Kim Jong Un - Bettina Network's Blog

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Bettina Community Members Respond About – Tiger Woods, Mitch McConnell, Trump and Erdogan, Nancy Pelosi

Wednesday, May 8th, 2019

Many comments from members. This one seemed to represent what all of you sent. If we left out something you wanted aired, please resend your comment and we will add it as an article to this Bettina Network publication.

Thanks for all that you do and for sending us information to include in Bettina Network’s Blog. It is your publication and we would never know all that we do without your input.


I have been disgusted in the past with Tiger Woods behavior – the womanizing, the drugs, the awful way he took his talent and seemingly threw it to the wind. When he won the tournament recently and so many were praising his “come back” I had hopes that things had changed and we would now be able to enjoy, respect and look forward to great things from Mr. Woods.

How could one be so wrong. Instead of that, we get Tiger Woods as a member of the Trump Mafia/ Criminal Enterprise.

I watched the ceremony with Trump giving him the Presidential Medal of Freedom; heard Trump’s comments and the highly emotional way Tiger Woods tried to respond. I wanted to throw up.

Tiger needs to get his life in order. What is most missing from his life and how he lives it is a good ethical base; good character and an understanding of his responsibility as a human being.

To accept the award from someone posing as president of the United States is bad enough – but to accept the award from his “boss”, a man for whom he is working, for whom – among other things he is designing golf courses and more and getting paid by this man bestowing on him this “honor” is beyond my ability to think anything of Tiger except – so we get more of the same that you gave us in the past only now – instead of drugs and women – you are cultivating within yourself and learning mafia ethics while working for and being a part of a criminal enterprise – who would have thought Tiger could have sunk so low. That show of emotion Tiger Woods made during his acceptance speech should have been grief for the life he could have lived and the respect he totally gave up for a round disc hanging on a piece of ribbon. What a disgrace and a waste of an incredible talent. Just think of what could have been with Tiger Woods. He is not someone I want around my children.


Mitch McConnell

Living in Kentucky what is clear to me is how difficult it is going to be for McConnell in 2020 to keep his seat in the Senate. His candidacy is underwater at the moment and he is losing followers and those who used to think he was the man for whom to vote.

Clearly, Mitch is tied into the Trump Criminal Enterprise and the Bettina Blog was correct when it asked why McConnell blocked Obama’s nomination for the Supreme Court long before we even suspected Hillary might not win the Presidency. More of us are asking what did he know – how did he know it – when did he know Donald Trump was going to be declared the next President of the United States. It certainly looks as though he knew that months before we cast our votes and Russia’s interference blocked Hillary Clinton’s candidacy in favor of putting Donald Trump on the throne.

What makes it even worse, many of us are extremely unhappy that he put a man credibly accused of sexual assault into that position on the Supreme Court. Some of those so unhappy were friends who called me racist when I refused to support Clarence Thomas for the Supreme Court. With Clarence Thomas’ nomination, I could not believe that someone I loved and respected and supported – George H. W. Bush – had actually nominated someone like that for the Supreme Court. They are probably going to be appalled at my thoughts about Tiger Woods, but I was so happy to see Bettina Network’s Blog spelling out the horribleness of giving Tiger Woods the Presidential Medal of Honor. The two of them – Tiger and Trump – standing together on that podium with Trump looking at Tiger as though he was going to be dinner for a sexually hungry man after the award ceremony was way beyond my ability to cope. I turned off the television and went back to work seething. What is wrong with folks that they either can’t see that or are willing to accept it?

McConnell was able to support and still totally supports a man who has been credibly accused of many instances of sexual abuse against some 20 woman that we know about and who has spent over $100,000 to hide his inability to control his penis during the presidential campaign, or apparently at any other time. What kind of man is Mitch McConnell anyway. His morals are in the dumpster.

I will be contributing to whoever is running against him and I will be a Republican working for whichever Party’s candidate looks as though they will unseat Mitch McConnell.

I hope there are many like me out there. I was a McConnell supporter for a very long time. This, however, is my Waterloo. Never thought in my adult life that I would support, help fund and work for a Democrat, but if that is what it takes I will be upfront and center in this upcoming election, working as hard as possible with those like me.

I have never thought of myself as particularly ethical or requiring a standard good character of people. I am so sorry I have not done that and now look at what we have to endure.


Trump and Erdogan

Trump is looking more and more as though he is talking to Erdogan and getting lessons on how to become an autocrat in these United States with a Congress totally emasculated.

I look at what Donald Trump is doing and can’t help but parallel his actions to those of Erdogan in Turkey and how he moved that country to the autocratic state it is today and with its populace trying to escape that one man’s tyrannical rule.

Turkey just had an election which went against Erdogan and so the results of the election were cancelled and Turkey now gets to vote again. Take a look at what is happening there and see if you don’t think Trump is taking ideas and what to do from his fascist friends around the world.

What do we do when it becomes clear that one person whispering in the ear of the Donald is Kim Jong Un – the love of Donald Trump’s life?


Nancy Pelosi

What a disappointment. Trump, apparently “respects” Pelosi – if you believe he comments coming out as to why he has not given her one of his infamous nicknames.

Does he respect her or do they have an agreement whereby she may go after him, but she will block impeachment so Trump can swagger around daring the Democrats to impeach him when he knows he has a friend at court who will make sure that does not happen.

It is past time Nancy – at least a year overdue – for Trump to be impeached.

To want to be guaranteed of success before you start any process is to be either totally naive or to not want the result to happen because you have other fish to fry.

Get real here Nancy – Bettina Network’s blog called for you to ‘impeach or step aside’ – I want to verify that I am behind that sentiment 100%. You are becoming a liability and a disappointment in the way you related to Trump.


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Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

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Trump – yet another distraction!

Tuesday, April 9th, 2019

by: Marceline Donaldson

Apparently, Vladimir Putin has sent Donald Trump another list of things to do and Trump is carrying them out in his usual manner. However, the Chinese spy was ‘caught’ and the distraction is exposed for what it is – a continued attempt to dismantle these United States.

It is clear from the way this is happening that this is a distraction from the coming revelations from the Mueller Report which Trump, his friends and allies want to arrive in a murky atmosphere so Trump will continue to have time to continue to dismantle the United States government into the kind of structure they can take over.

Sad to say Trump does not realize that he will not be around to enjoy the excitement and celebration if he succeeds. He will be too much of a threat – especially since he can’t keep soda water on his stomach.

With the firing of Nielsen and the comments on her “evil” and the other ways she acted we seem to forget that what happened in Nazi Germany was not due to some special and unique character of Germans. It is a character flaw which is human and is happening in many places on different levels for the same reasons – power and control. It is well underway in these United States. Hopefully, there will be no reason for it to be said – as history goes over our actions during these days – that good people did nothing.

A man with no experience in government and no accurate knowledge of how the United States government works could not do what Trump has been doing without help from someone with the training that Putin has had as an operative of the Society Union. And I am sure Putin is not the only one in the mix seeing this as a good time for them to intervene as they have wanted to do for generations. Favros didn’t show up in such a hurry at the beginnings of the meeting between Trump and Kim Jong Un in Vietnam by accident. My guess – someone was not toeing the line and needed a nudge to get with the program.

And in the end, Trump’s exit is already planned. He is setting the stage for a “crazy persons” exit from the United States presidency from which he expects to go scot free with lots of money waiting him to live happily ever after.

I do not believe all of these recent firings are taking place just as a coincidence when Trump needs some kind of cover for whole or parts of the Mueller Report becoming public. The last time such took place it was a huge explosion and great distraction. This is what Trump needs now to get the public off on a wild goose chase after the seeming upheavals with immigration so they are not focusing on what is happening with Donald Trump and what looks like the continuation of a huge next step in his massive conspiracy to destroy the current United States government so it will be easy to bring it back together again in a non-democratic/republic shape.

What is hopeful is all of this is the extreme diversity of the current United States House of Representatives. We are now a country which represents all of us – well, once the Senate has been “readjusted” – and the new president elected, if the press will stop pushing the white males amongst the candidates and pushing the females into the background, we might have the continuation of a great country. This time, one that represents all of its citizens. A note to the press – remember the great push and coverage you gave to Donald Trump’s campaign. It is time for you to stop self-absorption and the profit motive and realize the influence you have on this society. That needs to cause you to always and forever act with courage, and truth.

With the United States becoming the country we were raised singing, writing and claiming to be great in its diversity representing all of the people, maybe in this generation it will be so.

It is fitting that the old guard, which was the past, is represented in its death throes by this ridiculous caricature of a man who, hopefully, is the last president trying to keep this country white, male and mostly northern European. Dear God, let it be so. Do not let us have to go through another and more vicious Nazi Germany to emerge steps further down the road to a true government of the people, by the people and for the people.

My vision of Donald Trump is of a man ascending the stairs of an airplane with the wind at his back and his hair piece flapping in the wind with toilet paper stuck in one shoe following him up the stairs on his way to explaining to his handlers why he made such a mess of his assignment and couldn’t, in the end, pull it off.


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Or you can send a check to Bettina Network, inc. P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 to support this blog! Please make your check out to “Bettina Network, inc.” since the blog income is not the foundation income.

If you prefer your gift go to the Foundation, make your check payable to Bettina Network Foundation, inc. The money we receive for the Foundation currently is going to support the Wells Fargo Boycott.


Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

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The End……….

Thursday, February 28th, 2019

by: Marceline Donaldson

If you didn’t get it before, yesterday was the end of Donald Trump.

If you didn’t get that during the Michael Cohen hearing you got it when Trump left Vietnam hours early with no agreement. You had a premonition that something was up; that all was not right with the fascist leaders’ world when the Russian Lavrov showed up in Vietnam on his private plane from Russia the day before Trump arrived. Something he had to say to Kim that he did not want to chance any intelligence group to hear? He did not have his plane land so he could have a cup of Vietnam tea – no matter how good or how nourishing it could be. Something that obvious does not happen without great consternation as its root cause in the circle of eastern european mafioso leadership.

The few pictures which emerged, even with Donald and Kim shown casually walking together said there was tension between Kim and Donald. but was it a lovers’ spat or permanent split? Or did Kim see himself aligned too closely with someone who will soon be out of office in disgrace when Kim was trying so hard to be one of the power elite of the autocratic world. Nothing said we were in Trump’s end-time louder or longer than that “summit”.

The Congressional hearing itself was amazing. The dynamics more so than the words – although the words had a small sway on what you saw.

The Republicans were acting out for all to see exactly what Michael Cohen was describing as to how he got his talking and marching orders from the “Don”. He got them the way the “Don,” as do most, if not all, of the world’s mafia leaders, communicate their orders to their underlings. And – each Congressman, well except maybe one, the renegade Amash – stuck to their talking points each and everyone of them. It was as if they were just learning English and everyone was repeating what the last one said as they grappled with trying to learn proper English grammar.

And then there was the small interlude with Mr. Meadow, the African slave auctioneer, refusing to acknowledge his racism. Emotions ran high at that point, but I was remembering Mr. Meadows and his racism showing during the tenure of President Barack Obama and weren’t there a few other times when his racism so stood out?

Congressman Meadows claimed he could not be racist because he has nieces and nephews of color. That was so funny I couldn’t stop laughing out loud. Racism does cause a blind spot thus the truth of the statement which screams out from the racists’ mouth “some of my best friends are….” Meadows comments reminded me of Donald Trump, who has Jewish grandchildren. In spite of that connection to the Jewish Community, Trump’s anti-Semitism screamed out loud and called for the violence that followed. I am sure you remember Trump’s proclamation that he is not a “Globalist.” -and – How could you forget that those hearing him, followed his proclamation – his call to action by shooting and killing some 11 plus Jews within hours of Trump’s call to arms. He did not say – kill those Jews and do it in a place where it is clearly understood that it is Jews you were after. He did it in the style Michael Cohen described – in his coded speech and his followers heard and took action.

It was a parallel example to Congressman Meadows indignation at being called out as a racist. To have put a young black woman on display – the way slaves are put on display at the auction market – for her price to be his describing her love of Donald Trump, while she stood silently by. Trump could not be racist because she would not work for Donald Trump if he were because her father is from Birmingham, Alabama. With that comment I was rolling on the floor not being able to stop laughing. Thank God for having given me a sense of humor.

Having been raised in that neighborhood I knew and know quite a few blacks who are ‘racist’ because they want too much to be accepted by (whites), to be different from (people of color), to be equal to (whites) they will do and say whatever is necessary and as they become adults, that need and those actions determine their character. They too live out of the character defining need to be “better than” – even those who look like and are colored like their ancestors. It was clear the young black woman being so paraded – with Meadows calling out to everyone the price he paid for her and what she would have to acknowledge in return for having been purchased by his family on that slave auction block – is well on her way to being one of those with such low character traits.

The rest of the Republicans questioning Michael Cohen were blindingly white. They were all so white – even the two women who spoke trying to tear down Michael Cohen – except for one. Congressman Higgins from Louisiana. That is where I was raised and one thing I know just from my upbringing and exposure and neighbors and family is the person with that color under the skin. The color, which you don’t see looking at those with some colored ancestors who have white looking skin, except when the person is seen under the television cameras.

People who look like Higgins with that kind of color showing when under the “klieg lights” were “passé blanc”. And there was this Congressperson Higgins showing that darkness more clearly than the rest, even in his lack of character. That extreme lack comes from the character built on the constant lie the passé blanc lives with in a society which puts you in a box with those of the same color, but then you have hopped out of your box into another with people of another skin color, originally probably to get a better job for your family to be able to eat, live and have better advantages which are given to those in the other box. Those constant lies one has to tell to stay in that ‘white box” gives your character and the character of your children that certain tinge – which those around you know, but you think is well hidden.

Higgins outed himself with his questions about the “boxes” Cohen was looking through in preparation for the hearing. Higgins knew quite well those were the boxes returned to Mr. Cohen after the government raided his home and office and carried them off. He heard Michael Cohen say that, but it was too good to be able to twist that into something negative to Michael Cohen – something Higgins could claim Mr. Cohen “hid” from the government and he demanded with much self-righteous indignation that Mr. Cohen immediately send off to the government agencies from whom he somehow managed to put something over on by his hiding of those boxes.

We tell on ourselves as humans. All you have to do is look and listen. Mr. Higgins was telling on himself as to who he was – a lifetime of such hiding – or a couple generations of hiding, hoping to move far enough away so he is accepted without fear of exposure.

What also stopped me was the way Mr. Cohen described Donald Trump’s “code” way of speaking and then immediately one of the very white Republicans coming behind to question him showing they were totally immersed in that “code” and were speaking and questioning out of the talking points they so received and were parroting.

What an incredible day. And the denouement at the end learning that Kim Jong Un sent Trump packing early without an agreement. Kim is trying to lift himself up into acceptance as equal by the world fascist leadership community and he can’t do that hanging out with someone who is being thrown out of that “strong man”, “macho”, very “fascist” leaning group.

Good bye Donald!!!!!!!!!

DRAFT DODGER as Commander in Chief

Saturday, November 3rd, 2018

Donald Trump has a long list of ways he has violated the “norm.”  It seems as though he is president to upheaval this country and deliver it into the hands of the fascist leaders of the world.  To be one with them is the goal?  If it is he is certainly succeeding admirably.  Most recently he modified one of the ten commandments – “Thou shalt not kill”.  Compromise – if you didn’t hold the gun which shot 11 Jews at prayer;  if you didn’t attempt to break into a black church to kill those inside; if you didn’t hold the gun which killed two African Americans which was your fall back position from killing in houses of worship;  if you didn’t put the rope around Khashoggi’s neck; if you didn’t wield the bone saw which dismembered Khashoggi then you really didn’t kill?  Somehow, my bible doesn’t say that – it has a very opposite view, especially in the New Testament – if you even as much as hold such a thought against your neighbor you are guilty of the act.  And don’t most of you claim to hold to the teachings of the New Testament?

Trump has dodged the draft many times.  His “bone spur” excuse is a well known joke.  What happens when a serial draft dodger becomes president?

He calls the troops into action – the same number as were called up to fight a serious war in, for example, Afghanistan.  He gives them orders to shoot if brown and black immigrants trying to cross the border to ask for asylum throws a rock at any one of them.  That also gives them the authority to turn the “Caravan” of destitute people into a shooting gallery.

He takes the troops away from their families during the holidays for a very frivolous, political cause.  He uses the troops the way his fascist dictator friends use their troops – for his own aggrandizement and to maintain his personal power.  He takes them away from training which they need and he costs the country millions of dollars to satisfy his need for power, control, greed and to practice his bigotry against those desperate families who walked over 1,000 miles to get away from the horror of their lives hoping countries including the United States would welcome the refugee.  Not in America, however.

Historically?  We did the same thing when Jews escaping Germany at the end of the Nazi terror needed a place to go.  We saw them on overcrowded ships which were practically sinking and turned our backs.  We did, however, take in the scientists and others who could promote America and help make her wealthier.  We have still not acknowledged that those Jews who did manage to get into this country even though destitute, poverty stricken, no to little education made amazing contributions to American society.

What else does he do? He demands a parade – a military parade like the ones put on by the likes of Kim Jong Un and other such dictators to show their personal power and strength and to deter their citizens from deposing them and from rioting because they are starving.  He planned a military parade for November 11th – a show during which he would stand in the middle as president of this mighty, military country and let his messiah complex out into the light at its full.  Tax payers would pay the bill of the multi-millions of dollars with no benefit to themselves.  Our military, used in ways it never has been in the past – by a draft dodger who becomes Commander in Chief.

That is just the tip of the iceberg.

All of you folks planning to vote for Donald Trump’s people and causes on November 6th.  You know the above is true.  You also knew before you voted him in as president – helping Russia to install the man in the presidential chair in the United States for the benefit of all the fascist dictatorships around the world – that he was unqualified both emotionally and by the way he conducted his life before declaring his candidacy, but you voted for him anyway.  Why?  Because you are people who want to bring in the kind of government Germany had under Hitler.  That is your dream – including the part where those who were or thought you were of the ” Aryan race” would be above everyone else and use and abuse the rest of your society for your own gain – ego, economic, et al.

You knew and today know even in more depth that:

Trump is a sexual assaulter.  He admitted that on tape.  You heard him talk about being able to sexually assault any woman he so desired.  Yet you voted for him.

Trump steals from tens of thousands of people to have money for himself.  You knew that because you knew about all of his bankruptcies where he built without concern for return on his money because he only had to file bankruptcy, walk away with multi-millions and have the business and building hard working people sacrificed to build for him thinking they would be paid and in many cases they lost businesses they had built, some for more than one generation.  Yet you voted for him.

Trump lies and you heard many of his lies before you walked into the voting booth to attempt to vote him in as president.  You knew what he was saying was lied and You knew about Trump University – those, even amongst your friends, who again sacrificed much to have an education and to move up financially in this society by paying the substantial amounts of money Trump University demanded and for which they gave back nothing.  Yet you voted for him.

You knew about Trump’s involvement in the mafia.  His casinos, his family history in the KKK, his father’s partnership with mafia to gain the foothold and the money he accumulated over his lifetime.  You also knew that about Donald Trump.  Yet you voted for him.

You knew about his involvement and his learning at the foot of Joe McCarthy and McCarthyism and you knew about how Roy Cohn – an anti-semitic Jew mentored Trump and you also knew how badly Trump treated Roy Cohn after Cohn was responsible for helping to bring Trump from Queens to doing business in Manhattan and supported Trump during the rest of Cohn’s life.  And yet you voted for him.  You didn’t ask – if this is how he treated his friends, supporters and mentors how will he treat us?  Yes, you voted for him.

You knew his reputation in New York.  It goes on for decades and is well documented – none of it good.  Yet you voted for him.

You white evangelical christians knew about Trump’s adultery.  You knew about his morals which were in the gutter.  You knew a lot more about how Trump violated and still violates everything you claim to believe in and yet you compromised your God and your religion to support him. I should not be surprised because those are the same kind of compromises you made over the years as you built Churches – called them Christian – and made sure Blacks were not allowed into your sanctuaries.

You knew all of the conspiracy theories Trump created to attempt to destroy African Americans – especially the African American president.  But he did not stop there.   Trump went on to attempt to have the Central Park 5 executed  by the state when they were innocent and had committed no crime.  He spent a good deal of time and money after they were exonerated, had spent time in jail for a crime they did not commit,  Trump knowing that still spent much time and money trying to get them executed.  Killed by the state for being black? And after all that, Trump continued making sure as many people as possible turned against these innocent African American young men.  And yet you voted for him.

Since he has been president you have seen and heard Trump lie – every single day – about some of the smallest things and go on to lie to manipulate you for his advantage and mostly for your disadvantage.  Over 6,000 deliberate lies to gain power, control and riches at your expense.  And yet you voted for him.

Since he has been president he could have nominated someone to the U. S. Supreme Court who was conservative and someone who was also an upstanding citizen of whom you could be proud and know that person was doing their best for you and yours.  Instead, he nominated a man credibly accused of sexual assault – just like Trump – and who had a very questionable history which included years of public drunkenness and worse, showing he was not the person you would want on the U. S. Supreme Court.  You may not feel that touches you, but when you need the Court to be fair and judge without the bigotry Kavanaugh has shown with his clear inability to control his emotions or all of the anger and ugliness in his background you will wish you had considered and not let your need to be better than and vote in someone who would maintain your better than status in this society, but had opted for a better result which did not demand the United States Supreme Court as Donald Trump has done and quite intentionally so.

There is nothing greater than being with people who you feel equal to and who feel equal to you.  It is a freedom like no other.

That is far away from where Trump has lived his life and far away from where he is taking this society.  The theft, lies, murder that has happened under Trump’s time in office is off the charts.  And still you are there supporting him.

What is it you are hiding?  How much like Trump are you and what will you do if left to your tiki torches?

I would say good luck to you and vote your conscience on Tuesday.  However, from what I have seen you don’t have a conscience just an ability to rationalize and justify the most horrible things if you feel they benefit you and make you over and better than everybody else.  However, who will be with you when you discover you have been taken advantage of and destroyed in ways that makes what happened to the Central Park 5, Christine Ford and all the others look pale by comparison to what happens to you.

Your “president” is now threatening violence if his people and his causes don’t win on Tuesday.  This is who you voted for in 2016?  This is who you follow today?  This is who you support?  This is not a little evil.  This is evil like that which happened 2000 years ago when Jesus was crucified. Remember him?  The one you are turning into a fool with your worship of Trump?  The one whose teachings you have abandoned for the lies of Trump?

Don’t you think it is time for you to let your knees hit the floor and beg God’s forgiveness?  Not just for Trump – he is only the latest and his sins and the sins of his co-conspirators are small and only a tip of the iceberg.  But for those sins you and yours have been committing since way before slavery.

May God forgive you!


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Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to:

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Trump/Putin/Kim – Creating a World to rule!

Thursday, October 4th, 2018

Does what’s happening around Trump and the Ford sexual assault accusations have a ring of familiarity?

Is the way that is being handled by Trump have the ring of familiarity?

Take a look at Putin’s Russia and Kim Jong Un’s North Korea!

Mitch McConnell, Trump, the U. S. Senate’s investigation into the allegations against Brett Kavanaugh could have happened in Russia.  That certainly must have brought Trump lots of accolades from Putin and from the head of the Russian mafia.  He paid his dues today.

I try to tell myself that what is happening today in these United States is more indicative of how they handle dissent in Russia rather than the way it is handled in the U. S.  I say to myself – self, we have a more open, democratic system than exists in Russia or North Korea. We would never set up a sham investigation so we could gain evil ends by corrupting  U. S. democratic institutions.   I like to think allegations such as those made against Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the U. S. Supreme Court would be handled the way our mythological and carefully culled history declares we handle such things in these United States.  But is that true?

Looking at past history, isn’t it more true that the way Trump is making sure this is handled looks exactly the way it would look being handled in a pseudo-democratic state?  A state giving way to form to quiet its citizenry while it goes along behind the screen destroying everything this democratic country claims it stands for?

However, in spite of that, goodness seems to be bursting out all over.  What was hidden will be revealed.  For all of you bible quoting folks – and all of a sudden we are surrounded by such people – read these chapters and verses – Mark 4:22 – “For everything hidden is meant to be revealed, and everything concealed is meant to be brought to light”.  If you don’t like Mark try Luke 8:17 – “For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and nothing concealed that will not be known and illuminated.”  Don’t like the New Testament – then turn to Proverbs 10:9 – One who walks in integrity walks securely but one who perverts Gods ways will be found out.”  And there can be no denying the fact that we are “finding out” about Trump and his history on a daily almost minute by minute basis.  It seems he can’t do anything anymore that is not immediately exposed.  His history is tumbling out like a television series with unending segments.

But  to all of you bible quoting people – let me also remind you that Satan quoted Scripture and to Jesus.

Trump has warned all of you young men that you better be careful because they’re coming after you. That is true.  What Trump left out is the qualifying clause that says, if you are one of those who engages or who has engaged in sexual abuse, harassment or assault – things for which you were once lauded in raucous groups and quiet groups where such exploits were bragged about – or those of you who did your deeds in private and only the women involved who you abused, harassed and assaulted knew about your tendencies – yes you should be afraid because the culture is changing and that is no loner acceptable.  That is no longer something you can get away with.  That is no longer something you can do and then have the culture back you up by making the women involved feel shame and hide your deeds.  The bright light of truth is shining and becoming even brighter and that spotlight may soon land in your front yard.

To the men – young or old – who have led a different kind of life; one of respect for others.  To those who have not violated women, children,  or even men, your life will change.  You won’t have to be bothered with the filth of those who have engaged in such deeds because their deeds will be exposed and they will be removed from the halls of government and all the other places they inhabit.

What a fantastic world that is about to break in on us.  We can endure this present because we see the future.

As the pressures from the “ruling class” increases and has increased all around, all over, all above and all beneath us as their greed and other such vile needs have grown and have taken tens of thousands of us to protest, to leave our jobs, to bring along our families to expose them to the deeds of these people so they will know the warning signs and protect themselves – as those pressures have increased we have seen the breaking in of God, the God Spirit, Jehovah, Lord, Krishna, Buddha and all of those entities and concepts we turn to as we worship and bring about a world our memories cannot recall.

Donald Trump is being exposed with his own deeds bringing thunder and lightning clouds to surround him and everything he does.

Those who want to see someone like Donald Trump on a high pedestal and want to look up to someone like Donald Trump these were among the shouters and laughters and those jumping for joy at the rally in Mississippi where Donald Trump thought he knew his audience – doesn’t Mississippi have a reputation for extreme racism and violence to back up the racism, sexism and horrible way they have treated human beings who did not fit their image of who is included and who is on the outs subject to being the repository of their society’s fear?  However, even in Mississippi there were dissenters.  Even in Mississippi there is a history of the sacrifices made by whites and blacks when the Black and Feminist Civil Rights Movements moved to bring about change even there.  What their sacrifices, all of which are not a part of history, show is that there is life after what we are experiencing.  There is life after you have made that sacrifice which you think will end the career you were seeking.  There is life after all the horribleness of today caused by those led by all the  negative forces in the world and that life is even more beautiful than you could imagine.

Those too are being exposed to their friends, to their family, their colleagues, those who are the periphery of their community watching.  Yes, we are being divided and when it is over will the lion be able to lie down with the lamb instead of touting his greater size, ability to instill fear in all of those who cross his path, wreck havoc in the world around him; will the lamb show itself to be the greater of the two because of its gentleness and willingness to be sacrificed; or will they lie down together and enjoy that beautiful warm sunlight together?

It is time for these United States to come together, declare the rotters of the community, the destroyers of truth, goodness, graciousness, and run the offenders of such values off the cliff.  And what a time of year this is to do just that – didn’t the Jewish people just celebrate Yom Kippur?  Weren’t there lessons in that celebration which related to this instance.

Every religion rails against people like Donald Trump.  His using  lies to ridicule Dr. Ford shows exactly who he is.  His life’s history is a listing of foul deeds not the least of which is to have been credibly accused of sexually assaulting some 19 plus women and he denied all 19 claims.  But then didn’t Bill Cosby do the same? Didn’t this society, to bring Bill Cosby to justice have to fight for years against the image created for him by the television media?  Isn’t this a society which many times has a problem separating the real from what they see in the stories invented to sell products?

Surely Trump, as president would be expected to nominate and then pull out all the stops to back one of his own?  Isn’t that where his comfort level lies? And hasn’t he done that?  But be careful, he speaks out loud what many men have in their hearts after having assaulted women.  He showed clearly how huge is his disrespect, dislike and arrogance against women.   He constantly shows that in his press conferences in the way he speaks to and tries to insult women reporters.  But what I heard as a child – “he isn’t worthy enough to clean my toilet.  When the universe extracts its punishment he will be lifted high so his crash will be felt. to the measure of his deeds.”  And isn’t that what we are seeing.  And as he crashes he goes down warning men like himself to be careful – they will get you the way they are getting me.  Those men would be well advised to pay attention and take heed.

What a triumph for Trump to install someone like him to the U. S. Supreme Court.  He has appointed many men to serve in his administration who could be called out on such charges and some who have already been so called out before they were called by Trump to serve him – and yet they tried.

Sorry folks – my rant will probably be edited by the gods at Bettina’s – but it reflects the horror and anger I feel at what is happening.  It reflects the disbelief that I live in a country which elected such a man to be its president and gave him powers he is using to subvert and change the hearts of thousands.  When I see what he does and has done and when I see those who are supporting him, my heart bleeds.  The only visions that keep me alive come from people like Senator Flake – a Mormon who redeems Mormonism for all of us from the grip of an Orrin Hatch.  And Susan Collins, who sometimes does the right thing and sometimes gets lost into the horrible ethics of her political party, but still she tries.  And Lisa Murkowski who seems to be clear as to where she is going – sometimes .  I hope she does not disappoint that would be too much trauma for my weak heart.

Let me finish with that Bettina saying which I mean to the bottom of my heart – sometimes – may God forgive!


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Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

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Thursday, July 5th, 2018

Quite some time ago I read a blog on these pages about “The Manchurian Candidate” and that was before Trump was elected president and today he is the president of these United States and clearly into treason against the United States.


Trump went to Canada and alienated U. S. Allies demanding that Russia be included in the “7” making it “8” and then he went on to North Korea and was smiley and extremely complimentary of Kim Jong Un, a dictator with a terrible record which included, apparently, killing members of his own family and other atrocities and Donald Trump found that laudatory. His flattery of Kim Jong Un was extravagant.

And now, on to the NATO meeting followed by an extremely private meeting with Vladimir Putin and another “I love Russia and Putin” and those NATO folks are $#%&%#S….

Those meetings are not accidental timings, they are arrogant.

The extreme privacy of his meeting with Putin violates his role as President of these United States. He is the U. S. President not a private citizen and as such he is responsible to the citizens of these United States in everything he does. Meeting privately with Vladimir Putin is against the interest of the United States.

Donald Trump is breaking laws in this country and turning it into a dictatorship which rivals that of Kim Jong Un. Given enough time he will make the atrocities in North Korea look small by comparison. That is what he clearly prefers and what he wants of his presidency – by his own admission.

He has probably done enough to be tried by an International Court and to call in the United Nations and any other international body that has jurisdiction over such acts.

Trump has, in the United States, created a crisis which has allowed him to establish Concentration Camps, Internment Camps and Death Camps. The post in this blog which made those statements early on was clearly correct. What he has created parallels Nazi Germany and takes it many steps beyond.

Trump has turned the “Brown and Black people” arriving in the U. S. seeking asylum from horrendous situations into criminals. He takes away their children and according to the news reports has “lost over 1,000 of them”. Lost them to what? The young girls lost to sex slavery? The young children lost to adoption by others? Any of them sold? It is certainly a slavery situation and closely parallels preparations for slavery auctions with people particularly children in wire cages.

Muslims, Hispanics are currently targeted. Trump has indicated the other non-whites will be next.

Are Naturalized Citizens from those “Brown and Black people” next? Will their citizenship be turned around and they thrown out of the United States after the DACA people are put in the wire cages and deported? Or will they be put into wire cages and moved to the Death Camps when no semi-lawful way is found to deport them? Are African Americans next? And then Native Americans – don’t know where they will be deported, but Trump will think of something. Or will they be jailed on”trumped” up charges and turned into caged slaves. Allowed out during the day to do the free work of the establishment and returned to jail in the evening. Maybe they will simply be killed. And then comes Asians and Asian Americans? He has already cancelled the passports for Asian Americans in Silicon Valley.

And in the process Trump has ignored the Constitution as though it does not exist.

He is isolating the United States and undercutting its economy.

It is clear what is needed to create a fascist dictatorship from a democracy or a republic is isolationism – trade wars – leading to a heavy depression and those are the circumstances under which we are living. That has already been done we just have to wait a couple months for the depression to take hold.

Those three things helped create the ground on which Nazism flourished.

To those who think that is a conjecture too far? It is not conjecture: –

We have death camps – only there is no gas to turn on. Trump has found something more excruciatingly lethal and they are called “cold boxes”. If you are ill when you arrive in this country looking for asylum, having walked over hundreds of miles to get here you are probably over tired, may have the flu and other problems. Are you given health care to help you along – no, you are put in a “cold box”. A place kept at 50 degrees to somethimes as “warm” as 55 or 60 degrees and there you stay until you are ‘decontaminated” of the germs you carry – which in several cases has been weeks. Everything you have is taken away from you and you are left in those “cold boxes” with a thin sweat shirt, thin pants and inconsequential to no shoes and those cold boxes include children and toddlers.

There can’t be doctors around because I don’t know of any doctor or other health person who would recommend such a treatment. All you need is a lowered immune system and a body underfed and exhausted to cause gradual death. If you get to leave the “cold box” you need a very heavy constitution to overcome its effects and over time you will succumb because that stay in that “cold box” compromises your entire system.

Trump supporters are a group of people who are on a level with, if not worse than, the MS-13 gangs Trump loves to threaten people with when the real enemy is Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions. The killing of the five news media recently and the serious injuring of more sits directly in Trump’s lap and comes from the kind of rhetoric he has encouraged and is spreading.

Sessions, the AG who Trump claimed to be against and wanted to fire when all along -while he was talking that rhetoric – dumping on Sessions to get people who neither liked nor respected him, but didn’t think Trump was treating Sessions “fairly” substantially supporting Sessions. And all the time, behind the curtain, Sessions with Trump were planning and working on a model of this current immigrant plan, put it into operation as a model to see what happened and when it worked to their satisfaction rolled it out as a full blown operation. Children taken from their parents, asylum seekers criminalized, “cold boxes” to increase the chances of immigrants dying – but not until they left the “cold boxes” so Trump would not be held responsible, and all that we see happening in front of our eyes. – AND, at the same time we are hearing Trump supporters bragging about what is to come next – even “better than” what we are currently experiencing with the immigrant question.

Nothing you see is what is real in this Trump presidency. The obfuscation, the hiding, the lying, the destruction of human life is extensive.

And then we have Donald Trump meeting with Vladimir Putin behind the curtain just before the mid-term vote in the United States. Another coincidence? I don’t think so. Trump has had a dream of a Trump Tower in Moscow since the 1980’s and it certainly looks as though he has made a deal to get his Trump Tower in Moscow. The timing is unbelievably arrogant – but then so was the call by Trump on television, during the Presidential Campaign, for Putin to hack the DNC computers which happened with Russian help. Trump’s denial of Russian interference with the United States presidential election is simply to make sure they are able to do it again when the next election comes up and he does nothing to negate the process. So he goes to meet Putin conveniently just before that mid-term election and at the beginning of that election season with whatever information Putin needs to be more effective this time with Trump having access to all of the United States intelligence so Putin and his boys can do a better job.

And this time there is an added flourish. – United States Congresspeople meet in Russia, just before Trump’s arrival, to insure that Putin knows and sees Trump’s ‘power’. The Congress people met to exclaim and proclaim their support of Russia and wish for great ties binding Russia and the United States peoples – the “White” ones who are the only ones who will survive Trump and his administration.

Make America White Again – coming from Trump means alliances with “White Nations” like Russia – which is all White and the power structure 99% male. It also means alliances with other such countries while dumping on those which are not “White” and/or which have given in to the women and have women in the power structure.

Some Americans wanted a business person as president. That meant all kind of positive things to them. Well take a look and then take a look at our corporate structures and some of the leaders of that corporate structure and their ethics and character match Trump’s – they are also clearly not building republics nor anything close to democracies and probably never will. Only a handful really profit, the rest of us work all of our lives for those few to immensely benefit. I believe the blog in this series which says -the growth of U. S. Billionaires parallels and causes the growth of the homeless.

So in summary:

Parallels to Nazi Germany

Death Camps which gassed people = Trump Death Camps which destroy peoples already compromised immune systems in “cold boxes”. Cold boxes take longer and are more painful than gassing and people die after being released from the cold boxes so Trump and his people can deny, lie, obfuscate and abdicate responsibility.

The SS for enforcement = ICE for enforcement, burying the facts and lying to U. S. Citizens and the world to cover what is actually happening.

no rule of law = Trump has made a mockery of the U. S. Rule of Law by, among other things, having 3 and 4 year olds, who sit in Court on chairs, where their feet can’t touch the floor, alone, defending themselves

Trump – a pathological liar which means the institutions over which he has power have become pathological liars and so have those who are the administrators and others in those institutions. It is the only way they can survive.

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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.
Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you. Please also tell us if you want your name as your byline or if you want your article to appear without your name.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

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Children Weaponized while Satan Quotes Scripture!

Wednesday, June 20th, 2018

by Marceline Donaldson

It is unbelievable what is happening in these United States.  Trump’s bigotry and actions to “Make America White Again” is totally out of control.

We have many questions:

In the Internment/Concentration/Death Camps for children why are reporters being kept out?  What is going on in those camps which has to be kept secret from the American Citizenry and from the rest of the world?  The same thing was true in Hitlers’ Germany.  The citizens of Germany stood by while Hitler set up his Death Camps, his Concentration Camps, his Internment Camps and the rest of the world knew about this before German citizens did.  Is the same thing now true in the United States?

You question my use of the term “Death Camps”?  Are children dying in those camps?  And if they were do you think you would know about it?  Do you remember how profusely Donald Trump praised Kim Jong Un – how quickly he returned the salute of the North Korean general?  One thing Kim Jong Un is reported to have done is to have killed many of North Korean citizens in the equivalent of death camps.  Isn’t that what Donald Trump was praising?  How does he then come along and change to a human being who is anything other than a sociopathic president or worse?

People coming to the United States for asylum with their children are having their children separated from them and put into places where children are weaponized for Trump’s political purposes.  Some of those people are being deported – sent home without their children.  Where are the children of those being deported?  Why are they being sent home without their children?  Why are there no questions being asked or answered about the whereabouts of those children?  Do we care a little, but not enough to walk out on that ledge to demand answers – because if you are going to oppose this administration you better be ready for horrendous dictatorship responses.  There is Trump, but the evil comes from the fact that Trump has supporters and they are willing to do whatever is necessary to keep Trump in office.  They do appreciate the kind of things he is doing to maintain them as “better than” as “superior” to as “White Supremacy reigning supreme and he has been obliging all along.

Puerto Rico – where he threw paper towels into a crowd of people who had just gone through horrendous suffering and are still going through it with the resources they need being parceled out in such a way to maintain that suffering.  So far, the deaths of over 4,000 people are attributed to what happened in Puerto Rico.  Our government claims some 64 deaths so attributed.  Now take another look at those Children’s Internment Camps and try to not call them death camps.

Take a look at Charlottesville, VA. where a re-enactment of Crystal Nacht took place!  Trump was forgiven by the American citizenry for that display of bigotry.  Why?  Do you not understand what Charlottesville was about? “There are good people on both sides”!  What a beautiful sight was the procession with tiki torches down the mountain by the KKK, the Neo-Nazis, the White Supremacist quoting and chanting anti-Jewish slogans and changing to chants about the rest of the ‘minority’ peoples of the world.  Have you justified that?

Also take a look at how our justice system is being ridiculed and used against all of us.  When have you ever heard of children 3 and 4 years old being put on trial and made to defend themselves with no lawyers or other people representing them but the children themselves being forced to represent themselves and to be bound by the decision of the judges, which from what we can determine is always against the children?  Trump has appointed a large number of judges who can change this country into a place which makes Nazi Germany look like a walk in the park quickly.  Aren’t they now showing a film to these 3 and 4 year olds about the justice system and defending their rights and then declaring them able and responsible and knowledgeable enough to be able to appear in court on their own behalf.  What is that?  Where are all of you sleepwalkers?  Waiting for your children to be put in the same position – because that is coming as Trump’s grasp for power moves further out of control.  Look at his actions with only one trip to North Korean.  And – North Korea needs to take note – Trump has no boundaries.  When his ego and power needs reaches the current limits you are not in the clear and you will not be the glorified country you expect to be after Trump’s visit.  You will be somehow weaponized in the future.

What a field day for the petophile?  A field day created by the United States government under Donald Trump, an illegitimate president turning this country into a copy of all the horrendous dictatorships around the world and quickly moving beyond them.  Do you now understand why Trump was so profuse in his praise of Kim Jong Un?

And then there is “Satan”.  Attorney General Sessions – an ET.Evangelical Christian quoting scripture to back up and legitimize what Trump is doing. If Sessions knows enough about the Bible to quote from it, he also knows and someplace in his distant past learned that satan quoted scripture to Jesus to legitimize Jesus breaking with God in the 40 day fast to go along with what satan wanted Jesus to do – and wasn’t that basically to rule the world in satan’s name doing satan’s bidding?  Is that how Sessions justifies what he is doing for Trump?   Is that who you listen to and follow as your Attorney General?  If Trump is an illegitimate president does that make his appointment of Sessions illegitimate?  Is Sessions an illegitimate Attorney General and do all of these people get arrested for their impersonation of who was duly elected as president of these United States?  Do they get arrested for using their positions in the United States Government to abuse, kidnap and kill children?

Don’t you think it is time for you to get involved in other than being shocked, grieved and more by what your government is doing?  Or are you one of the Trump supporters who quietly or otherwise want to see him succeed in removing the brown and black people from this country so they make up only a small percentage and these United States goes back to being white again?

How much are you going to take before you take action.  How long are you going to stand in the shadows and allow this to happen?  Do you think you are immune?  Do you think Trump is going to stop at weaponized the children of those coming into this country for asylum?  Don’t you know the appetite of power?  Once unleashed as Trump’s has been – the limits of power knows no bounds – it may be the children of asylum seekers today but it is going to be your children tomorrow.  Especially since he sees how easy it is to weaponize children to get the populace to do what he demands.

Watch Congress – are they going to acquiesce to his demands and give him your tax payer money – your hard earned dollars to build a wall which will be expensive, ineffective and simply serve the purpose of making Trump a larger more dangerous dictator than he was before.

Congress could have acted on the little things along the way.  They kept silent.  Now they have much more dangerous things to try to push against.

I ask again – ARE THE CHILDREN OF ASYLUM SEEKERS DYING?  You think not?  How would your children fare in a desolate dessert in a ten which experiences 105 degrees outside and who knows how many degrees inside?  When your children do not know what is happening to them or why and are trying to make sense out of being ripped away from their family without their parents or other family even been able to say good-bye to them?  How are those young people making sense out of their present condition?  Add their grief to the heat and the conditions under which they are living – about which you know nothing and are being kept from knowing anything – how would your children survive?

ARE THE CHILDREN DYING AND ARE THERE CHILDREN WHO HAVE ALREADY DIED?  Otherwise – why are asylum seekers being deported without their children?

The media has given the benefit of the doubt to Trump and his supporters – confusion, bad organization, etc.  REALLY?  Is that it?  Or is the look of confusion really covering up children having died while in United States custody!  Why is there no one in court yet asking for proof of those children’s continued existence on this earth?

If you know history you know how long German Death Camps were operating before German citizens even knew they existed.  Nielsen, the current head of Homeland Security didn’t know the answer to where are all the children?  She has no idea what is going on in those camps and admitted to such in a press conference in the White House.

And you think Trump is any better than Hitler?  He looks a lot worse to me!  He is certainly moving much faster than Hitler did after his election in Germany and instead of setting up Death, Concentration, Internment Camps for adults Trump has weaponized your children – yes, your children, this is not about them and theirs this is about us and ours.  You are no different to Trump than those asylum seekers.  You are simply the means to more power like Kim Jong Un and others around the world exercise and Trump is fast earning his stripes.


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.
Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you. Please also tell us if you want your name as your byline or if you want your article to appear without your name.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

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Entering Trump Concentration Camps

Thursday, June 14th, 2018

Hitler put families, adults, etc. into concentration camps.  Read how they started – what was needed to set the stage for the general public to accept such without taking responsibility for their establishment.  Wasn’t there a book written – by Hannah Arendt, I believe – which tries to analyze what happened and came to the conclusion – when good people do nothing.  I would correct that – people who do nothing under the circumstances in Germany at the time and the circumstances in America today are not “good people.”  Don’t let your bigotry get in the way of your values, your character, your ethics.  Being “better than” is not a goal it is the end of your lives and the beginning of hell for your children.

I think the current Republican Congress qualifies under that adage.  Are we not well into the new American dictatorship?  And – we can’t say we were not warned.  Donald Trump has told us clearly, in everything he does and has done, exactly who he is and what he is about.  This started from his childhood when his father, other relatives and ancestors trained him to be who he has become.  This is not new for the Trump family.  Wasn’t that his father in the white sheet and pointed hat marching down Pennsylvania Avenue in D.C. with his friends?  And we have a president accused by many women of sexual abuse, rape and worse.  Wasn’t that his grandfather, an immigrant, who – it is rumored – built a hotel on the backs of women?  The hotel which some claim was a brothel?  Isn’t Trump walking on the path he was put on as a child?  And now Trump Concentration Camps are working to put other children on the path Trump has decided they should be placed on – retrained for – oppressed by?

To so highly praise a dictator in the style of Kim Jong Un means you have to share his values – you have to approve his methods – you have to value his achievements.  And so Donald Trump is telling us that is exactly where he is – this is who he thinks is a great person and the way Kim Jong Un is governing is how Trump thinks he is governing and will continue to do so.

We have a president who was not elected by the majority of voting citizens in these United States and we have a president who is quite illegitimate.  You cannot be a legitimate president and have gotten to that place with the help of a hostile foreign country.  In fact, you cannot be a legitimate president if you were elected with the help of any foreign country.

Some years ago, the trek of many. from the Democratic Party into what used to be that grand old Republican Party began and we are seeing the results of that beginning movement today.

Strom Thurmond – remember him? – brought many of his friends with him when he left the Democrats and became a Republican.  They helped wipe out of the Democratic Party those who before that time were trying to maintain racism, separation of the races and more.  Isn’t that an amazing lesson!  Could that be a reason for a third party?

Today we are watching, not just the changeover but the march of the United States into history following the example of Adolf Hitler and those like him, only Trump has declared himself much worse.  He is using children.  Whatever his claimed reason he has put children into Trump Concentration Camps and he is looking for more space to illegally expand this phase of his presidency.  And make no mistake about the real goal of those Trump Concentration Camps, he is retraining – he is programming – he is turning those children into Trump followers and attempting to set them up as oppressors of anyone Trump is oppressing.

Marching step by step and being extremely successful in what he is doing we need to take a close look at what success means.  We judge his success by our standards of what and how an American President should be and act.  Trump needs to be judged by a very different rule.  He sees his success because by what he set out to achieve and that was not to be an American President walking in the steps of where the Constitution leads nor in the steps of Obama, Kennedy, Roosevelt, Lincoln.  He was put in office by those who wanted the United States to become a dictatorship following the pattern of Hitler’s Germany and all the other current countries that are so destroying their own people for their personal gain. – Given that measuring stick, Trump is succeeding in a very short time period and his success at what he has set as his goals is enormous.  Let go of democratic goals – take a look at where Trump is and has been and is going to move even faster into another structure bringing the United States, it people, its wealth and everything else with him.

Trump has declared his belief in torture.  He has appointed someone who has tortured as his head of CIA.  A woman, to mitigate any upset and upheaval about such a move.  Look at the people he is appointing as judges.  Look at what he tries to get through Congress.  Look at who he is raising up and who he is pulling down.  Go against him and you will find yourself in a whirlwind of trouble.  But we need to go against him and strongly because our children are at stake – and lets not separate children into what we call “races”.  All of these are our children and they will decide the next generations rule.  Influenced unduly by this time served in Trump’s Concentration Camps.  I’ve heard media call them “strange”.  Take another look – they are not “strange” they have a purpose you probably can’t let your mind conceive.

Donald Trump has been and continues to tell us who he really is by his every action.  At this past summit Trump held up a man, a dictator, responsible for the death and destruction of many – kind of things Kim Jong Un has been doing in his country are things Trump knows and he has shown who he is and where he is trying to take these United States by the way he has heaped profuse praise on Kim Jong Un and the very “talented” way he is going about his work as dictator.  Trump has praised the kind of dictator Kim Jong Un is and will continue to be, to the heavens. – That says more about the man doing the praising than the dictator and we need to take that seriously and understand that is who Trump is and the direction in which he is heading.  It is also throwing a very bright light onto those leading this Republican Party and on those following.  If you say nothing and follow along you are walking in the shoes of Hitler’s minions who followed his quietly because of their career, money and status gain they could have by so doing.  Just remember their end.

We now have concentration camps in this country – only instead of adults, our concentration camps are peopled by children in the methods employed by those we call “terrorists” who engage in re-training and forcing children to be a part of their political beliefs.  Trump is re-training children and making them adorers of and followers of Donald Trump.

What do they see upon entering?  A huge picture of Trump in all of his “glory”.  Their education is what? – totally under the control of people like Donald Sessions and company.  When and if they emerge from these concentration camps it will be with a new political system structured into their minds.

What makes these camps so horrible – when you hear of a child, still being nursed by his mother being pulled away from her and put into a Trump Concentration Camp that is the point at which we need to rise up all together and rid this country of the likes of those who have established such.

We have a Presidential Chief of Staff who started his career in the Trump Administration putting out a program to keep ALL Muslims out of these United States.  He was, at the time, head of Homeland Security.  He is now Chief of Staff to ‘President” Donald Trump.  He is also a United States General and the process of removing that title from him should have been started long ago.

Are we such a bigoted country that we can’t really push to rid ourselves of this horrible, maniacal, treasonous, evil person – this Donald Trump?

Are we so protective of ourselves and our economic future and our careers that we value those material things and the ego satisfaction we get from being a moving upward person that we will make these kinds of sacrifices?  Do you not know and have you not heard that if you come for my friends in the morning – and my colleagues in the afternoon – and my family in the evening – you will come for me in the wee hours of the morning when there is no one left to come to my defense?

This is very serious and I don’t see a serious response.  Depending on Mueller are we?  And what if Mueller doesn’t come through?

Trump seems to be depending upon Putin and his other dictator and Oligarch friends to come through to make sure the coming election in November is tampered with to the point of his and his friends winning.  And what are we doing about this horrendous distortion of the American democracy?

Germans during the time of Hitler were no different from your average American citizen of today.  They had similar dreams, goals, prepared themselves for as substantial an economic and financial future as they could manage, raised their children with onward and upward goals and tried to make sure their education was in place.  But, they did not rise up to remove the scourge of Hitler – except for the few.  Others had to come in and the way the world is going today there will be no others.  The others will be raping, pillaging and killing any who speak up or act out against what is coming.

Trump and his minions are out looking for more space for more and large concentration camps for children.  Are we so soft and willing to go along to get along that we are going to allow this?


Our history is not glowing!  There have been times in the past when we really got into the muck and dirtied ourselves because our bigotry won the day.  I hope today does not become one of those days – in American history – for which we must repent. This time for allowing our children to be taken away from us and oppressed, dehumanized. educated in any way Trump and his folks determine is right and just for Trump and his followers to continue as “better than”.

Donald Trump has been very clear – all through this past summit in Singapore as to where he is coming from – who he sees as wonderful people – and all through his presidency he has been entirely consistent.  It is time for surprise at this to go away and acceptance of the reality of who this man is and what he has planned for the United States of America to be believed.

We believe he is intentionally tearing down this country so it can come to its knees and accept his dictatorship in the style of North Korea, Russia and all of their ilk.

Take a close look – he is and has created an American Oligarch group to serve as his bulwarks as he moves along in this horrendously oppressive way and he is making sure those few are well compensated.

He is gathering around him and he is putting his dimes into the pot of those he sees like him – the dangerous, greedy, vicious bigoted leaders who are oppressing their people for their own gain – which in the end will be their own destruction, but if we sit back and do nothing we will have to live through what horrors they are wrecking on all of us until their end.

Slavery lasted some 250 years in this country.  Its vestiges still can be felt over 100 years later.  Long after slavery the evil of those who wanted to so chain people was so strong my family suffered being tarred, feathered and put on the railroad tracks.  That after Reconstruction!  It is time to get real and understand who we are as humans. Me and mine turned to God and from that found the strength to spend our lives fighting incredible  battles for all of us.  There are and were many like us.  Where are you and yours!  What are you turning to as you try to find the strength to stand up in spite of facing the prospect of losing everything this society on its material side values?  That is what it is going to take to stop the Trumps of the world and get them out of this republic.  If we are ever able to move into the democractic state we were trying to bring in.

It all happens very quickly – before you even know what hit you, your children have been taken – put into Trump Concentration Camps – and you, American Citizens not refugees – have lost everything you have worked so hard for – and what then?  Was your silence worth the sacrifice?

You Republican Congresspeople – you think keeping quiet will gain you another few years in Congress?  Think again!  It will lose you your soul!  Are you really so ready to gain a few dollars and a questionable reputation by destroying me and mine?  There is life after your Congressional career is over and what will that be for you?  The scorn of your peers, your friends, your family, your colleagues?  Once Trump is gone what then?  Will you just flip into the beliefs and work of whoever follows him, no matter the ethics, character, goodnesss, destruction of others that comes with that flip?  You are certainly doing a great job of being a part of evil under Trump.  One never recovers from such choices – evil hangs on like an evil odor whose genesis one can’t find.  It just clings to you and fouls everything you do and from that point on try to be!


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.
Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you. Please also tell us if you want your name as your byline or if you want your article to appear without your name.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

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BN Lifestyle Member Responds

Thursday, June 14th, 2018
by:  Lani Stacks
It is unfortunate that many, and of course, Trump’s followers and fans, think he is the greatest man of all history.  I saw right through it as you did.  Even the young North Korean dictator was mesmerized by this self-impressed American thug.  Kim Jong Un appeared/behaved very child-like as grade or middle school children do actually meeting a film star celebrity in-person.   And of course, Trump took advantage of his own size and height being larger, with the North Korean being shorter.  That, you know is one of the first bully tactics.  No wonder Un’s comment about this meeting being like a science fiction movie.  Trump maneuvered Un’s childish mind to affect “awe” as the outcome to Un’s mind and being impressed to actually meeting Donald Trump in person. Yes, Trump set his stage for further control of the audience of puppets.  
While being on this email reply, I want to add how disgusting Trump was to disrespect the Canadians and their prime minister.  Having lived at the Canadian border and dear Canadian friends over the decades, what came out of Trumps mouth was as horrible had I, after the grand friendship/sisterhood we two have had since the 1970s, for me to denounce you and even go to the extent of spitting on your face.  That was disgraceful beyond belief of Trump’s behavior toward Trudeau.  This shows Trump for what he actually is: Slim of the Earth.  It is embarrassing to  have him as the U.S. president representing hundreds of millions of individuals of many cultures.
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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.
Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you. Please also tell us if you want your name as your byline or if you want your article to appear without your name.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

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