Amy Barrett is a woman being appointed to the Supreme Court who does not believe in the equality of women. Equality does not happen when one lives in a community and one’s first loyalty is to the content and structure of that organization giving deference and obeisance to men. In this case living under the board of governors who can only and always be men.
In Ms. Barrett’s case, her entire life is structured around the concept of women always under the authority of men. She has accepted that and lives with it as her life’s mantra. It is not spiritually or emotionally possible to then have a job outside that community which requires you to be a person who sees others as equals.
She believes a career in the law is a means to the end of serving God. God, the way she lives in that concept, is one who structures society with men on top and women in, at best, secondary – lesser people who cannot handle the responsibilities given to that male board of governors.
Someone who has purposefully elected to be a part of a community such as People of Praise should not get a pass to rise in other groups where their community beliefs can be set aside to make decisions which are disparate to what they are taught and teach and live by in this community. Their tendency will be to undermine that group to which they do not belong as a lifestyle choice so that it becomes and its members become a part of POP.
Human beings cannot do that without waking up the evil side of their lives, which will increasingly become the side they use to make decisions in their vocation outside of POP. Your life beliefs – especially if they are as strong as those in People of Praise and as different from the concept of this Republic called the United States as is the lifestyle demanded by the People of Praise – do come into account and totally influence your decisions.
Barrett does not see herself in an equal marriage. Her husband is the head of the family. This is re-enforced by the larger community in which she lives, works, breaths. That community is headed by an all male board of governors and women are identified as those who cannot serve on that board of governors. Their lives are lived on a very secondary plane because they do not have what is necessary to take on that first level?
Its institutional structure, economically, is one of a communist organization or a very developed socialist organization on its way to being communist.
To be fine with women excluded from the highest leadership positions says a lot about how she would rule as a Supreme Court Justice. The economic lifestyle of her life group also says how she would rule if she were confirmed.
To question Amy Barrett on her membership in the People of Praise and her ability to be a justice who sees equality as the guiding principle of the U. S. Constitution is not questioning her on the Catholic religion since People of Praise is a non-denominational paraChurch group.
It is totally like Donald Trump and his beliefs in the inferiority of women and their use as objects to have appointed someone like Amy Barrett to the Supreme Court. To have someone with the belief system of people of praise as a Supreme Court Justice is one way to destroy and undermine the Supreme Court as Trump has done to the other parts of the u. S. Government.
How much money is he receiving and from what quarters to make this decision.
This is an extremely authoritarian group where each one reports to someone higher up and there are no secrets and no decisions made solely by one person – apparently, even in their career. Who plus Amy Barrett would occupy her seat on the Court?
Republicans has gone into fits and one of the worse threats possible seems to be the threat of having someone in government in these United States – either elected or appointed – who lives in a Socialist and/or Communist political structure, especially someone at the top with major influence.
Donald Trump has made it his choice to appoint people in high places who would contribute to the downfall and destruction of the Republic of the United States and who would most likely be instrumental in replacing that Republic with a very authoritarian, fascist system. This nomination of Amy Barrett to the Supreme Court is no exception.
Bill Barr – the Attorney General is either closely affiliated with or a member of Opus Dei – a group which encourages its members to promote their faith through their everyday lives.
They live in a controlled environment and all the while Opus Dei hides behind the Catholic Church.” It is claimed they are not free to make their own decisions.
Mike Pence is a member of a similar group and it may be the People of Praise. He has not identified the group to which he belongs, but what we have gleaned is that it is the same type of authoritarian, evangelical/catholic group which requires the same kind of sell-out of the U. S. Republic as those apparently belonged to by Bill Barr and Amy Barrett, amongst others in the Trump government.
These are cultish groups. Pence cannot meet alone with a woman without someone else present. Members do not make their own decisions, but have others pulling the strings of the people so appointed. To have the president of the United States appointing people who have the tendencies that one must have to maintain membership in such groups is chilling.
It suits his extreme authoritarianism, but these United States were founded by people running away from such. These appointments and others say much and go along with the type of person Donald Trump chooses to appoint and with whom he chooses to work.
Their economic structures are also all mostly communist.
In fact, it seems to us that all the Supreme Court appointments and nominations by Donald J. Trump were made because dark money opened its pocket books and dealt to Trump and his followers that which he is known not to resist – money! Note that they dealt him money, not power – that is never shared.
The United States Supreme Court has now clearly been peopled by and its future rulings dictated by the dark money and power about which we hear very little. It has come that much closer to total rule.
There should have been lots of light shone onto what is happening in that corner by the recent award given to Attorney General William Barr by the dark money forces within and around the Catholic Church.
Very little has appeared in the major media about Barr’s award and even less about Barr’s affiliation with Opus Dei. Opus Dei seems to be an organization whose ethics and morality justify the dealings of people like Attorney General William Barr, Michael Pence, Donald Trump and their associates, friends and supporters. Instead of lacking sleep at night, they can sleep soundly because their particularized religious beliefs and organization justifies the immoral and unethical way they function in this life. It is rumored that Opus Dei sits on the right side of the Pope, right across from the Jesuits. We thought there would be more comments on this award by the Jesuits, but there is almost total silence coming from their group.
That award solidifies the unethical, vulgar, immoral tenets which have been published as the foundational beliefs of Opus Dei.
All of our religious groups can be divided into believers and those who dress themselves up in the beliefs of that religion and attempt to get their wants and wishes known and promulgated by others to their benefit.
In the case of the Supreme Court, there is enormous benefit to corporate America for “dark money” and its brotherly government to have major control of this highest court in the country. Most of us have had Russia and Putin thrown in our eyes and ears in major ways while silence was kept around this group as it made its way to more and substantial power.
Trump has, no doubt, been seriously funded by such groups with the understanding that he would not miss an opportunity to move the court’s of this country in the direction in which dark money wants them to go – and in this Trump has been enormously successful. Mitch McConnell has apparently made it his lifetime work to see that such happens. He wants to retire and die a very wealthy man. Given the way he has sold his country to the dark money forces he should be immensely wealthy.
We have been subjected to many articles and much propaganda against Russia and how it has interfered in our election and how this Russian interference is going to destroy the United States and substantially change its constitution on which it was founded in the direction of a horrendously evil dictatorship. Almost nothing on the ways in which Opus Dei has intervened and brought about the wishes of the dark money and government under which we are now operating more and more each day.
As we looked at that, we know for sure Russia interfered in the United States election and on the side of Donald Trump, but its power to bring about the kind of change that happened and is happening is beyond its power. Russia is a country with a very small economy, after all and oligarchs who have some wealth and influence, but that pales compared to what we are seeing and how dark money and its ‘owners’ have drastically changed this country over decades. Russia’ interference has been merely a deflection and distraction taking us away from the real powers that have changed this country and put its movement towards democracy in peril.
We have had two governments in these United States for decades – the government which follows the structure, desires, priorities of corporate America and the Republic, which is the government under which we think we are functioning.
We are in a crisis over climate change because of the out of control greed of the dark government and its money and influence and greed. The United States Supreme Court has been restructured thanks to the dark government and its money under which we have been living. Racism, sexism, LGBTQ rights, and so many more bigotries which develop, take hold and destroy are maintained in these United States and are intransigent because they do not fit the vision of this dark government and its money – that is a white, northern european group and means to maintain itself and those under its sway as “better than” whoever else tries to come up to equality with their kind.
What better way to develop such a country than through slavery – when human beings were the activators and producers of wealth and power? Tens of thousands of people working for free with only a filthy, hunger filled, terror filled life for a few hundred years – unbreakable because of this dark government and dark money under which we have lived.
When that was no longer the best way to go and the industrial revolution happened – more than Africans were enslaved to this new way to govern so this revolution would develop to the aggrandizement of the dark government that has ruled this country almost since its beginnings.
When Donald Trump talks about the “deep state” – listen to him for he knows of what he speaks. However, he is pointing in the wrong direction using the concept under which we have been enslaved, but attributing it to those who know nothing about or only have seconds of a fleeting glimpse of the “deep state’ of dark money and government under which we are oppressed.
Think that has ended? It has only intensified. Look at the obscene amounts of money “earned” by those in this dark government pulling the strings so that its wishes, needs, continued exponential growth would continue during this pandemic. What is it now in the United States economy? 99% of the people are actually enslaved, having had returned to them for their livelihood decreasing amounts of the wealth they created? New tools are being created so the 1% can “earn” 99% of the wealth they did not create and had nothing to do with except take credit.
This is the environment in with these United States are now functioning. The dark government has created its Supreme Court using immense amounts of dark money and have set up stooges to blame – Donald Trump, Russia, Vladimir Putin and on and on and on.
Because the actual facts of what is happening are obscured from most, we walk around fighting for our survival on a decent economic and other level and defeat our own fight by buying the garbage we are fed as truth. Look around with an open mind and it is there for you to see.
When that part of the Catholic Church embraces, promotes and works towards a new world giving awards to Bill Barr for the work he has done and praising him for his “Christlike behavior” we can’t help but think of the Protestants who held up Jerry Falwell, Jr. the president of Liberty University with similar claims. That gave Falwell time to organize and bring into Trump’s sphere those like him in this far right wing area of the Christian Church. Most with the same sexual proclivities as Falwell – and Trump – and so many others in this group.
Today and yesterday and the day before it was clear that these men who were being honored all shared a sexual deviancy which really needs to be explored.
William James talked about two types of “religious belief”. One brought on fervently by feelings of sexuality which mask as feelings of religiosity and another by real feelings of commitment to take the walk of Christ and others in different religions who are held up as their real “saviors”.
What is it in human beings that we trash our saviors and honor those who trash humanity because their own selfish, immoral and destructive needs take precedent.
Those being so honored by the “Church” need to be closely examined because the “Christian Church” particularly has always been divided into those that serve the “empire” and those that serve the Christ. And that division has existed almost from its very beginnings. Isn’t that why someone with Bill Barr’s background and decisions he has made in life have earned for him this Christifidelis Laici Award? Not from his walk with Christ or from his walk following Christ’s path, but from his walk with a disguised Satan fulfilling his most devious, seditious desires and crowning him with money, power and the ability to blind himself to his own sins and sinful nature?
Sadly, many of us buy into what is being sold to us by Cardinal O’Malley. For political power it seems to us Cardinal O’Malley has sold his faith to the highest bidder and is doing whatever he can to insure the re-election of Donald Trump. And that side of the Catholic Church has caused the entire Church to suffer from the results of the sexual abuse and assault and more it allowed without being called before the cross to account for their ways.
Don’t be fooled into thinking this Supreme Court issue is about abortion. Abortion is only a word being used to bring along the gullible. it is a bread crumb for the masses to share.
This is about power, wealth and control. There has always been and probably always will be a group in the Christian Church, both Catholic and Protestant, and in other religious faiths who gain power, wealth and control-over using the faith and belief of the many.
Attorney O’Sullivan – who is the attorney for Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services was given an award by Archbishop O’Malley for the “great work” he has done for the elderly.
Looking back over this Bettina Network Blog you will see some of that work and what it is really about – for the elderly? or for the divestment of the elderly from their assets; the incarceration of the elderly under horrible conditions in nursing homes and other such institutions; ripping the elderly from their families so this can be done quickly and quietly; silencing the major media outlets so this will not be reported on and will be unknown to most; making a path to be trod by the likes of Donald Trump, Cardinal O’Malley and others. And an award to be given to those who do this work.
What is most amazing – those doing this kind of work don’t learn and are almost never converted. A few thousand years have passed in Christendom and there are still those who followed the Roman Emperor in taking up the banner of Christianity and dragging it through the dirt, the slime, the filth of heresy – adultery – sexual assault against children – and so much more with this branch of Christendom giving the awards to these seeming adherents so their immorality will succeed and making the lives of true believers who are actually walking the path Christ walked a walk of martyrdom. Those walking that real Christlike path threaten those walking the path of greed, power, injustice.
William James talked about two types of “religious belief”. One brought on fervently by feelings of sexuality which mask as feelings of religiosity and another by real feelings of commitment to take the walk of Christ, Muhammed, Moses, Krishna, Buddha and others in different religions who are held up as their real “saviors”.
God forgive us, but we still need such people because we only respond to that kind of all out sacrifice and our response doesn’t last long. In Boston during the King era, many sacrificed to integrate the schools to see that children of all colors, creeds, would get a decent education. Today, the schools that were so “integrated” are now all-Black schools with the same problems schools had in the 1950’s and 60’s. It didn’t take long for all of that sacrifice to be turned back as though it had not happened.
The creators of dark money, dark government, dark corporate structures and so much more soon pop up and evolve to take over because they appeal to our greed, our power needs, our weak egos so we follow that group basking in a reflection of their power – which we never feel and can never join and are never welcomed into their bosoms, but we are satisfied to be those who sacrifice ourselves so the worst amongst us may live this grandiose life style. And so we have the coming about of the presidency of Donald J. Trump.
How long, O God, must be live with our sinful natures making such grand strides to the detriment of ourselves and others. Deliver us O God, and soon.
Quoted from his television appearance he said – get rid of the ballots and there will be a continuation of his presidency. Speaking generally or to those who follow him and pick up his clues dropped for their immediate action?
Why did he say that? To whom was he speaking? And right after he spoke, someone in Pennsylvania threw ballots in the garbage as that person worked with others on “counting” the ballots. He was fired, of course, but his working in that place said loudly Trump’s message got through to his followers.
Our Experience?
When you are dealing with someone evil – his evil is not limited to those he is railing against. His evil falls on everyone. Those of you supporting a man who is clearly motivated by evil need to stop and think. You are not exempt. He may be moving against me today, but it will be you tomorrow. And that evil hurled against you will be when you do not expect it, are least able to respond and defend yourself and your destruction will come about by the evil one you selected as your leader.
Please circulate this to everyone you know. To every law enforcement agency you can reach. To everyone you think should know about this with letters to Middlesex Probate and Family Court, 121 Third Street, Cambridge, MA. 617 768 5808 to let them know your thoughts about how they function. letters to fax number 617 225 0781.
We need lawyers, legal researchers, people skilled in IT, those in PR, everyone who can help. Let us know who you are and how you can support what we are doing. This is clearly headed to a substantial law suit with side issues – like medical malpractice, legal malpractice and more.
Clearly, this is going through the legal system in a huge way. We are getting prepared so we can do our bit and the research will continue. This is a lawyers dream – this ‘incident’ in the ‘elder law’ area. The money lawyers can and are making in this area – it is unbelievably foul, especially when you think of the suffering and destruction of the end of life of so many elderly people, most of whom cannot take this on to fight and object to what is happening to them. The Donaldson/Bennett’s are rare. He is 87, she is 82. We guess the folks pushing to take their assets thought they would be a push-over.
This is an area the press refuses to cover and so the people who have perpetrated this on others evade scrutiny. This is what happened with the media pre-1960’s. The horrible things the KKK, the White Supremacist, the Nazi’s and those supporting them did escaped notice because racism and all other forms of bigotry were routinely not covered in the press. Ms Donaldson comes from a journalists family because her grandfather co-founded the Louisiana Weekly and worked extensively with the Pittsburgh Courier (the first office in NOLA of the Pittsburgh Courier was in her family’s living room) and other African American publications. His goal was to have these very racist, sexist, extreme bigoted actions be journalistically researched and published so they would be known and not done under the cover of silence. Sorrowfully, that is what is happening in this society today.
As more is uncovered this gets uglier. Some of what follows is repetitive – much is new to the blog. If you have additional information, please contact us.
We very much appreciate the person who put the papers through the mail slot at the Donaldson/Bennett home. We wanted to know the genesis of the charge against Marceline Donaldson of “elder abuse”. We found all kind of possibilities, but found the real genesis in those papers turned over to us so we could move ahead with investigating what happened, how, who, when. It made us sick to our stomachs when we found so many lawyers involved in previous cases. It looked as though the goal is to drain the assets of this quite, shy, lovely man so their estates can benefit.
Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services made the charge backed up by the attorney they ‘appointed’ for Rev. Dr. Bennett while making sure he would not be able to have an attorney of his or his family’s choosing.
The CPCS in Boston saw to it that Cheri Myette would be paid even when they were contacted by Ms. Donaldson who wanted to know why an attorney was appointed for her husband calling him “indigent” when he was not. This state agency was cooperating with a conspiracy to take away Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett’s ability to function in this life – to walk, talk, think, etc. by funding a lie.
As we looked closer, Ms. Donaldson hired attorneys for herself and her husband. She paid their requested retainer which amounted to several thousands of dollars and they could not do their job because the state was paying attorneys, as requested, by one of the State of Massachusetts Agencies – Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services is funded – either in whole or partially by the State of Massachusetts and they also have Federal support. That support is used to keep assets from one generation of African Americans, Jews, Latina’s LGBTQ people and other minorities from passing to the next generation. Instead those assets are going into the pockets of the descendants of white northern european attorneys and their supporting staff.
A family, which hired attorneys, paid the retainers, called “indigent” because of the greed of those pushing this action. It is one of the most disgusting things we have come across. It is certainly a way to drain the minority community of many assets and very quickly. It is a way to reduce the number of minorities able to succeed in this society and to keep them as the “bottom” – making the least amount of money while taking the largest risks – something which is showing clearly in this COVID-19 pandemic.
We believe this was and is a conspiracy to destroy a black family – to destroy a black marriage and so much more. One thing that happened with the motion Attorney Myette filed was to separate a husband and wife of 37 years. Against their wishes and without their knowledge they were legally separated. We understand jokes were made about Ms. Donaldson after they had clearly seen her as a very negative stereotype of black females. None of them had even met Ms. Donaldson or Rev. Dr. Bennett.
Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services instituted with MGH’s help and compliance a “rule” that Ms. Donaldson could not visit her husband without an MGH Security Guard and a Policeman present. On her first visit, she noticed the ward in which he was kept was locked and there were Security Guards in the hallway. Others stood close to her during her visit – apparently to make sure they heard everything said between Rev. Dr. Bennett and his wife.
During these five weeks, Ms. Donaldson was able to visit her husband only three times. An MGH Security Guard threatened to physically throw her out of MGH if she didn’t leave – on a day when she arrived, having made an appointment for the visit and was denied with the Security Guard telling her she could not see her husband because he had filed a complaint against her for abuse and she would not be allowed to go to White 10th Floor at MGH where he was being kept. That happened several times when she arrived – one excuse after another was used by MGH Security personnel to keep her from visiting. That happened under whose orders?
We have reproduced here a letter to the attorneys involved sent by Attorney O’Sullivan and it makes your stomach churn.
In it, Attorney O’Sullivan actually describes the process by which one is “incapacitated”.. It starts in the hospital – in this case MGH, a hospital that needs to investigate what is happening within its confines when one department does a great job and another does everything to destroy a patients’ ability to function.
We also have a letter hand written by an employee of the Post Office who saw Rev. Dr. Bennett frequently as he went to the post office daily over many years. The letter is copied here and says what great shape Dr. Bennett was in on March 5th, the day he was seen with his wife in the post officer laughing and talking to a friend X.C. who commented on how great he looked. The very next day white Cambridge policemen arrived at his house to force him into MGH. That even after the section 12 filed against him had been lifted and he was sent home with “no medicines prescribed.”
When he was discharged from MGH on April 13th he did not look so good. He looked like a man who had just come out of a concentration camp. He could not walk without extreme help – even with a walker. He was confused as to where he was. He was clearly terrified until he saw his wife.
He was sent home from MGH with no shoes on his feet because they were so swollen none of his shoes fit. I could go on to what was done to this African American man in a medical action started and carried forward by Dr. Rebecca Warner who is apparently the medical person who gave the diagnosis of “incapacitated” after she filled him full of hallucinatory drugs, anti-psychotics and so much more which no one before her had prescribed. In fact psychiatrists before her deemed no medicines were necessary and Dr. Bennett should not have been brought to MGH to be sectioned.
When he did not turn up at Mount Auburn Hospital, which is the hospital Dr. Rebecca Warner wanted Rev. Dr. Bennett sent to – she followed him to MGH to do what they were prepared to do at Mount Auburn Hospital – treat Dr. Bennett in such a way that he would be quickly “incapacitated” and ready to be forced into a nursing home. Especially after having his wife was declared “abusive” so a Guardianship would be necessary to make decisions about the drawing down of his assets, among other decisions that needed to be made. Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services was right there to make sure the person and Guardianship Corporation so chosen would benefit them – and probably the future career of those young women making such horrendous decisions over the life of this African American family.
To what can we compare this? SLAVE HOLDERS – ripped slaves from their families. They separated families with deception and with speed. Clearly, speed was one of the motivating factors here.
They deceived the enslaved by not telling them what was happening and transported them quickly using – in many cases – the then police, the group established to hunt, capture, intimidate, take away the liberty of human beings who happened to be Africans. They were transported quickly to avert what the law might dictate is given a chance and given the truth. they were removed from being able to contact attorneys or other witnesses. Relevant and important papers were hidden and/or destroyed.
Ms. Donaldson contacted Ms. Paulette Marie with the CPCS to talk about what was happening with her husband and to make a complaint against Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services and Attorney Cheri Myette. Ms. Marie explained to Ms. Donaldson how one could have assets and still be considered “indigent” qualifying for the state support. She did not ask Ms. Donaldson for any information that might be used to investigate or move Ms. Myette out of the way by taking away the State monies paying for her to do a job which should have been done by the private attorneys Ms. Donaldson hired. She did say several times how the attorney chosen was the next on the list. That was not true, but Ms. Marie would not counter such a suggestion. She also had no comment when Ms. Donaldson wanted to know how Rev. Dr. Bennett could be considered ‘indigent” when his family paid several thousands of dollars to hire attorneys to represent him and they could not because the state sponsored attorney was court appointed and was not going to be replaced by anyone.
We could go on for pages, but we will stop here and hope for more feedback from you. Please pass this on to as many people as possible. We are most grateful to those who passed this on so we were able to get a copy of the motion which started all of this.
God keep you safe in all that you do and may you and your family never experience anything even close to this.
Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett’s statement– sworn to and notarized
I am attaching documents that were filed in my name with Middlesex Probate and Family Court. One claim of these documents was that I am “indigent”.
1) “Order Appointing Counsel” was filed 3/5/2020 claiming “elder abuse”.
I knew nothing about this document. I did not request an attorney be appointed on my behalf. I knew nothing about this action and I did not know nor had ever heard of Cheri Myette. Over the months that followed Cheri Myette did not contact me; did not answer my contact to her which included telephone calls and emails. Nor did she respond to my wife’s telephone calls and emails to her. She was apparently appointed as a space saver so other attorneys could not represent me and motions I filed on my own behalf would not be heard by nor taken seriously by the Court because I had a Court appointed attorney.
Attorney Myette was appointed in an “ex parte” hearing on March 6, 2020. She filed motions which claimed many things which are lies and apparently meant to further the case of Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services’ attempt to take over my life; to make the end of my life miserable; to incarcerate me in a nursing home with restraints on a steady diet of anti-psychotic medications; to make and then keep me “incapacitated” and more – things they have done to other African Americans.
Protective Services Agencies in other areas of Massachusetts besides Boston/Cambridge partnering with attorneys in Massachusetts have done similar things to Jews, African Americans, immigrants and other minorities.
2) A form entitled ” Motion for Funds for Independent Examination.”
I knew nothing about this motion. This was not done on my behalf by anyone. This was done to further the goals of the “grifters” trying to strip me of any assets I might have.
I was forced out of my home on March 3, 2020 by the Cambridge police with an order signed by Dr. Rebecca Warner, psychiatrist who said in the Section 12 she filed against me that “she never met me, never examined me, never visited by home but was signing a Section 12 to have me picked up, forced into Mount Auburn Hospital to be “sectioned”. This same Dr. Rebecca Warner is now the one being paid $2,000 by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to do an “Independent Exam”. She was paid $2,000 because Myette, O’Sullivan, SCES claimed I was ‘indigent’ and could not afford even the $150 fee usually required of people in these circumstances.
What Dr. Warner did was to facilitate my ‘incarceration’ by SCES and to force anti-psychotics, anti-seizure medicines, hallucinatory medicines and 8 to 10 more individual medicines per day down my throat. They had me in a position where I was totally scared with all that happened around me and I was in this place with no one, shoved into a corner, forced to stay in bed. It was a nightmare.
3) I refused to go. The police were very clear, if I did not go I would be picked up by them and forcibly put into the ambulance waiting outside for me.
4) My wife asked why was I being forced to go to Mount Auburn Hospital when I was just discharged two days prior from MGH. The police did not know, but if that made a difference they would take me to MGH instead.
5) I was taken to MGH against my will.
6) I was discharged from MGH on March 4th at 3:30am with the Section 12 “lifted” and told I could go home.
7) My wife and I went home.
8. On March 6th I was forced into MGH again by the Cambridge Police and this time supposedly on a charge of “elder abuse.” The claim included several things which basically said I was being “medically abused” by my wife. It claimed I was the one making the claim.
This motion says I swore to several things – I did not know anything about this motion and I swore to nothing. What they have me swearing to is a lie and I believe was conjured up so they could go after my assets as they have gone after the assets of other African Americans, Jews, immigrants and other minorities, after they have gone through a process of making those minorities “incapacitated” or as close to “incapacitated” as possible.
They used the charge of “elder abuse” to send the police to take me out of a house I lived in for 36 years with a wife I was married to for 37 years. They had to get me out of the house “immediately” because my life and health were at stake.
This motion says “In support hereof the Respondent swears and avers that: 1. He is indigent
I am not indigent and I did not swear to any such thing. Yesterday was the first time I saw that motion which is dated March 6, 2020.
I did not know about this document nor about this motion nor did anyone else in my family know about this or had seen it.
2. The motion continues: “He has a right under the United States and Massachusetts Constitutions to the services of a clinician at the Commonwealth’s expense where, as here, the Commonwealth seeks to deprive a Respondent of a substantial liberty interest as a result of its allegations as to his mental status and need for inpatient psychiatric care and treatment. See, Are v. Oklahoma, 470 U. S. 68 (1985).
The Clinician they talk about is one who took out the Section 12 against me for Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services – Dr. Rebecca Warner. Hers clearly would not be an “Independent Examination” since she was involved from the beginning and when the MGH exam did not produce the results SCES wanted, they brought in their psychiatrist to do it over so they could move on to their next step which was trying to “incapacitate” me so Attorney O’Sullivan could move on to his next step which was to attempt to take Guardianship over me claiming I was “incapacitated” – the result they were trying to bring about.
I did not contact them nor did I ask for help on any level. I was well taken care of by my wife, adult children and the community surrounding us. They made allegations as to my mental status without proof of any kind.
SCES did this to promote their services and to force African Americans into their agency forcing me and others to accept what we did not need nor want. To do this they had to bring in a psychiatrist to claim I was mentally ill.
3. In the alternative, the Court must, pursuant too G.L. c.261, article 27C, authorize the expenditure of funds necessary to secure such services where, as here, such services are reasonably necessary to assure that Respondent is able to prosecute this action in as effective manner as would be available to a person of means. Commonwealth v. Lockley, 381 Mass. 156 (1980). In respect thereto, Respondent further asserts that it cannot reasonably be argued that a person of means, facing the possibility of the involuntary Pilgrim Rehabization, would ever knowingly choose not to expend his funds to secure the assistance of an independent clinical expert. See e.g. Guardianship of a Mentally Ill Person, Mass. App. Ct. No. 85-0018 Civ. (Dreben J. 1/28/85).
This was especially amazing since such an independent clinical expert had done such a job and “lifted” the Section 12 and sent me home. SCES, Attorney O’Sullivan and their group were not going to let go because they thought my assets were too tempting nor to raid and destroy.
Again I reiterate I knew nothing about this. No one determined that I was mentally ill. In fact, MGH psychiatrists made the determination that the Section 12 was lifted which was filed by Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services and Attorney James O’Sullivan. Attorney O’Sullivan and Protective Services have done this against African Americans, Jews, immigrants and others in the past, without cause. With the help of their psychiatrist and others they created the cause they needed to move against those they sought out to promote their grifting.
In other words, MGH psychiatrist found I was not mentally ill and there was no reason for my having been picked up and forced into the hospital. The motion filed by SCES with help from Atty Cheri Myette and Atty O’Sullivan ends with WHEREFORE it is respectfully requested that the above Motion be allowed. It also says on the signature lines “Respectfully submitted, Robert Bennett, By his attorney s/s Cheri Myette” There is no signature under my name – only the typed ending. This was done by Atty Myette on March 5, 2020 when she had not spoken to me about anything – had never met me, knew nothing about me except that I was the new “mark”.
Again, I have never met Cheri Myette. I had never spoken to her. I had no idea these folks were running into Court to get this motion against me to take away my freedom. This was done in my name without my knowledge or consent and I was totally capable of giving both.
They took it upon themselves to accuse my wife of abusing me because that allowed them to send the police to take me out of my home once again and to continue on with what I consider a criminal conspiracy which has been practiced against many by the same people and others across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
On March 4, 2020 at 3:30 am I was discharged from MGH with “no medicines prescribed” yet as a result of this motion they filed the abuse charge against my wife. SCES claimed that “It is alleged that Mr. Bennett’s medical needs are not being met in part, he may not be taking his prescribed medications.
They did not tell the Court that Robert Bennett was discharged with “no medicines prescribed.” So what does all of the above mean?
The “Temporary Order” also claims Robert Bennett needs “appropriate supervision”. needs rehab; needs medical follow-up; etc. etc.
What they did not say was the discharge with “no medicines prescribed and all vitals normal including blood pressure made that a ridiculous decision.
What the motion also ignored was that SCES was behind forcing me into Sherrill House for rehab as the only place I could go. My choice was Spaulding, however, I was told Sherrill House was the only place I could go.
With that choice they sent me to a rehab, nursing home which was under quarantine and did not have the same level of expertise, etc. that would have been available to me at Spaulding.
Having visited Spaulding when friends were there I was able to see their level of care and rehab that I did not see at Sherrill House. My choice was taken away from me and my wife, as my Health Care Proxy, was also eliminated from that decision. When my wife and I visited both places it was clear that Spaulding was white – Sherrill House was brown to black and the way that was maintained was what I was experiencing with no choice as to which institution I would receive rehab.
I was also forced to accept a visiting nurse/home health care group without having a choice in the matter and in the process of that I was sexually abused by one of the people who were supposedly giving me better care than my wife could give.
Dr. Rebecca Warner was the psychiatrist who signed the Section 12 which was ‘lifted’ by MGH. That should have settled the matter. Instead, she continued to be involved pushing the matter and attempting to clearly diagnose me as “incapacitated” and filling me full of drugs which could have done serious damage to me mentally and physically.
With the Section 12 she was not paid the $2,000 they paid Dr. Rebecca Warner to go to MGH to give me Hallucinatory Drugs, anti-psychotics with no reason, anti-seizure medications for five weeks on a daily basis which probably has negatively affected my brain and all the other 8 to 10 drugs I was forced to take. In other words the state paid for Dr. Warner to set me on a program to incapacitate me so I could then me forced into a nursing home in constraints for the rest of my life.
Dr. Warner’s license should be immediately suspended pending a hearing as to whether her license should be permanently removed.
That “Temporary Order” is dated March 6, 2020 – the date the police forced their way into my home at 6pm and threatened to drag my out if I didn’t walk out with them and if they broke anything or had to break the door down they said they had the right to do that and they would not be financially responsible for any damage done. They also said they had to right to go all through my home, if that was necessary, to get me to drag me out to put me into the ambulance waiting outside to take me to MGH.
Present when this happened was my wife, Marceline Donaldson. My son, Mark Bennett, his wife Karen Bennett and my daughter Ann Bennett. But, somehow these African Americans were not adequate to see about my well being and could not satisfy what the Court thought I needed and forced upon me. What they forced on me were whites replacing the African American family and community within which I lived.
The person who was supposed to do this “examination of me” was Dr. Rebecca Warner, the psychiatrist who swore out the Section 12 which put me, against my will in MGH on March 3rd. Dr. Warner is the psychiatrist who said in the Section 12 that she did not know me, had never met me, had never been to my home yet she forced me out of my home with police and declared my home of 36 years ‘unsafe’.
To swear this out – to lie under oath saying I requested this motion be allowed when I did not and knew nothing about it violates every right I have and has destroyed my wife’s reputation.
This has been an unbelievable experience and has shown me clearly one does not have to be involved in claimed criminal activity to have these horrendous interactions with the police and the Court which were clearly totally unjustified with a clear attempt to destroy my life, my family, and to see that my assets would be drawn down and turned over to whites instead of being help in the hands of African Americans. That apparently violates this Court’s ethic. – And yes, I am angry! Wouldn’t you be angry?
Respectfully Submitted,
s/s Rev. Dr. Robert A. Bennett, Jr.
Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Signed and Notarized Statement of Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett regarding motions filed in his name about which he knew nothing at an ex parte hearing about which he knew nothing. A motion which contained lies he was claimed to have said and to which his name was attached as though he wrote the motion, with the claim that he was the one filing the motion. Filed by an attorney who neither he nor his family had ever heard of, had ever spoken to. In an attempt to make an ex-parte motion appear to be a motion at which Rev. Dr. Robert Bennet was represented.
What is most amazing about all of this is the multiple and continuing lies – most told under oath by people working for a state agency; by attorneys; by their clients. Are these called “grifters”.
The elderly are so badly treated in Probate and Family Court that motions are filed in their name – without their knowledge – without their consent and everyone acting as though this is fine and the way things are and should be done in Court.
It might surprise you, but many elderly people are perfectly able to talk, think, write, walk, dance, run and more and yet they are portrayed as “incapacitated.” That word is used in many cases to keep the elderly from appearing in Court so they will not contradict the story line being used to gain access to and spend down their assets.
What follows is a notarized statement by Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett in response to papers he and his family were given by strangers who got them from someplace – and thank God for such caring people.
These are motions and other such papers filed in Court under Robert Bennett’s name about which he knew nothing, which were not signed by Robert Bennett, some were undersigned by his Court Appointed attorney who has never contacted him; never talked to him neither in person nor on the phone nor by email. Their first contact was when Robert Bennett started motioning the Court for the removal of this Court appointed attorney.
We will let these papers stand on their own because we want you to know what Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett and his wife, Marceline Donaldson, are going through. We want you to know every detail because others are going through the same thing. We received calls, and other contacts from people who are desperate and who have been made destitute when they spent their lives accumulating a “nest egg” for their old age and something to pass along to their children. That “nest egg” seems to be the reason for all of this. It is no accident that this started against the Donaldson/Bennett’s shortly after they put their house on the market for sale and they changed their minds and took it off the market. And then all hell broke loose.
Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett’s statement– sworn to and notarized
I am attaching documents that were filed in my name with Middlesex Probate and Family Court. One claim of these documents was that I am “indigent”.
1) “Order Appointing Counsel” was filed 3/5/2020 claiming “elder abuse”.
I knew nothing about this document. I did not request an attorney be appointed on my behalf. I knew nothing about this action and I did not know nor had ever heard of Cheri Myette. Over the months that followed Cheri Myette did not contact me; did not answer my contact to her which included telephone calls and emails. Nor did she respond to my wife’s telephone calls and emails to her. She was apparently appointed as a space saver so other attorneys could not represent me and motions I filed on my own behalf would not be heard by nor taken seriously by the Court because I had a Court appointed attorney.
Attorney Myette was appointed in an “ex parte” hearing on March 6, 2020. She filed motions which claimed many things which are lies and apparently meant to further the case of Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services’ attempt to take over my life; to make the end of my life miserable; to incarcerate me in a nursing home with restraints on a steady diet of anti-psychotic medications; to make and then keep me “incapacitated” and more – things they have done to other African Americans.
Protective Services Agencies in other areas of Massachusetts besides Boston/Cambridge partnering with attorneys in Massachusetts have done similar things to Jews, African Americans, immigrants and other minorities.
2) A form entitled ” Motion for Funds for Independent Examination.”
I knew nothing about this motion. This was not done on my behalf by anyone. This was done to further the goals of the “grifters” trying to strip me of any assets I might have.
I was forced out of my home on March 3, 2020 by the Cambridge police with an order signed by Dr. Rebecca Warner, psychiatrist who said in the Section 12 she filed against me that “she never met me, never examined me, never visited by home but was signing a Section 12 to have me picked up, forced into Mount Auburn Hospital to be “sectioned”. This same Dr. Rebecca Warner is now the one being paid $2,000 by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to do an “Independent Exam”. She was paid $2,000 because Myette, O’Sullivan, SCES claimed I was ‘indigent’ and could not afford even the $150 fee usually required of people in these circumstances.
What Dr. Warner did was to facilitate my ‘incarceration’ by SCES and to force anti-psychotics, anti-seizure medicines, hallucinatory medicines and 8 to 10 more individual medicines per day down my throat. They had me in a position where I was totally scared with all that happened around me and I was in this place with no one, shoved into a corner, forced to stay in bed. It was a nightmare.
3) I refused to go. The police were very clear, if I did not go I would be picked up by them and forcibly put into the ambulance waiting outside for me.
4) My wife asked why was I being forced to go to Mount Auburn Hospital when I was just discharged two days prior from MGH. The police did not know, but if that made a difference they would take me to MGH instead.
5) I was taken to MGH against my will.
6) I was discharged from MGH on March 4th at 3:30am with the Section 12 “lifted” and told I could go home.
7) My wife and I went home.
8. On March 6th I was forced into MGH again by the Cambridge Police and this time supposedly on a charge of “elder abuse.” The claim included several things which basically said I was being “medically abused” by my wife. It claimed I was the one making the claim.
This motion says I swore to several things – I did not know anything about this motion and I swore to nothing. What they have me swearing to is a lie and I believe was conjured up so they could go after my assets as they have gone after the assets of other African Americans, Jews, immigrants and other minorities, after they have gone through a process of making those minorities “incapacitated” or as close to “incapacitated” as possible.
They used the charge of “elder abuse” to send the police to take me out of a house I lived in for 36 years with a wife I was married to for 37 years. They had to get me out of the house “immediately” because my life and health were at stake.
This motion says “In support hereof the Respondent swears and avers that: 1. He is indigent
I am not indigent and I did not swear to any such thing. Yesterday was the first time I saw that motion which is dated March 6, 2020.
I did not know about this document nor about this motion nor did anyone else in my family know about this or had seen it.
2. The motion continues: “He has a right under the United States and Massachusetts Constitutions to the services of a clinician at the Commonwealth’s expense where, as here, the Commonwealth seeks to deprive a Respondent of a substantial liberty interest as a result of its allegations as to his mental status and need for inpatient psychiatric care and treatment. See, Are v. Oklahoma, 470 U. S. 68 (1985).
The Clinician they talk about is one who took out the Section 12 against me for Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services – Dr. Rebecca Warner. Hers clearly would not be an “Independent Examination” since she was involved from the beginning and when the MGH exam did not produce the results SCES wanted, they brought in their psychiatrist to do it over so they could move on to their next step which was trying to “incapacitate” me so Attorney O’Sullivan could move on to his next step which was to attempt to take Guardianship over me claiming I was “incapacitated” – the result they were trying to bring about.
I did not contact them nor did I ask for help on any level. I was well taken care of by my wife, adult children and the community surrounding us. They made allegations as to my mental status without proof of any kind.
SCES did this to promote their services and to force African Americans into their agency forcing me and others to accept what we did not need nor want. To do this they had to bring in a psychiatrist to claim I was mentally ill.
3. In the alternative, the Court must, pursuant too G.L. c.261, article 27C, authorize the expenditure of funds necessary to secure such services where, as here, such services are reasonably necessary to assure that Respondent is able to prosecute this action in as effective manner as would be available to a person of means. Commonwealth v. Lockley, 381 Mass. 156 (1980). In respect thereto, Respondent further asserts that it cannot reasonably be argued that a person of means, facing the possibility of the involuntary Pilgrim Rehabization, would ever knowingly choose not to expend his funds to secure the assistance of an independent clinical expert. See e.g. Guardianship of a Mentally Ill Person, Mass. App. Ct. No. 85-0018 Civ. (Dreben J. 1/28/85).
This was especially amazing since such an independent clinical expert had done such a job and “lifted” the Section 12 and sent me home. SCES, Attorney O’Sullivan and their group were not going to let go because they thought my assets were too tempting nor to raid and destroy.
Again I reiterate I knew nothing about this. No one determined that I was mentally ill. In fact, MGH psychiatrists made the determination that the Section 12 was lifted which was filed by Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services and Attorney James O’Sullivan. Attorney O’Sullivan and Protective Services have done this against African Americans, Jews, immigrants and others in the past, without cause. With the help of their psychiatrist and others they created the cause they needed to move against those they sought out to promote their grifting.
In other words, MGH psychiatrist found I was not mentally ill and there was no reason for my having been picked up and forced into the hospital. The motion filed by SCES with help from Atty Cheri Myette and Atty O’Sullivan ends with WHEREFORE it is respectfully requested that the above Motion be allowed. It also says on the signature lines “Respectfully submitted, Robert Bennett, By his attorney s/s Cheri Myette” There is no signature under my name – only the typed ending. This was done by Atty Myette on March 5, 2020 when she had not spoken to me about anything – had never met me, knew nothing about me except that I was the new “mark”.
Again, I have never met Cheri Myette. I had never spoken to her. I had no idea these folks were running into Court to get this motion against me to take away my freedom. This was done in my name without my knowledge or consent and I was totally capable of giving both.
They took it upon themselves to accuse my wife of abusing me because that allowed them to send the police to take me out of my home once again and to continue on with what I consider a criminal conspiracy which has been practiced against many by the same people and others across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
On March 4, 2020 at 3:30 am I was discharged from MGH with “no medicines prescribed” yet as a result of this motion they filed the abuse charge against my wife. SCES claimed that “It is alleged that Mr. Bennett’s medical needs are not being met in part, he may not be taking his prescribed medications.
They did not tell the Court that Robert Bennett was discharged with “no medicines prescribed.” So what does all of the above mean?
The “Temporary Order” also claims Robert Bennett needs “appropriate supervision”. needs rehab; needs medical follow-up; etc. etc.
What they did not say was the discharge with “no medicines prescribed and all vitals normal including blood pressure made that a ridiculous decision.
What the motion also ignored was that SCES was behind forcing me into Sherrill House for rehab as the only place I could go. My choice was Spaulding, however, I was told Sherrill House was the only place I could go.
With that choice they sent me to a rehab, nursing home which was under quarantine and did not have the same level of expertise, etc. that would have been available to me at Spaulding.
Having visited Spaulding when friends were there I was able to see their level of care and rehab that I did not see at Sherrill House. My choice was taken away from me and my wife, as my Health Care Proxy, was also eliminated from that decision. When my wife and I visited both places it was clear that Spaulding was white – Sherrill House was brown to black and the way that was maintained was what I was experiencing with no choice as to which institution I would receive rehab.
I was also forced to accept a visiting nurse/home health care group without having a choice in the matter and in the process of that I was sexually abused by one of the people who were supposedly giving me better care than my wife could give.
Dr. Rebecca Warner was the psychiatrist who signed the Section 12 which was ‘lifted’ by MGH. That should have settled the matter. Instead, she continued to be involved pushing the matter and attempting to clearly diagnose me as “incapacitated” and filling me full of drugs which could have done serious damage to me mentally and physically.
With the Section 12 she was not paid the $2,000 they paid Dr. Rebecca Warner to go to MGH to give me Hallucinatory Drugs, anti-psychotics with no reason, anti-seizure medications for five weeks on a daily basis which probably has negatively affected my brain and all the other 8 to 10 drugs I was forced to take. In other words the state paid for Dr. Warner to set me on a program to incapacitate me so I could then me forced into a nursing home in constraints for the rest of my life.
Dr. Warner’s license should be immediately suspended pending a hearing as to whether her license should be permanently removed.
That “Temporary Order” is dated March 6, 2020 – the date the police forced their way into my home at 6pm and threatened to drag my out if I didn’t walk out with them and if they broke anything or had to break the door down they said they had the right to do that and they would not be financially responsible for any damage done. They also said they had to right to go all through my home, if that was necessary, to get me to drag me out to put me into the ambulance waiting outside to take me to MGH.
Present when this happened was my wife, Marceline Donaldson. My son, Mark Bennett, his wife Karen Bennett and my daughter Ann Bennett. But, somehow these African Americans were not adequate to see about my well being and could not satisfy what the Court thought I needed and forced upon me. What they forced on me were whites replacing the African American family and community within which I lived.
The person who was supposed to do this “examination of me” was Dr. Rebecca Warner, the psychiatrist who swore out the Section 12 which put me, against my will in MGH on March 3rd. Dr. Warner is the psychiatrist who said in the Section 12 that she did not know me, had never met me, had never been to my home yet she forced me out of my home with police and declared my home of 36 years ‘unsafe’.
To swear this out – to lie under oath saying I requested this motion be allowed when I did not and knew nothing about it violates every right I have and has destroyed my wife’s reputation.
This has been an unbelievable experience and has shown me clearly one does not have to be involved in claimed criminal activity to have these horrendous interactions with the police and the Court which were clearly totally unjustified with a clear attempt to destroy my life, my family, and to see that my assets would be drawn down and turned over to whites instead of being help in the hands of African Americans. That apparently violates this Court’s ethic. – And yes, I am angry! Wouldn’t you be angry?
Respectfully Submitted,
s/s Rev. Dr. Robert A. Bennett, Jr.
I did not request, submit, want the above submitted because it is a lie conjured up by Ms. Myette and probably with the help of Attorney O’Sullivan and Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services. I did not see this document until yesterday when someone brought it to our house and apparently put it through the mail slot. I had never met Attorney Myette, knew nothing about her, did not know I needed an attorney.
We hired Burns & Levinson to represent me. They did not. They decided on their own to represent my wife instead without our knowledge or consent. They said they did that because I already had a Court appointed attorney. The fact that there are procedures by which they could have moved to become my attorney seemed to be irrelevant. They did not talk to my wife about this case except very superficially and they knew they had been hired to represent Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett.
When they represented my wife, they omitted crucial facts –
They did not include the fact that the Section 12 had been filed by Dr. Rebecca Warner and lifted by MGH because it should not have been filed in the first place.
They did not let me or my wife know about the above motion which they had to know was not one I filed nor asked an attorney to file.
Apparently, Atty Myette assured the Court she could consult with her ‘client’ before the March 6th hearing – this on March 5th. She did not let the Court know she had not and did not intend to so consult.
Again – the above motion had not been requested, not filed, not wanted by me.
As we have moved along trying to understand all that happened with Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett, whose life was almost destroyed by Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services and its hangers on, we have come to realize that RACISM – SEXISM – ANTI-SEMITISM – and more are where the targets are aimed in this new area, discovered by those who are determined to keep bigotry as a part of this United States.
Slavery gave way to Jim Crowism. Jim Crowism gave way to Structural Racism. Structural Racism is giving way to a really vile kind of bigotry in the Health Industry where Guardianship is one of the star performers destined to keep slavery, jim crow and structural racism around for an eternity.
It is within the Health Industry where a person can be picked up by the police for no reason and have their lives ruined because of a number of reasons none related to your health. The kind of police power given to the health industry with no safe-guards is astounding. It is an area rife for the arrival and take-over of that industry and its institutions by a strong mafia.
The way there are no guard rails around Guardianship is unbelievable. The end of many minorities lives has been made a living hell by those who see themselves able to benefit financially from pushing into the lives of strangers and wrecking havoc for a few dollars.
Dr. Rebecca Warner needs to have her license to practice psychiatry seriously investigated and probably revoked.
With no prior psychiatric problems of any kind, Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett found himself in Mass General Hospital being given things like anti-psychotic medications, hallucinatory drugs and a whole lot more on a daily basis. This to a man with no psychiatric problems. The attempt to turn a fairly health man into an incapacitated sub-human was done exquisitely by Dr. Warner.
Remember – Rev. Dr. Bennett was not there for health reasons. The police went to his house and picked him up to incarcerate him in the hospital on a Section 12 – with no reason – except for the paper signed by Dr. Rebecca Warner who made the disclaimer with her signature that she did not know Robert Bennet, had never met him, never examined him, never been to his house and yet she signed for the police to pick him up and force him into the hospital to be psychiatrically examined because under the Section 12 she deemed him a threat to society and/or to himself.
He was supposed to be forced into Mount Auburn Hospital, which is apparently very amenable to and – on information and belief – have been practitioners of this ‘Guardianship Game” for quite some time. Instead, his wife insisted he go to MGH where the Section 12 was lifted because he should not have been so forced into a hospitable on such charges in the first place. So he was sent home.
Two days later the police arrived again at his house, this time to incarcerate him in MGH with the claim that his wife was “medically abusive” to him. This was introduced to the court without telling the court about the discharge of Rev. Dr. Bennett from the hospital just two days prior. This group of criminal conspirators were not to be rejected. They had a pattern to put in place and follow and nothing would deter them. Lying – cheating – trying to steal a man’s life for the financial or career gains that would accrue to them – fair game.
At MGH Dr. Rebecca Warner arrived and did what she was supposed to do at Mount Auburn Hospital, but didn’t have the chance because Dr. Bennett went to MGH and had been discharged with “no medicines prescribed” and all vitals in the normal range including blood pressure.
At Mount Auburn Hospital, they were waiting for the arrival of Dr. Bennett under the Section 12 to consign him to their psychiatric wing. There would be no examination, nothing just send him off. They would not have “lifted” the Section 12 at Mount Auburn Hospital because that was the start of the road to “incapacitating” Dr. Bennett. To drain his assets he had to be incapacitated, sent to a nursing home for the rest of his life as unable to be assisted to live any kind of life except tied to a bed. The court papers all say – not even with the help of all of the new technology
Unfortunately, he is not the only African American who has experienced what he has been forced through over the past several months. There have been many and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts needs to investigate what is going on with its Protective Services people.
Blacks, Jews, Latina’s have all been so incarcerated.
What had Dr. Bennett done wrong? He lived in the wrong neighborhood in the wrong house. A house that had been “red-lined” and we believe still is.
In addition, he and his wife and some in their circle of friends, consultants, business associates have been and still are very outspoken and have consistently and for months published how they see Donald Trump running these United States into the ground.
They have lived in the Harvard Square neighborhood for some 37 years and have had to fight, all of those years, some of their neighbors who wanted that African American couple gone. Interestingly enough, almost no African Americans have moved into their neighborhood in all of that time. When they see someone dark of color they discover they are Harvard related and live in Shaler Lane or in another house owned by Harvard, thus assuring the neighbors they will not be permanent neighbors and will not be involved in whatever decisions and community that happens.
Acceptable as a place to live in the Harvard Square area is on the other side of Harvard Square – Definitely not the Brattle Street side.
They put their house on the market for sale. When they decided against selling and took the house off the market, some folks in their neighborhood went crazy. Finally, they thought, their neighborhood was going to ‘lighten’. Instead the ‘darkness’ stayed.
That is only one reason and one example for Guardianship being a Civil Rights issue. There are many more and unfortunately this is becoming true across the country.
Blacks you cannot touch because they are not criminals, not accused criminally can be brought into the criminal justice system and can be picked up and forced out of their homes by the police with just the signature of a willing psychiatrist and Dr. Rebecca Warner turned out to be such a person for the Donaldson/Bennett’s.
Jews are also targeted in this Guardianship scheme – which we consider a criminal conspiracy. The anti-semitism around Jews has to do with the propaganda that Jews actually rule the world – have all the money – and are constantly grabbing for more. That negative stereotype goes on, but I am sure you are completely aware of it.
Immigrants, especially are becoming targets of these schemes to gain Guardianship over and then deplete and draw down the assets of minorities so their next generation does not have the “push” from being left assets to begin to move ‘Up” financially and otherwise in this society.
The hard work of that first generation of immigrants is well known as the way to the American Dream tor their children, grandchildren and more down the generations. Stop that – with the Guardianship conspiracy which has overtaken and felled many immigrant families.
Las Vegas, Nevada seems to be the headquarters for such evil. But it can be found in many states and spreading fast.
In Massachusetts, the Courts – which we believe is the headquarters these days for the Irish Mafia – has been developing a very sophisticated system to strip families of their future inheritance by incarcerating their parents using “Guardianship”.
MA. Health is a supporter of this scheme and they do a fantastic job of ripping assets from families – are they a health insurer or are they a very vicious bill collector. Whatever, their structure totally supports this Guardianship criminal conspiracy.
And what will the state do about that? DENY? Investigate itself and find itself clean and not involved?
Don’t be ignorant – Don’t go along to get along – know what is happening in your neighborhood and to those you know and love. Take action and demand that those being so discriminated against be listened to and made whole – one day, that could be you.
With the upcoming vote being what is dominating the news, the one thing mostly absent from the discussion is the Electoral College.
We have suffered through Donald Trump as president because of the racism and sexism structured into this country and its Constitution by our Founding Father. They were unable to envision a country in which all people were created equal. The fear that ‘others’ – other races, immigrants, women, slaves might be able to rise up and exercise control over those who they felt were the real Americans and so the Electoral College came into being as the structured racism and structured sexism put into the Constitution to prevent such an occurrence.
In 2016 that Electoral College gave us Donald Trump as president. A man so morally deficient in what we consider our “American values” that our country as we know it has almost ceased to exist.
We have immigrants being destroyed at the southern border. We have young children of immigrants by the thousands who can’t be found, while we have the suspicious swell in Sex Traffickers having a huge supply of young children they are abusing.
We have as president a man who had “Mein Kampf:” next to his bed for years on his night stand and who has just automatically put in place Hitler/Nazi type institutions into this American country. The latest being his Attorney General trying to eliminate the International Court of Justice.
The 2016 election clearly said – from a democratic place; from the democracy we wish we had structured instead of the republic under which we live – that Hillary Clinton was elected president and was pushed aside in favor of a white male northern European descendant with a ‘mafia’ type family history. We have lived with the fact that over 3 million Americans voted Hillary Clinton into office as president of these United States and instead we cringed as we watched Donald Trump step over her and take the position instead. That by itself should have been the event to horrify every American and move all of us into action when one candidate has over 3 million votes more than the other and the other becomes president? How have we justified our near silence about that over these past four years? How have we justified not having made that our number one priority? How have we justified making excuses for the continuation of the Electoral College while blaming other things which did not have the strength nor the import to be responsible for such a happening?
If we were not happy with that structural racism we would have moved to change it over these last four years. We have not. Instead, we have attributed that loss not to what our Founding Father institutionalized and what we have lived under all of these hundreds of years, but to James Comey writing a memo which is not the kind of thing which would dictate the winner of the 2016 presidential election.
It is time for us to “man up” and admit our failings and move swiftly and together to change that. We have “Black Lives Matter”, but do they really when we cannot take out of our institutional, political structure what has been put there to make sure whoever is running for election as president of this country has a very large barrier to cross if they are not northern European and if their class is not the preferred class of our Founding Fathers.
It is time for us to be – structurally – a democracy – and not hide behind the fear of “the others” taking over and running this country. It is time for us to be an actual democracy where white northern European upper classes in these United States are one of – are equal to – are working alongside those who are not white, not upper class, not the kind of person who originally wrote the Constitution and instituted slavery and the extreme oppression of women with immigrants being treated as they are today.
Why is equality such a scary thing to all of us. Why do we need the accident of our birth to determine our level of power, wealth and control in these United States. What is it we are afraid of? That blacks will rule the country? That Jews will be the financial arbiters? That we will all slide ‘down’ into a culture taken from American Indians? Need I go on?
Get your guts together America and act out what we claim to believe – that we are all created equal and we all have much to give to the betterment of these United States and we need to make sure everyone is allowed to give of their talents and that each one’s vote will be equal to the vote of their neighbor, friend, co-worker, colleague, ……….
The first priority in voting is to eliminate the Electoral College. We cannot afford anymore Donald Trump’s – and, we might add, eliminate many of those presidents who would not have been elected but for the Electoral College – all of whom added their bit to the destruction of this country through their fear of losing the advantage of their skin color, their culture and their financial status which they did not earn, but were given by their birth.
Your birth gives you many things – it does not give you “better than” against other human beings.
Electoral College Trumps Democracy!
Friday, September 4th, 2020With the upcoming vote being what is dominating the news, the one thing mostly absent from the discussion is the Electoral College.
We have suffered through Donald Trump as president because of the racism and sexism structured into this country and its Constitution by our Founding Father. They were unable to envision a country in which all people were created equal. The fear that ‘others’ – other races, immigrants, women, slaves might be able to rise up and exercise control over those who they felt were the real Americans and so the Electoral College came into being as the structured racism and structured sexism put into the Constitution to prevent such an occurrence.
In 2016 that Electoral College gave us Donald Trump as president. A man so morally deficient in what we consider our “American values” that our country as we know it has almost ceased to exist.
We have immigrants being destroyed at the southern border. We have young children of immigrants by the thousands who can’t be found, while we have the suspicious swell in Sex Traffickers having a huge supply of young children they are abusing.
We have as president a man who had “Mein Kampf:” next to his bed for years on his night stand and who has just automatically put in place Hitler/Nazi type institutions into this American country. The latest being his Attorney General trying to eliminate the International Court of Justice.
The 2016 election clearly said – from a democratic place; from the democracy we wish we had structured instead of the republic under which we live – that Hillary Clinton was elected president and was pushed aside in favor of a white male northern European descendant with a ‘mafia’ type family history. We have lived with the fact that over 3 million Americans voted Hillary Clinton into office as president of these United States and instead we cringed as we watched Donald Trump step over her and take the position instead. That by itself should have been the event to horrify every American and move all of us into action when one candidate has over 3 million votes more than the other and the other becomes president? How have we justified our near silence about that over these past four years? How have we justified not having made that our number one priority? How have we justified making excuses for the continuation of the Electoral College while blaming other things which did not have the strength nor the import to be responsible for such a happening?
If we were not happy with that structural racism we would have moved to change it over these last four years. We have not. Instead, we have attributed that loss not to what our Founding Father institutionalized and what we have lived under all of these hundreds of years, but to James Comey writing a memo which is not the kind of thing which would dictate the winner of the 2016 presidential election.
It is time for us to “man up” and admit our failings and move swiftly and together to change that. We have “Black Lives Matter”, but do they really when we cannot take out of our institutional, political structure what has been put there to make sure whoever is running for election as president of this country has a very large barrier to cross if they are not northern European and if their class is not the preferred class of our Founding Fathers.
It is time for us to be – structurally – a democracy – and not hide behind the fear of “the others” taking over and running this country. It is time for us to be an actual democracy where white northern European upper classes in these United States are one of – are equal to – are working alongside those who are not white, not upper class, not the kind of person who originally wrote the Constitution and instituted slavery and the extreme oppression of women with immigrants being treated as they are today.
Why is equality such a scary thing to all of us. Why do we need the accident of our birth to determine our level of power, wealth and control in these United States. What is it we are afraid of? That blacks will rule the country? That Jews will be the financial arbiters? That we will all slide ‘down’ into a culture taken from American Indians? Need I go on?
Get your guts together America and act out what we claim to believe – that we are all created equal and we all have much to give to the betterment of these United States and we need to make sure everyone is allowed to give of their talents and that each one’s vote will be equal to the vote of their neighbor, friend, co-worker, colleague, ……….
The first priority in voting is to eliminate the Electoral College. We cannot afford anymore Donald Trump’s – and, we might add, eliminate many of those presidents who would not have been elected but for the Electoral College – all of whom added their bit to the destruction of this country through their fear of losing the advantage of their skin color, their culture and their financial status which they did not earn, but were given by their birth.
Your birth gives you many things – it does not give you “better than” against other human beings.
Posted in #BlackLives Matter, #DonaldTrump, #meToo, Adolph Hitler, American Corporate Businesses, American Oligarchs, Attorney General Barr, Bettina's Box of Shame, bigotry, Class in America and the World, Feminism, Guest comments, Immigration, James Comey, Native Americans, Nazism, politics, racism | Comments Off on Electoral College Trumps Democracy!