January, 2019 - Bettina Network's Blog

Archive for January, 2019


Thursday, January 31st, 2019

The only thing Mr. Starbucks’ announcement about the possibility of a run for the presidency of these United States did for most people was to remind us that we have been screwed, raped, pillaged with practically everything taken away from us unless we spend our lives working from dawn to dusk for meager rewards – which will become even more lean as time goes on if they are allowed to continue.

Human beings and greed go together. It is one of the sins with which we are born and if we don’t work at constantly curbing our appetites we will all look like our current billionaire class – unmitigated greed, constantly searching for more, feeling poor unless that more comes into our coffers hourly; working to keep what we have, talking magnanimously about the charity we do and blaming the victim for not having what we have as billionaires. Those others could be in this group but for their laziness, lack of initiative, inability to lead, lack of vision, etc. etc. etc.

Some of us have helped to set up and enhance this system under which we operate; others work to make sure it continues; while still others see the evil, complain about it, speak eloquently about working to relieve the pain of the poor, but do nothing; others teach their children how to maintain within this system without sliding down another rung and others work hard just because that is how they were raised.

A few stories about this part of the societal structure and how it comes about:

  1. Because we have a vested interest in ‘bed & breakfast’ I will start with #Airbnb as an example of how the billionaire class is created – why it thrives – what it is about.

Bettina Network, inc. and Bettina’s Bed & Breakfast, inc. were the genesis for Airbnb. It is a classic example of how bigotry remains, thrives and supports the billionaire class and how the billionaire class supports its own and decides who will be let in. There is a thuggishness to those within and those chosen to enter.

When #Airbnb was founded it was on the back of an African American woman who worked over 20 years developing the concept and growing it by inches because venture capital money was and is not available to minorities or women. That is the most solid block in the foundation of this billionaire class. If they have a creed its foundational stone would be on the refusal to admit minorities or women except as tokens to disprove the rule.

Venture Capitalists sent Brian Chesky and two of his friends to the home of this African American woman to find out what she was doing, how, all the details they could glean. Our feelings about what happened circulate around the fact that they did not have an idea, a vision and saw Bettina Network, inc. from afar. They went into a Black woman’s home and family – put their feet under her table, ate her food and stole her business plan and vision. And – they knew nothing about bed & breakfast before that – they didn’t ‘find’ her through their own machinations or investigations or search for places to stay, they were sent by Capital Network in Central Square in Massachusetts to look at what she was doing as something they might steal and copy.

They were not graduates of Ivy League schools nor had they attended Ivy League schools and they had practically no business experience. Their experience consisted of brief times spent as entry level admin people. What they showed was their lack of character and their willingness to steal from someone else with all of the character traits that go along with that – and they did that in spades. Once established they even lied about their beginnings and where the idea for Airbnb came from.

What they created was a structure which incorporated their racism, their greed and more. It is clearly visible in the business they brought about for all to see.

Their racism structured into their corporation? It is entrenched and has many forms within the structure of Airbnb. The most obvious spits on the work of the civil rights leaders of the 1950’s and beyond. The Thurgood Marshall’s, the Jack Greenberg’s, those who litigated for years to move society to a more integrated place and were successful in that endeavor for a brief period of time. Before their legal work, if you applied to college you submitted your resume, your grades, your references and YOUR PICTURE.

Because it was not always possible to tell the color of a persons skin by their application alone, the picture helped Universities at the time to distinguish between applications and to make sure their entering classes were composed of majority white males and very few others.

That practice was deemed illegal through several law suits filed during the 1960’s and beyond. Universities stopped the practice of requiring a picture to accompany your application for admittance because of those law suits and because that practice was declared racist. That practice is now being turned on its head by Airbnb because to make a reservation at an accommodation through Airbnb one must submit a picture and that picture is more often than not used to determine whether or not you will be accepted as a guest.

Many have been discriminated against and have not been able to get reservations. There have been instances of minorities arriving at a home and being turned away with the owner or person at the house claiming the person engaged in ‘subterfuge’ to get a room. What was the subterfuge that got them turned away? A mixed Asian couple in California was turned away at about 10pm in storm conditions because one was Asian and the other of Northern European extraction. The picture they submitted for their reservation was of the Northern European extraction half of the couple. When the Asian woman appeared she was not acceptable so they had to find accommodations elsewhere. The host family claimed they “cheated” to get the room. That was not an isolated incident. The stories of discrimination from Blacks who tried to get accommodations, had to submit pictures and were subsequently turned down are legion.

It is a corporation structured to bring back that kind of racism from the 1950’s and earlier.

It is a corporation structured to make affordable housing almost unavailable and to bring out the greed of those who come near to use the web site.

It is a corporation which has been used by sex traffickers because it has set itself up in such a way that whoever has a need can use their web site and hide a lot they could not get away with, but for.

It is a corporation which, because of the way it is structured, has been a part of at least one client being murdered.

It is a corporation whose structure has allowed the destruction of many houses and estates in some of the most vile ways, causing the upheaval of neighborhoods with the wild parties that have happened in homes which were supposed to be used as a room or an estate for the night.

Investors put 1.2 billion dollars of investment money into Airbnb in promoting some of this society’s worse traits. It will soon go public and if that is successful we will have a corporate structure carrying on what many of us have tried to eliminate from this society for generations – and so it goes.

Isn’t it striking that the three people who started Airbnb and wound up with substantial venture capital money are people who showed themselves to lacking in good character, ethics, and more. Isn’t it striking that those character traits are what has handicapped this country to the point of finally seeing us wind up with a Donald Trump as president? A man who epitomizes exactly what Airbnb is about?

2. Let us move on to another such company founded and structured around questionable morals and character. – Take a look at Facebook. The vision of twins who engaged Zuckerberg to code their business idea. That however wound up the property of Zuckerberg who carried the idea into a corporate structure which is today wrecking havoc on this society in very gross, immoral and unethical ways.

What we are now trying to do is right this wrong which will not be possible because the corporate structure of Facebook has become too strong. It is being credited with being majorly responsible for the election to the presidency of Donald Trump, with the destruction of the privacy guaranteed to the citizens of the United States by the Constitution, with using private conversations and back and forth between family and friends as a front when in reality it sells every scrap of information it can glean to the marketeers and advertisers and others for 20 pieces of silver.

Take a look and analyze most of the corporate structures which have come up and have brought their owners billionaire status and see how they have used the backs of tens of thousands of people to attain their goals and have left the society stripped almost bare with a path for those without character, without good morals, without honesty.

Take a look and analyze and you will find they are all either northern european descendants – some middle easterners – ……

These are two of the most graphic examples, but there are many others.

Most notably, what has been happening and continues to happen is the groups of people looking around the world for up and coming corporations or LLC’s or neighborhood gatherings whose structure and ideas they can steal; that they can get funding for because those doing the developing could not – mostly because of their color and sex.

Because of our experience with the theft of our idea and work by what became Airbnb we have come across many. The stories were all eerily similar and nothing was done about any of it. Look furiously – not within yourselves – but at what others are doing which looks successful – find venture capitalists to fund your stealth and move on into the billionaire’s club. Once you get there all will be forgotten and those who do remember the unethical road you took will soon be dead so just hang on and you will become one of the racist, sexist corporate structures in this society which maintains who we are without any of those others moving up to challenge our superiority. It may happen temporarily, but the business class has insured that this move to open up this society making it more diverse will not last. Remember Martin Luther King, Jr’s sacrifice? How much of what was achieved by so many has been reversed seriously by those now moving up?

And it is not limited to the United States. In other countries where people of brown and black complexions have begun to move up in these corporations – they are swiftly removed and replaced with a whiter skin person with a penis. We have heard many of those stories. Stories that parallel what has been happening in this country for generations. Remember Madame C. J. Walker? Think about all those others, people of color and women, who struggled so mightily with others, white, male, etc. reaping the rewards for their labor, their vision, their imagination.

And what happens now?

A note from Marceline Donaldson: My garden has been torn up – literally the garden in front of my house. My business has been upheaveled! I have been threatened! and so much more. but I am old and neither sickness nor death fazes me so none of that scares me nor does it make me drop the struggle.

What does move me to a furious state is to continue to see this and to know that my children will have to undertake this same struggle when I thought my work and life would make theirs easier. My grandfather worked his entire life to change this society so his children and grandchildren would have a better life and would not have to dedicate so much of their lives and times to this struggle; so did my grandmother; so did my mother; and so have I. My children deserve better and so do your children. I have not paid nearly the price others have paid trying to bring about basic change.

Watching the young people coming along behind the disaster that was Donald Trump thinking they are going to make basic change is heart breaking – the system looks stacked against them. All I can do from my perch is to wonder when and how they will be taken down and replaced with Northern European – very white males and our young people made to pay for their arrogance of thinking they can make such basic change. If they could, the color of our total billionaire group would not be white, male, with some middle easterners – Saudi Arabians – thrown in and one or two African American men and a woman or two. That billionaire group – those who will totally control tomorrow look like Donald Trump’s cabinet and all those other groups where color is absent and women are practically extinct.


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Project 1 – Estate Sales after the Sale

Project 2 – #WellsFargoBoycott


Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to bettinanetwork@comcast.net or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to: bettina-network@comcast.net

This is a curated blog so you cannot write your responses at the end of each entry. TO RESPOND TO THIS BLOG email bettina-network@comcast.net or info@bettina-network.com

TO LEARN MORE try www.bettina-network.com


Bettina Oracle Speaks

Tuesday, January 29th, 2019

The end of Donald Trump: Illegitimate President of the United States

You folks need to stop bothering me and take care of your business. If you don’t, the next generation will simply have to repeat this scenario which has been repeated for generations without resolving anything. Learn a bit of history, your own history and you will be appalled at what you see – if you have any goodness left in your genes.

You are riddled with liars, murderers covering for each other, persecutions of innocent children, and so much more. The Jews of Hitlers Germany have been replaced by the Children of the United States who are being slaughtered with guns in your streets and in their schools and the Children of Immigrants, who are being put in Concentration Camps and are now being murdered. Those children who have have come to your country – some with their parents, some without – seeking asylum and refuge from so much evil. Their skin is brown and black and your bigotry won’t allow for that. Too many such colors in these United States already.

You need to be full of integrity, good character, working to eliminate poverty, homelessness, BIGOTRY – which is the genesis of all of your society’s ills. You need to stop allowing the likes of Donald Trump who is taking from his evil twins in history and ripping children from their parents; making slaves of those in prison who have suffered under massive incarcerations to do the bidding of the evil institutions in this world of yours and so much more. And no, Trump did not start all of this, but he is the inheritor and chief propagator of the evil coming through today. And to end this, all it takes is moral courage and who amongst you has that? You are all called, but who amongst you answers the call? This is still happening today after thousands of years of such history because only a few answer the call. The rest of you raise up those few and feel that your work is done because of that raising up and acknowledging those heroes. Interestingly, your heroes are never raised up in their own generation. That happens only after they are safely dead.

OK! So you want to know what is happening?

Roger Stone was indicted – did you notice how swift that happened with all of the charges against him not in that court document of indictment? Have you noticed the rumblings of major change? Are you beginning to hear many voices raised to call out the evil? Evil doubles down when those rumblings start.

What do we see: We see Whitaker having stopped the Mueller investigation by declaring to them they will not be allowed any more indictments. Stone is the last and he slipped through by a fluke. No indictments allowed against Donald Trump, against Jr., against Jared Kushner, against Steve Bannon, against Ivanka Trump, against Eric Trump.

Mueller can’t step up to the microphone to tell you this. There are enough bread crumbs along the way, however, for you to see this yourselves.

All of this must be settled and ended before or shortly after Barr takes on the post of Attorney General. He will clear Trump using the foundation set by Whitaker, a man who has been promised much, but who will be dumped on and pushed aside after his work is done – without his promised rewards. If he is lucky, he will leave with a loaf of bread, but no butter. Maybe as he sees his expectations so dashed he will step up to the moral plate and attempt to bring about something else – but he does not look like a soul who is destined to be a great hero.

All bets, in your society, are on the Democrats coming through in 2020 and taking over the government so the United States does not have to step up to the plate and deal with its sins. That is the way taken by lazy souls who want, but don’t want to give or risk. Cover-up is whats going on. Isn’t that what went on with Nixon? And his sins don’t begin to compare to the Trump Family Criminal Enterprise. Didn’t the Trump followers just blatantly take the sanctions from one of the wealthy, prominent Russians in their last days? And who will go against that and set it right? No one, so far.

What always amazes me is the ability of human beings to see themselves as ‘different from’, better than, – Trump may have treated those others badly, but I am going to be treated differently. All of my dreams will be realized because Trump promised me that…………..

And Khashoggi? Does Trump walk away having done a major work in covering up and taking the Saudi prince out of the spotlight? Did that give you a peep under the rug to see who is really working the gears and producing the results? It is definitely not Putin, although all media has anointed him as the one to whom Trump is beholden.

Trump and Putin are beholden to a mafioso who is so big in this world he makes the Italians look like thugs on the street and the Irish not far behind and lets not even begin to talk about the African American and other mafia.

You are going to be witnesses to how the clean-up ends. You can watch it with clear eyes or you can let the mythology replace reality. What mythology? That which was put into place to insure the rich get richer; the evil don’t pay; the thugs realign and move off into the sunset with new partners to get richer in tomorrows world. And the rest of you? Passing your lack of moral courage on to your next generation to preserve them in that struggling middle to upper middle class so they can pass the lack of moral courage you inherited on for many more generations.

So you asked – so I’ve said!


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Project 1 – Estate Sales after the Sale

Project 2 – #WellsFargoBoycott


Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to bettinanetwork@comcast.net or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to: bettina-network@comcast.net

This is a curated blog so you cannot write your responses at the end of each entry. TO RESPOND TO THIS BLOG email bettina-network@comcast.net or info@bettina-network.com

TO LEARN MORE try www.bettina-network.com



Wednesday, January 23rd, 2019

We have a man who calls himself President of the United States. He is illegitimate, an extreme bully, has covered up many crimes including a monstrous murder for another country and is totally engaged in treason and the destruction of the United States and yet we have not taken him down. He has delayed his own removal and the indictment of others who aided him by closing down the American Government. He knows his time is short so he has taken this grand action.

What will he do next?

His ex-wife claimed, in her divorce papers, that he kept a copy of Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” on his bedside table. With that as his reading material, I would guess his next step is to call for a National Emergency. Isn’t that what Hitler did? Weakened Germany with outlandish actions and as a denouement he called a National Emergency and it was all over until six million Jews and others were killed, Germany was totally destroyed – and unlike Trump, Hitler was not a puppet of a foreign sovereign.

Trump has an attorney who speaks for him on television. Rudi Giuliani. How was this attorney chosen by Trump? Could it be Trump saw the press conference Mr. Giuliani called outside the Mayor’s House in New York City with his then mistress to announce he was going to marry this woman?

Inside Gracie Mansion, Mr. Giuliani’s wife was making breakfast for their son totally unaware of what was going on outside or that there even was a press conference or that her husband was going to divorce her to marry someone else. She learned that when a reporter called to verify the story.

Does that way of operating seem to reflect Trump’s ethics and character? Does that clear up why he chose Giuliani and what he expects from him?

Besides hiring Giuliani, Trump has tried many other ways to shut down the Russian investigation by doing many things – he fired James Comey; he fired Jeff Sessions; he hired Matt Whitaker; he hired William Barr and on and on it has gone – mostly unsuccessful. But his greatest action in attempting to shut down the Russian investigation is this grand Trump government shutdown. Will we allow it to be successful? Or have we had enough!

Trump can console himself with what he has done to the children!

Something like what is and has been happening at the southern border of the U S. has a historical ring to it. Remember when, in these United States, tens of thousands of Native American children were taken forcibly from their homes and sent other places never to see their families again? What was the result? The complete and total oppression of Native Americans. They have not recovered from then to this day. An entire generation was taken from them, forcibly. The overwhelming feelings of helplessness and loss and what losing an entire generation of a nation’s children does to that nation is indescribable. Those children who survived and were not killed, maimed or otherwise destroyed just given a new identity, never recovered. Is that the playbook from which Trump has taken a page to decide what to do about immigration from South America?

Don’t you think we have done enough? Don’t you think it is time to stop pretending to fight the program until the job of total oppression is done and then we can abdicate all responsibility by destroying the final organizer -the doer – the bigot – the neo-Nazi – the Trump? He has no idea what lies in his future. He thinks he is going to be enormously wealthy and live out his life traveling the globe after his removal from office. Can he spell Khashoggi!

Pretend Donald Trump is African American! Now lets replay that reality show again and see what happens?

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Project 1 – Estate Sales after the Sale

Project 2 – #WellsFargoBoycott


Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to bettinanetwork@comcast.net or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to: bettina-network@comcast.net

This is a curated blog so you cannot write your responses at the end of each entry. TO RESPOND TO THIS BLOG email bettina-network@comcast.net or info@bettina-network.com

TO LEARN MORE try www.bettina-network.com

Boycott Wells Fargo!

Monday, January 21st, 2019

Close your savings account! Close your checking account – or move it elsewhere! Any other accounts? Close them all – or work to have them moved to another bank. Choose carefully when moving to another bank. Make sure you are on solid ground, however, and your new bank is interested in you as a customer and is not about to cheat you.

One way you are cheated ‘big time’:

Banks involvement in REAL ESTATE TAXES:

Did you know your home can be foreclosed when you have paid your mortgage up to date – principal and interest? HOW? Real estate taxes. Wells Fargo insists on adding the collection of real estate taxes on your home to your mortgage payment. Even if you did not have that agreement going into the mortgage they can add your taxes to your mortgage payment anytime and without any reason – at least that is their claim.

On information and belief, we find it is possible they will do those things if one of their investors or others wants your house. In that case, it is helpful to slam you around a bit so they can weaken you financially and come after the house. Generally one with lots of equity. Notice how free are homes mired in more bank mortgage than worth of house. Once upon a time all houses were fair game because greed was rampant and banks thought they could turn a profit no matter what. Isn’t that was the last serious depression was all about? Banks running rampant trying to set people up so foreclosure was easy and banks could use that route as one way of making billions?

How ridiculous is it to foreclose on a house when what banks claim as monies that have not been paid and which they claim as overdue, justifying the foreclosure actually are not due? it is monies they can also charge fees upon if not paid in what the bank claims is a timely fashion, even though the overdue amounts generating those bank fees and penalties are actually not due when the banks add those fees and penalties to amounts owed?

Banks are not the aggrieved party in real estate tax charges. They do not decide how much your real state taxes will be (well, maybe not directly). They try to collect six months in advance of the due date so they can hold that money in the bank and have it work for the bank into the billions of dollars and if you do not pay six months in advance of the date the taxes are due the bank reserves the right to collect by foreclosing on your property. You can check that out by going over records of foreclosed properties. It is a shock to see how many people lost their homes to banks because of unpaid real estate taxes which were not due, even at the time of the foreclosure.

Most amazingly, that money – not due for six months, sits in the bank and works for the bank not the agency which would be owed the taxes in six months and which should have the sole authority to foreclose or lien the taxes onto the property.

Isn’t that also the reason why conservative judges are so important? People who would rule against you in Court because you have not paid what you did not owe and especially what was not overdue and unpaid – simply not yet due? Wouldn’t they be the judges most likely to acquiesce and add to monies due the bank from your property because they are fees charged by banks levied against you because you have not paid what is not yet due?

Appointing super conservative judges is crucial to maintaining the most inhumane parts of an inhumane society.


One basic assumption about this economy is that we are functioning under capitalism. However, that is definitely not true. One cannot have a capitalistic economy where the society actively practices sexism. racism or any other kind of bigotry. That by itself eliminates the possibility that an economic system structured to claim to call itself Capitalism is flying under a false flag and needs to redefine what it actually is? Some bizarre system can be established to try to tweak, change, camouflage what it really is while proclaiming it is a capitalistic system, but actually it is not – by definition.

Ed. Note: Just a few comments from Bettina Network Lifestyle Members which we found intriguing. Feel free to add to their analysis.


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Project 1 – Estate Sales after the Sale

Project 2 – #WellsFargoBoycott


Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to bettinanetwork@comcast.net or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to: bettina-network@comcast.net

This is a curated blog so you cannot write your responses at the end of each entry. TO RESPOND TO THIS BLOG email bettina-network@comcast.net or info@bettina-network.com

TO LEARN MORE try www.bettina-network.com

To Celebrate MLK, Jr?

Sunday, January 20th, 2019

As I look back over my life I am amazed constantly at how, as human beings, we have created such a complicated mess when to live a good life should be a simple accomplishment.

Martin Luther King, Jr. was a martyr because he could not live his life ignoring the ills in the society which surrounded him. Most of us live our lives contributing to those ills and making them worse. Our needs are not simple. They grow more complicated as we age in a society which markets hourly with goals to enlarge already out of control egos which we are willing to pay very high prices to satisfy.

I remember Martin Luther King, Jr. from my days as a teen ager. He was not a big hero, he was a young man, studying at Divinity School and doing what he could, with others, to mitigate and change the apartheid which existed in these United States.

A particularly strong memory of Martin King was the time when the Jr. High Choir at my Church went on a trip, driving across the back roads of Mississippi, Georgia, Alabama. Rev. Nicholas Hood was the inspiration behind those trips and we met up at different places with Andrew Young and Martin King. We were about integration and attempting to break down barriers. Amazingly, as I look at my life, that is what I have been doing all of my years on this earth and I don’t see many results from the effort. To try to mitigate evil when it is so strongly entrenched takes more than my life has been able to deliver.

We spent many weekends visiting white churches and always stayed the night in the home of whites where there were young people our ages and on Sunday mornings we sang with them as a part of the Church Service where Martin King preached the sermon.

Our reception in the homes of these white families where we stayed was always warm and welcoming. We ate together, got to know one another and Sunday morning services gave meaning to what we were doing and why. It was truly God’s work. Doing that work, however, you come to know that good is always combined with evil and I saw for the first time what racism was all about.

Having been raised in a middle-class African American community, we were involved in a fairly closed community so our sense of self-worth and who we were was intact. I won’t try to explain that – if you don’t have any idea my sympathy goes out to you.

While I had white friends and white family and the city in which I was raised didn’t make a big deal out of that, but accepted much of that back and forth, it was not what the world in general accepted. Those weekends visiting white churches were about to open my eyes to the evils that existed in this world in ways I could not have imagined.

As we arrived, on a Saturday, in one town where we were to spend the weekend and sing in Church that Sunday morning, we were introduced to the young ‘white’ Jr. choir – our counterparts. At the end of dinner we were split up and sent to spend the night with families who volunteered to be our hosts for the weekend.

While we were getting ready for bed, frantic calls went out from one house to another and the next thing we knew, the ‘white’ families with whom we stayed had swiftly rounded us up and had practically thrown us into the station wagons which brought us and we were speeding down country lanes where we saw Martin King, Andrew Young and Nicholas Hood hanging in effigy from the trees as we passed. We began to realize what was happening when we saw a group of whites coming down the road trying to catch up to us. They were led by an older man with a shot gun. He was not the only one in that crowd with guns. What amazed me was the anger, bitterness, horribleness of their emotions against a group of 14 to 16 year olds – a church group visiting their neighborhood, come to sing in their church on a Sunday morning where Martin King was to preach.

That was the first time I saw racism in its raw form and saw the threat that my very existence posed to all of those people so furious that we dared to think we could sing in their church with their children. Since, as African Americans we didn’t self-segregate, their out of control emotions would force us to with guns and sticks and bricks and bats. Who was their god? It was clearly not God we worshipped on Sundays and met to talk about and study Scripture supporting the structures built to worship God – to learn about Jesus – to worship Christ. Their Churches had the same trappings as the one in which we worshipped – the same kind of cross, the stained glass windows, similar architecture with bibles in the pews, but clearly it was not about the worship of God. They had created a god with whom they could relate with values, a character, and all the trappings we build around religion which worked for them in their need to exist as ‘white supremacists’. The viciousness and ability and need to even murder if that is what it took to maintain themselves as “better than” – supreme over all others – oppressors of peoples not like them was so strong nothing else seemed to matter to them. If they could have caught up to Nicholas Hood, Martin King, Andrew Young they clearly would have hung them instead of the effigies they placed on the road we were driving down.

We were accused of being part of a sex ring. We were supposedly in town and staying with the boys and girls our ages to have sex with them, to morally corrupt them and on and on it went.

As I experienced all of that I experienced a group of ‘whites’ who were so corrupt themselves that they were projecting onto others their sins. I also experienced a group of ‘whites’ who were truly in their church to worship God. In the lives of this last group, they acted out of their belief system which is probably why they were the people who invited us to be a part of their communion. Seeing the evil amidst the good in which they lived and raised their children they were moved to act. At that same moment Nicholas Hood, Andrew Young and Martin Luther King, Jr. were there to help facilitate what they needed to do to bring love, goodness, justice, into the lives of their community.

Since that time I have seen ‘whites’ who live in many radically different ways. Some follow the call of God in their lives and understand they are one with us all. Some follow the call of the god they created and re-create as the need exists to help them live as unauthentic a life as possible, projecting an image onto the world which is very different from who they really are – always hiding the shame they feel -not trying to be perfect, but trying to project a perfect image of themselves – actually living out of their sin instead of living into the authenticity of their beautiful and flawed selves.

The next Sunday Nicholas Hood gathered us together and we studied Scripture while talking about that experience. He was determined to put what happened to us in the context of the Gospels.

Since that time, Martin King walked a long ways on that road and had many encounters with people who came after him the way that group came after all of us because they were so threatened by a Jr. High Choir singing in their Church on a Sunday and staying in the homes of their friends and parishioners some of whom they had known all of their lives, but were still able to accuse of exposing their children to ‘those sex fiends’.

I still see that group of people running down that back country road trying to stop, shoot and kill young teenagers who were such a threat to them and their way of life.

Martin King gave his life to save such people. Donald Trump gave his to make sure such people would live eternally on this earth and be able to wreck as many lives as they can reach and to destroy as much of life as he can reach – including his own.


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More from Bettina Members

Friday, January 11th, 2019
  1. I must admit when I first read “Thoughts on Color”, I thought it was frivolous and reaching to make a point. How foolish to put racism into the color one chooses to wear or the color of the car one chooses to drive. Then I saw Donald Trump on his trip yesterday to #TheWall. I was struck dumb for a few seconds. If ever I have seen a “dog whistle” there it was. If ever I thought the wall was about other than racism, Trump’s appearance at the wall in his MAGA Cap brought those thoughts crashing down.

The red MAGA cap was gone. In its place was a white MAGA cap. As I researched, that is not the first time the MAGA Cap’s color has changed. I owe an apology to the person who wrote the “Thoughts on Color” article. It is a powerful way to look at many of the things happening in this society. They range from dog whistles on bigotry to bull horns, all camouflaged with the color one uses.

Given the fact that #TheWall goes back to the KKK, White Nationalists, White Supremacists as one of their projects – made of steel – that they did not complete and have tried through others to bring life back to again – a white MAGA hat conveys the message symbolically, the way Trump’s call to Russia to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails was made. That didn’t take a genius to understand, neither does Trump’s white MAGA hat. His arrogance knows no bounds.

It has been clear from day one with Trump that the presidency for him is all about re-aligning the races and bringing us back as close as he can get to slavery. Trump, in the middle of treason with Russia, has to be concerned about the color of people in the U. S.

Russia is a white country – as are the others with which he is trying to align himself. Kim Jung Un may be basking in glory today, but he needs to realize he heads a nation of people of color and his involvement with Russia et al will be as a minority nation.

Trump changed the color of the U. S. cabinet and every place else in his administration he has eliminated, almost entirely, people of color and replaced them with people today we call “white”. Where he has reach and influence, we have moved from the beautiful flower garden of the Obama’s with its many colors and kinds of flowers to the Trump manufactured and very artificial white flower which looks as though it was produced in a factory producing the same product on its assembly lines day after day. A flower that was designed by a robot.

2. This Wall thing is not a dog whistle it is a bull horn. Go back into your history and look at the parallels. There was the Emancipation of slaves under Abraham Lincoln. That was followed by Reconstruction. After Reconstruction came the reaction which saw the KKK grow into an organization which could march down Pennsylvania Avenue in the 1920’s with tens of thousands of people in white sheets and pointed hats declaring white supremacy, making the country miserable and scared. Donald Trump’s father was one of the people in the white sheet with pointed hat walking with that group of klansmen. He was one the police arrested during the “march” which is one reason why we know Trump’s father was involved with the KKK.

One thing the KKK wanted was a wall on the southern border to keep out people of color – only they were called much nastier names by the klan. They wanted #TheWall to be made of steel. When Trump changed from cement to steel, I think you were right in your blog saying that was a clear message to the extreme bigots of this country. Isn’t that why racism has lasted so long? Because it is overtly and coverly supported by people like Trump with a long line of predecessors, many in Congress, who saw an opportunity and a way to gain power with as much cheating and illegalities as they could muster. All they had to do was to rise up on the backs of all of us – white, black, brown, tan, purple, pink. orange.

Today you can’t call someone the N word without getting into trouble, but you can push to build #theWall and you will be doing the same thing with an excuse and defense against people who will call you racist.

You can let the world know sexism is back and stronger than ever by making sure an alleged sexual assaulter winds up on the Supreme Court. You can have pictures go around the world of the U. S. Cabinet being made up of White Males and the Republicans in Congress being the same with only a 1% difference. That sends out a huge, direct message.

That is what #thewall is all about. Trump even changed the color of his MAGA hat, in case his followers didn’t catch on. That was a more specific signal.

The atmosphere in this country has been changing and it has become very tense with white males feeling their “superiority” threatened, as more people of color move into positions where once an unqualified white male would be hired rather than a more qualified person of color.

We had Mexico – where years ago its borders changed so parts of Mexico would become Texas – remember that piece of history?. The Mexicans who had lived for generations in the areas where the borders were redrawn didn’t leave. Their property and goods were taken and they were thrown out on the streets, but they stayed – what choice did they have – and the work then began by the “ruling class” in this country to make sure the ex-Mexicans were pushed as close to the bottom of the ladder as possible and kept there for generations. Got to keep people around to do the “dirty work”. With those “Texas” brown and black people threatening white supremacy, just by their numbers”, something had to be done.

To be sure some things were done even into the time of Hitler’s Germany. The Nazi prisoners of war were brought to Texas for their incarceration while the war was still going on. African American soldiers, on leave or visiting Texas, or working in Texas, were denied entrance into restaurants and other places because of their color supported by the separate and unequal laws. The Nazi prisoners were picked up on Sundays by the locals who took them to dinner at those same restaurants where the German prisoners of war were welcomed in their native language.

Much upheaval happened and the klan, among other groups, grew exponentially. They could never quite keep those ex-Mexicans down – although they made their lives a living hell most of the time. When you are next in Texas, think of this history as you look around at the substantial Mexican culture you see all around. That culture didn’t pop up as Mexicans came into the United States over the past couple generations, that has been there for quite a few years.

And now along comes Trump. In this time after our modern day equivalent of Reconstruction as Trump and his minions do their job of deconstructing and trying to turn as negative as possible the accomplishments of the Obama Administration, they have reached back into the history of one of our most racist times and come up with #theWall. That unfinished piece of White Nationalism, which they were not able to achieve before they were diminished.

Trump has brought back as much bigotry as he could possibly muster and when folks talk about his “base” they never quite talk about what that means. That means, for those of us who are a little obtuse and did not live that history, Trump’s base means the most bigoted people in this society gravitate to him and his administration because it means a little more time hanging onto their claimed white supremacy and a letting loose of their evil to make life as miserable as possible for the people of color amongst us. Let me note here that this also includes some few lost souls who are not white, but are overwhelmingly lazy, jealous, believers in their own inferiority and more. Even the KKK had those people of color, especially of African descent, who attached to their organization.

Amongst the other things he has done, Trump has certainly done an amazing job of bringing back the modern day equivalent to the Supreme Court which kept Plessy v Ferguson around for generations and guarded against anything that looked like it might facilitate a break in the extreme bigotry in which this country has been gripped almost from its beginnings. The Plessy v Ferguson racial apartheid ruling stayed in this country kept there by the U. S. Supreme Court because of the political beliefs of those on the Court for over 50 years. Isn’t that why Conservatives are so adamant about accepting anything Trump does if he appoints the” right people” to the Court? Look at the straight jacket in which the U. S. Supreme Court kept this country because of its own racism and look at how many years and how many attempts were made unsuccessfully to bring about a change. Thurgood Marshall and those who served with him are justifiably celebrated as “heroes”.

To get the Democrats to contribute to #TheWall would be a huge step forward for Trump’s connection to his followers. It would fulfill one of their great needs. That is why his advisers are saying if he caves on this he is finished politically.

Hopefully, something decent gets into his brain which moves him into joining the forces of good instead of the evil to which he has apparently irrevocably attached himself. It has brought him a future, not of hundreds of millions of dollars, but of total disgrace. How much better to stop lying and start living a decent, respectable, God filled life. He certainly isn’t even close to that today. He is moving in the other direction sending his Secretary of State to the Middle East to attempt to dismantle Obama’s foreign policy and turn it into something ugly. What that has actually managed to do is to remind people of Khashoggi and just how low the Trump administration has sunk. His activities in trying to pull down Obama has reminded everyone that Trump’s foreign policy includes condoning and giving cover to murderers who do gruesome things in addition to all of the rest – the adultery, the lying, the cheating, the stealing, the setting up a criminal enterprise in the White House and so much more.

How long is this going on? Will we find relief soon or will this carry on for years to come? Will we be free of bigotry when Trump moves off stage? Or will something or someone else replace him to keep the U S. bigotry within its borders simmering and waiting for another chance to explode? Will the narrative of the United States contain long chapters of the goodness we have wrought and the road we have taken to walk with others to a better life? Or will we forever replicate a government which leads us down the ugly path finally to perdition.

3. Bar (r) the fixer. It is time – actually past the time – for Congress to put on its “big boy pants” and refuse to clear Barr for Attorney General.

As Trump brings ever more disgrace to these United States and moves us back into a morass from which it will take generations to extricate ourselves, we are also seeing and learning about the sins of those who went before and how they are coming home to be repeated.

Barr was a part of the Reagan/Bush disgrace. Some say he was one of the architects who made sure all of the sins of the Reagan and Bush administrations were not revealed to the voting public.

He was a “cover up” artist and he is now being pushed for Attorney General to do the same thing under Trump. Do we see the invisible hand of Bush, Jr. in this? There can be no equivocating as to why Bar (r) the Fixer was nominated. He volunteered for the job of “cover-up artist” and the only thing he will actually do is denigrate the name and reputation of George H. W. Bush. A lot of what happened in the Bush administration as he became president after Reagan has flown under the radar. Bush the Sr. got away with his reputation intact because of the machinations of Barr. With the ascendancy of Barr to Attorney General in this atmosphere and environment, that will no longer be true. Already the stories have started to uncover and dig up what would have been exposed to the Americana voting public and then to the world, but for Barr.

Are we going to allow that to happen again? Thanks to the Bush family we now have a Supreme Court with TWO sexual deviants. One an abuser and one an alleged assaulter. What Bush started Trump is finishing. The alleged sexual assaulter was started on his career which brought him to the Supreme Court by the Bush family. George Sr. and Jr. The alleged sexual abuser was moved into his career as a Supreme Court Justice totally by Bush, Sr. who in the pictures of them together with members of their respective families, Bush Sr. seems very proud to have moved up into society an African American man who could fit into the negative stereotype of African American men and carry that negative stereotype several degrees uglier and further into this society.

Barr brings the Bush family several steps down and negate their reputations. He is the latest star in the – from Bush to Trump saga. It is time for all of this to be acknowledged and stopped. This society has carried a heavy weight for most of its life. It is time for that burden to be lifted, not for more stones to be put on the backs of those carrying this society forward.

It is time for us to move out of the muck, the filth, the dirt we have walked through and take a hot shower to wash off the muck so we can keep on moving forward with respect for ourselves and to gain some of the world’s respect. It is time for us to treat all parts of the world as equals, not as people to whom we respond with noblesse oblige as we have in the past. Trump has been so outrageous and full of evil that he has presented us with an imperative – “shake off the dirt from your feet” and walk into the beautiful sunlight over lush grassy grounds.


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Wednesday, January 9th, 2019

I know you want other than Trump writings, but this can’t be let pass.

Where does this WALL thing come from and why is it so important the government was shut down because of it?

The thrust of Trump’s life and his administration has had bigotry as its center. He and his are “better than”. His campaign came naturally out of who he is and what he has been about.

So where did this wall thing come from?

In the 1920’s a huge push of the KuKluxKlan was a wall which the extreme bigots of the country wanted because they thought it would keep the brown and black peoples of the world out of the United States. They considered it their territory and a white territory. Anyone different was not welcome because they would be taking the privileges, etc. from them and their family and their friends.

Trump’s wall was initially proposed as a cement wall. The buildings Trump’s companies constructed were built using cement and he bought his cement from an Italian Crime family. That is common knowledge. So, this wall thing could be business as usual.

Now, all of a sudden, he changes his wall from cement to steel. Where does that come from?

During that same time frame – in the 1920’s – when the KKK was making its big push for a wall on the southern border, that big push from the KKK and other such organizations was for a “steel wall”. The goal was to keep out undesirables. They were not trying to keep out “terrorists” they were trying to keep these United States white with everyone else not able to come in and a very high steel wall was what they pushed to get built on that southern border – where the black and brown peoples mostly came from.

Isn’t it interesting that first Trump is turned away from agreeing to sign the bill passed through the Senate which did not include the $5 billion dollar down payment for a WALL that would end up costing at least $25 billion. Then, as he backtracks on that and moves on he is declaring, in that process, that the wall would be a “steel wall” instead of a cement one. etc. etc.

Sorry guys. Guess the Italian mafia didn’t do their marketing and advertising to keep Trump as a customer for their cement. Better luck with the next project. If you align those projects with the history of extreme bigotry in this country and bring your sales pitch into line with that you might not lose business.


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Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

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DJT – The Manchurian President

Tuesday, January 8th, 2019

by: Marceline Donaldson

Months, even years ago, we published blogs about “The Manchurian Candidate”. Clearly, that was right on! Today, this blog is about a president who we feel is guilty of treason – (don’t start blubbering about “treason” and what it means and doesn’t mean. I am adult and educated enough to know that a man who betrays his country by following the plans and dictates of those in a “criminal enterprise”, by following and supporting a “mafia leader” in another country for their benefit and to the detriment of what he claims as his own country in which he has citizenship is committing treason and when you obfuscate the word I know where you are coming from and it is not from a place concerned about the proper use of English/American words or idioms).

We love reading the articles which come in from Bettina Network Lifestyle Community Members. We try to publish them or to consolidate the ideas of several when many come in saying the same thing. We hope you understand that and have learned from what we publish.

We have to ask you to take another look at the comparisons being made between Hitler and Donald Trump. While we understand what you are seeing we think we all need to take another look at this and stop the comparisons.

Hitler was German. He led Germany into a moral minefield and used separating peoples using hate, distrust, bigotry and more to gain his goals of power, total control, endless amounts of money and the freedom to live his life at the top of a country while ignoring or not being able or caring about the fact that murder and mayhem were being committed under and around him. This was the only way he knew to govern to achieve his personal ego and other needs; he did not have the moral foundation to attempt to rule otherwise. Many suffered, died, were killed, and worse under Hitler’s Nazi regime.

Donald J. Trump apparently has the same needs as Hitler and the same lack of a moral base, but they differ in one substantial way as their choice of ways to govern and achieve their aims.

Hitler stayed within a German context. Trump has chosen to involve the enemies of the United States in a coalition to choose his goals. Kim Jung Un, Vladimir Putin and all of the other governmental leaders have sway over Trump the way such leaders of his time did not have sway over Hitler. Which says to us, Trump’s danger to these United States is exponentially worse in this world than was Hitler’s rise to power as head of a murderous government was to Germany.

Please rethink your comparisons.

Yes Trump and Hitler are alike in some of the ways they have chosen to rule. Yes they are alike in their ability to move in the direction of setting up governments which murder its constituents or those deemed their enemies or those needed to be murdered to get the populace up in arms moving in the direction they need the populace to move. Hitler, to satisfy those around him and within the German state. Trump, to satisfy those dictators who need the United States to move in their direction doing their bidding to make sure a republic style of government or a democracy is not feasible and breaks apart.

Trump is in his early days of murder and mayhem. He is moving in such a direction as to take down the structures in place in the United States so he can invite his friends in to help him shore up and maintain the United States in the way it has to be maintained for his goals and objectives to be met. The Muslim ban; the rise again of White Supremacist organizations; the encouragement of neo-Nazi’s to become more public to bring about fear within this nation. We see each day the many goals in place one after another tearing down the United States government as it currently stands. As you see that constant and ongoing destruction you can almost see which head of which fascist state is behind this new thing.

And, we should add, this has not started with Donald Trump. The way this government is moving started long before Donald Trump. Trump as a totally corrupt president surrounded by corruption in everything he and his administration are doing and saying which is destroying this country was started and grown in these United States long before Trump became President. He is simply building on the backs of those who have gone before. He is deepening the furrow in the road they have trod to lead the way for him to follow.

Today, we have a confluence of Government and Business moving in tandem in the direction of White Supremacy reigning, Sexism slamming back in horrendous and unbelievable ways; Neo-Nazi’s blatantly and very publicly recruiting for their movement and killing Jews with very little blow back from the public.

Looking at the Government under Trump – it has become almost totally white and male. A dramatic change from whence we’ve come under Obama and where we thought we were going.

Our government is being concentrated into those ‘serving’ being a certain class and background of white male consistent with those who have low to no moral base, no ethical structure other than their need to take what they want from whoever without pause for or patience with anything restraining their taking and more.

Trump has brought together and formed a criminal mafia/enterprise at the top of these United States Government and has done it in the light of day, describing what he is doing and getting some flak, but not much. Many have made righteously indignant statements about how they loathe where he is coming from and what he has done to this country, but when called to act, they act right alongside Trump, covering their actions with high moral statements and trying to hide their greed and power hunger under their blanket of righteous indignation.

Not even Trump’s MAGA theme was his own. It goes back to Ronald Reagan’s MAGA theme. A Call to make American Great Again when America was already great. So what is that call really about? You have lived this just as intimately as I have so I don’t have to fill in all of the blanks.

Look at Business. Who gets to grow a substantial business in these United States is dependent upon who has the attention and receives the investment money and people help from the Venture Capital Community and that Community has a very distinct Middle Eastern turn and tone and membership.

Those who have been ‘helped’ to grow billion dollar businesses have been those chosen by the Venture Capitalist groups – not for their vision, their ideas, their ability to head such businesses bringing the future into the present, but those who are properly white, male and who fit the stereotype to head such businesses so the general public does not take a good look at those businesses’ history, their development and what it is they have wrought. Especially so no emphasis is placed on the fact that mostly those businesses were stolen from others – obviously, blatantly, publicly stolen and mostly from minorities and women.

Because of the beginnings of an outcry from those so excluded and from whom ideas, visions and functioning businesses were stolen, those Venture Capitalists are now hiring and working with people who understand the need to bring in “minorities and women”, but who also understand that of those needing to be brought in, it has to be in and through a ‘ghetto door”. Those who have the connections and right mindset to understand they cannot serve all of the people, but must tailor their businesses to serve the “ghettoed women and minority people” and who know if that is done there is funding for them. That funding will not be in the billions of dollars kind of funding available and historically given to white male northern european types, but it will be in the ten thousands through the maybe 50 thousands of dollars to those who need and agree to be used symbolically and who can be pointed to as absolving the very racist and sexist venture capitalists who have made sure this next generation of entrepreneurs – the successful ones – will be white, male and that northern european person meant to be on top of everything and everyone as it has been for hundreds of years.

If this continues – humanity, the humanness of us all will have to wait several hundred more years to produce a community of caring people who have worked to dumb down their greed; who are concerned about others; who know some are strong and some are weak and that is no reason to take advantage of those who can contribute but do so without demanding all for themselves and their own kind.

Again, I won’t belabor that because you all know exactly how that story goes.

In this ending, we appeal to you – please send your thoughts, analyses, and everything else about life, work, art, literature without this emphasis on parallels between Trump and Hitler. We all saw that at the beginning of Trump’s “reign”. We did not have the experience to understand the differences as clearly as we do today. Evil is not just all the same. Even evil has its distinctions.

We are seeing that there is no longer a comparison. Hitler was Germany’s own – the way Nixon was the United States’ own. Trump is in a different category. He is the ultimate Manchurian President and will bring in whoever – do whatever – without caring that he is committing treason as long as it satisfies his needs of power over, brings into his coffers and into his future more money than god and all of the other needs he has shown for which he has sacrificed his life and his eternity. What he is also showing us – the covers have been stripped off several people, several communities, several projects, several groups, several so-called ‘religious’ denominations who are willing to give up their lives and their eternity for the few pieces of gold they will receive through their support of Trump and his minions going against everything that is good in this life.

Trump’s work has encouraged those who would have done their “dirt” hidden and in the dark, with their goals, objectives and results never to come out into the open. He has encouraged and set the example for them to be open and public as they work to create “a new world order” that accepts and promotes and lives by this very treasonous and extremely evil way of functioning. He has set a veritable smorgasbord in front of them from which they can pick and choose how they want to go forward to his benefit. And he has shown that the way to move ahead is to ignore the country, person, life of who is providing. An enemy of your country is just as good if they are providing you with the largesse and power you want and need.

The last person who did that with dramatic results for us was Martin Luther King, Jr. Only the choices he laid out were very different. He showed us the evil in this society and this world. He also showed us the road we need to take to prevent the evil from taking over from the good. Many took his messages and life’s history to heart. Many others preferred to point out the fact that he was human and use that to try to ensnare many to reject him. We need to take Trump’s message and work to heart and recognize the choices it is giving us. They are the choices of evil – sell out your country for a few pieces of silver; split humans into ‘better than’ and ‘lower than’ to be able to misuse and abuse those you designate as the ‘lower than’ to gain money and power.

My point is – see, think about, write about Donald Trump as he is. Not as a parable to or continuation of Hitler. Trump’s future could bring about a country and a world that would make what Hitler tried to accomplish look minuscule and good by comparison.

The talk about Trump being “crazy’ – the claim that Trump does all of this because he doesn’t like to read and therefore doesn’t understand – doesn’t ‘understand’ the system in which he is living and isn’t interested in learning – and all of the cliche’s thrown out to ensnare you. Don’t believe them. They are not true. Trump makes choices each day based on what he wants to achieve. Trump shows each day his priorities and values. Trump says to us in all of his actions who he is and from whence he has come and where he is going. We need to believe what he is showing and saying. We need to understand that is who he is – there is nothing magical about how Trump reading books and understanding the system of government he illegitimately heads would change him for the better. He is who he is and the path of treason is what he has chosen. To sell out his country, his friends and his companions seems to be how he is structured. It doesn’t even have to be for his own good – which he doesn’t seem to recognize.

To bring the worst of the leadership from around the world into the United States to work with him; advise him on his next steps; to help them bring about their goals and objectives in their own countries even if it means dragging down his own, is not about being crazy; nor unread; nor lazy; nor any of the other adjectives. It is about Donald Trump being a human being who has chosen this way and is following it to his end.

Anything else is our redefining him in ways that make him and what he is about palatable to us. Richard Nixon did some awful things, but treason was not one of them.

To give his supporters, friends, contributors reasons to continue without publicly accepting their responsibility for Trump, his administration and his life is our walking his path; doing his bidding; working to achieve his goals and calling them our own. It is our submitting to the evil in us instead of taking the harder road of seeing and speaking truth. To obfuscate and to ‘be nice’ is easy. To do good, to believe God and to speak truth no matter the cost is not easy.

Evil brings about confusion to entrap you. Trump is the champ at that. See those parallels, don’t let them confound you and take you down the justify path. See how history rolls out into the present and understand. See what love, justice and the American way means and not what Trump or anyone else tries to tell you it means. See where real sacrifice is necessary and don’t sacrifice for evil – it only brings death, starvation, extreme denial, theft and murder in its path.

Now send all of your writings for Bettina Network’s Blog so we can make this move to a really great media center. __________________________________________________

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Project 1 – Estate Sales after the Sale

Project 2 – #WellsFargoBoycott


Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to bettinanetwork@comcast.net or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to: bettina-network@comcast.net

This is a curated blog so you cannot write your responses at the end of each entry. TO RESPOND TO THIS BLOG email bettina-network@comcast.net or info@bettina-network.com

TO LEARN MORE try www.bettina-network.com

Thoughts on color!

Saturday, January 5th, 2019

by: Lani Stacks

I just read your blog and the racism and bigotry attempting to rejuvenate in this nation and become dominate and controlling again.  Being an older woman that still takes an interest and dresses fashionably I notice another corner of society that is a signal to other racists by which to identify each other.  It is not very obvious to many, yet I notice:  white clothing has come back into fashion for women.  It is fashionable to sport a white dress or suit for a little while now.

I have never had either.  White is a color I associate with the medical profession, which comes from the white cotton pants and represents a sterilized environment free of germs, usually black in color.  I wear black much, much more than white. I notice also that other than the court system of black robes for the judges and justices, black seems to be more frowned upon, except for black cars, which was the only color at the turn of the 1900s.  A large portion of black cars and SUVs in San Diego County are driven by affluent and wealthy white racists.  They live predominately in the wealthy areas of the county, as in the northern section of this large county.   When I see the drivers/owners in their white clothes and black mechanical horses, it is a sign to me that these are people that are nostalgic for the “good ol’ days of segregation and privilege for whites with money. It is a way for them to identify one another by the use of color by clothing and the color of their cars.  White cars are the highest percentage in Southern California.  

My car is a 1997 Ford Taurus and is a deep dark green. Previous cars were blue, green and yellow.
~ Lani

Ed. Note: Lani is a long term member of Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community.


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Project 1 – Estate Sales after the Sale

Project 2 – Wells Fargo Boycott


Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to bettinanetwork@comcast.net or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to: bettina-network@comcast.net

This is a curated blog so you cannot write your responses at the end of each entry. TO RESPOND TO THIS BLOG email bettina-network@comcast.net or info@bettina-network.com

TO LEARN MORE try www.bettina-network.com

Homelessness – What Causes It?

Friday, January 4th, 2019

We have been studying this for years.  I can remember a time when there didn’t seem to be homelessness.  At least it was so carefully hidden most of us were not aware of anything except the romantic tale of the hobo who couldn’t live in a house – did not want to be closed in, but spent his life riding the freight trains from one place to another.  Little did we know that was real, except for the part about the hobo not wanting to live in a house and wanting to spend his life riding freight trains, cooking over fires he made from whatever he could gather that would burn, freezing to death along the railroad tracks, etc.  He was pictured in movies and other media as a happy camper living this life. There was usually happy music in the background when talking about such.

That was and is an extremely painful way to live and not one lived that way by choice.  What was also carefully hidden from John and Jane Q. Public was the fact that the hobo was the hobo he and some were the hobo she.    

I have always asked – why would a seemingly wealthy society allow such within its borders?  I have no answer.

Homelessness is caused by banks.  Oh, Wow!  I can hear the screams, objections and denials.  You can hem and haw.  You can object and protest.  When you sit down, clear your head and do the work and the investigation you will discover HOMELESSNESS IS INDEED CAUSED BY BANKS.

Within the bank, accountants and others sit and get paid to figure out ways banks can make more money at the expense of the middle class.  Sometimes banks hire consultants – usually outside accountants to do the same thing. “How can we charge for  services we don’t render.  How can we increase what we make on services we do render.”

Well lets take this one profit making pocket at a time.   What is the number one way banks cause homelessness?  House foreclosures.  How does that make so much money for banks?  

The fastest way banks cause homelessness and increase their profits exponentially in the process is through their ability to collect the real estate taxes (RET) levied on John and Jane Q. Public, by the government.  

Cities and other governmental entities are supposed to levy and collect their own real estate taxes.  In fact, that has been turned over to banks to do and it is done by banks in such a way that hundreds of billions of dollars flow into banks from this function.  Bank charges to city entities; fees of all kind levied on home owners for many reasons, etc. It is one of the reasons we have such huge banks and why it is difficult to impossible for the smaller banks to grow at the rapid rate seen in the larger banks.  

If you take out a mortgage with a bank – you most likely have to agree to paying your real estate taxes directly to them instead of to the city or other governmental entity.  Those RET are kept within the bank for at least six months doing nothing except making money and being used by the bank.  That is an amount of money the bank can “bank” on receiving and when and know it will be received with regularity and they know how long it will be in the bank.   From that they can plan how to use that money to increase their profits exponentially because you can’t come to withdraw any of that money, it has to stay put for the requisite period of time and when it has to be turned over it will have been a work horse for the time it stayed.  But – you should say – that money should be a work horse for the governmental entity to which the real estate taxes are owed.  

Look at how much better that money would work for you and me instead of being used to work against you and me keeping us poor or with a glass money ceiling over our heads. How did this happen?

This is one answer to the question – “How did banks grow so big!”  How come they have so much money!  Why are they so arrogant, independent, can be ugly to their own customers and still grow and stay in business. How can they throw so much money around (not the least of which is throwing it around political campaigns to keep the politicians beholden to them). This is one of the ways banks have grown so very large and are awash in hundreds of billions of dollars and it is a biggie.  It is also one of the ways banks promote foreclosure. – It is one of the ways they become the largest promoter of homelessness in this society.

 Homelessness is not about mental institutions which put its patients out on the street for lack of money to sustain, treat and cure them where possible? That is the marketing/advertising campaigns that are out there to mislead us all.  NO! Susie.  It is not.  That is and was a smoke screen.  Homelessness can be traced directly back to banks as its beginnings and root cause.  And, banks are a causer of homelessness dates back beyond the founding of these United States.  Banks have had this role for eons of time.

There is no reason for banks to collect real estate taxes on houses.  The taxes have work to do taking care of different needs of the people who pay the taxes.  If your real estate taxes must sit for six months in a bank – having been paid some six months before they are due so the bank can have that bit of huge money inflow to help it grow ‘big time’, that is a ‘big time’ problem for the people for whom those funds should be working.

The money paid to banks far in advance of when the city says they are due should actually be working to gain more income for you or for the city – if indeed it is not obscene and a violation of your rights to make such a requirement.  In fact, almost all of the real estate monies are collected in this country by banks; sit in the bank working very hard for the bank; and earning untold billions to help grow that banks strength and reach into the community.

Many games are played around real estate taxes and banks.  We, the tax payer,  assumes the present system is the way it should be and we go along with the program – much to our detriment.  We make that assumption because we don’t think of ourselves and our rights. We accept what is, if it is dressed up in Patrician clothes and exhibits the mores of a Patrician class.

Banks collect RET (Real Estate Taxes) on a monthly basis from people who acquire mortgages from them.  The people must then repay the mortgage, usually monthly,  along with 1/12 of that years real estate taxes each and every month.  The bank keeps that money and uses it because real estate taxes are usually only paid by the bank to the city every six months.  The average mortgage holder much pay their real estate taxes monthly and six months in advance of their being due. 

This is an inviolable thing.  No one questions it – and it goes so unquestioned that banks can foreclose and they do foreclose on homes and families even if the mortgage is paid in full each month.  If the real estate taxes are not paid six months in advance the foreclosure happens – not by the city because it does not see taxes owed by citizens and does not foreclose if a citizen misses one six month period of paying taxes, but the bank does this on a regular basis.  Claiming a person is behind in their mortgage even though that is not true and even though the taxes – which they are behind in paying – are taxes, amounts of money, not due for another month or two.

To put that in its proper context. Banks make substantial sums of money on funds that stay in the bank overnight. And they maximize that in every way possible. These are funds that stay in the bank for six months, definite, not able to be withdrawn, tied up in the bank no matter what. Imagine the money made on that. The bank pays a very small amount of “interest” to the mortgage holder on their “escrowed real estate taxes” – minuscule to the amount it is making on those funds.

When that happens – add a little push to get the family headed into financial problems which results in the house being foreclosed, and banks have been known to do this frequently.  Add a minority to whom the bank has given a mortgage; add a minority who has somehow skipped past the banks red-lining policy; add to that a property which has a very small mortgage compared to the large equity position of the property owner – no matter the race, color, class, ethnic origin, religion of the property owner and, in a bank with lousy ethics which is or is bordering on becoming a criminal enterprise, another game usually moves hand in glove with the real estate taxes game.

Banks have been known to target families where there is a large gap between the value of the house and the balance of the mortgage.  When a person has a small mortgage and a large equity position they are sitting ducks for a bank to salivate over future profits.

That was out of control during the last recession and banks were so overcome running where their greed pushed them that our banking system almost collapsed.  Their greed overcame their ability to function any other way.  Many bankers and realtors became wealthy with such a scheme – one amongst many.  Many individuals faced poverty, bankruptcy, homelessness – especially homelessness.

 More on this story in another blog.  Maybe even a few real life stories!


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Project 1 – Estate Sales after the Sale

Project 2 – Wells Fargo Boycott


Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to bettinanetwork@comcast.net or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to: bettina-network@comcast.net

This is a curated blog so you cannot write your responses at the end of each entry. TO RESPOND TO THIS BLOG email bettina-network@comcast.net or info@bettina-network.com

TO LEARN MORE try www.bettina-network.com

Lessons Learned and Commitments Given going into 2019

Wednesday, January 2nd, 2019

Sent to us by members of Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community to share with all of you as we start creating yet more history.  May we be conscious of the fact that what we do today is tomorrows’ unchangeable, irreversible  history.

  1.  I have learned so much in 2018.  My first trip staying in one of the Bettina Homes (in Harvard Square) started me thinking, searching and moving in a new direction.  I was particularly struck by what I learned about the Bettina Network, inc., as it struggled to find investors to grow the business only to be blocked by investors sending others to take their idea, their experience gains over years of building the business which showed their ideas to be workable.  It is clear that was about racism and sexism.  Since then I have done my own research to go deeper into what happened and I was able to move beyond what I learned there to begin to understand our Venture Capitalists in these United States.  I was also shocked to see how strong the influence of Saudi Arabia is and has been in the U. S. business community and on who and what projects are funded. I found more than Bettina Network’s ideas stolen and developed into businesses which have become huge.  I have seen how the people who started and built those businesses have been treated and I am appalled at how quietly that has been done.  Individuals in different parts of this country have been destroyed so their business and ideas could be taken and expanded by others chosen for some spurious reasons. It is an example of what happens when Saudi Arabia and white Northern European upperclass men form an unholy alliance to control, contain and ‘rule over.’

What is being set down as the ‘business community of the future’ will look the way Saudi Arabia deems the world should look – white, northern european with Saudi Arabia in the world mix – males who are sort of thuggish looking and acting – and so much more to fill out that stereotype.  Possibly because that is who is hungriest and will ignore ethics, honor, integrity and more to gain their goal?

What is distressing are the few people who are aware of this.  Who is funding the corporations springing up from seemingly nothing to become major corporate players?  What is being required of them?  Why is the theft of other peoples work playing such a large part in this?  Why are those people suffering that theft minorities – particularly African American women?  

We talk about the past and can tick off the names of minorities whose business models and experience were stolen from them, but we do nothing about it except support those who have done the stealing and the names we tick off are from another generation.  We don’t go near those with whom we are currently dealing.  It is right in front of you America.  And as it becomes larger what will you do?  And how will that affect you?  Who will be your leaders – and they will be chosen for you by who?

2.  Immigration is my focus for 2019.  

It is all over everyplace and yet not talked about with its full history in tow.  We cut off bits and pieces so we don’t have to look at a total picture of  the history of immigration in the United States?  Why have we today reached such a point that someone like Trump is allowed to separate and forcibly take children from their parents, even babies from their mother’s arms?  We now know there are children dying in these United States whose parents came from horrendous situations looking for asylum.  These children are being abused, thrown against the wall, slammed and brutalized and more.  How did we get to this place? Why are we allowing this to happen in these United States?

As I read history this is how the United States started.  In the beginning it was not about those on this continent screening others landing on its shore escaping persecution from the countries from which they’ve come.  It was about those people coming to escape that persecution – but it is also about them persecuting those who welcomed them; supported them; helped them get settled; showed them how to grow the food indigenous to these shores and those who were given so much turning around to slaughter their supporters.  Trump has tried mightily to denigrate the name ‘Pocahontas’ in service to his own power and money needs, but it is those like her and so many others whose names and histories we don’t know who gave like she did, who had compassion for those landing here.

After that we began having thousands of immigrants coming to these shores in chains; on slave ships which transported other goods going back to pickup more people in chains from the continent of Africa, and picking them up against their will while forcing them to work as slaves for generations, denigrating them for generations after they managed to break free.  Immigration by force – it was in the hundreds of millions.

Many others came of their own free will looking for a better life and so a formal immigration center in different ports was set up to “process” and “welcome” these.

Amazingly, those who came before in need – the English, Germans, Italians, Irish, and so many more – some coming from religious persecution – were not happy about welcoming their brothers and sisters in need as they were similarly in need just a couple generations earlier.  There was always a group wanting to shut the borders, close the doors and not let those awful, dangerous, terrorist type people into this country.  

Once these new modern day immigrants arrived and were let into the country they suffered bigotry, denial, and had to take inferior jobs.  Doctors and others like them came from other countries and found their credentials worth nothing in these United States because of the colonialism we intensely practiced within our borders so they had to go back to school and re-do their education, internships and practices before they were allowed to pursue their vocation.  In those cases, the colonial mentality prevailed.  We believed there was no medicine as great as that practiced in the United States so you had to re-credential yourself to practice medicine obtaining United States credentials.  Colonialism was and is not dead, we practice it in ever increasing degrees of ugliness and in ever more oppressive ways.  Once in a while that abates, but as we are seeing with this current administration there are strong forces in these United States that do not want that to go away – it serves their purposes for power, control, wealth taken not earned and taken at the expense of so many others.

And todays version of this immigration – where we elect a president whose first words announcing his candidacy is about keeping out Mexicans  because he claims they are “rapists, terrorists….” and worse.  

Concentration Camps are established in which to keep those coming to this country asking for asylum.  Children sleep on cold floors and are subject to all kinds of abuse.

What is wrong with us?  Why do we so continuously insist we are so much better than and we must only let into this country and deal with those we deem “equal to us” and that definition of “equal to” is horrendous and vicious.  

I hope we can find our souls – rescue them from the trash bins and from hell – and begin to be the people we are capable of being who have love, understanding, who are giving and who want to establish the country that it is clear we are capable of establishing without all the trappings of evil we insist on embroidering into our government, our businesses, our lives.

3.  Our best wishes to you for a wonderful 2019.  We follow Bettina Network Foundation because our major interest is in homelessness.  Your blog about banks being majorly responsible for what has happened to so many people that they wind up homeless is something we understand and agree with.  We hope 2019 will some way/some how address that so we can at least mitigate the horrible lives of so many while others have so much it is obscene to see how they spend and live and denigrate the very people whose lives have made their ‘living large’ possible.  You will be our major charitable giving for 2019.  

4.  Greetings to all!  May 2019 bring happiness, love, success, knowledge and especially wisdom to us all as we go about living our lives.  May we live our best possible life in 2019!  

5.  Must we forever repeat the errors of the past which we see and even read about in our books and magazines and see on our television and internet screens daily?  The one emotion this society is fast losing is “empathy”.  We are so throwing empathy out that we have elected a leader who clearly lives his life having discarded empathy for money and power.  As a country, we are bordering on the “disgraceful” edge before falling off a very treacherous cliff which we seem to think will not happen to us – because why?

Ed. Note:  We had many more comments to share from members of Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community.  The above 5 brings together most of them.  Keep sending and we will keep publishing – Your opinions; your recipe’s; your ways of living; your business developments; your scientific achievements or ideas you want others to know about.  Share in 2019 what you are about, have learned, are doing, are exciting about – we will keep printing.  Share also your ideas as to how we can move forward getting ‘news’ to others.

What do we consider “News”

“News” is – the facts of what is happening in the world.

“News” is – your opinion and thoughts of those facts and people and events.

“News” is – how you live your life – how you love – your religious feelings and inspirations – your arts, crafts, creativity – and so much more!  

We need you to help us develop what is “News” and in what forms will we share that with others around the world.

Our wish for you for 2019:

“May God bless you and keep you;
 May God’s face shine upon you,
And God be gracious to you;
May God’s countenance be upon you, with you,
And give you peace, love, and the restoration of your faith forever more.” __________________________________________________

Learn More About How We Use Your Donation!

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Project 1 – Estate Sales after the Sale

Project 2 – Wells Fargo Boycott


Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to bettinanetwork@comcast.net or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to: bettina-network@comcast.net

This is a curated blog so you cannot write your responses at the end of each entry. TO RESPOND TO THIS BLOG email bettina-network@comcast.net or info@bettina-network.com

TO LEARN MORE try www.bettina-network.com

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Bettina’s Lifestyle Community

Making a difference in this very difficult and changeable world.

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