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A Reader’s Request Re: Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett

Thursday, April 1st, 2021

“I tried to follow the blogs which talked about what happened to Rev. Bennett. I was a student of his and felt great pain reading that. A more gentle caring man you can not find so to read about how he was treated is just horrible.

I have a question, which may make me sound stupid, but could you summarize what happened for me – and maybe others out here feel the same – I had a very difficult time following what happened. Sometimes I got the ugliness of it, but couldn’t follow the story. I have no legal training or any kind of experience with anything legal so I got lost many times”


Thank you for your concern and interest. When these kind of things happen, folks causing the problem hope most people will have your reaction, back away, forget what happened to another human being. This then allows the people who perpetrated this to move on to the next person. We hope you will continue to follow this. We have a long way to go before this is over and at the same time, there are others who need help for very similar reasons.

I can give you the beginnings of what we believe is a criminal conspiracy and which took away Robert’s freedoms on every level without his having a chance to know about and/or defend himself in violation of state law and probably many other laws.

As we have seen from others, what makes it difficult to follow this is the attorneys involved impound the documents so almost no one can see them. We think it is something called CYA for them. What took us a long time to understand this was the fact of the impoundment. The SCES attorneys asked that all the documents be impounded. Thank God, someone had access and put documents from the case through the mail slot at Robert’s home.

Several other people – all minorities – have come to us asking for help. The problem they were having – besides the ugly of what was done to them or their family – was trying to figure out what happened and why. We had the same problem, but after a bit of help this is what we found. It isn’t the whole story, just the beginning to give you some idea as to what we are up against. We discovered it is also a pattern which other such happenings follow almost to the “T” – as the old folks say.

On March 3, 2020 the Cambridge police rang Rev. Bennett’s door bell. Eight white policemen, five or six EMT’s, two ambulances and a hospital gurney were sitting outside.

The police said they came to get Robert Bennett because of a Court order to pick him up and take him – whether he wants to go or not – to Mount Auburn Hospital.

It was a shock and total disbelief for all in the house. None had ever experienced anything like this. Neighbors came from across the street to see if they could help.

We discovered there had been a Court Order. The police didn’t have a copy and didn’t intend to give Robert or anyone else a copy. Robert was supposed to just go with them without any proof of their right to be at his door demanding he would either go voluntarily or be dragged out.

After some back and forth with the police and all the people in the house, one of the policemen left and returned with a Court Order.

It was a Section 12, taken out by Dr. Rebecca Warner – a psychiatrist. We had never heard of her. Mount Auburn Hospital was the last place any of us would go because we don’t think much of the place. After this, we think it should be one of the hospitals closed. There is no excuse for a hospital not knowing this kind of thing is going on within its buildings.

This “Court Order” said Dr. Warner had never met Robert, never examined him, never been to his house, but she signed this order anyway and added that the house she had never seen was “unsafe.”

This Section 12 is the kind of order taken out to force people into the hospital who are causing trouble publicly and from drug overdoses, alcoholic episodes in public, etc. None of that described Robert on any level – and he was just home from MGH where he had what appeared to be successful brain surgery. Before he was discharged from MGH for brain surgery he was taking care of himself, walking, talking and in good shape. We were all concerned before the surgery, but after we were relieved until the police started appearing.

Having just left MGH why was Mount Auburn Hospital people trying to shove Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett into their psych ward – and without any reason.

If you know Marceline, Robert’s wife, I am sure you know she went ballistic. Robert went instead to MGH. Marceline insisted and that was the only concession the police would make.

Robert was examined by a psychiatrist at MGH who said there was no reason for him to be there, no reason for them to keep him and several people were amazed to see us in an “emergency room” for people having had psychiatric breaks, other mental emergency problems or substance abuse problems.

Marceline and a neighbor stayed the entire time with Robert refusing to leave him alone.

After his exam by a psychiatrist, which is required under a Section 12, the Section 12 was lifted and Robert went home. That was about 3:30am. From mid-day on the 3rd of March until 3:30am on March 4th.

It took that long because there was a long line of people waiting to be seen by the psychiatrists.

Robert was sent home with all vitals normal including blood pressure. No medicines prescribed, etc.

That charade was thanks to Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services. This is a group we are discovering is totally out of control and Protective Services – which serves the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has caused significant and horrible hurt to many people – mostly elderly and mostly all minorities. After their encounter with this group they are decidedly less-well off – their assets, including their insurance has been practically drained. I would classify this as medicare fraud – using medicare to perpetuate what looks like a criminal conspiracy.

On March 6th, the police were back. This time only two police, one ambulance, a couple EMT’s and for the same reason – to take Robert to MGH because the Court ordered such claiming he was in grave danger living with a wife who substantially abused him – physically, mentally, health wise by refusing him medicines prescribed for him and more. The Court Order granted to Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services a Protective Order which had nothing to do with Robert. It read as though it was taken from fiction. The Court also ordered an Independent Psychiatric Exam. The fact that Rev. Bennett had one just two days earlier was not told to the Court. That was March 6th. This Independent Exam was not done for another 10 days after Robert was forced back into the hospital and not until 10 days after he was given a slew of drugs which could have destroyed the success of his brain surgery especially since many were blood thinners or acted by thinning the blood. Who did that “Independent Exam”, Dr. Rebecca Warner, the psychiatrist who signed off on the Section 12 which first allowed the police into Rev. Bennetts life in such a negative way. She signed off on something that serious on a man she didn’t know, never met, never examined. etc.

One thing struck us hard. While these Court hearings were going on with the attorneys explaining to the judge why Robert was indigent and could not be present because he wasn’t physically able to be there – too old and too sick – where was Robert Bennett? He was in a store in Harvard Square he and his wife had walked to from their home to get out for sunshine and to get what happened the day before out of their minds. They met friends, laughed and talked, sat by the river in the sun and then walked home.

We do have proof of that from people who saw them over that day and time gave us statements.

That is quite a contrast to what the SCES, their attorney and the Court Appointed Attorney were trying to picture so they could get from the Court what they wanted and needed for what we believe is a conspiracy to “incapacitate” Rev. Bennett, drain his assets by shoving him into a nursing home, keeping him restrained so he stays “incapacitated”, etc.

This Court Order went on to say Robert had no one else to care for him; he had no place else to go; he was indigent and needed state appointed lawyers; but mostly needed to be immediately extracted from his home, wife and family because of imminent danger to his health that staying in that home would cause. At the time Robert’s adult children were at Robert’s home. That information was kept from the Court.

The police knew Robert Bennett was not alone because as soon as they arrived neighbors started to arrive at the house to see what was wrong and how they could help.

How did it come to that point?

  1. Protective Services went to Court and claimed in Court under oath that Robert was indigent. Step one of the pattern for Protective Services and others to gain control over Robert
  2. The attorney appointed by the Court without Robert or his family’s knowledge or consent was being paid for by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts because SCES claimed Robert was indigent. Step two of the pattern. That gave them control over everything and they clearly abused that control.
  3. That Court appointed attorney submitted a motion to the court which claimed it was from Robert Bennett and in that motion he was swearing that he was indigent and needed State money for an attorney to help him. They also had this fictional Robert swearing to the fact that his wife abused him.
  4. The motion – also claiming at the end to be “Respectfully submitted by Robert Bennett”, in fact was submitted by the Court appointed attorney who had never met Robert, never talked to him, etc. On the line where one would sign such a document, it was blank. Robert Bennett had not signed the document he knew nothing about. The attorney Cheri Myette signed under Robert Bennett’s name. Were they trying to get this through by convincing the Court that Robert Bennett couldn’t read, write, understand anything? That is how he was characterized throughout the Court hearing and the Judge, having much surfacing to cause questions, ignored it all and went with the Protective Services attorneys and the attorney Court appointed to represent Robert Bennett. Since when in this country can a Court appoint an attorney to represent someone who can speak, sign, etc. for themselves and that attorney can run around claiming to represent a person with whom they have no contact.
  5. Neither Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services nor Robert’s Court appointed attorney told the Court they had used the police to extract Robert from his home on March 3rd. They did not tell the Court their effort to take Robert out of his home for Mental Health reasons failed. They claimed then Robert was the problem and he needed psychiatric help. Since that didn’t work for them they decided to slander Robert’s wife and claim she was the reason they had to extract Robert from his home twice within as many days.
  6. Neither Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services nor Robert’s Court appointed attorney told the Court they had been in Court for an emergency motion ex parte on March 5th and had been turned down by the judge who said the other party had to be notified.
  7. Both Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services kept from the Court the fact that they had not notified Robert of the hearing, nor allowed him to be represented by his own attorneys, etc.
  8. They had two hearings with Judge Langlois who turned them down and refused to give them a Protective Order so they found a judge who would work with them to Robert’s detriment.
  9. On March 5th the judge Langlois appointed an attorney for Robert Bennett. Not a particular attorney, but one goes to the state agency that provides such and funds such to get an attorney.
  10. CSCP, The agency that takes money from the state to fund such attorney requests claims that when such happens in the Court they make the next attorney on the list available. When we called to ask about the process we were told that rule was inviolable. They never jump the list. Whoever is next on the list is who serves as the persons attorney. That turned out to be a pile of crap.
  11. On March 5th SCES by-passed protocol and procedures and CSCP and directly contacted Cheri Myette and asked if she would serve as Robert’s attorney. She agreed. So the list was jumped.
  12. On March 5th she submitted her motion to the Court claiming to represent Robert Bennett without contacting Robert Bennett. The judges specifically said Robert Bennett should be contacted to have knowledge of these events. That meant nothing. He was not contacted. He couldn’t be for this conspiracy to work. They appeared and spoke for him in his name and more.
  13. On March 5th there was a hearing during which Robert Bennett was represented as not only being “indigent”, but also not in Court because he was too ill and out of it to be present. The Court appointed attorney for Robert declared to the Court that she had notified him she was his attorney and appeared in Court on his behalf because he was unable to function physically or otherwise. She also filed a motion, heard on March 6th, asking the Court to approve $2,000 for an “Independent Psychiatric Exam” because Robert was indigent and couldn’t afford to pay for one. Again Rev. Bennett’s signature is not on that motion.
  14. As we outlined above, Rev. Bennett, at the same time they were in Court representing him as unable to function, physically or otherwise, he was in Harvard Square with his wife enjoying the day laughing and talking with friends.
  15. The Court gave its permission to forcibly remove Robert Bennett from his home and on March 6th that happened and Robert was kept out of his home for five weeks while his wife hired attorneys and fought what happened to Rev. Bennett. They are still fighting those battles, but at least this time they are fighting it together.
  16. She hired two law firms – one to represent Rev. Bennett and one to represent her. This was done just days after Rev. Bennett was shoved into MGH by the police. SCES claimed Robert was indigent and could not afford to hire lawyers. Isn’t that lying to take State money to pay for an attorney when it is actually to promote and move what we believe is the criminal conspiracy down the road? Aren’t there state penalties for such? Since the state knows about this and has chosen to ignore it – what does that say about Massachusetts and how it treats African Americans, especially the elderly?
  17. The two law firms wound up representing Marceline because they could not represent Robert Bennett. The Court appointed attorney who Robert Bennett did not want and who he never met or talked to even through to the end of this action – stayed. And what is it called to take state money for an Independent Psychiatric Exam just two days after an Independent Exam by reputable people in a reputable institution had already been done? And to have the “Independent Examiner” – Dr. Rebecca Warner – be the person who started this in the first place. And to use that money and the state to perpetrate and move forward what we think has all the signs of a criminal conspiracy. The role state money plays in this is crucial. How it is used to create this travesty through the Court system is horrendous and has been going on for quite some time.
  18. Robert Bennett was forced into MGH against his will; without having had a hearing of which he was notified. He was not allowed to be represented by his own attorneys. He was not even allowed to know there was a hearing going on whose purpose it was to take away his freedom, destroy his health and drain his assets. The ultimate goal was to declare him under the guardianship of the Jewish Agency for Family and Children in which the attorney representing SCES has a major interest. To do that, Robert needed to be declared indigent, ‘incapacitated’, needing care with no one to care for him. They had a way to accomplish that – slick.
  19. SCES carried on this charade of lies before the Court pretending that Robert Bennett had been notified so they could maintain that the ex parte hearing held to get the police to take Robert out of his home was actually a hearing of which Rev. Bennett knew about, agreed to and provided information for the motion Attorney Myette produced within a short time of having been appointed his attorney by SCES after the Court authorized a Court Appointed attorney for a so-called indigent person.
  20. None of these folks were interested in the welfare of Rev. Bennett. Their interests, which unveiled as this went on, were about their careers, their program, the program they were trying to get established in Mount Auburn Hospital apparently using Robert Bennett’s life to help their career and program goals. How do we know this? To do something like this – it is the end of a process where the agency has been involved with the family, etc. SCES did this without ever having met Rev. Bennett; knowing nothing about his family – his history – his home – not even knowing if he had any history of mental illness or anything close. They just pushed into this family and used the Court and the Police to take it over. Whatever human pain and suffering they caused was really not their concern.
  21. While in MGH Rev. Bennett was forced daily to take anti-psychotics, blood thinners (after brain surgery), high blood pressure pills when his blood pressure was normal, hallucinatory drugs, and about 8 to 10 other drugs for five weeks.
  22. Dr. Warner showed up, leaving Mount Auburn Hospital for MGH, after Rev. Bennett was forced onto this drug regimen for 10 days before her visit, to give him an “Independent Psychiatric Exam”.
  23. Rev. Bennett had already been given one at MGH during his first forced visit, but that didn’t matter to Dr. Warner. The state was charged $2,000 which was paid to Dr. Warner for this visit. This visit happened 10 days after Rev. Bennett was shoved into MGH against his will and 10 days after he was started on these medications. If you want a diagnosis of “incapacitated” this is some of what you have to do to get it.
  24. She declared Rev. Bennett “incapacitated” and the description is horrifying – no ability to think for himself, etc. A description we have read which was given to others who were put through the same trauma. Some left the state because they were afraid of being picked up again for no reason and shoved into some other institution. Some died.
  25. Mount Auburn and MGH are not the only hospitals used as such.
  26. The people doing the using aren’t worried about money. They charge all of this to the insurance of the person they are trying to destroy.
  27. How else can you ‘incapacitate someone, especially someone over 80?Rev. Bennett was forced to stay in bed 24/7 in a very small space in the corner of a room with hospital equipment not being used, but stored in his small 7′ by 9’ space with no access to sun, windows, etc. no visitors allowed and no telephone calls allowed.
  28. He could move from his bed to the chair next to his bed but the space was so small the arm of the chair hit the bed on one side with the other arm hitting the wall.
  29. Both his bed and the chair were alarmed so if he moved or tried to get up out of either one, he would be heard and forced back into the bed. That went on for five weeks.
  30. The time over which that went on was COVID-19 time and MGH was closed because of that – and Robert Bennett was closed in with the virus running amuck when he did not have to be and should not have been so incarcerated against his will.
  31. His wife was not allowed to visit. She had to make an appointment – could only visit between 11am and 1:30pm – could only stay 30 minutes – and had to be accompanied by a policeman and hospital security during the entire visit. In actual fact, she was allowed to visit only three times over his stay because he was “busy”; they claimed he “had taken out a restraining order against her and he didn’t want to see her” – that wasn’t true; a Security Guard threatened to physically throw her out of the hospital if she didn’t leave because she wasn’t wanted there – in response to her trying to see her husband.
  32. When they were finally able to get Rev. Bennett released he was forced to be under the care of a Home Health Care Service to maintain the regimen of keeping him in bed on an alarm blanket; forcing him to take the medicines listed above; and much more.
  33. During the process of his release at home he was sexually abused by one of the women who visited – during the pandemic – from the Home Health Care Service, a service neither Robert nor his wife could choose, but was chosen for them by SCES. They had to allow the Home Health Care people into the house daily – more than one person a day during COVID-19 – they had to watch while Robert took the above medicines and a lot more.
  34. Those conditions were dictated by SCES.
  35. Much more happened, but that gives you an idea of what we have been up against. If you have questions, email.

We had no idea the elderly were being so badly treated. It is true in Massachusetts all over the state. It is also true across the country.

This starts by claiming a mental health issue. With that claim the police can be called and the service which takes over takes carte blanche over the patient. The Courts don’t seem interested which makes one wonder if they are also involved in this charade which from our view is a conspiracy. It has happened to more than one person and the people we know about are Jews, African Americans, immigrants, Latina’s and more.

The bigotry is stark. This leads to the assets of the elderly being drained so the next generation inherits nothing and their chances for success are seriously limited.

It is claimed this apparent conspiracy came from people who were concerned about the way immigrants came to this country and in short order took over. Dealing with the ‘undesirables’ to limit them and others like them from having any influence in this country, as the story goes, this criminal conspiracy was developed. It has received quick accceptance because the money and assets one can grift off of these situations is amazingly large.

When Rev. Bennett was finally released from Massachusetts General Hospital he looked as though he had just been released from a Concentration Camp and that is no exaggeration.


They Acted Corruptly – They Lied – They cheated the Commonwealth of Massachusetts all to incarcerate an African American man and take his assets, while at the same time claiming he was “indigent”.

Monday, September 14th, 2020

What is most amazing about all of this is the multiple and continuing lies – most told under oath by people working for a state agency; by attorneys; by their clients. Are these called “grifters”.

The elderly are so badly treated in Probate and Family Court that motions are filed in their name – without their knowledge – without their consent and everyone acting as though this is fine and the way things are and should be done in Court.

It might surprise you, but many elderly people are perfectly able to talk, think, write, walk, dance, run and more and yet they are portrayed as “incapacitated.” That word is used in many cases to keep the elderly from appearing in Court so they will not contradict the story line being used to gain access to and spend down their assets.

What follows is a notarized statement by Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett in response to papers he and his family were given by strangers who got them from someplace – and thank God for such caring people.

These are motions and other such papers filed in Court under Robert Bennett’s name about which he knew nothing, which were not signed by Robert Bennett, some were undersigned by his Court Appointed attorney who has never contacted him; never talked to him neither in person nor on the phone nor by email. Their first contact was when Robert Bennett started motioning the Court for the removal of this Court appointed attorney.

We will let these papers stand on their own because we want you to know what Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett and his wife, Marceline Donaldson, are going through. We want you to know every detail because others are going through the same thing. We received calls, and other contacts from people who are desperate and who have been made destitute when they spent their lives accumulating a “nest egg” for their old age and something to pass along to their children. That “nest egg” seems to be the reason for all of this. It is no accident that this started against the Donaldson/Bennett’s shortly after they put their house on the market for sale and they changed their minds and took it off the market. And then all hell broke loose.


Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett’s statement – sworn to and notarized

I am attaching documents that were filed in my name with Middlesex Probate and Family Court.  One claim of these documents was that I am “indigent”. 

1) “Order Appointing Counsel” was filed 3/5/2020 claiming “elder abuse”.

I knew nothing about this document.  I did not request an attorney be appointed on my behalf.  I knew nothing about this action and I did not know nor had ever heard of Cheri Myette.  Over the months that followed Cheri Myette did not contact me; did not answer my contact to her which included telephone calls and emails.  Nor did she respond to my wife’s telephone calls and emails to her.  She was apparently appointed as a space saver so other attorneys could not represent me and motions I filed on my own behalf would not be heard by nor taken seriously by the Court because I had a Court appointed attorney.

Attorney Myette was appointed in an “ex parte” hearing on March 6, 2020. She filed motions which claimed many things which are lies and apparently meant to further the case of Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services’ attempt to take over my life; to make the end of my life miserable; to incarcerate me in a nursing home with restraints on a steady diet of anti-psychotic medications; to make and then keep me “incapacitated” and more – things they have done to other African Americans.  

Protective Services Agencies in other areas of Massachusetts besides Boston/Cambridge partnering with attorneys in Massachusetts have done similar things to Jews, African Americans, immigrants and other minorities.

 2) A form entitled ” Motion for Funds for Independent Examination.”

I knew nothing about this motion.  This was not done on my behalf by anyone. This was done to further the goals of the “grifters” trying to strip me of any assets I might have.

I was forced out of my home on March 3, 2020 by the Cambridge police with an order signed by Dr. Rebecca Warner, psychiatrist who said in the Section 12 she filed against me that “she never met me, never examined me, never visited by home but was signing a Section 12 to have me picked up, forced into Mount Auburn Hospital to be “sectioned”.  This same Dr. Rebecca Warner is now the one being paid $2,000 by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to do an “Independent Exam”. She was paid $2,000 because Myette, O’Sullivan, SCES claimed I was ‘indigent’ and could not afford even the $150 fee usually required of people in these circumstances.

What Dr. Warner did was to facilitate my ‘incarceration’ by SCES and to force anti-psychotics, anti-seizure medicines, hallucinatory medicines and 8 to 10 more individual medicines per day down my throat. They had me in a position where I was totally scared with all that happened around me and I was in this place with no one, shoved into a corner, forced to stay in bed. It was a nightmare.

3)  I refused to go.  The police were very clear, if I did not go I would be picked up by them and forcibly put into the ambulance waiting outside for me. 

4)  My wife asked why was I being forced to go to Mount Auburn Hospital when I was just discharged two days prior from MGH.  The police did not know, but if that made a difference they would take me to MGH instead. 

5)  I was taken to MGH against my will.   

6)  I was discharged from MGH on March 4th at 3:30am with the Section 12 “lifted” and told I could go home. 

7)  My wife and I went home. 

8. On March 6th I was forced into MGH again by the Cambridge Police and this time supposedly on a charge of “elder abuse.”  The claim included several things which basically said I was being “medically abused” by my wife. It claimed I was the one making the claim.

 This motion says I swore to several things – I did not know anything about this motion and I swore to nothing.  What they have me swearing to is a lie and I believe was conjured up so they could go after my assets as they have gone after the assets of other African Americans, Jews, immigrants and other minorities, after they have gone through a process of making those minorities “incapacitated” or as close to “incapacitated” as possible.

They used the charge of “elder abuse” to send the police to take me out of a house I lived in for 36 years with a wife I was married to for 37 years.  They had to get me out of the house “immediately” because my life and health were at stake.

 This motion says “In support hereof the Respondent swears and avers that: 1. He is indigent

I am not indigent and I did not swear to any such thing.  Yesterday was the first time I saw that motion which is dated March 6, 2020.

I did not know about this document nor about this motion nor did anyone else in my family know about this or had seen it.

 2. The motion continues: “He has a right under the United States and Massachusetts Constitutions to the services of a clinician at the Commonwealth’s expense where, as here, the Commonwealth seeks to deprive a Respondent of a substantial liberty interest as a result of its allegations as to his mental status and need for inpatient psychiatric care and treatment.  See, Are v. Oklahoma, 470 U. S. 68 (1985). 

The Clinician they talk about is one who took out the Section 12 against me for Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services – Dr. Rebecca Warner. Hers clearly would not be an “Independent Examination” since she was involved from the beginning and when the MGH exam did not produce the results SCES wanted, they brought in their psychiatrist to do it over so they could move on to their next step which was trying to “incapacitate” me so Attorney O’Sullivan could move on to his next step which was to attempt to take Guardianship over me claiming I was “incapacitated” – the result they were trying to bring about.

I did not contact them nor did I ask for help on any level.  I was well taken care of by my wife, adult children and the community surrounding us.  They made allegations as to my mental status without proof of any kind.  

SCES did this to promote their services and to force African Americans into their agency forcing me and others to accept what we did not need nor want. To do this they had to bring in a psychiatrist to claim I was mentally ill.

3.  In the alternative, the Court must, pursuant too G.L. c.261, article 27C, authorize the expenditure of funds necessary to secure such services where, as here, such services are reasonably necessary to assure that Respondent is able to prosecute this action in as effective manner as would be available to a person of means.  Commonwealth v. Lockley, 381 Mass. 156 (1980).  In respect thereto, Respondent further asserts that it cannot reasonably be argued that a person of means, facing the possibility of the involuntary Pilgrim Rehabization, would ever knowingly choose not to expend his funds to secure the assistance of an independent clinical expert.  See e.g. Guardianship of a Mentally Ill Person, Mass. App. Ct. No. 85-0018 Civ. (Dreben J. 1/28/85).

This was especially amazing since such an independent clinical expert had done such a job and “lifted” the Section 12 and sent me home. SCES, Attorney O’Sullivan and their group were not going to let go because they thought my assets were too tempting nor to raid and destroy.

 Again I reiterate I knew nothing about this.  No one determined that I was mentally ill.  In fact, MGH psychiatrists made the determination that the Section 12 was lifted which was filed by Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services and Attorney James O’Sullivan. Attorney O’Sullivan and Protective Services have done this against African Americans, Jews, immigrants and others in the past, without cause. With the help of their psychiatrist and others they created the cause they needed to move against those they sought out to promote their grifting.  

In other words, MGH psychiatrist found I was not mentally ill and there was no reason for my having been picked up and forced into the hospital. The motion filed by SCES with help from Atty Cheri Myette and Atty O’Sullivan ends with WHEREFORE it is respectfully requested that the above Motion be allowed. It also says on the signature lines “Respectfully submitted, Robert Bennett, By his attorney s/s Cheri Myette” There is no signature under my name – only the typed ending. This was done by Atty Myette on March 5, 2020 when she had not spoken to me about anything – had never met me, knew nothing about me except that I was the new “mark”.

Again, I have never met Cheri Myette. I had never spoken to her. I had no idea these folks were running into Court to get this motion against me to take away my freedom. This was done in my name without my knowledge or consent and I was totally capable of giving both.

They took it upon themselves to accuse my wife of abusing me because that allowed them to send the police to take me out of my home once again and to continue on with what I consider a criminal conspiracy which has been practiced against many by the same people and others across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

On March 4, 2020 at 3:30 am  I was discharged from MGH with “no medicines prescribed” yet as a result of this motion they filed the abuse charge against my wife. SCES claimed that “It is alleged that Mr. Bennett’s medical needs are not being met in part, he may not be taking his prescribed medications.

They did not tell the Court that Robert Bennett was discharged with “no medicines prescribed.” So what does all of the above mean?

The “Temporary Order” also claims Robert Bennett needs “appropriate supervision”. needs rehab; needs medical follow-up; etc. etc.

What they did not say was the discharge with “no medicines prescribed and all vitals normal including blood pressure made that a ridiculous decision.

What the motion also ignored was that SCES was behind forcing me into Sherrill House for rehab as the only place I could go. My choice was Spaulding, however, I was told Sherrill House was the only place I could go.

With that choice they sent me to a rehab, nursing home which was under quarantine and did not have the same level of expertise, etc. that would have been available to me at Spaulding.

Having visited Spaulding when friends were there I was able to see their level of care and rehab that I did not see at Sherrill House. My choice was taken away from me and my wife, as my Health Care Proxy, was also eliminated from that decision. When my wife and I visited both places it was clear that Spaulding was white – Sherrill House was brown to black and the way that was maintained was what I was experiencing with no choice as to which institution I would receive rehab.

I was also forced to accept a visiting nurse/home health care group without having a choice in the matter and in the process of that I was sexually abused by one of the people who were supposedly giving me better care than my wife could give.

Dr. Rebecca Warner was the psychiatrist who signed the Section 12 which was ‘lifted’ by MGH. That should have settled the matter. Instead, she continued to be involved pushing the matter and attempting to clearly diagnose me as “incapacitated” and filling me full of drugs which could have done serious damage to me mentally and physically.

With the Section 12 she was not paid the $2,000 they paid Dr. Rebecca Warner to go to MGH to give me Hallucinatory Drugs, anti-psychotics with no reason, anti-seizure medications for five weeks on a daily basis which probably has negatively affected my brain and all the other 8 to 10 drugs I was forced to take. In other words the state paid for Dr. Warner to set me on a program to incapacitate me so I could then me forced into a nursing home in constraints for the rest of my life.

Dr. Warner’s license should be immediately suspended pending a hearing as to whether her license should be permanently removed.

That “Temporary Order” is dated March 6, 2020 – the date the police forced their way into my home at 6pm and threatened to drag my out if I didn’t walk out with them and if they broke anything or had to break the door down they said they had the right to do that and they would not be financially responsible for any damage done.  They also said they had to right to go all through my home, if that was necessary, to get me to drag me out to put me into the ambulance waiting outside to take me to MGH.

Present when this happened was my wife, Marceline Donaldson.  My son, Mark Bennett, his wife Karen Bennett and my daughter Ann Bennett.  But, somehow these African Americans were not adequate to see about my well being and could not satisfy what the Court thought I needed and forced upon me. What they forced on me were whites replacing the African American family and community within which I lived.

The person who was supposed to do this “examination of me” was Dr. Rebecca Warner, the psychiatrist who swore out the Section 12 which put me, against my will in MGH on March 3rd.  Dr. Warner is the psychiatrist who said in the Section 12 that she did not know me, had never met me, had never been to my home yet she forced me out of my home with police and declared my home of 36 years ‘unsafe’.

To swear this out – to lie under oath saying I requested this motion be allowed when I did not and knew nothing about it violates every right I have and has destroyed my wife’s reputation.

This has been an unbelievable experience and has shown me clearly one does not have to be involved in claimed criminal activity to have these horrendous interactions with the police and the Court which were clearly totally unjustified with a clear attempt to destroy my life, my family, and to see that my assets would be drawn down and turned over to whites instead of being help in the hands of African Americans. That apparently violates this Court’s ethic. – And yes, I am angry! Wouldn’t you be angry?

Respectfully Submitted,

s/s Rev. Dr. Robert A. Bennett, Jr.

I did not request, submit, want the above submitted because it is a lie conjured up by Ms. Myette and probably with the help of Attorney O’Sullivan and Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services. I did not see this document until yesterday when someone brought it to our house and apparently put it through the mail slot. I had never met Attorney Myette, knew nothing about her, did not know I needed an attorney.

We hired Burns & Levinson to represent me. They did not. They decided on their own to represent my wife instead without our knowledge or consent. They said they did that because I already had a Court appointed attorney. The fact that there are procedures by which they could have moved to become my attorney seemed to be irrelevant. They did not talk to my wife about this case except very superficially and they knew they had been hired to represent Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett.

When they represented my wife, they omitted crucial facts –

They did not include the fact that the Section 12 had been filed by Dr. Rebecca Warner and lifted by MGH because it should not have been filed in the first place.

They did not let me or my wife know about the above motion which they had to know was not one I filed nor asked an attorney to file.

Apparently, Atty Myette assured the Court she could consult with her ‘client’ before the March 6th hearing – this on March 5th. She did not let the Court know she had not and did not intend to so consult.

Again – the above motion had not been requested, not filed, not wanted by me.


Robert A. Bennett, Jr.


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