Quite some time ago I read a blog on these pages about “The Manchurian Candidate” and that was before Trump was elected president and today he is the president of these United States and clearly into treason against the United States.
Trump went to Canada and alienated U. S. Allies demanding that Russia be included in the “7” making it “8” and then he went on to North Korea and was smiley and extremely complimentary of Kim Jong Un, a dictator with a terrible record which included, apparently, killing members of his own family and other atrocities and Donald Trump found that laudatory. His flattery of Kim Jong Un was extravagant.
And now, on to the NATO meeting followed by an extremely private meeting with Vladimir Putin and another “I love Russia and Putin” and those NATO folks are $#%&%#S….
Those meetings are not accidental timings, they are arrogant.
The extreme privacy of his meeting with Putin violates his role as President of these United States. He is the U. S. President not a private citizen and as such he is responsible to the citizens of these United States in everything he does. Meeting privately with Vladimir Putin is against the interest of the United States.
Donald Trump is breaking laws in this country and turning it into a dictatorship which rivals that of Kim Jong Un. Given enough time he will make the atrocities in North Korea look small by comparison. That is what he clearly prefers and what he wants of his presidency – by his own admission.
He has probably done enough to be tried by an International Court and to call in the United Nations and any other international body that has jurisdiction over such acts.
Trump has, in the United States, created a crisis which has allowed him to establish Concentration Camps, Internment Camps and Death Camps. The post in this blog which made those statements early on was clearly correct. What he has created parallels Nazi Germany and takes it many steps beyond.
Trump has turned the “Brown and Black people” arriving in the U. S. seeking asylum from horrendous situations into criminals. He takes away their children and according to the news reports has “lost over 1,000 of them”. Lost them to what? The young girls lost to sex slavery? The young children lost to adoption by others? Any of them sold? It is certainly a slavery situation and closely parallels preparations for slavery auctions with people particularly children in wire cages.
Muslims, Hispanics are currently targeted. Trump has indicated the other non-whites will be next.
Are Naturalized Citizens from those “Brown and Black people” next? Will their citizenship be turned around and they thrown out of the United States after the DACA people are put in the wire cages and deported? Or will they be put into wire cages and moved to the Death Camps when no semi-lawful way is found to deport them? Are African Americans next? And then Native Americans – don’t know where they will be deported, but Trump will think of something. Or will they be jailed on”trumped” up charges and turned into caged slaves. Allowed out during the day to do the free work of the establishment and returned to jail in the evening. Maybe they will simply be killed. And then comes Asians and Asian Americans? He has already cancelled the passports for Asian Americans in Silicon Valley.
And in the process Trump has ignored the Constitution as though it does not exist.
He is isolating the United States and undercutting its economy.
It is clear what is needed to create a fascist dictatorship from a democracy or a republic is isolationism – trade wars – leading to a heavy depression and those are the circumstances under which we are living. That has already been done we just have to wait a couple months for the depression to take hold.
Those three things helped create the ground on which Nazism flourished.
To those who think that is a conjecture too far? It is not conjecture: –
We have death camps – only there is no gas to turn on. Trump has found something more excruciatingly lethal and they are called “cold boxes”. If you are ill when you arrive in this country looking for asylum, having walked over hundreds of miles to get here you are probably over tired, may have the flu and other problems. Are you given health care to help you along – no, you are put in a “cold box”. A place kept at 50 degrees to somethimes as “warm” as 55 or 60 degrees and there you stay until you are ‘decontaminated” of the germs you carry – which in several cases has been weeks. Everything you have is taken away from you and you are left in those “cold boxes” with a thin sweat shirt, thin pants and inconsequential to no shoes and those cold boxes include children and toddlers.
There can’t be doctors around because I don’t know of any doctor or other health person who would recommend such a treatment. All you need is a lowered immune system and a body underfed and exhausted to cause gradual death. If you get to leave the “cold box” you need a very heavy constitution to overcome its effects and over time you will succumb because that stay in that “cold box” compromises your entire system.
Trump supporters are a group of people who are on a level with, if not worse than, the MS-13 gangs Trump loves to threaten people with when the real enemy is Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions. The killing of the five news media recently and the serious injuring of more sits directly in Trump’s lap and comes from the kind of rhetoric he has encouraged and is spreading.
Sessions, the AG who Trump claimed to be against and wanted to fire when all along -while he was talking that rhetoric – dumping on Sessions to get people who neither liked nor respected him, but didn’t think Trump was treating Sessions “fairly” substantially supporting Sessions. And all the time, behind the curtain, Sessions with Trump were planning and working on a model of this current immigrant plan, put it into operation as a model to see what happened and when it worked to their satisfaction rolled it out as a full blown operation. Children taken from their parents, asylum seekers criminalized, “cold boxes” to increase the chances of immigrants dying – but not until they left the “cold boxes” so Trump would not be held responsible, and all that we see happening in front of our eyes. – AND, at the same time we are hearing Trump supporters bragging about what is to come next – even “better than” what we are currently experiencing with the immigrant question.
Nothing you see is what is real in this Trump presidency. The obfuscation, the hiding, the lying, the destruction of human life is extensive.
And then we have Donald Trump meeting with Vladimir Putin behind the curtain just before the mid-term vote in the United States. Another coincidence? I don’t think so. Trump has had a dream of a Trump Tower in Moscow since the 1980’s and it certainly looks as though he has made a deal to get his Trump Tower in Moscow. The timing is unbelievably arrogant – but then so was the call by Trump on television, during the Presidential Campaign, for Putin to hack the DNC computers which happened with Russian help. Trump’s denial of Russian interference with the United States presidential election is simply to make sure they are able to do it again when the next election comes up and he does nothing to negate the process. So he goes to meet Putin conveniently just before that mid-term election and at the beginning of that election season with whatever information Putin needs to be more effective this time with Trump having access to all of the United States intelligence so Putin and his boys can do a better job.
And this time there is an added flourish. – United States Congresspeople meet in Russia, just before Trump’s arrival, to insure that Putin knows and sees Trump’s ‘power’. The Congress people met to exclaim and proclaim their support of Russia and wish for great ties binding Russia and the United States peoples – the “White” ones who are the only ones who will survive Trump and his administration.
Make America White Again – coming from Trump means alliances with “White Nations” like Russia – which is all White and the power structure 99% male. It also means alliances with other such countries while dumping on those which are not “White” and/or which have given in to the women and have women in the power structure.
Some Americans wanted a business person as president. That meant all kind of positive things to them. Well take a look and then take a look at our corporate structures and some of the leaders of that corporate structure and their ethics and character match Trump’s – they are also clearly not building republics nor anything close to democracies and probably never will. Only a handful really profit, the rest of us work all of our lives for those few to immensely benefit. I believe the blog in this series which says -the growth of U. S. Billionaires parallels and causes the growth of the homeless.
So in summary:
Parallels to Nazi Germany
Death Camps which gassed people = Trump Death Camps which destroy peoples already compromised immune systems in “cold boxes”. Cold boxes take longer and are more painful than gassing and people die after being released from the cold boxes so Trump and his people can deny, lie, obfuscate and abdicate responsibility.
The SS for enforcement = ICE for enforcement, burying the facts and lying to U. S. Citizens and the world to cover what is actually happening.
no rule of law = Trump has made a mockery of the U. S. Rule of Law by, among other things, having 3 and 4 year olds, who sit in Court on chairs, where their feet can’t touch the floor, alone, defending themselves
Trump – a pathological liar which means the institutions over which he has power have become pathological liars and so have those who are the administrators and others in those institutions. It is the only way they can survive.
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Melania Trump’s Lifestyle – African American?
Monday, July 16th, 2018It was amazing at the Republican Convention to hear Melania Trump give a talk which was lifted practically verbatim from a talk given by Michelle Obama. So it was not too much of a surprise to see her choice of clothes.
For the formal dinner in England just a few days ago, Melania Trump chose to lift the dress choice of Lupita Lyongo, the Kenyan/Mexican actress and model – only in yellow instead of the red chosen by Lupita for her appearance at the Golden Globe awards. www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/158540849363070263/
And then there was the jacket Melania wore to visit the site where children were being held in cages. remember? It said “I really don’t care. Do U?
All of the conjectures about the jacket missed a very crucial point. It was designed and manufactured by a company which routinely designs and manufactures anti-semitic clothes, of which that jacket was one – fit right in with the anti-brown/black immigrant goals of a White Nationalist family, don’t you think?
On a different wave length, to her more serious events she wears designs by people who would fit into the “better than” category the Trump administration and its White Nationalist philosophy has chosen to designate as those who are “better than” – “more/better culture than”, etc.
The Trump’s fit into the “Nouveau Riche” category and they are acting out their newsness to wealth and their inability to acclimate and fit into the society. Apparently, before the wealth arrived, the Trump family had some secrets to keep hidden in the “culture” department and are trying to do so by giving themselves a very different background from the one which is their reality.
Donald Trump labels himself as half-English/half-Scottish. With the claim that his mother came from England and the other side came from Scotland. Nothing about his real grandfather who came from Germany, which means that Donald Trump himself is an immigrant one generation removed from the man who arrived in these United States with no money – very broke – no education – scraping the bottom of the barrel and who reportedly moved himself up on the backs of women who he used to scrape together the means to build a hotel – and- it is rumored, used the hotel as a brothel.
This is the background of the man who is now trying to lift himself up by pushing down other immigrants and lifting up Northern European culture as at the top and currently endangered by all of the bare foot, dirty, non-English speaking immigrants he is trying so hard to keep out of the United States and strongly advising England to keep them out of their country or their “superior” culture will be lost. The Trumps clearly have worked hard to move themselves up class wise, but don’t quite seem to know how to do that. Their recently learned knowledge about this “cultural” phenomenon has come late and with lots of defects in the knowledge. The KKK, White Nationalists, neo-Nazi’s take you down the cultural ladder, Donald, not up. The “Upper Class” in these United States will never embrace someone with your background. Probably not your family until the third or fourth generation – which means Ivanka’s grandchildren – if they keep their noses clean and out of what you are constantly involved with and which Ivanka is, apparently, helping you to achieve.
Problem is, every time Donald Trump opens his mouth he shows his lack of a decent “cultured” upbringing and out comes all the crude, lying, greedy, lifestyle he apparently learned at his father’s knee. His presumptions and characterizations about himself show a great gift for storytelling. – Wasn’t it Donald and his father who were sued by the United States of America for the racism they were practicing in their buildings? And wasn’t it Donald’s father trying to lie his way out of being jailed with the KKK after they marched down Pennsylvania Avenue in their sheets and pointy hats trying to scare the entire American society? And given the choice wasn’t it the Donald who found his associates and friends among the mafia, the gamblers, those who stole from others to pad their own pockets ie his six bankruptcies which took away from many and gave him assets without a cost to the Trumps?
This is now the president of the United States – How the mighty have fallen!
The Evangelical Christians of a certain stripe support him strongly and claim their god sent him
Their god sent an
pathological liar
man full of greed – ripping off others as though it was his right
takes his failures and proclaims them as great successes
and so much more – do we really need to list everything?
______________________________________________________________________He needs to find GOD! and give up on his evangelical imitation leading him down the road to sedition and sin which leads him straight to hell! It is extremely interesting that the Trumps imitate the peoples they consider inferior and want to push down and characterize as “less than”. Wonder what that means?
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Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to bettinanetwork@comcast.net or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you. Please also tell us if you want your name as your byline or if you want your article to appear without your name.
Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.
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