Attorney General Sessions - Bettina Network's Blog

Archive for the ‘Attorney General Sessions’ Category


Wednesday, January 23rd, 2019

We have a man who calls himself President of the United States. He is illegitimate, an extreme bully, has covered up many crimes including a monstrous murder for another country and is totally engaged in treason and the destruction of the United States and yet we have not taken him down. He has delayed his own removal and the indictment of others who aided him by closing down the American Government. He knows his time is short so he has taken this grand action.

What will he do next?

His ex-wife claimed, in her divorce papers, that he kept a copy of Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” on his bedside table. With that as his reading material, I would guess his next step is to call for a National Emergency. Isn’t that what Hitler did? Weakened Germany with outlandish actions and as a denouement he called a National Emergency and it was all over until six million Jews and others were killed, Germany was totally destroyed – and unlike Trump, Hitler was not a puppet of a foreign sovereign.

Trump has an attorney who speaks for him on television. Rudi Giuliani. How was this attorney chosen by Trump? Could it be Trump saw the press conference Mr. Giuliani called outside the Mayor’s House in New York City with his then mistress to announce he was going to marry this woman?

Inside Gracie Mansion, Mr. Giuliani’s wife was making breakfast for their son totally unaware of what was going on outside or that there even was a press conference or that her husband was going to divorce her to marry someone else. She learned that when a reporter called to verify the story.

Does that way of operating seem to reflect Trump’s ethics and character? Does that clear up why he chose Giuliani and what he expects from him?

Besides hiring Giuliani, Trump has tried many other ways to shut down the Russian investigation by doing many things – he fired James Comey; he fired Jeff Sessions; he hired Matt Whitaker; he hired William Barr and on and on it has gone – mostly unsuccessful. But his greatest action in attempting to shut down the Russian investigation is this grand Trump government shutdown. Will we allow it to be successful? Or have we had enough!

Trump can console himself with what he has done to the children!

Something like what is and has been happening at the southern border of the U S. has a historical ring to it. Remember when, in these United States, tens of thousands of Native American children were taken forcibly from their homes and sent other places never to see their families again? What was the result? The complete and total oppression of Native Americans. They have not recovered from then to this day. An entire generation was taken from them, forcibly. The overwhelming feelings of helplessness and loss and what losing an entire generation of a nation’s children does to that nation is indescribable. Those children who survived and were not killed, maimed or otherwise destroyed just given a new identity, never recovered. Is that the playbook from which Trump has taken a page to decide what to do about immigration from South America?

Don’t you think we have done enough? Don’t you think it is time to stop pretending to fight the program until the job of total oppression is done and then we can abdicate all responsibility by destroying the final organizer -the doer – the bigot – the neo-Nazi – the Trump? He has no idea what lies in his future. He thinks he is going to be enormously wealthy and live out his life traveling the globe after his removal from office. Can he spell Khashoggi!

Pretend Donald Trump is African American! Now lets replay that reality show again and see what happens?

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Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

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Keep U. S. Conferences White?

Sunday, August 12th, 2018

ed.note: We are beginning to notice that this Trump/Sessions keeping black/brown people out of the U. S. is not simply an immigrant thing. It is not just about keeping America White by keeping out non-white immigrants, nor is it only about throwing out resident and/or non-white immigrants with green cards who have become U. S. tax payers under as many pretexts as possible. Others are being kept out or their attempt to visit for a brief time, especially for research and collaboration, is made unnecessarily difficult and that difficulty is new – it is not a carry over from past administrations. One person – a member of Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community has shared his experience with us and it follows.

“I was raised and educated in China till college. I came to the US to obtain my PhD at Princeton and continued as a postdoc at Harvard. In total I stayed in the US for 10 years before returning to China to accept a faculty position in Beijing in 2017. I have maintained collaborations with both institutions.

This year, I planned a 2-week visit to Princeton in June, but my visa application was denied during the interview. No specific reason was given other than “the purpose of the visit is not consistent with the visa type for which you have applied”, which is a standard business/tourist visa. I realized later that what caused the denial was my honest statement that this trip was for research collaboration. In fact, this is never allowed under this visa type. The J-type visa serves this purpose, though it is much more complicated and is usually for long-term visit (e.g., I was under the J-visa during my 5-year post doc).

This is really upset, besides the fact that the visa interview process itself is very uncomfortable and time-consuing: no bags or cell phone is allowed in the embassy, and one has to wait in long queues multiple times throughout the process which sometimes can be quite chaotic. One generally wastes half a day just for the interview without anything else done.

With this application denied (and trip cancelled), I will have to do another visa application for a workshop in mid-July to early-August. It is a special workshop running for 3-weeks, and the purpose is to bring people in the field together in a relaxed setting to promote interactions/discussions and inspire new ideas. Participants are asked to stay for at least two weeks, and I planned to join for the later two weeks. This time, the visa officer questioned why my previous application was denied, and also why a conference takes such a long time. Despite my explanation, he asked me to provide more materials to demonstrate the purpose of the visit, in particular a “conference schedule”. Well, this is not a standard conference no such schedule exists before the workshop actually begins when people start to figure out an agenda. I had to write to my conference organizer for an additional letter (he already wrote an invitation letter for me) to explain the situation.

Upon collecting everything, I resent my application, which is then sent for “administrative processing”. This is not uncommon for Chinese scholars, which usually takes 4-6 weeks. My application was sent in early June so I thought there should be enough time. However, I waited and waited and waited. There was no news before my originally planned travel date (I was wise not to purchase an air ticket). The week after, I realize I can check the status of my visa application online, and found that it is finally issued. By the time I actually received the visa, the workshop was already more than half-way done, and even if I purchase ticket to join it, most participants would already have left (in the 3rd week). As a result, I simply cancelled the trip.

On the visa, it is indicated that the “administrative processing” completed in 4 weeks where my case was cleared, but the visa was not issued until some 3 more weeks later. They clearly didn’t want me to attend the conference. Moreover, the visa could have been valid for 10 years, but mine is only valid for 1 year.

Nevertheless, with the visa finally at hand, I temporarily planned a trip to visit Princeton the week after, though the original 2-week plan becomes 3 days. This is followed by a 2-day visit to Cambridge to attend another conference. The visit is brief due to my other time constraints, but is fruitful. I stayed at a Bettina Network Hedge School in Cambridge, the same place I stayed back in 2011 when I came to visit Harvard for a job talk. Everything is very enjoyable with illuminating conversations at breakfast as well as meetings and gatherings with many of my colleagues and friends.

I am at the airport now to return to China soon. Thank you for the warm and welcoming experience that you offer and I will come back again despite the disgusting experience with the embassy.”

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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.

Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you. Please also tell us if you want your name as your byline or if you want your article to appear without your name.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

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Thursday, July 5th, 2018

Quite some time ago I read a blog on these pages about “The Manchurian Candidate” and that was before Trump was elected president and today he is the president of these United States and clearly into treason against the United States.


Trump went to Canada and alienated U. S. Allies demanding that Russia be included in the “7” making it “8” and then he went on to North Korea and was smiley and extremely complimentary of Kim Jong Un, a dictator with a terrible record which included, apparently, killing members of his own family and other atrocities and Donald Trump found that laudatory. His flattery of Kim Jong Un was extravagant.

And now, on to the NATO meeting followed by an extremely private meeting with Vladimir Putin and another “I love Russia and Putin” and those NATO folks are $#%&%#S….

Those meetings are not accidental timings, they are arrogant.

The extreme privacy of his meeting with Putin violates his role as President of these United States. He is the U. S. President not a private citizen and as such he is responsible to the citizens of these United States in everything he does. Meeting privately with Vladimir Putin is against the interest of the United States.

Donald Trump is breaking laws in this country and turning it into a dictatorship which rivals that of Kim Jong Un. Given enough time he will make the atrocities in North Korea look small by comparison. That is what he clearly prefers and what he wants of his presidency – by his own admission.

He has probably done enough to be tried by an International Court and to call in the United Nations and any other international body that has jurisdiction over such acts.

Trump has, in the United States, created a crisis which has allowed him to establish Concentration Camps, Internment Camps and Death Camps. The post in this blog which made those statements early on was clearly correct. What he has created parallels Nazi Germany and takes it many steps beyond.

Trump has turned the “Brown and Black people” arriving in the U. S. seeking asylum from horrendous situations into criminals. He takes away their children and according to the news reports has “lost over 1,000 of them”. Lost them to what? The young girls lost to sex slavery? The young children lost to adoption by others? Any of them sold? It is certainly a slavery situation and closely parallels preparations for slavery auctions with people particularly children in wire cages.

Muslims, Hispanics are currently targeted. Trump has indicated the other non-whites will be next.

Are Naturalized Citizens from those “Brown and Black people” next? Will their citizenship be turned around and they thrown out of the United States after the DACA people are put in the wire cages and deported? Or will they be put into wire cages and moved to the Death Camps when no semi-lawful way is found to deport them? Are African Americans next? And then Native Americans – don’t know where they will be deported, but Trump will think of something. Or will they be jailed on”trumped” up charges and turned into caged slaves. Allowed out during the day to do the free work of the establishment and returned to jail in the evening. Maybe they will simply be killed. And then comes Asians and Asian Americans? He has already cancelled the passports for Asian Americans in Silicon Valley.

And in the process Trump has ignored the Constitution as though it does not exist.

He is isolating the United States and undercutting its economy.

It is clear what is needed to create a fascist dictatorship from a democracy or a republic is isolationism – trade wars – leading to a heavy depression and those are the circumstances under which we are living. That has already been done we just have to wait a couple months for the depression to take hold.

Those three things helped create the ground on which Nazism flourished.

To those who think that is a conjecture too far? It is not conjecture: –

We have death camps – only there is no gas to turn on. Trump has found something more excruciatingly lethal and they are called “cold boxes”. If you are ill when you arrive in this country looking for asylum, having walked over hundreds of miles to get here you are probably over tired, may have the flu and other problems. Are you given health care to help you along – no, you are put in a “cold box”. A place kept at 50 degrees to somethimes as “warm” as 55 or 60 degrees and there you stay until you are ‘decontaminated” of the germs you carry – which in several cases has been weeks. Everything you have is taken away from you and you are left in those “cold boxes” with a thin sweat shirt, thin pants and inconsequential to no shoes and those cold boxes include children and toddlers.

There can’t be doctors around because I don’t know of any doctor or other health person who would recommend such a treatment. All you need is a lowered immune system and a body underfed and exhausted to cause gradual death. If you get to leave the “cold box” you need a very heavy constitution to overcome its effects and over time you will succumb because that stay in that “cold box” compromises your entire system.

Trump supporters are a group of people who are on a level with, if not worse than, the MS-13 gangs Trump loves to threaten people with when the real enemy is Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions. The killing of the five news media recently and the serious injuring of more sits directly in Trump’s lap and comes from the kind of rhetoric he has encouraged and is spreading.

Sessions, the AG who Trump claimed to be against and wanted to fire when all along -while he was talking that rhetoric – dumping on Sessions to get people who neither liked nor respected him, but didn’t think Trump was treating Sessions “fairly” substantially supporting Sessions. And all the time, behind the curtain, Sessions with Trump were planning and working on a model of this current immigrant plan, put it into operation as a model to see what happened and when it worked to their satisfaction rolled it out as a full blown operation. Children taken from their parents, asylum seekers criminalized, “cold boxes” to increase the chances of immigrants dying – but not until they left the “cold boxes” so Trump would not be held responsible, and all that we see happening in front of our eyes. – AND, at the same time we are hearing Trump supporters bragging about what is to come next – even “better than” what we are currently experiencing with the immigrant question.

Nothing you see is what is real in this Trump presidency. The obfuscation, the hiding, the lying, the destruction of human life is extensive.

And then we have Donald Trump meeting with Vladimir Putin behind the curtain just before the mid-term vote in the United States. Another coincidence? I don’t think so. Trump has had a dream of a Trump Tower in Moscow since the 1980’s and it certainly looks as though he has made a deal to get his Trump Tower in Moscow. The timing is unbelievably arrogant – but then so was the call by Trump on television, during the Presidential Campaign, for Putin to hack the DNC computers which happened with Russian help. Trump’s denial of Russian interference with the United States presidential election is simply to make sure they are able to do it again when the next election comes up and he does nothing to negate the process. So he goes to meet Putin conveniently just before that mid-term election and at the beginning of that election season with whatever information Putin needs to be more effective this time with Trump having access to all of the United States intelligence so Putin and his boys can do a better job.

And this time there is an added flourish. – United States Congresspeople meet in Russia, just before Trump’s arrival, to insure that Putin knows and sees Trump’s ‘power’. The Congress people met to exclaim and proclaim their support of Russia and wish for great ties binding Russia and the United States peoples – the “White” ones who are the only ones who will survive Trump and his administration.

Make America White Again – coming from Trump means alliances with “White Nations” like Russia – which is all White and the power structure 99% male. It also means alliances with other such countries while dumping on those which are not “White” and/or which have given in to the women and have women in the power structure.

Some Americans wanted a business person as president. That meant all kind of positive things to them. Well take a look and then take a look at our corporate structures and some of the leaders of that corporate structure and their ethics and character match Trump’s – they are also clearly not building republics nor anything close to democracies and probably never will. Only a handful really profit, the rest of us work all of our lives for those few to immensely benefit. I believe the blog in this series which says -the growth of U. S. Billionaires parallels and causes the growth of the homeless.

So in summary:

Parallels to Nazi Germany

Death Camps which gassed people = Trump Death Camps which destroy peoples already compromised immune systems in “cold boxes”. Cold boxes take longer and are more painful than gassing and people die after being released from the cold boxes so Trump and his people can deny, lie, obfuscate and abdicate responsibility.

The SS for enforcement = ICE for enforcement, burying the facts and lying to U. S. Citizens and the world to cover what is actually happening.

no rule of law = Trump has made a mockery of the U. S. Rule of Law by, among other things, having 3 and 4 year olds, who sit in Court on chairs, where their feet can’t touch the floor, alone, defending themselves

Trump – a pathological liar which means the institutions over which he has power have become pathological liars and so have those who are the administrators and others in those institutions. It is the only way they can survive.

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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.
Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you. Please also tell us if you want your name as your byline or if you want your article to appear without your name.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

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Children Weaponized while Satan Quotes Scripture!

Wednesday, June 20th, 2018

by Marceline Donaldson

It is unbelievable what is happening in these United States.  Trump’s bigotry and actions to “Make America White Again” is totally out of control.

We have many questions:

In the Internment/Concentration/Death Camps for children why are reporters being kept out?  What is going on in those camps which has to be kept secret from the American Citizenry and from the rest of the world?  The same thing was true in Hitlers’ Germany.  The citizens of Germany stood by while Hitler set up his Death Camps, his Concentration Camps, his Internment Camps and the rest of the world knew about this before German citizens did.  Is the same thing now true in the United States?

You question my use of the term “Death Camps”?  Are children dying in those camps?  And if they were do you think you would know about it?  Do you remember how profusely Donald Trump praised Kim Jong Un – how quickly he returned the salute of the North Korean general?  One thing Kim Jong Un is reported to have done is to have killed many of North Korean citizens in the equivalent of death camps.  Isn’t that what Donald Trump was praising?  How does he then come along and change to a human being who is anything other than a sociopathic president or worse?

People coming to the United States for asylum with their children are having their children separated from them and put into places where children are weaponized for Trump’s political purposes.  Some of those people are being deported – sent home without their children.  Where are the children of those being deported?  Why are they being sent home without their children?  Why are there no questions being asked or answered about the whereabouts of those children?  Do we care a little, but not enough to walk out on that ledge to demand answers – because if you are going to oppose this administration you better be ready for horrendous dictatorship responses.  There is Trump, but the evil comes from the fact that Trump has supporters and they are willing to do whatever is necessary to keep Trump in office.  They do appreciate the kind of things he is doing to maintain them as “better than” as “superior” to as “White Supremacy reigning supreme and he has been obliging all along.

Puerto Rico – where he threw paper towels into a crowd of people who had just gone through horrendous suffering and are still going through it with the resources they need being parceled out in such a way to maintain that suffering.  So far, the deaths of over 4,000 people are attributed to what happened in Puerto Rico.  Our government claims some 64 deaths so attributed.  Now take another look at those Children’s Internment Camps and try to not call them death camps.

Take a look at Charlottesville, VA. where a re-enactment of Crystal Nacht took place!  Trump was forgiven by the American citizenry for that display of bigotry.  Why?  Do you not understand what Charlottesville was about? “There are good people on both sides”!  What a beautiful sight was the procession with tiki torches down the mountain by the KKK, the Neo-Nazis, the White Supremacist quoting and chanting anti-Jewish slogans and changing to chants about the rest of the ‘minority’ peoples of the world.  Have you justified that?

Also take a look at how our justice system is being ridiculed and used against all of us.  When have you ever heard of children 3 and 4 years old being put on trial and made to defend themselves with no lawyers or other people representing them but the children themselves being forced to represent themselves and to be bound by the decision of the judges, which from what we can determine is always against the children?  Trump has appointed a large number of judges who can change this country into a place which makes Nazi Germany look like a walk in the park quickly.  Aren’t they now showing a film to these 3 and 4 year olds about the justice system and defending their rights and then declaring them able and responsible and knowledgeable enough to be able to appear in court on their own behalf.  What is that?  Where are all of you sleepwalkers?  Waiting for your children to be put in the same position – because that is coming as Trump’s grasp for power moves further out of control.  Look at his actions with only one trip to North Korean.  And – North Korea needs to take note – Trump has no boundaries.  When his ego and power needs reaches the current limits you are not in the clear and you will not be the glorified country you expect to be after Trump’s visit.  You will be somehow weaponized in the future.

What a field day for the petophile?  A field day created by the United States government under Donald Trump, an illegitimate president turning this country into a copy of all the horrendous dictatorships around the world and quickly moving beyond them.  Do you now understand why Trump was so profuse in his praise of Kim Jong Un?

And then there is “Satan”.  Attorney General Sessions – an ET.Evangelical Christian quoting scripture to back up and legitimize what Trump is doing. If Sessions knows enough about the Bible to quote from it, he also knows and someplace in his distant past learned that satan quoted scripture to Jesus to legitimize Jesus breaking with God in the 40 day fast to go along with what satan wanted Jesus to do – and wasn’t that basically to rule the world in satan’s name doing satan’s bidding?  Is that how Sessions justifies what he is doing for Trump?   Is that who you listen to and follow as your Attorney General?  If Trump is an illegitimate president does that make his appointment of Sessions illegitimate?  Is Sessions an illegitimate Attorney General and do all of these people get arrested for their impersonation of who was duly elected as president of these United States?  Do they get arrested for using their positions in the United States Government to abuse, kidnap and kill children?

Don’t you think it is time for you to get involved in other than being shocked, grieved and more by what your government is doing?  Or are you one of the Trump supporters who quietly or otherwise want to see him succeed in removing the brown and black people from this country so they make up only a small percentage and these United States goes back to being white again?

How much are you going to take before you take action.  How long are you going to stand in the shadows and allow this to happen?  Do you think you are immune?  Do you think Trump is going to stop at weaponized the children of those coming into this country for asylum?  Don’t you know the appetite of power?  Once unleashed as Trump’s has been – the limits of power knows no bounds – it may be the children of asylum seekers today but it is going to be your children tomorrow.  Especially since he sees how easy it is to weaponize children to get the populace to do what he demands.

Watch Congress – are they going to acquiesce to his demands and give him your tax payer money – your hard earned dollars to build a wall which will be expensive, ineffective and simply serve the purpose of making Trump a larger more dangerous dictator than he was before.

Congress could have acted on the little things along the way.  They kept silent.  Now they have much more dangerous things to try to push against.

I ask again – ARE THE CHILDREN OF ASYLUM SEEKERS DYING?  You think not?  How would your children fare in a desolate dessert in a ten which experiences 105 degrees outside and who knows how many degrees inside?  When your children do not know what is happening to them or why and are trying to make sense out of being ripped away from their family without their parents or other family even been able to say good-bye to them?  How are those young people making sense out of their present condition?  Add their grief to the heat and the conditions under which they are living – about which you know nothing and are being kept from knowing anything – how would your children survive?

ARE THE CHILDREN DYING AND ARE THERE CHILDREN WHO HAVE ALREADY DIED?  Otherwise – why are asylum seekers being deported without their children?

The media has given the benefit of the doubt to Trump and his supporters – confusion, bad organization, etc.  REALLY?  Is that it?  Or is the look of confusion really covering up children having died while in United States custody!  Why is there no one in court yet asking for proof of those children’s continued existence on this earth?

If you know history you know how long German Death Camps were operating before German citizens even knew they existed.  Nielsen, the current head of Homeland Security didn’t know the answer to where are all the children?  She has no idea what is going on in those camps and admitted to such in a press conference in the White House.

And you think Trump is any better than Hitler?  He looks a lot worse to me!  He is certainly moving much faster than Hitler did after his election in Germany and instead of setting up Death, Concentration, Internment Camps for adults Trump has weaponized your children – yes, your children, this is not about them and theirs this is about us and ours.  You are no different to Trump than those asylum seekers.  You are simply the means to more power like Kim Jong Un and others around the world exercise and Trump is fast earning his stripes.


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.
Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you. Please also tell us if you want your name as your byline or if you want your article to appear without your name.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

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Trump – the Evil that needs to be removed from these United States!

Tuesday, June 19th, 2018

by Marceline Donaldson

I can’t believe what I am seeing and hearing about.  It is heartbreaking – it is beyond anger – it is evil personified – it is believably unbelievable.  Donald Trump needs to be incarcerated immediately and kept in jail for decades.  He seriously needs to be jailed for the rest of his life.  That is being generous because I started with other much harsher things that I thought should happen to him.

I sit here with tears streaming down my face as I hear the tape of the children being incarcerated alone without family; as I hear about children being taken from their mother’s breast while nursing because Donald Trump decided that should be done; as I read about all the other things being done, lies being told, others blamed for Trump’s deliberate actions.

Clearly, the Summit and Trump’s talks and friendship with Kim Jong Un has produced much only we were looking for what it produced from the North Korean side.  I suspect as long as Trump is president we will see much worse than we are seeing now.  Coming back from North Korea with such high praise for a dictator who has killed his own family; who has done so much more and Trump has come back to these United States much more influenced by Kim Jong Un than Un was by Trump.

Trump has come back to continue to lie, cheat and now to steal the lives of children with no thought except that this is how he can use these children to gain a political advantage and impress his “base”.  A mind set he brought back from North Korea – I am sure we will see more of this filth done by Trump because he is seeing himself as a replica of all the dictators with whom he is enthralled.  There is a place in hell for people like Trump.  There is no excuse for what he is doing and there is no forgiveness.  You must repent to be forgiven and Trump is bragging about what he is doing and knowingly blaming those, who had nothing to do with his evil, for its results.

There was SENATOR Joe McCarthy with Roy Cohn sitting next to him whispering into his ear.  We have moved on from that and we now have PRESIDENT Donald Trump who was tutored by the same Roy Cohn and is showing us that he is much greater in his evil than SENATOR Joe McCarthy was in his.  What were those lessons?  Failed in something?  Take that to the highest mountain and claim to everyone that you have just experienced a great success.  Blame others for any and everything you have done which didn’t work out the way you expected.  Do evil and name others as the ones who really perpetrated the evil and you walk away free.  Adults suffered under McCarthism as their jobs were taken away from them for no reason and their lives were upheaveled to satisfy the needs of a man who was seriously alcoholic among other evils.  But Donald Trump has taken McCarthyism many steps further down the road and he is destroying the lives of children who already suffered much before they arrived in this country with parents who brought them here to escape the suffering they all were experiencing.

Let me not leave out Sessions – the scripture quoting Attorney General who has spent his life being “better than” and doing everything he could to destroy the lives of African Americans and others he considered less than and who he didn’t feel deserved anything except the dregs of life.  He is now getting his chance to show who he really is and what he really believes.  On the world stage he is showing everyone just how evil he really is and how far he will go to bring about a society in which White Supremacy succeeds beyond his wildest imaginings with himself as one of the architects of that success.

A man does not surround himself with Neo-Nazi’s, White Supremacists; and other such believers unless he shares their belief system.  It is difficult to stay in such a person’s presence who has such beliefs.  That is who Trump fraternizes with daily.  Remember Charlottesville?  We are now bringing in Stephen Miller and others on whom to drop blame, but Trump not only was the architect of that but was very clear that these were his beliefs.  He saw that backfire in his face.  He is not going to again call on those same people unless he is one of them and wants to see their and his beliefs succeed and be installed in this society as its way of operating.  These are the people Trump calls his “base” and those are the ideas and beliefs that Donald Trump cultivates, preserves and stays close to as the seat of his power.  This is the belief system in which he was raised when he was the age of the young children he is now incarcerating in tents and “camps” which degrade and tear down the human spirit at ages as young as 4 months.

We knew before we elected Donald J. Trump as president that he was an abuser and assaulter of women.  He bragged about it on television – a segment we all heard and many of us apparently didn’t find it horrible enough to take seriously.  Either that or we were right in the Trump camp and approved of his abuse and assault of women.  There were some 19 woman who charged Trump with assault during his campaign.  It was clear that he also had others pay off women so they could not bring charges against him and yet many voted for this monster.  We wanted a racist, sexist, sexual assaulter, Neo-Nazi, son of a Ku Klux Klansman who raised his son in his values and on and on it goes.  A man whose values are those of some of the worse dictators in this country?  We have tried many times to excuse him – it is time to call out the truth and stand by it.

During the presidential campaign there were many reports from those who accessed the divorce proceedings of Trump from his first wife Ivana which talked about his rape of her – she later retracted that claim – why? was it because her alimony was being held until she did just that?; the fact that he had a copy of “Mein Kampf” next to his bed on his bedside table and he read it every night and on and on were also included.  I think we now see the results of such goings on.  They were ignored by many of those who wanted these United States to remain and go back to the racism and sexism of the past when being “White” meant something about how great you were without doing anything except having been born the ‘right color’ – everyone knew what “Make America Great Again” meant.  It was simply a more polite way of saying “Make American White Again” and Donald Trump and his minions have been about the process of doing just that.  The children being taken away from their parents are the children of ‘Brown’ people.  He is not keeping out nor breaking up the families of illegal immigrants from Norway for example – the country he invited to send more ‘immigrants’ to America – those are the people he has asked to come here.  Those are the people Trump has said would be ‘acceptable’ immigrants.

We have quite a history in these United States of taking children away from parents and other family members and Donald Trump is adding to that history.  We need to be moving in a direction which moves away from such, but that is clearly not happening.  The Japanese Incarcerations – the time of taking thousands of Native American children away from their parents and families – the taking of people from African Countries and bringing them to America to keep them chained and bound and in slavery for some 250 years all during which children were stripped away from their parents and sold into slavery because the slave “owners” wanted the money and the inhumanity of what they were doing was beyond their ability to grasp because they were “better than” and they had characterized and classified these Africans as sub-human.  Some of the children sold into slavery were the children of the white man who was doing the selling – his own children he sold on the slavery auction block.  That takes a lot of evil inside to be able to do that and still walk the streets in this world.

Today, children are being murdered in record numbers in their school rooms and we do very little to stop that slaughter.  African Americans, including children,  are being killed – many times by law enforcement when they have been unarmed and have committed no crime and we do not stop that slaughter.  Whole communities of Africans and African Americans have been massacred over hundreds of years by the ancestors of those who have Donald Trump’s ear and whose agendas he is carrying out.  when a community of African Americans reached a substantial level after they had been thrown out elsewhere – people, who today would be called Trump’s base arrived in those communities and slaughtered the African Americans who had achieved a family life, jobs, homes, children in a very settled and on a very middle class level.

We talk in these United States about how “divided” we are today.  Some claim there has never been a time when we as a people have been so pulled apart; so stressed out from the extreme divisions we see in our political lives.  We need to learn a bit of United States history and remember that time called the Civil War.  We were far more divided then than we are today.   As we look at our divisions they are the same as they were then.  It is no accident that the memorials of that Civil War came into contention just months ago when we looked around at the foul history they represented.  The groups of people working with Trump today are simply the progeny of those who divided into groups which resulted in such a bloody war.  they are also the people to whom it was important to keep those symbols of slavery and its affects on this country.  This is what we are seeing today as Trump incarcerates children – “brown” children.  The issues were defined only slightly differently than they are today, but the dynamics are the same.  The difference is we had an Abraham Lincoln and many people who were in positions of power who had nothing in common with someone like Donald Trump and his administration.

It is time to call a halt to this.  We have the power to do so and to claim otherwise is to acquiesce and go along with Trump’s program.  If we can’t do it any other way then we need to storm those Concentration Camps, release those children and get them back to their families.  Drastic for law abiding citizens, but whose laws do you abide?  Do you sit and wring your hands wondering what to do?  Do you allow Donald Trump’s policies which he claims as laws?  It is unlawful for him to do what he is doing – if that is not unlawful then we need to close down this country.  Is he going to be arrested for this extreme abuse of power?

We wondered why he pardoned Arpaio?  Can you see that a bit clearer now as Trump has given his go ahead for tent cities to be built in the most desolate, hottest places he could find in this country so he could do to children what Arpaio did to adults?  Is Arpaio one of his consultants in these tent city dreams he is bringing into reality?  His goal seems to be to torture children to get adults to do his bidding.  I can’t think of another word to use because evil is what this is all about.  Evil walks this earth whispering in Donald Trumps’ ear and he is constantly doing its bidding.

What happens when the children start dying?  What happens when children and parents do not come back together again because they can’t find one another.  Do the children then get turned out to roam the streets and live homeless on the street because their parents have been deported – they can’t find their parents and their parents can’t find them and the horrendous trauma of these events incapacitates many of these children for decades?  The United States Government under Donald Trump is not going to find family and parents of the children so separated.  They will get back together again somehow in spite of Trump and if they don’t – he certainly won’t care – and what about the rest of us!!!!!!!!!!

As this man moves closer to Kim Jong Un and all the other dictators he glorifies he is also moving the United States closer to being the kind of country they lead doing the kind of things they do.  One step at a time, but that is definitely the path he is on and to see otherwise is for us to lie, put our heads in the sand, put our hope in an evil, corrupt human being.   Are we ready to kill, maim, lie, expand the patterns from the past in these United States? Let’s not con ourselves into thinking this will soon pass.  It took years for the horrors we have perpetrated on others to pass and we still have not made amends nor have we changed our system in ways to make sure those things don’t come back again.

Who are the people helping to bring about this policy of Donald Trump’s?  Who are the people working in these Concentration Camps.  Are they not as guilty of this evil as is Trump?  Shouldn’t they pick up their pocketbooks and other things they own and go home?  If Trump wants this separation of families to happen it needs to be done by Trump himself – any self-respecting citizen needs to be gone.  But we are too concerned about our “jobs” – about our middle-class lives, about how others will look down on us for what we are doing.

You are only helping this evil as others helped Hitler achieve his goals in Germany.  Leave those Concentration Camps immediately before you get caught up in the evil.  You are not helping anyone.  You are not doing good.  You will not make a difference you are simply aiding evil and destroying innocent lives.  It may be hard for you to walk away from the children, but that is exactly what you need to do.

And then there are the “good” people who do nothing.  To them, I have nothing to say.

Some things need to be done immediately:

  1. John Kelly needs to be stripped of his stripes – his “four star general” title and everything that goes along with it immediately.
  2. Nielsen, the Homeland Security Secretary, needs to be removed with a letter discouraging anyone from ever hiring her again for anything.
  3. Donald Trump needs to be removed from office and sent to jail soonest.
  4. Donald Trump’s son needs to be taken away from the family and sent to one of the places where Trump has incarcerated children after having stripped them of their parents and other family.
  5. The United States needs a Truth and Reconciliation process to help citizens through a horrendous time because the aftermath of Donald Trump is going to be something which will take years, incredible resources, and something extraordinary to get this country on a track to a better way of being governed and governing__________________________________________________________________

You who are reading this needs to fill in

6. Donald Trump needs to be charged with using his position and power as president of these United States to kidnap children.

7. International Organizations need to intervene to stop this child abuse by the United States Government and being to trial all those complicit.





It is going to take at least that – and working together to try to bring goodness out of this incredible evil.


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AG Sessions Quoting Scripture? – Try Psalm 52!

Sunday, June 17th, 2018

by Francis Maloney

Since you are deep into scripture Attorney General Sessions – try reading Psalm 52.  You might also read it to Donald J. Trump.  It certainly fits both of you.

             52 Why boastest thou thyself in mischief, O mighty man? the goodness of God endureth continually.

The tongue deviseth mischiefs; like a sharp razor, working deceitfully.

Thou lovest evil more than good; and lying rather than to speak righteousness. Selah.

Thou lovest all devouring words, O thou deceitful tongue.

God shall likewise destroy thee for ever, he shall take thee away, and pluck thee out of thy dwelling place, and root thee out of the land of the living. Selah.

The righteous also shall see, and fear, and shall laugh at him:

Lo, this is the man that made not God his strength; but trusted in the abundance of his riches, and strengthened himself in his wickedness.

But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God: I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever.

I will praise thee for ever, because thou hast done it: and I will wait on thy name; for it is good before thy saints. 



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