#Kobe Bryant - Bettina Network's Blog

Posts Tagged ‘#Kobe Bryant’

Bettina Members Respond to Trump

Saturday, February 1st, 2020

Bettina Member Speaks: Thank you for the blog on Kobe Bryant. No one wants to go there, but Donald Trump has pulled out all the stops to distract from his horribleness and he has been very good at it. It took me quite awhile before I realized the distractions he and his followers apparently created were just that and neither news nor anything else. When it came to the time of Trump’s trial to remove him from office it is clear there would be another distraction to make other distractions look small by comparison to attempt to lessen the impact of his criminality being in the news. Kobe Bryant’s death was just that and its timing was exactly at the time Trump needed such. It did serve as a distraction like nothing else could have.

When John Bolton’s book excerpts started coming out at the same time as Trump’s removal trials were starting, I felt something really big would happen because something outrageous and vile and extremely evil would be needed to attempt to diminish Trump’s negative headlines. After the killing of the guy at the top of Iran happened because Trump gave the order for what looked like the same reasons, it did come to mind that someone could have caused Kobe Bryant’s death and that someone would probably be Donald Trump and his supporters. No one has had the guts to say anything about that, but you folks always come out with truth and this could very well be truth and not a conspiracy theory.

Looking at what is happening around the world, it all seems geared to keeping a white master race over all. So it has been almost from the beginning of this country and so it is now. Those in control have been feeling insecure as the United States moves towards the minorities becoming the majority and the same thing is happening in other parts of the world. The people fighting to maintain the kind of control they have maintained over the generations is becoming more visible and shows their insecurity and the lengths they will go to maintain themselves as white and – as you folks would say – “better than.” Russia, under Putin, is the first to come to mind and aren’t they a very white nation? And on and on it goes.

You had a down time with the blog which worried me. I called to find out what was happening that we weren’t seeing blogs. I was sure before I called you would be in the midst of some kind of harassment, but I was equally sure you would come out of it. Glad to see you back. I am enclosing a contribution to keep you keeping on. Keep fighting back. You are trying to combine a great business with an outlet for those who who use your services to have things to say that are not credibly being said by others. Keep it coming and don’t let up.

You have lots of followers, lots of love and many people pulling for your success. We know what happened with Airbnb and it was ugly. Every time I see their name I get angry, especially when I see the mess they are making of what was a fantastic industry that survived over the generations. I also see Marceline’s family background in journalism coming through. That is a powerful combination and I hope you pull it off. – call me when you need help and I will certainly positively respond. In the meantime, I will be out here spreading the word about all of you and your business.


Ed. Note: Thank you so much for the contribution and for being there for us as we move ahead growing and changing the business, keeping the blog moving towards our goal of a media outlet which puts out the ideas and more that we pick up in the process of meeting folks who become supporters and our source of news, ideas and more. You are the reason we keep going.



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Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to bettinanetwork@comcast.net or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

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This is a curated blog so you cannot write your responses at the end of each entry. TO RESPOND TO THIS BLOG email bettina-network@comcast.net 

Hard to Write This Trump Conspiracy Theory!!

Tuesday, January 28th, 2020

Ed. Note: Progressives can engage in conspiracy theories as well as right wing conservatives. We thought long and hard before publishing this, however, we give our members the right to send us articles to include in Bettina Network’s Blog and so we will hold to our promise to publish!!

Member 6 – I was appalled, sickened and heartbroken to see and read about the death of Kobe Bryant, his 13 year old daughter and others involved in their incredible work to make this a better world.

At the same time I was wondering what Trump was going to come up with to cover, mitigate and distract from his defense teams presentation. So far, he was always on time and on the money with horrendous events which have been full of lies, misrepresentations and more which we all have been able to see through quickly.

While I was watching television with these thoughts going through my head, the program I was watching was interrupted and the announcement of Kobe Bryants’ death came across the news.

Maybe that is how I conflated the two, but it looked unbelievable that at the very moment all of Trump’s defense started to fall apart as John Bolton’s book excerpts became public, Bryants helicopter crashed – an event that would engage the world because of who Kobe Bryant was and how beautifully he lived his life and he was an African American man, which traditionally has meant he was a threat to Trump’s identity and ego.

What caught me was the 15 minutes Kobe Bryants’ helicopter circled while being held from landing in crucial circumstances.

I know next to nothing about aviation, but that stuck with me and I could see all kinds of things causing that delay which, in my mind could have caused the crash. And probably there would come out all kind of explanations as to why that 15 minute circulation in the sky under circumstances which could clearly cause catastrophe would be justified.

At first I decided to keep these thoughts to myself – given how horribly I reacted to Trump and his group’s conspiracy theories. But after watching non-stop reporting on both Trump’s defense people and the helicopter crash almost seeing them side by side, Trump’s murder of the Iranian came into view and the Khashoggi’s murder came to mind with Trump’s support of those who were claimed to be responsible and a whole lot more. I was looking at people who have no respect for human life and act out that there seems to be no boundaries those folks will not cross.

I don’t want to intrude on the grief of Kobe Bryant’s family, friends and supporters. It is a horrible loss for all of them and all of us to have been deprived of Kobe’s next act and the things he and his family have to contribute and would have contributed to all of us with great generosity. What an example Kobe Bryant has been to this upcoming generation and how few such examples do w have today for Kobe’s life to have been cut so short by some kind of “accident”.

But power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Trump has declared that he has complete power over all and he is acting out the part.

I don’t know what, if anything, all of this means, but I felt totally compelled to put it out in case it is more than a conspiracy theory – and if not – then to give you some idea as to the direction thoughts are going as events happen around us. I have not in life thought of things like one man in Iran being murdered to cover the ugliness of another. Nor had I thought the head of a large country would kill a newspaper commentator because he said uncomplimentary things about him and where his leadership was heading. Maybe it is the times corrupting my thinking and thoughts and then again——— the timing of Kobe Bryants death, killing, accident…………

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