.

To tell the truth means to talk out loud without being intimidated to say Joe Biden treated a black woman – Anita Hill – disgracefully, and this is the man being promoted as the successor of Barack Obama? The man promoted as the next president while Kamala Harris’ campaign is suspended? I do not wonder why we now have Donald Trump as president. Sometimes I wonder if he is not who we deserve.

To tell the truth means to point out the upset and upheaval that happened when Elizabeth Warren was, briefly, the front runner in the Democrat’s primary presidential campaign. Such furor and upset was palpable. A flurry of activity and out comes Michael Bloomberg and even DeVal Patrick running into the campaign to stop what looked like an election getting out of control – how? a woman was then the front runner taking control out of the hands of the white males who normally oversee and dictate such things whether they be Republican or Democrat. That should have been done generations ago, but we are still here fighting the same battles we have been fighting for generations. I hope it stops with my generation. At least there seems to be some hope after we have seen an African American man as president doing an outstanding job followed by an out of control White man who someone said wears “clown shoes” and will engage in treason to keep himself up front and in control because his ego needs that. The job he does is irrelevant, only a by-product of his stage settings for himself. And that job includes turning the United States Government into a criminal enterprise over which he rules as the godfather? Is this what I am inheriting?

All of a sudden there were people coming out from all corners to stop Elizabeth Warren. The last time I saw anything like that was when it looked as though Hillary Clinton might win and out came even Russia and Vladimir Putin to stop that and stop her becoming president even if they had to sully the process to achieve their goal.

We don’t tell the truth. And so we help elect the likes of Donald Trump. The man whose closest long term adviser is Steven Miller – a Jew who hates other Jews and has promoted and helped to bring about things that were prevalent during Hitler’s reign and Nazi Germany. Just like Trump’s mentor Roy Cohn who was a gay man who hates gays.

To tell the truth means that we have a straight line we can draw in our government from Joe McCarthy of “communist” days straight through to Donald Trump. I heard at many breakfasts how Trump learned at the feet of Cohn and McCarthy and as my research bore that out I was stunned. That is not something I would have put together otherwise.

We have constantly had to fight such people and why? Is it because we put forth a scenario which skewers the truth and puts forth instead a story line which is meant to manipulate the voting public into a stance that we want which will maintain the system as it is rather than tell the truth to gain a fully functioning system open to all which reflects the equality we claim to be about?

We had a senator in Joe McCarthy who was rumored to be a total drunk and yet he had lots of support as he careened all over the place making life a living hell for many, seeing to it that their lives were upheaveled, their jobs lost, their beliefs lied about for the convenience of the many who wanted to see the kind of “purge” McCarthy undertook. I didn’t realize until my stay in a Bettina home the connection between McCarthy, Cohn and Trump. There was even talk about the role Robert Kennedy had sitting at McCarthy’s right hand as he made his way up the political ladder. I heard it at a breakfast seminar and still didn’t believe it until I did my own research and the shock that this is my country and this is what we are about hit with crude power and I have not been the same since.

I could go on for pages, but this is what we need in this country – tell the truth and deal with the consequences. What a totally refreshing idea. Maybe then we wouldn’t have to worry about the “billionaire group” who deserve to be a part of this society also. And we wouldn’t have to worry about the feminists, or the lesbians, or the homosexual males, or the angry blacks, or the immigrants, or……… All people we have in our immediate families – well, maybe not all, but certainly one or two. We can have family dinners with them, but not allow them to be an equal part of our lives. Is that why our family lives are so screwed up? To be better than, we have to hide and/or try to change those who share our genes?

Maybe when I get a bit older I will understand and join this group, but now, as a young person I hope I continue learning and speaking truth. It is freeing like nothing else. At least if I decided to support Joe Biden it would be after I knew the truth about his history and who he is today. But even so I agree with you Marceline, I would rather support someone like Kamala Harris for president. I was lukewarm about her until I read your article. Today, I would like to be one of her supporters.



What follows are some of the ways you can support our work:

Learn More About How We Use Your Donation!

Project 1 – Estate Sales after the Sale!*

*This contribution is to the Bettina Network Foundation, inc which is a 501(c)3 organization and tax deductible.

Project 2 – #WellsFargoBoycott*

This contribution is to the Bettina Network Foundation, inc. which is a 501(c)3 organization and tax deductible.

Project 3 – Growing Bettina Network’s Blog

into a major media outlet bringing to the public news, recipes, thoughts, reviews of businesses, etc. from the perspective of those who belong to Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community. 

Project 4 – Boycott the Twenty Dollar ($20) bill

You can send a check to Bettina Network, inc. P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 to support this blog! Please make your check out to “Bettina Network, inc.” since the blog income is not the foundation income.

If you prefer your gift go to the Foundation, make your check payable to Bettina Network Foundation, inc. The money we receive for the Foundation currently is going to support the Wells Fargo Boycott. 


Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to:

This is a curated blog so you cannot write your responses at the end of each entry. TO RESPOND TO THIS BLOG email 

Kamala Harris vs Michael Bloomberg

Wednesday, December 4th, 2019

by: Marceline Donaldson

My candidate, as everyone knows, is Kamala Harris. I hope her campaign suspension is temporary and she comes back strong.

We all acknowledge that Donald Trump needs to go soonest. He is like a huge, overgrown pig eating at the trough pushing everyone else away because he wants no one on his level. And considering how foul he is, I don’t think anyone else wants to eat at the same trough, but another pig has joined the primary campaign – Michael Bloomberg.

Trump doing what he does best!

When we move from incredible greed, arrogance, lies, grossness, to just the normal kind of such ugly foul things politicians do, we can now add Michael Bloomberg, an American Oligarch, as one of the pigs.

I have been listening to what the talking heads are saying about Kamala Harris’ decision to suspend her campaign. None have mentioned the ugliness caused by Bloomberg’s entry and the press release by his new ex-Harris staffer which was one of the most vicious such things I have been. All of that makes Bloomberg look a bit like Trump. No way that press release went out without Bloomberg’s blessing

Give him time. From his initial roll out – which included stealing a member of Kamala Harris’ staff – who didn’t just leave, but left using that exit to give a huge boost to Bloomberg at Harris’ expense, had to have been done with Bloomberg’s knowledge and consent.

Kamala Harris had a perfect roll out of her campaign and her appearances have been stellar. All of the hopes for her candidacy began to fade as time went on and racism and sexism took over to push her out.

One of the major pushers was Bloomberg. To enter a race late, to do so with the obscene amounts of money Bloomberg spent and intends to continue spending makes him look like a version of Donald Trump. He is not, however, feeding at the pig’s trough, he doesn’t have to, he is feeding others at his own personal trough – like the person he ripped off from Kamala Harris campaign to join the staff of his campaign. That had to be upending for Harris and her campaign and who else and what else did he do to get rid of a competitor? A move worthy of his American Oligarch status.

Really vicious – especially when you read the press release that person wrote dissing Kamala Harris and her ability to lead her primary presidential campaign making her look totally incompetent, indecisive and more. All of the great and correct things she did were washed out with that one move by Bloomberg and his new ex-Harris staffer.

Those talks between Bloomberg and his new hire from the Harris campaign must have taken place over a period of time. One doesn’t just jump ship without having been offered something you can’t resist – like more money? more power? more…….

Both Bloomberg and his new hire need an ethics transplant. Politics is about money and clearly in this instance money was offered and succeeded in its goal. Get a good staffer in the middle of the campaign, which you enter late, and hurt the competition in the process. On their way to hell with those moves.

I don’t know where I will go from here, but it certainly will not be supporting the Bloomberg campaign and I hope all of you follow suit.

We have to draw the line and begin insisting our politicians have a better moral and ethical base and these moves early, in the middle and later in their campaigns fit a higher moral and ethical place than is happening now.

What becomes clear to me is Biden was the fair haired boy who was to walk away with the primary. That isn’t happening, so the Oligarch’s who need a president they can control, are now jumping into the campaign. Their panic at possible loss of advantages in this society are growing so they are showing their hands – and their hands are all looking quite dirty.



What follows are some of the ways you can support our work:

Learn More About How We Use Your Donation!

Project 1 – Estate Sales after the Sale!*

*This contribution is to the Bettina Network Foundation, inc which is a 501(c)3 organization and tax deductible.

Project 2 – #WellsFargoBoycott*

This contribution is to the Bettina Network Foundation, inc. which is a 501(c)3 organization and tax deductible.

Project 3 – Growing Bettina Network’s Blog

into a major media outlet bringing to the public news, recipes, thoughts, reviews of businesses, etc. from the perspective of those who belong to Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community. 

Project 4 – Boycott the Twenty Dollar ($20) bill

You can send a check to Bettina Network, inc. P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 to support this blog! Please make your check out to “Bettina Network, inc.” since the blog income is not the foundation income.

If you prefer your gift go to the Foundation, make your check payable to Bettina Network Foundation, inc. The money we receive for the Foundation currently is going to support the Wells Fargo Boycott. 


Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to:

This is a curated blog so you cannot write your responses at the end of each entry. TO RESPOND TO THIS BLOG email 

Bettina's Lifestyle Commnity!

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Bettina’s Lifestyle Community

Making a difference in this very difficult and changeable world.

Bettina's Lifestyle Commnity!

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