January, 2018 - Bettina Network's Blog

Archive for January, 2018

From Hitler to Trump!

Wednesday, January 31st, 2018

Not much to say today because everything about this has already been said.  The question is, are we listening!

We are moving this society from Trump back to Hitler in a straight line and moving very quickly.

When a president of the United States can be blackmailed by a porn star, all United Sates defenses are down.  We are open to some of the most agregious acts possible because we have a president who will apparently do whatever his most base physical urgings are and who feels he can do anything and he will still be supported by many.  His actions take him into places where he is left open to this kind of thing and our support of him acknowledges he is like the “Teflon Don”.  What does that mean for the safety and security of United States citizens – it certainly does not look as though that enhances that safety and security but opens the door wide for those who would walk right in with the U. S. President who they have compromised, possibly for doing less than he did with Ms. Stormy Daniels.

He is now trying to “cleanse” the FBI.  That kind of  “cleansing” needs to start with our leader, who seriously and quickly needs to be “cleansed” out of the United States government.  An FBI agent with his history and actions and lifestyle would have been dismissed summarily months ago.  Does the “cleansing” language sound familiar to those who were around during and shortly after Hitler?  One of Hitler’s main goals was to “cleanse” Germany of Jews.  And there are a few other times during Hitlers reign when the term “cleanse” was used.  Interesting that Trump is using this word in his current comments and those of his workers and supporters.

So,  someone who could not qualify for the FBI because of his personal leanings and evil history is going to set himself up as someone who can be the person to do and orchestrate this FBI “cleanse”?  Or have it done for him by those supporting him and his lifestyle and morals and very low character? With the help of John Kelly and others?  Who have shown themselves to be as prurient as their leader?  And as racist? And as sexist?  Believability is stretched here.  Trump followed Cohn and McCarthy and learned from them.  You can see in the way Trump acts through his presidency that he is channeling Roy Cohn almost exactly.  Cohn was a Jew who was anti-semitic; he was also very  gay and homophobic.  That does something to your soul.  I wonder if that is why the Evangelical Christians have given Trump a “mulligan” – because they see similarities to their own tendencies and lifestyles.  It is clear Trump’s racism is right out there and huge – what is not so clear, except to those who were around at the time when Trump and Cohn were best buddies.  Where you saw one you saw the other and where there were parties they usually showed up together and there were rumors and speculation about Trump’s sexual orientation.  That would certainly compromise Trump – wonder if that is what Putin knows about, with video and pictures!

To outline a quick movement along that straight line we are traveling moving back in history from Trump to Hitler and the kind of society Nazism produced and Trump is apparently trying to duplicate today:

  1. from Roy Cohn – who was Trump’s mentor and who showed him the ropes moving him from Brooklyn to Manhattan and giving him the ethics and character he has shown readily acceptable to incorporating into his character.  With a caution – Roy Cohn died sick with AIDS and broke in spite of the fact that he wielded a lot of power and money before the end.

2. From the wall erected in Germany to separate East from West and the suffering it caused; the human deaths; the separation of families and       on and on we go.  That wall was taken down, but it is a tool preferred by Russia and others in its sphere and now brought into the United States by Donald Trump who is causing much pain and suffering among many people.  Deaths; separation of families and  human suffering will only increase.

3. from Roy Cohn to Joe McCarthy and McCarthyism – a time during which many Americans suffered extremely because of the life and actions of those two men and in the background was Donald J. Trump who has picked up the line from Cohn and McCarthy and is incorporating it in the present and taking it into the future.  The human suffering caused by those three is immeasurable.  Add that to the wall suffering and add that to what Trump has created on his own and you have immense human misery caused by this United States president, his Chief of Staff and all of those Congress people supporting him either because of blackmail or their own convictions which they were not able to bring into play and into the public eye until they had the support of Donald Trump and on and on and on.

4. From McCarthy to Hitler – a short time line, but one directly traceable.  Look at the number of Nazi’s surrounding Trump.  Look at his history with bigotry.  Look at what he has said he would do, not the least of which has to do with S### Hole Countries and so much more.

United States history, along such a suffering line,  goes back even further when you look at the suffering and death in the establishment of labor unions; the suffragette movement, the massacre of African Americans in the 20th Century and when you add in American Indians the pictures turns even more violent.

I won’t go back further.  You know or you should know that history.  Just remember ” Strange Fruit” – a song composed to memorialize Africans Americans who dared to vote and were hung for the attempt and think of voter nullification and all the other ways the vote is being controlled, reflecting another stage of evil; the American Carnage during Reconstruction; the forced relocation of American Indians because “White Americanized Northern Europeans” wanted the territory on which they had lived for generations with that forced relocation happening by forcing American Indians to walk for days, weeks, months through all kinds of weather with no food, water, clothes except what thy were able to garner in the course of the Trail of Tears March – many forcibly moved from the South East to the Oklahoma territory.

And today, the threat of an America that is becoming majority brown and black being the impetus behind those supporting Donald Trump in any lie he wants to tell; any act he wants to take; any woman he wants to sexually assault; any sexual deviancy he wants to practice – for which Evangelical Christians give him a “mulligan”.  Is this how low we have fallen? Have our morals and character as Americans become so irretrievably compromised that we can constantly give such an incredibly immoral, foul character as Donald Trump someone we have elected as President – our leader – that we will continue to support him and not see the evil he and his supporters have pulled out of all of us?  We not only see evil – we are complicit.

#evilTrump is clearly an accurate descriptor.  Hopefully, the rest of us have some modicum of self-respect that we want to act in such a way that our tomorrows are better than our yesterdays and we are still able to act out the rest of our lives with higher morals and higher character than we have displayed so far.

God forgive us!  We have truly sunk far into the morass of evil which is being served to us with the promise of money, power and supremacy over those not like us on whom we can dump our sins expecting ‘mulligans’ from those we look to for moral guidance, where we have caused human suffering and death.  Amen – and Amen!


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to bettinanetwork@comcast.net or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you. Please also tell us if you want your name as your byline or if you want your article to appear without your name.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to: bettina-network@comcast.net






Many Responses to Trump Article!

Sunday, January 21st, 2018

Since we had several responses to the same blog – we thought we would combine them as best we can to let you know what members of Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community are thinking about and responding to.  These are not direct quotes as we have tried to condense some, which were very long, and write the essence of others.  We do think we have kept a faithful reporting of the comments we received.  The emotion against Trump is amazingly strong.  We think, at some point, something has to give before this society explodes.

  1.  Overtime as I read or hear about Donald Trump and his machinations, I think KARMA and how it acts in the universe.  I also think about and am appreciative of your making the strong statement that mental illness and evil are not the same.  How many people claim Hitler was mentally ill?  Stalin? and all the rest?  There is a difference.  And, since the world is moving away from religions of all kind, no one wants to admit that evil exists.  We have seen it in human nature and it comes out, no matter how hard we work to suppress it.  You have to name something before you can conquer and move it out.  I am going to be one of those joining the #evilTrump group and put that hashtag on my postings that I feel show Trump’s evil.

2. It is interesting to me that once upon a time I used to love reading about the social goings on in Washington, D. C., particularly those around the president and his cabinet.  None of that seems to exist today.  I have yet to read about Trump and his wife going to social events in Washington.  I also don’t see anything about the “Washington establishment” having social events and inviting the president and his family.  Have I missed something or does Washington society see in this family the same thing the rest of us sees and doesn’t want to spend an evening mired in Bull Crap.

3.  Closing down the United States’ financial arm of the government by refusing to fund it on the anniversary of Trump’s inauguration.  What a way to mark that day.  We have decided to wear black arm bands until Trump is removed from office.  We can’t walk around in pink hats, but we can keep our hats in our pocket books for times when we can put them on.  I think the import of those arm bands say clearly the kind of grief we are experiencing with this man as president.

4.  When I heard the president prevaricating on which the day the government would be shut down and. which day he would announce his “Fake News Awards” – I was not surprised that he threatened a lot, but didn’t deliver until 1/20/2018. That is the day of his big celebration planned at Mar a Lago.  I wondered when I first heard of the celebration who would attend.  At $250,000 per couple that is more money to join the disappeared and unaccounted for and unreported disposition of money from the Trump inauguration.  People must now have a clue as to where their money is going.  My thought when the shut down loomed imminent was whether Trump would attend, because of the possibly low numbers of people who subscribed and would be attending?  There has been almost no coverage of the event and the press has been very carefully kept away.  That event shrouded in silence given what is happening all around and given what attendance or lack of it means to what is happening elsewhere it is quite suspicious that it was almost totally not covered by the press.

Everyone seems mystified as to why Trump has acted so unbelievably wild given this huge event on the horizon.  One would think his normal way of being  would be to do what he could to attend and bask in the glow of people idolizing him.  If that was not to happen and it began to be clear as the day came nearer – how to get over what would be a very revealing lack of support by his big contributors and save face was an issue.  Doing what he could to not fund the government was one way to glossing over this possible lack of participation by his big supporters.

I can’t believe people who are careful about their money would have made reservations to pay that kind of money to attend this “celebration” given the history of money disappearing and not being accounted for by the Trump group.  That seems to me to be what is behind this government shut-down.  A cover-up for a possibly failed “event”?  It would certainly have been majorly covered by the press if Trump were in attendance, but given that he was not there it seems that press coverage was elsewhere so we have next to no information as to what happened.  Have to get on the telephone to friends to see who knows about this – I am sure someone will talk about Saturday at the Trumps’

5.  I have taken a flying leap into wishful thinking as to why I think Trump worked so hard to see that the Government was shut down on Saturday 1/20/2018.  Mueller was ready to indict and arrest – Trump, Pence, Kelly and all the rest, but shutting down the government meant those about to be indicted would not be arrested during this event?  maybe that will happen next week.  Just a thought.  I also thought the “Fake News” awards were meant to cover-up something.  Especially since the date of release of that “award” kept changing.  Wonder if those changes had to do with the Mueller investigation?  One can only hope.  Especially strange that Pence was not at the Mar a Lago party – they sent him out of the country during the party.  Hope another book is coming out to explain all of these things.  Can’t wait to read the reality so I can stop guessing.

6.  Oh, the news leaking out about Russia infiltrating the Conservative movement.  Do you think “Karma”, which lots of people are beginning to talk about, had anything to do with it?  My dream is that those “Russian” and others infiltrating the Conservative movement would actually be converted in the process.  Anything is possible, right?  I wondered why there were these pictures around of so many of the loudest Conservatives and Evangelicals  turning up in Russia!  Whatever  being a Conservative used to mean, today it seems to mean you are cavorting with those who want to take down the United States Government and their way of contributing to that is by being an undercover part of the Conservative – especially Evangelical group.  How things change.  There was a day when Russia was the “evil empire” and we were taking down the wall – Ronald Reagan famously went to Germany to say “Mr. President, take down this wall.”  One would think that experience would make us very wary of building walls, especially for such evil reasons.

The Conservatives and Evangelicals are intransigent in their support of Trump, no matter what he does, and I can’t believe true Evangelicals would take that position.  When I hear people like Franklin Graham supporting a man who is an adultery, sexual pervert, pathological liar, sexual abuser, see no reason to ask for forgiveness because he has done nothing wrong etc. etc. and sees him as a role model for our children, I wonder how much money Russia and its allies have contributed to Franklin’s group.  Hearing about the infiltration of the NRA, a group I used to wonder how they became so powerful and with so much money so quickly, it certainly makes one think that others must have followed suit.

Editors Note:

That ends our trying to put out what we received from several people.  We combined two or three comments into one and did our best to accurately give to you what was given to us.  When someone like Donald Trump is doing his best to undermine and destroy all of us so we become too exhausted to fight back and he can just move along swiftly with his program with diminishing push back, one good way of fighting back is to openly and publicly vent to let all of that ugly out of our systems.


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to bettinanetwork@comcast.net or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you. Please also tell us if you want your name as your byline or if you want your article to appear without your name.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to: bettina-network@comcast.net


A Member of Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community Writes…..

Friday, January 19th, 2018

So much and so awful.  Your last blog was brilliant.  I know how you prefer to just do and have those acts ignored so you maintain your privacy, but I can’t help but say – kudos.  That breaking down and paralleling as to why Trump is so anti-immigrant was a master stroke.

Moving on – some things need to be added.  Trump has moved casinos out of their past category into one which he has been trying to parallel.  Top hotels and luxury condominiums and co-ops with that mafia tinge – slightly legal, slightly illegal.  Imagine the Waldorf Astoria as a Trump casino.  There you have the image towards which, I think, Trump has been striving to attain for his Oligarch friends. Trump Towers seem to be the same kind of complex his grandfather, newly immigrated to these United States, developed.  A hotel – luxury condo – gambling casino – grandfather’s rumored brothel model  within its apartments and probably other variations included, like the kind of place being used for and known as safe for money laundering.  Why safe?  It belongs to the president of the United States of America.

It has taken time for the regular press to publicize the “Drumpf Model” but it is beginning to take over the reporting and the news.  With that so public and with Trump still in tight with his base, other Oligarch’s can now safely include the United States in their plans for expansion.

Rumors have circulated for some time now that Trump is mafia connected.  We have all wondered why the NRA was so powerful given its base in these United States was not such powerful, moneyed people – well now we know as the Russian mafia connection is being rolled out and the people we least like – i.e. the Sheriff in Arizona and others all running for election or re-election – are pictured as a part of the U.S.  NRA visiting Russia and the money connections.  We have been played and that is a continuing theme.  Trump is running a reality show and we are tuned in almost 24/7.

Problem with that reality show – most Americans are law abiding, know and can see character flaws and turn away from those who would break the laws of this country, even though we may have been taken in by them for a moment.  We just can’t believe that our country would have been taken over by Russian mafia, but there it is rolling out for all to see.

May God bless you always!  Keep writing and keep putting out in this blog the writings of other members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community.  You give us cover and for that I am much appreciative.  Hopefully, the day will come soon when our fear abates and we won’t need the cover – we will come out into the open to say and do what good people all over this world say and do!


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to bettinanetwork@comcast.net or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you. Please also tell us if you want your name as your byline or if you want your article to appear without your name.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to: bettina-network@comcast.net


A Trump Brothel! Arguments against allowing Immigration into the United States!

Friday, January 12th, 2018

by:  Marceline Donaldson

When one looks at minority groups, the most mystifying problem turns into a question.  Why are so many women against feminism and equal rights for women?  Why are so many African Americans against other African Americans putting the entire group down?  Why are so many LGBT people against their own making the loudest, ugliest and longest “jokes”.  Maybe, just maybe Donald Trump has given us the answer.

Trump has been anti-immigrant for a very long time.  He ran for office on an anti-immigrant platform.

BUT, Trump comes from an immigrant family and not one that has deep ties into the United States.  Trump’s immigrant family recently came to this country.  His current wife – Melania arrives only after she became an adult and from an Eastern European country.  She is first generation immigrant.  Trump’s grandfather came when he was about 16 years old, no education, no money, no family – just here to make his fortune where it was believed that the streets were paved with gold.

And so, it becomes rather obvious that the Trump family has seen through the lens of their own family what happens when you let people immigrate to the United States.  Given their extreme racism, it is clear the conclusions this family would draw.  They are conclusions that say – if our family made contributions to these United States which have brought this country down low instead of raising it up high then goodness, what will “they”  – those others do if allowed into these United States.

What have the immigrants in the Trump family contributed since they immigrated to the United States:

Let’s start with the earliest Trump into these United States.  Grandfather Trump.

He started the rest of the males in the family on the construction/hotel/mafiaconnected/casino  road they have taken.  He built and ran a hotel.  And so the rest of the generations of his family followed suit.  His hotel was rumored to also be a brothel.  A rumor so strong it still exists to this day.  So the Trump family of immigrants started their fortune probably tied in some way to whatever mafia existed in those days in Grandfather Trump’s location.

And then comes the father of Donald Trump, who continues in the family business by continuing the construction work.  Question is, did he also continue the shady side to be able to fund his construction?  Did the money invested have mafia ties – maybe conditioned upon the other side of the Trump family business like Grandfather Trump’s is rumored to be?

We know the father of Donald Trump contributed to the continuation of the racism in this country which others were working mightily to eliminate because, among other things and  of all people – Richard Nixon and his administration sued the Trump’s for racism because they would not allow African Americans and probably other minorities to rent in their buildings.  Barely out of the old country – lying about which country they came from because of the negative connotation their German ancestry would have brought onto them at that point in history – they claimed to be from Switzerland.  So they were very conscious of what they were doing; how they were violating the laws and constitution of these United States, but continued and did their best to cast themselves in the best light possible, given their ‘immigrant’ background. And the child Donald Trump learned his lying at his father’s knee.

Why did they move away from their German background?  That was the time of Hitler’s Germany, after all.  The man who Trump seems to be most copying as he moves about his presidency.  In its early stages he clearly is moving in the direction Hitler moved in after he became head of Germany.  Quickly changing the judiciary so it grovels in front of him instead of doing the job of following the Constitution of the United States and that will worsen as he continues very quickly to make those changes – and Trump, the son, is very aware of that.

Instead of getting rid of the Jews,a la Hitler,  who were succeeding and moving out of the Jewish Ghettos to which they had been consigned for quite a long time – Trump, the son,  is doing his best to get rid of non-whites and non-‘Christians’ as he moves about his purge of these United States and sees the gains minorities have made in this country.   However, he has not gotten over the family’s anti-Semitism because we see it peeping out and becoming a deluge as Trump shows his partiality to Zionism and is clearly trying to bring Israel into being as a Christian country.  A dream of the KKK, White Supremacist and especially the ‘Christian’ evangelists.  By the time he finishes with his divisiveness in Israel – well, I really don’t need to spell that out.

the father of Donald Trump saw a like mind and belief with groups in this country like the KKK and that is where he gravitated.  When the huge march on Washington, down the Washington Mall of the klan in their white sheets and pointy hats happened way back when, the father of Donald Trump was one of the group he was one arrested, but he apparently not before he had his moment of glory expressing his beliefs publicly.

Donald Trump showed how closely he held those beliefs when he had his followers re-enact “Krystal Nacht” in Charlottesville in the not so distant past and came out publicly to make sure everyone knew this was not being done against him, but with his blessings.  His father would have been proud.

The Trump’s under Father Trump must have been violating the Constitution big time when it is Nixon who hauls them into court for violating the anti-racism housing laws.

And then comes the “Don”.  Donald Trump, who has been accused of everything from being a mafia ‘don’ or at the very least a part of and blessed by the mafia (although at this point one would think that at least the Italian mafia would be a bit too American to have anything to do with the “Don”, but nevertheless…) to treason to being a pathological liar, to being one who assaults women and brags about it, to being someone who launders for the mafia – or is it for the Oligarch’s who seem to have made the traditional mafia second class citizens in their reach …and on and on goes the list.

This is the president of the United States.  This is someone from a recent immigrant family. But this is a white immigrant family.  Maybe Donald Trump has it wrong.  His own involvement has probably clouded his judgment, he should be closing the borders to those from “white” countries who seem to be doing most damage to these United States.  Hmmmm!  Maybe I should scratch that out – is that racist?  Or can such a statement be called racist.

And lets not forget his current wife, Melanie who has left a permanent image for young girls and women to follow of posing nude in nothing but handcuffs hooked to bed posts and high heel shoes along with being practically nude in many outfits on an airplane to posing next to an airplane, which we assume is a Trump plane in black boots and very little else.  Being the First Lady has never had such ugly images connected to the job and they will all be left for posterity.  The young girls in these United States now have a First Lady role model to imitate to follow who has shown them how to go from immigrant with very little money to millionaires in her own right, married to a claimed billionaire, and being lauded as First Lady of these United States with a wardrobe which includes a $54,000 coat while others starve and suffer from no shelter in below zero cold on the street

With that kind of family I am not surprised that Donald Trump is so anti-immigrant.  If this is what his immigrant family has ‘achieved’ since it arrived on these shores goodness knows what others will do to continue to drag down these United States.  He can’t let that happen – he must act.

No United States President has ever been rejected as a state visitor to England – what used to be a close ally.  Trump has changed all of that and had to cancel his state visit to England – we assume because he was advised that he was not welcome there.

So hopefully, you now understand why Trump is so anti-immigrant.  I am sure he is only trying to protect these United States from those he thinks will bring the kind of harm he and his family have brought to these United States and wants to do whatever he can do to prevent such from happening. I am sure you also know why he has zeroed in on non-white immigrants.  If white  Immigrants can bring down the worst judgments on other immigrants, no matter which country they have come from what will the non-white  immigrants do.  Trump can’t let that stand or take that chance.  He has, after all, this first hand experience.

And now you have the answer to all of it – most specifically, why would a fairly recent immigrant to these United States be so anti-immigrant in his policies when he gets the chance to make some.


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to bettinanetwork@comcast.net or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you. Please also tell us if you want your name as your byline or if you want your article to appear without your name.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to: bettina-network@comcast.net


Treason – Sexual Assaulter – Mafia – Lies – and so much more!

Saturday, January 6th, 2018

Would anyone believe their would ever come a time when the above title would describe the activities and involvements of the United States President?

Everything we see is questionable.  As the Attorney General starts a crack down on marijuana, the first thing that comes to mind is if the Trump administration is moving to protect a profit center for the mafia as long as possible by keeping marijuana in the illegal area as long as possible.  Clearly, marijuana is becoming legal in many states, but Trump and his administration can move to maintain the mafia’s position in that drug trade until the last possible moment.  It is awful to have that thought pop-up so immediately.  We should be about other things and have wonderful, strong, substantial thoughts as to the future of this country – strong, honest, working to make sure all benefit and are well cared for – or is that a pipe dream and as humans we are not able to reach such a goal?

The current president has quite a mafia involvement.  And it stretches from McCarthyism on.  Even today he opines Roy Cohn – the right hand of McCarthy – the alcoholic Congressperson who terrorized the United States with his Communist hunt causing people to lose jobs, families, etc. etc.  People paid obeisance to McCarthy and praised him in front of his face with no critiques, negatives, etc. because they wanted to stay out of his line of sight.

He has this reach – McCarthy – Roy Cohn – John Gotti – the Gambino Crime family – and on it goes. Let’s not forget his high school career during which his friend was John Gotti’s son.  We have a president with long, deep mafia connections and we try hard to keep that under cover in spite of the fact that these United States are beginning to look like mafia country and begins to be structured like a mafia organization.  The Republican Party seems to me to have become a criminal enterprise.  AND – do you see the connection between Trump and his claimed ‘sensitivity’ having people grovel and praise him and the mafia don who no one criticizes to his face, but grovels in front of him and praises him the way Trump insists on being praised..

And we elected this man president of these United States.  What is wrong with American voters?  Is Trump’s base composed of the racists, the sexists, the homophobes in combination with the different mafia’s in this country, which is why his numbers are holding steady?

This country today shows what it is like to live in a place controlled and very quickly being restructured by the mafia and a country that used to be a foreign enemy, with its Oligarch’s.  We don’t have such Oligarch’s in the United States – we have equivalents who we call Tech Billionaires and they are multiplying and mostly today those joining that group look very much like thugs.

This isn’t a first – slaves suffered in these United States for some 250 years.  This is a country which used its marriage laws to enslave Africans.  Slaves were freed, but their progeny are still suffering the results of that slavery and being forced to accept second class citizenship.  Many people suffered during McCarthyism.  Many more are suffering today and from its current trajectory Trumpism is going to make McCarthyism look like a walk in the park.  When are we going to grow up and take over this country to make it into a substantial democracy?  Are we so afraid of that responsibility?

One thing this shows is how weak and mired in sin are our politicians.  To see people grovel to evil for a few silver coins is an ugly scene and that is what we have playing out in front of us.  What is it they expect?  To benefit?  The wages of sin are not gold or silver, but death.  Didn’t their parents tell them when you lie down with dogs you get fleas?

One of the lessons Trump learned at Roy Cohn’s feet was to push your friends and others into a position of having to grovel at your feet.  Have them compliment you all the time.  Trump doesn’t have a weak ego – he has lessons he has learned and lives by.  If those under you have to constantly compliment you – the hordes of people around you, a little ways off,  will hear and assume they know what these others are talking about and you have followers who think you are great.  Trump told those stories of lessons he learned from Roy Cohn himself.  Not to even touch on those he learned from his father – in or out of a KKK white robe and pointy hat.

Wake up America!  You have slept through too much and been complicit with too many evil movements and people.  Clean up your act and soonest or what is coming will make the rest look like Sunday school.


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