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Michael Cohen, A Jew – Experiencing Structural and Institutional Bigotry by the FEC

Tuesday, May 11th, 2021

Michael Cohen, at the direction of his boss, Donald J. Trump, acted in a way which violated the law. He was tried and convicted and sent to prison.

Donald Trump, his boss, did the act which caused the problem. He then required Michael Cohen to carry to its fruition the cover-up so Trump would not be negatively affected by his lewd and sleazy behavior at the polls since Trump was running for president and his actions would have been reported by the media and probably would have caused him to lose many votes.

Michael Cohen did his boss’ bidding and wound up in a heap of trouble. Cohen told the judge that the illegal contributions—payments to Clifford and McDougal to keep quiet about their alleged affairs with Trump—were “in coordination with and at the direction of a candidate for federal office,” implicating the president in a federal crime.

While the FEC prosecuted Michael Cohen and Trump was scheduled to be prosecuted because of all that came out in the investigation and trial of Cohen, just recently, the FEC came out with a statement that it was going to ignore the actions of Donald Trump and not prosecute him.

Other candidates for president have run afoul of the FEC and been prosecuted. How come Trump has been ‘exonerated’?

Since Trump was the reason for the ‘crime’ and leaned on Cohen to get him out of a jam and, it is alleged signed one of the checks which went to Daniels and McDougal it is amazing that the person who was at the core and coordinated Cohens activities is not being prosecuted for the crime.

Cohen – a Jew

Trump – claims to be a WASP as he works with and apparently helps to facilitate some activities of the White Supremacist organizations which feel beholden to him. Is this what has exonerated him and spared him from prosecution?

The FEC is showing the structural and institutional racism it practices as it made these decisions.

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