African American Oppression - Bettina Network's Blog

Archive for the ‘African American Oppression’ Category

Racism, Sexism, Bigotry of any kind – decoded!

Thursday, March 2nd, 2023

It is difficult to outline bigotry. Mostly if you say to someone you just expewrienced unbridled racism, they will probably respond – “I doubt that”. And when you object because your life has been one experience of racism after another and you feel you know the landscape, they still continue and want you to outline to them how you know and of what did it entail. Our advice is to just ignore that and change the conversation. The first thing about racism and knowing it has just happened to you is the denial from the person with whom you shared that experience.


The major purveyors of racism; those keeping it intact so the ones who are declared “better than” under its structure are not inconvenienced by the feelings of “equal to” are not all white, male, North Americans/Northern Europeans.

FOR EXAMPLE: The major institutions – organizational structures – corporate entities who keep the separatism intact are banks/developers/realtors.

Take a look around your neighborhood – your schools – the companies in which you work – your churches, synagogues, temples and what do you see? White – where the money and power are concentrated and brown, yellow, black, red everyplace else.

If you want your life upheaveled, cross one of those barriers and see what a threat you are. Everyone begins to mark you for extinction. Banks are number one. You can get certain kinds of loans, credit cards, and other credit products depending upon where you live. I know, I know – you have heard about needing a good credit rating and all of that – it is quite a lot of baloney.

Making the job of the banks easier with some of the load of responsibility for racism taken off their shoulders are the developers and realtors. They hold an uncrossable line. Every once in a while one of them goes crazy with guilt and starts to violate those non-violatable lines of race, sex, etc. and then everyone’s life is upheaveled for quite some time.

The developers are the new guys on the block, but they are the most skilled and the most insecure in their positions. Could that be because sexism is so stringently enforced in their industry?

Not only is sexism strong, but look at the results of their work!!! You will see the homes that are “redone”, “restored”, “renovated” are all done in the style that is really out of the Scandinavian culture and that includes the furnishings used by realtors to “stage” their houses for sale. Anything else is considered fodder for a new renovation because the other one wasn’t quite North American enough. A strong barrier has been created. That even goes into the television shows which are the “renovation” shows. A house starts looking dilapidated or worse and at the end it is a tribute to the proper culture.l The kitchens are almost all identical. Cabinets are around the room, a counter is in the middle with a table and chairs (not formal enough for a dining room) are on the other side with every one raving about how fantastic this job turned out. Every segment of the economy supports every other segment to maintain the “better than” group with that certain feeling which keeps them above others and their culture the one that supports it all.

In spite of Brown v Board of Education and a whole lot of work by tens of thousands of people over the decades the schools are still hopelessly segregated and there doesn’t seem to be a way outl

All of this takes the onerous off the institutional structures and puts it on the backs of John and Jane Q. Public. Are the individuals the guilty ones or do they simply go along to get along. Busing was undertaken because it was clear there would be no change because of the stringent and strident way neighborhoods were segregated. The best way to kick up a storm is to have an African American move into an upper-class white north/american neighborhood. The bread winner of the family probably soon loses his job; strange things begin to happen around the family which pulls them as far down as possible until they move out shamed, disgraced and more with the blame for such squarely on the backs of the family which took on such a horrendous change in the status quo.

Where do we go from here! It seems to me that the strength and size of the boulder on the backs of those who have undetaken such a lifestyle has and will dictate no change. If anything it will grow exponentially disguised so most can say “I don’t see that”.

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EVIL EXISTS – The most common way to identify it is through the DENIAL that comes immediately after an act of EVIL!

Saturday, January 28th, 2023

This is a post set to music – the kind you don’t hear much anymore! Go back far enough and you will find evil taking lives in the most horrible ways. And today it is still happening. This hymn takes us back over 2,000 years and a reminder of what Jesus’ crucifixion was like. The same kind of people crucified Jesus as worked on Tyre Nichols. We can’t seem to get that picture of what humans are capable of doing.

We have been given another lesson and another look at the fact that evil exists, is very real and is incorporated into most institutional structures. To find its structural components one must look at the beginning of the corporation – the institutuion – the government – the structure of the group in which we are seeing the evil surface.

In these United States evil is sprouting all over the country. We always seem to have to question and question claiming to not understand why such horrors constantly surface. The latest is what happened to Tyre Nichols.

It is interesting that the news reports all look for parallels and come up mostly with the Rodney King horror with its evil spewing all over. Some go back to Emmett Till for the same reason. To really understand the evil in what happened to Tyre Nichols one has to go back to slavery and what this country was like at that time examining the structures which developed and are still in place maintaining what is needed to maintain “better than”.

This evil happened because we have a police force which was created and structured to capture, torture and do whatever was necessary to subdue and/or eliminate runaway slaves and discourage those who are thinking of running away and trying for another life someplace else. That predates the Rodney Kings and all the other parallels we try to make. We seem to be unable to look at the truth of what is and has been happening in this country for generations. We now have people like Ron DeSantis trying to pass laws to prevent the teaching of the history of slavery in this country and what has happened to minorities – those who are not descendants of those who brought all of this forward. If that history is not taught people who have some inclination to this kind of vile violence just might join in with others to make this the majority.

We know about the slaughter of blacks, but not through our history books. The Tulsa massacre has only recently surfaced. Most of us had never heard of such. Who was it that sang about the fruit hanging from the trees? We hear the song, we are moved by it, but we don’t related that to what is happening today. We also don’t care about the life and trials of the person who used her life and career to make that song and all it stands for important and so well known that it is still heard today.

This violence is not a one time happening nor is it limited to one generation. It has been a part of who we are as a country almost from the beginning and it is not slacking.

We are today missing the fact that African Americans being so tortured and killed or experience attempted murder in the most horrific ways are a part of a long line of people over many generations. We are seeing this happen to elderly African Americans with no one interested and very few looking to see what is happening as that torture is about the destruction of generational wealth of black families and it becomes more prevalent in these United States.

That happens by destroying the life, family, and so much more of the African Americans so targeted. Many have died in the process of being so stripped. Their deaths have been attributed to their age and not to what they have been put through so others can strip them of their life’s collection of wealth. Wealth they amassed at great cost to their lives to pass on to their children so their children could have the kind of life they didn’t have. Blacks who worked throughout their lives to make their children’s lives better and hopefully reduce the racism and other forms of bigotry they experience. Others, who seem to escape the grasp of the greedy, never fully recover from the attempt at such destruction and gradually live out the end of their lives in compromised health, with their wealth destroyed and their families set at odds against one another. We have seen this happen to many blacks with very few knowing about the attempts and even fewer interested in anything except a passing comment.

The Tyre Nichols type of killings, massacres and more have been unbelievably brutal and carried out in front of an audience. Today, in the Tyre Nichols case, the audience was not present, but the videos recorded by many including the government are played so millions don’t miss the carnage. We recoil and talk about how awful and horrendous and all those adjectives which in the long run mean nothing and shortly our attention moves on putting what happened in the background and so it recurs. In the past few years there have been many and nothing done to actually stop the horrendousness of such.

EVIL is alive and well and thriving just waiting for its next opportunity to break out and that will be soon.

A Series – Part ONE: Racism, Sexism and more…. – the structurally divided system we call the United States of America! But, it could also be called the World in Which We Live! This series will cover what maintains it in such an evil way with individual examples!

Friday, June 17th, 2022

We write and talk a lot about the bigotry of racism, sexism and so much more. We keep that talk on an institutional level. Very seldom do we write and talk with individual, real -true-to-life examples. That would interfere with our ability to deny – which is the foundation of what allows those structures to continue to exist. Start to talk about your real, true-to-life example of having experienced racism, sexism and all the rest and denial will immediately pop-up to explain away your real life experience. It is the most potent way we have of continuing bigotry’s existence. Raw, unwashed, in-your-face bigotry, maintained, continued, developed through denial.

We see denial being institutionalized in our educational system. Florida and the laws it is passing is an example. Those laws parallel the laws of old which made it a crime to teach slaves to read and write. Why criminalize something so seemingly harmless as teaching reading, writing and arithmetic? Because that was the beginnings of an effective way out of slavery. Today, we are trying to re-instituionalize a modernization of those criminal laws. Why? To maintain the “better than” in this society of white male northern-europeans peoples. And even to make a difference within that group of those who believe one way as against those who believe another. Bringing culture, religious beliefs and more into that “better than” equation.

Our world was rocked when we saw and got to know many of the victims of the bigotry against the elderly. We had seen bits and pieces of it pop-up, but to really experience the bigotry the elderly must live with, ignore and end their lives living in the most humiliating and vicious way – usually very broke after everything they worked all their lives to acquire – is an earth-shattering experience.

Society is structuring itself to maintain the elderly totally apart from the rest of world. That allows grifting, theft, physical – mental – medical – legal abuse to come to the forefront and happen with everyone looking on while denying what they are seeing and turning it into something positive. What is most annoying is that those doing this as the leaders of this pact are just like you and me. They look normal, talk normal, participate in their part of the world just like you and me with no one the wiser. They, however, begin to acquire wealth we don’t even give a thought as to from whence it has come.

We have published several articles on what happened to Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett and Marceline Donaldson. African Americans – Elderly – with fairly substantial assets. Mostly, what we published has been ignored except by those who experienced the same thing. We were surprised at how many elderly are experiencing this “putting the elderly into poverty” and then, let us use a small percentage of what is taken to keep them barely surviving and right under the nose of and with the approval of their families. Or, I should say because of the neglect of their families who are very, very busy. That is one real-life example which has uncovered many more. What we saw is that you don’t know when something like that will hit you. As a society we are taught “denial”. I am not my brother or sisters keeper – let them work it out on their own. That is our attitude towards bigotry of all kind. That is why it is so prevalent, long lasting and horrific in this society and in this world.

Guardianship is one evil in this society which has been practiced mostly against Jews, but is beginning to spread to other minorities as the wealth of different groups increases.

Murder of the youngest generation of minorities is happening because the numbers of minorities in this society are increasing and those who we refer to today as minorities are predicted to be the largest functioning group within a decade or so. How to cope and reverse that? Kill the children of these minorities. Well, you will get a few children of the majority group, but then Hitler targeted and killed Jews, but also included non-Jews to be most efficient and effective in his goal to remove Jews from the world. And the result of this killing of the children? When the oldest working group of minorities retires or dies there will be far fewer minorities to replace them, effectively re-establishing the inequality that currently exists. Those who would replace them have been murdered by the hundreds.

Corporate America has long had a very high wall, to protect those at the top, which they have built over time and are now re-enforcing so that wall will last many more generations. The wealthiest people in this society are those who have developed businesses, new ideas, etc. Those are all white-male-mostly Northern European types who are the world’s billionaires – or working very hard to become such with support of their cultural, racial, ethnic brothers.

How has that happened and how has that line been kept so free of minorities crossing into the land of entrepreneurial opportunity? From our perch, we have seen the ideas and hard work and success of minorities and women in the entrepreneurial area stolen by this group of white male, etc. There has been a re-definition of things like “theft” and more so this group of white males have a smoother road as they cruise down to reach that billionaire status on someone else’s back. Take a look at the history of Silicon Valley – only don’t leave out the minority businesses stolen; the women-owned businesses stolen; the refusal of investors to support and invest only in business brought to them by their “own kind”. Don’t leave out the young white males who raced through Cambridge and places like MIT, Harvard and more to see who was doing what that they could steal and take to investors who would look at the ideas with a cover to induce blindness against those from whom those businesses were stolen.

What has most disturbed us, because it is going unnoticed, supported by the extremely wealthy few, and within this group “theft” re-defined to make the actual theft going on constantly a non-event. If you break into my house and steal one of my artifacts, jewelry, furniture – even food, you are subject to arrest and jail for that theft. If you break into my computer and or corporate location, steal my business plan, take all of the ideas, structure, customers, experience I acquired while building a substantial business, etc. and at the same time do everything you can to destroy my business so I will be busy just trying to survive while you develop the model you coveted, that is not considered theft and subjects you to no criminal action. It also does not disqualify you from being considered for funding for the ideas and businesses you stole from others.

Every day, we come across people who have been crushed by such theft after 20 to 30 years of working to build a business with ideas all their own and have been successful in the process as they introduced to society a new way of doing something or a new product or something not out there before. We also see the people who crushed them and tried to leave them and their business by the wayside because they decided to set in place a copy of their business and because the people so crushed tend to be minorities and/or women the white males used to succeed. They have access to capital to grow their business, which the minorities and women don’t have; they have access to partners, those who have worked at the top of large white-male owned businesses which take an interest and the kind of theft and destruction which took down the business they copied is ignored. Unfortunately for all of us the ethics of such businesses are in the gutter, however, most of us go along with the growth of this stolen business as it becomes an intrinsic part of this society with which the rest of us have to live.

Real Estate is a biggy! The structure, wealth, schools in the geographic location of where you live depends upon your culture, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual choice, etc. and that institutionally racist structure was put in place eons ago. It began in slavery and was intensified when we changed our economic structures from “in your face” slavery to a more modified form with which we live today.

The importance of the geographic location where you live and work and have your being increased dramatically and became entrenched and unchangeable during separate and unequal days and today is becoming even more bigoted than it was generations ago. It is now easier to discriminate on such a level without anyone noticing or those who notice and complain being crushed and blamed for their plight after that drastic crushing.

As the world moved forward, that structure moved with it and has been kept in place by realtors, the real estate industry and its cousins. They maintain geographical bigotry in your living accommodations very effectively and much easier than a few generations ago, which in turn maintains racially divided schools which maintains racially divided businesses which occupy the retail spaces in those racially divided neighborhoods with the result that some of such businesses thrive and become very successful and some, in the minority neighborhoods, hang on by their fingernails for a lifetime.

These are some of the areas we will research and write about going forward with actual examples.

We have lots out there in the literature which talks about structural racism and how society separates unequally, but individual examples seem to be the most threatening and the least written about – especially in books used in schools of higher learning where to examine such things might cause a great disruption in this society. It is the area that many will read about and immediately engage in denial and denigration of those doing the writing.

We, at Bettina’s, have lived long enough that such denigration will not deter us. You are encouraged to join us with your stories. After all, we must all experience denial to understand how vicious it is.

In Scripture you will read: “Do you think I come to bring peace on earth. No, I tell you, but division. From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other; three against two and two against three”…….Luke 12:51-52.

We talk and sing a lot about “peace”. We knock those who we claim bring “divisiveness’. But when we do that what happens to such passages in Scripture? We think there is nothing wrong with “divisiveness”. We need to look at good and evil and separate those concepts instead of making divisiveness substitute for evil and coming together substitute for good.

………An Elegant Historical House for Sale!

Saturday, April 2nd, 2022
Every corner of this home bespeaks elegance, history, beauty and invites you to stay awhile. Across the street is a park; two door down on the same side of the street is another park and look out the windows, you will see the Charles River!

49 Hawthorn Street – Cambridge, MA. 02138 – $5,800,000.

What follows, under “House for Sale” describes a house which we would like to bring to your attention.  We hope you will consider buying the house – either for yourself, your family or for one of your favorite institutions and/or charities.

A kitchen for those who actually cook with room for everything – your utensils, pots, spices and so much more. Many fantastic meals have come out of this kitchen.

     The house we are describing was designed and built by an MIT graduate in 1900.  She was one of MIT’s  first female architectural students..  Her papers are in the MIT Library.  She is Lois Lily Howe with her own architectural firm and all the architects working with her were women.  Such a history in today’s climate makes quite a statement.

This particular house – at 49 Hawthorn Street – is the only Howe designed house in this area in which the interior has not been stripped and re-built taking away all of the historical design. The only room that needs to be brought back to its original design is the kitchen. It is wonderful as it is, however, to bring it back to Ms. Howe’s design would be special.

A fantastic welcome as the front door is opened to you and/or your guests. It speaks of the elegance which shows up all around the house – from French to Spanish to English to African to South American touches making it an escapee from Old New Orleans.

Marceline and Robert have lived in this house for 40 years and love every corner.  Being people who love history (Near Eastern History was the subject of Robert’s Harvard Doctoral thesis) and with Marceline’s educational background in the School of Architecture under Ralph Rapson, they have totally enjoyed living in this house and discovered much in the process. Selling it under duress they want to know it is in the hands of people who would continue in that design preservation route. The area has a penchant for taking beautiful culturally diverse homes and turning them all into a Northern European Scandinavian aesthetic. They look as though they were all designed in the Ikea Showrooms. So sad! There is nothing wrong with the Ikea Designs, however, what is wrong is making them the ultimate, cultural, design touch stone. This house escaped that “remodel”.

Ms. Howe built the house for William Augustus Maynadier – a Harvard Professor who taught “Arthurian Legend.”- the story of King Arthur and the Round Table.  It was a required course for all Harvard men. There were no Harvard women in those days.

Being very strong feminists, the Donaldson/Bennetts found that Harvard/MIT combination quite special.  While “feminist” was not a term in her day, Ms. Howe clearly was a feminist as we know the term today, stepping out into the world of Architecture the way she did.  Prof. Maynadier would be known as an extreme sexist today. He was teaching a class which laid the ground work for the very horrible sexism which most 20th century women have had to deal.  And yet, he hired Ms. Lois Lily Howe to build his house.

Arthurian Legend – King Arthur and the Round Table – was a way of teaching men how to treat women in that “on the pedestal and out of the equality” area.  The necessity of opening doors and standing on the side as she entered the room and etc. for this weaker sex is what was being taught, although not so specifically – it was wrapped in the Arthurian Legend.  All the things women have fought to have removed for decades so they could be treated as equals is what Prof. Maynadier’s class was about.  It was totally accepted at the time. Most people don’t know that this originated at Harvard.  It was in the general world population at the time, but not to the extent that it became entrenched with Prof. Maynadier at 49 Hawthorn Street.

It was interesting to us that Prof. Maynadier chose Ms. Howe to design and build his home. – which he used to live in and invite paying guests to stay with him.  The house has had that use throughout its 100 plus years of existence.  It hosted seminars, class sessions, teas and many famous and not so famous people, still while serving as a very private home.  

One of four bathrooms in this home – designed with jacuzzi, steam/shower room and separate enclosed toilet. The plumber calls it a “no bad smells” bathroom.

The Donaldson-Bennetts used their home to have what today are called bed & breakfast guests and to build the first network of such private homes working their way across the country and turning a national and an international network of bed and breakfast homes into a commonly known and accepted concept. This house was the beacon.  Besides this house, they had homes also in Thailand, England, France and more.

The guys who founded Airbnb stayed with them before those three even thought of such a company.  They were sent by Venture Capitalists – particularly the Capital Network in Cambridge – who wanted to fund such a venture, but not one designed, created and being grown by African Americans.  So they helped themselves to the Bettina Network, Inc’s business plan and everything else they could find to help them get the same kind of venture off the ground.  They sent people to offer their homes to join the Bettina Network, inc. but were really only interested in the process of how that was done – just as they hacked into and used Craig’s List to get their initial clients. The Donaldsons’ believe that when their web site was stolen, locked and offered back to them for enormous sums of money – it had to do with the genesis of Airbnb, although that was not known at the time as Airbnb was just forming.

While the Donaldson/Bennett’s lived and are living in the Lois Lily Howe house, Harvard sent many guests to stay with them, as did MIT, Tufts, Boston University, Boston College and more.  Several admin people called regularly to make reservations for guests visiting Harvard and other Universities in the area as well as private corporations calling for guests to whom they wanted to give privacy.. Everyone who stayed loved their time in the house and totally were taken by its history stories and general feeling.

Many institutions and corporations used the house when guests were visiting who they wanted to have privacy without being worried that their guests would be stalked in the lobby of the hotels to pick up information that could be used for media articles. They also liked the fact that guests wouldn’t need so many levels of security when they came to Boston.  Guests included such as Ambassador Victor Israelian, the Prime Minister of the Netherlands, top management from the State Department, many of the USA’s top families, many scientists – mostly physicists – who loved the quiet and privacy of the house where they could enjoy the patio where squirrels and birds would visit them as they worked on the back porch.

If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to call.  If you or someone you recommend would like to see the house, we are available at their or your convenience.

Call Marceline Donaldson – 617 497 9166 or email putting 49 Hawthorn St in the subject line.

What follows is a fuller description of the house as it appears in different publications.

                              HOUSE FOR SALE – Cambridge, MA. 02138

“Marceline and Robert are selling their home.  If you don’t want to buy it, please pass this along to those you know who might be interested and/or know someone who would love to step into their shoes.  As a private home or as a home with a bit of  income so you can live there and do other things.  Income can be in the neighborhood of $1,080.00/night, not including income from events, etc..  

Marceline and Robert did a wonderful job and are now moving to New Orleans – which is where Marceline grew up.  They have not been able to survive the onslaught against them of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the way they treat minority elderly in what was and is an apparent attempt of a group within the state to relieve Jews, African Americans, Latinx and others of any wealth that could be passed on to the next generation. This is the new racism/bigotry that is replacing the separatism that followed slavery.

The house has been newly painted with, among other improvements, a new 75 gallon commercial water heater with a 20 year rating and lots of other elegant restorations which keep the historical design of the house as much as possible..  

It is one of the few homes in Cambridge, which gives you views of the Charles River from many of the bedroom windows and it overlooks the Riverbend Park on one side  with no other building blocking your view.  There is also a second park (the historical Longfellow Park) just two houses down on the same block and the same side of the street as Marceline and Robert’s house.  Fantastic and very unusually elegant to have so many parks within the same block the home in which one lives.  One of the only homes in the area with such and with a spectacular view.

You would have 9,000 square feet of living space in this house over five floors.  5,400 (apx.) finished into three floors of elegant historical living and 3,500 square feet (apx) of attic and basement which can be finished into fantastic living space.   

For a possible future use of the basement take a look at the basement of Harvard University’s Memorial Chapel’s basement.  

The attic could be refinished into an exquisite ballroom for entertaining with its 16 foot height (apx) at its apex with no beams going across to obstruct the wonderful height of this room.  The architect – Lois Lily Howe, in 1900 was one of the first, (she is credited with being the first), to be able to build such an attic.  Most attics are so clogged with structures to keep the roof from falling in on itself you do not have the breathtaking space one finds here.  This attic is a full floor.  Its footprint is that of the entire length and width of the house.  Just think of the elegant entertaining you could do in that attic.

Historically, guests came to events in such houses and went to the second floor living room to leave their coats, etc. and freshen up and then went up another floor or two to the tea, dinner, dance or etc. on the upper floors.  Today, we don’t have attics large enough for such events, especially not one replicating the footprint of the other floors of the house.

Lois Lily Howe was the architect.  Designed and built in approximately 1900, she was one of MIT’s first female graduates.  She established her own architectural firm and the architects she hired were women. 

In the process of designing and building this home,  Ms. Howe scrounged the area for homes being torn down which had historical touches and she brought that actual history into this house.  The mouldings are exquisite and are some 100 years older than the house. 

The history of this house includes a psychiatric history – Dr. Lydia Dawes, a well known psychiatrist of yore, was an owner for some 40 plus years before the Donaldson-Bennetts arrived and the house frequently  embraced many of her friends who were also famous guests.  Sigmund Freud’s daughter stayed often and worked with Dr. Dawes.  Together they produced one of the first psychiatric journals in the area from this house.  Many local psychiatrists remember a part of their training that happened on the couch by the living room window overlooking the magnolia tree.  So much history goes with this house both  within its structure and with the people who have passed through.  

Marceline and Robert have spent decades trying to preserve and create a garden worthy of Lois Lily Howe who ended her career and life as a landscape architect.

You may have heard of  the many outstanding and famous people who stayed under the Donaldson-Bennett’s roof during their time in the house because you were probably one of them.  You can now own this magnificent property so beautifully located. 

Want more information – call Marceline – 617 497 9166 or email us

Retaliation or Coincidence?

Friday, June 11th, 2021

by: Marceline Donaldson

So much harassment has happened since the last Bettina Network Blog was circulated. That last article was about the $300,000.00 and counting drained from our assets by Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services. I should add, since our horribilis experience we have discovered several African Americans and Jews who have had similar experiences and wound up the poorer for the experience – by the same state agency.

That does not surprise me. I sent a copy of the $300,000.00 article to the Governor of Massachusetts’ office and received a response back which sent me to the COVID-19 resources available within the state.

That particular Bettina Network blog was released on Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday, we received a citation brought to the door by a Cambridge City employee, citing us for having growth over the sidewalk, clogged sidewalk gutters, out of control grass that supposedly needed cutting and a lot more. None of the claims were true.

When we went outside to check, we realized we have no lawn and so no overgrown grass. We garden constantly and we love flowers and flowering trees. As a result there were flowers blooming all around the property. The Cambridge City employee was there supposedly because of a neighbor complaint. And we have had neighbor problems. Recently, those problems have escalated with new neighbors on the block who apparently have a real problem with African Americans living so close.

There were leaves on the sidewalk after a memorable weather time. Considering the many trees on the property that was no surprise. Rain for several days followed by a heat wave had many trees dropping leaves. We took pictures because we wanted to document what is clearly harassment.

We called the relevant Cambridge city department and were treated abominably. We called the Cambridge City employee and he was worse. Hope in this picture came from the Cambridge Mayor’s office which we hope is real and there is follow through.

We do have a fairly new neighbor who has, apparently, been shocked and angry about discovering an African American family on their corner.

One person from the fairly new neighbor’s house walked their small dog and brought him to our garden. We watched from the window as he picked up the dog and put it in our garden to crap. I went outside to say that is criminal trespass and I would appreciate him not bringing his dog to have its bowel movements in my garden. In a fit of anger he resorted to calling me the “N” word and stomped on my toes suggesting we move.

After he aggressively came to within an inch on my face he looked fearful, picked up his dog and practically ran away. I was a bit confused. All of that anger turned into fear within a few seconds? I realized why when I turned around and there was my husband coming around the corner. He saw what happened through the window and came out to make sure I would not be further hurt.

It was totally amazing to see the anger on this neighbors’ face turn so quickly into fear and watch him grab his dog and practically run away. Who was he running from? A very slightly built African American man. But then I realized, I saw a slightly built African American man who didn’t look threatening at all. I wondered what my husband looked like through his eyes.

We waited outside until he had gone around the block to make sure he was a neighbor. As he came around, walking from Brattle Street, we saw him with his dog enter the house where we had fairly new neighbors.

Next act of harassment came from the Department of Revenue of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Having filed joint income tax returns since we married several decades ago, imagine our surprise to get threatening notices from the DOR charging Robert for income tax they claimed he had not paid from his individual income tax returns.

Amazingly, Robert does not and did not file an individual income tax return. Someone called us from the DOR with threats. We thought it was a ruse or a scam. It turned out to be the real DOR. He said Robert needed to pay his overdue taxes from his individually filed return. Since Robert did not file an individual tax return ever, that was mystifying. Is there something about Robert that he must file joint returns with his wife and then individually by himself?

This all started happening around the time the SCES and the police started to invade our space. We challenged it for months, but to no avail. That telephone call came right after the $300,000.00 Bettina Network blog was circulated.

We have had enough such experiences that I could go on writing to produce a book. I won’t because as a younger person I read “Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee” and it took me a long time to recover. I don’t want to do that to others. However, I want this publicly known. We have come across too many people in this Cambridge area with similar and worse problems because of age, race, sex, etc. We have seen them ignored and broken. Clearly, the media in the Greater Boston area is totally uninterested in any of this. I have called them and had the reporters hang up on me. Others have had similar experiences, which were brought to us because of shared experiences and our interest in this community not glazing over serious and very long standing bigotry.

I could add the story about the bank which stopped sending statements for a couple years -timed very nicely to what happened to Robert – and restarted only very recently. That is only one such problem with the same bank – there are many more – but that is for another day.

Just a little bit to let you know what its like to be African American in the City of Cambridge and to be African American living in Harvard Square. Within our little historical district I have not found another African American buying into the neighborhood in 38 years. Is that by choice – there aren’t any qualified? Blockage by realtors? – goodness knows we have referred several moving to this area who seemed to be steered someplace else? Something in the air that pushed African American home buyers away? Something else?

$300,000.00 – and climbing! The amount spent to destroy the marriage, business, life and health of an African American family!

Sunday, June 6th, 2021

Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett and his family are still trying to recover from the anti-psychotic drugs given to him daily in Mass General Hospital when he clearly did not want to be in the hospital and did not want all of the drugs forced down his system.

Dr. Bennett was forced to take many drugs which he did not want and had no idea what they were or why he was having to take them. Hallucinatory drugs and many more were given to Dr. Bennett on a daily basis for five weeks at MGH when he was forced into the hospital a second time after having been discharged at MGH from the police enforced incarceration after a psychiatric exam determined there was no reason for him to be kept. That discharge on March 4th was with all vitals normal, including blood pressure. One of the drugs he was given less than two days later was blood pressure medications. From his discharge from MGH until today, he has not been prescribed blood pressure medications because they are not necessary.

Dr. Bennett was forced into MGH, not for medical reasons. We think it was because of the greed of those pushing him into a horrible space so the generational wealth of an African American family would not be passed on to the heirs, but would be drained off by those who forced Dr. Bennett into the psych ward and police ward of MGH.

Dr. Bennett was forced into the hospital on March 3rd by a psychiatrist, a Dr. Warner, who was affiliated with Mount Auburn Hospital. Dr. Bennett had no relationship with either Mount Auburn Hospital or the psychiatrist. He was never at Mount Auburn Hospital even for a checkup.

The people behind the psychiatrist who forced Dr. Bennett into the hospital on a Section 12 – psychiatric charge – also had no relationship with him. They had never talked to him, never interviewed him for any reason and he is one of several African Americans so treated. The end result? The Jews, Blacks and other minorities so treated had their assets taken along with their reputation and their family destroyed fighting abuse and other such charges. What a way to rid this society of its successful minority citizens.

How did we know of the drugs he was forced to take? MGH sent bottles of drugs home with him demanding that a Home Health Care Service monitor his continued intake of these drugs on a daily basis or Dr. Bennett would be forced back into the hospital. The drugs made him ill after taking them and as he began to recover it was time to take the drugs again. This was not the Home Health Care Service attached to MGH. This was the group put in place by SCES.

At this point we started to read the Bettina Network Blog – with which Dr. Bennett is affiliated and it gave answers to our most basic question – why?

The psychiatrists at MGH sent Dr. Bennett home from that first forced incarceration. All vitals normal including blood pressure and no mental health issues.

The very next day Cambridge Somerville Elder and Protective Services with their attorney O’Sullivan were back in Court having the police pick him up again and force him into the hospital. They had no proof . They had a sworn statement by the head of Cambridge’s Protective Services – Nora Al Wetaid. Ms. Al Wetaid has had no conversation with Dr. Bennett. She claimed his wife abused him and he had to be removed from his home immediately because the abuse was so horrendous and he had no one to turn to or to care for him. SCES also claimed he was alone with no place to go so he was brought to MGH. THE TRUTH? In Dr. Bennett’s home at the time were his adult children, and his daughter-in-law. The family is also surrounded by many other family and friends to whom either one could have turned for help. Ms. Al Wetaid did not know that because her job, apparently, was to have Dr. Bennett demeaned, disgraced, destroyed financially so she could benefit.

What is most amazing SCES and the attorney supporting them along with others along the way did not know Dr. Bennett or his wife. They had never met him – never had a conversation of any kind with him, knew nothing about him and yet they gathered together to have him incarcerated in a psych ward – their hospital of choice was Mount Auburn Hospital.

Dr. Bennett did not go to Mount Auburn Hospital because his wife was going to throw herself under the ambulance if they tried to take him there. It is not a hospital either one would choose. Since both knew quite a bit about local hospitals – Dr. Bennett’s wife having served for a time as chaplain at Deaconness, among others and Dr. Bennett, as an ordained priest who responded to requests from people needing help as priests are expected to do – they have quite an in-depth knowledge about local hospitals.

MGH knew better. Their psychiatrists had examined Dr. Bennett the first time SCES forced him into the hospital against his wishes and found no reason to keep him. They did nothing except accept a patient who would bring lots of money into the hospital because of this incarceration.

Involved in this, we believe, was the fight amongst hospitals as they push to gain patients. This started, after all, by the police pushing into Dr. Bennett’s home to force him into Mount Auburn Hospital in Cambridge, MA. There has been quite a bit circulating about such competitiveness amongst hospitals which comes at the expense of a patients health. Here is a clear cut example.

If we had to give a verdict about all of this it would be that this is how the generational wealth of minorities is being drained so that White Supremacist have an easier time maintaining the oppression and more that they have traditionally practiced against minorities. From our investigation this has been practiced particularly against Jews. It is now being practiced against Blacks and other minorities. Much wealth has changed hands from minority to white quickly without notice using the guardianship laws in these United States. Even those minorities with small estates find themselves destitute and indigent. Not before this happened to them, but at the end of the process.

Dr. Bennett had just been discharged – two days earlier – from Mass General Hospital after what appears to have been successful brain surgery.

Dr. Bennett had been in MGH for brain surgery. He was there for a week and recovered beautifully. During that entire week not one doctor involved in the surgery talked to Dr. Bennett’s wife in spite of her asking to speak to them each day she arrived to visit. They ignored this African American woman who had been married to this African American man for 38 years. In talking to him and her they had a very happy and solid 38 year marriage with no hint of anything negative – especially not abuse. Here, we believe, the negative stereotype of African American women comes into play. In addition, the racism we found through all of this was extreme and horrendous.

In fact, the Protective Services at MGH finally decided there had been no abuse. They decided that after some $200,000 was spent on medical services at MGH.

Rehab was another issue that caused horrendous suffering to the Bennett family. Without either Dr. Bennett or his wife (who was his HCP) had any discussions with anyone as to rehab and the choice of a place. Dr. Bennett was not in favor of rehab. He had expressed a choice of Spaulding as did his wife. Instead, with no discussion of any kind, Dr. Bennett was forced into rehab at Sherrill House.

Interesting to note that when one enters Sherrill House the color is brown to black. When one enters Spaulding the color is white with very little of any other color. Is this how those places are maintained as segregated? It happens at the hospital before the patient leaves?

Without any discussion, Dr. Bennett was forced into Sherrill House. His wife arrived at MGH to visit and was told Dr. Bennett had been sent by ambulance to Sherrill House. What neither one knew, but what MGH and Sherrill House knew was that Sherrill House was going under quarantine because of the flu in their midst. They knew that before MGH sent Dr. Bennett to Sherrill House and Sherrill House knew that before accepting him. Sherrill House, however, waited until Dr. Bennett arrived to declare their quarantine and so subjected Dr. Bennett to the flu for their own profit related reasons. When the quarantine became clear, Dr. Bennett decided he wanted to go home where it was much safer and his wife took him home.

Next day, in Court, Dr. Bennett is declared “indigent” – destitute and not able to pay for an attorney to defend himself against actions filed against him by Nora Al Wetaid and Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services ordering the police to take him out of his home to Mount Auburn Hospital.

Interesting to us is the fact that Dr. Bennett was not so destitute that Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services – who brought this action – saw to it that Dr. Bennett was charged for just about everything. Bills have poured into the Bennett home having been created for them by Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services. None of the bills were authorized nor agreed to by the Bennetts. Amazing that Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services did not think he was destitute when it came to charging the bills they created. It is also interesting that the bills SCES found some other way to get paid – ie by the state – are those that paid for the people they wanted involved so they would be able to control both sides of this issue.

Dr. Bennett has been personally charged as well as through his insurance for bills he did not create and for services he neither needed nor wanted. His right to choose who would supply whatever services he did need and want was completely taken away from him by SCES.

Dr. Warner, the psychiatrist, who signed the Court Documents to commit Dr. Bennett to the police ward and psych ward of Mount Auburn Hospital and who knew Dr. Bennett had been sent to MGH instead and discharged from MGH countering her claim, showed up at MGH later to be the “Independent Examiner” paid for by the state to give Dr. Bennett anti-psychotics amongst other medicines to be able to declare Dr. Bennett ‘incapacitated” and Attorney Cheri Myette, appointed as Dr. Bennett’s attorney by the opposing attorney – O’Sullivan, was also paid by the state. Attorney Myette was paid by the state after Dr. Bennett’s wife hired and paid attorneys to represent Dr. Bennett. An entire system conspiring to take away basic rights from an African American citizen of these United States. The people needed to be a part of this incredible criminal conspiracy were state of Massachusetts funded. Everything else was billed to Dr. Bennett.

From other such situations we have investigated, the state is usually repaid after the person so attacked is shoved into a nursing home for life with the claim that they are totally unable to care for themselves with no one around to care for them.

One African American escaped the nursing home he was shoved into and constrained in bed after he was declared to have no “Executive Functioning” and no ability to either provide or care for himself. He had to escape being constrained in a bed in a nursing home to have a life of freedom instead of incarceration on psychiatric drugs. He had a family who cared for him and they were charged with abuse. He also had to escape because while in the nursing home, the state was in the process of taking all of his assets. Somehow, this does not meet the SCES criteria for a person having no Executive Functioning, no ability to either provide or care for himself, etc.

So the attempt to incapacitate Dr. Bennett and claim that his wife abused him was not the first African Americans have had to fight. Unfortunately, this is happening to the elderly who mostly don’t have the experience, or circle of supporters to be able to fight such. They are shoved into the nursing home after an agency takes guardianship over the person, including their assets. Those assets are drained down and the state reimbursed. The elderly person dies and causes no distress to anyone. No need to account for anything and that ends that story. The whites are richer and the minorities dead.

In the case of Dr. Bennett, SCES went to Probate Court. They asked that Dr. Bennett not be notified of the hearing. They described Dr. Bennett as very old, indigent, alone with no one to care for him and he was a psychiatric threat to the community.

The Court knew Dr. Bennett knew nothing about that hearing because SCES asked that he not be informed. The Court objected to Dr. Bennett not being informed about the hearing and appointed an attorney. Not a named attorney, but just an attorney.

Attorney O’Sullivan, who was representing SCES decided that attorney would be Attorney Cheri Myette. So , in effect, the opposing attorney appointed the attorney who would be appearing in Dr. Bennett’s name.

The Court, with a new judge now in place, said to Attorney Myette that she should contact her “client”. She did not, but she did file a motion in his name including a claim – under oath by the attorney – in which Dr. Bennett was supposed to be swearing to the fact that he was “indigent.” Dr. Bennett knew nothing about this. Attorney Myette apparently felt she could make such claims in a motion all on her own without her “client” knowing anything about the motion – have the motion impounded so no one would be able to read it or know of the charges – and the case then goes on from there with no one knowing how it got started. Common with the cases we have investigated is the confusion the people so pushed around have, not knowing nor understanding where all of the mess and upheaval came from because there is nothing showing that answers any of those origination questions. The answers to those questions have been hidden in the bowels of the Court.

There is a blog in this Bettina collection of blogs which replicates the statement Dr. Bennett made denying that he made such a statement and saying clearly he knew nothing about the motion – nothing about an attorney being appointed to represent him – etc. That statement is notarized.

Attorney Myette was appointed and filed the motion accusing his wife of abusing him – knowing full well that was not true. She wrote the motion as though it was being written by Dr. Bennett in which he claimed and ‘swore’ to being “indigent” and in need of state funds – knowing full well that was also not true. Attorney Myette did all of this within an hour or two of her being named Attorney for Dr. Bennett by the attorney representing SCES – Attorney O’Sullivan. The one thing Attorney Myette did not do was to contact her supposed client. No one saw any need to notify Dr. Bennett of any of this. Why would one bother to confuse everything by getting an African American man involved – his stereotype and the stereotype of his African American wife was enough. Winning usually means dealing with the stereotype instead of the real person.

How many elderly have lost their lives, their estates, their family because of this kind of attack?

Interesting that the people doing the filing knew 1) Dr. Bennett was not destitute nor indigent at the time and 2) they knew Dr. Bennett had just left MGH so why the push to immediately take him to Mount Auburn Hospital just a day or two after he left MGH where his records, etc. were?

Dr. Bennett’s wife turned to a friend to recommend an attorney. Caroline Tribe recommended Shippen Page. Ms. Donaldson hired Shippen Page who in turn hired Lisa Cukier with Burns & Levinson. Ms. Cukier to represent Dr. Bennett. Attorney Page to represent Ms. Donaldson.

That didn’t quite happen the way it was planned. Ms. Cukier decided to represent Ms. Donaldson, without Ms. Donaldson’s knowledge or consent. In the process of that representation it was clear Ms. Cukier’s respect for her client was non-existent. One condition Ms. Donaldson had before hiring Ms. Cukier was that she agrees to file an emergency motion to have Dr. Bennett released from the prison of the hospital (MGH) where he was being held in a locked ward with guards outside the ward and being fed medicines without his knowledge or consent with no one knowing what he was being fed when he was supposedly not in the hospital for medical reasons, but according to the papers filed, because of the claimed abuse and the claim that Dr. Bennett was alone in a house with his wife who was abusing him. In actual fact, in the house were Dr. Bennett’s two adult children and a daughter-in-law. All black so they could be discarded as irrelevant.

Once hired, Ms. Cukier did not file the emergency motion, but decided to wait until the hearing date for the motion – which was a bit into the future giving everyone time to do what was necessary to attempt to incapacitate Dr. Bennett, create a medical record which is spurious along with a number of other activities which our investigation shows were meant to drain Dr. Bennett’s assets along with the assets of his wife, which is apparently the reason they had to accuse her of abuse – to open the door to opening the door to their home to be able to use it to line their pockets. We have talked about in the past because we have talked to several people – African Americans and Jews who were subjected to the same and whose assets were drained and they were left much poorer after what turned out to be trumped up charges.

When Ms. Cukier was hired she asked for a retainer and her terms were that once the retainer was paid Ms. Donaldson would receive monthly bills every 30 days which she would be expected to pay within 30 days.

Things didn’t quite work out that way.

The retainer was paid promptly. The day of the hearing, much less than 30 days into Ms. Cukier being hired, Ms. Cukier called Ms. Donaldson to say she should bring to her home $9,000 because this is what was needed. She changed the terms of her hiring. In addition, she said she would not appear at the 4pm hearing that was to happen that day unless Ms. Donaldson showed up at her home with the $9,000. This was just a few hours before the hearing took place. She also was very clear that Ms. Donaldson was not to go to her front door, but she ordered this African American woman to take the money and go to the back door to deliver it.

Those of you who know Ms. Donaldson, know that did not happen. Ms. Cukier and her assistant called several times about the money and the abusive telephone calls so unnerved Ms. Donaldson she could not function for several few days.

At the same time, there was an email from Attorney Page asking about the motion response Ms. Cukier intended to file because it left out very important and relevant information and he didn’t understand why.

The motion papers did not make the Court aware of the fact that Dr. Bennett had been discharged from MGH less than two days before he was forced out of his home on a Section 12 (psychiatric charges) and the papers said he was fine. They noted his vital signs were normal including his blood pressure.

Ms. Cukier did not change her filing to include that fact. Reading what she submitted it is clear to us those submissions were to keep Dr. Bennett in MGH. Ms. Cukier ignored Attorney Page’s concerns as well as the concerns of others.

This was clearly shaping up to look exactly like a criminal conspiracy which has happened to other minority elders who have suffered much in the process – and some died.

We won’t outline everything that happened, however, this resulted in Attorney Page resigning – Ms. Donaldson discovering much that had been kept from her – Ms. Donaldson firing Ms. Cukier – Ms. Cukier continuing on in spite of the fact that she had been fired for some really strange actions which appear to be those meant to work with Attorney O’Sullivan to attain his and Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services’ goals. They have some serious problems which clearly are not going to be addressed. From what we have seen they are allowed to very irresponsibly destroy the quality and life of others.

Doing research we find Ms. Cukier involved in other places – similar – where she made legal moves which we think are questionable.

This, plus everything else involved in the attack on Dr. Bennett has a price tag going over $300,000.00. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts with its agencies which were involved bears some of the blame for this and allowed its agencies to spend tax payers money to engage in extreme bigotry – among other things. Since what happened and is continuing to happen to Dr. Bennett has also happened to other minorities – we seriously question what is going on within Massachusetts Government which is clearly encouraging such by doing nothing about it except supplying money needed to gain a law-breaking result.

For example – Dr. Bennett was sexually abused through this process. That was reported to Maura Healey, who did nothing about it. There were witnesses who were neither questioned about this nor contacted in any way. Ms. Healey is today running for political office. Needless to say, we will be there calling attention to some of these horrendous occurrences.

Dr. Bennett was removed from his home forcibly by the police without a Court Hearing, in spite of Massachusetts laws which forbids such – so laws were broken and the people involved not called up for this.

Dr. Bennett was forced to take anti-psychotics, which he did not want, but had no choice in the locked police ward of MGH. The Courts have just verified that this is definitely a violation of the law.

Every right that Dr. Bennett and his family have under the federal laws and the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts were violated. His medical record also does not accurately reflect what happened to him.

To our knowledge, this has happened to African Americans and Jews and we suspect also to other minorities. It totally violates both federal and state anti-discrimination laws.

And this is only the tip of the iceberg.

It is interesting to us to bring into this picture what happened to Dr. Gates from Harvard University. He was ‘arrested’ by the police for breaking and entering his own home. They tried to put him in jail on a criminal charge that was bogus.

The attempt was to what – demean? embarrass? destroy his reputation? At least put into the public mind the picture the media took of him being arrested in his own home.

By the time they tried to do the same thing to Dr. Bennett their tactics changed. It was not a “criminal” charge. Dr. Bennett was picked up at his home on a Section 12 – a psychiatric charge. He was not the first. The way the media has steadfastly ignored all of this from the several people so treated it is clear there will be more of this happening in Massachusetts. It appears to have someone’s support for its continuation.

Others – particularly African Americans and Jews have been so treated with no restitution and no investigation into what this was all about. Ignore them. Let them struggle. The goal will be to reduce the achievements of minorities because their generational wealth will be eliminated. What they could do with such a backing will not now be possible.

The court papers documenting the Court part of these actions are being impounded in an action led by Attorney Lisa Cukier. Those papers need to be available to the public so others can see and know what has happened in the past. The impoundment is not because the families want those papers impounded. Several attorneys are consistently involved in such and their names need to be known – the actions they have taken need to be known, etc.

We appreciate your feedback and your experiences with such. Please don’t hesitate to email us at


Historically Speaking –

Tuesday, June 1st, 2021

We need to become more knowledgeable about history. What is happening today will make a lot of sense if you know your personal history – the history of your country – the history of your family, etc.

Let’s take a look at what is happening in Texas and put it in a historical context:

What is the history that seems to almost shout at us to – PAY ATTENTION. This is not new what is happening in the Texas Legislature and other places. For example take a look at one of the roles Texas played during the war against Nazi Germany.

Nazi Prisoners of War were held in prison camps in Texas. One reason was because so many Texans spoke German. Their state was settled by Germans.

One result of that, especially because there were many Texans who were “soft” on the Nazi’s – was the fact that on Sundays, some Texas families would go to the prison camps, get a Nazi prisoner out for the afternoon and take them to dinner at a local restaurant.

In those same areas, African American soldiers – either on leave, or home, or passing through to their next assignment – needed to eat. Almost all of the restaurants in Texas were segregated and refused to serve African Americans and other minorities. If they stopped at those same restaurants where Nazi prisoners of war were treated to Sunday dinner by some Texans, those African American soldiers would not be allowed into the restaurant. They would be served the same meals, at the same cost, but they would have to go around to the back door where the trash and other undesirables were kept and that is where they would have to eat their meal.

In that historical context, does what is happening today in Texas and in the Texas Legislature as it attempts to change our democracy into a more controlled, fascist one make any more sense to you? That attempt does not come ‘out of the blue’. IT HAS A HISTORICAL CONTEXT.

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