We are having a wonderful holiday. Hope your holiday is full of love, family, friends and so much more.
Many members of Bettina Network Lifestyle Community sent us bits and pieces for Bettina Network Blog. They also sent financial contributions to keep us going so we feel well fed both materially and in the soul with what looks like the success of Bettina Network, inc.
What follows are some of what we received to go in the blog. It would be even better if all of you sent full blown articles on whatever topic you want information published – political, historical, scientific, literature-your short stories-poems- expositions. Whatever you want to share.
Before we start sharing we would like to remind you that Bettina Network Oracle said some months ago that children would start dying – murdered by Donald J. Trump and his Administration.
Into this happy season comes the tragic and vicious news that Donald Trump – the illegitimate president of these United States has started killing children and the pace will accelerate. Where do you stand and what are you going to do about this? Trump wants to scare the brown and black people of the world away from the borders of the United States. What better way than to put those who arrive, after experiencing horrible trauma and an extremely difficult trip looking for asylum, into American Concentration Camps. Moving them through a “cold box” to jeopardize any resistance they may still have left to illness, while exposing their children to sexual traffickers and so much more.
We get the news of their children’s death at the hands of a liar, thief, sexual assaulter, murderer, mafia don etc and there is no uprising in this country? We were quiet through the first death we knew about – although you will soon hear of many more – from the past – not those dying today. That is also a part of this holiday season.
Are you going to take the road of Germans – the middle class Germans – who kept silent, went about their daily lives as though Jews were not being slaughtered and turned into slaves by Hitler or are you going to make sure the same thing does not happen in these United States? It was the ordinary citizen who allowed Hitler to rise and wreck his evil. Not willing to jeopardize their middle class economic position to take a stand against the evil which stared them in the face. As long as it wasn’t one of their family?
From the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community:
- ” Is one of the reasons Trump is so enamored of Russia and Putin the fact that Russia is a white country? And one of the few such places left in the world? Is that what makes him drawn to the particular fascist dictators he shows a complete attraction to?”
- “Donald J. Trump sent out an order to withdraw United States troops from Syria. He did that while on the telephone with Erdogan or shortly thereafter. Erdogan’s first choice was that Trump send Methullah Gulen to the Turkish prison island. – so he could be imprisoned and possibly killed there? Trump did everything he could to comply, but his power as president did not extend to his being able to do that – although he did try. We heard the figure of $15 million tossed around as payment for the deed. Trump could and did comply with Erdogan’s second choice – to withdraw U. S. troops from Syria. Why would he allow himself to be complicit in this cover-up? Trump was clearly looking for some way to distract the world from Mohammed bin Salam’s involvement in the brutal and vicious killing of Khashoggi and to begin the process of putting Saudi Arabia on a positive footing with the world as he managed to wipe the story out of the media. To do that he needed Erdogan to stop telling the media about the details of the killing and to not provide the proof the rest of us needed to bring some kind of justice for the killing. This pulling the U. S. troops out of Syria solved that, we have not heard one word from Erdogan about the tapes, the killing nor anymore details about what he and his knows about what happened. That has not been brought into the world’s view for action. Trump’s indebtedness to Saudi Arabia and his beholdeness to MbS was partially satisfied.”
- “Trump is a man who does not think! He is not dumb, stupid nor all of those negative adjectives. He is a man who, instead of thinking and feeling has substituted manipulation, shrewdness, insults to and intimidation of others in his path – particularly those he has to address as President of the United States. The worst I have seen of anyone was the performance Donald Trump made in front of the rally after the hearing on the Brett Kavanaugh/Christine Blasey Ford sexual assault allegations which moved his people to vote for Kavanaugh. Was that because they did not believe Blasey Ford? Or was that because of the fear such a performance raised in them of Trump doing the same thing to them and their political and public destruction imminently following. What was tragic was the fact that Trump’s performance did not destroy Trump, it scared his people into falling into line and doing his bidding. That speaks volumes for the ethics, morals, character of those in politics and those supporting them in these United States. Truthfulness, integrity, honor, – none of those things apply anymore. Manipulation to gain power and control over to do the kind of scumbag actions which have been carried out by this president are what holds the day. The United States Government has become a criminal mafia headed by the mafia “Don” – Donald J. Trump. In fact, I am beginning to think the mafia, as we have known mafias, is several steps above Trump in the way it operates.”
- “The elegance, thoughtfulness, grace, compassion of the Obama Administration has been replaced by the cruelty, viciousness, untruthfulness, cheating and sexual abuse by almost all those in this current administration. Every time someone is appointed, one of the first scandals that comes out is of that persons past scandalous involvement in the sexual assault, abuse, denigration of women – white, black, pink, green, purple women.”
- “I am constantly stunned at the similarities between Trump and Hitler. Trump folds his arms in front of himself when seriously speaking around the table – so did Hitler. Hitlers messiah complex was strong and evil – so is Trump’s. It has pushed Trump to come out with his need for absolute control – he showed that in his call to take troops out of Syria without consulting anyone. His Messiah Complex is right at the peak of being the destruction of Western Civilization. Hitler blamed the Communists for everything – Trump blames the Democrats whether it is true or not and he pushes that song with his Republican Congress following his lead.”
- “I know many of us make parallels to Donald Trump and Adolph Hitler. I would like to remind all of us, including Donald and Melanie Trump that Hitler ended in a fulthy bunker alone except for the woman who lived through him, got her identity from him as well as her self-worth and called it love. This was the face of evil. The United States is becoming the country which has supplanted that history by attempting to recreate it. Hitler ended his reign by committing suicide. Before he did, however, he was manic about his need to kill as many Jews as quickly as possible. The United States’ killing spree has just begun. Are there those who are going to stop this madness or are we going to let our passive bigotry lead us into a pretense to be helpless in the face of it and let it go on until we have reached the point where White Supremacy is no longer threatened by the Black and Brown peoples of the world.”
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Project 1 – Estate Sales after the Sale
Project 2 – Wells Fargo Boycott
Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.
Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to bettinanetwork@comcast.net or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.
Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.
Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to: bettina-network@comcast.net
This is a curated blog so you cannot write your responses at the end of each entry. TO RESPOND TO THIS BLOG email bettina-network@comcast.net or info@bettina-network.com
TO LEARN MORE try www.bettina-network.com
DRAFT DODGER as Commander in Chief
Saturday, November 3rd, 2018Donald Trump has a long list of ways he has violated the “norm.” It seems as though he is president to upheaval this country and deliver it into the hands of the fascist leaders of the world. To be one with them is the goal? If it is he is certainly succeeding admirably. Most recently he modified one of the ten commandments – “Thou shalt not kill”. Compromise – if you didn’t hold the gun which shot 11 Jews at prayer; if you didn’t attempt to break into a black church to kill those inside; if you didn’t hold the gun which killed two African Americans which was your fall back position from killing in houses of worship; if you didn’t put the rope around Khashoggi’s neck; if you didn’t wield the bone saw which dismembered Khashoggi then you really didn’t kill? Somehow, my bible doesn’t say that – it has a very opposite view, especially in the New Testament – if you even as much as hold such a thought against your neighbor you are guilty of the act. And don’t most of you claim to hold to the teachings of the New Testament?
Trump has dodged the draft many times. His “bone spur” excuse is a well known joke. What happens when a serial draft dodger becomes president?
He calls the troops into action – the same number as were called up to fight a serious war in, for example, Afghanistan. He gives them orders to shoot if brown and black immigrants trying to cross the border to ask for asylum throws a rock at any one of them. That also gives them the authority to turn the “Caravan” of destitute people into a shooting gallery.
He takes the troops away from their families during the holidays for a very frivolous, political cause. He uses the troops the way his fascist dictator friends use their troops – for his own aggrandizement and to maintain his personal power. He takes them away from training which they need and he costs the country millions of dollars to satisfy his need for power, control, greed and to practice his bigotry against those desperate families who walked over 1,000 miles to get away from the horror of their lives hoping countries including the United States would welcome the refugee. Not in America, however.
Historically? We did the same thing when Jews escaping Germany at the end of the Nazi terror needed a place to go. We saw them on overcrowded ships which were practically sinking and turned our backs. We did, however, take in the scientists and others who could promote America and help make her wealthier. We have still not acknowledged that those Jews who did manage to get into this country even though destitute, poverty stricken, no to little education made amazing contributions to American society.
What else does he do? He demands a parade – a military parade like the ones put on by the likes of Kim Jong Un and other such dictators to show their personal power and strength and to deter their citizens from deposing them and from rioting because they are starving. He planned a military parade for November 11th – a show during which he would stand in the middle as president of this mighty, military country and let his messiah complex out into the light at its full. Tax payers would pay the bill of the multi-millions of dollars with no benefit to themselves. Our military, used in ways it never has been in the past – by a draft dodger who becomes Commander in Chief.
That is just the tip of the iceberg.
All of you folks planning to vote for Donald Trump’s people and causes on November 6th. You know the above is true. You also knew before you voted him in as president – helping Russia to install the man in the presidential chair in the United States for the benefit of all the fascist dictatorships around the world – that he was unqualified both emotionally and by the way he conducted his life before declaring his candidacy, but you voted for him anyway. Why? Because you are people who want to bring in the kind of government Germany had under Hitler. That is your dream – including the part where those who were or thought you were of the ” Aryan race” would be above everyone else and use and abuse the rest of your society for your own gain – ego, economic, et al.
You knew and today know even in more depth that:
Trump is a sexual assaulter. He admitted that on tape. You heard him talk about being able to sexually assault any woman he so desired. Yet you voted for him.
Trump steals from tens of thousands of people to have money for himself. You knew that because you knew about all of his bankruptcies where he built without concern for return on his money because he only had to file bankruptcy, walk away with multi-millions and have the business and building hard working people sacrificed to build for him thinking they would be paid and in many cases they lost businesses they had built, some for more than one generation. Yet you voted for him.
Trump lies and you heard many of his lies before you walked into the voting booth to attempt to vote him in as president. You knew what he was saying was lied and You knew about Trump University – those, even amongst your friends, who again sacrificed much to have an education and to move up financially in this society by paying the substantial amounts of money Trump University demanded and for which they gave back nothing. Yet you voted for him.
You knew about Trump’s involvement in the mafia. His casinos, his family history in the KKK, his father’s partnership with mafia to gain the foothold and the money he accumulated over his lifetime. You also knew that about Donald Trump. Yet you voted for him.
You knew about his involvement and his learning at the foot of Joe McCarthy and McCarthyism and you knew about how Roy Cohn – an anti-semitic Jew mentored Trump and you also knew how badly Trump treated Roy Cohn after Cohn was responsible for helping to bring Trump from Queens to doing business in Manhattan and supported Trump during the rest of Cohn’s life. And yet you voted for him. You didn’t ask – if this is how he treated his friends, supporters and mentors how will he treat us? Yes, you voted for him.
You knew his reputation in New York. It goes on for decades and is well documented – none of it good. Yet you voted for him.
You white evangelical christians knew about Trump’s adultery. You knew about his morals which were in the gutter. You knew a lot more about how Trump violated and still violates everything you claim to believe in and yet you compromised your God and your religion to support him. I should not be surprised because those are the same kind of compromises you made over the years as you built Churches – called them Christian – and made sure Blacks were not allowed into your sanctuaries.
You knew all of the conspiracy theories Trump created to attempt to destroy African Americans – especially the African American president. But he did not stop there. Trump went on to attempt to have the Central Park 5 executed by the state when they were innocent and had committed no crime. He spent a good deal of time and money after they were exonerated, had spent time in jail for a crime they did not commit, Trump knowing that still spent much time and money trying to get them executed. Killed by the state for being black? And after all that, Trump continued making sure as many people as possible turned against these innocent African American young men. And yet you voted for him.
Since he has been president you have seen and heard Trump lie – every single day – about some of the smallest things and go on to lie to manipulate you for his advantage and mostly for your disadvantage. Over 6,000 deliberate lies to gain power, control and riches at your expense. And yet you voted for him.
Since he has been president he could have nominated someone to the U. S. Supreme Court who was conservative and someone who was also an upstanding citizen of whom you could be proud and know that person was doing their best for you and yours. Instead, he nominated a man credibly accused of sexual assault – just like Trump – and who had a very questionable history which included years of public drunkenness and worse, showing he was not the person you would want on the U. S. Supreme Court. You may not feel that touches you, but when you need the Court to be fair and judge without the bigotry Kavanaugh has shown with his clear inability to control his emotions or all of the anger and ugliness in his background you will wish you had considered and not let your need to be better than and vote in someone who would maintain your better than status in this society, but had opted for a better result which did not demand the United States Supreme Court as Donald Trump has done and quite intentionally so.
There is nothing greater than being with people who you feel equal to and who feel equal to you. It is a freedom like no other.
That is far away from where Trump has lived his life and far away from where he is taking this society. The theft, lies, murder that has happened under Trump’s time in office is off the charts. And still you are there supporting him.
What is it you are hiding? How much like Trump are you and what will you do if left to your tiki torches?
I would say good luck to you and vote your conscience on Tuesday. However, from what I have seen you don’t have a conscience just an ability to rationalize and justify the most horrible things if you feel they benefit you and make you over and better than everybody else. However, who will be with you when you discover you have been taken advantage of and destroyed in ways that makes what happened to the Central Park 5, Christine Ford and all the others look pale by comparison to what happens to you.
Your “president” is now threatening violence if his people and his causes don’t win on Tuesday. This is who you voted for in 2016? This is who you follow today? This is who you support? This is not a little evil. This is evil like that which happened 2000 years ago when Jesus was crucified. Remember him? The one you are turning into a fool with your worship of Trump? The one whose teachings you have abandoned for the lies of Trump?
Don’t you think it is time for you to let your knees hit the floor and beg God’s forgiveness? Not just for Trump – he is only the latest and his sins and the sins of his co-conspirators are small and only a tip of the iceberg. But for those sins you and yours have been committing since way before slavery.
May God forgive you!
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Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.
Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to bettinanetwork@comcast.net or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.
Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.
Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to: bettina-network@comcast.net
This is a curated blog so you cannot write your responses at the end of each entry. TO RESPOND TO THIS BLOG email bettina-network@comcast.net or info@bettina-network.com
TO LEARN MORE try www.bettina-network.com
Tags: Barack Obama, Brett Kavanaugh, Donald Trump, Guest Comments, Racism, Sexism
Posted in Adolph Hitler, Brett Kavanaugh, Christine Blasey Ford, Donald Trump, Guest comments, Kim Jong Un, Nazism, Pittsburgh Shooting, politics, President Obama, racism, sexism | Comments Off on DRAFT DODGER as Commander in Chief