February, 2022 - Bettina Network's Blog

Archive for February, 2022

Disinformation – What is it? What role does it play? Why use it?

Saturday, February 26th, 2022

Disinformation is the creator of institutional racism, institutional sexism, institutionalized bigotry of all kinds. It is the main tool humans use to create their societies, their governments, their families, their lives.

Shakespeare used disinformation to promote anti-semitism and it was such a powerful use of disinformation we accept it as normal, right, gospel even unto today..

Politicians use disinformation to win their contests and having been successful at it, they continue to use disinformation as the major tool in their tool box to run the government they have won through such evil.

Disinformation created the negative black stereotype to which many pledge allegiance.

Disinformation is what we have used for hundreds of years to oppress women and keep them as tools and the unacknowledged slaves of this world.

Disinformation is the god of our world and the one to which we really give obedience and in whom we trust all of our assets, our lives, our everything. It is and has been used to invalidate God and put in God’s place the creative creature we need to rule – to prove our point – to gain the ascendancy – to maintain the fiction that one person is “better than” another. We have successfully created and follow a god created, through the use of disinformation, in the image of man – white man.

Why use it?

Because we are lazy. Because we are power hungry? Because we value money above all else and this is one way, the most effective way to achieve all of those things.

The disinformation we have created, even in telling the story of our history, is so strong it negated Christianity and distorted its history into the one needed to rule the world.

It takes courage to be truthful.

The one thing we are loathe to accept and acknowledge is our human weakness – our sins – our lies. How to go on living without that acceptance? Through disinformation.

Kill a human being and then go to Court with lots of expensive attorneys to attempt to prove that you did no such thing. The way the attorneys do that is through disinformation.

Fire a human being from work whose firing comes down from the top corporate suite because that person is violating the stereotypes we live by. How to do it? Through disinformation – through lies, innuendos and more.

Maintain separate and closed neighborhoods by race, ethnicity and more – HOW? Through disinformation.

Look at what is happening in the world today! What has caused it? How was it done? How has it gotten this far? Through the use of disinformation.

Where are the people who are going to come out and tell the truth about Putin and what he is doing?

Where are the people who are going to come out and tell the truth about Donald Trump and what he is and has been doing?

What would they lose if they did this? – Money, power, reputation, what they see as their future and where they want to be and go in this world.

Jesus threw the money changers out of the temple. Who amongst us has the courage to tell the truth about our banking institutions? Who has the courage to call out those spreading the disinformation that the rest of us have bought into?

Why is it so difficult to call out those spreading disinformation with current and accurate information?

Why is it so difficult to simply tell the truth?

The empires we build on disinformation are very small yet that smallness builds empires.

Will we and the societies in which we live ever be free of disinformation?

If we could all come together at one point in time and agree to destroy disinformation and never use it – maybe we might have a chance. Isn’t that why institutions like the United Nations, the Church, the Synagogue, the Temples came into being? And isn’t that also why they are all failing? We have not been able to give up the incredibly addictive drug of disinformation

One of the saddest figures I have seen is the man who took his gun and went to the pizza parlor to shoot it up because of the disinformation he believed which was told to him to stop one political candidate from winning the presidency of the United States in favor of the one who encouraged, paid for and helped spread the kind of disinformation which that pathetic guy trying to rescue young people from the pedophiles in the basement of that pizza parlor when the pizza parlor did not even have a basement. All done through disinformation.

Disinformation is the way Donald Trump has chosen to use as the means of living his life gaining money and therefore power and control. The truth does not exist in his life and surroundings.

Trump became the enemy when he teamed up with Vladimir Putin. Disinformation reigns supreme in their worlds.

Disinformation goes from those at the top all the way down to the very smallest of human beings. We all rely on being able to use disinformation – the creator and maintainer of institutional racism and all the other -isms.

Isn’t it time we stop disinformation – call it out for what it is and pledge to live our lives in truth? Elect our officials based on the truth of who they are and what they are about – earn our living based on the truth of our work and more?

Is it possible for human beings to even live in truth? Is that why disinformation has so taken over our world and is that which we are trying to spread around the universe so when we are able to access the universe at our desire we will feel at home?

God forgive.


Friday, February 25th, 2022

Donald Trump has been responsible for a lot of evil and ugly which has crept and is still creeping into this world.

Fueled by dreams of a Trump-Moscow hotel complex, Trump had his minions and himself traveling to Russia begging with their hat in their hands because Putin was holding out a ‘bait and switch’ offer they could not refuse. They did not see the switch coming.

We remember Trump’s public response, as he chose, on the world stage, between Putin and the USA. Trump made this choice after a talk with Putin alone when Trump was the newly minted president of the United States. We believe a part of that public and private meeting has caused this attack on Ukraine by Putin.

Some of the white men in Russia, led by their own greed and reach for power, showed us how they have given their lives over to evil for a very parse return. These were recently on television and showed clearly their choice of subservience to evil instead of dedicating their lives to good. They will die soon without the ability to take one dime with them. They sacrificed their lives for pure unadulterated evil instead of for what could have been working towards a better, more just, more equitable society. May God forgive! The story of Judas and his 30 pieces of silver is alive to be told in this generation.

We think what is happening in Ukraine and what could possibly happen in other parts of the world soon, is Putin carrying out Hitler’s vision of the world with himself – Putin – in charge as the great god and emperor.

Hitler was effective for a very short period of time and over a very limited geographical area. We think Putin sees himself as the perfection of Hitler’s dream and able to carry it out world wide, without making Hitler’s mistakes. That becomes clearer as Putin projects himself and his goals onto others. Calling others Nazi’s and calling for the de-Nazification of leaders he opposes.

This is what happens when a human being, living in a society with other human beings has accumulated over $200 billions of dollars as his own personal wealth. Boundaries are gone and the only restraints left for him are the set of ethics by which he has lived his life. As more material wealth is accumulated, larger parts of whatever good and caring ethics remained are ditched.

Clearly, as we have watched Putin over the years, his ethics are in the toilet. That is now clearly showing and will become even clearer as time goes on.

No one has ever explained why Trump had that strange, shocked look on his face when he came out of the meeting with Putin and announced to the world that he was going to put his future in the pot with Putin’s. Trump had been elected by the American people, with the help of Putin who changed, added, subtracted, but basically had Trump’s back and added what Trump needed to become elected president. Trump’s ethics have, since that time on, paralleled Putin’s. Whatever the cost to his reputation no longer mattered – he was now one of the Putin Puppets Sowing Evil.

We think what Trump learned in that meeting was the future according to Putin. That future was taking over the world; denigrating and destroying the wealth and the world of minorities, making them subservient to white northern european males and taking over the countries of the world in ways which have perfected that path walked by Hitler -and – with Trump’s help, the United States was already being primed to meet this fate.

The January 6th insurrection was its opening public salvo. We believe this was planned for sometime prior to January 6th and was that on which Putin built his dreams of the future. The Charlottesville re-enactment of Hitler’s “Crystal Nacht” and so much more

When Trump lost the election and even with massive aid he could not recoup except to get himself more and more into the weeds facing jail and worse, Putin – we believe – decided to go it alone without that feather in his cap and so he is starting with Ukraine and moving from there to the rest of the world. He has waited long enough to see how Trump would fare. Clearly, both Trump and Putin can see that Trump is not the one to lay the United States at the feet of Putin.

We wondered why Ukraine was so prominent in the campaign for U. S. president and why it was so necessary for Ukraine to come out against Biden. We now know.

Putin’s dream of world dominance includes a world where the White Nationalism in Russia is built upon and put down in the rest of the world, reviving it in Germany, and with Trump’s, help pushing it forward in the United States.

How one man could collect some $200 billion dollars in assets is obscene. How much must others have suffered for him to be able to do such a thing.

It is time for all of us to look at wealth accumulation, raising serious questions and putting down limits so someone going down that path does not have viable options in this life.

Robert and I had an experience which opened our eyes to what is happening in this world with wealth accumulation in ways we could not have imagined nor dreamt. The attempt at taking over Robert’s life and destroying the end of his life was simply to get control of and spend any assets he might have. What became clearer in that not only were Robert’s assets at stake, but they also were going after my assets to take them for their own use. That was especially clear towards the end of the campaign waged against us when the last Court hearing scheduled was supposed to be to declare Robert “incapacitated” and his wife guilty of Medical Abuse against her husband with the State of Massachusetts claiming he had no one else to take care of him and in that hearing was to be made a ward of the state – under the guardianship laws – with the state agencies having control of everything we owned, had worked for over a lifetime, etc.

I had already been told to find a small room someplace because I would not be left penniless, they were not that mean, but I would also not be able to live an extravagant life. A small room would be paid for so I could continue on. I will never forget that conversaton.

The charge against me of “medical abuse” supposedly against Robert was totally without merit, especially when you look at the record and you see Robert had been to a doctor twice in the week before they started this campaign against us, before they made those charges and before “they” sent the police to force Robert into a police ward at MGH for no reason with the doors to the ward locked and guarded by armed guards and police with guns.

Given what happened and the way it was legally handled, it is past the time for Probate Court in Massachusetts to go through a complete evaluation and overhaul.

Whenever anything even close to that happens in the world we feel a kinship to the people so attacked.

That Court hearing was cancelled because at that point it was clear this was a criminal conspiracy against us and not real. I wondered what would have happened if we had not spent so many years in civil rights activities and did not have that small ability to navigate this kind of world of evil. It is amazing how many people step back to wait to see if you are going to still be their friend – depending on the outcome of what is happening to you.

If you look back at our history you will see Bettina Network Blog wrote and circulated some tough and honest blogs about Donald Trump, his history and more.

As we look back, we see these things happen to us and others when “they” can pick you up somehow and take control.

What happened to us? Robert fell down the back stairs in our home when the front stairs were being stained, new carpet applied. I took Robert to the hospital after the fall and there we were “picked up” by those waiting for such instances. Others have experienced such falls and worse without what followed with us involving forced incarcerations and more.

Mostly, the people who experience this kind of thing are Jews, Blacks and other minorities. The record is replete with such and it is also replete with the huge amounts of money siphoned off from such families in this process. That kind of thing now even has a name – “The destruction of generational wealth.” The goal is to limit how far the next generation of minorities can go without the gift of the life work of their family. Take away their ancestor’s wealth and distribute it to white male northern european types.

We fought them successfully – but not so successfully when you think we were stripped of some $200,000.00 in assets which went directly to Massachusetts General Hospital where many games had been played to make sure such a pay day was in the offing.

And how did Robert get out of MGH? I put the story out on their Facebook Page and two days later came the order from the top to “get that man out of this hospital.”

This is a small example. This is, however, what leads to the billionaires who have neither worked for nor should have the kind of wealth they have accumulated.

Putin is an extreme example, but he is an example of what happens when such ‘over the top” wealth falls into the hands of one man. That kind of money is also over the top power and with that kind of accumulation he can call the shots which have caused the death and destruction of hundreds over just the past few years.

Take a closer look at Putin. Take a closer look at those with the hundreds of billions of dollars at their disposal. They do call the shots in this world and this world is not the better for it. The rest of us suffer because of their dominance, their abuse of power and their use of money that has been stolen. It is not just African slavery of the past several hundreds of years we need to be talking about, it is what African slavery has evolved into that we all need to be concerned about and involved in making sure this world stops the evil which has had it in its thrall.

Pecans – Brings back memories of home!

Wednesday, February 16th, 2022

Based on a recipe given to us by Ms. Jeannette McInis! May she live long and prosper.

This is a great dish – especially for keeping to eat when company comes or when that sugar need strikes and you don’t want those sweets with harmful stuff.

Many stores sell raw pecans in two cup packages. Those are perfect. If not, wherever in whatever quantities you can get your pecans works.

Needless to say, but we will repeat it anyway -all ingredients should be organic. We realize it is difficult to get organic pecans, but once you have searched you will find a source and be able to go back there many times.

2 cups pecans

1/2 cup organic sugars (mixed is preferable.) You can find organic Turbinado Sugar; organic coconut palm sugar and more. Except don’t bother with brown sugar – organic or not. That is simply white sugar with the molasses from the end stages mixed back into the sugar. Best to have sugars which are the least processed.

Cayenne pepper to taste – We have tried from 1/2 tsp to 1 1/2 tsp. Both were great!

3/4 tsp himalayan salt.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees

In a medium-sized bowl, stir together the sugar, salt and pepper. Add 4 tsp water stirring until dry ingredients dissolve.

Add pecans

Stir until pecans are coated.

Be careful that you don’t have too much liquid. We tried water and milk. Both were great. The first time we tried this we added too much water and the result was pecans in a thick, caramelized mess. When we finally caught on to the need for minimizing the liquids we produced pecans coated beautifully with just the right amount of sugary stuff to make the pecans stiff.

Spread the pecans on a baking sheet – evenly so one does not touch another.

Bake 10 to 12 minutes until pecans are crusty and wonderful. Another caution. Do not bake too long or you will get burns pecans.

Once out of the oven and cooled, remove pecans from the baking sheet and store them in a glass jar.


P. S. You can go crazy with this recipe by adding all kind of spices and herbs to the mix. Cinnamon and nutmeg are some traditional ones for holidays. But try turmeric – and so many more – what are your favorites!! Use them!

My mother always had a bottle of tabasco sauce in her pocket book so I tried that instead of cayenne pepper and it was astoundingly good.

Bettina Network Foundation, inc. announces the addition of a project which is sorely needed in this world!

Sunday, February 13th, 2022

                                                        Much has been made of the push to pass the Voting Rights Bill.  We think a larger push needs to be made over real estate and over how venture capitalists have used their money and other resources to infect this society with extreme racism.

The issue in voting rights centers around redistricting.  This is the work which many take on to make sure their group has the edge over another group in voting before anyone shows up to vote.         

If we work to remove the core – the root – the life of White Nationalism, maybe we can take away the sustenance of the extreme bigotry we are facing which is today and has always infected the right of many Americans to vote. 

We need to look at this in two parts: Real Estate and Venture Capitalists. Those are the two parts which make up this project:

Real Estate – Part One of the Project.

We are asking real estate companies to sign a pledge that they will make their listings known to all. Today, listings are known in particular stratified segregated communities consisting of whites or blacks or browns, or etc.

When one looks at this society let us look at white neighborhoods . They was created as the structure in which we all live because such areas lead to white schools – white churches white friendship groups – white social clubs, substantial futures and opportunities for white children living in these neighborhoods.  

They are the living arrangements in these United States where an investment in real estate – even your private home – would today be worth 100 to 500% more than what you invested.  Those are, of course, white-Americanized -Northern-European neighborhoods where everything is kept under tight control. Banks have redlined; racism prevails; neighbors make it difficult to impossible for non-whites to live in those neighborhoods and so much more. Real estate brokers help to institutionalize this living arrangement as they pay attention to some, ignore others, choose which leads to follow and which to ignore.

In other neighborhoods we may see some appreciation in value, but not of the magnitude described above.  A modest increase.  

And then there are the African American neighborhoods where your home may only be worth a fraction of what you paid even when other homes, sometimes within a few blocks of your home or other real estate, are sky rocketing.    Mostly, however, in the minority neighborhoods the value of homes goes down from when you first purchased.

Going along with that,  schools are guaranteed, in the white northern european neighborhoods, to provide the children of those living in those neighborhoods with a very good education in beautiful buildings equipped with as much as can be put into those buildings.  Even in 2022 you will not receive mortgages to purchase homes in these Americanized-Northern-European neighborhoods. If you do slip through there are ways this society uses to make sure such people are moved out of those neighborhoods and generally in some very crude ways.

As a society, we have spent blood, sweat, tears and tons of money to maintain this structure and it is way past the time to dismantle it.  

We passed a voting rights bill decades ago, which today has been almost completely dismantled needing another such effort.  If your effort is spent working at the core of the problem  your time and resources will result in positive results beneficial to the entire society – including those trying to make sure it remains white and your results will be much longer lasting.

There are neighborhoods in these United States where an investment in real estate – even your private home – would today be worth 100 to 500% more than what you invested.  Those are, of course, white-Northern-European neighborhoods which patrol their neighborhoods making sure only those like them are allowed to purchase homes.

In other neighborhoods we may see some appreciation in value, but not of the magnitude described above.  A modest increase.  And then there are the African American neighborhoods where your home may only be worth a fraction of what you paid even when other homes, sometimes within a few blocks of your home or other real estate, are sky rocketing.   

As a society, we have spent blood, sweat, tears and tons of money to maintain this structure and it is way past the time to dismantle it.   One reason we have spent so much of ourselves maintaining this structure, one important reason, is power and control. When where a person lives is institutionalized to bring about political control and to dictate part of their ability to earn a substantial living and denigrate others living in lesser neighborhoods – that is the ultimate.

We passed a voting rights bill decades ago, which today has been almost completely dismantled needing another such effort.  If your effort is spent at the core of the problem  your time and resources will result in positive results more beneficial to the entire society – including those trying to make sure it remains white and your results will be much longer lasting.

 We are further asking real estate companies to advertise more broadly. Media is ghettoized so their outlets will have to step out and step up to the challenge of making sure their real estate listings are seen across the entire spectrum of race, creed, color, culture, religious, sexual preference and so much more.

This will put realtors on the front line of change. That is as it should be since their ancestors – those who went before – were on that front line making sure neighborhoods were strictly segregated. The advantage the realtors will have will come from their businesses appreciating dramatically and they benefitting personally and through their businesses.

We are asking the media to step up and step out. Different media outlets cater to very different groups of people.  We are asking the media to become adept at making their real estate listings known across the board.  Initially, that might be a problem.  Lack of know-how will make the first steps fraught with distress, upheaval and more.  Why continue?  Over time that will be an advantage to bring in more commissions to the realtors as their results will be judged by new criteria. And to bring in more income across the board to the media.

We are asking civil rights groups to add a real estate component to what they do.

Once upon a time civil rights groups worked in real estate areas. They brought suit against particular real estate owners for not selling nor renting to minorities. That has either disappeared or taken a back seat to other priorities and we can see the results as equality in voting has taken a dive and redistricting is coming up with no thought except that it will create and maintain separatism to produce the political power and control needed.

We will support those who take on living in neighborhoods which just might be hostile to them so the people making that move are supported.  We will support whites, blacks, latinx, asians, whoever needs that support.

Our research has shown some unbelievably imaginative and evil structures in place to maintain the racial, cultural, religious, etc. separation of people in these United States. We have uncovered several people who have been fired when they moved into the wrong neighborhood. It took a bit to discover that because no one thinks their firing has come from their choice of housing. We have seen people whose jobs were capped and downward pressure put on them so they have to move into ‘lesser’ neighborhoods.

We will develop programs to get this going to make sure we are able to break down the tall thick walls created from our need to be better than which separates us and makes us see the faults in others without seeing the part we played in creating those fault lines.

We do not want to make us one people, but to make sure we are well represented in many communities which  have been closed for generations.

We will be in touch with banks and other lending institutions to make sure they get the message and the “redlining”  and other forms of discrimination stops.  Financial Institutions have been very imaginative in how they attempt to tear down someone to force them out of a particular neighborhood. Our president, Marceline Donaldson, experienced heavy racism from her bank when one of the many things they did was to refuse to send her monthly statements of her account for over two years, in spite of many phone calls to the bank. The answer was always – “when you send us a new address we will restart your statements.” Her statements were not restarted until she went to the Banking Commission and then it still took time. These kinds of institutional racist activities are today alive and well, living in most American cities growing fat on the support such receives.  Which bank? Chase Bank in Boston, MA.

Those working within banks and other institutions are quite imaginative about how they go about such bigoted behavior. It is what they bring into the bank when they are hired from how they were raised, schooled, learned at their particular religious institutions and so much more. It becomes lethal when the bank accepts and defends such behavior. That is when it becomes institutional racism.

We will support the institutions which want to see all of this change and we will publicize and in many other ways make sure the institutions which continue to support the separation of people into pens based on color, race, religions etc. feel the ire of those trying to bring our lives together in more positive ways.

To make clear – We are not trying to bring about a society in which we are all the same.  We are trying to highlight and bring together actual “diversity” in our living locations, our living styles, our different cultures and religions so we can live better lives than we have been able to in the past.  

We and our ancestors – no matter who – have paid high prices to maintain this exclusivity based on color, race, religion, sexual orientation, culture and so much more.

It is time to acknowledge the roots of such and to pull up those roots replacing them with much better. Not only do we do this where we live, but we also do it where we eat, what we eat, where we worship, the names and trappings of the God we worship or the fact that we don’t believe in any God. Ever stood at the door of an elegant restaurant with a reservation watching others come in and be seated without reservations while you still stood? In elegant, northern, supposedly none bigoted locations?

The second part of this will be dealing with the bigotry in the billionaire/millionaire classes. We will especially look at those who are funding the bigotry we are seeing grow hugely. We will be looking at the Venture Capitalists and such groups who have used their assets to change this society into one which is becoming a more fascist – racist – sexist society, which they control and in some instances where they are attempting to create new facets to this society where their control-over is substantial .

We will be especially looking at this group to attempt to help rectify and return to others what they have stolen as these Venture Capitalists elbowed each other to steal the ideas and hard work of entrepreneurs developing great ideas into the billionaire business categories. These entrepreneurs were stopped because the Venture Capitalist groups wanted to fund the businesses, but not the people who developed them so the VC group resorted to theft. This kind of theft has been going on in these United States – with no stopping them – for decades. The numbers of people negatively affected are in the thousands. We have been researching and have discovered the beginnings of many such stolen businesses which today are into the top financial categories and which had their beginnings in the minority/female communities.

Join us.  You can join the Bettina Network Foundation, inc. by indicating your interest in board membership; involvement in different projects set up to bring about our goals; other committee grouping; and/or you can subscribe to Bettina Network Journal to keep up with what we are doing, thinking, achieving to keep this channel open for another day.

You can contribute money which is tax deductible – we are a 501(c)3 organization – you can give of your time to help others as we find those who ‘but for…’   Or let us know what other ways you feel your talents can be used.

Don’t let your geographical location stop you. We meet and work in different locations and we communicate and meet often by Zoom. (and/or a similar communication facilitator.)

Call us if you have suggestions, questions, or want to explore joining/working with us.

AND – please note the other projects we started which are moving ahead very successfully. They will still be a part of our work load. If you are more interested in working with one of these, please let us know.

Hopeful for the future

Marceline Donaldson, president Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett, vice president

Bettina Network Foundation, inc.

P. O. Box 380585

Cambridge, MA. 02238


617 497 9166

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