April, 2019 - Bettina Network's Blog

Archive for April, 2019

Ethics and Integrity in Business

Monday, April 29th, 2019

We have published blogs on the beginnings of Airbnb and outlined how and when the idea was stolen from an African American woman by three white males who were sent to her home to get info on the business she had been building for many years. If you want to know more about that, search this blog for Airbnb. The complete story is in a couple of blogs. some are titled as follows:

Sex Trafficking, Airbnb and more!

Ethics and Integrity in Business


The ‘Sharing’ Community????

Happy New Year – 2016

She was going to a Venture Capital group in Central Square Cambridge, MA which gathered on Thursdays. She was there most Thursdays with her name and company in their computer system and she asked for meetings with relevant people and an indication of interest each Thursday. There was never anything forthcoming.

Instead of working with her to gain investment support, the Capital Network sent Brian Chesky and his friends to see what she was doing and to bring back as much of her business information as possible. They followed through on that visit by stealing her ideas, gaining the venture capital support she was seeking, and her name and company name were taken out of the Capital Network’s computer – on which those who attended on a regular basis signed in to and were admitted to these Thursday sessions. Her business plan was also stolen and she had to re-register for the Thursday gatherings re-entering her name into their computer system. At the time, the reaction to her appearance was really strange and the reasons for it didn’t become apparent for a couple years down the road.

All of this to satisfy the mythology that the business ideas, acumen, experience, success etc. comes from the white male community with the assumption that others have not yet reached that level of business ability. When, in fact, the reason for this monopoly of white, mostly northern european males’ hegemony over the substantial businesses that make up this society had more to do with their questionable ethics and lack of integrity than anything else.

Venture Capitalists have made sure that this is the only avenue the current potential billionaire businesses have and the only way they can come into being. The venture capitalist community has been a very racist/sexist group of people and they have kept the gate closed to all except their own kind and this shows up clearly today and will be even clearer and exceptionally vile in the generations to come. Most of the civil rights work of the past generations will/is being negated by the way these venture capitalists are working to establish a “New World Order” which clearly will not include those not like them – racially, culturally, etc.

This, however, is not the only business nor the only minority person so negatively affected by that particular form of racism/sexism in the society. This way of segregating and oppressing goes back many generations. Most businesses thriving mightily today show themselves as first thought of, established and the start-up part of those businesses – the part that required much blood sweat and tears to get it through to smoother sailing has been done by minorities.

It is an example of why the top 1% of the wealth in this country is now held by that same white male group, how that came to be and the structures they use to insure that this will forever be unless something and many someones intervene in drastic ways – or the ethics and integrity of the entire society demand they clean up their act – make amends – and open the doors to everyone leaving the great ideas with the people who came up with them and are in the process of bringing them to life..

We will continue at later dates with more specific examples – check the blog to make sure you don’t miss any of these stories:

Did you ever wonder where Trump Shuttle came from? Donald Trump, his family and their incredible business ideas? Or – is there another story circulated only within the African American community.

A black man approached Donald Trump with his idea and with the work he had done and was doing building a short term shuttle from Cape Cod to Boston/ New York/ Washington, D.C. etc.

It was a dream of his and a business he had been building one small step at a time because of his limited funds and the refusal of others to invest in his venture. – until along comes Donald Trump.

The African American made many trips to New York to Donald Trump’s offices with his business plan, sharing his experience in this area and he made many return trips as Trump indicated he wanted to invest in this business and gave this Black man things to do so that he, Trump, could invest.

The man came to visit us before and after each one of these trips and talked about his visit to Donald Trump; Trump’s interest and promise to invest because he thought it was a great idea; Trump’s request for the man to do additional work, which Trump always applauded – according to the feed back and notes we saw.

When all was in great shape and “they” were ready to move ahead with the introduction and execution of this new shuttle service, Donald Trump slammed the door on this black man and would not see this African American anymore; was very nasty to him when he called expecting to move ahead; Trump cut off all contact. This gentleman had been paying his own way to visit New York and Trump at a substantial expense to his current business and he always left the work he did with Trump, pending the additions and changes which resulted from those meetings.

After that abrupt and ugly cut off – well, look at this – Trump announced the formation of Trump Shuttle and as he unrolled this business it was an exact copy of what the two of them had been planning and working on for months.

And so, another African American’s business ideas, acumen, hard work, start-up – stolen by another white male business man who simply and blatantly stole his years of development and the initial work of establishing such a business and strategizing/planning for its future.

There are many more such stories. They basically show the lack of integrity in the corporate/business world and the acceptance as normal of such things happening.


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Project 1 – Estate Sales after the Sale

Project 2 – #WellsFargoBoycott

Project 3 – Growing Bettina Network’s Blog into a major media outlet bringing to the public news, recipes, thoughts, reviews of businesses, etc. from the perspective of those who belong to Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community.

You can send a check to Bettina Network, inc. P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 to support this blog! Please make your check out to “Bettina Network, inc.” since the blog income is not the foundation income.

If you prefer your gift go to the Foundation, make your check payable to Bettina Network Foundation, inc. The money we receive for the Foundation currently is going to support the Wells Fargo Boycott.


Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to bettinanetwork@comcast.net or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to: bettina-network@comcast.net

This is a curated blog so you cannot write your responses at the end of each entry. TO RESPOND TO THIS BLOG email bettina-network@comcast.net or info@bettina-network.com

TO LEARN MORE try www.bettina-network.co

A New Political and Economics Vocabulary!

Wednesday, April 24th, 2019

It sounds so foolish for people in the United States to be trying to frame this upcoming presidential election around old concepts which were relevant during the time of the Cold War but not today. When used, the concepts being thrown around in preparation for this upcoming 2020 campaign are confusing and the cause of much emotional upset and fighting because of what hangs onto the concepts from a difficult time in the life of this worlds’ political and economic institutions.

Instead of defining our economy in Cold War terms, the Republicans need to be more accurately descriptive of our institutions. We need to make the massive effort to increase our vocabulary with newer more accurate terms or we need to pull out a new vocabulary which fits where we are today – terms that fit what we are actually about. None of the terms the Republicans are using are accurate, fitting, nor descriptive.

The Democrats are going to run their 2020 campaign bringing forth corruption, lying, stealing and all of us will be very well acquainted with terms like “emoluments”. Terms we had probably either never heard of or heard in passing without giving a thought to going deeply into their meaning.

We talk in terms of Capitalism, Socialism, Communism. None of these terms come close to where we are today. Using those terms only exacerbates the ugliness and vileness we are experiencing as a country – brought on by our own.

Capitalism is totally irrelevant and has been for some time because basic to that concept is the assumption that everyone is free and equal in the society and are only limited by their vision, etc. We live in a society which is fraught with sexism, racism, homophobia, ethnocentrism, ageism and so much more of that which separates us and makes us feel better than or less than. A society in which my identify is better than your identity is not able to even begin to describe its economic and political system as based on Capitalism.

Our so called “capitalist” system has venture capitalists who only fund white male northern european types – and will fund minorities and women into the (maybe) $50,000 area to fund their start-ups and actively encourage others to tour the country looking for great start-up ideas being worked on by minorities so they can steal and bring those ideas and that work to the venture capitalists, who are more than ready to see those new and radical business ideas happening and being developed by minorities in this world being carried forward into their substantial billion dollar areas by white male types to maintain the societal structure with those at the top most like our current venture capitalist and other investor groups with serious money that they obtained in the same way. That “serious money” is not available for investment to minority groups. (and from here on “minorities” include women because that is who they are and how they are treated from a power and control perspective in this society.)

Socialism is fraught with many misinterpretations when used today. Most link it to state owned everything and gradually being the economic and political part of the structure of a state which becomes evil and destroys the quality of everybody’s life. In this “Socialism” we all become zombies beholden to a very ugly, vicious and violent state. And – the examples we come up with as to “Socialist States” are indeed horrifying if one thinks that is the direction in which these United States are headed, if we choose the model being proffered by these anti-socialism fighters.

Communism is the most misinterpreted because we hook that term to the Soviet Union at its worse. We hook it to the rampaging McCarthy who destroyed many lives and even more careers fighting phantoms, using a political and economic concept as a means to oppress those he wanted to expel from “his” country and the country which he felt belonged to him and his kind. All others were usurpers trying to turn this great democracy into something vile. Turned out the vileness came from McCarthy and his kind – and who was one of his protege’s – none other than Donald Trump. Trump learned his lessons well at the feet of McCarthy and Cohn and he has brought all of that upheaval and evil back into 2016, 17, 18, 19 America.

And, Communism carries with it the claim by many Christians, that the social and economic system of Jesus was a communist system. That complicates the picture even more as that kind of claim, while not accepted by most mainline Christians was accepted enough to increase the religious bigotry which has existed in these United States from its beginnings with its genoocidal war against Native Americans.

This election cycle is shaping up to be one in which the worst interpretation of the above terms is going to be used to win or lose. At the very least the fight for the presidency and other offices will be embroidered around hurling Socialism, Capitalism, Communism at the opposition as though they were evil and we should not elect anyone who espouses such.

As we look at the above, what becomes clear is that our current system was created, grown and sustained by white male mostly Northern European types who patterned their need for power and control after what they saw in the Middle – Near East – Far Eastern parts of the world which were also male dominated cultures interested in expanding and maintaining power and control in their own ways. Vestiges of those historical groups still exist and today are beginning to rise up to attempt to re-establish their historical societies which are counter to the ways they were beginning to move.

The strong roots such groups have in this society becomes clear as under Donald Trump we are making strong moves to bring those cultures together because it is the only way male domination in its meaness – viciousness – and need for total power and control can continue to thrive and grow.

A more diverse and integrated world is beginning to show-up. Hopefully, as that moves and grows the goodness, beauty and grace of the human spirit will flourish and what has gone before will be permanently in the rear view mirror and will maintain only in history.

Watching that diversity develop is a cautionary tale, however, because even in its extreme infancy we see in the United States powers beginning to move into male groups which were anathema when white males were at the height of their power and control and adopt and adapt these others into their society and culture because that is what is necessary for them to continue developing the mean spiritedness, viciousness, control, tyranny and ugliness of what we have and are continuing to experience.

Looking at the 2018 elections, we celebrated the break through of a new America. We praised our voting citizens for the diversity of people we elected and it looked as though we were reaching through to a new day.

As time goes on, however, we are seeing the sprouts of those weeds which caused and cause so much trouble and evil in the world as talk becomes prevalent of which “white males” can best be elected who will look out for and bring about a more equitable, diverse and “new” America. Which white male will best take care of the rest of the world in a patronizing and paternalistic fashion so that male domination can continue and in a short time raise its ugly head again to attempt to subjugate and push the world into finding its meanest spots to develop. And saddest of all of that talk are the women joining the chorus who are so enmeshed in paternalism they cannot see the worth and ability of other women who can do much better.

The fact that the talk happening is simply a new prelude to another chapter of the “old” slaveowning, segregationist, vile and vicious America has been covered up to be revealed upon the victory and ascendancy of this new talk.

Looking at the way “Bernie” helped to bring in Trump to maintain that old way of life without getting “dirty” in the process should tell us and let us see what is happening with this presidential campaign today. It should also show us that this new, kinder, gentler paternalism will not work.

Think on these things before you reject them out of hand. Look carefully at your government and its history America before you laud yourselves as being “better than” and pray hard that you do not continue in the ways from which you declared you wanted to depart to bring out more of the goodness of America.


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Project 1 – Estate Sales after the Sale

Project 2 – #WellsFargoBoycott

Project 3 – Growing Bettina Network’s Blog into a major media outlet bringing to the public news, recipes, thoughts, reviews of businesses, etc. from the perspective of those who belong to Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community.

You can send a check to Bettina Network, inc. P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 to support this blog! Please make your check out to “Bettina Network, inc.” since the blog income is not the foundation income.

If you prefer your gift go to the Foundation, make your check payable to Bettina Network Foundation, inc. The money we receive for the Foundation currently is going to support the Wells Fargo Boycott.


Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to bettinanetwork@comcast.net or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to: bettina-network@comcast.net

This is a curated blog so you cannot write your responses at the end of each entry. TO RESPOND TO THIS BLOG email bettina-network@comcast.net or info@bettina-network.com

TO LEARN MORE try www.bettina-network.co

Holidays and soon more Holidays!

Sunday, April 21st, 2019

Happy Holiday! How are you spending this holiday? Let me repeat that – Happy Holiday! We wish you joy, peace, happiness and a very fulfilled life which you share with others. Whether you celebrate Easter, Passover, Spring, God of the Universe, etc. etc. may you always delight in your celebrations and may they enrich your soul so you give back to the world much of what was given to you.

Our gift to you – actually, from a member of Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community – is a recipe for Sour Dough Bread which is phenomenal. We had some weeks ago and can still taste it.



by: Carter

Sour Dough Bread Starter

+ Start with about 1-2 cups

+ Feed daily – 1/2 cup warm water plus 2/3 cup flour – mix well and loosely cover with towel, paper towel or coffee filter

+ If kept in refrigerator – feed weekly as above – before making bread – remove from the refrigerator about 2 days prior and feed 3 times – every 6-8 hours

Sour Dough Bread Recipe


3/4 cup sourdough starter (room temperature)

1 1/4 cups lukewarm water

3 cups unbleached all-purpose flour

(you know we changed this to organic whole wheat flour or even half and half organic whole wheat flour and pastry flour)

1 Tablespoon sugar or maple syrup or honey

1 1/2 teaspoons kosher sale (dissolved in 1/4 cup of the total a water amount


700 grams all purpose flour (or bread flour), 5 1/2 cups

(here again we would substitute organic whole wheat flour or half and half organic whole wheat and pastry flour)

20 grams salt, 1 Tablespoon (dissolved in warm water)

200 grams veery active starter 1 + cup

525 grams water – 80 degrees F., 2.22 cups

Mix all the ingredients together and knead well – at least 10 minutes – with a folding action.

Place dough in a clean, large oiled bowl covered with a towel and let rest in a warm place until doubled – about 4 hours. Punch down dough and knead again for a few minutes – stretching the dough. Return to bowl and let rest a second time until doubled – about 4 hours. Remove dough from bowl and place in bread pan(s) or shape and place on a baking stone. If using a baking stone, sprinkle the stone with ground cornmeal and cover with an oiled metal bowl that will allow for expansion. Allow for final rise (about 4 hours in a warm location or overnight in a cool location). Heat oven to 450 degrees F. Place bread pans on stone with metal bowl covering in the oven for 15 minutes. If using the metal bowl, remove after 15 minutes. Reduce oven temp to 350 degrees F and continue to bake for about 30 minutes. Remove from oven and cool – then ENJOY!

Ed. Note: And don’t let anyone take away from you the ability to wish Happy Holidays to your friends. How wonderful to have so many and such diverse people around you that you have to wish them a Happy Holiday to cover the many different celebrations which take place within the community of people you can call friends.


Learn More About How We Use Your Donation!

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Project 1 – Estate Sales after the Sale

Project 2 – #WellsFargoBoycott

Or you can send a check to Bettina Network, inc. P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 to support this blog! Please make your check out to “Bettina Network, inc.” since the blog income is not the foundation income.

If you prefer your gift go to the Foundation, make your check payable to Bettina Network Foundation, inc. The money we receive for the Foundation currently is going to support the Wells Fargo Boycott.


Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to bettinanetwork@comcast.net or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to: bettina-network@comcast.net

This is a curated blog so you cannot write your responses at the end of each entry. TO RESPOND TO THIS BLOG email bettina-network@comcast.net or info@bettina-network.com

TO LEARN MORE try www.bettina-network.co


Pelosi – Impeach or Move Aside!

Friday, April 19th, 2019

To be so constantly exposed to so much sin takes lots of prayer to maintain.

When one goes into a United States of America Court of law one takes certain assumptions. Basic is the one which outlines how agreements, breach of contract, relationships and more work. You find evidence for your side and move on from there.

When one is mafia, that is an entirely different set of rules. The first of which is, apparently, no direct contracts, promises, etc. One learns early about the circularity of talking, especially to the “Don”. One lives amongst a set of ethics which makes sure you won’t get caught, won’t be exposed, won’t get killed – jailed – —-

Those two ways of living under the “law” came into conflict with the Mueller Report. It was clear Donald Trump lives, works and has relationships under the Mafia Law. The circularity and non-directness of that law is probably why some mafia leaders were not afraid of being wiretapped. The people listening would have to re-educate themselves about language and its use within mafia society. Reasoning and how one draws conclusions would be changed and those listening would have to educate themselves, their court system, their citizens and more to be able to call mafia leaders and followers to account in a court of law. Instead of providing that kind of education to the American public our Criminal Justice System has had to revert to other means and many mafia leaders have been called to account through their taxes where two different ways of living, talking, reasoning is not permitted. These two different ways of communicating became clearer to the general public through Michael Cohen’s testimony during a Congressional Hearing.

As I listened to all of the readings and analysis of the Mueller Report and read a copy of the report which showed up in my email box, what became clear to me was one possible reason why Mueller stopped so abruptly and produced his report. William Barr presents a clear and present and immediate danger to this United States system of governance. Something had to stop him or we would all be totally under Trump and his foreign backers without even knowing what happened. Trump’s circle of loyalist is growing and with each addition the danger increases. When one of those loyalists is the Attorney General of the United States that is beyond simply wrecking havoc on this society. That amounts to its destruction and subjugation to other foreign powers and/or mafia groups.

Russia is such a threat, but not the only one. A much larger threat and more imminent is the one of Trump bringing the United States government into line as a country under mafia rule and mafia control. A country ruled by a complex of mafia bosses with no contracts, no above board agreements, no way to bring anyone before the Courts as we know the Court System to work. Trump has been busy establishing a different way to govern and he is moving very quickly with that endeavor. That was very clear with the ascendancy of William Barr.

I heard many people talking about the end of William Barr’s career. This is not the end of his career, as seen through Barr’s eyes. It is the continuation of a career on a different track, within a different system of values and governances which he apparently sees as taking him much further than he could go taking the traditional U. S. route as an American lawyer.

I doubt that any of this makes much sense to the reader. It certainly makes no sense to the writer. I am just trying to come to grips with what I have been seeing, hearing and looking back at the history of to answer questions I have about much that is totally above my pay grade.

We are living in a country in which the president is a serially accused sexual assaulter and who has not only admitted to such, but bragged about his ability to assault any woman he chooses to sexually assault. This same president looks to me to be also guilty of treason against the country which he is supposed to be leading. He has corrupted many people in his administration and apparently some quite successfully. I especially don’t understand why or how people could follow him and consciously assault and turn against everything they claim to believe. They are afraid of what? Not committing the sins the president is requiring of them? Is that more dangerous and scarier than committing those sins and living in eternal hell? If that is not an alternative in their way of thinking then why do they generally, almost across the board, call themselves Christian? Is that a word they use to identify themselves because it helps them move up in the world of money – power – better than?

What a mess!

And then we look towards those who are supposed to be the keepers of the good flame and we hear them talking about not holding this president’s feet to the fire and not demanding William Barr resign immediately. Their conversation is about political considerations. What happens in 2020 if we move ahead to impeach Trump? What if we make that move and we don’t get enough votes in the Senate for that impeachment and Trump goes free? Well, what if you do nothing – Trump goes free! And he could win in 2020.

What if I kill someone, maybe I should not be tried in Court because the risk of not getting a guilty verdict after the facts are presented might make my accusers look bad. I am sure those folks in jail would have liked to hear such a conversation about their crimes – maybe we should not arrest John Doe or Jane Smith, it might fall back on us politically.

We have all long since stopped thinking or acting ethically. We have this ethics of relativity – or convenience – or of winning. And that tears down the society putting its values in jeopardy and eventually producing a society which is about what is best for those in power to maintain that power and control by any means necessary.

I don’t know what else to say or where to go from here. I saw a man today – William Barr – who is, as my grandmother would say, the scum of the earth. He is calling himself Attorney General. But he was put in his position by a usurper to the presidency so just who is William Barr to be pretending. As a lawyer he knows very well he should not be Attorney General, that he is a pretender. He is also a liar of great facility in his lies. And it looks as though he has no caring about right or wrong. And how does Bush Sr. fit into this – Barr’s last ‘fixer’ moment, the last time he acted as consigliere that I can trace was for Bush, Sr.

We have another liar who calls himself President, who has done and is still doing horrible things. Those things were made public and so the liar president takes a private jet, paid for by the people of these United States and once again costs us over $1,000,000 to take himself and his family and whoever else he wants to take to Mar-a-Lago for the holiday weekend while people who live and have lived honest lives wonder what they are going to eat today let alone any kind of Easter, Passover or any other holiday upcoming. People, watching the president fly overhead while they are left wondering if they will ever get off the street again to know what it is like to live in a home with light, heat, food, clean clothes. And people in Congress debating whether or not those folks, in that overhead jet, should be called up to answer and pay for their crimes against the citizens of this country.

Homelessness is a crime of the society against its citizens and it goes unpunished. These treasonous acts of Trump or whatever you want to call them are crimes of people against their society and those crimes go unpunished.

IMPEACH those you can reach and have a case against like the man who calls himself President of these United States and the man who calls himself Attorney General of these United States. That is the very least that can happen and maybe the rest will begin to fall into place when we know those who call themselves leaders of this society have ethics that are higher than the ethics of winning. Maybe we will all begin to fall into place and realize that we are called to a higher life than one of having more things than; more money than; a higher vocation than; are ourselves better than and we will stop kicking those who are down; we will stop cursing those who are living on the street and blaming them for their plight. Something has got to give in this world before we all either continue in this murkiness or…….


BARR – Distracting from????

Thursday, April 18th, 2019

Distracting from the evil they are currently putting in place is a strong, ongoing way Trump World operates.

Barr has simply joined the group.

He has been clear about who he is for quite some time now. He has worked from a set of ethics which are in the toilet and are at least as bad as, or are on their way to becoming as bad as Donald Trump’s. My spirit recognizes your core and your real values.

We see people in everyday life and they seem to be “nice” people. So we accept them and become shocked when they show us a very different side and move up in life by having core values which shows they have been corrupt all along we just weren’t paying attention on that level. We have this way of simply ‘whitewashing’ our friends and those to whom we give respect because of the level of achievement they have reached and of being surprised when we see they have been complicit in coverups, lies, cheating, protecting those above, moving ahead by doing evil – that is a part of who William Barr is and who he has been.

Today he is into the kind of distraction we have become accustomed to with Donald Trump. He is now truly a “made man”.

Barr recently intervened in the immigration process and passed the edict which said there will be no bail for asylum seekers. They would have to stay “in jail” – “incarcerated” – until their case has been decided.

Why does this need distraction? Because it is the beginning of the second stage of United States Concentration Camps. If you check back Bettina Network Blogs you will find we predicted Trump Concentration Camps and they would be filled with children. Huge and ugly these Concentration Camps which will soon be quickly erected will make Nazi Germany concentration camps look like a luxury hotel by comparison.

Thousands of people will soon be incarcerated and in vile, filthy, horrid conditions. That has already started with the United States incarcerating people beneath bridges and in conditions which most of us choose to ignore and we have had limited reporting on what they are like and the conditions under which “brown skinned” humans have been forced to live. Limited reporting because so much concerning the Mueller Report has been used to distract the media headlines and stories away from that reality. Barr has done a masterful job with this using the Mueller Report – no wonder Trump hired him as his Attorney General. However, an illegal president cannot hire an attorney general who can legitimately function in that space.

To stop the bleeding from the Mueller Report, someone needs to simply give an un-redacted copy to the media to be printed and distributed for all and any who want copies. That is a risk, but it is one that needs to be taken that in the end truth and justice will prevail. That will end that and we can go on to dealing with all of the other ugliness Trump, his backers and friends are pouring into this American society.

We knew who William Barr was years ago. What he did destroyed or should have destroyed his reputation and should have seriously called into question the reputation of Bush 1. Isn’t it amazing how much of what is happening today traces back to Bush 1?

This is the new world order. Remember those comments, which were stopped in the middle of his making them?

Donald Trump was brought in to stop the darkening of America. He is doing his job magnificently. And wait until American and Israeli Jews discover his other mission. When the truth is told, right-wing Americans are not enthralled with Israel because of its Jewish history. Their interest in Israel is because of its Christian history and as time goes along, if they remain keepers of that flame both Jews and Muslims will discover they are expendable and dividing them was simply a way for Trump and his people to take over Israel and remake it into the ‘Evangelical Christian’ country such folks have dreamed about for generations. In the meantime, have you noticed the “Jews” Trump and his people deal with are the Ashkenazi Jews – those German-type Jews who look white? It makes one think all Jews are very fair of skin. Have you seen any brown skinned middle-eastern Jews amongst those leaders?

My first impression of Israel when we travelled and lived there for several months was the separation of white from black. Not American whites from African Americans and others of such color, but the separation of ‘white’ Jews from those others – who you can’t tell from the brown skinned Palestinians. When we arrived in Israel, driving in from the airport to where we are going to live we saw cotton fields with people of color picking cotton. They were Arabs and Middle Eastern Jews – all the same color. My first lesson upon arrival.

Because I was raised amongst Jews and Christians during my growing up days I was well aware of that separation. If you live long enough and are exposed to the world you live a history that shows you where the cracks and lies are.

In the United States during that time and before, Jews – Ashkanazi Jews included – were called by the “N” word. They did not fill out forms asking for race by checking “white”. Both Jews and African Americans were in and out of our house. Mixing was not unusual. My mother was named after the daughter of one family with whom we were particularly close. I spent lots of time at their home in the city and their home in the country. They were not particularly well off when that friendship formed. It went back to my great-grandfather who was helpful in establishing their fortune which became substantial. My grandfather tutored their children and spending time together was normal. As time passed, Jews became white and those friendships were dropped. It was no longer that close, normal, everyday thing to ‘drop in’. The tutoring because the children needed that learning help and my grandfather was an educator with a Columbia University education and a family friend, gradually became a ‘better than’ relationship and so my grandfather pulled away.

William Barr is the needed extension of what Donald Trump is doing and someone Trump needs to stop the continued “darkening” of America. It is one of those times when people begin to pull away from one another whereas before they were friends and neighbors. Pull away because of skin color and the need of one group to exert a superiority over another. William Barr’s order for bail to stop for asylum seekers is one large step in that process.

Those asylum seekers are, after all, the brown people of the world and they cannot be allowed to continue to come into this country because it is already at the precipice where the majority is or soon will be “brown”. And we can’t allow those incoming brown people to mix with the rest of Americans because friendships develop, family mixing happens and the need to keep white and blacks apart with blacks less than becomes rather impossible.

We need to look closely at the fact that many of the Muslims against whom Donald Trump is moving may be Islamic by religions but they are of African extraction by birth. They are African Americans or Blacks who will become African Americans when they enter this country and become one of those on their way to citizenship. I knew trouble was coming a few years ago – before Trump – when I went to the swearing in ceremony of a friend who was becoming a United States citizen. As I look down on the group of new citizens from the balcony I was amazed to realize they were about 80% “brown” – from many different countries and many shades of the same brown to black skin color. I was sure then trouble was on the way.

Why does Trump have the percentage of supporters he has? They recognize that and their way of wearing a sheet and pointy hat is to allow and support Trump as he moves to insure that this country in which they live will always have different levels of people – whites uber alles and all the rest. And one cautionary note to those who may not have realized the fact that – yellow is not white.

This flap over the Mueller Report is hiding this major next step that Barr made legal – we are now on the way to jailing and destroying as many of the “brown” people of the world as possible and it is succeeding. We will not hear of the many deaths that happen along the way as Germans did not hear of the millions of Jews killed in Concentration Camps. We predicted long ago in a Bettina Network Blog that you would soon be hearing of children being killed or ‘accidentally” dying. That is now happening and the real number will never be known.

Besides a brief report on Barr’s edict to disallow bail for those seeking asylum I haven’t seen any other reporting on what is a major move for the Trump administration and one which is moving brown peoples directly into ever larger and growing numbers of Concentration Camps which will spring up all across the country.

And you natives of the United States whose ancestors were forced to come to the United States in slavery, you may today be citizens, but you are not exempt. There has been almost no reporting on the number of black American citizens who have been picked up and evicted from this country by ICE. A few have been able to contact friends and relatives and have been brought back. They were not able to do that until they were dropped off in foreign countries about which they knew next to nothing. What about those who are still in shock in countries to which they have been transported where they have no friends, no relatives, no connections of any kind, no money, no assets, no jobs, no legal status of any kind and have not been able to contact those in the U. S. who could or would help?

Now, on to getting ready for the farce of a press conference which is scheduled to happen on Thursday at 9:30am. And on to Nancy Pelosi claiming there should not be an impeachment of Donald Trump with Trump’s interesting response of being extremely respectful of Nancy Pelosi. How come?


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Notre Dame/Steve Bannon?

Tuesday, April 16th, 2019

One can’t help but notice the incredible “coincidences” that now abound. Are they really coincidences or are we in the middle of people who are just plain dishonest, manipulative, power hungry and see bigotry as the way to gain what they couldn’t come close to without that way of functioning.

Politics has become really ugly. We no longer have to worry about how Hitler came to power. We are seeing real-time examples showing us just how he did it with todays’ improvements by people like Steve Bannon, Donald Trump et al.

Yet one more “coincidence” of violence against…..speculate a bit about the burning of Notre Dame in Paris. This happens just two days after Steve Bannon announces the purchase of the monastery which he intends to convert into some kind of training camp for people to take down the pope and the Catholic Church. And Please don’t say – ‘but Steve Bannon is Catholic.’

That matches the two days after Trump announces he is not a Globalist and the results are felt in Pittsburgh. And just a couple days after Trump grossly attacks people against whom he plays the victim with those people who Trump has characterized as victimizing him subsequently receiving bombs – which apparently didn’t go off because of the incompetence of their maker……. and so many more such coincidences. They have now become difficult to list or recount they are so numerous.

Lets get international and look at New Zealand – shootings right at the time Trump needed something really big to distract from what was coming, exposing his evil within days. What came were the New Zealand shootings – what was diminished and distracted from – look it up in your news feed and see for yourselves. Do the work people and keep on that edge as you read the news which is grave and see the proximity to Trump’s need for distractions from the horribleness of his life, his so-called presidency and more.

Notre Dame burns – just two days after Bannon called for and talked about how the Pope and the Catholic Church needed to be taken down and this “hit” on the Catholic Church- this time a “two’fer – Trump facing the release of the redacted Mueller Report just a couple days later.

Don’t be dissuaded from looking closely because Bannon is Catholic and Stephen Miller is Jewish along with the claim that Trump is crazy. Crazy like a fox.

Some of the most racist people against Blacks I know are Black. Why? Because, apparently, they see power within the group and their power-over dissipating if integration comes along. That has been the case. It is how Whites have chosen Black leaders over the centuries. Look for those who will do the most damage and exercise the most control over the Black Community. That is who you help become leader of the group. Same thing goes in the female community and in all the other minority groups. It has always been so. Those in the minority communities don’t seem to have clear vision to be able to see such. We even define terms to make sure those power dynamics are skewered. We make the claim that Blacks cannot be racist – one must call such Blacks who clearly show their racism – prejudiced. That is one of the most ridiculous definitions I’ve heard in a very long time, but those so declared as “leaders” totally talk about that definition, correcting those who see otherwise so nothing will dilute their power.

The biggest disgrace of this the century, however, is the ascendancy of Donald Trump into the office of president of the United States. He is clearly someone who showed before he was “elected” that he would take down the country and would turn it into a racist, fascist dictatorship preferably with him as the fascist dictator. Trump was discovered as that kind of person by influential people in governments hostile to the United States, people who thus far had not been able to get far in weakening and taking down America. So let’s try Trump. And they did.

They have gone very far with Donald Trump. He has and is consistently weakening every institution within these United States and he has done a very good job at such. As the days pass he is acquiring a collection of people around him who will go to jail doing his bidding because they have blindsided themselves to the point of believing they will be great in his administration if they do his bidding. They are people with histories of having done ugly, lying, illegal things before he found them and brought them into his inner circle. William Barr being the latest. Someone who has had extensive influence and changed America with the way he has obstructed justice for at least two previous presidents. He has now stepped forward – at just the right moment – to attempt to do the same thing for Donald Trump.

He issued a statement which Trump could use and did to claim he was “exonerated”. He has postponed until a holiday weekend with Congress out of town to release the redacted Mueller Report. He is redacting the report and our guess is his “redactions” will be blackening out those parts which tell the truth about Donald Trump – the ugly truth. And Congress will go along with the program dragging its feet and talking big and bad throughout.

Why is Donald Trump still in office being called President. Even casual observers saw he would not win the election because he had – what – some 25% of the vote without the help of those within those hostile governmental and other kinds of communities who saw themselves benefitting from such an evil soul?

Trump’s very vile history is well documented on thousands of videos around the world which are played constantly over some kind of media. They were played even before Trump and his supporters claimed he was the next President. People who voted for Trump knew his reputation; they knew his evil; they knew the kind of history he created; they knew him to be dishonest, – a casino operator, unethical contractor person who stiffed those very middle class people trying to establish themselves in their corporate entities as well as others who he could reach any way his evil mind allowed – those wanting to move ahead educationally; those interested in wine, cheese and goodness knows what else he put out to stiff the rest of the world so he could thrive.

But then so was Hitler’s history before he became head of Germany – although videos and other instant replay devices were not available during Hitler’s reign. That had to go by slower means and sometimes even word of mouth. The need for power and control amongst those who would follow was so great they gave up their eternity for a few months of following a monster. And isn’t that true of Donald Trump’s followers?

What bothers me most is why he is still in office? Why those who claim to be against him have not so moved and are passively doing what they can to allow him to remain in office – why? Because they are larger than life as the opposition and their power and control is more complete by so passively allowing Donald J. Trump to remain while claiming to be on the side of John and Jane Q. Public. They see power in allowing Trump to remain in office damaging the world because if he is removed now someone else might run for the office of president and win, ruining their chances to come to power in a sprint rather than the very difficult road that would present.

Where do you stand? Don’t you realize your children are watching? How are they taking this in and how is this affecting their lives as they learn and grow? Are these the lessons you want them to act on as adults? As of now you have no choice. What they are being shown is what happens in this country when an African American is president and what happens when a so called White American is president. What Trump is teaching them about “whiteness” is lessons I would not want my children to learn. And those lessons are being allowed by both Black and White Americans.

And to you racists. They are being taught – thanks to the lessons you are making possible – that if you want a great president vote for an African American. If you want one who is a mess-up, who is evil, who is vile and will engage in corruption, attempted murder by remote control and more, then vote for a White man.

Et tu?


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Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to bettinanetwork@comcast.net or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

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Some People Did Some Thing!

Monday, April 15th, 2019

Well, now it is time to indict and arrest!

We have ignored much, but this tears the veil.

What else could be added to the indictment?

  1. Incitment to murder – Pittsburgh, PA. 11 Jews were killed in their Synagogue while praying. The incitement happened the day before when Donald Trump said he was NOT a Globalist.
  2. Incitment to attempted murder – bombs delivered to several prominent United States citizens after Donald Trump’s comments constantly citing their work against him and his program.
  3. Using the office of the presidency to incite others to violate the criminal laws of the United States in too many ways to list.
  4. Using the office of the presidency to absolve the top of the Saudi government of the brutal murder and dismemberment of Khashoggi.
  5. Incitment for his followers to harm Ilhan Omar because of her comments “Some People Did Something!” With pictures of 9/11 merged in Donald Trump’s tweets – Donald Trump used that as an opportunity to attempt to absolve Saudi Arabia of the 9/11 atrocity. Most of the people who carried out the 9/11 slaughter were from Saudi Arabia and it is well known their people do not carry out such objectives without the knowledge and agreement of the top of the Saudi Arabian government.
  6. Intimidation of Americans by the constant tweets with which Donald Trump will call his followers attention to do his bidding, which is usually some kind of violence or negativity towards those who are not his followers using words and images which are familiar to them. His followers know his voice and what he means when his words are indirect and/or circular. They have been consistent in following his dictates. Given such a pattern his indictment for such actions should immediately happen followed by his arrest.
  7. Using and abusing the office of the President of the United States for corrupt purposes, which is leading to major harm being done to Americans and to others around the globe when their leaders know they have the support of the President of the United States for their actions.
  8. The Indictment and arrest of Donald Trump for obstruction of justice, especially that done while usurping the office of the President of the United States.
  9. The indictment and arrest of Donald Trump for conspiring with foreign countries who mean harm to the United States Government and who worked with Donald Trump to usurp the U. S. Government for such purposes.
  10. To demand the return of monies taken from the American people and from those who wish to do business with the United States Government and are making that attempt to be considered above all others through graft and through the misuse of the power and prestige of the United States Government for personal and corporate financial gain.
  11. Please send us other items to include in this list of indictments.

Mitch – How did you know? Barr – Who is your handler?

Thursday, April 11th, 2019

It is time to acknowledge that something is very wrong in our government and with our politicians which is beginning to show publicly in some strange ways.

For example: Mitch McConnell blocked Obama’s appointment of Supreme Court justices months before the end of his term. One such appointment he blocked was a relatively middle of the road/conservative justice from being appointed to the Court. Appointed instead was the man who is known as an extreme political activist, credibly accused sexual assaulter and who was brought onto the political stage by the Bush family.

We have talked lots and printed much about that, but no one has asked how Mitch McConnell knew his blocking Obama’s appointment of Merrick Garland would result in Donald Trump appointing conservative political operatives like Kavanaugh and Gorsuch. If Hillary Clinton had won the presidency, which was widely expected and seemed to be a done deal, her appointments would probably have been to the left of Obama’s. Does anyone believe Mitch was holding open Supreme Court appointments for Hillary’s nominations?

Mitch McConnell proceeded in the face of what was showing and expected and blocked not only the Supreme Court justice appointment by Obama, but much else also, which he then released when Donald Trump reached the point where his friends and supporters called him “President”. We were not amongst those.

Who majorly ushered Mitch McConnell onto the political stage?

How did you know Mitch? What connections do you have not showing? Add that to all else you have done, what kind of country are you helping to shape? Would you and your children want to live in the kind of country you are helping to create when those whispering in your ear become those in total control of that country? Do you really think they will allow you and your family to prosper after your work is done and you are gone? Or does that matter to you?


William Barr we have the same question of you!

Who is whispering in your ear? From whom are you taking your orders? Do you really expect us to believe that you just happened to turn up at the exact time your writing that lengthy opinion for Donald Trump would result in your being named Attorney General and your carrying out the wishes of whoever is giving you marching orders at this time?

Didn’t you help bail the Bush family out of an Iran mess? Or was that Reagan?

Just before Mueller’s investigation ends, you, Mr. Barr, turn up having laid recent ground work to become Attorney General to stop the Mueller investigation without the public being aware of your role in wrapping up that investigation putting yourself in place to put out an “exoneration” of a man who calls himself president of these United States so he can finish the work of destroying what took hundreds of years to build? You were clearly put in that place by – who? – the same people who called you up to duty and now will keep you in front of us where you can play your part in this farce?

Who benefits here? Who has orchestrated this? Or did this happen accidentally with everyone acting independently and this just comes together in such a smooth way? We don’t think so!

We saw “Mafia Speak” within the Court setting, when the judge in the Manafort case did his mafia speech before sentencing Manafort. Remember that little ditty about how this had nothing to do with “collusion”. Shortly thereafter on the front steps of the Court Manafort’s attorney made the same speech = one having nothing to do with the case he was coming outside from having represented his client making the announcement not about the case he was in front of the judge to carry forth but to say – Manafort was judged free of any collusion. That was not true, but this attorney carried his speech off as though it were.

And then shortly thereafter Donald Trump, that same afternoon, talking to the press shouting questions at him, makes his speech about how “honored” he was that day by the judge and Manafort’s attorney. Trump’s speech in its words and tone was that of a man who, that day, became comfortable with his role as “the Don”. His choice of words – striking – “honored”. ‘I am honored.’ ‘You have honored me’. That is about as close as a mafia don comes to humility. But then one discovers it is not about the “Don’s” humility, but about the “Don” allowing you to show your humility because having done his bidding and the bidding of those supporting him he is about to allow you to show your humility by allowing you to kiss the ring

Today we had “Mafia Speak” in the reverse. Donald Trump comes out with his bit of “Mafia Speak” which sets the stage and then William Barr, before Congress, follows him almost within minutes saying almost the exact same thing Donald Trump said to the press shouting questions at him.

This is a well orchestrated play being enacted in front of us and are we all too stupid or too innocent to see this?

Who gains? Who loses? What is at stake? This is a game with real life consequences in which the United States as a republic wins or the mafia in which Donald Trump was once a participant, but now apparently is the “Don” wins. Today he may be shored up by his fascist friends around the globe – supported by the billionaire’s club, but tomorrow? Donald Trump is not the type of person to be grateful or to be one of those serving and working with. His “friends” will soon see they are working for him and it will not be pleasant for any of them. Barr may see himself wielding power today, but he needs to take a good look at history to realize his future and it is not pleasant.

We have entered the era of a world-wide mafia generating from and controlled by the United States government which is in the process of forming a very tight, very strong mafia from which there will be no relief nor any turning back.

Today you can call us crazy, paranoid, delusional! However, tomorrow when you realize the situation in which you are living what will you call us then? And what will we call you? Involved? Taking action to preserve a democracy? Or one of the good people who allowed this to move to its conclusion by doing nothing?

Take a look at past Bettina Network Blogs and you will see we predicted this. It does not take a genius to see what is happening. We also talked about children being murdered and Concentration Camps – different from those in Nazi Germany. Concentration Camps where children would be incarcerated and then disappear.

We hope you are listening. We do not want to be in the position of saying “we told you so.


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Trump – yet another distraction!

Tuesday, April 9th, 2019

by: Marceline Donaldson

Apparently, Vladimir Putin has sent Donald Trump another list of things to do and Trump is carrying them out in his usual manner. However, the Chinese spy was ‘caught’ and the distraction is exposed for what it is – a continued attempt to dismantle these United States.

It is clear from the way this is happening that this is a distraction from the coming revelations from the Mueller Report which Trump, his friends and allies want to arrive in a murky atmosphere so Trump will continue to have time to continue to dismantle the United States government into the kind of structure they can take over.

Sad to say Trump does not realize that he will not be around to enjoy the excitement and celebration if he succeeds. He will be too much of a threat – especially since he can’t keep soda water on his stomach.

With the firing of Nielsen and the comments on her “evil” and the other ways she acted we seem to forget that what happened in Nazi Germany was not due to some special and unique character of Germans. It is a character flaw which is human and is happening in many places on different levels for the same reasons – power and control. It is well underway in these United States. Hopefully, there will be no reason for it to be said – as history goes over our actions during these days – that good people did nothing.

A man with no experience in government and no accurate knowledge of how the United States government works could not do what Trump has been doing without help from someone with the training that Putin has had as an operative of the Society Union. And I am sure Putin is not the only one in the mix seeing this as a good time for them to intervene as they have wanted to do for generations. Favros didn’t show up in such a hurry at the beginnings of the meeting between Trump and Kim Jong Un in Vietnam by accident. My guess – someone was not toeing the line and needed a nudge to get with the program.

And in the end, Trump’s exit is already planned. He is setting the stage for a “crazy persons” exit from the United States presidency from which he expects to go scot free with lots of money waiting him to live happily ever after.

I do not believe all of these recent firings are taking place just as a coincidence when Trump needs some kind of cover for whole or parts of the Mueller Report becoming public. The last time such took place it was a huge explosion and great distraction. This is what Trump needs now to get the public off on a wild goose chase after the seeming upheavals with immigration so they are not focusing on what is happening with Donald Trump and what looks like the continuation of a huge next step in his massive conspiracy to destroy the current United States government so it will be easy to bring it back together again in a non-democratic/republic shape.

What is hopeful is all of this is the extreme diversity of the current United States House of Representatives. We are now a country which represents all of us – well, once the Senate has been “readjusted” – and the new president elected, if the press will stop pushing the white males amongst the candidates and pushing the females into the background, we might have the continuation of a great country. This time, one that represents all of its citizens. A note to the press – remember the great push and coverage you gave to Donald Trump’s campaign. It is time for you to stop self-absorption and the profit motive and realize the influence you have on this society. That needs to cause you to always and forever act with courage, and truth.

With the United States becoming the country we were raised singing, writing and claiming to be great in its diversity representing all of the people, maybe in this generation it will be so.

It is fitting that the old guard, which was the past, is represented in its death throes by this ridiculous caricature of a man who, hopefully, is the last president trying to keep this country white, male and mostly northern European. Dear God, let it be so. Do not let us have to go through another and more vicious Nazi Germany to emerge steps further down the road to a true government of the people, by the people and for the people.

My vision of Donald Trump is of a man ascending the stairs of an airplane with the wind at his back and his hair piece flapping in the wind with toilet paper stuck in one shoe following him up the stairs on his way to explaining to his handlers why he made such a mess of his assignment and couldn’t, in the end, pull it off.


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The Story – a new editor

Sunday, April 7th, 2019

“What is racism, bigotry, ethnocentrism, homophobia, etc.?

The actual experiences of people who have had to endure the bigotry of others while they tried to move along and achieve their life goals gives an understanding of bigotry which helps us root it out of our lives and out of the institutions in which we live and work. With that in mind, we hope you learn from and can use the stories in this series.

In instances of bigotry, it is the person who is acted against – the person who has been forced to experience another’s bigotry – who is chastised or loses an opportunity or is moved out of a home or denied entrance to an educational institution for which they qualified and ‘but for’ would have been accepted. This needs to stop. Especially, we need to stop the denial when we come across an instance of bigotry. We cannot afford to call for the bowl of water, soap and a towel to wash our hands leaving the responsibility for our sins on others or on the institutions which we created.”


I was in the process of going through papers which a friend of mine is packing to send to Amistad Research Library in New Orleans. In the process I discovered a treasure trove of stories of people experiencing bigotry. I volunteered to continue this series because of that and hope you will send your stories with any supporting evidence you have for our files.

A disclaimer – I am not a writer, more an organizer of papers and things so bear with me here. I thought this story was one not to be passed by. Let me know your thoughts as you read it:

Before I started this job I knew nothing about seminaries, churches, ordinations. As I am now knee deep in boxes of papers on that subject, my suggestion for a book for someone who is a writer would be – what happened at Episcopal Divinity School, which is now seriously diminished in size and influence and what is happening and has happened in the Episcopal Church.

My curiosity was stimulated when I ran across a letter on Trinity Church Copley Square letterhead from the Rev. Spencer M. Rice, Rector to the Standing Committee of the Diocese of Massachusetts. I am copying that letter to this blog – when I figure out how to do that – commending Marceline Donaldson for ordination …”who is sponsored for Holy Orders by the Rector, Vestry, and congregation of Trinity Church in the City of Boston.”

I’ve known Marceline for many years, but knew nothing of this. How she is still standing is an amazement to me. Besides this letter from the Rev. Spencer Rice are letters from the Rev. Henderson Brome, Rev. Edward Sims, Bishop Coburn and more all glowing with their recommendations. Marceline was not ordained and, in fact, was asked to withdraw from Episcopal Divinity School and she dropped out of the ordination process.

What happened? I would like to publish the entire file. However, basically racism, sexism and apparently the power and control needs of a few people. From the file records – Carter Heyward, George Hunter, John Skinner, and Edward Stiess – a committee of the faculty who stopped more than one black woman’s progress through seminary and ordination – were the instigators behind this. Another black woman from Ohio who was a student at the seminary went through a similar process with the same people and suffered the same fate. Her name is Lillian Bannister.

Since I have to send this box off on Monday and I haven’t figured out how to scan these letters into the computer to attach to this blog let me copy it for you. The original of these letters and this file will be at Amistad Research Library if anyone is interested in exploring and writing about these events.

The Catholic Church has been exposed on many levels, but the Episcopal Church – which has been shrinking dramatically – has not been so exposed and maybe it is time.

This letter is on Trinity Church Copley Square Stationery

5 February 1986

The Standing Committee

Diocese of Massachusetts

One Joy Street

Boston, Massachusetts 02108


Dear Standing Committee Members:

It is my privilege to commend to you Marceline Donaldson, who is sponsored for Holy Orders by the Rector, Vestry and congregation of Trinity Church in the City of Boston.

When I came to Trinity Church on 1 May 1982, Marceline Donaldson was teaching in the Church School as a volunteer. She was cherished by the Director of Christian Education as one of the most able teachers with whom she had ever worked.

During the academic year, 1982-83, Marceline taught three sections of an adult education course entitled, “Formerly Marrieds.” This course was for the pastoral assistance of those who were either in the process of divorce, or who had recently experienced the same. Marceline deported herself as an organized sensitive counselor who was of great assistance to those participating in these groups.

During the academic year, 1984-85, Marceline in concert with her husband, taught an adult education course on the Old Testament. In this course and the above offerings, Marceline was prepared academically, and was of great assistance pastorally to all those who attended these offerings.

Throughout the twelve months of 1985, and continuing to the present in 1986, Marceline has functioned as a lay reader and a chalice bearer at Trinity Church every Sunday at either the 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion service or the 6:00 p.m. Holy Communion service. In the discharge of these duties, she has been punctual, prepared, and spiritually focused.

On October 20, 1982, I received a letter from The Very Reverend Harvey Guthrie, then Dean of the Episcopal Divinity School, Cambridge. A copy of his letter is enclosed for your advisement. Harvey’s warm enthusiasm for Marceline’s presence in and contributions to the E.D.S. family constitutes its own witness.

Scarcely more than a year later, I received a call from Marceline, indicating that she had been summoned before a committee of the faculty (Carter Heyward, George Hunter, John Skinner, and Edward Stiess) on Martin Luther King Day, Monday, January 16, 1984, at 10:00 am. in Wright Hall Conference Room.

Marceline asked me if I would attend this meeting as her Rector and friend because thirty days earlier, another black, middle-age woman was expelled from E.D.S., and Marceline was apprehensive about such a forum. I did attend.

It would be impossible to recapture in a letter the degradation evidenced in this session. As Arch-deacon for the Diocese of California under both Bishop Pike and Bishop Myers, with personnel responsibilities for fifty-two mission churches, and as Chairman of the Board of St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital in San Francisco, I have never experienced anything like this meeting. Had one participated in such a meeting in the aforementioned responsibilities, one would expect to be summoned into Federal Court within hours.

Charges were emotionally hurled at Marceline without either evidence nor written documentation. It was as close to a kangaroo court as I ever hope to experience.

Whereas the Dean of E.D.S. sent me a three page letter as Marceline’s Rector, when he and the faculty were more than pleased with her, I received no letter nor written information about her performance prior to this session; I received no written invitation from E.D.S. to this session; and I received no written documentation as to their judgment following this session.

In thirty-one years of priesthood, I have never experienced such a blight on the soul of the Church as this hearing.

It is a credit of no small magnitude to Marceline that she has deported herself with balance, compassion, and achievement after this most unfortunate experience.

The Rector and Vestry of Trinity Church support Marceline Donaldson for Holy Orders without reservation.

Very sincerely yours,

/s/ / Spencer M. Rice


cc: The Rt. Rev. John B. Coburn

The Rt. Rev. David E. Johnson”


After having read the rest of the file, which had more of the same, I went home in shock and wanted to do something, but what? Having read the beginnings of “The Story,,,” I thought this was probably the best beginning. The second step would be for someone who is good at research to take this up and put it into a book. Especially since there were many glowing letters about Marceline in the file and much more that could be explored. She will not, however, be cooperative, but the files at Amistad should help along with those located elsewhere in many different locations.


When you start digging and bigotry moves beyond the grand institutional sweeps into the individual stories, you begin to realize the horror of the experience of being an African American woman, man, Native American woman, man, Latina American woman, man and all the rest of those we demand accept our treatment of them in such a way that damages the soul of those putting out the horrific treatment of other human beings, bigotry takes another definition.


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