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A Series – Part ONE: Racism, Sexism and more…. – the structurally divided system we call the United States of America! But, it could also be called the World in Which We Live! This series will cover what maintains it in such an evil way with individual examples!

Friday, June 17th, 2022

We write and talk a lot about the bigotry of racism, sexism and so much more. We keep that talk on an institutional level. Very seldom do we write and talk with individual, real -true-to-life examples. That would interfere with our ability to deny – which is the foundation of what allows those structures to continue to exist. Start to talk about your real, true-to-life example of having experienced racism, sexism and all the rest and denial will immediately pop-up to explain away your real life experience. It is the most potent way we have of continuing bigotry’s existence. Raw, unwashed, in-your-face bigotry, maintained, continued, developed through denial.

We see denial being institutionalized in our educational system. Florida and the laws it is passing is an example. Those laws parallel the laws of old which made it a crime to teach slaves to read and write. Why criminalize something so seemingly harmless as teaching reading, writing and arithmetic? Because that was the beginnings of an effective way out of slavery. Today, we are trying to re-instituionalize a modernization of those criminal laws. Why? To maintain the “better than” in this society of white male northern-europeans peoples. And even to make a difference within that group of those who believe one way as against those who believe another. Bringing culture, religious beliefs and more into that “better than” equation.

Our world was rocked when we saw and got to know many of the victims of the bigotry against the elderly. We had seen bits and pieces of it pop-up, but to really experience the bigotry the elderly must live with, ignore and end their lives living in the most humiliating and vicious way – usually very broke after everything they worked all their lives to acquire – is an earth-shattering experience.

Society is structuring itself to maintain the elderly totally apart from the rest of world. That allows grifting, theft, physical – mental – medical – legal abuse to come to the forefront and happen with everyone looking on while denying what they are seeing and turning it into something positive. What is most annoying is that those doing this as the leaders of this pact are just like you and me. They look normal, talk normal, participate in their part of the world just like you and me with no one the wiser. They, however, begin to acquire wealth we don’t even give a thought as to from whence it has come.

We have published several articles on what happened to Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett and Marceline Donaldson. African Americans – Elderly – with fairly substantial assets. Mostly, what we published has been ignored except by those who experienced the same thing. We were surprised at how many elderly are experiencing this “putting the elderly into poverty” and then, let us use a small percentage of what is taken to keep them barely surviving and right under the nose of and with the approval of their families. Or, I should say because of the neglect of their families who are very, very busy. That is one real-life example which has uncovered many more. What we saw is that you don’t know when something like that will hit you. As a society we are taught “denial”. I am not my brother or sisters keeper – let them work it out on their own. That is our attitude towards bigotry of all kind. That is why it is so prevalent, long lasting and horrific in this society and in this world.

Guardianship is one evil in this society which has been practiced mostly against Jews, but is beginning to spread to other minorities as the wealth of different groups increases.

Murder of the youngest generation of minorities is happening because the numbers of minorities in this society are increasing and those who we refer to today as minorities are predicted to be the largest functioning group within a decade or so. How to cope and reverse that? Kill the children of these minorities. Well, you will get a few children of the majority group, but then Hitler targeted and killed Jews, but also included non-Jews to be most efficient and effective in his goal to remove Jews from the world. And the result of this killing of the children? When the oldest working group of minorities retires or dies there will be far fewer minorities to replace them, effectively re-establishing the inequality that currently exists. Those who would replace them have been murdered by the hundreds.

Corporate America has long had a very high wall, to protect those at the top, which they have built over time and are now re-enforcing so that wall will last many more generations. The wealthiest people in this society are those who have developed businesses, new ideas, etc. Those are all white-male-mostly Northern European types who are the world’s billionaires – or working very hard to become such with support of their cultural, racial, ethnic brothers.

How has that happened and how has that line been kept so free of minorities crossing into the land of entrepreneurial opportunity? From our perch, we have seen the ideas and hard work and success of minorities and women in the entrepreneurial area stolen by this group of white male, etc. There has been a re-definition of things like “theft” and more so this group of white males have a smoother road as they cruise down to reach that billionaire status on someone else’s back. Take a look at the history of Silicon Valley – only don’t leave out the minority businesses stolen; the women-owned businesses stolen; the refusal of investors to support and invest only in business brought to them by their “own kind”. Don’t leave out the young white males who raced through Cambridge and places like MIT, Harvard and more to see who was doing what that they could steal and take to investors who would look at the ideas with a cover to induce blindness against those from whom those businesses were stolen.

What has most disturbed us, because it is going unnoticed, supported by the extremely wealthy few, and within this group “theft” re-defined to make the actual theft going on constantly a non-event. If you break into my house and steal one of my artifacts, jewelry, furniture – even food, you are subject to arrest and jail for that theft. If you break into my computer and or corporate location, steal my business plan, take all of the ideas, structure, customers, experience I acquired while building a substantial business, etc. and at the same time do everything you can to destroy my business so I will be busy just trying to survive while you develop the model you coveted, that is not considered theft and subjects you to no criminal action. It also does not disqualify you from being considered for funding for the ideas and businesses you stole from others.

Every day, we come across people who have been crushed by such theft after 20 to 30 years of working to build a business with ideas all their own and have been successful in the process as they introduced to society a new way of doing something or a new product or something not out there before. We also see the people who crushed them and tried to leave them and their business by the wayside because they decided to set in place a copy of their business and because the people so crushed tend to be minorities and/or women the white males used to succeed. They have access to capital to grow their business, which the minorities and women don’t have; they have access to partners, those who have worked at the top of large white-male owned businesses which take an interest and the kind of theft and destruction which took down the business they copied is ignored. Unfortunately for all of us the ethics of such businesses are in the gutter, however, most of us go along with the growth of this stolen business as it becomes an intrinsic part of this society with which the rest of us have to live.

Real Estate is a biggy! The structure, wealth, schools in the geographic location of where you live depends upon your culture, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual choice, etc. and that institutionally racist structure was put in place eons ago. It began in slavery and was intensified when we changed our economic structures from “in your face” slavery to a more modified form with which we live today.

The importance of the geographic location where you live and work and have your being increased dramatically and became entrenched and unchangeable during separate and unequal days and today is becoming even more bigoted than it was generations ago. It is now easier to discriminate on such a level without anyone noticing or those who notice and complain being crushed and blamed for their plight after that drastic crushing.

As the world moved forward, that structure moved with it and has been kept in place by realtors, the real estate industry and its cousins. They maintain geographical bigotry in your living accommodations very effectively and much easier than a few generations ago, which in turn maintains racially divided schools which maintains racially divided businesses which occupy the retail spaces in those racially divided neighborhoods with the result that some of such businesses thrive and become very successful and some, in the minority neighborhoods, hang on by their fingernails for a lifetime.

These are some of the areas we will research and write about going forward with actual examples.

We have lots out there in the literature which talks about structural racism and how society separates unequally, but individual examples seem to be the most threatening and the least written about – especially in books used in schools of higher learning where to examine such things might cause a great disruption in this society. It is the area that many will read about and immediately engage in denial and denigration of those doing the writing.

We, at Bettina’s, have lived long enough that such denigration will not deter us. You are encouraged to join us with your stories. After all, we must all experience denial to understand how vicious it is.

In Scripture you will read: “Do you think I come to bring peace on earth. No, I tell you, but division. From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other; three against two and two against three”…….Luke 12:51-52.

We talk and sing a lot about “peace”. We knock those who we claim bring “divisiveness’. But when we do that what happens to such passages in Scripture? We think there is nothing wrong with “divisiveness”. We need to look at good and evil and separate those concepts instead of making divisiveness substitute for evil and coming together substitute for good.

Historically Speaking –

Tuesday, June 1st, 2021

We need to become more knowledgeable about history. What is happening today will make a lot of sense if you know your personal history – the history of your country – the history of your family, etc.

Let’s take a look at what is happening in Texas and put it in a historical context:

What is the history that seems to almost shout at us to – PAY ATTENTION. This is not new what is happening in the Texas Legislature and other places. For example take a look at one of the roles Texas played during the war against Nazi Germany.

Nazi Prisoners of War were held in prison camps in Texas. One reason was because so many Texans spoke German. Their state was settled by Germans.

One result of that, especially because there were many Texans who were “soft” on the Nazi’s – was the fact that on Sundays, some Texas families would go to the prison camps, get a Nazi prisoner out for the afternoon and take them to dinner at a local restaurant.

In those same areas, African American soldiers – either on leave, or home, or passing through to their next assignment – needed to eat. Almost all of the restaurants in Texas were segregated and refused to serve African Americans and other minorities. If they stopped at those same restaurants where Nazi prisoners of war were treated to Sunday dinner by some Texans, those African American soldiers would not be allowed into the restaurant. They would be served the same meals, at the same cost, but they would have to go around to the back door where the trash and other undesirables were kept and that is where they would have to eat their meal.

In that historical context, does what is happening today in Texas and in the Texas Legislature as it attempts to change our democracy into a more controlled, fascist one make any more sense to you? That attempt does not come ‘out of the blue’. IT HAS A HISTORICAL CONTEXT.

A summary of what happened to Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett, being sent to their neighbors and friends because of a request for contributions sent to them by SCES!

Thursday, August 20th, 2020

To:   All of our neighbors and friends

From:  Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett and Marceline Donaldson

            49 Hawthorn Street

            Cambridge, MA. 02138

We just received a request for money from Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services.  That same request was sent to everyone in this neighborhood and probably beyond.

We would like you to know where your money is going and what it is supporting.  From the experience we have had and what we have seen others experience we ask that you please take a look at our experience and reconsider where you put your money and/or volunteer support.


In February, 2020 Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett had brain surgery at MGH.  The surgery was successful and after seven days he was discharged by MGH.

Two days after he left MGH eight white policemen, 5 or 6 EMT’s, two ambulances, police cars all over the block arrived without notice, without either of us having called them nor did we know anything about why they were at our front door.  It was such a circus people came running from the Charles River to see what was happening.

They were there to force Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett into Mount Auburn Hospital.  We understand, from one of the policemen that they were waiting for him at Mount Auburn to put him into the psychiatric wing of the hospital to be kept indefinitely.

No complaint issued, no investigation showing the need for such, nothing.

A “sectioning” is a psychiatric term.  A section 12 applies to a person who has had a psychotic break, overdosed on drugs, alcohol, etc. and imposes  substantial risk to the public or to themselves.

Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett does not drink alcohol, does not smoke nor take drugs nor has he had a psychotic break not shown or been suspected of a mental illness of any kind at any point in his life. He is a quiet, shy, unassuming Episcopal priest who is neither a threat to himself nor to anyone else.

A “Section 12” type action is beginning to be used by “front companies” across the country under different names to incarcerate blacks and other minorities in ways the IRS has been used in the past with people the government wants to silence, demean, discredit, disgrace, shut-up.

Guardianship companies are being formed to take over the life and assets of the elderly, spend them down, incarcerate the elderly in hospitals, nursing homes, substandard assisted living or other kinds of housing until their assets are gone and they are then indigent, destitute, etc.

Because of the lack of “reach” – the lack of political and other power of those so treated and the refusal of the media to investigate and publish this destruction of human beings, with only a few exceptions, you haven’t heard about this. Hopefully, that will change.

Jews are being targeted as well as other minorities and immigrants.  Why?  Because it is a way to reduce the influence of the next generation and “knee cap” the family.

What follows is being written by people we hired to investigate this:

Who ordered this and for what reason?  Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services. Under the control of SCES or other such ‘protective services’ one can incarcerate, claim any kind of mental deficiencies (without proof and without such diagnoses) , store the elderly in out of the way places and when their assets are gone walk away and give them over to the state.  Not only is SCES doing this, but so are the Protective Services across the Commonwealth as our investigation has begun to uncover.  The central place where this is happening in a very developed structural way is Las Vegas, Nevada.  Massachusetts is setting up to follow in their foot steps.

Dr. Rebecca Warner, psychiatrist, signed the order to have Rev. Dr. Bennett picked up by the police and forcibly incarcerated at Mount Auburn Hospital under a “section 12”.  Dr. Bennett had never in his life had even a hint of mental illness ever and “sectioning” is a psychiatric term under which all kind of destruction of the individual, their assets and more can happen and be sanctioned.

There are those who are serious about their vocation.  There are also those who will use their vocation to acquire more than they should destroying others in the process and money is not the only goal.  Power over others is high on the list, an instrument for bullying, especially where families try to gain an advantage over other family members using this ploy.

Robert’s brain surgery at MGH was because of a fall he took after unsuccessful eye surgeries which left him with limited vision.   His eye doctor provided no information nor guidance in such a circumstance and a few months after the two eye surgeries he was not as acclimated as he is today.

Dr. Warner said in this paper she signed for the police to immediately incarcerate Rev. Dr. Bennett in Mount Auburn Hospital, that she had never met Dr. Bennett, never examined him, never been to his house.  Neither had Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services.

That is a serious default in the law and Dr. Warner’s lack of professionalism and lack of concern for others is screaming in what she chose to do and how she chose to use her psychiatric credentials. Sign a paper, make a disclaimer and take away a human beings freedom while she went ahead with her life uninterrupted.

And it gets worse.

Dr. Bennett and his wife of 37 years – having lived in their home for 36 years were stunned.

This large contingent of police refused to give the Donaldson/Bennett’s any court papers which gave them the right to demand Robert be removed from his home.  They said he would either walk out of his house voluntarily or they would drag him out.  If they did any damage in the process that was not reimbursable because they had permission to take him out however and could break down the door to enter the house if they were refused entry.. 

What the Donaldson/Bennett’s were experiencing was the out of control power of the health industry.  Did you know about the police power of this industry and what it can do to you?  

The Greater Cambridge/Boston areas is one of the most racist places you can live.  It is a place  where structural racism is rampant and is kept in place with its set of denials by the educational institutions where “the spook who sits by the door for all to see and draw inaccurate conclusions”, or, “the minority held up as an example to say we are not racist” is an apt description of how this is allowed to continue.   The racism is substantial and unassailed.  

In the Donaldson/Bennett neighborhood they have been racially harassed during all of the 36 years they have lived in the Harvard Square/Brattle Street neighborhood.  A neighborhood that was red-lined and to this day is almost totally free of African American home ownership.  We tried to make an offer on a house just within weeks past and were told it was sold.  When someone else called it was not sold and is still being advertised for sale.

The latest extremely racist incident the Donaldson/Bennetts experienced – before Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services came along to make that last incident seem minor – was a new neighbor on the block who moved in bringing their racism to spread around by using the Donaldson/Bennett’s garden as a dog toilet.  When Marceline Donaldson went outside to tell the ‘gentleman’, who had just lifted his toy dog into their garden to pee and shit, that it was criminal trespass to do this and that she knew and had seen him and his dog in her garden several times,  his response was to be physically threatening and stomped her toes to show his “superiority” and ability to relieve himself with no consequences?

But that pales compared to forcibly being able to take an African American man out of his home to incarcerate him in an institution – without notice – without a court hearing – without cause –  to deprive him of his freedom for weeks.

The Donaldson/Bennett’s insisted Dr. Bennett be taken to MGH instead of to Mount Auburn Hospital, as Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services was insisting, since he was just discharged from MGH two days ago.

The police did that.  MGH discharged Dr. Bennett within hours without any medicines prescribed and with all vitals normal including his blood pressure and with comments by several of the professional staff that he should not have been picked up in the first place.

If Dr. Bennett had gone to Mount Auburn Hospital – where Dr. Warner is connected – the results of all of this would have been far different and has been different for many people so trapped.  An investigation into SCES and its connection with Mount Auburn Hospital and how that has affected other people seriously needs to be conducted and not with the result pre-determined and a letter of exoneration written before any investigation has happened, but with the serious intent to correcting a wrong which has and is destroying families.

Two days after he was discharged from MGH on this section 12 Dr. Bennett was again forced out of his home by the Cambridge police and forced into MGH and this time kept for 5 weeks.  Within hours of his arrival at MGH this second time he was given medicines he did not want – mostly over the counter, but also hallucinatory drugs, anti-psychotic medicines, anti-seizure medicines, medicines for schizophrenia and bipolar disorders without a diagnosis of such and more. 

This time he was forced into MGH on a section 19/20 which accused his wife – Marceline Donaldson – of medical abuse.  If they couldn’t incarcerate him on one thing they would try another.

The people who did this did not even know her name.  They claimed, in papers they filed with the Court that his wife’s name was Davidson, etc.  Their ‘facts’ showed they had not investigated anything if they didn’t even know the names of the people they were accusing. 

Rev. Dr. Bennett was kept in bed on an alarm blanket so if he moved or tried to get out of bed the alarm went off and a nurse came to make sure he was back in bed.  He could go from bed to chair next to the bed in a  space roughly 7 by 9 feet.  One arm of the chair hit the bed, the other arm hit the wall – in a double bed, that defines the space in which Dr. Bennett was kept for five weeks without cause, but suffering under all of this because SCES could use the health industry’s unbridled police powers to pick up and incarcerate a person just because

The “team” over Dr. Bennett while in MGH for those five weeks was mostly Somerville Cambridge Protective Services.  We know that because we were able to get an email sent to this “team” which included almost exclusively Somerville Cambridge Protective Services people.  This second time he was picked up the claim was that Dr. Bennett’s wife was medically abusive and he had to be immediately removed from his home or he would be seriously damaged.

When they could not seriously incarcerate Dr. Bennett on a claim of mental illness, they came back two days later to remove him from his home on a claim of an abusive home situation.  Prior to this invasion there had never been a hint of any abuse in that home at all.  Dr. Bennett did not make such a complaint to anyone.  Talk to him and he will tell you he loves he wife – has loved her for 37 years – they have a good marriage and some neighbors have sent us letters describing what they have seen of their relationship – all very positive about seeing this “caring relationship between the two of them for years.”

Dr. Bennett tells you he takes care of his wife and she takes care of him and that has been their relationship.  Neither one has gone to doctors or taken medicines over those years, not even aspirin.  That is their belief system and it has served them well over their years together.  

Both are over 80 and in good health except for Dr. Bennett’s fall – and that happened because of eye surgeries.  They will tell you they should not have and did not want the surgery.  Marceline’s daughter insisted and Rev. Bennett decided to go along – a decision he now seriously regrets.

What exactly was this invasion and violation of their basic rights guaranteed under the constitution about?  Is this the new way to be bigoted?  If you are black you don’t have to have committed a crime or be involved in the criminal justice system to be incarcerated, it can be done through the health care institutions with police power.  The assumption that it will always be used for good is nothing which is assumed in other parts of the society – why is there such a leeway for these things to go off the rail in the health care areas?

You can be incarcerated and force fed medicines just because that is how you can be incapacitated and moved full time into this health care system with your money and insurance drained in the process with no repercussions to the people and/or institutions which do such?

Are the traditional institutions with their structural racism and now defunding the police being moved out willingly and changed willingly because this new way and this new structural racism is being moved in as a replacement?

The five weeks he was in MGH Rev. Dr. Bennett was not allowed visitors, no telephone calls, kept in bed – until the last week when he was going to be released.  His wife was allowed to visit only three times during his five week stay.  She had to call the day before, make an appointment to see him, could only visit between 11am and 1pm, with her visits limited to 30 minutes strictly enforced and a Security Guard had to be present during the entire time of their visit.  

The week before he was going to be released he was able to walk the halls, receive telephone calls, and he was moved to the larger side of this two person room where before, his curtain was kept closed so he could not even see or know there was a window in the room.  Getting ready for release he was finally able to see outside through a very large picture window with space to breathe.

When Rev Dr. Bennett arrived home from MGH, he was in his stocking feet because his feet were so swollen his shoes did not fit.  He left his house forced into MGH walking on his own, talking, in good shape.  He returned totally disheveled, not able to walk and somewhat confused.  He had a walker and had to be helped into his house by two people – one on either side to hold him up because he could not stand on his own.  To see the man who returned when you had seen the man who was forced out of his home made your heart break.

Why did this happen?  

The day after Dr. Bennett was released from MGH a Constable came to the Bennett home to serve papers to put Dr. Bennett under the Guardianship of the Jewish Center for Family and Children who would also have control of his assets to be able to draw them down to pay his expenses.  The Guardianship would then place Dr. Bennett immediately into a Hebrew Nursing Home (did we mention that Dr. Bennett is a retired Episcopal priest?) These papers were asking the court’s permission to administer psychotic drugs to Dr. Bennett in this situation and to keep him restrained.  The papers claimed Dr. Bennett was “incapacitated” and even the newest technological innovations would not be of help to him because his “incapacitation” was so severe nothing would help.

So far, it has cost the Donaldson/Bennetts tens of thousands of dollars to fight this.

We put the entire saga as it happened in Bettina Network, inc’s blog because we didn’t know what was happening and wanted to make sure all of this was publicly recorded in case the worst happened there would be a record for anyone interested to know about these incidents.

The Donaldson/Bennetts lost their business and the time spent on all of this took over their lives.

Because this was published in Bettina Network’s Blog we have received telephone calls, emails and people stopping us on the street to tell us their story.

It is beyond appalling that this has happened not only to Dr. Bennett, but to others.  Those who contacted us included Jews, African Americans, immigrants and other minorities.  Their families and lives have been destroyed by Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services as well as Protective Services across the Commonwealth.

To incarcerate Robert Bennett a second time, SCES went to court for an emergency motion during which SCES, through its attorney James O’Sullivan, asked the court that Robert Bennett not be notified of the hearing and he was not.  We think this violated Massachusetts Laws because major things were done during this “ex-parte emergency hearing”.  

In that hearing, Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services asked the Court to invalidate the Health Care Proxy Dr. Bennett had drawn up by a probate attorney in November 2019.  Dr. Bennett had that November, 2019 Health Care Proxy created because he discovered there was a Health Care Proxy in existence which he did not sign, did not want and did not want the person named as his Health Care Proxy. He was very consistent that he wanted his wife as his Health Care Proxy. When he discovered its existence he invalidated it by having the November Health Care Proxy created which was signed November 18, 2019.

SCES, in its emergency hearing – about which Dr. Bennett was not notified – also asked the court to invalidate the Health Care Proxy MGH created.  It was totally amazing that SCES would accuse MGH of being so irresponsible as to have created a Health Care Proxy for someone SCES described as being unable to understand what he was signing. That from SCES who interrogated Dr. Bennett without anyones’ knowledge or consent when he was just out of surgery and minutes after he was out from oxygen and barely knew where he was. The stress, anxiety and much else they put on a man just recovering from serious surgery is amazing and ugly.

In the place of these two Health Care Proxies, Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services asked the court to validate a Health Care Proxy which they knew Dr. Bennett had not signed and they knew Dr. Bennett did not want that particular person as his Health Care Proxy.  This unsigned and unwanted HCP was validated by the Court at SCES’ request and was put in place of the November 2019 Health Care Proxy and the MGH Health Care Proxy. It is amazing that a Court would take that stand, especially in a hearing to do exactly that while excluding Dr. Bennett from any knowledge of the hearing. The Court invalidated two Health Care Proxies that Dr. Bennett had created and wanted as his choice and validated one he specifically did not want and had moved to have invalidated by replacing it with a new one dated and signed November 18, 2019 created by a probate attorney.

An attorney was appointed for Dr. Bennett by the court who he has never seen, nor met, nor spoken to and who did not return his telephone calls nor the telephone calls made to her by his wife, nor emails sent to her.  The attorney so appointed was involved in another case in Peabody, MA in which the family claims a Jewish man was so treated because access to his assets was the goal – over $6 million in assets.

The attorney appointed by the court, during this “emergency motion”, has served as a space holder so others could not file motions nor do what is needed for Dr. Bennett. This has also discouraged other attorneys from stepping in to take this case because they did not want to start with a fight to remove a court appointed attorney. 

Major things happened in that hearing which, we believe, made it illegal under the laws of the Commonwealth.  You do have the right to defend yourself in these United States.  That ex-parte emergency hearing totally took away that right from Dr. Bennett.

Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett – with a Harvard University doctorate; full tenured professor at Episcopal Divinity School (retired); was adjunct professor at Princeton University, Atlanta University and others – living for 36 years in  a seven figure home was characterized in court as “indigent” with no one around to take care of him.  SCES had their attorney describe someone in a destitute position.  This was some of the reasons Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services gave the court requesting Rev. Dr. Bennett’s immediately removal from his home of 36 years and to be forcibly separated from his wife of 37 years. This request was made through SCES attorney James O’Sullivan who apparently uses emergency motions for such activities with frequency.  

What was the Bennett/Donaldson family doing when this happened?  What was this “indigent” man who was destitute, as described by SCES, and in despair in his home doing?   – The police arrived moments after he sat down to a candlelight dinner with his adult son, daughter-in-law, daughter and his wife.  His children were visiting and staying at the Donaldson/Bennett home to spend time with their father because of his recent surgery. They were there to do whatever they could to make sure their father was comfortable and had whatever they could provide.

How did the SCES describe this to the court?  A man who was destitute with no one to look after him or protect him from his abusive wife.  This destitute man in so much danger he had to be immediately removed from his home by white police, ambulance, EMT’s and more was happily enjoying the company of his son who was VP at CBS, a daughter who is a film producer and more, a wife with a masters in Theology running a business with her husband which they created decades ago , which had a great reputation and through which they met some of the world’s leaders who stayed with them at different times throughout their career.  

SCES managed to  demean, disgrace, destroy this African American family.  That is beyond vicious and clearly borders on evil. When you support SCES with your money and/or volunteer work this is what you are supporting.

What does SCES say to those who have contacted them and questioned what was happening?  They say “It is complicated.”  We think it is straight forward unless you are trying for a cover-up.

To so abuse the emergency court motion puts the opposing side in a very bad position because lots can be done without the other side present and you have a willing and cooperative judge – which apparently was the case.  The judge was called out of retirement to hear this case which had no proof.  It only had a sworn affidavit from Ms. Nora Al Wetaid who is head of Protective Services at SCES.

We believe her testimony rises to the level of purgery and have asked several times that this be investigated.  Especially when other minorities have had the same experience.  The other minorities were destitute  at the end of their experience with SCES and other such groups, but not at the beginning.

In addition to the incarceration, this entire incident opened the door for Dr. Bennett to be sexually abused. He was threatened that if he did not strip naked and get into the shower it would not go well for him.

We could go on for pages, but we are asking that you seriously consider what you are supporting when and if you make contributions to such groups which have a vicious structural racism and sexism which is denied by everyone, not investigated and when it was investigated at Ms Donaldson’s request the organization investigated itself and found itself not guilty of anything.  

Mr. Paul Hollins needs to be removed as head of this organization.

Mr. Hollins claimed to investigate – without the particulars of the complaint from Ms. Donaldson even being considered.  She called the elder hotline to make the complaint.  She was told it was recorded and would be investigated.  On information and belief, Mr. Hollins made his decision without access to the hour long recording from the hot line.  It was an hour long because they claimed that was the limit of such recordings allowed over their hotline.  Who is that hotline? Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services.  So they investigated themselves without identifying to Ms. Donaldson that this is who would be investigating her complaint against Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services.

Ms. Donaldson brought the complaint to the next level up in this state hierarchy and sent a written complaint.

Ms. Bree Cunningham called Ms. Donaldson to say she could not find the written complaint and would Ms. Donaldson send her another copy.  However, without having received another copy of the complaint, Ms. Cunningham found no basis for the complaint in a letter which was an exact copy of the one sent to Ms. Donaldson by Mr. Hollins.

The Donaldson/Bennett’s rights were stripped in every way.  Dr. Bennett was incarcerated for no reason and forced to take medicines which he neither wanted nor needed and was subjected to horrors in the process.   

The complaints were so flimsily regarded that when the court complaint was sworn out, Ms. Al Wetaid didn’t even know Ms. Donaldson’s name.  Any basic investigation would start with moving against a person knowing who it was you are so charging – in Ms. Donaldsons case – with abuse.  She was named  Davidson by Ms. Al Wetaid and Ms. Angela Clary and that misnomer continued for quite some time without anyone from SCES knowing who they were actually filing against.

If you want to read the details as we recorded them – see

If you have questions we can be reached at 617 497 9166.

The racist tropes are clear and certainly don’t need to be spelled out further.

There is an affidavit from Ms. Nora Al Wetaid who is head of SCES Protective Services in which she claims under oath that this time (this second time picking up Dr. Bennett) she would “conspire” with others at MGH to make sure Robert Bennett was not immediately released (as he was on March 4th) but would be kept in the hospital

This was a first for us.  We had never heard anyone talk about “conspiring” to keep someone in a hospital.  It certainly calls into question the hospital’s ability to do its job.

Several things happened to Dr. Bennett during his stay at MGH:

  1. He was put there, not for medical reasons, but the SCES claim was he had to be removed from his home to get him away from an abusive wife. Yet major medications started immediately.

2)  In spite of that he was treated the way one would treat a human being you wanted to “incapacitate” for other reasons.  Isolate – Medicate leads to Incapacitate.  Someone who called us gave us that formula for what happened to them.

3)  He was given an assortment of medicines daily – usually five pills in the morning and five later in the day – to someone not in the hospital for medical or psychiatric reasons.  The psychiatric part had been put to rest by Dr. Bennett’s discharge from MGH from the section 12 claim.

4)  The pills Dr. Bennett was given included anti-psychotic pills; anti-seizure medication; hallucinatory drugs which kept him in a horrible state.  This given to him after he was discharged from MGH the first time on March 4th at 3:30am with “no medicines prescribed”. Two days later, MGH allowed heavy medications to be given to Dr. Bennett.

5) We were able to get the name of several of the pills Rev. Bennett was forced to take, but were not able to get the names of all – only the reaction Rev. Bennett had after taking them.  We sent the list to MGH’s compliance department.  

6)  Rev. Bennett and his wife were told by Dr. Schweitzer, the doctor who headed the surgical team doing the brain surgery on Dr. Bennett, that he was given anti-seizure medications the seven days he was in the hospital after his surgery.  That was the limit and Dr. Bennett should not receive anti-seizure medications after that period because that could be harmful to his recovery, his brain.  Ms. Al Wetaid was outraged that Dr. Bennett’s wife had not even continued  anti-seizure medications and after such serious brain surgery.

7)  Rev. Bennett was given ( by a different group of people from the neurologists who performed his brain surgery and in a different area of MGH) anti-seizure medication for the five weeks he was in MGH having been forced into the hospital by the police and the court.  When Dr. Bennett was finally sent home after 5 weeks, medications were sent with him and he could only go back to his house if his wife agreed to make sure he received those medications daily as was happening in the hospital for those five weeks.  They also insisted that the Blissful Home Care Agency visit daily to make sure Robert Bennett took the medicines the SCES sent home with him.  SCES also insisted that the only Home Care Agency the Donaldson/Bennett’s could use was the Blissful Agency. 

8)  MGH also insisted the only way Rev. Bennett could leave the hospital was if his son, Mark Bennett came from Washington, D. C. to pick up Rev. Bennett from the hospital to take him home to Cambridge – the home he was forced out of five weeks earlier by the police and forced into MGH because he was so poor and alone and endangered because of who Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services called a “medically abusive wife.”  They were now sending him back to this wife.

9)  It seems to us the medical abuse came from the “team” MGH allowed to be over Dr. Bennett while he was in MGH and from the Home Health Care Service SCES insisted be the only one he could use who had to come into his home daily .  When that happened, the only one properly dressed to do that in this Pandemic time was the nurse.

10)  Dr. Bennett was also subjected to sexual abuse  at the hands of one of the Blissful Agency people.  

11)  After Robert returned home from this second forced stay at MGH his son, Mark Bennett, called Dr. Goodson to complain about all the medicines his father was given and to describe to him what happened when Rev. Bennett took some of those medicines.  Dr. Goodson said those were some of the medicines given to Rev. Bennett while he was in MGH.  He agreed that all of the pills except the blood pressure medications could be stopped. 

12)  The day after Rev. Bennett returned home – on a Monday – that Tuesday Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services through their attorney James O’Sullivan – sent a Constable to Rev. Bennett’s home to serve Guardianship Papers – a motion to commit Rev. Bennett to a nursing home because, as the  court papers claimed, he was “an incapacitated person” who not even the latest technological advances could help.  The papers also asked that the Jewish Center for Family and Children be appointed Guardians over Rev. Bennett which Guardianship included control of Rev. Bennett’s assets being able to draw down whatever was needed to cover Rev. Bennett’s expenses and that Rev. Bennett be immediately sent to the Hebrew Nursing Home for life with constraints allowed and anti-psychotic also allowed to be given with Dr. Bennett in constraints because of his extremely incapacitated state.  

For those of you who have seen Rev. Dr. Bennett and his wife around the Harvard Square area that can be a bit hard to believe that this is a man who Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services claimed was so “incapacitated” he had to be consigned to Guardianship; taken out of his home for life; taken away from his wife of 37 years and separated from a large family who cares about him and did not want to see this happen; and to be incarcerated for life in a nursing home under constraints.

At that point we understood why the person who gave us the three word code was so concerned.  Their experience with their family member had been – Isolate – Medicate = Incapacitate.  That family spent all of its resources trying to get their family member – an African American elderly gentleman – away from SCES.  He had been isolated – medicated – and while he was not incapacitated from the experience he was treated as though he was and stored in a nursing home.  He escaped and left the state.  He is not the only one which is probably why SCES asked for constraints on Dr. Bennett in the Hebrew Nursing Home.

Contemplate these things as you think how you will respond to this request for money from Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services.

Please, also, pass this around to as many people as possible. We are trying to make sure everyone in Cambridge, Somerville and surrounding areas in the Commonwealth receive this information.

Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one! שְׁמַע יִשְׂרָאֵל יְהוָה אֱלֹהֵינוּ יְהוָה אֶחָֽד׃‬

Wednesday, October 31st, 2018

My heart cries out to you, O God,

others hear and feel their own – but you, O God, hear the pain on my heart and my life.
By the rivers of Babylon we sat down and wept when we remembered Zion.
You, O God are omnipotent and gave me life
To you I owe everything.
Where are you now God that those who tried and did take the lives of my ancestors those dark days in Germany
are back today trying to take my life.
My soul screams to you, O God, as do the souls of those who escaped the Holocaust with their lives, but wound up
in a foreign land which rejects us.
How can we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land
How can we praise you, O God, when we escaped the Concentration Camps – the Pograms – the constant
humiliations –
How can we forget that when we finally broke free from the bondage which demanded and took the lives of those
we love, no country wanted us
We were refugees on a ship in the ocean not able to land because we were repudiated
No one wanted us,
Wealthy nations wanted the wealthy – they passed laws to only allow into their space relatives of those who were rich and who looked like them, talked like them, had the same values including the rejection of those like me – one of your chosen, O God, but to others one who they reject because of my love of God.  They wanted the young, those trained and able to serve their needs. They wanted those who would compromise their God for wealth, power and control.
We had been debased; we had been treated as beasts of burden and slaves
We had with us the elderly, the sick, those emotionally crippled, the destitute, those whose hearts cried because
they were afraid to let out their pain in any other way – the cost of others hearing and seeing their pain was too high.
The countries to whom we made our supplications turned us away and so we floated – with no food, no water, tired and desperate
Those same countries are killing us today and they are killing those who are not us, but who are unlike them
They come out and shoot us as they do animals and birds of prey only they are more careful with those because
they have a monetary value to them – we do not.
Those who arrive on these shores in the condition we were in all those many years ago are treated with the same disdain and rejection.  Has nothing changed?  Have they no shame?  Have they no soul?  Are they so enmeshed in evil they cannot overcome it?
They have not learned, they do not know!
O God you have searched me and you know me
Rescue me, O Lord, from evil men and women who are all around me and all around those you cherish
protect me from men and women of violence who devise evil plans in their hearts and stir up war everyday.
they make their tongues as sharp as a serpent’s
the poison of vipers is on their lips
O Lord, I say to you, You are my God
do not grant the wicked their desires
do not let their plans succeed.
Let the heads of those  who surround me be covered with the troubles their lips  have caused
I know that God secures justice for the poor and upholds the cause of the needy
Let justice, O God, roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever flowing stream
For today is replicated, in my land, the plight of the Jews during Hitler’s day.  But in this day others have been added.  Not just those who sympathize with the Jews, but those whose skin is darker; whose language is different; who are trying to sing Your song in a strange land.

Immigrants looking for a home, in this land,  are characterized as a “Caravan”  looking to attack a nation when in reality they are refugees seeking asylum, a place where they can find food, shelter and a safe place for their children.

In this society can justice be done by the victims of injustice?  That is who we are O God and we are trying to reach out to those who are in the space we occupied just a generation ago.

Is that possible, O God?  Can we continue living in a space also occupied by such pain and evil.

We will use our institutions to bring about justice and our lives to insure that others do not have to walk that Trail of Tears the way we were forced to walk it without food, water or shelter.

If that is possible, we will try, O God, so others will not have to serve and live the horrible life of slaves, who have been consigned to live as beasts of burden.

Thought I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life.

you stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes.

With your right hand, you save me.

“The Lord is my light and my salvation – whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life – of whom shall I be afraid?
When evil men advance against me to devour my flesh
when my enemies and my foes attack me, they will stumble and fall.
though war break out against me even then will I be confident.
One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek
That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,
to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek God in God’s temple.
Of one thing am I confident –
that I will see the beauty of the Lord in the land of the living!
And in the end:

In memory of:

Maurice Stallard , (69)- Louisville, Kentucky                                                                                                                       Vicki Lee Jones (67) – Louisville, Kentucky

The Lord bless you and keep you

May  God’s face  shine upon you and be gracious unto you

May  God’s face be lifted unto you and give you peace, both now and ever more.

Numbers 6:22-27

Bettina Oracle Speaks!

Monday, October 29th, 2018

You reap what you sow!  You sow the wind, you reap the whirlwind.

This most recent time has been the end of a very bad cycle.  Let’s hope goodness and love overcomes all and this next cycle brings about a better, gracious, elegant, love-filled result.

When the emotions of greed, the need for power and control, the laziness of using and abusing other humans so you can engage in the pretense of being better than all others in this world – when this evil takes over it is a very painful and horrible result for all and we are seeing that work out today, right in front of all our eyes.

Where are all of you now?  Still in denial?  You need to get clear eyed and fast because what is coming down upon you needs honest, loving, giving people to withstand.

We hear a lot about “fake news”!  What is the “fake news” traveling around the world today?  That Donald Trump had nothing directly to do with the recent violence taking place amongst you.  Fake News claims he only helped it happen with his lies and very ugly actions in which he has engaged.   That is DENIAL!!!!

Why DENIAL?  Because, from where I sit and view all of this, Donald Trump has been directly involved.  Look at just a couple of the facts:

Several months ago Trump announced there would be an “October surprise” that would bring about a big win for his side during the Midterm voting.

Recently, Rudi Giuliani disappeared from the television screen.  Hopefully, that means he knew about and refused to participate in this “October surprise”.

What is that October surprise? Not too many days ago, Trump declared, for the world to see and hear, that he was a “Nationalist”.  He very certainly knew what he said because he prefaced it with a small discussion recognizing that he should not make such a declaration, but he was making it anyway because he is a Nationalist.  He has been leading up to that announcement for weeks. He knew, according to his own words, what the reaction to such a declaration would be, however, he was ready for it with actions in which, it is possible, he apparently participated in planning.

The day after that announcement – an attempt at assassinating the entire leadership of the Democratic Party happened.  Bombs were delivered.  They did not go off, but not because the bombs were a hoax.  They were real, they just were put together by incompetence.  Otherwise, the results would have been enough to declare martial law and move from there to many other happenings giving Trump the space he needed to take over the country and call out the military.  If Trump could call out some 800 plus military to prepare to do battle with destitute men, women and children coming to these United States for refuge and asylum he would have no trouble calling out the military to forcibly take over these United States, suspend its government and establish himself as its dictator.  Isn’t that why he chose to include ex-presidents and others at the top of government to attempt to assassinate?  You were saved that drama by whoever made the bombs.

Days after that happened Trump declared he was NOT a “Globalist”.  The next day a gunman with weapons of war and killed many Jews on Shabbat in their Shule.

Globalist is an old term, still in use in many quarters and it embodies the anti-semitism perpetrated over decades that Jews were taking over the world, etc. etc.  and must be stopped by any means necessary.

Trump was immediately absolved from directly participating in that for spurious reasoning and we neither connected the two events nor did we connect Trump’s declaration as a signal to start the war against those in these United States.

These two events happened one right after the other with no space in-between for the society to recover.  Trump’s promised October surprise?

And instead of calling the people so threatened by the bombs to acknowledge his support of them and his horror at whoever caused this to happen, Trump called no one and expressed no horror – instead he used the attack to attempt to get into the mix one of his pet laws – bring back corporal punishment – bring back the death sentence.  He set that up beautifully by claiming he would see that those who were responsible for the killing of the Jews would be brought to punishment with the same punishment they meted out to others.  He certainly sucked in the Ambassador from Israel to the U. S. with that line.  The man totally missed – or claimed he missed Trump using the event to get something more out of it for his political future.

Again Trump was only given credit for the rhetoric he has used over the past couple years being a part of the genesis for such a happening.  To that was quickly added that he couldn’t be accused of being directly involved nor of having prior knowledge that this would happen  because this had been developing for some time – with some historical references to prove the argument.   Again –  DENIAL.

Trump did not slow down during these ordeals.  His rallies went on as planned.  They  had as a part of their activities the “lock her up” chanting which seems to us to come directly from Vladimir Putin who wants such to happen around Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump has obliged almost from day one.  If you squint you will be able to see Putin standing behind Trump orchestrating his actions.

I won’t go into the rest.  You were all participants in it from one side or the other.

Suffice it to say this looks like the “October surprise” Trump promised would happen close to the Midterm voting days.

Trump has followed that promise with another one which is a threat.  If his issues and people don’t win there will be horribleness happening after the votes are tallied.

All of the above looks to us as though it was deliberately planned with Trump’s involvement and the exact time to unleash such seemed to be tied to Trump announcing he is a “Nationalist” and not a “Globalist” with one evil event tied to each announcement.  It is time for you to consider that possibility and move to secure your country from what could happen next.


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