U. S. Presidential Election - Bettina Network's Blog

Posts Tagged ‘U. S. Presidential Election’


Thursday, November 12th, 2020

We need to make this an article, but what else is there to say!

We remember when there were articles about Senators taking money from the NRA for their political campaigns. Could that be why they are now so quiet about this Trump ‘Coup d’Etat’ thing? And why they are so quiet about so many other things they were elected to address? Isn’t it time for them to check themselves to see just how naked they are – in imitation of this Emperor and those who went before him, in whose path he is now walking?….President Andrew Johnson…..President Andrew Jackson….Adolph Hitler….Mussolini…..Stalin…..and back to Rome and further?

One of the attorney generals in the U. S. has just about stripped the NRA of its power and money in these United States and it has to either fold or work hard to re-grow. It seemed to be clear when that happened that the NRA was a channel through which Russia (and probably other fascist states) funneled money to intervene in the U. S. elections. However, today, with this Trump thing we have totally pushed that part of the story out the window.

It is very sad to see the United States going through such trauma. However, think for a few moments of the trauma experienced for hundreds of years by American Indians, Africans, Chinese, Latinas, Jews, LBGTQ peoples and more because of the kind of bigotry that has been rammed down the throat of the U. S. and the world by the likes of Donald Trump.

Why has that bigotry been so strong and lasted so long? If you can count you can see the strongest reason being the 72,000,000 millions of people who voted for Donald Trump. Keepers of the flame of slavery, bigotry, greed, hatred and so much more.

If you are bigoted and want a fascist government in place to ram your extreme prejudices into and throughout society so you can feel that you and your country are “better than”, Donald Trump must have seemed like a glass of spring water for someone dying of thirst.

He pulled no punches. Donald Trump showed all during his run in the primary and throughout his presidential campaign and when he came down the escalator to accept the nomination of his party for president of the United States. No one could hide from the ugly racism, the putrid sexism his hatred of Mexicans when he announced how the Mexicans were rapists and more. That should have sent those in attendance running and screaming out of that place. But they applauded. Given that, we understand that a very large segment of the United States population is about as bigoted as they come. Some try to hide their prejudices behind an elegant demeanor, an intelligent mind, an ivy league education, their surface devotion to the sacredness of their definition of motherhood and more, but when they pulled that lever or scratched in that circle voting for Donald Trump they exposed themselves to God and everybody .

What is amazing to us is the two sided nature of human beings. The president of Mexico is one of the few international leaders who has not come out to congratulate Joe Biden and to welcome him into the international community as a partner. What is that all about? Did he not hear? Did he not know? Is he trying to be neutral and in the end will go with the winner?

The United States will recover from the trauma of Donald J. Trump’s Coup d’Etat, but will the handful of us who are not prejudiced – who are not bigots – who have not seen the United States as a “better than all the rest” country – how are we going to survive?

If you had any doubts – any questions – any hesitations that you were judging “the Don” harshly? Your questions have been answered. If you want something, some kind of measuring device, with which to judge those you elected to govern take a look at those standing with “the Don” and then take a look at those working hard to try to help this United States move to a democracy, a better – healthier – happier place.

The Emperor has no clothes and the patches over the eyes of the Emperor’s subjects which have been in place doing a job of not allowing his followers to recognize his nakedness, have been removed. Do they create and put on new blinders so they don’t have to deal with a government structured and run according to good and true ethics? According to justice for all? According to kindness, understanding and helping those who need help? Or do we continue to accept this Emperor and continue to play the game of “better than” because it is easy, taking money from those in need and giving it to the wealthy along with all the other games we have been playing for generations.

The Emperor truly has no clothes and his naked body is the ugliest thing we have seen in generations. He is a negative walking living stereotype from his hair to his ballet dancer hands to his walk to his daytime diapers. Do we applaud as he passes by or do we let him know we see him as he is and it is time for him to get dressed and join the rest of society!

Trump – Peter Thiel – Russia – anymore?

Wednesday, November 22nd, 2017

I read all of your articles.

My response to your latest and all of the others follows:

The largest and I think earliest  investor in Facebook was Peter Thiel. – the Facebook which is in the news for being very much involved with the Russian interference in this last presidential election.  The same Facebook which had those FAKE NEWS articles all over and you know the story.

One of a very small number of people who made large contributions to the Trump campaign – and early on – was Peter Thiel.

The person who organized and used his influence, friendship and business connections to put on that meeting of top IT people in this country right after Trump was inaugurated which showcased Trump – all of the Google, Facebook, etc. top executives together around Trump’s table and also showcased Trump’s children as professionals involved with his governance – was Peter Thiel.

What are Peter Thiel’s Russian connections?

Isn’t Peter Thiel the person most responsible for keeping Blacks and Women, who were working hard to bring about their new ideas, out of the business community as they were scooped – and not accidentally scooped, but had their ideas brazenly stolen –  by other white males with Northern European ancestry who turn up with the ideas, business plans and much more of those same Blacks and Women with the money to bring them to fruition and with a great deal of that money put in place by Peter Thiel and lets not ignore or leave out his friends?

Is there a common thread here?

Especially since the racist and sexist structures of these newly stolen businesses would put this last generation of business entrepreneurs to shame in the way they have totally excluded minorities and women – as customers of these new businesses as well as owners, etc.  except, well, the one or two included to disprove the rule are always included.  This next generation of business entrepreneurs makes the hearts of the KKK, the white supremacists, the Neo-Nazi’s and others palpitate with excitement as they see this helping to make real their hateful world view.


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