December, 2018 - Bettina Network's Blog

Archive for December, 2018

Donald Trump and Gay Folks!

Monday, December 31st, 2018

A series of articles to look at, give a partial analysis and outline of Trump’s base and what it cam expect of him.  We are starting with that portion of Trump’s base which are those who are very anti-gay, homophobic, are sure gay folks are trying to convert their children, destroy Christianity and the values they claim to hold close to their hearts and so much more.  You know the rhetoric and you know that portions of Trump’s base overlap.  It is very true that those who are homophobic have other bigotries against other groups which overlap, but this article addresses itself to the anti-gay community portion of Trump’s agenda.

Trump has tried to satisfy them by attempting to ban transgender people from serving in the armed forces, throwing out of the armed forces those transgender people already serving and more.

We will not say much about Donald Trump in his teens because those are tender years and can be the background for the direction in which a person travels, but could also be just experimental and a passing phase.

When we get to Donald Trump in his 20’s, however, we see a person beginning to show his values and to set his life’s path.

One of the people Donald Trump met, who became his mentor, was Roy Cohn.  Roy Cohn was a prominent New York attorney with an awesome reputation for bullying.  He was, at the time, a very famous attorney in these United States and not always for the best of reasons.  At the end of his life he was disbarred for many reasons like – particularly reprehensible conduct, and his ethics were called into question and so much more.   Cohn’s clients included several of New York City’s mafia, who he defended along with a large and impressive roster of clients.

Roy Cohn connects – Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Donald Trump, the Rosenbergs, Roger Stone, Joseph McCarthy, and many more.  A surprising confluence of people.

For the purpose of this article, that which is right out there about Roy Cohn is that he was gay and he died of AIDS.  He is the person most responsible for helping Donald Trump move from his father’s businesses in Queens, New York to Manhattan.  In the process Donald Trump and Roy Cohn were extremely close.  If you could not find one you called the other and that person could tell you where to go or call to find the other – they were that close.

They spent evenings together over candlelight dinners at Club 54; once Trump married, Roy Cohn spent many evenings having dinner with the Trumps at their condo in Trump Tower and that in spite of the fact that Roy Cohn did not think Ivana was the person Donald should have married.  

Donald Trump was in the middle of the male gay community which surrounded Roy Cohn.  He was accepted as one of the boys and his relationship with Roy Cohn was common knowledge and also accepted.

Donald Trump was one of Roy Cohn’s most important clients.  If you did anything with Trump that would or could have resulted in a legal battle you had to deal with Roy Cohn, but Trump rarely, if ever, paid Cohn.  And if you went to Trump’s office during that time there would be a large picture of Roy Cohn on his desk.

We could go on for pages about Donald Trump’s relationship with Roy Cohn, but the point of this article is that during that time and for many years after Roy Cohn’s death, Donald Trump was in the middle of a very sophisticated gay group in Manhattan in which he was totally accepted.  According to some he provided an apartment, at Roy Cohn’s request, to one of Cohn’s friends who was dying of AIDS so he could live out his shortened life in relative comfort and Trump did just that – giving up a condo in Trump Tower – for free.

With that background, where does this hatred of people who are gay come from?  Where does this doing whatever he can to limit access to the gay community of the many things previously granted them as equality – like gay marriage?    The question becomes – why does Trump’s background and relationships  show that he would do the exact opposite?  Why did he have a mentor who was very gay and in the middle of a gay community bringing Trump into the middle of that community in a very public way?

At no time has Trump acknowledged that lifestyle, nor has he said anything about that personal history.  He did not come out, for example, to say that “at one time I was very supportive of the gay community, but in xxxx year I discovered my fault and reformed – turned my back on that history and all of the people with whom I had a close association and friendship and now have decided that homophobic is what I really am and have cut off associations and friendships with any and all gay people except those who have recanted, turned their lives around and are now straight.”

From where in his soul does this close association and friendship with many gay males come from – people with whom he had an extremely close relationship – to make him today able to move his campaign to take an active homophobic stance on many issues; to talk about people who are gay in very negative and subhuman terms; to go after those who are transgender to keep them away from serving in the armed forces and in many other ways.

More to the point would be – how and why do the people who really are homophobic and whose agenda is to rid society of everyone who is gay, transgendered, etc.  have simply taken Trump at his word.  Even knowing this background and history, they have never questioned any of this background.  What is going on here that they believe that he, without political campaigns to win,  would continue to act to make sure this gay group of people are clearly oppressed and not equal to the rest of society?

Surely they have had at least a passing thought that when Trump has no more campaigns to win he would then govern in such a way as to bring the gay community into equity with the rest of society and the goals of the homophobic community destroyed and turned against them.

Anything else makes no human sense.  To say God is using Trump makes even less sense because in my many decades of reading scripture God does not involve me and mine in any evil that God moves to eliminate.  God takes the evil hitting me and turns it into good.  God does the work and humanity benefits.  God upheavals and me and mine are playing God as we see fit.  But this part of Trump’s base has many excuses as to why they are supporting Trump because they believe, in the long run he will act in the interest of and promotion into society of their anti-gay, homophobic, anti transgender beliefs and life actions.

We believe that is nonsense and we believe something else is operating here and we believe we know what that is about.

Take a look at Bill Cosby and the evil he inflicted on dozens of women with his corrupt actions.  Look at how many years and how much pain and suffering and hard work it took to expose Bill Cosby and bring him to justice.  Why was that?  Why did so many people for so long support Bill Cosby in spite of what was showing right in their faces up close and personal?

For many, many decades television, books, and much more of media coverage portrayed Bill Cosby as this loving father and great man.  He received all kind of awards – not based on who he was, but based on his media persona – which many believed and would not let go of even in the face of facts which proved otherwise.  It took decades before it began to seep into the world’s conscience that the Bill Cosby on television and all of those Cosby family books and other kinds of media that circulated was created fiction and not the real Bill Cosby.  The real Bill Cosby was the person going to Court who was finally proven to be the sexual predator that he actually was and not the great, kind, with it father he portrayed in many media settings.  The kind of father we all want and many of us don’t have.  It is extremely difficult to give up on that kind of dream.  And the kind of dream Turmp portrayed – great business executive, incredibly successful giving others and maybe one day us the opportunity to follow in his footsteps.  That is like giving up on the lottery for those so addicted.

For many years, Donald Trump has been portrayed on television as this great business mogul with all of the trappings to create a romantic figure to get us to tune in year after year.  We have in mind the man created by good writers, camera people, directors, producers, in books ghost written for him by others.  We have not been able to believe and to take down the man so constructed for us by the media to see the real person who is the real Donald Trump.  The media is now doing its best to show us that person, but many are resisting because Donald Trump is putting himself in front of the public as the created, romanticized person who actually exists only on television and not in real life. 

Don’t you think it is time to look carefully and scrutinize this man the way many had to scrutinize Bill Cosby to see who he actually was and to look away from and put in the fairy tale books the Bill Cosby and Donald Trump created as marketing tools to sell all kinds of products to the average American citizen?

And don’t you think, given those two examples of human beings turned into almost monsters by their media persona and how far we have had to go to expose them as other than that romantic image – that we should give lots of thought to what we create and watch and give credence to in the media because clearly that is now roiling our society by the way it has seeped into our consciousness and affected decisions in real life and in how we make choices for ourselves and others?  


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Project 1 – Estate Sales after the Sale

Project 2 – Wells Fargo Boycott


Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

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Wells Fargo Boycott – Recorded Phone Calls

Saturday, December 29th, 2018

In another Bettina Network article on the Wells Fargo Boycott was the suggestion that when Wells Fargo calls and the person on the line says they are recording this call, that article made the suggestion that you also record the call and let the caller know they are being recorded as well.

What generally happens is that the Wells Fargo employee will refuse to continue speaking to you.  

It is clear why Wells Fargo would want to record their employees telephone calls to their clients, but we did not understand why Wells Fargo employees would refuse to talk if you recorded the telephone call as well.  Now we do!

Having done a substantial amount of research, we have discovered the reason.  Most times, with such phone calls it is about intimidation and a very ugly person on the other end of the call.  We heard about name calling, abusive treatment, threats, and more as the call progresses and that is the Wells Fargo person speaking to Wells Fargo customers.  Usually those who have loans, mortgages or some kind of indebtedness in which they have fallen behind.  

As we did our research that is what we found.  The calls we were able to listen in on, it was startling to hear the heavy, unnecessary abuse happening.  Several people who allowed us to hear their calls started off strong and wound up, after the call, in tears feeling embarrassed and ashamed even though they knew what was coming.  The emotional trauma that people are put through was heartbreaking.  

Whatever the reason, nothing justifies that kind of abuse to anyone.  We are all human beings and sometimes life gets difficult.  The number of people being the type of person some Wells Fargo employees described during those abusive phone calls are miniscule.  I cannot imagine being afraid to answer your telephone because the next call might be Wells Fargo being at its worst and most abusive.  Most people pay their bills. When life gets tough, people will do their best to figure out how to catch up and continue paying their bills.  Abuse simply destroys the person with problems.

These practices need to stop.  Mutual respect should never go out the window with a corporation or anyone else allowing and apparently encouraging abuse as a policy?  I can’t imagine employees carrying on so badly on the telephone unless they knew it was company policy and they would not lose their jobs because of such horrendous treatment of a customer.  So we repeat – close those savings accounts; cancel those checking accounts; move your mortgage to another bank; any other loans do your best to move them elsewhere and in any other way with any other services you are receiving from Wells Fargo for which you pay money – cancel, move, change.


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Project 1 – Estate Sales after the Sale

Project 2 – Wells Fargo Boycott


Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

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Bettina Network Lifestyle Community Members Speak!

Wednesday, December 26th, 2018

We are having a wonderful holiday.  Hope your holiday is full of love, family, friends and so much more.

Many members of Bettina Network Lifestyle Community sent us bits and pieces for Bettina Network Blog.  They also sent financial contributions to keep us going so we feel well fed both materially and in the soul with what looks like the success of Bettina Network, inc.

What follows are some of what we received to go in the blog.  It would be even better if all of you sent full blown articles on whatever topic you want information published – political, historical, scientific, literature-your short stories-poems- expositions.  Whatever you want to share.

Before we start sharing we would like to remind you that Bettina Network Oracle said some months ago that children would start dying – murdered by Donald J. Trump and his Administration.

Into this happy season comes the tragic and vicious news that Donald Trump – the illegitimate president of these United States has started killing children and the pace will accelerate.  Where do you stand and what are you going to do about this? Trump wants to scare the brown and black people of the world away from the borders of the United States.  What better way than to put those who arrive, after experiencing horrible trauma and an extremely difficult trip looking for asylum, into American Concentration Camps.  Moving them through a “cold box” to jeopardize any resistance they may still have left to illness, while exposing their children to sexual traffickers and so much more.

We get the news of their children’s death at the hands of a liar, thief, sexual assaulter, murderer, mafia don etc and there is no uprising in this country?  We were quiet through the first death we knew about – although you will soon hear of many more – from the past – not those dying today.  That is also a part of this holiday season.

Are you going to take the road of Germans – the middle class Germans – who kept silent, went about their daily lives as though Jews were not being slaughtered and turned into slaves by Hitler or are you going to make sure the same thing does not happen in these United States?  It was the ordinary citizen who allowed Hitler to rise and wreck his evil.  Not willing to jeopardize their middle class economic position to take a stand against the evil which stared them in the face.  As long as it wasn’t one of their family?

From the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community:

  1. ” Is one of the reasons Trump is so enamored of Russia and Putin the fact that Russia is a white country?  And one of the few such places left in the world?  Is that what makes him drawn to the particular fascist dictators he shows a complete attraction to?”
  2. “Donald J. Trump sent out an order to withdraw United States troops from Syria. He did that while on the telephone with Erdogan or shortly thereafter.  Erdogan’s first choice was that Trump send Methullah Gulen to the Turkish prison island. – so he could be imprisoned and possibly killed there? Trump did everything he could to comply, but his power as president did not extend to his being able to do that – although he did try.  We heard the figure of $15 million tossed around as payment for the deed.  Trump could and did comply with Erdogan’s second choice – to withdraw U. S. troops from Syria.  Why would he allow himself to be complicit in this cover-up? Trump was clearly looking for some way to distract the world from Mohammed bin Salam’s involvement in the brutal and vicious killing of Khashoggi and to begin the process of putting Saudi Arabia on a positive footing with the world as he managed to wipe the story out of the media.  To do that he needed Erdogan to stop telling the media about the details of the killing and to not provide the proof the rest of us needed to bring some kind of justice for the killing.  This pulling the U. S. troops out of Syria solved that, we have not heard one word from Erdogan about the tapes, the killing nor anymore details about what he and his knows about what happened.  That has not been brought into the world’s view for action. Trump’s indebtedness to Saudi Arabia and his beholdeness to MbS was partially satisfied.”
  3. “Trump is a man who does not think!  He is not dumb, stupid nor all of those negative adjectives.  He is a man who, instead of thinking and feeling has substituted  manipulation, shrewdness, insults to and intimidation of others in his path – particularly those he has to address as President of the United States.  The worst I have seen of anyone was the performance Donald Trump made in front of the rally after the hearing on the Brett Kavanaugh/Christine Blasey Ford sexual assault allegations which moved his people to vote for Kavanaugh.  Was that because they did not believe Blasey Ford?  Or was that because of the fear such a performance raised in them of Trump doing the same thing to them and their political and public destruction imminently following.  What was tragic was the fact that Trump’s performance did not destroy Trump, it scared his people into falling into line and doing his bidding. That speaks volumes for the ethics, morals, character of those in politics and those supporting them in these United States.  Truthfulness, integrity, honor, – none of those things apply anymore.  Manipulation to gain power and control over to do the kind of scumbag actions which have been carried out by this president are what holds the day.  The United States Government has become a criminal mafia headed by the mafia “Don” – Donald J. Trump.  In fact, I am beginning to think the mafia, as we have known mafias, is several steps above Trump in the way it operates.”
  4. “The elegance, thoughtfulness, grace, compassion of the Obama Administration has been replaced by the cruelty, viciousness, untruthfulness, cheating and sexual abuse by almost all those in this current administration.  Every time someone is appointed, one of the first scandals that comes out is of that persons past scandalous involvement in the sexual assault, abuse, denigration of women – white, black, pink, green, purple women.”
  5. “I am constantly stunned at the similarities between Trump and Hitler. Trump folds his arms in front of himself when seriously speaking around the table – so did Hitler.  Hitlers messiah complex was strong and evil – so is Trump’s.  It has pushed Trump to come out with his need for absolute control – he showed that in his call to take troops out of Syria without consulting anyone.  His Messiah Complex is right at the peak of being the destruction of Western Civilization.  Hitler blamed the Communists  for everything – Trump blames the Democrats whether it is true or not and he pushes that song with his Republican Congress following his lead.”
  6. “I know many of us make parallels to Donald Trump and Adolph Hitler.  I would like to remind all of us, including Donald and Melanie Trump that Hitler ended in a fulthy bunker alone except for the woman who lived through him, got her identity from him as well as her self-worth and called it love.  This was the face of evil.  The United States is becoming the country which has supplanted that history by attempting to recreate it.  Hitler ended his reign by committing suicide.  Before he did, however, he was manic about his need to kill as many Jews as quickly as possible.  The United States’ killing spree has just begun.  Are there those who are going to stop this madness or are we going to let our passive bigotry lead us into a pretense to be helpless in the face of it and let it go on until we have reached the point where White Supremacy is no longer threatened by the Black and Brown peoples of the world.”


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Project 1 – Estate Sales after the Sale

Project 2 – Wells Fargo Boycott


Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to:

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Happy Holidays!! From all of us at Bettina Network, inc.

Tuesday, December 25th, 2018

We wish all of you a vey happy holiday – however you celebrate.  May this world always and forever recognize us all as individuals who have the right and the freedom to think, live and act in our own way always being true to who we are.  May we develop the spirit to be able to accept our own humanity and the humanity of others.  May we gain the understanding to know that we all sin, at one time or other, and rid ourselves of the shame that we feel which pushes us to diminish others.  May we know love, without the push from the commercial society  to turn love into sex.  May we accept our own religious beliefs and our own God giving others the right to their individual and collective God beliefs and faith.  But mostly, this holiday season, may we look around and see the joy, happiness, grief, pain of others and do our best to increase that joy and happiness and relieve as much of the grief and pain surrounding us and our societies as we can.

Help us to understand there is enough room in this world for us all.  Free us from that which forces us to the need to force another human being to cut their hair because it is not a part of our culture and therefore a threat and something over which we should have control turning the one into a negative declaring our right to eliminate it.  When that happens, may we gain clarity to see our beliefs and actions in their true light instead of the rose colored glow with which we surround our most evil moments.

Help us to make good decisions about our government and relieve us of the need to have leaders – who we must follow.  May we always be enough within ourselves to keep fear at bay.  That fear which causes all evil.  May we reach the point of collaborating with one another rather than the insistence on leading, being the leader of, which leads only to being “better than.”

To celebrate the holidays within my culture and then to celebrate the holidays with those who have different beliefs and a different faith within a totally different culture and feel at home in both is the ultimate gift we can ask for you this season of the celebration of darkness and light.  Life is filled with both darkness and light.  To be able to enjoy and live into both is the ultimate of gifts and the gift we wish for you.

A Trumpian Sonnet

Monday, December 24th, 2018

How have I sold you out?  Let me count the ways –

I sold you out to the depth and breadth and height

my soul could reach striving for and needing great wealth,

control, supremacy over all.

You were the means by which that greatness within the

circle of dictators could be acquired and attained.

My life, from its beginning to its end, has always been about the ideal

situation that would make me better than anyone else ever with

the world acknowledging my greatness.

My reach for the top of power,

money, supremacy of my whiteness

is all that motivates me. 

I have not lost my saints – there were never any there for me by

my life’s choices.

 I wanted to be free to make my own choices

without the handicap of society’s ethics, morals, character which had

constraints that would not allow me the freedom I needed.

My freedom and supremacy uber alles and on my own terms

are beliefs to which I hold and have always lived by.

In my childhood faith I was a god and resented those around

who did not acknowledge such.

In my adulthood, I am god – at the top of the mountain talking only

to a friend who has been there counseling me forever taking his

advice and suggestions.  

He wants world control and asked for my help – which I freely gave.

I didn’t even mind the intense heat and sulfur smell which seemed to

always surround him. 

Through my smiles, tears, through all of my life I have wanted to

be the one he chose – so now I walk into his house with those

like me and we shall, for an eternity, be together.


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Project 1 – Estate Sales after the Sale

Project 2 – Wells Fargo Boycott


Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to:

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The Underbelly of Mortgage Foreclosures #WellsFargo

Sunday, December 16th, 2018

We are drowning in the number of people who have contacted us.  In the process we discovered lots of information we did not have before.  Their experiences are eerily similar.

We said in another articles on Wells Fargo Boycott to always have a recording device close to your telephone and when talking to banks, etc. who say to you “we are recording this conversation” .  We knew why from a legal point of view.  If someone wants to record the conversation, you should always be able to record the same conversation because something is not quite kosher, especially if they will not talk to you if you say you will record the conversation because you want a record to be able to produce in case their recording comes up defective, saying something that wasn’t said in that conversation.  

So many people have talked to us about how vicious the people, who worked for Wells Fargo and other banks and who called to talk to them when their homes were in foreclosure or going into foreclosure. Or who talked to them when they called about the same issue.  

What all of this reminds us of is the way immigrants are being treated on the border.  In this society we have wonderful people.  We also have those who would pour out water caring people put out so those in the dessert trying to cross would not die of dehydration.  Those same kind of people, working for banks,  are vicious when talking to people at the very stressful time of seeing their home – probably their only asset – in the process of being lost to them.  

At some point, this society considers you sub-human.  That seems to be when you are at a point where billions are about to be made and you are one who is going to help them make it – at your personal, life-draining expense.  You become something other than human.  PLEASE always have a recorder.  There is no reason to endure the kind of abuse about which we are hearing.  The names called – the extreme bullying – the attempts to destroy a persons self-worth.  We are not sure what that does in this foreclosure process, but it is common.  If you have a recorder and can record the other side of the conversation you have a record as to how you were and are treated.

What we also have discovered is the process by which billions are made by banks and the billionaires on the backs of the people who are going through a bit of hell.  No one purposely lets their homes go into foreclosure.  That happens when other things are going wrong.  When it happens the bank foreclosures contribute substantially to the homelessness in this society.

Once your home is foreclosed the bidding process happens.  Some homes, which are not worth a lot will be put on the side.  Those which have a substantial net worth between the mortgage owed the bank and the retail value of the house.  Those are the homes which cause all those involved to drool and their evil side to emerge.  

The house is foreclosed and sold at auction.  That kind of aution process seems to have been designed to keep the price down – substantially below the retail value of the house.  Homes found worthy are purchased by speculators who then turn around and almost immediately put the house on the market again and make substantial amounts of money.  In some cases they split the money with those who made such a purchase possible. And we mean those who harassed; set problems in front of the homeowner designed to move them along to failure so they would fall into foreclosure; to do whatever they can to see that a person in such a position who is not a part of “their group” fails and they are able to gain the house.

We have talked to people who were pushed into foreclosure by having one problem after another hit them until they just could not cope and in the process lost their home and everything else they worked hard to acquire over decades.  Those are the ones where the house is sold at auction and the difference between that and the retail value makes lots of money for the sharks on the look out for such possibilities.

Beating down the home owners with those telephone calls helps to make the transfer and large profits possible.  How much bullying can people take when they are already in a dire situation.

Wells Fargo seems to be the current champion at this.  The worse we heard was from many of the people who lost their home because of an accounting error on the part of Wells Fargo.  The helplessness we heard described as the home owner knew they should not be in that position and knew their home should not be foreclosed – and hired an attorney who they thought was more interested in keeping a good relationship with Wells Fargo than taking care of their interest, so all was lost.

They watched and experienced knowing they were being beat down with the phone calls; beat further down with the helplessness of their situation and today seeing that they were right.  They should not have been in the  position of having lost their home.  They also watched as their home was sold twice.  Once at the auction – and they knew the retail value was much higher than the selling price especially since only one person was bidding and that person bid only slightly above the mortgage.  And to make things worse, their mortgage balance was only a fraction of the total value of the house.  They then had to watch while their house was flipped almost immediately.  they got to watch the person who bought at auction their homes which should not have gone into foreclosure in the first place, come out with over $500,000 in a very short period of time while they had to find a place to live and in that process wound up homeless for about 3 months.

How can this happen in what is supposed to be a caring republic?  When we see people with lots of money gained from such transactions we wonder what can we do?  We will ask you – what can you do?  We need to be a society organized to stop such things and to make people experiencing them whole – without making them go through years in Court with most not being able to go through those years in Court because they don’t have the money, emotional resources or any of the other things needed to go after a Wells Fargo.  Wells Fargo needs to examine its books and history and go through making whole everyone from whom they stole.  There are people working for Wells Fargo who knew this was a problem and foreclosures were happening without cause and because of a Wells Fargo created problem.  If those people did not stand up to say that – and they did not – then their jobs need to be on the line and they need to go someplace for a learning time to be able to see who they are and what they are about in stark terms.

Meanwhile – one thing you can do is BOYCOTT WELLS FARGO – one of the most egregious of this group.  Cancel your savings account.  Cancel your checking account.  Cancel all of your accounts with Wells Fargo and take your business elsewhere.  Let them know what you think.  TAKE ACTION!

We also discovered the wicked game played with real estate taxes.  That we will save until we have done more research. You really have to go through some of this horribleness to understand what is happening and has happened for quite a long time in this society.  We turn a blind eye and ear and heart, but it is time to bring about change with a system that is humane.  Actually humane.  Not one that simply claims to be this great forward moving society which is destroying and leeching off its citizens.  Real Estate taxes are not benefitting the government entities claiming to collect them and billions of your tax dollars are going into the banks to promote and sustain and create profit for the billionaire group.  It is very effective in doing that and no one says a peep about any of it.

WE are looking for people and organizations who want to join this BOYCOTT.  Please contact us with your interest.  We are also looking for contributions of money to help us move this ahead.  Every step we take we have been met with blockages we have had to navigate around.  The latest was Facebook first accepting an advertisement to circulate news of this boycott and then after a few days cancelling the advertisement Their reason follows:

“This ad isn’t running because it looks like it is for housing, employment, or credit opportunities; or you’ve included a multicultural affinity segment in your audience. These types of practices can alienate certain users, and goes against our core value of fostering a positive global community.”

We are not giving up.  Everyone who knows us knows we will be here until we have accomplished our goal of bringing about a positive change in this society to the benefit of all.

We need a kinder, gentler society.  Not a society which takes steps forward and just when you think we are moving ahead someone like Donald Trump is put in as president by forces out of the voting citizens’ of this country’s control.  And we are back fighting as hard as we have in the past just to bring things up to where we were a generation ago.  This is very wrong.  Spend your time and resources fighting for basic change for a better America.


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Project 1 – Estate Sales after the Sale

Project 2 – Wells Fargo Boycott


Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to:

This is a curated blog so you cannot write your responses at the end of each entry. TO RESPOND TO THIS BLOG email or


Wells Fargo Boycott – Yet Another Story of Financial Rape!

Saturday, December 8th, 2018

#WellsFargoBoycott     #WellsFargo

What follows was taken from Bess Levin at Vanity Fair<>  It is a newsletter to which you can subscribe and we suggest you do – it is very good and timely and thoroughly researched.

Remember – Call all of your friends, neighbors, colleagues, acquaintances and tell them about this Wells Fargo Boycott.  Cancel your savings account and let Wells Fargo know why.  Let them know you will not do business with them.  Cancel your checking account.  Cancel your investment accounts and any other accounts you have with Wells Fargo.  Nothing else has caused them to change.  There have been hundreds of law suits filed against them.  They have changed management and put out marketing claiming they are making a new start, but the problems still keep coming.  It looks as though they are a Criminal Enterprise where different mafia groups have set up house in different parts of the bank and management does not know or does not care to clean house to become a substantial bank serving the public in the way banks agree to do such.   Wells Fargo is destroying the lives of tens of thousands of people and many within the bank are making millions of dollars in the process.



“Since 2016, Wells Fargo has made a name for itself as the go-to bank for people hoping to get screwed over by a financial institution. In that time, it’s emerged that the San Francisco lender opened millions of fake accounts, often in customers names and always without said customers’ permission; charged hundreds of thousands of customers for auto insurance they didn’t want or need, leading to people having their cars repossessed; overcharged clients in its foreign-exchange business; paid $50 million to settle a lawsuit accusing it of overcharging hundreds of thousands of homeowners for unnecessary appraisals; paid $108 million to settle claims that it charged military vets hidden fees to refinance their mortgages; and literally told shareholders they can’t sue over misleading statements by management like we’re changing ours ways and we want to regain your trust, because said management is full of s–t (or, as it’s known among corporate lawyers, the “puffery” defense).

All of that, obviously, has played a major role in catapulting Wells Fargo to the No. 1 search result when one searches for things like worst bank ever or I want to be abused by a registered broker-dealer. But apparently, all this time, Wells was cooking up something that would make all its past “missteps” look like child’s play:

Wells Fargo says a computer glitch is partly to blame for an error affecting an estimated 545 customers who lost their homes. The giant bank filed papers with the Securities and Exchange Commission last month, revealing it incorrectly denied 870 loan-modification requests. About 60 percent of those homeowners went into foreclosure.

In an interview, Jose Aguilar, one of the affected homeowners, told CBS News that after falling a few months behind on mortgage payments while trying to fix a mold problem in his family’s home, he asked Wells Fargo to modify their loan to lower their monthly payments. After being told he might qualify for a modification, Aguilar heard nothing for months and then was forced to start the process over again. Ultimately, it took the lender a year to get back to him, at which point he was turned down and his house went into foreclosure. With his credit destroyed, no one would rent to Aguilar, and he and his son had to move into the basement of a friend’s house. (Aguilar and his wife split up after they lost their home.) Speaking to ABC News, Aguilar said that he “thought about suicide many times.” “It’s been very hard for me. It’s something I wouldn’t wish upon anybody,” he told CBS reporter Anna Werner.

Then, last September—three years after Wells Fargo basically ruined his life—Aguilar received a letter from the bank that read: “Dear Jose Aguilar. We made a mistake . . . we’re sorry.” It wrote that the decision to deny his loan modification was based “on a faulty calculation,” and acknowledged that it should have been approved. The bank also sent him a check for $25,000, which his attorney Marc Dannsaid “doesn’t begin to cover his total losses.” (The bank told CBS that it plans to work with affected customers to reach a resolution and, after literally kicking people out of their houses, is generously offering no-cost mediation.)

Incidentally, six months before Aguilar received his “Oops, our bad” letter from Wells Fargo, C.E.O. Tim Sloan received a 36 percent raise—bumping his 2017 compensation up to a not-too-shabby $17.4 million—, which he angrily defended when questioned by Wells critic Elizabeth Warren. Sloan has not yet commented on the bank’s latest f–kup.”


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Project 1 – Estate Sales after the Sale

Project 2 – Wells Fargo Boycott


Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to:

This is a curated blog so you cannot write your responses at the end of each entry. TO RESPOND TO THIS BLOG email or



Come to Jesus! But which one?

Friday, December 7th, 2018

Several times a year I face this conversation.  It comes from living in a diverse community with friends, colleagues, family and acquaintances who question Christianity – especially today with Donald Trump being the hero and the one “evangelical christians” glorify – all in the name of Jesus – or are they talking about ‘jesus’.

It came up when Roy Moore from Alabama was running for office and pushing out for all to see, hear and hopefully believe – his evangelical christianity.  He used his form of this ‘christianity’ to claim he could not have done all the things folks claimed he did because he was a Christian.  He believed in Christ.  He loved Jesus – and on and on it goes.  Problem with that was, I was raised a Christian all of my life and I didn’t recognize anything he said or did as being Christian – let lets put him in the ‘christian’ and ‘jesus’ religion.  And so, I dispensed with that problem – yet again.

In the last undecided Congressional race, watching the people involved comment – the Republican chair talking to Chris Hayes on MSNBC  claimed he did not believe Republican Mark Harris would be involved in the voter fraud scandal in North Carolina because he loved Jesus and wouldn’t do anything against that.  Once again – he loved which one – Jesus or ‘jesus’?

It looks very much as though his choice was ‘jesus’.  Jesus got pushed out the door so he couldn’t witness the scandal.  He will be brought back in when all of that voter fraud stuff is over.

In these United States we have two religions which call themselves “Christian” – because they claim to be followers and believers in “Christ.” That has been true for generations – way back to slavery.  How many slave owners went to Church on Sunday and professed Christ and promised to follow Christs’ teachings only to return home and beat their slaves for one reason or another feeling perfectly justified in the doing and seeing no conflict?

I’ve tried to make peace with this by putting the bad guy “evangelical christians” in small letters along with the “jesus” and “christ” they claim.  But that is not quite satisfying.  That still lets me get upset with all of those ‘christians’ professing their ‘jesus’ because it is too close to mine and I have to answer to others who don’t understand the differences.  I have to justify my Christianity too many times because of them.

Having been raised in the A.M.E, the Congregational and Episcopal Churches all at the same time, with a heavy dose of Catholicism having lived in New Orleans and Downtown at that,  I guess some conflict seems normal to me. (The Intellectuals and the Protestants lived Uptown – the Catholics, the artists, a conglomeration of everyone else lived Downtown).

The conflict between these two totally separate religions, which go by the same name, is way beyond normal and they certainly espouse totally opposite beliefs and theologies.

So maybe its time for a name change!

I remember Jimmy Carter’s dilemma when he started his campaign for President of the United States.  It was noted and reported world wide, but after a time left in the dust.

James Carter was a very strong, believing ‘christian’.  It defined his life, his work, his relationships and everything about his life.

Problem with that was the Church he attended and where he taught Sunday School and (I think) served as an usher was very segregated.  That accorded with his then ‘christian’ religion, but not with the public’s thoughts about Christianity when they heard his religious beliefs discussed.   If Blacks came at all to his Church they had to sit in the back row and mostly they clearly understood they were not welcome.

It was quite something in this country when James Carter realized and rejected that ‘christianity’ and left the Church in which he was raised because of its overt racism – common across the country in such ‘christian’ churches.  He left one religion – or religious denomination – for another.  He left ‘christianity’ and became a Christian.

Todays’ “evangelical christians’ are big supporters of Donald Trump – a sexual assaulter by his own admission.  Interesting thing about that – so are many of the leaders of the ‘evangelical christians’.  Some have been called out and their ‘sins’ exposed, but they are back in the fold doing the same things they did to get expelled and they are supported by the people and their money to whom they preach every Sunday.  I could call them out by name, but there is not enough room on this computer to contain all of them.

All through United States history the claims that this is a ‘christian’ country have been made loud and clear and that declaration used to move aside, push out, treat abusively those who are among the “non-believers”, the atheists, those others who ‘jesus’ supposedly called ‘christians’ to convert.  Many if not most of the abusive, hatred, pain, agony and more inflicted on the world has been done in the name of some religion.  Today and yesterday it was done in the name of this ‘christianity’.  White Privilege – White Nationalists – the KKK and all the others live by and proselytize their ‘christianity’ and use it to justify the evil they do and have done.  That ‘christianity’ has maintained such beliefs and actions because it makes the doers feel as though they are on their gods side – on the side which makes them better than everyone else.  And they define their god as one who supports and has defined and brought into being the beliefs they live by – a theology that only satan could love.

And most especially – have you noticed the class distinctions between these two religions?  “Jesus and the Disinherited” runs through from the beginning until now of the Christian religion.  Foul up everything with even the ability and justification to kill and not see that as a moral flaw of your religion runs through the other – with its striving of its members to be better than; more important than; wealthier than.  Isn’t that the theology which allowed Trump to proclaim to the nation that they should support MbS because after all Saudi Arabia brought us wealth in our interactions with them and isn’t that what is most important?  Dismembering a human being is nothing when compared to the acquisition of the kind of wealth the Kingdom could bring to the United States.  A basic belief of this ‘christian’ religion after the one which claims they are ‘better than”.

Don’t you think it is time for a renaming ceremony?  Time to clearly distinguish between these two religions?  My Christianity certainly does not begin to be anything like that of Roy Moore’s. Et tu?


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Project 1 – Estate Sales after the Sale

Project 2 – Wells Fargo Boycott


Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to:

This is a curated blog so you cannot write your responses at the end of each entry. TO RESPOND TO THIS BLOG email or



Marceline’s Story – continued!

Thursday, December 6th, 2018

Ed. Note:  We invite you to send us your story.  You can send and request that we not put your name as the person in the story.  Having discovered how rich are the lives of those in Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community, it would be great for you to share with the rest of us.

This story was not written by Marceline Donaldson.  It was sent to us by someone who knows her – more having observed her life than someone who was a close friend.  She was not too happy to publish it, but we prevailed so your feedback by sending your stories would be much appreciated.

The “Marceline’s story” she refers to, in case you are confused – because we were – can be found in this blog


A “Friend’s” Observation of a life full of lessons on oppression and how it affects those who are forced to experience it.

A difficult and awkward title, but its is the best I could do and I am not sure you are going to publish it.  Hope you do.  In this era of Donald Trump and the rise of the racist/sexist groups we need to know what others experience.

I was born and raised in Minneapolis.  Most would consider me fairly wealthy.  Until Marceline came along I really didn’t think much about that.  I suppose I took it for granted that I was supposed to live as I did.

My first conscious experience of race and sex discrimination was when I saw what happened to Marceline when she moved into a house not far from me in Wayzata.  I would see her in Church on Sundays, but didn’t pay much attention.  We didn’t travel in the same circles, but the affect what happened to her had on my life was profound.

I always lived in White communities.  My neighbors and everyone around me were White.  Somehow that didn’t strike me as being racist or racism and certainly not sexism.  I just lived the way I was raised without question.  It was a comfortable life.  My friends were great and people I had known for a lifetime.  And then along comes this woman with small children and the neighborhood went ballistic.

From a very safe distance I watched what happened.  A friend of mine was involved and all were very angry like – ‘who does she think she is; doesn’t she know her place; why did she have to move into our community wasn’t her own good enough for her?”  And then I saw the damage done to her house before she could move in and felt the shock that I knew people who could do such a thing.  It was profound.

That wasn’t the first time this same woman caused a stir.  I heard the stories of what happened before Marceline moved into my neighborhood.  Apparently, she lived in another neighborhood in Wayzata and the man who owned the house was appalled at a black family living in his house.  I don’t know how she moved in without his knowing she was African American, but watching Marceline over the years, today, that doesn’t surprise me one bit.

He bragged about waiting until Marceline left the house with her children and he then went in and ripped the faucets apart all over the house so there would be no water.  I couldn’t imagine coming home with my children and finding the faucets all over my house ripped off and lying around.  It was when I heard that story that I began to realize I lived in a White neighborhood without any of “the others” living around me because people like that horrible man existed.  He and others were people in the society in which I lived who made sure my neighborhood would always be White.  That was an eye opener and I have never been the same.

There was a small buzz at Church that Sunday and when I joined the “buzz” group I discovered what happened after the faucets were removed.  Apparently, Marceline called an attorney and was going to have the home owner arrested for what he did.  He backed down because she was in the process of also calling the media and I don’t think he wanted the publicity.

After that, everyone expected her to leave the neighborhood and move into a black neighborhood where – as the talk went – she would be more ‘comfortable’, but she didn’t do that.  She moved into a more exclusive part of the neighborhood – which means an area where the kind of separatism with which I grew up reigned and the people would do everything they could to fend her off – and they had the power to do it ‘under the table’.

“Her story” picks it up from there, but her life was not easy and with several small children I still don’t know how she survived all of that to still be here and still fighting the battles that we set her up to fight so she and others like her would not move into “our” neighborhoods.

That changed my life.  I was no longer unconscious about the dynamics in my neighborhood.  I haven’t become a civil rights fighter.  In fact I don’t get involved, but I do send money to others who are fighting and keep up with many of the battles going on.

You are probably calling me a coward about now, but that is all I could and can handle and unless lightning strikes I will continue in that vein.  It isn’t much, but it did determine how I raised my children and they are far more active than I am and very much aware of the diversity or lack of it in whatever they do and wherever they live.  I don’t think they realize they owe that to their mother’s experience many decades ago.

If you don’t print this, its alright.  I just wanted you to know a part of how my story and Marceline’s intersected. I wish I could have been more involved, but that is just not who I am.  Mostly, I feel guilty from having watched all of that and did not reach out to help.  That is probably why I decided to write this.   I often think if I had called her to tell her what was going on in the background even that little bit could have helped, but I couldn’t bring myself to do even that.  What I did do was to raise my children in a very different way from how I was raised.  I am amazed I’ve written this and fully intend to send it to you.  Please don’t put my name to anything.

P. S.  I am sending a donation and will continue to send donations because I very much want to see this publication and this business succeed.


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Project 1 – Estate Sales after the Sale

Project 2 – Wells Fargo Boycott


Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to:

This is a curated blog so you cannot write your responses at the end of each entry. TO RESPOND TO THIS BLOG email or



Time to Celebrate Bettina Network’s Blog – over 3 million visitors!

Wednesday, December 5th, 2018

We hoped we would cross the 3,000,000 reader mark by the end of the year, however, we crossed that mark in November and thanks to all of you who come on a consistent basis to read what we publish.  We also thank you for your contributions, without them we would be nothing.  We even thank those of you who come-  sometimes. And we miss those of you who have not discovered this source of information.

We have published 612 blogs!!

You can subscribe to get the blog sent to your email address.  Currently, we do not have a long list of subscribers so most of those 3 million plus readers come fresh every day.  This year we will work on getting a subscriber list – maybe.  Someone said that was the way to do it – we don’t agree, but we will give it a ‘sort of’ try.

We continue to have a media center as our goal.  We are a new kind of media – community oriented. We are a publishing outlet for our community.

The one thing on which we will not compromise is truth telling. We maintain the same philosophy that we have had from day one.  We are open to those who belong to Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community as their media outlet.  If they have something to share – poetry they can’t or won’t publish elsewhere; new research findings; new ideas; etc. we will publish their contributions.   We include everything – recipe’s, nutrition, fashion, research of all kind, politics, wealth creation, psychology articles, spiritual reflection, articles on sexism, racism, culture and cultural differences, how does culture affect our world, geo-politics, — you name it, we include it if the Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community supports it.

THE GRAND TOTAL _ as of this morning  _3,082,637 visits to

 Bettina Network’s Blog!!!!


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Our Current Projects:

  1.  Estate Sales after the Sale
  2. Boycott of Wells Fargo


Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to:

This is a curated blog so you cannot write your responses at the end of each entry. TO RESPOND TO THIS BLOG email or



Wells Fargo Boycott continued! – #WellsFargo

Monday, December 3rd, 2018

The response has been overwhelming.  Hope you will all continue to work with us to promote and make this a successful action.  Your future and ours depends upon it.  As we receive stories from you, we will publish them in Bettina Network’s Blog.

Your story of your experience is a very strong weapon.  Not only is it your story, but you will find millions have had the same experience.  Sharing lets you know others experience the same thing and it is a pattern and practice of that particular corporation to oppress and rip off its customers.

And don’t forget – close your Wells Fargo banking connection on every level: – close your savings account – cancel your checking account – sell your stock in Wells Fargo – ask corporations to change their transfer agent if it is Wells Fargo connected (the head of Equiniti, the current group which is the transfer agent for many corporations – was formerly the head of Wells Fargo Shareowners Corporation and many of Equinti’s employees were formerly employees of Wells Fargo Shareowners Corporation, clearly this is not a new company, but a new corporate filing to escape the problems created by the old corporation)

If you own stock with Equinity or Wells Fargo Shareowners Corporation as the transfer agent and the corporation won’t change, sell the stock and buy stock with other transfer agents in charge.  Isn’t it amazing how a simple thing like a corporation charged with  bookkeeping can wield such control over the lives of many?



Intimidation is a large weapon in a bank’s arsenal.

Whenever you call a bank which is trying to hide, intimidate, scare, rip you off in some way no matter how small – especially if you are calling about a complaint, the bank employee who has called you or who you have called reads this “notice” to you that “this call is being recorded”.

I had a very negative experience with Wells Fargo about such calls.  They attempt to use those “recordings”  to make claims against me which were not true.  Before that happened to me I had no problems talking to the bank even after they read the “recording announcement”.  Since you have no way to counter the claims the bank can make at subsequent times because they have the only record of your conversation with them you are in a lose, lose situation.  Even if you took careful notes of the conversations you had with the bank, their claim backed up by their recording wins the day.  It is meant to back you off and get you to drop whatever complaint you are making against them no matter how legitimate.

In my case, what they claimed was not true, but they backed up their claim with a recording of a conversation I had with a bank employee.  It was neither a total nor accurate record of the conversation.  I had nothing – they had what was a doctored recording.

What to do?  I went out and bought a simple recording machine which could be plugged into my telephone.  Whenever I have a conversation with a bank during which they announce that they are “recording” the conversation, I let them know that I need just a second to set up my recording and I will be recording my end of the conversation.

The bank employee then ends the conversation because they are not allowed to participate in a conversation where they are recording and you are recording the same conversation.  Only conversations where they have the upper hand because they are recording the conversation are allowed in their universe.

If they have anything to say to me, they can say it in writing.  And, I can respond in writing.  If the bank wants to record the conversation you know there is something going on under the table that honesty has left the room.


______Ways to Contact Wells Fargo Bank to let them know you will not do business with them

Corporate Headquarters*

420 Montgomery Street
San Francisco, California 94163
United States
Phone: 866-878-5865


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Project 1 – Estate Sales after the Sale

Project 2 – Wells Fargo Boycott


Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to:

This is a curated blog so you cannot write your responses at the end of each entry. TO RESPOND TO THIS BLOG email or



It Is Time to Boycott Wells Fargo Bank! – #WellsFargo

Sunday, December 2nd, 2018

Bettina Network Foundation, inc. is calling on everyone to join in and actively participate in this boycott of Wells Fargo Bank.

For a very long time banks have been fundamental in making sure there is none to very little change in this society.  Racism, sexism, homophobia, class discrimination, who owns and keeps the wealth in this country and so much more are determined by your local bank – which is probably no longer local but is the branch or unattended outlet of a major, international banking plus other businesses institution.  And most notably they are majorly responsible  for homelessness.  Not entirely, to be sure, but they do maintain the structure – in tact – no matter how loud or long they protest their innocence.

What do they gain?  One thing is keeping us divided against each other so communication as to what they are doing is knowledge kept and known only to a few.

How is wealth created in these United States?  Through either real estate or stock.  Either through ownership of land – real property – as it increases in value, or through ownership in corporations as they increase in value.

Many people have tried to increase their wealth and have been stymied.  Mostly by the banks – even though we are not ignoring the role of other institutions. Unfortunately, in spite of our great educations, most of us are ignorant of how this happens and therefore it continues.

How has this happened?  Little by little we hope to unfold for you all of it so you can function with a knowledge that makes your actions and your life more productive.

Banks have in the past and still do today majorly maintain segregated neighborhoods through “red lining”.  They are helped in this endeavor by some realtors, but brokers, dealers, realtors can’t take all the credit.  Most of it goes to the banks.

Red lining is an old way of maintaining separation of peoples based on things like color, economic and financial status, etc. which has not gone out of existence.   It has just gone underground and periodically takes on new forms.  Banks do not maintain that separation of peoples only through red lining, they do it through the intentional destruction of neighborhoods targeted for “urban renewal” or for a change of a neighborhoods racial make-up or etc.  There are billions of dollars involved and to be made by those who are a part of such transactions along with the loss of lives, livelihoods and more.

Which bank is the most egregious bank of them all?  WELLS FARGO!

In spite of tens of thousands of dollars having gone into the legal process to get them to change and many other ways which have been tried to approach this problem, Wells Fargo is still ripping off the American public – and probably many overseas as well.  As a result of the legal processes, which they lost, the only change we can see is a new and improved marketing and advertising program which the bank has rolled out instead of making restitution in real ways to those they have hurt.  That marketing and advertising program is nothing more than smoke and mirrors to get you to continue doing business with them so they can continue doing that business as usual.  And lets not talk about fines, etc. imposed on Wells Fargo.  To you and me that is like money to go to the store to buy ice cream or a pizza given their overall finances.

The ugliness, which has hurt so many,  is still enshrined within the bank along with its structures and the people who carry them out.  Most are people who carry out these policies to put food on their tables and to keep a roof over their heads.  Many are people competing to have better food and a more expensive roof over their heads.  It is time to take another look at what you can do and how you – Wells Fargo employees – can contribute to bringing about basic change, accepting your responsibility for being one of those making the lives of others extremely difficult so you and yours can benefit.  There are ways you can help bring about basic change and maintain your job and your increasingly lucrative and going up the ladder of success lifestyle.  You don’t have to concentrate on or be involved in only the one – because you are likely to be one of those against whom you moved to make their lives difficult to impossible.  History shows that is probably going to be the result of your efforts, if you continue on the path you are now taking.

Exposure is one way!  Open the windows, throw open the doors and let fresh air flow through.  Let the general public know what is going on and what we can do to make basic change so we all benefit.

Bettina Network Foundation, inc. is calling one way we can all move towards changing this society for the better:

  1.  If you have a savings account with Wells Fargo – close it.  You can open it with another bank.  And yes,  all banks are complicit, but you have to start someplace.  One bank has to make change and one very large bank with lots of influence and which has been shown to be a bank which destroys lives, property, the quality of lots of peoples way of life and keeps on keeping on going down the wrong street ripping peoples lives apart is a good place to start.

2.  Once you have closed your savings account, let us know and let Wells Fargo know you closed your account and why!

3.  If you have a checking account with Wells Fargo – close it.

4.  And once again, let us know and let Wells Fargo know you closed your checking account and why!

5.  If you own stock in Wells Fargo – sell it.  And let Wells Fargo know you sold your stock in their bank and any subsidiaries you can find – let us know about the subsidiaries and let us and Wells Fargo know you sold your stock and why!

6.  And this is a biggy!  Do you own stock in other publicly traded corporations?  Check out who is the transfer agent responsible for keeping the records for that publicly traded corporation.  If it is Wells Fargo Shareowner Services or EG by Equiniti – demand that the corporation change its transfer agent and hire another totally unconnected to Wells Fargo.

Wells Fargo Shareowner Services, from our experience, did lots to hurt John and Jane Q. Public.  Instead of responding to what they did they simply changed their name, ignored the problems they created and kept on moving ahead.  This is common for many corporations.  It is time for this to stop and you have the power to stop these under handed activities.

A statement taken from Equinity’s marketing materials – “Even though Wells Fargo has sold its transfer agency business, our relationship with Wells Fargo remains strong. We will continue to use banking and brokerage services provided by Wells Fargo. Wells Fargo will continue to use us as its transfer agent.”

Today’s Story is only one, but it begins to unfold why we are promoting and managing this boycott and what we want changed?  Bettina Network Foundation, inc’s goal is to eliminate homelessness.  That is a growth area in this society and the ways it has been attacked have not worked.  It is time to look at the base reasons and eliminate and change them so everyone has food, shelter and work in this very wealthy society.  We do not need to continue on this path of the rich getting richer and the middle class becoming homeless.


“We owned Dayton-Hudson stock and we owned Target Corp stock for decades. When
Dayton-Hudson became Target Corp. all of our stock became Target Corp. stock. We kept that stock for decades. When we needed to sell the stock because we needed the money
for business purposes and needed that asset changed to cash quickly – as promised it would be by Target Corporation and the Securities and Exchange Commissio – we had to go through Wells Fargo Shareowner Services.

When we contacted Wells Fargo Shareowner Services to ask that they sell the stock – it became a several years consumption of money, time, emotional energy and more.

A transaction that should have taken a few minutes to send a letter with the appropriate form – accurately filled out – and then the next step taken by Wells Fargo Shoreowner Services should have been just four days for the stock to be sold and just a very short time after that for the money to be deposited into my account.  That process  actually took almost three years. Why? We have many theories, but why is irrelevant. What is relevant is
that our money was kept and our access to an asset which the Securities and Exchange Commission supposedly is the watch dog agency to make sure things like this does not happen all were useless in the face of Wells Fargo. Whatever they did was accepted and acceptable and I was put in the position of first a supplicant – please get this done, I need my money;  through to a very angry woman demanding her assets be treated and acted upon per her request.

WHY did I have to go through this? Because the Direct Purchase Plan with Target Corporation gave Wells Fargo Shareowner Services – the transfer agent for Target Corporation – the right to keep the stock certificates of the stock we owned. I was told many stories as to why that was the best thing to do – “when you are ready to sell there is no issue with the stock certificates, they are in the possession of Wells Fargo Shareowner Services or whichever transfer agent Target Corporation was using and the sale of the stock will be stress free for everyone and able to be executed in minutes.”

That was a lie! If, for any reason one of those corporations wants to move against you without showing their hand because you are a political or other kind of nuisance, you have given them the ability to do just that and they will use it – to harass you and make your financial life a shambles at their discretion and Wells Fargo Shareowner Services was the champion at doing that.  Leave your stock certificates for safe keeping with their services and they control your asset and no one is going to come to your rescue.  Attorneys will, costing more than the stock is worth, but no one else moves to help no matter their job description or their mandate.

Target Corporation, in spite of going all the way up the ladder from Customer Service to the “investment” area to the CEO of Target Corporation refused any kind of help.  To them, the responsibility was with Wells Fargo Shareowner Services and they closed off communications of all kind.  Letters went unanswered, pleas went unheeded, the door to the Executive Suite slammed shut.  This was not their problem.  But – said I – this is your stock not Wells Fargo’s stock.  Mean silence prevailed.

It took almost three years of going back and forth with Wells Fargo Shareowner Services, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Attorney Generals Office and more such institutions. When a lawyer became involved – only then were our wishes heeded.  At that point the asset was gone – attorneys don’t come cheap.  So while their goal was not fulfilled one way, it was indeed fulfilled in another way even more effective because it took my time, the asset and emotional energy to get to that solution.

When we started the process of asking that the Target Stock be sold, Wells Fargo Shareowner Services had just taken over as Target Corporations transfer agent. Today just three plus years later ownership of that Wells Fargo Shareowner Services has been transferred to Equinity. The same people are at the top and all through the ranks so what happened? Did their problems multiply because of the way they did business and the number of people they hurt that the easiest thing for them to do was not to make amends for their sins, but to transfer ownership so they did not have to take responsibility and did not have to correct their wrongs?  Talk to Equiniti and you will be told – sorry that is not our problem, we are not the company with whom you had problems.  Clean – swift – vicious!”


That is a common way for such corporations to act and it is time for that to stop. If you hurt someone you need to make amends and make those people whole again at the same time changing the processes which caused the problem in the first place.

So we will go back to asking you to check your stock certificates on any stock you own – if the transfer agent is Wells Fargo Shareowner Services or if it is Equiniti, demand that the corporation whose stock you own change their transfer agent or you sell the stock and buy into another corporation which uses another transfer agent and let us and them know what you have done.

We will publish your story with or without your name depending upon your request to us. Why without the name of the person involved? Because retaliation by corporations is common and many have experienced unnecessary hassle and harassment and loss because of corporations trying to silence the public so they can be allowed to continue doing ugly, vile things without taking responsibility and without making those people whole.

Small steps in the right direction have been taken, in the past, by expensive and long lasting law suits from which almost no one benefits.  It is time for that to change!

Your basic responsibility is to the human beings with whom you inhabit this earth, to make it a better – more viable – kinder – gentler – more caring place to live without the ugliness we have all had to endure because of greed, power hunger and other such emotions and character flaws which have pervaded the institutions which are supposed to be there to help us navigate this world in a more flawless manner.

Please pass this along to as many people as you can possibly reach who you think need to read this message and to keep up with this boycott.

What do we need to continue, promote and make this a successful boycott?

Your ideas

Your time and energy to do the work of carrying this forward

Your money to help us meet the costs of such an action

______Ways to Contact Wells Fargo Bank to let them know you will not do business with them

Corporate Headquarters*

420 Montgomery Street
San Francisco, California 94163
United States
Phone: 866-878-5865

Learn More About How We Use Your Donation!

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Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to:

This is a curated blog so you cannot write your responses at the end of each entry. TO RESPOND TO THIS BLOG email or




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