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Bettina Oracle Speaks

Wednesday, March 20th, 2019

Well, for once you did not call me – I am here because you need to think seriously about what is happening in your world before the worst degradation, oppression, horribleness takes you by surprise.

I am here because John McCain, who recently joined us, has something he very urgently wants to say to you and he asked if I would be his “transmitter”.

From McCain:

“I have been watching and listening to what is happening amongst you. My concern is that you are defending my reputation without realizing that the insults hurled my way are not about me. Nothing on earth can hurt or harm me. Even my reputation is now cast in stone. It will stand – the good, the bad and the indifferent.

Instead of trying to defend and protect me, please see and understand what this is really about. Use this example to look carefully and clearly and understand what is in front of you.

To Lindsey Graham: I know you wanted to say something in my defense. I know it was painful for you to keep quiet and I know you think that by keeping quiet to get yourself re-elected you think this is the best way you have to counter the evil in the world and the evil which is now so close to you.

Please don’t! You are jeopardizing your eternity and your life. Live it standing firmly on your own two feet as an independent individual and everything you want will happen. The way you have chosen will only bring you and the rest of the world horrors beyond your imagining.

To the rest of you: Donald Trump isn’t fixated against me. He didn’t make his anti-John McCain comments because so many months after my death he is still spitting out insults against me because of some kind of emotional need. Donald Trump made those anti-John McCain comments because he was testing Lindsey Graham. He needed to make sure Lindsey Graham was loyal to Donald Trump to a fault. He wanted to insure that Lindsey would do whatever he was asked by Donald to do and so Donald put him to the test. If he could viciously insult a dear and old friend of Lindsey’s who could not defend himself in your world so you could see and hear that defense and Lindsey kept quiet and let those insults stand, then Lindsey could be trusted and was now loyal to Donald Trump. That is what those supposed insults were all about. Before Donald Trump used any of his resources to back Lindsey’s re-election, he wanted to make sure Lindsey was in the Donald Trump camp and would do whatever Donald Trump asked Lindsey to do.

Please think clearly as this all unfolds. It has reached the point of your world being engaged in major sin. It has reached that tipping point where all of you will either be engaged in promoting the world the way Donald Trump sees it or you will stand up for the goodness that is in you but you and Lindsey have to find the strength to stand.

Lindsay Graham can break this part of the pattern by finding the strength within himself to stand tall and speak the truth. He knows what those insults were about. This is his moment and his immortal soul will either live or die on this hill.

If you look at this pattern you will see why so many others are keeping quiet. They have had their own period of testing and they wanted what was offered if they pledged their loyalty to Donald Trump. You will see what is being done to them and the heavy load they have been carrying. They, like Lindsey, want the power they have as Congressmen. They, like Lindsey, are trying to justify the price they are paying to maintain themselves. Some believe they are doing this for family and country.

To compromise your eternity for a few more years in Congress is not worth it, Lindsey. You have so much more in front of you if you find the strength to stand tall and tell the world what is happening to you and why. Accept this and your life is over.

I could have caved as a prisoner and gone home to live a quiet life without having gone through the pain and agony of the prison life and violence and personal agony that I suffered. I didn’t realize and didn’t think about what the stands I took would mean to my eternity. I have been able to look back at all of it and put it all in perspective and I had no idea the greatness that would come from the way I chose to live my life. I just did what I thought was right.

May you, Lindsey and all of you have the courage to live your lives choosing the right path and making decisions which will benefit you, your families and the rest of the world – and to you Lindsey, you know exactly what you must do. Don’t let that weakness of yours send you hurtling into a life of sin

Your friend always – who will be standing by your side.”

Trump and the U. S. Supreme Court

Wednesday, June 27th, 2018

Members of the Supreme Court, appointed by Republicans and being Republicans, came together to make a decision on the latest version of Trump’s Muslim Band and decided to support the personal bigotry of the Republican President  – Donald J. Trump – instead of the Constitution of the United States.

When the second African American man was appointed to serve on the United States Supreme Court, those who made that decision appointed Clarence Thomas, a man accused of sexual abuse, sexual harrassment and  more.  Nevertheless, Clarence Thomas’ nomination was validated by Congress because the White Males in this country, especially those in Congress even after hearing the incontrovertible evidence as to Clarence Thomas’ character knew their own culpability in such sexist activities and cherished their sexist playground peopled by females more than they did the honesty, reputation and accurate interpretation of the Constitution.  Their decision in passing Clarence Thomas through to the Supreme Court showed one role females play in this society, which the Congress representing the society would not give up.  A woman’s abuse as sex object and her availability as object of sexual abuse , sexual harassment and sexual assault without penalties of any kind insured for the future.

That is still true as evidenced by the fact that we elected Donald J. Trump as president of these United States.  An illegitimate president, but one still in office almost two years on.  A man accused of sexual abuse, sexual harassment and sexual assault who admitted to such over national television and bragged about his illegal sexual activities.

We are now in the process of making sure that the institutions of these United States, including its Constitution all bow to his wishes – his autocratic wishes – his clearly evil wishes and actions which he is undertaking to remake this country from a Republic into an evil dictatorship with him as the dictator.

If this sounds angry, it is.  My life has been fighting against such evil and it just reoccurs.  We then start the process all over again.  Those who want to live in a society where they and ‘their kind’ are better than get better at it each time because we have had experience of knowing how to be more sophisticated and hidden in what we are doing and how we are changing the structures in which we live while, at the same time, keeping them the same.

This latest Supreme Court ruling putting the stamp of acceptability on Donald J. Trump’s wishes to make sure these United States discriminate against its citizens and those who would like to become citizens\based on their religion.  In the past the United States Supreme Court has ruled in such a way as to discriminate against African Americans slaves, making that legal and later against supposedly “freed slaves” by ruling that separate and unequal was legitimate and the law of the land – a ruling which stayed in affect from the late 1880’s until 1954.  A law which destroyed many lives and caused millions to live lives of quiet and sometimes not so quiet desperation.  The Trail of Tears under which Native Americans suffered and attempted ethnic cleansing and its ruling in 1944 that it was legal to incarcerate Japanese Americans in Concentration and Internment Camps because they were Japanese Americans and as such could not be trusted the way German Americans and Italian Americans could be trusted.

There were rulings by this same United States Supreme Court which is claimed to be color blind and sees all Americans as equal no matter their race, sex, sexual orientation, religions ethnic origins, etc.  So much for that mythology.

This ruling came about to facilitate the ethnic cleansing that we are in the middle of, led by Donald J. Trump who ran on such a platform – who set in place an Administration full of neo-Nazi’s; racists, sexists, anti-every religion except his kind of ET.Evangelical Christianity espoused by the likes of Franklin Graham and others who give this president a “mulligan’ whenever he transgresses God’s laws.

We held up to you what was happening – the United States was on its way to becoming another country following in the footsteps in Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany only worse.  You heard those warnings and said – that is an extreme comment. We pointed out to you that Concentration Camps would soon be established in these United States and you said – that is ridiculous and an exaggeration.   And you now have Concentration Camps, Internment Camps and you are on your way to Death Camps.  Those steps were taken in swift succession.

Today, they are peopled by children who have been weaponized to bring about Trump’s dream of an America over which he and his family rule like the worst despots,  the fascist leaders he has clearly articulated admiring like Kim Jong Un; Vladimir Putin and several others.

One thing Adolf Hitler did not do, but Donald J. Trump has done, is the weaponizing of children – “suffer the little children to come unto me for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven” – these are the ones he has weaponized and will continue and worsen his use of them.  Donald Trump is the man who bragged about deliberately walking into a room full of 16 year olds unexpectedly and unannounced. – The 16 year olds in various stages of undress as they prepared to be a part of his beautiy pageant and as such were in a position under him with his fairly substantial power over them.  Sounds like today?  Only this is not a beauty pageant; the children are much younger and much more vulnerable under his complete control as he can decide whether they live or die.  Try that when you think of all the children who are now unaccounted for, who cannot be found.  The United States military is preparing to house the world’s children in what is the equivalent of “black sites”.  Today, they are Hispanics.  Tomorrow they will be Muslims.  And after that?  After he has expanded his internment camps to accommodate the 100,000 and more he is currently demanding – will he then ‘intern’ the DACA people and be able to do so other quietly as he ushers them out of the country keeping them in the interim in these camps?  Camps that he could not establish for DACA because the uproar would be deafening.  But he can take this move very sneakily and by the time we know what he is doing it will be well along the way with many DACA people having been ‘evicted’ from the United States irrevocably.  He is moving fast to achieve #MAWA.

What has he needed to take this country all the way to an evil dictatorship which destroys its own people?  Trade Wars – we have that.  A recession that will make the “Great Depression” look like a wonderful time in the life of this country by comparison.  We are moving fast into that place.

We now have the largest federal deficit in history and we are moving extremely fast to make it as large as possible as Trump rips off everyone.  Here is a man who talks about saving money to his electorate and outlines how his latest evil scheme is going to save the United States tons of money.  How is that working for you?

Trump spends almost $1,000,000 per weekend as he travels to his golf courses and to his private club Mar a Lago to take on his management oversight of his property.  To make sure the marketing and oversight – by Trump – is still in place and producing results?  He manages and checks on all of his places at the expense of the United States tax payer making sure the marketing is such that the world thinks they have access to him on weekends and can get their projects funded and more if they patronize his privately owned businesses.

Trump has set up Concentration Camps and Internment Camps with children currently in residence.  The cost of keeping children in those camps is about $2,000 per day.  Before the camps were set up the cost was something like $360/day.

And the Trump administration is turning out to be the most corrupt administration in the history of this country.  His appointees are being exposed one at a time and he ignores the corruption of those who do his bidding and show him their loyalty – not to the country they are supposed to be serving, but to Donald Trump persoanlly.  They can be as corrupt as they want to be and rip off everyone and everything as long as they are loyal to Donald Trump –  A current example of a mafia “don” – only this time angling to be a mafia “don” on a world wide scale.

All of this gives new meaning to Melania Trump’s jacket and its meaning – “I really don’t care.”  Is this Donald Trump’s attitude and thoughts about the United States Constitution and the United States of America as it relates to and affects everyone except him?

Turning back to the United States Supreme Court.  What role has it played in this democracy?

We could go all the way back to slavery and when that was made legal and the law of the land.  But this would become a very long article. How did slavery become legalized?  See any coincidences and similar ways to achieve the evil a small group wants to install within the structures of these United States to maintain themselves as “better than”?

Let’s skip to the 1880’s when Plessy vs. Ferguson was before the Court.  How did it rule?  It made separate and (un)equal legitimate and that stayed in affect until 1954.  the U. S. Supreme Court turned back every attempt to turn back Plessy vs. Ferguson.

To insure that there was no equivocation and no misunderstanding that the Plessy decision was the intent of the Court, it ruled in the Korumatsu case that Japanese Americans – American citizens – many of more than one generation Americans – could be held in what are now called “black sites” because they were a threat to the National Security of the United States – and stripped of everything they owned.

Isn’t that what is being claimed by the United States Supreme Court today?  Trump’s travel ban must stay in place because it addresses the national  security of these United States.  Just in case you missed the confluence of these cases – at the same time the Chief Justice Roberts complained about the dissent statement of Justice Sotarmeyer he also declared the Koramatsu case to have been reversed and closed.  What he didn’t say – there was no longer any need for the Koramatsu case as any kind of exmaple as the Court moves along in other deliberations because the Trump Travel Ban does much the same thing – insures that now Religion is added as one reason which can be used to discriminate against American Citizens and others.

Those Concentration Camps and Internment Camps and Death Camps now hold Hispanic children.  They will probably soon hold Hispanic families.  They will, no doubt, move from there to holding DACA and from there to Muslims in general. And then what?  Are those plans being laid within the White House for the rejection and cancellation of the citizenship of Naturalized United States citizens because of “National Security”?

Those being held in the 1940’s in Internment were not German Americans nor Italian Americans.  Both groups would have posed a threat to the United States if the reasoning behind the Koramatu case was real and not a bunch of lies put together by the United States Government with the intent to incarcerate in Concentration and Internment Camps United States Citizens.

That goal was clear recently when “reparations” for the Japanese still alive who were interred in those camps.  Reparations for that group was passed by Congress and the people charged with investigating, for the purpose of handing out those reparations to the Japanese American families negatively affected by their incarceration without cause  – those people were pushed to “slow down” their investigations and to “slow down” their handing out of the reparations because the Japanese Americans to whom the reparations would be going were getting old and if the process moved slowly many would be dead before they received their reparations and the United States would not have to fully reimburse “saving money” in the process.

And what is behind all of this?  All because many of you need to maintain your identity as “better than” and you are going to do that no matter the cost to others or to yourselves.  So evil is taking over this country and swiftly.

If you dig a grave for me – make sure you dig a second grave and line it with a lovely and comfortable mattress because you will, without a doubt, be your own undoing and wind up in the same place.  I heard that someplace – and the more I think about it the more I realize what a true statement.

GREED – POWER and CONTROL over others – STEALING from others because of your own laziness – and on and on and on! – that is what is ruling these United States today under Donald Trump.


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.
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Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you. Please also tell us if you want your name as your byline or if you want your article to appear without your name.

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Our Oracle speaks about Trump, Pence et al…

Friday, May 19th, 2017

We just couldn’t resist.  With everyone chiming in about all of this we thought it was time for our oracle to speak:

“What a grand mess!  Developed from human greed and the need for power to bring about a world in which one can wallow instead of being industrious about and responsible for the welfare of others.  This is all coming from a need to feel better than other humans instead of working hard to follow the laws of love.  In other words, laziness of the soul is what has produced this mess.

Where to begin!  Amazingly there is no static surrounding this so it is coming in clear!  It is a rare time to see the future with such clarity and beauty.

I shall begin with – of course – Donald Trump, the great man, currently being used by so many forces of evil.  How did he become so powerful!

Remember when Donald Trump was so viciously pursuing Barack Obama with his campaign of lies about Obama not being a citizen of the United States and so he was not a legitimate president?  Too bad Trump could not use his genius in the service of good, but put it at the disposal of the forces of evil.  He pursued Barack Obama relentlessly all throughout Obama’s campaign for the presidency and throughout his years as president.  That was a ‘dog whistle’.  Trump was calling together those who were weak in their identity; who had problems with their inner being and needed something to be able to feel good about themselves.  He called together those who chose to slide by in this world not doing their work, but putting bigotry at the center of their being. The very hard work of building their identity on the solid rock foundation of love for all humans is what makes one pursue love instead of tyranny and evil.  Trump unveiled for those so insecure the beginnings of how they could get rid of this threat building – an African American man as president threatening to take down what generations of evil had built – this threat to all like him who were insecure in their personhood.  And when a woman threatened to follow this African American man, the last bits and pieces of this evil were being threatened with being reduced to nothing.   It was too much – the last straw – this was not something evil in the world would or could tolerate and so these negative, ugly, fascist forces were called into action as Donald Trump’s “army”..

Donald J. Trump put together those who responded to his ‘dog whistle’ with  those who chose the path of ‘power over others’ to create a campaign to make himself President of the United States.  He wanted to be the most powerful person in the world and was willing to sacrifice the small bits of goodness he still had inside of himself for the position.

One can gain that position by going the route of working to build a better world for all or one can gain that position by taking the route of calling together all of the evil in the world to create you as this human who is above all other humans and that is what appealed to Trump.  Trump saw the path of evil as a much clearer path – one far more suited to his souls laziness and he saw the same laziness in others – so he joined with those establishing and who had already established fascist dictatorships around the world and promised his fealty as one of them and to be their chief supporter- and what they have not yet realized – their leader.

So, Donald J. Trump had the building blocks for his presidency – the combination of the bigots with the fascists. A fairly traditional partnership known to and comfortable in this world.  Mostly these were one and the same, but sometimes he had to meld the two to get the support he needed.  Chief among his supporters was VP.

At the same time Trump knew he could constantly refresh his position and he put aside many ‘dog whistles’ which he could use when one began to get old and the dogs stopped responding.  The latest one was his statement about Barack Obama having him surveyed with listening devices in his beloved Trump Tower.  It was plausible to many because of many of the people living in Trump Tower.  One could make a case for any one of them being “surveilled.”

With this as his base, Trump has accomplished much for his side.  Human weakness has played into his plans and given him the kind of support he never expected to have.  Those who wanted the same things, but were not clear enough in their pursuit of evil to make the kind of sacrifices Trump was willing to make and, in fact, has made.  These were chief among his supporters –  those who wanted power in their own small piece of the world;  those who wanted to be close to power serving its needs were in the mix;  those who wanted money to be able to do things they hadn’t been able to do before they promised fealty to evil  –  and so many more.

We can see the result.  Especially this past week with the violence in the streets of Washington, D. C., apparently caused by the evil emanating from Turkey to let the world know that such thuggery, such destruction of the human spirit by physical means, was clearly now acceptable in the United States and would be rewarded.  Those objecting and trying to stop such displays and horribleness would be put down and pushed aside in Trump’s world.

This was a week of Trump parading his fascist-style dictator friends in and through the White House – that beacon of democracy – and across the pages of the media to show the world what he expected to be his grand entrance into world domination, giving out the images to the world that America has left its democracy behind and is entering into Trump and his friend’s fascist state.  No more democratic-republic.    Let those following the law of love shutter – Trump appears to have won!  His hand shakes and smiles and friendly bantering with the fascist-dictators of the world and those who hope to be fascist-dictators as opposed to his coldness and ugly attitude toward those who came to visit during previous times who are working to build a more democratic world.  All very telling.

Well, not so fast.  Apparently, there are still vestiges in the United States of some form of goodness.  The rule of law, which we shouldn’t really espouse, but which shows up in times of need when we seem to be failing in other ways, has shown its head and is beginning the take down of Trump.  Well, maybe the rule of law will suffice until the rule of love can become totally entrenched.

Now those who were choosing evil have to stop and breathe.  What now!  It seemed clear that their path to importance – to moving up another step on the ladder of financial worldly success has been changed.  Maybe it is time to wait to see what will happen.  Will evil continue to succeed via Trump?  Or has something else entered the picture.

Certainly Pence – Trump’s major ally in this drama – is not the answer.  He has shown himself able to lie as easily as Trump.  His way to the top, however, is a little different.  He is moving ahead with his inner soul trappings as one of the pharisees (a person distinguished by strict observance of the traditional and written law, and commonly held to have pretensions to superior sanctity. a self-righteous person; a hypocrite) only beginning to show, but being exposed ever so slightly is as good as being totally stripped and laid bare.

In all of this. good eventually triumphs’  How fast or how slowly this happens depends upon where you are in your life and in how much or how little of yourself you are contributing to either promoting Trump or working for and promoting the goodness in life.  But even so there is a ways to go.  Follow Trump’s trip abroad very closely – it holds the answers to the questions you have and will expose many for who they actually are in this drama – both those at home and those abroad.

We don’t need this drama to see that all of you, in everything you do, clearly give out hints and behaviors that expose your inner soul.

And now to more practical matters:  How do you become a seer and an oracle?  you only have to  pray constantly for wisdom and knowledge and you will also become a seer and an oracle.  To obtain, get to know and follow the rule of love?  That is a totally different story.  That is the hardest path to follow and the one which puts on your shoulder the largest and heaviest of crosses.


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

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