In fact, it seems to us that all the Supreme Court appointments and nominations by Donald J. Trump were made because dark money opened its pocket books and dealt to Trump and his followers that which he is known not to resist – money! Note that they dealt him money, not power – that is never shared.
The United States Supreme Court has now clearly been peopled by and its future rulings dictated by the dark money and power about which we hear very little. It has come that much closer to total rule.
There should have been lots of light shone onto what is happening in that corner by the recent award given to Attorney General William Barr by the dark money forces within and around the Catholic Church.
Very little has appeared in the major media about Barr’s award and even less about Barr’s affiliation with Opus Dei. Opus Dei seems to be an organization whose ethics and morality justify the dealings of people like Attorney General William Barr, Michael Pence, Donald Trump and their associates, friends and supporters. Instead of lacking sleep at night, they can sleep soundly because their particularized religious beliefs and organization justifies the immoral and unethical way they function in this life. It is rumored that Opus Dei sits on the right side of the Pope, right across from the Jesuits. We thought there would be more comments on this award by the Jesuits, but there is almost total silence coming from their group.
That award solidifies the unethical, vulgar, immoral tenets which have been published as the foundational beliefs of Opus Dei.
All of our religious groups can be divided into believers and those who dress themselves up in the beliefs of that religion and attempt to get their wants and wishes known and promulgated by others to their benefit.
In the case of the Supreme Court, there is enormous benefit to corporate America for “dark money” and its brotherly government to have major control of this highest court in the country. Most of us have had Russia and Putin thrown in our eyes and ears in major ways while silence was kept around this group as it made its way to more and substantial power.
Trump has, no doubt, been seriously funded by such groups with the understanding that he would not miss an opportunity to move the court’s of this country in the direction in which dark money wants them to go – and in this Trump has been enormously successful. Mitch McConnell has apparently made it his lifetime work to see that such happens. He wants to retire and die a very wealthy man. Given the way he has sold his country to the dark money forces he should be immensely wealthy.
We have been subjected to many articles and much propaganda against Russia and how it has interfered in our election and how this Russian interference is going to destroy the United States and substantially change its constitution on which it was founded in the direction of a horrendously evil dictatorship. Almost nothing on the ways in which Opus Dei has intervened and brought about the wishes of the dark money and government under which we are now operating more and more each day.
As we looked at that, we know for sure Russia interfered in the United States election and on the side of Donald Trump, but its power to bring about the kind of change that happened and is happening is beyond its power. Russia is a country with a very small economy, after all and oligarchs who have some wealth and influence, but that pales compared to what we are seeing and how dark money and its ‘owners’ have drastically changed this country over decades. Russia’ interference has been merely a deflection and distraction taking us away from the real powers that have changed this country and put its movement towards democracy in peril.
We have had two governments in these United States for decades – the government which follows the structure, desires, priorities of corporate America and the Republic, which is the government under which we think we are functioning.
We are in a crisis over climate change because of the out of control greed of the dark government and its money and influence and greed. The United States Supreme Court has been restructured thanks to the dark government and its money under which we have been living. Racism, sexism, LGBTQ rights, and so many more bigotries which develop, take hold and destroy are maintained in these United States and are intransigent because they do not fit the vision of this dark government and its money – that is a white, northern european group and means to maintain itself and those under its sway as “better than” whoever else tries to come up to equality with their kind.
What better way to develop such a country than through slavery – when human beings were the activators and producers of wealth and power? Tens of thousands of people working for free with only a filthy, hunger filled, terror filled life for a few hundred years – unbreakable because of this dark government and dark money under which we have lived.
When that was no longer the best way to go and the industrial revolution happened – more than Africans were enslaved to this new way to govern so this revolution would develop to the aggrandizement of the dark government that has ruled this country almost since its beginnings.
When Donald Trump talks about the “deep state” – listen to him for he knows of what he speaks. However, he is pointing in the wrong direction using the concept under which we have been enslaved, but attributing it to those who know nothing about or only have seconds of a fleeting glimpse of the “deep state’ of dark money and government under which we are oppressed.
Think that has ended? It has only intensified. Look at the obscene amounts of money “earned” by those in this dark government pulling the strings so that its wishes, needs, continued exponential growth would continue during this pandemic. What is it now in the United States economy? 99% of the people are actually enslaved, having had returned to them for their livelihood decreasing amounts of the wealth they created? New tools are being created so the 1% can “earn” 99% of the wealth they did not create and had nothing to do with except take credit.
This is the environment in with these United States are now functioning. The dark government has created its Supreme Court using immense amounts of dark money and have set up stooges to blame – Donald Trump, Russia, Vladimir Putin and on and on and on.
Because the actual facts of what is happening are obscured from most, we walk around fighting for our survival on a decent economic and other level and defeat our own fight by buying the garbage we are fed as truth. Look around with an open mind and it is there for you to see.
When that part of the Catholic Church embraces, promotes and works towards a new world giving awards to Bill Barr for the work he has done and praising him for his “Christlike behavior” we can’t help but think of the Protestants who held up Jerry Falwell, Jr. the president of Liberty University with similar claims. That gave Falwell time to organize and bring into Trump’s sphere those like him in this far right wing area of the Christian Church. Most with the same sexual proclivities as Falwell – and Trump – and so many others in this group.
Today and yesterday and the day before it was clear that these men who were being honored all shared a sexual deviancy which really needs to be explored.
William James talked about two types of “religious belief”. One brought on fervently by feelings of sexuality which mask as feelings of religiosity and another by real feelings of commitment to take the walk of Christ and others in different religions who are held up as their real “saviors”.
What is it in human beings that we trash our saviors and honor those who trash humanity because their own selfish, immoral and destructive needs take precedent.
Those being so honored by the “Church” need to be closely examined because the “Christian Church” particularly has always been divided into those that serve the “empire” and those that serve the Christ. And that division has existed almost from its very beginnings. Isn’t that why someone with Bill Barr’s background and decisions he has made in life have earned for him this Christifidelis Laici Award? Not from his walk with Christ or from his walk following Christ’s path, but from his walk with a disguised Satan fulfilling his most devious, seditious desires and crowning him with money, power and the ability to blind himself to his own sins and sinful nature?
Sadly, many of us buy into what is being sold to us by Cardinal O’Malley. For political power it seems to us Cardinal O’Malley has sold his faith to the highest bidder and is doing whatever he can to insure the re-election of Donald Trump. And that side of the Catholic Church has caused the entire Church to suffer from the results of the sexual abuse and assault and more it allowed without being called before the cross to account for their ways.
Don’t be fooled into thinking this Supreme Court issue is about abortion. Abortion is only a word being used to bring along the gullible. it is a bread crumb for the masses to share.
This is about power, wealth and control. There has always been and probably always will be a group in the Christian Church, both Catholic and Protestant, and in other religious faiths who gain power, wealth and control-over using the faith and belief of the many.
Attorney O’Sullivan – who is the attorney for Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services was given an award by Archbishop O’Malley for the “great work” he has done for the elderly.
Looking back over this Bettina Network Blog you will see some of that work and what it is really about – for the elderly? or for the divestment of the elderly from their assets; the incarceration of the elderly under horrible conditions in nursing homes and other such institutions; ripping the elderly from their families so this can be done quickly and quietly; silencing the major media outlets so this will not be reported on and will be unknown to most; making a path to be trod by the likes of Donald Trump, Cardinal O’Malley and others. And an award to be given to those who do this work.
What is most amazing – those doing this kind of work don’t learn and are almost never converted. A few thousand years have passed in Christendom and there are still those who followed the Roman Emperor in taking up the banner of Christianity and dragging it through the dirt, the slime, the filth of heresy – adultery – sexual assault against children – and so much more with this branch of Christendom giving the awards to these seeming adherents so their immorality will succeed and making the lives of true believers who are actually walking the path Christ walked a walk of martyrdom. Those walking that real Christlike path threaten those walking the path of greed, power, injustice.
William James talked about two types of “religious belief”. One brought on fervently by feelings of sexuality which mask as feelings of religiosity and another by real feelings of commitment to take the walk of Christ, Muhammed, Moses, Krishna, Buddha and others in different religions who are held up as their real “saviors”.
God forgive us, but we still need such people because we only respond to that kind of all out sacrifice and our response doesn’t last long. In Boston during the King era, many sacrificed to integrate the schools to see that children of all colors, creeds, would get a decent education. Today, the schools that were so “integrated” are now all-Black schools with the same problems schools had in the 1950’s and 60’s. It didn’t take long for all of that sacrifice to be turned back as though it had not happened.
The creators of dark money, dark government, dark corporate structures and so much more soon pop up and evolve to take over because they appeal to our greed, our power needs, our weak egos so we follow that group basking in a reflection of their power – which we never feel and can never join and are never welcomed into their bosoms, but we are satisfied to be those who sacrifice ourselves so the worst amongst us may live this grandiose life style. And so we have the coming about of the presidency of Donald J. Trump.
How long, O God, must be live with our sinful natures making such grand strides to the detriment of ourselves and others. Deliver us O God, and soon.
More Bettina Members Comments!
Wednesday, March 20th, 2019I was heartsick as I watched television news as the New Zealand massacre unfolded. I could not believe we were in that space once again.
I turned on television news to watch young people in their massive demonstration about Climate Change. What a disappointment. A fantastic huge demonstration of such dedicated youth and not one word or picture or anything about what was happening outside my window.
I remembered a couple things – when there was some news out there that Trump wanted to block he had ways to distract and block. Was the New Zealand massacre set up to distract these young people’s demonstration which Trump has worked hard to keep from surfacing? It would take something massive to keep those young people off the television news and it was found. Since the start of that demonstration I’ve seen nothing of the work and actions of thousands of young people – only the New Zealand massacre. Were Muslims used to distract from this powerful day of demonstrations?
The second thing I remembered was Trump asking someone he was interviewing if he would kill for him. The news commentator thought that was strange, but put it down to Trump’s “derangement.” That was either Trump’s “derangement” or Trump having blown past the ethics and morals which would have kept him from doing the Khashoggi thing to his joining his group of fascist, dictator ‘friends’ who he has shown he clearly admires and now has shown he can keep up with ‘mafia speak’ to cause murders in his realm?
My thoughts are constantly with the New Zealanders who had to endure the slaughter. I don’t know how I can help, but something will show itself and I will respond.
This world has been created, managed and brought along by males. Some white, some pink, some yellow, some brown, some of many colors. All share lives on this planet which are mostly about satisfying their male egos’ and no matter how large or how small they are led first by sex and then all kinds of violence and everything else follows. It is time for a change. Even television shows are about sex and violence in one form or another and getting worse. There is so much more to life, but we don’t seem able to experience anything beyond various forms of sex and violence.
Life has so many other components, possibilities, excitements – isn’t it time for all of you out of control males to sit down, sit back and just stop the BS. It is time for another kind of world order to emerge – one which has caring for others its first concern; which puts others first; which is interested in building bridges not walls; which looks at business as a way of supplying what we all need not as a way to make billions so we can isolate ourselves and show the world our greatness which we gained at their expense?
We need to be a safe place for the poor to get out of poverty; to do everything we can to educate all of us; – and my writing this is so foolish. As you read it I can hear the comments – “a pipe dream, a romantic, an idealist, where did he come from”. It is so sad what we have done to this planet and it is getting worse. It was such a beautiful place – it is no longer.
Problem is, I don’t see any way out. There are too many Donald Trump’s in this world and more coming. We have so screwed ourselves with most of us just alive doing whatever until we die without any thought to the fact that we are all wasting the beauty of life because we have gone after weakness rather than strength and have redefined our values to satisfy our current existence instead of changing our current existence to be of good character. I doubt that we even know of what that consists.
With New Zealand, has this administration taken its first steps into murder to be able to join the fascist nations developing very quickly around the globe? Did we have to prove our “manhood” and have done so with the “mafia speak” that brought about the New Zealand massacre?
It looks as though sex trafficking, pedophilia, the opioids – the new kind of drugs by prescription until addicted are all now in place and arms of this new mafia being created world wide with the United States president one of those doing the creating, promoting, managing. By tweet is a powerful way to create this kind of institutional structure.
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Tags: Climate Change, Donald Trump, New Zealand, opioids, pedophilia, Sex Trafficking, Sexism
Posted in Bettina Homes, Bettina Network Blog, Bettina Network Educational Institute, Bettina Network Hedge Schools, Bettina Network's Lifestyle Community, Blog Response, Climate Change, Donald Trump, Guest comments, Khashoggi, Mafia Speak, New Zealand, politics, racism, Saudi Arabia, Sex Trafficking | Comments Off on More Bettina Members Comments!