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Donald J. Trump – Mentally ill or evil!!

Saturday, January 9th, 2021

There is a huge difference between someone who is mentally ill and someone who is just plain evil. Looking back and through Donald Trump’s life, it is clear he is not mentally ill, he is clearly evil and has practiced his craft for decades. Who in literature – especially biblical and spiritual literature do you find has to hold the Bible upside down? Isn’t that what Trump did during that spectacle he created in Washington, D. C.? Why was it so important that he called out all the important military and others to create this show? To announce who he really is? To unmask himself? He said nothing – he simply held up the Holy Bible UPSIDE DOWN and in doing so identified himself to all who could see.

What is amazing to us is that before voting for him and electing him president we knew him. We knew his history. We knew his family. We knew his friends.

As a young adult, Donald Trump, working with his father was sued by the United States Government for their racism. They built apartments and refused to rent to African Americans and other minorities. The Trump response to the law suit was quite telling as to how Donald Trump would lead his life into the future. The way he responded to the law suit was amazingly evil. He clearly had no intention of changing or adhering to the laws of the United States. He just spent a lot of Court time to make sure he would not have to and could continue not renting to minorities. The pattern for future response was set in that law suit. Look it up. See how far Trump went to create the kind of confusion, hatred, arrogance and a show of extreme white supremacy that he and his father showed to the United States Government through the process of that law suit.

In the literature, books, newspapers we learned that Martin Luther King, Jr. kept the Bible and a copy of Howard Thurman’s “Jesus and the Disinherited” next to his bed and his bedside table. That told us a lot about the ethics, commitment, interests, spirituality of the man. His life reflected his choice of readings and of the books he kept close.

By contrast, the same media outlets told us – as they reported on Donald Trump’s divorce from Ivana Trump – that Donald Trump kept Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” next to his bed. That also said a lot about the ethics, commitment, interests, spiritiuality of the man. Trump’s life has reflected his choice of readings and of the books he kept close. Yes, he does read. We just do not understand his choices and we choose to say he is the way he is because he does not read. Just one of the many times we have provided the Trump’s with an escape hole for what should be talked about honestly.

And as his life moved along, Trump’s friends of choice show more of who he is becoming as his ages. At one point Roy Cohn, attorney, was his very close friend. Speculation at the time was that Trump was gay. Roy Cohn, a man who was well known to be gay and Jewish was also someone who was known for his unabashed hatred of Gays and Jews. Someone like Donald Trump was perfect as a cover for Roy Cohn and as someone with the same anti-Gay, anti-Jewish proclivities. It made their closet seem safe from exposure.

Cohn was the person who brought Trump and his business to Manhattan and taught Trump everything he knows about how to fight. The rumors about Trump being gay floated around because if you lived in New York at the time in the “right neighborhood” you saw Cohn and Trump having dinner by candlelight in restaurants many times – just the two of them, clearly “spooning” and enjoying their time together.

Trump’s throwing his friends and those who followed him under the bus became a clear trademark of Trumpism as one could see observing his friendship and working partnership with Cohn, which went along swimmingly until Cohn lost his fortune, was fairly destitute and ill. Even at Cohn’s funeral, the best Trump could do was to appear and stand at the back of the Synagogue for a few minutes before disappearing. Helping a friend financially who was responsible for most of what Trump had and was able to do in New York is not something that was and is a Trumpian thing to do.

The talk of New York at the time was how much Cohn had done for Trump and when he was in need how little to nothing Trump did for Cohn. Trump was happy to “spoon” with Cohn over those candlelight dinners when Cohn was an important and feared part of New York. That ended as Cohn neared his end and had nothing more to offer Trump. – sound familiar? Cohn also introduced Trump to Joseph McCarthy and there created the trinity and the time during which Trump learned at McCarthy’s knee a lot of what you see him practicing today and a lot of what he used to move himself into the position he current holds. Our amazement is how someone with that background – which, as Trump moved along in life, included sexually assaulting, raping and abusing women which screams of an incredible hatred of women. He showed how he was not too above board with his business dealings, doing one thing in plain sight while deflecting and turning your attention to another place so when he did what he actually was about you had to do a total about face to keep up with the evil being spewed all over everyone.

Trump and his family have a history of strong, positive, relationships with the mafia. At one point in time in the United States that would have been an automatic disqualifier for being even considered as president of the United States.

At this point in time, the only thing relevant to the next president of these United States was how racist is he – and she would not even be considered? How far is he willing to go to destroy African Americans, Jews, Latina’s, LGBTQ people, Muslims and so many more not Northern European-ancestry people?

We are in this country “divided”. But very few will go the distance in describing just what that means. Blaming Donald Trump and holding up his sins is about as far as many will go. We need to look more carefully. We went from slavery – which was destroyed by the Industrial Revolution – which structure was destroyed by Corporate America – which is now being destroyed by the White Male Institutional structure being put in place by this new way we are moving.

Corporate America is clearly “authoritarian” in its structure. One could go further and say it borders on fascism. How does such a structure which affect every part of these United States survive in a democratic structure. What we are seeing is that it doesn’t. The structure that Corporate America has developed works hard to be the “hegemonies” in what has been created as a hegemony over all. Isn’t that what created Donald Trump and his father?

That structure is giving way and the question is – what next? What will control this society? And there are the divisions where one side latched onto Trumpism and gained enough time to anchor its foot hold and pull the wool over the eyes of those fighting to live and work in a democracy.

Whenever democracy threatens to take over Corporate America and its fascist structure those efforts are loudly claimed to be “Socialism” and that is look on as the devil itself.

That label has been created to put fear into many so democracy will not succeed in changing the corporate structures taking hold in this world.

Want to see what corporate america has wrought? Take a look carefully at Josh Hawley and his rise to the Senate. We wondered how he was able to win his seat against someone like Claire McCaskill who was well respected and with a substantial reputation. As we looked at Trump and how he made his rise, we began to understand. Try taking a look at the “money and power” which backed Josh Hawley in his run replacing McCaskill. When he took his stand with his raised fist and started this business which resulted in the incredible destruction, insurrection, attempted coup that we have just witnessed we did not know his history nor the enormous amounts of corporate money behind him.

Clearly, when one is so funded and supported as Hawley has been, the piper does come calling and expects you to perform for that investment – and Jose Hawley did more than what was expected of him and is still going to great lengths because he knows he is connected to the money and power which put Donald Trump in office and whoever chose him knew who he was and of what he was capable.

Once Hawley has made a total fool of himself as he lets his greed and power needs get out of hand, he will be cast aside and someone not quite so ‘obvious’ chosen to do the same job, backed by the same power and money that brought us Josh Hawley and dissed Claire McCaskill.

As a country, we have been split, but we are not coming up front with just what is the split. It is being talked about as Democrat vs Republican and even putting the blame on race. We need to look at the real genesis of what this is all about. We have a billionaire group which has involved itself in politics far more deeply than the wealthy in this country used to in years and decades and generations past. Those who have obscene money and power and pushing hard to gain more and to reshape the world so they and theirs will live forever.

There have been some failed attempts in years past to get government, industry, ordinary people to sit and reason together. Those attempts failed because Industry would not sit together, but saw itself sitting above and calling the shots which government and ordinary people were not allowing.

The reason for the bigotry-racism-better than can be traced directly to this corporate group. Take a look at the immediate result providing money to groups like the “Proud Boys”. We have had to take a stand and object to J. P. Morgan Chase making its tools of trade available for them to raise money to continue their fight. And Chase’s response will be to plead ignorance and more.

Take a look at what is and has happened with entrepreneurship. Look at who gets funded by the Venture Capitalists and their ilk and who doesn’t. All of that is to support the current structural divisions – the institutional divides which are becoming stronger and which all of this Trump business is simply deflecting from what is really happening in these United States. Many, if not most, of the fledgling businesses which become the multi-billionaire groups were formed – their genesis came out of the minority and female communities. Immediately upon their recognition and future potential becomes noticed along comes young, white male Northern European-ancestry types – although lately other males are finding themselves sprinkled among the white boys – and the businesses started and brought to the point where their potential is obvious are ripped away from minorities and women and funded to the tune of enormous amounts of money so their histories can be changed and credit taken and given to those white male Northern European-ancestry types, who are then able to bring them to fruition as multi-billion dollar corporations which recognize and acknowledge and build according to the fascist needs of corporate america which is putting itself out of business for this new and upcoming group dictating the future and using the Donald Trump’s of the world to confuse, obfuscate, muddy the waters until this new structure is safely in place.

One such group destroyed was being put in place by Marceline Donaldson and Rev. Robert Bennett. For 20 years they worked on a business and structure which pointed the way to the future. Funding was not there. Instead the corporate funders sent – the Venture Capitalist sent- the white male Northern European-ancestry types into their home to discover what they were doing – how they were doing it- etc. etc. And now we have Airbnb safely white male with everything possible being done to destroy the Donaldson-Bennett’s so they cannot put in place any kind of competition.

They are not alone. We have been looking for and finding many minorities and women whose ideas have been clearly and upfront stolen with others – white male Northern European-ancestry – put in place to bring forward the businesses they have spent years working to develop and beginning to be very successful in a structure and business that would change the way business is being done.

Those businesses have brought back and are continuing to bring into being a vicious racism and sexism in their structures which rivals what many fought to change in this country for generations. The “Proud Boys” and those like them may be crowing and running around “proud” of what they consider their success in their mission without realizing their time in the spotlight is already over and others are being moved in to take their place.

Trump has been the shield behind which a Russian-style American Oligarch group has been formed and which is destroying the structure of the U. S. so the structure which is most congenial to them can be put in its place and they are succeeding admirably.

Josh Hawley and what has happened to him – and what will happen to him in the future is just a small way-station on the way to their complete and total control over the means of production and everything else in this country.

Some think slavery ended because of the abolitionists and all the others who fought against that institution. Is that true? Or did slavery end because the Industrial Revolution was moving into that space and the machinery being developed was much more controllable and cheaper than slavery and so much more.

We are now in the middle of another such turn in the economics, culture and more in this world. The little people aren’t tall enough to see the structures being put in place to replace what is no longer working.

The bigotry is going along because it is extremely useful in keeping those same little people under control. Tell them they are better than – let them believe such lies and they will be able to be led around like human beings with nose rings and a long chain from their nose ring to the hands of those put in place to lead them.

The large billion dollar corporations did not come about via the people who have re-written their company’s history to show themselves as the founders. Most of the great ideas now funded and grown into such behemoth corporations came from minorities and women and were stolen and put in the hands of young white males who showed the most promise as racists with a bit of a “noblesse oblige” spirit – but not too much. Got to keep them in chains, just camouflage the chains and ignore those who see what is really happening.

We could go on for pages. But if you want to know more and to see this for yourselves take a look at the senate campaign of Josh Hawley and Claire McCaskill. Follow the money and promises and talk to a few people around and involved in what happened. Many who look like the little people have great analytical abilities, but they are into self-preservation and won’t share what they see and know with many.

That would make a good book for someone – especially as it is now unfolding what Josh Hawley is willing to do and how far he will go, even to destroying the country he has taken an oath to serve because he sees a future of money and power and himself beyond his ability to resist.

That is just one story. There are many others. Trump’s story is ending and all of his dreams for his children to follow him and to become the lifelong president of the United States which would give him and his family unlimited power – that is over. His usefulness is over. His future is prison along with those who supported and followed him and they will probably never see or know what happened to them.

All of us, human beings, are subject to evil. We have that tendency and we mostly ignore it. What we need to do is examine it and keep the evil within us out of our lives and walk that path which is far more beautiful than any power and money can bring. That is not a lifestyle our marketing and advertising people portray. Maybe where we really need to start cleaning up this society is with them.

Electoral College Trumps Democracy!

Friday, September 4th, 2020

With the upcoming vote being what is dominating the news, the one thing mostly absent from the discussion is the Electoral College.

We have suffered through Donald Trump as president because of the racism and sexism structured into this country and its Constitution by our Founding Father. They were unable to envision a country in which all people were created equal. The fear that ‘others’ – other races, immigrants, women, slaves might be able to rise up and exercise control over those who they felt were the real Americans and so the Electoral College came into being as the structured racism and structured sexism put into the Constitution to prevent such an occurrence.

In 2016 that Electoral College gave us Donald Trump as president. A man so morally deficient in what we consider our “American values” that our country as we know it has almost ceased to exist.

We have immigrants being destroyed at the southern border. We have young children of immigrants by the thousands who can’t be found, while we have the suspicious swell in Sex Traffickers having a huge supply of young children they are abusing.

We have as president a man who had “Mein Kampf:” next to his bed for years on his night stand and who has just automatically put in place Hitler/Nazi type institutions into this American country. The latest being his Attorney General trying to eliminate the International Court of Justice.

The 2016 election clearly said – from a democratic place; from the democracy we wish we had structured instead of the republic under which we live – that Hillary Clinton was elected president and was pushed aside in favor of a white male northern European descendant with a ‘mafia’ type family history. We have lived with the fact that over 3 million Americans voted Hillary Clinton into office as president of these United States and instead we cringed as we watched Donald Trump step over her and take the position instead. That by itself should have been the event to horrify every American and move all of us into action when one candidate has over 3 million votes more than the other and the other becomes president? How have we justified our near silence about that over these past four years? How have we justified not having made that our number one priority? How have we justified making excuses for the continuation of the Electoral College while blaming other things which did not have the strength nor the import to be responsible for such a happening?

If we were not happy with that structural racism we would have moved to change it over these last four years. We have not. Instead, we have attributed that loss not to what our Founding Father institutionalized and what we have lived under all of these hundreds of years, but to James Comey writing a memo which is not the kind of thing which would dictate the winner of the 2016 presidential election.

It is time for us to “man up” and admit our failings and move swiftly and together to change that. We have “Black Lives Matter”, but do they really when we cannot take out of our institutional, political structure what has been put there to make sure whoever is running for election as president of this country has a very large barrier to cross if they are not northern European and if their class is not the preferred class of our Founding Fathers.

It is time for us to be – structurally – a democracy – and not hide behind the fear of “the others” taking over and running this country. It is time for us to be an actual democracy where white northern European upper classes in these United States are one of – are equal to – are working alongside those who are not white, not upper class, not the kind of person who originally wrote the Constitution and instituted slavery and the extreme oppression of women with immigrants being treated as they are today.

Why is equality such a scary thing to all of us. Why do we need the accident of our birth to determine our level of power, wealth and control in these United States. What is it we are afraid of? That blacks will rule the country? That Jews will be the financial arbiters? That we will all slide ‘down’ into a culture taken from American Indians? Need I go on?

Get your guts together America and act out what we claim to believe – that we are all created equal and we all have much to give to the betterment of these United States and we need to make sure everyone is allowed to give of their talents and that each one’s vote will be equal to the vote of their neighbor, friend, co-worker, colleague, ……….

The first priority in voting is to eliminate the Electoral College. We cannot afford anymore Donald Trump’s – and, we might add, eliminate many of those presidents who would not have been elected but for the Electoral College – all of whom added their bit to the destruction of this country through their fear of losing the advantage of their skin color, their culture and their financial status which they did not earn, but were given by their birth.

Your birth gives you many things – it does not give you “better than” against other human beings.


Trump – yet another distraction!

Tuesday, April 9th, 2019

by: Marceline Donaldson

Apparently, Vladimir Putin has sent Donald Trump another list of things to do and Trump is carrying them out in his usual manner. However, the Chinese spy was ‘caught’ and the distraction is exposed for what it is – a continued attempt to dismantle these United States.

It is clear from the way this is happening that this is a distraction from the coming revelations from the Mueller Report which Trump, his friends and allies want to arrive in a murky atmosphere so Trump will continue to have time to continue to dismantle the United States government into the kind of structure they can take over.

Sad to say Trump does not realize that he will not be around to enjoy the excitement and celebration if he succeeds. He will be too much of a threat – especially since he can’t keep soda water on his stomach.

With the firing of Nielsen and the comments on her “evil” and the other ways she acted we seem to forget that what happened in Nazi Germany was not due to some special and unique character of Germans. It is a character flaw which is human and is happening in many places on different levels for the same reasons – power and control. It is well underway in these United States. Hopefully, there will be no reason for it to be said – as history goes over our actions during these days – that good people did nothing.

A man with no experience in government and no accurate knowledge of how the United States government works could not do what Trump has been doing without help from someone with the training that Putin has had as an operative of the Society Union. And I am sure Putin is not the only one in the mix seeing this as a good time for them to intervene as they have wanted to do for generations. Favros didn’t show up in such a hurry at the beginnings of the meeting between Trump and Kim Jong Un in Vietnam by accident. My guess – someone was not toeing the line and needed a nudge to get with the program.

And in the end, Trump’s exit is already planned. He is setting the stage for a “crazy persons” exit from the United States presidency from which he expects to go scot free with lots of money waiting him to live happily ever after.

I do not believe all of these recent firings are taking place just as a coincidence when Trump needs some kind of cover for whole or parts of the Mueller Report becoming public. The last time such took place it was a huge explosion and great distraction. This is what Trump needs now to get the public off on a wild goose chase after the seeming upheavals with immigration so they are not focusing on what is happening with Donald Trump and what looks like the continuation of a huge next step in his massive conspiracy to destroy the current United States government so it will be easy to bring it back together again in a non-democratic/republic shape.

What is hopeful is all of this is the extreme diversity of the current United States House of Representatives. We are now a country which represents all of us – well, once the Senate has been “readjusted” – and the new president elected, if the press will stop pushing the white males amongst the candidates and pushing the females into the background, we might have the continuation of a great country. This time, one that represents all of its citizens. A note to the press – remember the great push and coverage you gave to Donald Trump’s campaign. It is time for you to stop self-absorption and the profit motive and realize the influence you have on this society. That needs to cause you to always and forever act with courage, and truth.

With the United States becoming the country we were raised singing, writing and claiming to be great in its diversity representing all of the people, maybe in this generation it will be so.

It is fitting that the old guard, which was the past, is represented in its death throes by this ridiculous caricature of a man who, hopefully, is the last president trying to keep this country white, male and mostly northern European. Dear God, let it be so. Do not let us have to go through another and more vicious Nazi Germany to emerge steps further down the road to a true government of the people, by the people and for the people.

My vision of Donald Trump is of a man ascending the stairs of an airplane with the wind at his back and his hair piece flapping in the wind with toilet paper stuck in one shoe following him up the stairs on his way to explaining to his handlers why he made such a mess of his assignment and couldn’t, in the end, pull it off.


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Elizabeth Warren and Pocahontas!

Friday, February 8th, 2019

by: Marceline Donaldson

It has been a busy day! The writing from a Bettina Network Lifestyle Community Member on Elizabeth Warren has caused a bit of a blowup. So you know I have to chime in. Who would guess that among hard working people; thoughtful people; intellectual people there would be this bit of racism.

Is it racist to dump on Elizabeth Warren for talking about her Native American ancestors and as some are doing, claim that is reason for the Democratic Party to rethink her candidacy for president? “Drop her” is what I have heard from some and looking for justification to back their negativity towards Senator Warren is what I have heard from others.

What is the racial mythology fueling this? The claim that Blacks, African Americans, Native Americans, Hispanic Americans and all those other minorities out there really want to be White. What negates this is a White American acknowledging her Native American ancestors and at a very young age. -That is clear in the past reporting on Michael Jackson. It came out periodically. The claim that Michael Jackson wanted to be ‘white’. He used ‘white’ make-up on his face to cover his blackness, etc. etc. The reality of his life was never acknowledged.

The fact that Michael Jackson had a disease that turns your skin from dark to stark white was never injected into those conversations. Neither was the fact that makeup on the white portions of your face where the pigment has gone away does not take very well so your choice is limited and it must be the white makeup. That was constantly reported, but the facts were skewered to accommodate the mythology of White Supremacy. No matter how great Michael Jackson was – and he was pretty outstanding in his day – what he really wanted was to be white. That is the other side to the rejection of and demand for an apology from Elizabeth Warren for acknowledging her Native American ancestors.

How do I know about this disease? My grandfather had the same disease. His hands were spotted as the darker pigment was moving away and his hands and face and neck were turning white as the disease progressed. Some people live to see themselves turn completely white, some die before that happens. I don’t think it is the disease which causes their death, it doesn’t seem to have any other affect on the body.

That is only one reporting which brought out and emphasized how blacks wanted to be white. There have been more. What does that do? It shores up White Supremacy. Those who are not white want to be. The opposite – those who are seen and accepted as white hide any minorities they may have in their background. “Passing” has always been looked down on, but once you have “passed for white”, married and have children that look white you are sort of safe, just stay put and don’t bring up those minority ancestors.

What Elizabeth Warren has done is turn all of that on its head. She had a life as white – until she started talking about her Native American ancestry. What is that? It is a violation of the contract whites have with each other. If every ‘white’ persons’ minority ancestry was outed we would have chaos in this country there are so many. Slavery wasn’t mostly on plantations, most of slavery happened in one house with one white family living “cheek by jowl” with one black slave family. The result of this produced many white plus children. White Supremacy would be in total confusion and destroyed if history were more accurate. The hold that the need to be better than has on all of us becomes clearer by the decade. The hypocrisy of racism and its ridiculousness is lost on most of us.

One great example of the ridiculousness comes from the life of Senator Strom Thurmond. A son of the south and one who viciously articulated hatred of blacks who should always know and stay in their place. His political career was founded on his racism. Senator Thurmond had a black daughter who he knew, educated, with whom he had a relationship, but everyone conspiratorially around him kept his secret. Thurmond was in the forefront of those Democrats who left the Democratic Party because they saw the possibility of taking control of and changing the Republican Party into a replica of the KKK and other such groups. And as we have seen from this current man who calls himself President of these United States, he was successful.

Our hypocrisy on race is the stuff of legend. So how does White Supremacy and racism remain? It stays put because of the inferiority and arrogance of whites – conservative and liberal – who need to have that feeling of being better than to feel normal.

How does that relate to Senator Warren, her Native American heritage and the societal reaction?

If we are going to maintain White Supremacy we must abide by the rules. A cardinal rule is that one follows the mythology – in this case that blacks and other minorities want to be white. To break that happens when a white person – one who is totally accepted as white – comes out talking about her Native American ancestors – that is the stuff which gets one stoned.

Senator Warren – you are white. Defined as being better than and as a young person just getting started in your career you came out putting “Indian American” on forms that need to be filled out with race on the form. Just look at what you are doing to this society. You have upended and disregarded and violated one of the basic rules that maintains White Supremacy. The mythology which is one of the pillars holding up White Supremacy is that Blacks and other minorities want to be white and here you are coming out to say I am White but I acknowledge and respect my Native American ancestors. Look around Senator Warren, even the Native American leaders can’t handle that. Why not? If basic change happens. If everyone starts coming out and acknowledging and respecting all parts of their heritage just look at what that will mean. Those leaders of minority groups, among others, will be out of work.

Hey, you put out your heritage let me put out mine, which includes Native Americans. But wait – that doesn’t do anything. For one minority to lay claim to their ancestors in another minority group – no sweat. That changes nothing and is barely noticed. Many of my African American friends acknowledge their Native American ancestors and no one notices. The problem comes when you – white female – comes out to dare to acknowledge and respect your Native American heritage, and lordy, to even talk about it in the highest places.

And to all of those claiming you do not belong to any Native American tribe and therefore can’t be Native American, that is mind blowing. Why? Because that is the way Native Americans are annihilated – eliminated – become obsolete . That is something we have been trying to do almost since the Pilgrims landed.

If you are mixed and live as white and the generations pass, your Native American heritage is lost and it is also lost to all of those Native American Tribes. Gradually Native Americans will become extinct as we become a more mixed society. Just think of what that means if only those who are members of a Native American Tribe can call themselves Native Americans. That is a form of genocide.

My great grandfather was Black Feet Indian. He worked for and received a Doctorate of Divinity from Philips University. He was an ordained Episcopal Priest who wound up in New Orleans where he was rector of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church; head of a school; and did a lot more. His story counts – his life was important – his ancestors deserve a place in history as who they were. He lived in an African American community and was considered African American. He was not a member of a Native American Tribe. If he and his life and his true identity are lost to history and he becomes submerged in other groups histories, Native Americans suffer as their history is degraded. That does not happen to the Irish, the French, the English or to any other group considered white. They accomplish and their progeny do not deny their ancestors because they were not citizens of Ireland or France or etc. It is tragic that we do not live in a time or in a country where your Native American heritage is not denied but celebrated.

We are watching, under Donald Trump, history repeating itself in another century with some changes, but basically the same annihilation of a group of people considered ‘minority’. The brown peoples attempting to come into the United States. Their children are being taken away from them at the gate. Native American children were taken from their parents and who knows what happened to most of them. A generation lost. That part of Native American history can only be reclaimed by those families which integrated and included Native Americans who were ripped from their families and thrown to the wind. That history will be an expansion of Native American history. For a more accurate history we need the stories from those mixed people who talk about their Native American ancestry and who tell the stories from their youth which have been passed down through the family. The Native American stories passed down through minority communities sort of remain. The Native American stories are totally discouraged from being passed down through white communities.

Your history and the history of your Native American ancestors is also a part of Native American history and should be talked about, included and accepted, especially by those Native American Tribes who are what -growing or shrinking?

Our society used to believe – if you had just 1% of minority “blood” you were a minority. That means, if you were mixed with any of the groups of the world that we call “races” and those ‘races’ were white you were considered “white” unless in the mix even as little as 1% was one of the minority ‘races”. Then you were considered a minority and then you, your history, your legacy, your life were thrown on the dump heap.

Some of us have begun to see otherwise. As blacks, latina’s, native americans, philippine’s and more begin to achieve greatness the conversation has turned. The conversation around the “black” golfer , who was number one and couldn’t be unseated, that public conversation went – he is not really black, he has these other ancestors and should not be called black. Isn’t his mother something else? How can he neglect and push aside her contribution to who he is. And she was not white, but enough to help turn the conversation. That gave us enough of a view to the future that we realized racism will continue, but it will be in us in other ways – which are beginning to be newly defined.

Minorities can be raised up into this group which espouses White Supremacy either overtly or covertly if their achievements are so great they question the negative stereotype by which we are raised. But, “whites” must give up, hide and not claim their minority ancestors. That is necessary because if it went in the other direction we would lose this great bonus of White Supremacy and many would have to live out their lives being equal to. What a death sentence to their ego.

So, Senator Warren, do you have the guts to continue respecting, honoring and raising up your Native American ancestors or are you going to be one who apologizes because you slipped and acknowledged the family history with which you were raised. Those Native American Tribesmen get it – or they should. They clearly understand that there are those outside registered tribe members who have Native American ancestors and can freely talk about them. Or do you need to be in lock step with the White Supremacist who are trying desperately to keep their ‘better than’ position by any means necessary?

And all of you Native American Tribes – you demonstrate for other things are you going along with what is happening to Elizabeth Warren? Are you going to stand up for those who acknowledge their Native American ancestors and heritage even if they are not a member of a particular tribe. Is that such a threat to you that you will jump on that White Supremacist band wagon and go along with the program? If you do, it will be to your extreme loss and to the loss of your progeny and to those who went before.


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Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to:

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Bettina Oracle Speaks

Tuesday, January 29th, 2019

The end of Donald Trump: Illegitimate President of the United States

You folks need to stop bothering me and take care of your business. If you don’t, the next generation will simply have to repeat this scenario which has been repeated for generations without resolving anything. Learn a bit of history, your own history and you will be appalled at what you see – if you have any goodness left in your genes.

You are riddled with liars, murderers covering for each other, persecutions of innocent children, and so much more. The Jews of Hitlers Germany have been replaced by the Children of the United States who are being slaughtered with guns in your streets and in their schools and the Children of Immigrants, who are being put in Concentration Camps and are now being murdered. Those children who have have come to your country – some with their parents, some without – seeking asylum and refuge from so much evil. Their skin is brown and black and your bigotry won’t allow for that. Too many such colors in these United States already.

You need to be full of integrity, good character, working to eliminate poverty, homelessness, BIGOTRY – which is the genesis of all of your society’s ills. You need to stop allowing the likes of Donald Trump who is taking from his evil twins in history and ripping children from their parents; making slaves of those in prison who have suffered under massive incarcerations to do the bidding of the evil institutions in this world of yours and so much more. And no, Trump did not start all of this, but he is the inheritor and chief propagator of the evil coming through today. And to end this, all it takes is moral courage and who amongst you has that? You are all called, but who amongst you answers the call? This is still happening today after thousands of years of such history because only a few answer the call. The rest of you raise up those few and feel that your work is done because of that raising up and acknowledging those heroes. Interestingly, your heroes are never raised up in their own generation. That happens only after they are safely dead.

OK! So you want to know what is happening?

Roger Stone was indicted – did you notice how swift that happened with all of the charges against him not in that court document of indictment? Have you noticed the rumblings of major change? Are you beginning to hear many voices raised to call out the evil? Evil doubles down when those rumblings start.

What do we see: We see Whitaker having stopped the Mueller investigation by declaring to them they will not be allowed any more indictments. Stone is the last and he slipped through by a fluke. No indictments allowed against Donald Trump, against Jr., against Jared Kushner, against Steve Bannon, against Ivanka Trump, against Eric Trump.

Mueller can’t step up to the microphone to tell you this. There are enough bread crumbs along the way, however, for you to see this yourselves.

All of this must be settled and ended before or shortly after Barr takes on the post of Attorney General. He will clear Trump using the foundation set by Whitaker, a man who has been promised much, but who will be dumped on and pushed aside after his work is done – without his promised rewards. If he is lucky, he will leave with a loaf of bread, but no butter. Maybe as he sees his expectations so dashed he will step up to the moral plate and attempt to bring about something else – but he does not look like a soul who is destined to be a great hero.

All bets, in your society, are on the Democrats coming through in 2020 and taking over the government so the United States does not have to step up to the plate and deal with its sins. That is the way taken by lazy souls who want, but don’t want to give or risk. Cover-up is whats going on. Isn’t that what went on with Nixon? And his sins don’t begin to compare to the Trump Family Criminal Enterprise. Didn’t the Trump followers just blatantly take the sanctions from one of the wealthy, prominent Russians in their last days? And who will go against that and set it right? No one, so far.

What always amazes me is the ability of human beings to see themselves as ‘different from’, better than, – Trump may have treated those others badly, but I am going to be treated differently. All of my dreams will be realized because Trump promised me that…………..

And Khashoggi? Does Trump walk away having done a major work in covering up and taking the Saudi prince out of the spotlight? Did that give you a peep under the rug to see who is really working the gears and producing the results? It is definitely not Putin, although all media has anointed him as the one to whom Trump is beholden.

Trump and Putin are beholden to a mafioso who is so big in this world he makes the Italians look like thugs on the street and the Irish not far behind and lets not even begin to talk about the African American and other mafia.

You are going to be witnesses to how the clean-up ends. You can watch it with clear eyes or you can let the mythology replace reality. What mythology? That which was put into place to insure the rich get richer; the evil don’t pay; the thugs realign and move off into the sunset with new partners to get richer in tomorrows world. And the rest of you? Passing your lack of moral courage on to your next generation to preserve them in that struggling middle to upper middle class so they can pass the lack of moral courage you inherited on for many more generations.

So you asked – so I’ve said!


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Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to:

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Wednesday, January 23rd, 2019

We have a man who calls himself President of the United States. He is illegitimate, an extreme bully, has covered up many crimes including a monstrous murder for another country and is totally engaged in treason and the destruction of the United States and yet we have not taken him down. He has delayed his own removal and the indictment of others who aided him by closing down the American Government. He knows his time is short so he has taken this grand action.

What will he do next?

His ex-wife claimed, in her divorce papers, that he kept a copy of Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” on his bedside table. With that as his reading material, I would guess his next step is to call for a National Emergency. Isn’t that what Hitler did? Weakened Germany with outlandish actions and as a denouement he called a National Emergency and it was all over until six million Jews and others were killed, Germany was totally destroyed – and unlike Trump, Hitler was not a puppet of a foreign sovereign.

Trump has an attorney who speaks for him on television. Rudi Giuliani. How was this attorney chosen by Trump? Could it be Trump saw the press conference Mr. Giuliani called outside the Mayor’s House in New York City with his then mistress to announce he was going to marry this woman?

Inside Gracie Mansion, Mr. Giuliani’s wife was making breakfast for their son totally unaware of what was going on outside or that there even was a press conference or that her husband was going to divorce her to marry someone else. She learned that when a reporter called to verify the story.

Does that way of operating seem to reflect Trump’s ethics and character? Does that clear up why he chose Giuliani and what he expects from him?

Besides hiring Giuliani, Trump has tried many other ways to shut down the Russian investigation by doing many things – he fired James Comey; he fired Jeff Sessions; he hired Matt Whitaker; he hired William Barr and on and on it has gone – mostly unsuccessful. But his greatest action in attempting to shut down the Russian investigation is this grand Trump government shutdown. Will we allow it to be successful? Or have we had enough!

Trump can console himself with what he has done to the children!

Something like what is and has been happening at the southern border of the U S. has a historical ring to it. Remember when, in these United States, tens of thousands of Native American children were taken forcibly from their homes and sent other places never to see their families again? What was the result? The complete and total oppression of Native Americans. They have not recovered from then to this day. An entire generation was taken from them, forcibly. The overwhelming feelings of helplessness and loss and what losing an entire generation of a nation’s children does to that nation is indescribable. Those children who survived and were not killed, maimed or otherwise destroyed just given a new identity, never recovered. Is that the playbook from which Trump has taken a page to decide what to do about immigration from South America?

Don’t you think we have done enough? Don’t you think it is time to stop pretending to fight the program until the job of total oppression is done and then we can abdicate all responsibility by destroying the final organizer -the doer – the bigot – the neo-Nazi – the Trump? He has no idea what lies in his future. He thinks he is going to be enormously wealthy and live out his life traveling the globe after his removal from office. Can he spell Khashoggi!

Pretend Donald Trump is African American! Now lets replay that reality show again and see what happens?

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Project 1 – Estate Sales after the Sale

Project 2 – #WellsFargoBoycott


Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to:

This is a curated blog so you cannot write your responses at the end of each entry. TO RESPOND TO THIS BLOG email or


Lessons Learned and Commitments Given going into 2019

Wednesday, January 2nd, 2019

Sent to us by members of Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community to share with all of you as we start creating yet more history.  May we be conscious of the fact that what we do today is tomorrows’ unchangeable, irreversible  history.

  1.  I have learned so much in 2018.  My first trip staying in one of the Bettina Homes (in Harvard Square) started me thinking, searching and moving in a new direction.  I was particularly struck by what I learned about the Bettina Network, inc., as it struggled to find investors to grow the business only to be blocked by investors sending others to take their idea, their experience gains over years of building the business which showed their ideas to be workable.  It is clear that was about racism and sexism.  Since then I have done my own research to go deeper into what happened and I was able to move beyond what I learned there to begin to understand our Venture Capitalists in these United States.  I was also shocked to see how strong the influence of Saudi Arabia is and has been in the U. S. business community and on who and what projects are funded. I found more than Bettina Network’s ideas stolen and developed into businesses which have become huge.  I have seen how the people who started and built those businesses have been treated and I am appalled at how quietly that has been done.  Individuals in different parts of this country have been destroyed so their business and ideas could be taken and expanded by others chosen for some spurious reasons. It is an example of what happens when Saudi Arabia and white Northern European upperclass men form an unholy alliance to control, contain and ‘rule over.’

What is being set down as the ‘business community of the future’ will look the way Saudi Arabia deems the world should look – white, northern european with Saudi Arabia in the world mix – males who are sort of thuggish looking and acting – and so much more to fill out that stereotype.  Possibly because that is who is hungriest and will ignore ethics, honor, integrity and more to gain their goal?

What is distressing are the few people who are aware of this.  Who is funding the corporations springing up from seemingly nothing to become major corporate players?  What is being required of them?  Why is the theft of other peoples work playing such a large part in this?  Why are those people suffering that theft minorities – particularly African American women?  

We talk about the past and can tick off the names of minorities whose business models and experience were stolen from them, but we do nothing about it except support those who have done the stealing and the names we tick off are from another generation.  We don’t go near those with whom we are currently dealing.  It is right in front of you America.  And as it becomes larger what will you do?  And how will that affect you?  Who will be your leaders – and they will be chosen for you by who?

2.  Immigration is my focus for 2019.  

It is all over everyplace and yet not talked about with its full history in tow.  We cut off bits and pieces so we don’t have to look at a total picture of  the history of immigration in the United States?  Why have we today reached such a point that someone like Trump is allowed to separate and forcibly take children from their parents, even babies from their mother’s arms?  We now know there are children dying in these United States whose parents came from horrendous situations looking for asylum.  These children are being abused, thrown against the wall, slammed and brutalized and more.  How did we get to this place? Why are we allowing this to happen in these United States?

As I read history this is how the United States started.  In the beginning it was not about those on this continent screening others landing on its shore escaping persecution from the countries from which they’ve come.  It was about those people coming to escape that persecution – but it is also about them persecuting those who welcomed them; supported them; helped them get settled; showed them how to grow the food indigenous to these shores and those who were given so much turning around to slaughter their supporters.  Trump has tried mightily to denigrate the name ‘Pocahontas’ in service to his own power and money needs, but it is those like her and so many others whose names and histories we don’t know who gave like she did, who had compassion for those landing here.

After that we began having thousands of immigrants coming to these shores in chains; on slave ships which transported other goods going back to pickup more people in chains from the continent of Africa, and picking them up against their will while forcing them to work as slaves for generations, denigrating them for generations after they managed to break free.  Immigration by force – it was in the hundreds of millions.

Many others came of their own free will looking for a better life and so a formal immigration center in different ports was set up to “process” and “welcome” these.

Amazingly, those who came before in need – the English, Germans, Italians, Irish, and so many more – some coming from religious persecution – were not happy about welcoming their brothers and sisters in need as they were similarly in need just a couple generations earlier.  There was always a group wanting to shut the borders, close the doors and not let those awful, dangerous, terrorist type people into this country.  

Once these new modern day immigrants arrived and were let into the country they suffered bigotry, denial, and had to take inferior jobs.  Doctors and others like them came from other countries and found their credentials worth nothing in these United States because of the colonialism we intensely practiced within our borders so they had to go back to school and re-do their education, internships and practices before they were allowed to pursue their vocation.  In those cases, the colonial mentality prevailed.  We believed there was no medicine as great as that practiced in the United States so you had to re-credential yourself to practice medicine obtaining United States credentials.  Colonialism was and is not dead, we practice it in ever increasing degrees of ugliness and in ever more oppressive ways.  Once in a while that abates, but as we are seeing with this current administration there are strong forces in these United States that do not want that to go away – it serves their purposes for power, control, wealth taken not earned and taken at the expense of so many others.

And todays version of this immigration – where we elect a president whose first words announcing his candidacy is about keeping out Mexicans  because he claims they are “rapists, terrorists….” and worse.  

Concentration Camps are established in which to keep those coming to this country asking for asylum.  Children sleep on cold floors and are subject to all kinds of abuse.

What is wrong with us?  Why do we so continuously insist we are so much better than and we must only let into this country and deal with those we deem “equal to us” and that definition of “equal to” is horrendous and vicious.  

I hope we can find our souls – rescue them from the trash bins and from hell – and begin to be the people we are capable of being who have love, understanding, who are giving and who want to establish the country that it is clear we are capable of establishing without all the trappings of evil we insist on embroidering into our government, our businesses, our lives.

3.  Our best wishes to you for a wonderful 2019.  We follow Bettina Network Foundation because our major interest is in homelessness.  Your blog about banks being majorly responsible for what has happened to so many people that they wind up homeless is something we understand and agree with.  We hope 2019 will some way/some how address that so we can at least mitigate the horrible lives of so many while others have so much it is obscene to see how they spend and live and denigrate the very people whose lives have made their ‘living large’ possible.  You will be our major charitable giving for 2019.  

4.  Greetings to all!  May 2019 bring happiness, love, success, knowledge and especially wisdom to us all as we go about living our lives.  May we live our best possible life in 2019!  

5.  Must we forever repeat the errors of the past which we see and even read about in our books and magazines and see on our television and internet screens daily?  The one emotion this society is fast losing is “empathy”.  We are so throwing empathy out that we have elected a leader who clearly lives his life having discarded empathy for money and power.  As a country, we are bordering on the “disgraceful” edge before falling off a very treacherous cliff which we seem to think will not happen to us – because why?

Ed. Note:  We had many more comments to share from members of Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community.  The above 5 brings together most of them.  Keep sending and we will keep publishing – Your opinions; your recipe’s; your ways of living; your business developments; your scientific achievements or ideas you want others to know about.  Share in 2019 what you are about, have learned, are doing, are exciting about – we will keep printing.  Share also your ideas as to how we can move forward getting ‘news’ to others.

What do we consider “News”

“News” is – the facts of what is happening in the world.

“News” is – your opinion and thoughts of those facts and people and events.

“News” is – how you live your life – how you love – your religious feelings and inspirations – your arts, crafts, creativity – and so much more!  

We need you to help us develop what is “News” and in what forms will we share that with others around the world.

Our wish for you for 2019:

“May God bless you and keep you;
 May God’s face shine upon you,
And God be gracious to you;
May God’s countenance be upon you, with you,
And give you peace, love, and the restoration of your faith forever more.” __________________________________________________

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Project 1 – Estate Sales after the Sale

Project 2 – Wells Fargo Boycott


Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to:

This is a curated blog so you cannot write your responses at the end of each entry. TO RESPOND TO THIS BLOG email or



Wednesday, September 26th, 2018

I watched as my president took the stage and looked so confident.  He looked as though he was ready, able and knew he would successfully take on and make an overwhelming speech for this crowd which was not his own, but he was the United States President.  He’d done this multiple times to thunderous applause and this would be no exception.  The smug look on his face; the arrogance of his stance; the assuredness of his expression said it all.

He started with how great he was as president of the United States.  He didn’t list his accomplishments he just said they were better than the accomplishments of any other administration in U. S. history.  …..And they laughed.

I didn’t laugh.  My mind went back to all I had witnessed of his accomplishments and how he has affected my life.

I went back to Charlottesville, VA and the neo-Nazi’s, the White Nationalists, the KKK and others coming down that mountain with tiki torches re-enacting Crystalnacht.  The people in that United Nations building knew all that.  Their countries had been negatively affected by the actual Crystalnacht and what happened after.  The United States came to the rescue of more than one of those countries when Hitler reduced them to violence, viciousness, and years of a horrible existence.

This U. S. President and my family are forever intertwined in my mind.  I remembered my grandmother while listening to the laughter. I never met her.  She was taken, before I was born, to one of Hitler’s Concentration Camps where she worked under extreme conditions and finally was killed in the most barbarous way with her body thrown into a ditch so we have no grave nor gravestone for her.  I can only keep her alive in my mind with imaginary conversations I wish we had been able to have over the years.  And today I am standing, listening to  this U. S. President, who called the people, really good people, who re-enacted Crystalnacht, all of those neo-Nazi’s, White Nationalists and others, who acted violently against those who protested against that for which they stood.   This president in front of all of these world wide diplomats talked and they laughed at him.

This U. S. President went on talking and expounded the Nazi doctrine adapted for the United States called “America First”.  A movement initiated by the neo-Nazi’s and fairly successful in America.  A movement started in small ‘cell’ groups to get this doctrine accepted across the United States as one stage in their plan to bring back Hitler’s Germany, reincarnated in the United States.  This president talked positively about that America First campaign and they laughed.

I thought of all the pain and suffering of the little children in these United States, who had experienced some awful things in their own countries which made them and their parents flee.  After months of experiencing everything new and negative as they traveled to reach the safety of the United States arrived to what they had never been able to conceive nor thought possible – being taken away from their parents – their safe harbor – and put into American Concentration Camps so their parents, legitimately or not, could be prosecuted and ejected from the country to which they came seeking refuge.

I heard again, in my mind, people talking about these Concentration Camps for children as though they were summer camp – as though they were private school equivalents – and I watched in my mind all of those children suffering the pain of separation from parents who promised them safety and couldn’t produce it for them because of this U. S. President and his administration. And the background for my memories was the laughter.

Listening to that laughter, I thought and saw again the image of this president selling out the security forces of  the United States while speaking on a platform in Helsinki making clear statements that he trusted Vladimir Putin and Russia, but not the FBI – the CIA – the National Security forces of the government which he was standing there representing as its president.

Having been a victim of sexual assault I stood there remembering how awful that was and remembering the  19 plus women who made even worse charges against this president and in spite of that he was still elected – by who?  Who could be so callous, so cold, so unbelievably vicious as to push forth such a person as leader of America?  And here we were as I listened to the laughter and thought of my pain and the pain of so many other women.

I see an America where a president who has bragged about sexually assaulting women as though he had reached some great level of achievement appointing others to top positions who have done the same thing and turning over to them different parts of the governing of the United States.  I thought of William Shine – a man this president appointed after he knew of the substantial way Mr. Shine supported Roger Ailes, president of Fox, throughout Mr. Ailes sexual assault against many women trying to make a living inside and outside of Fox television.  By this time I was standing there shaking because the realization hit that Mr. Shine was only one of many such sexual predators and enablers of sexual predators with whom this president associated, had as his close friends and who he appointed to serve in this United States Government.  And through those thoughts came the laughter.

So many sexual assaulters in high places and now possibly another being elevated to become the second such person on the United States Supreme Court.  This time, a man accused of sexual assault who claimed, as his defense, that he really did not engage in sex with anyone throughout high school and many years thereafter, didn’t drink and worked very hard at his studies.  It is too much to comprehend.  My mind is totally blown that this is how low we have been brought and still they were laughing.

So much more of this ugliness has happened during this President and his family’s ‘reign’ over these United States, but my mind can’t comprehend anymore.  My reaction to the U. S. President and the comments he made as an introduction to and throughout his talk at the United Nations was to walk out.  Why are they still sitting and laughing and not walking out with me, beside me, for me, around me?

And as I reached the door I could hear the laughter still ringing in my ears.

Will we ever………………


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Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to:

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Congress – Putin – NRA – Compromised?

Thursday, July 19th, 2018

Just a brief note to hope you mention the fact that many of us believe several Congressional people have been compromised by Russia and Putin.

Every-time I hear someone expecting the Republicans to respond to the horrific things happening I wonder what’s wrong with them? It is clear many in Congress have been compromised by Russia – we think, through the NRA.

Didn’t the NRA give Trump some $20 million for his campaign. And hasn’t the NRA contributed multi-millions of dollars to the campaigns of quite a few Congress people? And don’t the Congress people take great care not to alienate the NRA? This nonsense about not wanting to alienate the base needs to be revisited. It looks instead that the Congress people don’t want to alienate the goose that lays the golden egg for them. And what happens when the NRA reveals to those Congress people where their money is actually coming from? The NRA does not seem to have the multi-millions it contributes. That money is coming from someplace – and where would that be? Would the genesis of their funds be Russia? and Putin? looking to compromise as many Congressional people as possible?

Will the day ever come when people serving the public good be those who don’t cower behind their need to keep their position, their income, their extras, their power and will give up their ethics, their character, their beliefs just to maintain? It was time for those working in the immigration area to take their belongings and leave when they realized what they were being asked to do – but many stayed on and helped separate children from their parents and even worked into the wee hours of the morning to move children at 1, 2 and 3am. Why do people give up so much for so little? Why do we cause others so much pain as we simply try to stay on top to continue with the money coming in and the little bits of power we exercise?

To stand in your own truth. To own your values. To live out of your belief system. What a luxury. You may not be the wealthiest of people doing that, but you certainly sleep well and don’t scare easily. How many have given their lives so you might live. You, Congress, will not give up your extravagant lifestyle and bits of power so democracy might live and grow and be strengthened for all of us. So what exactly are you doing in Congress. You should have resigned already.

It doesn’t take much. But it does take commitment – truth – justice – faith – and over everything it takes love. We have moved love out of its God sphere into the sex sphere and there we can be as corrupt as possible. Notice how many of those making these compromises of their core beliefs for money and power are also those being held up today for their sexual abuse, sexual assault, disrespect of women and many others because they so disrespect and abuse themselves.

Thanks for this “blog” space. Keep it up – we are reading.

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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.
Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you. Please also tell us if you want your name as your byline or if you want your article to appear without your name.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

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Melania Trump’s Lifestyle – African American?

Monday, July 16th, 2018

It was amazing at the Republican Convention to hear Melania Trump give a talk which was lifted practically verbatim from a talk given by Michelle Obama. So it was not too much of a surprise to see her choice of clothes.

For the formal dinner in England just a few days ago, Melania Trump chose to lift the dress choice of Lupita Lyongo, the Kenyan/Mexican actress and model – only in yellow instead of the red chosen by Lupita for her appearance at the Golden Globe awards.
And then there was the jacket Melania wore to visit the site where children were being held in cages. remember? It said “I really don’t care. Do U?

All of the conjectures about the jacket missed a very crucial point. It was designed and manufactured by a company which routinely designs and manufactures anti-semitic clothes, of which that jacket was one – fit right in with the anti-brown/black immigrant goals of a White Nationalist family, don’t you think?

On a different wave length, to her more serious events she wears designs by people who would fit into the “better than” category the Trump administration and its White Nationalist philosophy has chosen to designate as those who are “better than” – “more/better culture than”, etc.

The Trump’s fit into the “Nouveau Riche” category and they are acting out their newsness to wealth and their inability to acclimate and fit into the society. Apparently, before the wealth arrived, the Trump family had some secrets to keep hidden in the “culture” department and are trying to do so by giving themselves a very different background from the one which is their reality.

Donald Trump labels himself as half-English/half-Scottish. With the claim that his mother came from England and the other side came from Scotland. Nothing about his real grandfather who came from Germany, which means that Donald Trump himself is an immigrant one generation removed from the man who arrived in these United States with no money – very broke – no education – scraping the bottom of the barrel and who reportedly moved himself up on the backs of women who he used to scrape together the means to build a hotel – and- it is rumored, used the hotel as a brothel.

This is the background of the man who is now trying to lift himself up by pushing down other immigrants and lifting up Northern European culture as at the top and currently endangered by all of the bare foot, dirty, non-English speaking immigrants he is trying so hard to keep out of the United States and strongly advising England to keep them out of their country or their “superior” culture will be lost. The Trumps clearly have worked hard to move themselves up class wise, but don’t quite seem to know how to do that. Their recently learned knowledge about this “cultural” phenomenon has come late and with lots of defects in the knowledge. The KKK, White Nationalists, neo-Nazi’s take you down the cultural ladder, Donald, not up. The “Upper Class” in these United States will never embrace someone with your background. Probably not your family until the third or fourth generation – which means Ivanka’s grandchildren – if they keep their noses clean and out of what you are constantly involved with and which Ivanka is, apparently, helping you to achieve.

Problem is, every time Donald Trump opens his mouth he shows his lack of a decent “cultured” upbringing and out comes all the crude, lying, greedy, lifestyle he apparently learned at his father’s knee. His presumptions and characterizations about himself show a great gift for storytelling. – Wasn’t it Donald and his father who were sued by the United States of America for the racism they were practicing in their buildings? And wasn’t it Donald’s father trying to lie his way out of being jailed with the KKK after they marched down Pennsylvania Avenue in their sheets and pointy hats trying to scare the entire American society? And given the choice wasn’t it the Donald who found his associates and friends among the mafia, the gamblers, those who stole from others to pad their own pockets ie his six bankruptcies which took away from many and gave him assets without a cost to the Trumps?

This is now the president of the United States – How the mighty have fallen!

The Evangelical Christians of a certain stripe support him strongly and claim their god sent him
Their god sent an
pathological liar
man full of greed – ripping off others as though it was his right
takes his failures and proclaims them as great successes
and so much more – do we really need to list everything?
______________________________________________________________________He needs to find GOD! and give up on his evangelical imitation leading him down the road to sedition and sin which leads him straight to hell! It is extremely interesting that the Trumps imitate the peoples they consider inferior and want to push down and characterize as “less than”. Wonder what that means?


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.
Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you. Please also tell us if you want your name as your byline or if you want your article to appear without your name.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to:

Trump and the U. S. Supreme Court

Wednesday, June 27th, 2018

Members of the Supreme Court, appointed by Republicans and being Republicans, came together to make a decision on the latest version of Trump’s Muslim Band and decided to support the personal bigotry of the Republican President  – Donald J. Trump – instead of the Constitution of the United States.

When the second African American man was appointed to serve on the United States Supreme Court, those who made that decision appointed Clarence Thomas, a man accused of sexual abuse, sexual harrassment and  more.  Nevertheless, Clarence Thomas’ nomination was validated by Congress because the White Males in this country, especially those in Congress even after hearing the incontrovertible evidence as to Clarence Thomas’ character knew their own culpability in such sexist activities and cherished their sexist playground peopled by females more than they did the honesty, reputation and accurate interpretation of the Constitution.  Their decision in passing Clarence Thomas through to the Supreme Court showed one role females play in this society, which the Congress representing the society would not give up.  A woman’s abuse as sex object and her availability as object of sexual abuse , sexual harassment and sexual assault without penalties of any kind insured for the future.

That is still true as evidenced by the fact that we elected Donald J. Trump as president of these United States.  An illegitimate president, but one still in office almost two years on.  A man accused of sexual abuse, sexual harassment and sexual assault who admitted to such over national television and bragged about his illegal sexual activities.

We are now in the process of making sure that the institutions of these United States, including its Constitution all bow to his wishes – his autocratic wishes – his clearly evil wishes and actions which he is undertaking to remake this country from a Republic into an evil dictatorship with him as the dictator.

If this sounds angry, it is.  My life has been fighting against such evil and it just reoccurs.  We then start the process all over again.  Those who want to live in a society where they and ‘their kind’ are better than get better at it each time because we have had experience of knowing how to be more sophisticated and hidden in what we are doing and how we are changing the structures in which we live while, at the same time, keeping them the same.

This latest Supreme Court ruling putting the stamp of acceptability on Donald J. Trump’s wishes to make sure these United States discriminate against its citizens and those who would like to become citizens\based on their religion.  In the past the United States Supreme Court has ruled in such a way as to discriminate against African Americans slaves, making that legal and later against supposedly “freed slaves” by ruling that separate and unequal was legitimate and the law of the land – a ruling which stayed in affect from the late 1880’s until 1954.  A law which destroyed many lives and caused millions to live lives of quiet and sometimes not so quiet desperation.  The Trail of Tears under which Native Americans suffered and attempted ethnic cleansing and its ruling in 1944 that it was legal to incarcerate Japanese Americans in Concentration and Internment Camps because they were Japanese Americans and as such could not be trusted the way German Americans and Italian Americans could be trusted.

There were rulings by this same United States Supreme Court which is claimed to be color blind and sees all Americans as equal no matter their race, sex, sexual orientation, religions ethnic origins, etc.  So much for that mythology.

This ruling came about to facilitate the ethnic cleansing that we are in the middle of, led by Donald J. Trump who ran on such a platform – who set in place an Administration full of neo-Nazi’s; racists, sexists, anti-every religion except his kind of ET.Evangelical Christianity espoused by the likes of Franklin Graham and others who give this president a “mulligan’ whenever he transgresses God’s laws.

We held up to you what was happening – the United States was on its way to becoming another country following in the footsteps in Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany only worse.  You heard those warnings and said – that is an extreme comment. We pointed out to you that Concentration Camps would soon be established in these United States and you said – that is ridiculous and an exaggeration.   And you now have Concentration Camps, Internment Camps and you are on your way to Death Camps.  Those steps were taken in swift succession.

Today, they are peopled by children who have been weaponized to bring about Trump’s dream of an America over which he and his family rule like the worst despots,  the fascist leaders he has clearly articulated admiring like Kim Jong Un; Vladimir Putin and several others.

One thing Adolf Hitler did not do, but Donald J. Trump has done, is the weaponizing of children – “suffer the little children to come unto me for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven” – these are the ones he has weaponized and will continue and worsen his use of them.  Donald Trump is the man who bragged about deliberately walking into a room full of 16 year olds unexpectedly and unannounced. – The 16 year olds in various stages of undress as they prepared to be a part of his beautiy pageant and as such were in a position under him with his fairly substantial power over them.  Sounds like today?  Only this is not a beauty pageant; the children are much younger and much more vulnerable under his complete control as he can decide whether they live or die.  Try that when you think of all the children who are now unaccounted for, who cannot be found.  The United States military is preparing to house the world’s children in what is the equivalent of “black sites”.  Today, they are Hispanics.  Tomorrow they will be Muslims.  And after that?  After he has expanded his internment camps to accommodate the 100,000 and more he is currently demanding – will he then ‘intern’ the DACA people and be able to do so other quietly as he ushers them out of the country keeping them in the interim in these camps?  Camps that he could not establish for DACA because the uproar would be deafening.  But he can take this move very sneakily and by the time we know what he is doing it will be well along the way with many DACA people having been ‘evicted’ from the United States irrevocably.  He is moving fast to achieve #MAWA.

What has he needed to take this country all the way to an evil dictatorship which destroys its own people?  Trade Wars – we have that.  A recession that will make the “Great Depression” look like a wonderful time in the life of this country by comparison.  We are moving fast into that place.

We now have the largest federal deficit in history and we are moving extremely fast to make it as large as possible as Trump rips off everyone.  Here is a man who talks about saving money to his electorate and outlines how his latest evil scheme is going to save the United States tons of money.  How is that working for you?

Trump spends almost $1,000,000 per weekend as he travels to his golf courses and to his private club Mar a Lago to take on his management oversight of his property.  To make sure the marketing and oversight – by Trump – is still in place and producing results?  He manages and checks on all of his places at the expense of the United States tax payer making sure the marketing is such that the world thinks they have access to him on weekends and can get their projects funded and more if they patronize his privately owned businesses.

Trump has set up Concentration Camps and Internment Camps with children currently in residence.  The cost of keeping children in those camps is about $2,000 per day.  Before the camps were set up the cost was something like $360/day.

And the Trump administration is turning out to be the most corrupt administration in the history of this country.  His appointees are being exposed one at a time and he ignores the corruption of those who do his bidding and show him their loyalty – not to the country they are supposed to be serving, but to Donald Trump persoanlly.  They can be as corrupt as they want to be and rip off everyone and everything as long as they are loyal to Donald Trump –  A current example of a mafia “don” – only this time angling to be a mafia “don” on a world wide scale.

All of this gives new meaning to Melania Trump’s jacket and its meaning – “I really don’t care.”  Is this Donald Trump’s attitude and thoughts about the United States Constitution and the United States of America as it relates to and affects everyone except him?

Turning back to the United States Supreme Court.  What role has it played in this democracy?

We could go all the way back to slavery and when that was made legal and the law of the land.  But this would become a very long article. How did slavery become legalized?  See any coincidences and similar ways to achieve the evil a small group wants to install within the structures of these United States to maintain themselves as “better than”?

Let’s skip to the 1880’s when Plessy vs. Ferguson was before the Court.  How did it rule?  It made separate and (un)equal legitimate and that stayed in affect until 1954.  the U. S. Supreme Court turned back every attempt to turn back Plessy vs. Ferguson.

To insure that there was no equivocation and no misunderstanding that the Plessy decision was the intent of the Court, it ruled in the Korumatsu case that Japanese Americans – American citizens – many of more than one generation Americans – could be held in what are now called “black sites” because they were a threat to the National Security of the United States – and stripped of everything they owned.

Isn’t that what is being claimed by the United States Supreme Court today?  Trump’s travel ban must stay in place because it addresses the national  security of these United States.  Just in case you missed the confluence of these cases – at the same time the Chief Justice Roberts complained about the dissent statement of Justice Sotarmeyer he also declared the Koramatsu case to have been reversed and closed.  What he didn’t say – there was no longer any need for the Koramatsu case as any kind of exmaple as the Court moves along in other deliberations because the Trump Travel Ban does much the same thing – insures that now Religion is added as one reason which can be used to discriminate against American Citizens and others.

Those Concentration Camps and Internment Camps and Death Camps now hold Hispanic children.  They will probably soon hold Hispanic families.  They will, no doubt, move from there to holding DACA and from there to Muslims in general. And then what?  Are those plans being laid within the White House for the rejection and cancellation of the citizenship of Naturalized United States citizens because of “National Security”?

Those being held in the 1940’s in Internment were not German Americans nor Italian Americans.  Both groups would have posed a threat to the United States if the reasoning behind the Koramatu case was real and not a bunch of lies put together by the United States Government with the intent to incarcerate in Concentration and Internment Camps United States Citizens.

That goal was clear recently when “reparations” for the Japanese still alive who were interred in those camps.  Reparations for that group was passed by Congress and the people charged with investigating, for the purpose of handing out those reparations to the Japanese American families negatively affected by their incarceration without cause  – those people were pushed to “slow down” their investigations and to “slow down” their handing out of the reparations because the Japanese Americans to whom the reparations would be going were getting old and if the process moved slowly many would be dead before they received their reparations and the United States would not have to fully reimburse “saving money” in the process.

And what is behind all of this?  All because many of you need to maintain your identity as “better than” and you are going to do that no matter the cost to others or to yourselves.  So evil is taking over this country and swiftly.

If you dig a grave for me – make sure you dig a second grave and line it with a lovely and comfortable mattress because you will, without a doubt, be your own undoing and wind up in the same place.  I heard that someplace – and the more I think about it the more I realize what a true statement.

GREED – POWER and CONTROL over others – STEALING from others because of your own laziness – and on and on and on! – that is what is ruling these United States today under Donald Trump.


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.
Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you. Please also tell us if you want your name as your byline or if you want your article to appear without your name.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

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Children Weaponized while Satan Quotes Scripture!

Wednesday, June 20th, 2018

by Marceline Donaldson

It is unbelievable what is happening in these United States.  Trump’s bigotry and actions to “Make America White Again” is totally out of control.

We have many questions:

In the Internment/Concentration/Death Camps for children why are reporters being kept out?  What is going on in those camps which has to be kept secret from the American Citizenry and from the rest of the world?  The same thing was true in Hitlers’ Germany.  The citizens of Germany stood by while Hitler set up his Death Camps, his Concentration Camps, his Internment Camps and the rest of the world knew about this before German citizens did.  Is the same thing now true in the United States?

You question my use of the term “Death Camps”?  Are children dying in those camps?  And if they were do you think you would know about it?  Do you remember how profusely Donald Trump praised Kim Jong Un – how quickly he returned the salute of the North Korean general?  One thing Kim Jong Un is reported to have done is to have killed many of North Korean citizens in the equivalent of death camps.  Isn’t that what Donald Trump was praising?  How does he then come along and change to a human being who is anything other than a sociopathic president or worse?

People coming to the United States for asylum with their children are having their children separated from them and put into places where children are weaponized for Trump’s political purposes.  Some of those people are being deported – sent home without their children.  Where are the children of those being deported?  Why are they being sent home without their children?  Why are there no questions being asked or answered about the whereabouts of those children?  Do we care a little, but not enough to walk out on that ledge to demand answers – because if you are going to oppose this administration you better be ready for horrendous dictatorship responses.  There is Trump, but the evil comes from the fact that Trump has supporters and they are willing to do whatever is necessary to keep Trump in office.  They do appreciate the kind of things he is doing to maintain them as “better than” as “superior” to as “White Supremacy reigning supreme and he has been obliging all along.

Puerto Rico – where he threw paper towels into a crowd of people who had just gone through horrendous suffering and are still going through it with the resources they need being parceled out in such a way to maintain that suffering.  So far, the deaths of over 4,000 people are attributed to what happened in Puerto Rico.  Our government claims some 64 deaths so attributed.  Now take another look at those Children’s Internment Camps and try to not call them death camps.

Take a look at Charlottesville, VA. where a re-enactment of Crystal Nacht took place!  Trump was forgiven by the American citizenry for that display of bigotry.  Why?  Do you not understand what Charlottesville was about? “There are good people on both sides”!  What a beautiful sight was the procession with tiki torches down the mountain by the KKK, the Neo-Nazis, the White Supremacist quoting and chanting anti-Jewish slogans and changing to chants about the rest of the ‘minority’ peoples of the world.  Have you justified that?

Also take a look at how our justice system is being ridiculed and used against all of us.  When have you ever heard of children 3 and 4 years old being put on trial and made to defend themselves with no lawyers or other people representing them but the children themselves being forced to represent themselves and to be bound by the decision of the judges, which from what we can determine is always against the children?  Trump has appointed a large number of judges who can change this country into a place which makes Nazi Germany look like a walk in the park quickly.  Aren’t they now showing a film to these 3 and 4 year olds about the justice system and defending their rights and then declaring them able and responsible and knowledgeable enough to be able to appear in court on their own behalf.  What is that?  Where are all of you sleepwalkers?  Waiting for your children to be put in the same position – because that is coming as Trump’s grasp for power moves further out of control.  Look at his actions with only one trip to North Korean.  And – North Korea needs to take note – Trump has no boundaries.  When his ego and power needs reaches the current limits you are not in the clear and you will not be the glorified country you expect to be after Trump’s visit.  You will be somehow weaponized in the future.

What a field day for the petophile?  A field day created by the United States government under Donald Trump, an illegitimate president turning this country into a copy of all the horrendous dictatorships around the world and quickly moving beyond them.  Do you now understand why Trump was so profuse in his praise of Kim Jong Un?

And then there is “Satan”.  Attorney General Sessions – an ET.Evangelical Christian quoting scripture to back up and legitimize what Trump is doing. If Sessions knows enough about the Bible to quote from it, he also knows and someplace in his distant past learned that satan quoted scripture to Jesus to legitimize Jesus breaking with God in the 40 day fast to go along with what satan wanted Jesus to do – and wasn’t that basically to rule the world in satan’s name doing satan’s bidding?  Is that how Sessions justifies what he is doing for Trump?   Is that who you listen to and follow as your Attorney General?  If Trump is an illegitimate president does that make his appointment of Sessions illegitimate?  Is Sessions an illegitimate Attorney General and do all of these people get arrested for their impersonation of who was duly elected as president of these United States?  Do they get arrested for using their positions in the United States Government to abuse, kidnap and kill children?

Don’t you think it is time for you to get involved in other than being shocked, grieved and more by what your government is doing?  Or are you one of the Trump supporters who quietly or otherwise want to see him succeed in removing the brown and black people from this country so they make up only a small percentage and these United States goes back to being white again?

How much are you going to take before you take action.  How long are you going to stand in the shadows and allow this to happen?  Do you think you are immune?  Do you think Trump is going to stop at weaponized the children of those coming into this country for asylum?  Don’t you know the appetite of power?  Once unleashed as Trump’s has been – the limits of power knows no bounds – it may be the children of asylum seekers today but it is going to be your children tomorrow.  Especially since he sees how easy it is to weaponize children to get the populace to do what he demands.

Watch Congress – are they going to acquiesce to his demands and give him your tax payer money – your hard earned dollars to build a wall which will be expensive, ineffective and simply serve the purpose of making Trump a larger more dangerous dictator than he was before.

Congress could have acted on the little things along the way.  They kept silent.  Now they have much more dangerous things to try to push against.

I ask again – ARE THE CHILDREN OF ASYLUM SEEKERS DYING?  You think not?  How would your children fare in a desolate dessert in a ten which experiences 105 degrees outside and who knows how many degrees inside?  When your children do not know what is happening to them or why and are trying to make sense out of being ripped away from their family without their parents or other family even been able to say good-bye to them?  How are those young people making sense out of their present condition?  Add their grief to the heat and the conditions under which they are living – about which you know nothing and are being kept from knowing anything – how would your children survive?

ARE THE CHILDREN DYING AND ARE THERE CHILDREN WHO HAVE ALREADY DIED?  Otherwise – why are asylum seekers being deported without their children?

The media has given the benefit of the doubt to Trump and his supporters – confusion, bad organization, etc.  REALLY?  Is that it?  Or is the look of confusion really covering up children having died while in United States custody!  Why is there no one in court yet asking for proof of those children’s continued existence on this earth?

If you know history you know how long German Death Camps were operating before German citizens even knew they existed.  Nielsen, the current head of Homeland Security didn’t know the answer to where are all the children?  She has no idea what is going on in those camps and admitted to such in a press conference in the White House.

And you think Trump is any better than Hitler?  He looks a lot worse to me!  He is certainly moving much faster than Hitler did after his election in Germany and instead of setting up Death, Concentration, Internment Camps for adults Trump has weaponized your children – yes, your children, this is not about them and theirs this is about us and ours.  You are no different to Trump than those asylum seekers.  You are simply the means to more power like Kim Jong Un and others around the world exercise and Trump is fast earning his stripes.


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.
Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you. Please also tell us if you want your name as your byline or if you want your article to appear without your name.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to:





Bettina Oracle Speaks – AGAIN?

Monday, May 28th, 2018

We couldn’t pass up the Royal Wedding and all that means without sharing a little bit of what has transpired and its meaning and what is to come..

Lets take a look at the future as we watch the Royal Wedding re-runs.

The wedding of Meghan and Harry tells you one very important thing.  Pack your bags Donald Trump, your reality show is over – don’t drag the ending out too long because that stage of a reality show is like fresh fish left on a counter for days.

The Royal Wedding also tells you in which direction the world is moving. – It is moving quickly and in a straight line towards diversity – democracy and away from the autocrats, dictators, the uglies, the ‘for white patrons only’ people.

Clearly, England and the monarchy sees its future in a world of diversity.  A grouping of people calling themselves the English monarchy made a decision that they would no longer be identified nor would they identity themselves as all white all the time, but they would embrace diversity in everything they do.  That was a clear and unequivocal statement.  Charles may have put his head down to cover his flushed face when Presiding Bishop Michael Curry started his sermon, but in the end he was holding hands with Doria Ragland and making sure she was supported.  For someone who reportedly does not brush his own teeth, that was quite a statement – you go Charles, we are all behind you.

Following Charles’ example, even though they were giggling and snickering through parts of Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s sermon will be most of the royals.  At least there will be those who count following their 1st in line heir to the throne of England.

Taking a very definite turn towards the Commonwealth with its 53 countries several of which are African and the darker colors of humanity, England has made a statement and a choice.

AND – the Cambridge Analytica’s of the world with their wealthy associates who have put their wealth into a pot of evil doings – every  penny of your wealth will burn in hell and be delivered along with your ashes, in the not too distant future, to the people you tried very hard to turn back into slaves.  You folks may have been one of the many forces behind Brexit, and behind the ascendancy of Trump to the U. S. Presidency, but there is a statement, very forcefully made in one religions scripture (Genesis 50:20) and in different ways in the scripture of all religions – ‘you, (mankind) meant it for evil, but to you (humanity) God means it for good….

How else to break England away from its all white partners, turning it completely towards a growing group of diverse humanity striving to work together for the good of all?  The Commonwealth may not today be a gathering as particularly linked together as was the EU, but given a bit of time it will decisively move in that direction.

That leaves the countries of the EU which currently identify as white, with very difficult times including any others, having a decision to make.  Turn towards Russia – an all white nation to include within your grouping?  Or get with this program of diversity and stop holding hands with the devils amongst you.

Kate and William will do well when they inherit the throne of England, but Charles won’t do too badly when he shortly ascends the throne.  He is showing his humanity and his ability to move into a very diverse community as one amongst equals.  The equals have to be elevated to his level, but when they are, he is apparently totally accepting and will have them hold his hand or take his arm as he carefully and quietly guides them into a place of comfort amongst the equals surrounding them.

Brexit – Trump’s trump card and his genesis – has done its job.  Meant as a tool of evil, it is doing good.  England can stand strong and let Brexit continue to have its sway, moving England out of the European Union and more solidly into the Commonwealth Countries without divided loyalties, bringing those countries closer together as they continue working through how they will live, work and love together without needing a “better than” crutch to divide and feel whole.  The Commonwealth Countries are not currently strongly united in the economic and political realm but in my realm we can see that coming.

Who are these countries? – 53 in total – and more to come!

Bangladesh Republic
Botswana Republic
Cyprus Republic
Cameroon Republic
Dominica Republic
Fiji Republic
Ghana Republic
Guyana Republic
India Republic
Kenya Republic
Kiribati Republic
Mawli Republic
Maldvies Republic
Malta Republic
Mauritius Republic
Mozambique Republic
Namibia Republic
Nauru Republic
Nigeria Republic
Pakistan Republic
Rwanda Republic
Samoa Republic
Seychelles Republic
Sierra Leone Republic
Singapore Republic
South Africa Republic
Sri Lanka Republic
Tanzania Republic
Trinidad and Tobago Republic
Uganda Republic
Vanuatu Republic
Zambia Republic
Brunei Monarchy
Lesotho Monarchy
Malaysia Monarchy
Swaziland Monarchy
Tongo Monarchy
Antigua and Barbuda Commonwealth Realm
Australia Commonwealth Realm
The Bahamas Commonwealth Realm
Barbados Commonwealth Realm
Belize Commonwealth Realm
Canada Commonwealth Realm
Grenada Commonwealth Realm
Jamaica Commonwealth Realm
New Zealand Commonwealth Realm
Papua New Guinea Commonwealth Realm
Saint Kitts and Nevis Commonwealth Realm
Saint Lucia Commonwealth Realm
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Commonwealth Realm
Solomon Islands Commonwealth Realm
Tuvalu Commonwealth Realm
The United Kingdom Commonwealth Realm

The immigrant question has been settled.  It now only requires a bit of time to work through to a place where our humanity is snatched back from the filthy hands of those who would use such categories of division to cause pain, destruction and damage to other human beings so a small few can feel “better than”, “Supreme-Great-Glorious”.  They will soon understand: – to everything there is a time and place and the time and place for their kind of civilization, habits, culture is gone.  It is being replaced by something more in line with God’s bidding to this world.  The continuing and continuous breaking in to this world of God’s kingdom – in spite of the evil made visible by Treasonous Trump and his supporters and promoters.


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.
Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you. Please also tell us if you want your name as your byline or if you want your article to appear without your name.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to:





The Royal Wedding

Sunday, May 20th, 2018

by Marceline Donaldson

I know those who know me knew this was coming.  And I am sure you knew I would gloat!  Finally – a mixed race person at the top where we should be.  That said, and you see that I can be as bigoted as anyone else – lets get serious!

Watching the coverage of the royal wedding at 3am in the morning and watching it until 10am was like over gouging on chocolate cake.

It was a breath of fresh air in a world sorely in need of such.

I saw England moving away from a “blue blood” state, becoming a part of the creation of a very diverse world which recognizes its differences and holds them “in love” – as Bishop Curry would say.  I can say that even after watching the jaws drop and the bemused look on some of England’s “royalty” as Bishop Curry’s sermon and his style took hold of those present and those watching via television.

After seeing and feeling Meghan Markle and Henry Windsor’s coming together produce a really remarkable outpouring of love and produce a new thing – accepted at the highest levels of the English government through its English royalty – the feelings I had stayed with me long after the formal part of the wedding ended.  To know this is who would be the “Royals” at the top of the Commonwealth made me want to be a part of that group, that environment, that world.

From what I know and have experienced as a mixed race person and having met many such people over time, the one thing we share is the fact that we don’t have or belong to a “group”.  The kind of “group” basic to this world.  Are you black? white? Asian? NO?  Then who is your group?  What is your identity and how do you get that feeling of belonging!

I remembered back to when I was excused from jury duty because I refused to fill out a form following what society dictated I should say and filled it out with the truth of who I am.  The form was about race.  Supposed to be an illegal thing, but to be filled out during those days and probably still today under the guise of being “research” to make sure jurors were representative – of what?  Certainly not the human race – but they wanted to know who you were under the false construct we have devised to create this “better than” or “less than” existence.

The form said something like – White, African American, Asian, Native American, etc.  I filled in “other” and then listed the fictional “races” which supposedly contributed to my genetic makeup.  The judge asked me to refill in a form and offered a blank form for me to re-fill it “correctly” and I said I had already done that and after a few minutes I was excused.

That was only one small example.  Try a lifetime of such and then have children who are also mixed race and watch what they go through, which turns out to be worse, and then watch this “Royal Wedding.”

Meghan Markle has done an extraordinary job of walking across the water finding the submerged boulders to step across on so she could cross the ocean without drowning.  And along with Prince Harry has found a place and a way to now share that experience.  Her wedding was neither White nor Black; English nor American; and on and on you could go.  It held up the culture and religious practices and symbols of all beautifully.

And then I had to come back to earth and deal with the reality of my American life currently under President Donald Trump.

The “Royal Wedding” showed us what could be – Trump shows us what is and in Trump’s world the lies, distortions, bigotry via the nazi influence and all the rest was all over television following the Royal Wedding doing its worse. It was almost as if his “spirits”, his “evil spirits” were working hard to blot out what we had just seen to keep us within their grasp.

It is time for Americans to deal with the truth.  We live in a country which is and has been in a constant struggle against its own history and with this Donald Trump episode we are losing that struggle.

I came back to reality with the shooting – yet another school shooting, this time in Texas.  A shooting in which the media covered everything except the fact that we need to look at this history and see the acceleration of such and lay the blame at the feet of our current president as the latest incarnation of those who would keep America in such a state for their own reasons – which are generally greed; self-aggrandizement; money; power and control.

Why do I lay the blame for the school shootings at Trump’s feet?

This has been a long time coming.  For some seven plus years Donald J. Trump has been the center of tearing down these United States – big time.  He generated one lie after another and the biggest was all the time and energy he spent spewing garbage – which he continues to do.  His biggest load was to spend those seven years tearing down the United States by combining with its filthiest elements and proclaiming to the world his claim that Barack Obama was not a legitimate president and therefore everything he does is illegitimate because he was lying about having been born in these United States.  According to Trump, Obama was actually born in Africa.  And along with that were the pictures of Barack and Michelle Obama in various dress and forms – a gorilla; exaggerated African dress and attributes and more. Trump keeps those images and those lies in front of the American people by moving ahead strongly with his campaign to remove everything the Obamas have done so he can wipe out any and all acts of the government of an African American President of these United States.  Those lies and that kind of way of acting and being have been a consistency in the Trump administration and in Trump’s life from its beginnings – yes, from his birth.  Trump’s bigotry is not new.  His lies and attempts to bring in a Nazi regime is not new.  He has been laying the ground work for this for decades.  We have just refused to take that evil seriously. We have passed it off as “posturing” and with other excuses because some of us need a Trump in this country to maintain its bigotry so we can keep our hands clean and still maintain the “better than” benefits we get from such evil.  We can maintain the white males privileges at the expense of everyone else without having to roll up our sleeves to accomplish such.  We can maintain we are not bigots like Trump and quietly support his efforts under the cover of many things.

We know the history and bigotry practiced in these United States.  It is impossible not to know as we look around at our currently segregated schools; our neighborhoods which many realtors and others keep segregated; our social, golf, and other clubs places we can go and not have to deal with those “less than” – where we can deal with”our own kind”.  And we know and have known about Trump and his extreme bigotry because he made sure his vile and racist rants were as public as possible.

And what happened to him?  He was elected President of these United States!  And now he is being given the benefit of the rule of law in these United States which he is currently and massively trying to deny to others who don’t fit into his scheme of a Nazi like takeover with Trump as Adolph only his emphasis is on money and becoming the wealthiest and most powerful man in the country.

It is time to turn that rule of law with a huge spotlight onto Donald J. Trump.  He has committed many crimes – the latest being his call for the DOJ and others to “investigate”.  All over the front pages of this mornings papers.  What is the truth?  His son – Donald Trump, Jr. is being called into question because of meetings he had which look as though he was selling the United States Presidency to foreign countries.  Bringing them in to help get his father elected president.  The timing of this call to investigate by Donald Trump, Sr. – making headlines and a serious call to a very serious investigation via a “tweet” demand every citizen, every group of lawmakers and law enforcers, every citizen of this country, especially when such a “tweet” is taken seriously enough to make the front page of the leading newspapers and much less coverage given to the real issue – what was Donald Trump, Jr. doing in the meetings he called during his father’s campaign which look clearly as though they are to manipulate the campaign to turn in results other than those the voters chose.  An illegitimate president should be the headlines.  This man and all of his appointed administration need to be removed immediately.

The increase in the school shootings can be directly laid at this incarnation of Donald J. Trump’s feet.  And at the feet of his immediate family – who all together are trying to bring about the same result.  Lying about bring jobs back to America when their companies outsource their jobs to other countries because they can get the citizens of those countries to work for slave wages instead of paying the kind of living wages they would have to pay if, for example, Ivanka Trump’s company had to bring its jobs on shore from Bangladesh and other countries struggling to get a foot hold in this world’s economy.

From the Royal Wedding with its dream of a wonderfully diverse world to America and Donald Trump with his dream of bringing about a world where the rule of law is destroyed in favor of the rule of Trump and his Associates – with families forcibly destroyed; people jailed without cause; lies told to the American public constantly and vicious lies at that; monies taken from other countries to fatten the pocket book of the Trumps; tearing down “immigrants’ but getting your message of extreme bigotry at all costs out into the public by appearing with an immigrant wife and not the first immigrant wife who is ‘different’.  And of what is that difference composed – the color of her skin and the country from which she comes?  Messages sent and received.  Not all “immigrants” are bad – judge them by the color of their skin not the content of their character.

How are the law enforcers in this country responding to the visage of Rudi Giuliani?  Once held up as their hero?  What do you think of your hero today – with his character, honor, values exposed for all to see – out from under the cover of pretense?

We need to go back over the history of these United States and how did we get here.  Maybe that will help give us a map for getting out of this mess and moving into a world where diversity is accepted, equality is the rule and we see each other as human beings.

Let’s start with today and move back into our history!

We have the reincarnation of a group headed by Donald Trump and finally supported in the extreme with his entire future on the line by Rudi Giuliani.  Donald Trump equals Senator Joe McCarthy.  Rudi Giuliani equals Attorney Roy Cohn.  Does that group’s history and from whence it has come begin to materialize?  They almost destroyed this country.  They did destroy the lives of many of its citizens with the Congressional hearings seeking, at that time in history, “Communists”.  It is interesting to look at who they considered and really went after.

Lets move back in time.  There are so many places to stop and relook and relearn.

Lets go back to who built the railroads in these United States.  Maybe the Chinese government wants to forget – but the people who were attacked and who lived horribly oppressed lives in these United States were the Chinese Americans and the Chinese immigrants.  Remember that time?

And lets take a look at the Japanese.  Remember what we did to American citizens because they were of Japanese descent?  We gathered them up into concentration camps and took away their property and all of what they and their families had acquired of the “American Dream”.  Recently, we passed laws in Congress for “reparations” to the Japanese, but we also had the parallel quiet program of foot dragging so much of the money would not be dispersed, but would be kept because we needed to foot drag until the Japanese who qualified for these reparations were dead and we could keep the money and continue those kind of actions.

Lets go back to another time, which directly involved Donald Trump and his family.  To the time when the KKK was rampant – lynchings were happening across the country and remember when the KKK marched in all of its white robes and pointy hats down Pennsylvania Avenue some tens of thousands of them – apparently also including Donald Trump’s father who was arrested during that demonstration.  In the 1930’s was it?

So Trump and his Nazi – racist – bigotry – was acquired naturally.  It was passed on through time through his family history.  His immigrant family history of just a generation – back to his grandfather who immigrated to this country with no money, no education and no ability to speak the language.  And what did he do?  Eventually built a hotel which was rumored to be a brothel!  The beginnings of the Trump family fortune and its foundational history.  Is that why he has so many women accusing his of sexual abuse; assault and so much more.  Just to look at his administration it is clear his core life is about sexual discrimination – women have but one use and it is not to be a part of the Trump Administration in any other than a symbolic appearance.

Lets keep that history up front and high up so we can be reminded of where our present administration comes from and understand from that history where they are going.

Lets go back even further – when this country, finally after a few hundred years “freed” its African slaves.  There was slavery in the world before that, but it was the United States during the time of establishing this African slavery that turned slaves into a group based on the color of their skin.

“Reconstruction” came after slavery and Reconstruction was killed by this same group which is now on this earth in the form of Donald Trump and his followers.  I had ancestors elected to public office in the Deep South during Reconstruction – put on the railroad tracks after being tarred and feathered and forced to walk away.

Reconstruction was killed and turned into “Jim Crow” to maintain a “less than” and ” better than” group. Kill the inclination to any form of equality taking hold in these United States.   And it was a very effective killing which ruined many lives.  Tactics others would not try nor emulate because of things like honor, character, truth, love, God.  God of love not the god of the evangelical christians who have combined with Trump to bring about hell on earth.

And, I don’t need to go back into the years of African slavery – but if you look at that history you will find Donald Trump’s spirit all through it.

And then there is the movement to free women.  Africans in this country were enslaved using the marriage laws and that was very effective.  It is just tragic that when those marriage laws were failing and  were losing their strength that the gay community came along to fight to keep such laws by demanding they be included in that enslavement which women suffered under so many generations.

And let us not forget things like the “Trail of Tears” and other such horrors inflicted on the Native Americans – those who, in many cases, welcomed and helped the Northern Europeans seeking refuge in this country from the horrible ways they had been treated in their old countries from which they were fleeing.  In those treatment you will also find Donald Trump’s spirit and it is still flying around that community as you look at the current Donald Trump’s stances and actions against that Native American community.

Todays Donald Trump has shown what he thinks of women and what their place should be.  His administration is an example of the America we have all fought very hard to change.  It is an administration of white males and white male top corporate people who are bleeding America dry for their own self-aggrandizement and to accumulate wealth beyond their needs and beyond their legal rights.  Trump has been busy working with them to expand those “legal” rights so they can take away from others to put into their own pockets whether earned or not billions that we see clearly are far from earned.  We are now in the position for creating billionaires and at the same time and for the same reasons ever increasing numbers of homeless peoples because of that greed – which today starts at the top.  GREED is what most characterizes this Trump administration.  Women are simply a distraction to be used when the sick male ego needs shoring up – as Trump’s has and Bill Cosby’s has and Weinstein’s has and many even before all of them..

As you read this – hold it up against truth; hold it up against your life and where you stand in all of this; hold it up against God’s love following Michael Curry’s iteration of that; and hold it up against your family.  How do you come out?  Are you holding your head down and hiding in the hopes that this too shall pass and you will be none the worse for it having erupted at this time in your life?  Are you actively promoting and helping all of this garbage to succeed, multiply and be spewn across the boulevards, streets, roads and corners of America because you hope to one day be one of these obscene people?  Are you actively working to bring about the America we have promised each other for generations?  Let truth rumble around your heart and mind as you consider these things and then act accordingly.


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.
Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you. Please also tell us if you want your name as your byline or if you want your article to appear without your name.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to:





Tuesday, September 5th, 2017

by Marceline Donaldson

We are once again in the cross hairs.

Donald Trump announced he would give an opinion on DACA on Tuesday (today).  And, as of last night what has been given to the media is the announcement that he will end DACA with a six month time frame for folks to get ready for it – which means to get ready to be moved or to move out of the U. S. A.

When Trump announced he was thinking of ending this program from Obama’s time as president, it was clear his decision would  end the program and it would be done in such a way as to attempt to obscure the facts of what he was announcing and give those who engage in denial of bigotry the opportunity to keep others from seeing what was actually about to happen until it was upon them.  That fits with Trump’s history of such announcements and of his trying to wipe Obama’s presidency off the record and to continue and give another chapter to the “Birther Movement” which Trump carried on, funded and promoted for some eight plus years.

To know more about this lie and others Donald Trump has carried on see

In addition to the “Birther” lies Donald Trump claimed ISIS was founded under Obama when in fact it was formed in 2004 – Obama was elected president in 2008. And the list goes on………..most recently the FBI came out with the findings from its latest investigation into Trump’s lies.  Trump claimed Obama had his wires tapped in Trump Tower during, what Trump called, “the very sacred election process”.   The FBI on Friday came out to say there was no evidence to back that up after their extensive investigation into what Trump claimed was a felony that Obama committed.  And the list goes on…..

Most people are asking “why”?  Those who have to ask such a question are some of the people who have internalized bigotry and have a response to and justification of bigotry, which is denial – white, black, green, yellow, pink people.  Denial is one of the strongest tools which got Trump elected.  How else does this United States elect a man who promoted the “birther lie” for so many years and which everyone knew he promoted – yet still voted for him.

We have had a long history of bigotry in the United States, which we deny.  In fact, we have gone overseas and lectured to other countries about their violation of the human rights of their citizens when the record in the United States could equal if not top some of the human rights offenses found in the countries to whom we were lecturing and demanding that they change their ways of treating their minority groups.

Our record in these United States is so bad that we – in 2017 – have elected a KuKluxKlan Legatee as president of these United States.  Donald J. Trump the son of Frank Trump who was arrested at  a KKK rally – was he marching, clothed in white?  He clearly had an ugly civil rights record as shown from the law suit filed against both Donald and Frank Trump for not allowing black families to live in their apartment buildings.

And now we have DACA – entering this KKK Legatee’s history as a part of the anti-immigration stances and decisions made by Donald Trump.

What is wrong with DACA?  All the rationalizations put out by Trump and all of the counter rationalizations put out by others to attempt to show that the young people in DACA are gainfully employed and contributing members of this society – they all need to be put aside because the reason Trump wants to end DACA lies in the reason he does everything else as president.  There are 1.7% whites in DACA.  The rest are minorities – the “brown” people.  Given that fact, there is no way those backing Trump and Trump himself are going to allow the DACA program to continue.  Their goal, showing clearly from their actions, is to make these United States a whites only country.  That is the base from which they come.  Throw out as many “browns” as they can using immigration laws to move that goal to fruition and then move on to other ways to eliminate the rest.

Trump didn’t come lately to the bigotry he now displays.  He has been a bigot generationally.  He comes by his foulness legitimately from his father and probably way beyond that.  Why else would he hide his German roots calling himself and his family Swedish?  Well, today all of those lies are gone and they have been replaced by the Nazi flags; the recreation of Kristallnacht in Virginia and much more.  Don’t know about Kristallnacht you can read about it here – and much more.  Kristallnacht was the beginning of the Final Solution and the Holocaust in Germany.

That was a clear message that night in Charlottesville, – the White Nationalists message that this was the beginning of their Final Solution and the beginning of the holocaust for the minorities in these United States, but no one seems to have either made the connection or had the guts to report on the two as parallel events. Maybe the real message of Charlottesville was blurred by the ridiculousness of making such a statement with one of the props being the “tiki torches”.

And after the “Tiki Torch” parade anouncing the beginnings of the United States version of the holocaust comes the announcement by Trump about DACA.  Cancel DACA and you get rid of lots of “brown peoples” in one fell swoop.

The anti-Semitism is now showing increasingly.  It seems to have become public when one of Trump’s supporters loudly asked why he “gave” his daughter to a Jew.  From then on we are seeing an increasing amount of anti-Semitism around Trump.

General Kelly – the Chief of Staff – over whom many are raving about how he has ‘cleaned out’ the White House and what great things he can do – was head of Homeland Security.  What did he do as Head?  He quickly and very efficiently brought in the Muslim travel ban which the courts in this country closed down and stopped him and his boss Trump from removing tens of thousands of people and from denying those who could enter these United States from doing so – almost 100% “brown peoples”.  He quickly and efficiently rounded up tens of thousands already in this country and had them ready to be deported until, once again, Kelly and his boss Trump were stopped by the courts.

Another lie being told is that Trump has accomplished nothing during his seven months in office.

Trump is right when he says he has accomplished an enormous amount.  Not the traditional accomplishments through Congress, but he has changed this country in ways that show we are probably no longer a democracy or republic, but he and his White Supremacist his KKK his neo-Nazi’s are putting in place, structuring and institutionalizing, a fascist government which can be controlled and moved along to become a whites only country where the minorities are slaughtered – deported – generally destroyed.  Those left over whites who are still fighting the Confederate war against the United States also join this group.  Those whose ancestors, real and/or spiritual, used tax payer money to build statues and memorials to their heroes – “heroes”  guilty of major treason against the United States, but for the pardon they received at the end of the war.

Robert E. Lee is the one they seem to most revere.  He was also found guilty of treason against the United States.  That is who they want to honor with all of those statues, even changing the name of an Episcopal Church, among others to remember the events and honor what took place during that war.  Continuing the fight and continually looking for ways to destroy, demean, turn the “brown peoples” into a modern day replica of slaves – all of that has been going on in this country for decades.  It has finally reached and is using the power of the Office of the president of the United States.  That is success.  After some 50 plus years as a Republican, I am no longer a part of this political group.  I resigned when Trump as elected President.  It was clear that there was no hope for change; that the history of Republicanism which helped free the slaves and which fought the Democrats when they were deep into the KKK and lyncings, and etc.  was now the Political Party composed of those KKK, neo-Nazi’s, White Supremacists and more like them reaching into the office of the president to achieve their goals.  I moved to declare myself an Independent hoping that, as my grandmother would say – this too shall pass.

It was said that President’s Trump’s decree against transgender people in these United States was just to deflect attention away from negatives about him in the press.  He did nothing to back up his decree – until weeks later when he ordered the armed forces to investigate ways and to bring about the elimination of transgender people in the armed forces.  Trump deflected ugly headlines away from himself with the announcement – as he has done continuously.  Others deflected by claiming he was crazy and made such announcements with nothing in back of them.  We get to see that both are working together to bring this country back to a time Germany has rejected and so have others in their countries.  We are moving incredibly quickly to establish such an institutionalization of extreme bigotry in these United States.  Our country today – after only seven months – is barely recognizable as “free”, working to move in the direction of equality and justice, etc.

What are you doing?  Who was it that said “Evil survives because good people do nothing!” That is still just as true today.  This is a time when you are either out there risking or sitting in your home tending your home fires until the knock comes on your door and you are ushered out into the middle of that holocaust being planned for all of us by the White Supremacists, the KKK, the neo-Nazi’s and all of their supporters either vocal or silently.

May God have mercy on all our souls!


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

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On the Issue of Immigrants and Refugees

Friday, January 27th, 2017

by: Marceline Donaldson


The United States of America has a rich and long history, which started long before Donald Trump and will continue long after he is gone.

Where do we stand on immigrants? This has been documented historically for generations and we have a beautiful statue on its own island as a symbol to make sure our next generations and those looking to us for leadership around the world understand where we have come from traditionally, historically and out of the very soul of this nation, which is made up of immigrants and where we will be solidly for a very long time.

A poem, written by Emma Lazarus and cut into the stone of the gift from France – meant to be a beacon to Exiles from all over the world – says exactly where Americans have been for a few hundred years. This is not the first time I have quoted this poem on this blog.  Hope it becomes meaningful to you – as it has been to generations of Americans and Immigrants coming to this country.  Many I have met can quote this poem from memory.

“Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Not Donald Trump, nor anyone else can erase the history of the United States with its continuing stance on immigrants no matter how hard they try. We need to come to our senses and look at our history and respect where we have been – who we are – and where we are going.

Neither Donald Trump, nor his wife, nor any members of his family would be in this country if we did not have the above stance on immigration and immigrants. This was not written for the immigration to the United States of Northern Europeans – it was written to and about the world and to and about who we all are.

Me and mine have been in this country over 5 generations and we are not going anywhere. Some of my ancestors were here before the Pilgrims and the Puritans.  Some of my ancestors were brought here against their will.  Some came as immigrants either because of the possibility of wealth and they wanted to increase wealth they already had; or because they wanted to escape oppression.  Some didn’t come at all, but became United States citizens when the borders were redrawn and their plantation was deemed no longer in Mexico, but in America and they were thrown off their own land and put in the street.  So, no – I am not going anyplace and I know that my family is very much a part of the fabric of America – the good, the bad and the indifferent.

I did think briefly of updating my passport and leaving before all hell breaks loose. However, this is my country and the Donald J. Trump’s are the newcomers and the nouveau riche. Their history is short and littered with commercial moments trying to take money and material goods from the rest of us without paying, without earning what they have taken, without any regard for the humanity or the human rights or the Constitution of these United States. It is time for them and theirs to leave and be blocked from arriving – not for them to be able to go against those who have always been Americans – always respected the Constitution – always have given and shared and helped those trying to make a better life in these United States – legal or otherwise – trying to respond, as best they could as they were caught in the horribleness of where they called home.

May God forgive him and all the rest who are following him for the way they have lived and contributed to the pain and suffering of those whose lives they have touched, changed and made excruciatingly difficult just because they could.


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 Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.

Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful

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