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Archive for July, 2024

The Presidential Race and the Maintenance or Destruction of Bigotry!

Wednesday, July 17th, 2024

Totally at stake, as the race for president of the United States moves ahead, is the continuation, renewal, intensifying, creation of a more intense and practically indestructible form of bigotry. That becomes clearer as the race moves along.

As we look at the Republican National Conference, we see the “circling of the wagons”; the pulling out of any power anyone in that group has to promote Trump and erase any negatives he has created in his life that might keep John and Jane Q Public from voting for him.

If you believe in these United States and if you are really and truly a “Christian” as many of Trump’s supporters claim to be, you would not be able to even stomach the fact that someone like Donald Trump is not only running for president, but all of his “Christian sins” are being removed, submerged, cleaned up, hidden from sight by his friends and supporters and who is being solidly supported by the billionaire/venture capital group; a man who violates the law as easily as he breathes; who has not only been accused of abusing, raping and attempting to destroy women, but who has bragged about it while knowingly being recorded and who not only keeps going, but is being endorsed by many who call themselves “Christian”.

As you look at this campaign progressing, most of the media has already crowned him “president”. Before one vote is counted they have announced to all that Trump has won the presidency.

Why are some folks so excited by that prospect? Much has been tried to maintain the extreme racism, sexism, bigotry that has existed in this society practically from its beginnings. It was beginning to wane and move aside. Also tried and sometimes very successfully has been the misuse and abuse of those “different from” trying to acquire wealth by those who need to maintain their existence as ‘better than’.

The people most excited about the Trump presidential campaign and his chances to become president once again are the billionaire group – mainly the Venture Capitalists. Why? Because their identity as “better than” is at stake. Trump’s clear racism and sexism – his abuse of women – his ignoring of the laws, ethics and more and moving along his objectives pushing aside those kinds of possible blockages against what he wants to do for his own financial aggrandisement is simply a reflection in the mirror of what many, if not most, venture capitalists are also about.

It is no accident that only some 2-3% of money invested in new, substantial business ideas and structures goes to minorities and women. The rest goes to white male northern european types. The claim that “there are none qualified and producing” is not true. In fact it is an outright lie. That comes from the lack of integrity, character, honesty of those in or moving into that billionaire/venture capital group. Many have stolen the ideas, businesses and much more from minorities and women while claiming the originality of their ideas to themselves.

We know that from personal/business experience and from what we have uncovered through our research as we saw what was happening to others followed the same pattern of what happened to us.

The bigotry of Trump and his followers; their lack of integrity/ethics/character is and has been clear.

As those who follow us knows Bettina Network, inc. was created as a national and continued into becoming an international network of private homes for whom Bettina Network made reservations, advertised, marketed, etc. and they did this in a growing national/international way. How did Brian Cheske and his buddies discover the idea? They were sent to one of the homes in the Bettina Network, inc. to stay and to discover what that Network was all about. Who sent them? The Venture Capital arm of the city of Cambridge, Massachusetts and Cheske and his two friends did the job they were sent to do. They stole everything and used what they stole to found Airbnb – and said at the time of the stealing – they had no idea private homes could be put together in such a way and they walked away with the business plan and so much more from Marceline Donaldson, in particular. Let me remind you that Bettina Network, inc. was conceived, founded and structured by African Americans assisted by many minorities and women. There were even some white northern european men who helped – none of whom would have been taken up by that Venture Capital billionaire group.

Most striking, is the fact that Bettina Network, inc. was not able to even get a telephone call returned from the Venture Capitalists who work with such innovative and growing companies – especially those moving ahead with a new idea which was considered astounding and their business amazing.

AND – lets be very clear – they were not the only minority conceived and grown companies which were not only actively ignored by the Venture Capitalist group, but whose ideas, structure, etc. were stolen by those sent by that group. WHY? From looking at the history, they wanted the idea and the business, but wanted it grown and structured by White Male Northern European-type males with the total elimination of those who originated, grew and demonstrated that such a company was possible and would move into the billionaire group.

We met and spent time with young white males who were all over MIT looking for those unique companies, founded and led by minorities or women that they could take back to their leaders to be refounded and funded as though white males had the original idea, designed the structure and moved the company ahead with substantial funding by the billionaire/venture capital class.

With Trump as president there is a green light shining for those to go ahead and make sure minorities and women dont’ get a foot hold.

Our second favorite example is “My Chart”. An idea, structure, hard work to give birth and bring to fruition this hospital aligned corporation which no one has any idea that the original idea, work, sacrifice to test, grow and take out the kinks was done by Nigerians. They were invited to Silicon Valley and stripped of everything they worked hard to bring about over the previous 10 years.

There have been many such companies in American History. Marceline Donaldson can trace her roots back to a great-grandfather who was instrumental in the founding of United Fruit – now United Brands – so the pattern for eliminating those who worked hard to help found and bring along a billionaire company is not new. It is a part of the institutional racist structure of these United States and that structure is being reinforced and cemented into place by Donald Trump and his presidential campaign with its followers who see what he has to offer in this area and are totally supporting the structure.

When you support that group you are supporting the institutionalizing of the separate and unequal structure which has plagued this country almost from its beginnings when slavery was growing all over this country and which created the wealth of the United Kingdom’s Royal House.

The only way you can support such is if your ethics, character, integrity, honesty parallel those of Donald J. Trump. Maybe it is time to find your way to your knees to ask God’s forgiveness and direction into a different more God-like way of living, learning, making a living, and so much more.

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