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SCES now trying for Guardianship over Rev. Dr. Bennett

Wednesday, April 29th, 2020

They don’t want financial oversight, but they do want to be able to “spend down funds” to pay for Rev. Dr. Bennett’s care. Where do these people come from? They also want the Court to give them the right to give Dr. Bennett anti-psychotic medicine. Doctors have given up their rights to prescribe to the Court? Or is this what happens when there is no diagnosis and the lawyers and others want to medicate patients. Their arrogance is overwhelming to come out of the blue to take over your life when they are incompetent, lie extensively, and so much more. How does one move to ask that an attorney be disbarred and others be removed and the organization be investigated with its management totally replaced or the organization disbanded with some other way of doing what it was supposed to do, but found too many personal conflicts?

 This was sent to the TRIAL COURT OF MASSACHUSETTS          

Why are we making this public? Because we have found too many “secrets” and “under the table dealings” and “Court hearings with only one side knowing of the hearing in spite of a law saying otherwise” and hearing “there are exceptions” – hearing one side of a request where a person’s freedom is at stake should not qualify as an exception. We have also discovered that Health Care Proxy’s are not worth the paper on which they are written. They are invalidated and another put in its place if the persons involved are not as malleable as they should be to rip offs of assets over which people are drooling. Sounds harsh? Yes, we are angry at having to spend our lives and assets on Court actions that come out of the blue and never should have been filed or even listened to with any seriousness by the Court. Is this an example of the Trumpian effect on the Court’s. We didn’t vote for him – nor would we vote for anyone even closely resembling Donald Trump. 

What follows is the response to a motion filed for Guardianship over Robert Bennett filed on behalf of Somerville Cambridge Protective and Elder Services by Attorney James O’Sullivan whose firm represents such Elder Services groups across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

How did they get this far? Through lies, deceptions, manipulation of the Court and more.

Their request is that Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett’s guardianship be placed under the Jewish Center for Family and Children and he be sent by them to a Hebrew Nursing Home – who is this Dr. Bennett? A retired Episcopal priest.  Dr. Bennett does not need nor want any guardianship over him. These people pushed into his life from out of the blue to take it over – why is this “indigent man” being so oppressed, put under such pressure, taken forcibly out of his home for no reason, etc. etc.? You answer that question about this African American who, though being “indigent” as these people claim, lives in the Brattle Street area of Harvard Square and no, he does not live on the street as homeless although they are trying very hard to make that possible.

_______The answer to the motion which has been filed with the Trial Court of Massachusetts follows: Any lawyers interested, please let us know


On information and belief these petitions are a part of a criminal conspiracy against Robert Bennett and his family and need to be tried in a different Court.

In response to this particular motion: 
Their #3 says: “Robert Bennett is an incapacitated person in that Robert Bennett suffers from profound deficits resulting from severe traumatic brain injury.  He has poor concentration and memory and extremely poor insight and judgment about his current and most basic needs and is at great risk of falling and additional brain injury.”

 Our response to their #3.  Robert Bennett is not an incapacitated person.  Attorney Sullivan, Ms. Nora Al-Wetaid, Ms. Angela Clary, unamed MGH medical personnel, Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services, inc. and unnamed others participated in an orchestrated attempt to put Robert Bennett in the condition Attorney O’Sullivan claims is Robert Bennett’s current condition.  They were unsuccessful in their attempt because of the response of Robert Bennett’s family and because of Robert Bennett’s genes and lifestyle before this began.

Robert Bennett survived the attempts to destroy his health and his wealth  by the above named people partially because of his genes, his diet, his care of his health over the decades and more.

He is today a person who walks a mile a day; knows who he is and where he is; has friends who know his current condition and are ready to testify to such to this and any other Court; cares for himself; has health indicators taken over the past two weeks i.e. blood pressure, oxygen levels, temperature and more within the normal range; lives in a house which has three floors and Robert Bennett is up and down those three floors many times a day without any indication of risk of falling, etc.  He also attends to his own most basic needs and still is able to help others as he has done his entire life.

He reads, has good concentration, insight and judgment as can be testified to by several witnesses who have seen him, interact with him,  work with him in his business as they have for decades and have seen him currently as well as over the years.

Robert Bennett is in that position and condition in spite of the way Attorney O’Sullivan and others have attempted to destroy him, his health and his wealth for several months, including in the filing of such Court actions distorting reality and making claims which are bogus and meant to mislead and which in addition have lied to this Court to gain their end.  They have been doing this from the beginnings of their first filings in this matter starting March 2nd or 3rd, 2020.

4.  Their filing continues “The appointment of a temporary guardian is necessary or desirable as a means of providing continuing care and supervision of Robert Bennett.”

Our response to their #4. Robert Bennett does not need a temporary guardian, in spite of the attempts by Attorney O’Sullivan and the above people to put him in such a condition by involuntary and forced incarceration in Mass General Hospital more than once on the same psychiatric claim.    

The first “section 12” which Attorney O’Sullivan filed on behalf of Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services which formally began this criminal conspiracy against Robert Bennett to rob him of his freedom, with his right to vote taken away from him in spite of his request to be allowed to vote on March 3rd.  His ability to do so by this incarceration took that right away.  

This was an attempt to declare him psychotic – among other claims – none of which held up on this first forced incarceration and time spent in Mass General Hospital from March 3rd about 10:30am until being discharged by MGH on March 4th at 3:30am with “vital signs normal and no medicines prescribed”.

                                    That first forced incarceration under a section 12 which was signed, as required, by a psychologist, who also said she had never met Robert Bennett, never examined Robert Bennett, never been to Robert Bennett’s house and yet she signed for this African American man to be picked up and forced out of his home to be forcibly incarcerated at MGH against his will and the will of his family. 

Attorney O’Suollivan’s intent can be seen by the fact that eight white policemen, accompanied by five or six EMT people with two ambulances on the street outside Dr. Bennett’s home, with a hospital gurney on the sidewalk surrounded by police and EMT’s waiting for Dr. Bennett to be brought out and forced into the gurney was beyond overkill unless you were orchestrating a racist trope. 

Robert Bennett, who was quite capable of walking, talking, being aware of his life and surroundings was not allowed to go to MGH any way other than being forcibly laid on the gurney, put in an ambulance and brought to MGH tied down on such gurney.   

It was a circus and show for the neighborhood and those within range of Robert Bennett’s home to such an extent people were running from the Charles River to Robert Bennett’s home to watch what was happening.  It was demeaning, disgraceful, degrading, humiliating, shameful, undignified, belittling, contemptuous, debasing, decrying and denigrative. which Attorney O’Sullivan along with the others involved caused knowingly in what has unfolded as an extensive criminal conspiracy to deprive Robert Bennett of his freedom and lock him into a hospital, which they apparently expected to deteriorate his condition to that described by Attorney O’Sullivan in this and other motions.  It was also a criminal conspiracy meant to forcibly remove Robert Bennett from his home and neighborhood.  It was a racist trope even Hollywood would not believe happened in 2020. 

5.  Their filing continues:  “Robert Bennett’s needs cannot be met by less restrictive means, including the use of appropriate and reasonably available technological assistance.” 

After the first forced incarceration under a section 12 was dismissed by MGH with Robert Bennett being discharged in less than 24 hours after he was forcibly detained and forced into the hospital by all of the police called to carry out this “section 12” – Attorney O’Sullivan and those participating in this conspiracy had Robert Bennett, an African American citizen of these United States, a graduate of Harvard University Graduate School of Arts with a doctorate in his field, having established a substantial career including even to the day of his first forced incarceration into MGH.

This action removed him from his home without cause by abusing the police, the Court, debasing the intended and correct use of “section 12” and more to affect the criminal conspiracy that is still being attempted.  This motion by Attorney O’Sullivan on behalf of those who are a part of this criminal conspiracy is not about the appointment of a temporary guardian, but is `a part of carrying out of that conspiracy.

The conspiracy being mentioned and outlined in Ms. Al-Wetaid’s first affidavit to which she swore under pains and penalties of perjury, which she and James O’Sullivan used to push their way into Dr. Bennett’s family by recruiting people to join, telling them not the truth of the situation, but a version which would allow them to participate easing their conscience as they moved extensively against this African American man and his family. 

6.  Their filing continues:  “Immediate and substantial harm to the health, safety or welfare of Robert Bennett will likely result prior to the return date, and it appears that no other suitable person has authority to act in the circumstances.” 

This is another one of Attorney O’Sullivan’s misleadings of the Court with descriptions to the Court to justify his requests which are not rooted in fact, but in the story telling needed to continue and move along the criminal conspiracy to deprive Dr. Bennett of his freedom, his wealth, his health, separate him from his wife, and life through being incarcerated against his will while his health and wealth and life do actually disappear.

 Dr. Bennett’s life actually being threatened by this request that he be incarcerated in a nursing home, with others making decisions over him and his life in an environment which is producing many dead and/or infected by the coronavirus which has a rate of such deaths and infections in nursing homes substantially above that in the overall society.

Robert Bennett is living at home and has been for several weeks and is thriving from having been removed from MGH after his family, friends and acquaintances moved to bring what was happening in MGH to the attention of those higher up at MGH.

Robert Bennett has lived and continues to live with his family, has a large group of friends with whom he and his wife interact on a regular basis.  They are correct in saying “there is no other suitable person having authority to act in the circumstances” if they mean no other person capable of piercing that family circle to continue their attempts to destroy Robert Bennett’s health and wealth as they have attempted to do.

The people around Robert Bennett are concerned about protecting him from the likes of those engaged in this criminal conspiracy to keep them from further harming Robert Bennett – who has lost five weeks of his life and much more incarcerated in MGH confined to a space seven feet by nine feet having no access to a window to even be able to look outside let alone to be outside having the window in the two bed room cut off from him via a curtain.  

In addition, having been kept in bed during that time with alarms under him in the bed and going from the bed to a chair which was alarmed also so nurses could move quickly to make sure Robert Bennett was not allowed out of bed, it is clear what that kind of incarceration would do to an 87 year old human being who is accustomed to being up and about, taking care of himself, walking on a daily basis, jogging on occasion and bicycle riding on other occasions – there is no one in Robert Bennett’s circle of family and friends who would act in such a way to continue the destruction of Robert Bennett started by Attorney O’Sullivan and his group of conspirators.  

It is clear what Attorney O’Sullivan, who with Ms. Nora Al-Wetaid caused that incarceration under those circumstances expected their and the actions of others in their conspiratorial group to produce.

The intent was clearly to destroy the health of Dr. Bennett during that time in MGH.  But for having very good genes and having lived a life free of alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, with no hint of mental problems of any kind Robert Bennett may not have survived such treatment or if he did, that survival would be the kind of life Attorney O’Sullivan has prepared for Robert Bennett to move him out of his home and neighborhood into one more “appropriate” for this African American man.

7.  Their filing continues: “Robert Bennett needs to be immediately placed in a nursing facility in order to protect his health, safety and welfare.”

Attorney O’Sullivan and those in this group of conspirators threatened Robert Bennett’s family – especially his wife – with all the things they would do to them if they didn’t do what they were told.  They were threatened with Attorney O’Sullivan sending Robert Bennett to an “Hebrew nursing home” with his guardianship under a Jewish Center for family and children if the family did not follow his orders. – This they considered a substantial threat to a retired Episcopal priest and his family.

Most people will recognize that as a very bigoted trope which goes along with the eight white policemen forcing an African American man out of his home in a very white only neighborhood where the institutions, including the banks had a policy of ‘red-lining’ to maintain the whiteness of the neighborhood.

With the advent of our current politicians, it is now possible to attempt to remove those like Robert Bennett and return this society to what it was in the 1950’s on behalf of – on information and belief – those recently moving into that neighborhood who were surprised to find their neighbors on the corner to be African American.  This particular trope, Jews over Blacks,  is and has been commonly used to “divide and conquer”.

To immediately place Robert Bennett in a nursing facility would not protect his health, safety and welfare, especially in this time of coronavirus.  Instead it would be an almost sure death sentence given the conditions and what is happening in most nursing homes around the country.  In East Boston, the elderly have been “locked in” as they have been in most parts of Massachusetts insuring that Robert Bennett would once again be cut off from his family and friends as he was in MGH.

During the time Robert Bennett was incarcerated in MGH he was not allowed to have any visitors, he was not allowed telephone calls from anyone except a couple who were certified “safe” and most likely a part of this conspiracy and his wife was not allowed to visit except for three times during his five week stay and then only for 1/2 hour each time and only with a Security Guard and Policeman present.  She was threatened many times by the Security Guards one of whom threatened to physically throw her out of MGH if she didn’t leave immediately when she arrived to spend the supposedly allowed 1/2 hour with Robert Bennett, her husband of 36 years.   Everyone who knows them will testify to the fact that it was and is a loving, caring relationship where they take care of each other as they have done during that entire period of time.

8.  Their filing says:  “The name and address of any agent designated under a health care proxy is as follows: uncertain at this time.”

Using the health care proxy is one important way Attorney O’Sullivan and his group have controlled Robert Bennett and the lack of care he has received.

There is a Health Care Proxy which should be operational.  Robert Bennett had a Health Care Proxy drawn up by probate attorney Don McInnis and it was signed by Robert Bennett on November 18, 2019.  Attorney O’Sullivan and all others know this to be true and have done everything they could do to cloud this issue because Robert Bennett’s wife is who Robert Bennett named as his health care proxy.

On information and belief Attorney O’Sullivan and those involved in his group lied to the Court about Robert Bennett’s Health Care Proxy because it was to their advantage and to the intent of the criminal conspiracy to cloud and discredit Robert Bennett’s wife as much as possible and they declared – especially in the signed affidavit of Ms. Nora Al-Wetaid –  that Robert Bennett was not conscious of what he was doing when he signed the Health Care Proxy which Attorney O’Sullivan asked the Court in March 4th or 5th to invalidate and put in its place a Health Care Proxy which Robert Bennett himself had invalidated and which caused Robert Bennett to ask Attorney McInnis to prepare a Health Care Proxy for Robert Bennett to sign.

Attorney O’Sullivan completely misled the Court during his March 4th or 5th request to this Court for a “Protective Order” which he used to keep Robert Bennett incarcerated in MGH along with a “section 12” all of which became the central part around which this criminal conspiracy evolved.  The section 12 was never lifted because it was never addressed by the MGH people.   Robert Bennett was forced to take pills which he did not want and did not know what they were for or what they were.

There were five to ten pills per day given to Dr. Bennett – which he was forced to take none of which were prescribed and all were ‘over the counter’ medicines.   A couple were psychotropic drugs which caused Dr. Bennett to hallucinate while in the hospital which was of major concern to Dr. Bennett and a couple others were so difficult for him when they were sent home with him to continue this regime of non-prescribed over the counter drugs which he did not want nor need it was horrendous to watch how painful it was for him to take a couple of the over the counter pills because of his negative reaction to them.  Robert Bennett was only let out of the hospital if his family agreed to continue giving him these pills and would accept the visit of six or more home health people from the Blissful Agency, who were to continue giving Dr. Bennett these drugs.   
Dr. Bennett’s family were not allowed to choose the health care agency they would want to work with, they were told only the Blissful Agency was acceptable.

Both Robert Bennett and his wife were very concerned with all of the people who would be going and coming in and out of their home with the threat of bringing the virus with each person entering or leaving the house, especially considering their age.  They were told that this was the only way Dr. Bennett would be allowed to go to his home.  If they did not accept that, he would be sent immediately to a nursing home since he had to leave the hospital no matter what. MGH social workers assured them they would not catch the coronavirus in spite of having so many different people going back and forth in their home.  It was a horrendous time for everyone in the family knowing that it was very possible either one or both could very well come down with the coronavirus under the circumstances thrust upon them by MGH.

He was sent home to his wife with the Protective Order still overhanging them with the refusal to remove it by Attorney O’Sullivan who – on information and belief – intended to use it against them at some point in the near future.  MGH Social Workers asked Robert Bennett’s son to come to Boston to spend a week to pick up Dr. Bennett from the hospital to bring him home and to stay with the family for the rest of the week.  After that, they were told, they could go home and things would be fine.

They asked Dr. Bennett’s son to choose – stay home and shelter in place as he and his wife had been doing and turn his back on his father, or risk getting the coronavirus and go to Cambridge to get his father out of MGH.

The agreement was that Dr. Bennett would be sent home and would not be harassed by those who had done the harassing in the past, however, two days after Dr. Bennett was released from the hospital, Attorney O’Sullivan served this motion to have Dr. Bennett placed under guardianship by the Jewish Center for Family and Children and suggested that he would then be sent by them to a Hebrew Nursing Home along with other motions and threats made by Attorney O’Sullivan which he is in the process of carrying out because neither Robert Bennett or his wife would, once again, apply for Mass Health at Attorney O’Sullivans’ demand that they do so.

In spite of spending much time protecting her husband and making sure he was healthy and safe, Attorney O’Sullivan and Ms. Nora Al-Wetaid both accused Robert Bennett’s wife of all kinds of negative things including asking the Court to invalidate the Health Care Proxy which probate attorney Don McInnis created for Robert Bennett at Dr. Bennett’s  request along with invalidating the Health Care Proxy which MGH created for Robert Bennett because MGH discovered that Health Care Proxy had a one character typographical error.  

The person at MGH who handles their Health Care Proxies discovered this discrepancy and created another Health Care Proxy for Robert Bennett changing that one character.  She spent about 45 minutes talking to Dr. Bennett alone in his room at MGH to make sure he understood the Health Care Proxy and what he was signing.   

This is the Health Care Proxy that Attorney O’Sullivan misrepresented to the Court as being a change in the person who was the health care proxy and representing to the Court his claim that Robert Bennett was not mentally able to know what he was signing when he signed the Health Care Proxy created by MGH with the one character change maintaining the same health care proxy he had when he entered the hospital.  That person continued as the health care proxy in the one created by MGH and that person is Robert Bennett’s wife, who these forces are trying mightily to move aside because one of their strongest moves has been to separate Robert Bennett from his wife re-creating Dr. Bennett’s wife as some horrible, irresponsible with other negative adjectives being added constantly to the way she is characterized and described by Attorney O’Sullivan and this group forming the criminal conspiracy.

It is clear how Attorney O’Sullivan has attempted to manipulate and lie to this Court as he ends his motion.

He says in “e.” – ” waive the appearance of Robert Bennett: and…”

To waive the appearance of Robert Bennett would not allow the Court to see a man who is healthy, competent, understanding of everything around him and responding as one would expect such a person in complete control of himself, his life, his mind would respond.  Without the appearance of Robert  Bennett that would continue the way Attorney O’Sullivan has brought this motion and others like them forward and succeeded in attaining his goal at the expense of Robert Bennett and his family, friends, acquaintances, business and business associates.

This is how Attorney O’Sullivan manipulated this Court into hearing a motion request for a “Protective Order” against Robert Bennett’s wife, among others, without proof, and how he was able to ask for that hearing to be without his giving notice to Robert Bennett of the hearing being able to manipulate the Court in the most obscene ways.  He started that manipulation of the Court by not telling the Court that MGH had just 24 hours earlier lifted the “section 12”  Attorney O’Sullivan filed against Dr. Bennett as being without cause and without medicines prescribed and with  Dr. Bennett’s vitals normal.  

The same “section 12” Attorney Sullivan was now filing against Dr. Bennett just 24 hours after the exact same charge was lifted with the addition of a Protective Order and the addition of Ms. Nora Al-wetaid talking in her affidavit and amongst people at MGH about conspiring to keep Dr. Bennett in MGH as long as possible.  They thought it was for his health – in fact, it was to have Dr. Bennett’s health, when he would finally be let out of MGH, match the “incapacitated” state Attorney O’Sullivan needed to match the guardianship motion amongst others he was going to file when that time came.

Sorrowfully, in the process of all of this we have heard that this kind of use of a “section 12”, which has other names in other parts of the country, are being used against African Americans to incarcerate them in the hospital – with their insurance companies paying the bill – with that being for no good reason except to incarcerate African Americans  who have committed no crimes and to relieve them of substantial amounts of their assets, their dignity, their respect and to destroy the life and reputation they created before this happened and  before releasing them. 

This Protective Order was impounded and neither Robert Bennett nor his wife knew about it or what was in it for weeks. 

In (d)  Attorney O’Sullivan asks that “health insurance benefits for Robert Bennett, including MassHealth be applied for”.

 This is another way Attorney O’Sullivan has threatened Robert Bennett’s wife and family constantly.  In his original filing, Attorney O’Sullivan identified Robert Bennett as “indigent”.  On information and belief this was done to allow the Court to go along with other requests which furthered the criminal conspiracy Attorney O’Sullivan and the group which did this criminal conspiracy.

The people involved had been to Robert Bennett’s home under disguise, and knew Robert Bennett was clearly not “indigent”.  In spite of that and in spite of knowing otherwise Attorney O’Sullivan misled the Court into thinking that Dr. Bennett was “indigent” and that came around again in his demands to the family, to which they did not acquiesce that they apply for Mass Health for Robert Bennett.  

This request generated threats to the family from unidentified persons – and allowed Attorney O’Sullivan to hide from the Court the fact that Dr. Bennett and his family have substantial insurance coverage which is more than adequate for his and their needs through the Episcopal Church Pension Fund which more than adequately takes care of its retired Episcopal priests – of which Dr. Bennett is one.  Attorney O’Sullivan and his group could never explain why Mass Health was necessary to be applied for when Robert Bennett and his family did not qualify for Mass Health and very much resented being asked to take advantage of something set up for those who needed such when they did not.

As this criminal conspiracy moved along Robert Bennett and his family were contacted by people who experienced a very similar process by Attorney O’Sullivan including the demand that they apply for Mass Health when they did not qualify.  They notified Dr. Bennett because they wanted him to know the reason for the demand that they apply for MassHealth was because the application provides a road map to the assets of the person who applied and did not qualify and that Mass health liens on those assets left them destitute.  All of the people who notified Robert Bennett and his family of such were destitute because their assets were taken – one was put out of the nursing home onto the street and his family, who had been denigrated and described as monsters in Court actions in the most negative way by Attorney O’Sullivan and those he represented to get the end result they achieved – their families were the ones who were there to take them off the street and back into the family which the person didn’t want to leave in the first place.

Their assets were never recovered for reasons we have not investigated, but the appropriate law enforcement agencies could investigate.  The families, at the moment, are terrified with one family group having left the state and will not cross the state line because of their fear after what happened to them through Attorney O’Sullivan’s representation of Elder and Protective Services Groups – which he and his firm apparently represent across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

By hiding and obscuring from the Court the fact that a section 12 was brought and lifted and Robert Bennett discharged by MGH without medicines prescribed and normal vitals, this allowed Attorney O’Sullivan along with an affidavit sworn under penalties of perjury by Ms. Nora Al-Wetaid which contained many untruths, to obtain a Protective Order from this Court which started this action and allowed Attorney O’Sullivan and the Protective Services people to promote the criminal conspiracy they put in place with the filing of the first “section 12” and was deemed quite successful with the filing of a second identical “section 12” along with a Protective Order gained from this Court through misrepresentations, lies, charges against Robert Bennett’s wife – which claims were needed to gain the power over Robert Bennett and to move aside Robert Bennett’s wife including the abuse charge  which had no proof and which should have been brought against Robert Bennett’s Primary Care Physician.

Attorney O’Sullivan and Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services has no reason to be involved with Robert Bennett and/or his life and family but for the  forming of the criminal conspiracy against Robert Bennett and his family to their detriment and to the advantaging of themselves at Robert Bennett’s expense.  They have taken that initial filing and turned it into major legal work and expense for Robert Bennett’s family.

We ask the Court for relief from all of this including for expenses which have been accumulated by Robert Bennett’s family because of this illegal intrusion into their lives by Attorney James O’Sullivan along with Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services.  We also ask for punitive damages because of this motion being added to all the rest in an unrelieved time of stress, anxiety, the draining of their resources when the coronavirus fears have stopped their business and other such negativities this family has lived through.

We also ask that any and all motions filed by Attorney O’Sullivan be negated and this entire time period reviewed by the relevant law enforcement officials to clear Dr. Bennett and his family from having to spend enormous time, money, effort and emotion because of this intrusion into their family by the above people.

We also ask that the Health Care Proxy – the one created for Dr. Bennett naming his wife as his health care proxy be re-established per Dr. Bennett’s wishes both then, and when MGH recreated the Health Care Proxy and now and that the Protective Order obtained from this Court by Attorney O’Sullivan be negated.

Respectfully submitted

The Family and Friends of Robert A. Bennett 

by his wife of 37 years _s/s Marceline Donaldson_

We have many letters, affidavits, and other proofs to submit to this Court including the vitals of Dr. Bennett over the latest two week period;  observations of Dr. Bennett as he goes around Cambridge taking care of his business by those working in the Cambridge Harvard Square Post Office who see him on a near daily basis and have for the past several years; a neurologist who knows the family and their commitment to Robert Bennett and has tried to follow Dr. Bennett medically  through his time at MGH; neighbors and friends who know and have spoken with and seen Dr. Bennett over the past several months and who know he is not and has never been incapacitated nor at risk of falling.

We are not sure how to submit these to the Court and would appreciate some guidance about this – not being attorneys we have tried to follow the form as closely as possible, but hope the Court will look mainly at the content and seriousness of this filing, especially as to how it will affect others coming behind Dr. Bennett experiencing similar atrocities along with those who went before and are suffering from their experience of elder abuse at the hands of those who are supposed to be protecting the elderly from such abuse.

In addition, we have an outline of the affidavit of Ms. Nora Al-Wetaid with proof of the lies she has told and responses to the other papers sent to various people by Attorney O’Sullivan.

Because it takes time to contact and receive information back from the many people we know are involved, it will take time to put this together.  It could be more efficiently and more acceptable to the Court if done by law enforcement people which we request be involved.

We have not received much of the information and motions sent around the Bennett family and friends by Attorney O’Sullivan so we ask the Court’s forbearance as we try to respond to this unbelievable case.  We did not expect to be involved in such and resent being involved, but we will respond as completely and truthfully and with as much kindness of spirit as we can conjure. 

Perjury #5 – Insurance Fraud – Medical Malpractice – Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett

Wednesday, April 22nd, 2020

Robert Bennett’s Primary Care Physician is Dr. Kehlmann with the Washington Sq. Group in Brookline, MA. He was recommended by Maliça Aronowitz because he is her Primary Care Physician.

He has seen Robert Bennett once. He met Robert Bennett’s wife once and that was for Robert Bennett’s visit to his office where he talked to Robert Bennett not at all, but talked about him to Maliça Aronowitz. Ms. Donaldson was totally ignored during the visit so these are people Dr. Kehlmann barely knows.

Ms. Donaldson called Dr. Kehlmann mid-February to ask about an appointment for Dr. Bennett to see Dr. Kehlmann. She did not talk to Dr. Kehlman because he was very busy and could not take the telephone. She explained her husband had fallen and she wanted to make sure he was alright. The person who answered the telephone put her on hold for quite a long period of time and came back to say – sorry, Dr. Kehlmann would see Dr. Bennett when he returned. He was not taking any more appointments because he was going on a short vacation and would see Dr. Bennett when he returned.

Ms. Donaldson asked about a referral to a neurologist because she had just discovered that should have happened during their visit to Dr. Kehlmann in November after Dr. Bennett’s first fall because of eye surgery. They went to Beth Israel where the people in residence found four small dots on Dr. Bennett’s CT Scan. They could not tell if those were new or old or even if they were caused by blood so Dr. Bennett should see a neurologist before their next visit to Dr. Kehlmann so there would be a CT Scan showing if those four dots were still the same or if they had been leaking liquids into the brain cavity.

The answer to Ms. Donaldson’s request for Dr. Bennett to be referred to a neurologist especially since Dr. Kehlmann could not see him for a bit of time – after again being put on hold for a substantial period of time – was that Dr. Kehlmann did not know any neurologists to which to refer them.

Dr. Bennett had an appointment a few days later with Dr. Green, a podiatrist. That appointment was supposedly cancelled by Dr. Green’s office. When Ms. Donaldson called his office to ask for another appointment very soon because Dr. Bennett’s feet needed to be cared for she was told Dr. Green did not cancel the appointment it was cancelled by Ms. Donaldson’s daughter. Dr. Green made the appointment for the same day and time since that cancelled time slot was still open.

In Dr. Green’s office, Ms. Donaldson asked Dr. Green if he would recommend and/or refer them to a neurologist. Dr. Green said that was Dr. Kehlmann’s job and she should ask him. Ms. Donaldson said she had already done that and Dr. Kehlmann said he didn’t know any neurologists to whom to refer them. We are sure Dr. Green will remember that. They were also with another person for that visit who does remember the exchange.


Back to Ms. Nora Al-Wetaid’s affidavit:

15 (c) “PSD did ultimately reach PCP who is familiar with Mr. Bennett and his wife.”

Our investigated response: PCP – Dr. Kehlmann is totally unfamiliar with Mr. Bennett and has spoken less than a dozen words to Dr. Bennett’s wife . These are two people he treated very shabbily. He has seen them once and we don’t think he would be able to identify either Dr. Bennett’s wife or Dr. Bennett if someone didn’t first tell him who they were.

From our investigation, Dr. Kehlman knows them from one visit of about 20 minutes or less, during which time Ms. Donaldson gave the nurse practitioner in Dr. Kehlmann’s presence the Health Care Proxy created by Mr. Don McInnis – the probate attorney – who rectified the problem Dr. Bennett had with the Health Care Proxy which was used when Dr. Bennett went to Beth Israel Hospital. That was a Health Care Proxy about which Dr. Bennett knew nothing, didn’t sign, did not have the person he wanted as his Health Care Proxy, but named someone else.

From Ms. Al-Wetaid’s affidavit it seems clear that Dr. Kehlmann is very difficult to reach.

16) “On Tuesday March 3rd several steps were taken to address immediate safety concerns.”

Our investigated response: On March 3rd, at about 10:30am, eight policemen and five or six EMT’s arrived at the Donaldson home demanding to take Dr. Bennett to Mount Auburn Hospital. They had no Court documents, but showed Ms. Donaldson a cell phone with the supposed Court document on the screen. Ms. Donaldson said no one was going anyplace without their seeing a Court Document. After some time, one of the police produced a Court Document and they took Dr. Bennett out of the house. He was dressed and he and Ms. Donaldson were about to go out, instead he went with the police, walked down the stairs, the police refused to allow him to go to the hospital in Ms. Donaldson’s car or to walk to the ambulance. He was put on a hospital gurney which had been sitting on the sidewalk with police and EMT’s around it, a couple policemen on the porch with others surging out of the house surrounding Dr. Bennett. People were running from the Charles River to see what was happening because it was quite a public show the way the police handled the entire situation. In fact, this entire show could be a movie shown in a KKK movie house and the people there would be more than satisfied. The racist tropes follow all throughout what happens with Dr. Bennett and Ms. Donaldson. Clearly, with everything else, racism is alive and well and taking center stage.

Ms Donaldson insisted he be taken to Mass General instead of Mount Auburn Hospital since he was recently released from Mass General after brain surgery. The police agreed and took Dr. Bennett to Mass General Hospital under a “section 12”.

We have subsequently discovered that “sectioning” is the way many black men are being picked up off the street, in their homes, etc. and incarcerated in the hospital. No crimes committed, no medical need, no psychiatric problems of any kind. They are incarcerated for a month and sometimes more while things go on with their home, family and assets to their detriment. Ms. Donaldson received a telephone call from a friend from high school who called because he read the first Bettina Network Blog about Dr. Bennett and wanted Ms. Donaldson to know he had just experienced the same thing. The police picked him up, no one was home and he was not allowed to leave a note or anything else and it took him four weeks to get to a telephone to call his son. His son went through legal and other means to get him out of the hospital. It was so similar that to us it was a scary look into the future of how this society intends to deal with minorities who they cannot touch or incarcerate in other ways. All of the black men who contacted us who had been through similar problems ended up with their assets gone, their families destroyed and they had to fight their way out of a nursing home, which was apparently the way their assets were taken. We are seeing the same pattern surrounding Dr. Bennett and a pattern which includes turning his wife into a very negative influence who has to be either removed permanently or so discredited the same affect is achieved.

In Dr. Bennett’s case, attorney James O’Sullivan moved in such ugly court actions that truth left the room and did not return. It was say and do what was needed to get the desired result whether real, truthful or not.

16) (a) “Protective Services Psychiatirst Dr. Rebecca Warner was consulted about case.”

16 (b) “Dr. Warner contacted PCP’s office and spoke about concerns. PCP agreed that this is high-risk situation and that Dr. Bennett needed to return to hospital. PCP felt that Mass General was best facility since they last treated Dr. Bennett.”

16 (c) PSW Clary continued attempts to reach medical providers at MGH to discuss situation and that their discharge plan was unsuccessful.

Our Investigated response: This was also amazing to us since neither Ms. Clary nor any of the others running around talking to whoever, violating Dr. Bennett’s privacy had any reason to be involved in this at all. They simply inserted themselves and have caused huge problems for everyone, especially Dr. Bennett, who was not allowed to recover from his surgery, but was made the object of a falsified investigation which was carried on in a very outlandish way for reasons that totally escape us. We have never seen anything this hysterical nor a drama performed which would be worthy of the KKK in the 1930’s (to quote Ms. Donaldson). It amounts to a take over of another person’s life and family for no reason other than to satisfy the programming requirements of Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services? And to justify Dr. Kehlmann’s neglect of a patient which could have caused serious damage if Dr. Pilgrim had not stepped in.

16 (d) Ms. Al-Wetaid once again introduces comments from a “neurosurgeon” who she does not identify by name. This is the second time she has done this so we have no way to investigate what she is putting out as “fact”.

16 (i) “Neurosurgeon was concerned that Mr. Bennett was not in rehab at this time, was not taking medications.”

Our investigated response: Ms. Al-Wetaid apparently neglected to tell the neurosurgeon why Dr. Bennett was not in rehab. The rehab to which Dr. Bennett was sent was quarantined because of patients with the flu. The patients with the flu were not separated from the rest of the patients. The rehab institution had experienced the same kind of quarantine just months before and – according to the receptionist – only a couple of patients caught the flu from that experience so we didn’t have to worry.

Given what is all over the news today that was a good decision on the part of Dr. Bennett and his wife. Ms. Al-Wetaid goes on to say Dr. Bennett was not taking medications. Which is amazing since Ms. Al-Wetaid did not know this. Neither did she nor anyone associated with Ms. Al-Wetaid know anything about whether or not Dr. Bennett had medications and did not know if he was taking medications.

We assume she means the 10 to 12 bottles of pills Dr. Bennett was sent home with after his five week forced stay in Mass General Hospital. None of which were prescribed by any doctor and were all over-the-counter pills. That is a part of the pattern Ms. Al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary expect to be put down with anyone who goes to the hospital no matter how short or long their stay and if medicines are not prescribed – and from our check – even if medicines are prescribed, many over-the-counter bottles are added to just about every person who goes through the Elder and Protective Services route winds up with many non-prescription pills to take.

16 (d) ii – “Neurosurgeon was surprised to hear that Mr. Bennett had been able to sign a new HCP given that he was alert and oriented to self and place and sometimes only to self on the day he signed the new HCP form.”

Our investigated response: That was amazing to us since this unidentified Neurosurgeon was passing judgment on another Mass General Hospital’s Employee whose job it is to oversee such and who appears in Court and otherwise checks on the HCP’s which come into Mass General. It was also amazing to us since the Health Care Proxy who was Dr. Bennett’s choice when he entered Mass General Hospital had not been changed. The only change made in this new HCP was to correct a typo made on the original HCP because the Mass General person who takes care of such thought it was a small error, but one that was better corrected before Ms. Donaldson and Dr. Bennett left the hospital. She thought they would be safer under that circumstance since there were people running all over the hospital in every corner looking for everything they could find about Dr. Bennett and Ms. Donaldson.

16 (d) iii “Neurosurgeon remarked that Mr. Bennett was “vulnerable” and did require medical follow-up post surgery and nothing has been scheduled yet and Mr. Bennett is without a primary care physician based on wife’s report.”

Our investigated report: We do not understand this neurosurgeons remarks since Ms. Donaldson did not report that Dr. Bennett was without a primary care physician. She did let the doctors at MGH know she was unhappy with his current Primary Care Physician because of the way she had to circumvent everything traditionally done through the PCP to get Dr. Bennett treated for his fall in a timely fashion since the current PCP specifically put off seeing Dr. Bennett until the PCP’s return from his vacation.

16 (d) iv “Neurosurgeon remarked that Dr. Bennett does require his blood pressure medications and that with high blood pressure he was at increased risk of brain bleed and further traumatic brain injury.”

Our investigated response. At this point in time, Dr. Bennett had already been removed to Mass General Hospital after the filing of a section 12 so this investigation with all of these comments are confusing. They seem to be in this place because of the need to shore up a very weak story which needs the embellishing it is current receiving via Ms. Al-Wetaid.

16 (d) v “Neurosurgeon expressed concern about Mr. Bennett’s ability to advocate for his own medical needs, understand his case requirements or signing of a new health care proxy form.”

Our investigated response: All of these comments seem to have the same reason for being. They are needed to shore up the case Ms. Al-Wetaid is creating so she and Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services can justify the fact that they have already taken over Dr. Bennett by declaring he is a psychiatric, drug, or alcoholic risks to the community and has already had him picked up by the police. None of this seems to have been mentioned to anyone Ms. Al-Wetaid is talking to. This is also happening the day after Dr. Bennett left the rehab for good cause. The neurosurgeon also does not seem to know that the only difference between the old HCP and the new one Dr. Bennett signed was a typo of one letter from the old corrected in the new one.

16 (e) “After speaking to Primary Care Physician, reviewing Protective Services record and information obtained from neurosurgeon, PS Psychiatrist Dr. Rebecca Warner assisted in facilitating section 12 to get Mr. Bennett back to the hospital due to significant safety concerns.

Our Investigated response: This date is March 4th, 2020. Dr. Bennett was picked up by police with a form signed by a psychologist who had never seen, nor examined, nor had any knowledge of Dr. Bennett except what was told to the psychologist by Ms. Al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary. That totally violates what the section 12 is supposed to be about and is supposed to do.

When this form was signed, Dr. Bennett had been discharged from Mass General Hospital after having been picked up on a section 12 and forced into the hospital against his will. Mass General Hospital discharged him because they found he should not have been so picked up; there were no medicines prescribed; and his vital signs were normal including his blood pressure.

16 (e) “After speaking to Primary Care Physician, reviewing Protective Services record and information obtained from neurosurgeon (the one unnamed) PS psychiatrist Dr. Rebecca Warner assisted in facilitating section 12 to get Mr. Bennett back to the hospital due to significant safety concerns.”

Our investigated response. Dr. Bennett had already been discharged from Mass General Hospital at 3:30am on March 4th with no safety concerns at all and as we stated above no medicines prescribed, normal vital signs and comments that he should not have been picked up in the first place. There was nothing in section 12 justifying what happened to Dr. Bennett.

16 (f) “Mr. Bennett was transported to Mass General on this date.”

Our investigated response: There is no date specified in 16 (f) because this was apparently created to attach with a Protective Order both of which were playing games with the Court by leaving out significant information which probably would have made a huge difference in the Court’s decision.

For example, if the Court knew:

Dr. Bennett had been picked up on a section 12 on March 3rd and discharged on March 4th at a 3:30am —- and—-

that this action, prepared and filed by Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services with Attorney James O’Sullivan as their attorney – was doing the same thing again for the second time within 24-48 hours —-and—

if the Court knew Dr. Bennett had been discharged from Mass General hospital at 3:30am on March 4th with no reason for him having been picked up on March 3rd —-and—-

that this was being prepared on March 4th after Dr. Bennett had been released from the first Section 12 this same group prepared and filed for Dr. Bennett to be picked up on March 3rd

That they were preparing to do again what had already been done which resulted in a ‘lifting of the section 12’ with a result that said “no medicines prescribed”. A section 12 that was filed with the psychiatrist never having met, nor seen, nor examined Dr. Bennett as the section 12 calls for;

And if the Court had been told that the real reason for a new HCP being put in place was to simply correct a typo instead of a characterization of the “new” HCP as containing “new” information and especially the claim that this “new” HCP changed the Proxy.

If the Court had been told that Ms. Al-Wetaid’s claim that Dr. Bennett was not aware enough to know what was going on was not true and that proven from a statement which would have been filed by the Mass General Hospital employee who created this “new” HCP?.

Ms. Al-Wetaid and apparently also Attorney James O’Sullivan kept from the Court the fact that the HCP under question had been signed November 18, 2019 instead of the claim Ms. Al-Wetaid made for the Court that something altogether new had been signed after Dr. Bennett’s surgery;

If the Court had known that the HCP was the same one on the HCP when Dr. Bennett entered the hospital as it was on the day they claim all of this “new” stuff happened when they claimed Dr. Bennett could not understand what he was signing and witnesses would have submitted statements saying exactly the opposite – that Dr. Bennett knew exactly what he was signing and had a lot to say about not wanting Ms. Aronowitz as his HCP – would the Court result have then forced on Dr. Bennett and validated an HCP which Dr. Bennett did not want – had not signed – with a Proxy he did not want? Do we have the kind of Court that would have sanctioned that?

It is the law that the other side should be given notice for such hearings to keep this kind of camouflage, lies and deception from happening with the people involved going through horrendous, vicious and totally unnecessary suffering as Dr. Bennett and his family have experienced from such actions – allowed to happen because only one side knew of the hearing and only one side was allowed to present evidence that they conjured up and shaped to fit the result they wanted.

In addition, from the papers prepared on March 4th to incarcerate Dr. Bennett in the hospital those were served for the transport of Dr. Bennett to Mass General Hospital on March 6th after 6pm when Dr. Bennett and his wife were just sitting down to a candlelight dinner with his son and daughter who had just arrived to spend the weekend with him.

A distinction between the original papers signed and the March 4th papers signed is the destination. The March 3rd papers had Mount Auburn Hospital as its destination for Dr. Bennett – the March 4th papers had Mass General Hospital as its destination for Dr. Bennett.


16 (g) ” PSW and PSD both reached out to MGH treatment team from last hospitalization and requested their advocacy to ensure Mr. Bennett was not discharged. All agreed to assist and help Emergency Department team better understand the situation and background.”


Our investigated response: This absolutely stunned us. This is a conspiracy to rob Dr. Bennett of his rights as a citizen; to incarcerate him in MGH indefinitely even after MGH had already determined the reasons he was now being sent back by Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services; Dr. Kehlman – the PCP; Attorney James O’Sullivan and unnamed employees of MGH was not valid and they had already discharged him less than 48 hours ago – this was now a “team” whose goal was to keep Dr. Bennett in MGH incarcerated with no ability to get up and walk out and no reason medical or otherwise for him to have been picked up by the police either March 3rd or March 6th. The timing of the March 6th incarceration being a Friday evening after 6pm added to the imprisonment which was being planned to destroy Dr. Bennett.

We do not find “destroy” too strong a word, because what we are seeing from people who have contacted us, this has happened in the past to others. The pattern and practices here is to incarcerate the person in the hospital for one month or more; to have a law suit ready upon the person’s discharge to continue the incarceration in a nursing home with their guardianship transferred to a corporation or other institution friendly to the incarcerators or those imprisoning people for nefarious motives; to have the institution filing for the guardianship to move the person to a nursing home where their health and wealth are stolen. To make the claim of ‘incapacitated’ whether the person is ‘incapacitated’ or not and ignoring of the fact that the person’s family does not want this to happen and have been there for their family member. The family is removed and/or their assets stripped in the process of trying to get their beloved family member out of the claws and clutches of this greed. When that person’s assets are gone, if the person is not dead, then they are discharged from the nursing home onto the street – either penniless or dependent upon the care and generosity of family who were moved aside so this stripping of a person of their health and wealth could happen.

16 (h) “PS Psychiatrist was contacted by Mass General ED informing her that the ED social worker was consulting with their general counsel regarding the validity of the HCP form signed Friday 2/28”

Our investigated response: We don’t know what to make of 16 (h). Ms. Al-Wetaid has a way of twisting things instead of saying outright what needs to be said. The attorney for Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services – Mr. James O’Sullivan – went to Court, received from the Court the right to have a hearing without anyone from Dr. Bennett’s side of this knowing anything about the hearing and when in Court misrepresented quite a bit to the Court to be able to get the Protective Order which kept Dr. Bennett in Mass General for five weeks not for medical reasons, but for this horribleness which no one should experience.

One of the things in that Protective Order was the invalidation of the HCP which Mass General created because of the typo in the HCP created on November 18, 2019. Ms. Al-Wetaid had Mr. O’Sullivan put in the place of that invalidated HCP one which Dr. Bennett had not signed, knew nothing about and had a Proxy Dr. Bennett had been vocal that he did not want. Because that was a Court action there was not much the general counsel for Mass General could do about what Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services brought to them as a ‘fait accompli.’

Mass General Hospital’s general counsel had a couple choices – violate the patients wishes as expressed to Mass General personnel who handled HCP’s; violate the HCP which the Mass General personnel corrected with one typo correction; or violate the Court Order. I don’t think it took them long to make a choice as to which they would follow.

16 (i) “PSD spoke with ED social worker as well.”

16 (i) i “PSD expressed concerns Protective Services has, highlighting all of those mentioned above and that we feel that if Mr. Bennett returns home, he would be at high-risk given wife’s long history of not making appropriate medical decisions.”

Our Investigated response: That is a highly charged statement and we think it would be considered perjury since Protective Services knew Dr. Bennett was in Mass General originally brought there by his wife after the refusal of his Primary Care Physician to see him after a fall – yet PSD and PSW were working extensively with the PCP who they saw as a positive, influential person concerned about Dr. Bennett in spite of his history with Dr. Bennett. the Protective Services knew Dr. Bennett’s entire life was one in which he had as little medical services as possible so being the Proxy it would be incumbent upon the wife to respect Dr. Bennett’s life long choices.

In addition, while Ms. Al-Wetaid claims Dr. Bennett would be at high risk at home “given wife’s long history of not making appropriate medical decisions” – Ms. Al-Wetaid does not give one example of those inappropriate medical decisions.

Both Ms. Donaldson and Dr. Bennett are in very good health and have been all of their lives. Neither has been in the hospital for anything and both have all of their faculties. With Dr. Bennett being 87 years old and recovered from the horrible way he was treated throughout all of this and Ms. Donaldson being 82 years old with both working full time 6 days a week I don’t understand the concern Ms. Al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary have. We should think they would be looking to learn from Dr. Bennett and Ms. Donaldson the secrets to their healthy living. These statements, more than the others show the fake and falseness of what Ms. Al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary claim as their reason for attempting to take over the lives of people like Ms. Donaldson and Dr. Bennett who have expressed many times they wanted nothing to do with them or their medical remedies. Both Dr. Bennett and Ms. Donaldson have the right to make that decision and neither and none of the pseudo medical groups have the right to do what Ms. Al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary have done in the name of their “concern.”

The medical decisions made for Dr. Bennett which went seriously wrong were made and forced on him by his step-daughter who thought she was doing the right thing, but with which Ms. Donaldson disagreed and which turned out to be disastrous for Dr. Bennett.

Dr. Bennett’s step-daughter painted a picture for Dr. Bennett – a consummate reader – that he would be able to see almost, but not quite perfectly if he had his cataracts removed. What was not considered by the step-daughter and not explained to Dr. Bennett either by Ms. Aronowitz or the eye doctor who did the surgery was the fact that at 86 the cataract surgery probably would not work. He would not be able to see any better after than before the removal of the cataract. The eye doctor should have said that to Dr. Bennett and Ms. Aronowitz, but he did not. We found that through a lot of very thorough research.

The eye surgery to remove a cataract resulted in a fall. That was the first time Dr. Bennett fell and in spite of the fact that the reason was the eye surgery we discovered Protective and Elder Services tried very hard to make it seem as though Dr. Bennett fell constantly. One woman on White 10 told us Dr. Bennett fell after every couple steps because he had lost his ability to walk without help.

That amazed us because when we checked that was not true and Dr. Bennett today walks about a mile a day to keep his strength, balance and ability to function as keen as possible, especially after the disastrous keeping him in bed constantly for five weeks that happened at Mass General Hospital. To put alarms under an 87 year old man to make sure he stays in bed for that long a period of time should be a criminal offense.

The cataract surgery was a total failure and Dr. Bennett saw less after than before. The corneal transplant which Ms. Donaldson tried to stop, but the step-daughter of Dr. Bennett pushed him to have, turned out to be more disastrous than the cataract surgery since Dr. Bennett’s peripheral vision was destroyed in the process and he did not acquire an improved ability to see.

The choice of Dr. Bennett’s PCP – Dr. Kehlmann – was made by his step daughter who pushed that through also and the PCP is the one who created a mess when Ms. Donaldson and Dr. Bennett tried to have the PCP take a look at him after a second fall which came from the corneal transplant surgery and Dr. Kehlmann would not and did not refer Dr. Bennett to anyone else in his Washington Square Group of medical doctors, because he was getting ready to go on vacation and did not have the time. If Ms. Donaldson had not continued to call friends looking for a referral to a neurologist because of that last fall and if a friend had not referred her to Dr. Pilgrim who advised Ms. Donaldson to take Dr. Bennett by ambulance to Mass General, which she did, who knows what the result would have been.

The difference between Dr. Pilgrim and Dr. Kehlmann – Dr. Pilgrim who was not Dr. Bennett’s PCP or neurologist and who was in the middle of a family crisis still took the time to respond to Ms. Donaldson and Dr. Bennett with very good advice. Dr. Kehlmann blew them off because his priority was his vacation.

And who did the PCP and Attorney O’Sullivan have re-validated as Dr. Bennett’s Proxy, but the step daughter who caused all of the confusion and upset in the middle of all this and who both Dr. Kehlmann and on information and belief so did Attorney O’Sullivan know caused these problems, but because of the ability to manipulate the step-daughter and not knowing or being able to manipulate Ms. Donaldson, their choice was to choose a lesser result for Dr. Bennett’s life and health which apparently is a better result for the two of them.

They both also knew Dr. Bennett had not signed the HCP and did not know anything about it. They knew this before asking the Court to revalidate Dr. Bennett’s health care proxy naming Ms. Aronowitz as the proxy. They both also knew the HCP created by probate attorney Mr. Don McInnis for Dr. Bennett was created on November 18, 2019 and there was no last minute change or substitution or anything of the kind in the Mass General HCP which was created because of a typo which needed to be corrected. All of the Protective Services people also knew of the above, but went along with getting a Court order without telling any of the above to the judge. Ms. Al-Wetaid is very careful to insure that none of this slips into her affidavit.

That about parallels the way the Somerville Cambridge Protective and Elder Services people operate. As we go through this investigation, we have never encountered such abusive people in life and these are the people who are working to protect the elderly from abuse.

More to follow under Perjury #6


Perjury #4 – Insurance Fraud – Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett!

Tuesday, April 21st, 2020

This is the continuation of a comparison of Ms. Al-Wetaid’s affidavit which was used by Attorney O’Sullivan to get a Protective Order charging Ms. Donaldson of abusing her husband; changing the Health Care Proxy for Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett and more. That affidavit formed the basis from which all that has come after. Attorney O’Sullivan knows and has not changed his Method of operating – which says to us this is what he wants and the truth he needs to be following as an attorney is irrelevant.

Ms. Clary and Ms. Al-Wetaid show how they view truth by their statements – with Ms. Al-Wetaid under oath while also quoting Ms. Clary – who we assume would have challenged statements made in her name if she considered them false.

14) – of Ms. Al-Wetaid’s affidavit

Their entire thing – from (a)through (i) is sheer fairy tale, made up to bolster her story and push forward this action against Dr. Bennett and Ms. Donaldson. Please note the racial stereotypes in all of this because in the end it comes down to extreme racism and sexism. We have heard from many people and we can tell those who are African American because their stories so parallel one another.


Ms. Al-Wetaid – “Mr. Bennett’s wife welcomes us into the home and met with us”

Our investigated response – True as far as it goes. They represented themselves as “friends” concerned about Dr. Bennett – heard he was home and they came to see how they could help.


Ms. Al-Wetaid – “Mr. Bennett was on second floor and attempted to come down flight of stairs before wife was able to stop him’ wife recognizes that stairs are unsafe for him.”

Our investigated response – Not true and this second floor thing is truly confused saying to us it was clearly made up. Mr. Bennett was on the second floor, did not attempt to come down the flight of stairs and his wife did not attempt to stop him. Dr. Bennett was sitting in his bed/sitting room having ice cream. Dr. Bennett had just left Sherrill House and was enjoying being home when Ms. Al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary arrived as “friends” to welcome him home.

Into this (b) Ms. Al-Wetaid slips in the comment ‘stairs are unsafe for him.’ Since Dr. Bennett fell twice – both times related to eye surgery we would think Ms. Al-Wetaid would related this to being eye surgery, for which he was too old to have undergone was not safe for him. Especially since Dr. Bennett had gone up and down the stairs many times before and after Ms. Al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary arrived.


“Mr. Bennett joined us in conversation in his bedroom sitting area along with his wife.”

Our investigated response – Dr. Bennett did not join them. He left the room shortly after they arrived in the room and spent the rest of the time reading in another bedroom. When we asked – Dr. Bennett took an instant dislike to both Ms. Al -Wetaid and Ms. Clary because “I sensed they were not about what they claimed. They reeked of dishonesty and I just wasn’t feeling charitable to ignore that.”


The statement is true, but not in the context in which Ms. Al-Wetaid puts it. There was no discussion with Ms. Donaldson about taking her husband out of the rehab. There was no discussion about Dr. Bennett except the beginning discussion which was about how happy everyone was that he was home and safe.


Ms. Al-Wetaid – “Wife did demonstrate understanding of high-risk if Ms. Bennett were to fall again.”

Our investigated response – We didn’t know what to do with this since it is a statement hanging out there with no examples, no proof, no nothing to support it. It seemed more support of Ms. Al-Wetaids story line than anything real.


Ms. Al-Wetaid – During the conversation PSW and PSD attempted to explore plans for follow-up medical care, including PCP appointments, alternate rehab placement, visiting nurse and home care referrals.”

Our investigated response – There was no such conversation with two people who represented themselves as “friends” and did not identify themselves as PSW and PSD.


Ms. Al-Wetaid – “Wife explained that she had fired Mr. Bennett’s Primary Care Physician and wanted to find a new one.”

Our investigated réponse – No such conversation happened. We understand Ms. Donaldson is unhappy with Dr. Bennett’s Primary Care Physician, however, she said nothing about that to either woman. This conversation happened the day Dr. Bennett returned home from surgery and an unhappy day at Sherrill House.


Ms. Al-Wetaid -“PSW and PSDd attempted to engage in discussion about Mr. Bennett’s health issues. Wife reported that Mr. Bennett has no health issues and has no prescribed medications.

i. We found out that he is in fact prescribed two blood pressure medications, a blood thinner and an anti-seizure medication.

ii. Mr. Bennett is diagnosed with dementia, hypertension, subdural hematoma, evidence of at least four head injuries, history of stroke, history of falls.”

Our investigated response – We don’t know how to respond to this. Again, there was no discussion of Dr. Bennett, his health or anything beyond the weather and that level of conversation. This seems to us more of setting the scene for what was to follow rather than anything real. We are especially concerned to know where all of that information came from – most looks as though it was created in fairy tale fashion. We know for a fact that anti-seizure medication would not have been prescribed – unless the doctor/surgeon who prescribed it was totally incompetent. We know that from our research on such. Anti-Seizure medication after a surgery such as Dr. Bennett had would not be prescribed for home use. It would have been used for seven days – during which Dr. Bennett was in the hospital and it would probably have been given to him during that time, but not sent home as a prescription for him to have following that surgery.

At this point – we realized this conversation as reported by Ms. Al-Wetaid is very dangerous. It goes way over the top to make sure Ms. Donaldson and Dr. Bennett would be seriously destroyed for whatever reason Ms. Al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary needed that to happen and they were setting up a very serious case to a do just that. We know the information above about Dr. Bennett’s medical history would not have been found where one would have found such information because at least one part of it was seriously made-up. We would say it is outright lying and/or guessing given Ms. Al-Wetaids and Ms. Clary’s medical knowledge to achieve their end goal.


Ms. Al-Wetaid – “When asked about how she planned to follow-up on his medical care and any follow-up appointments, wife had no concrete plans and did not have interest in visiting nurse or home care services.

Our investigated response – Again, this conversation is being created as they go along – or is the way they deal with an investigation – all of this cited after the fact to meet their internal needs as “Protective Services” employees. This is destructive of life, freedom, recovery from surgery and many other possible medical situations. This is an example of those hired by an agency about preventing elder abuse and caring for the elderly being actually people engaging in elder abuse, making sure they have control of the elderly because their program has goals to be met and this is how they go about meeting their program needs. It is a horrendous situation and will not end well.”


Ms. Al-Wetaid – “Following the home visit and being concerned with Mr. Bennett not taking prescribed medications, not receiving any follow-up care, no visiting nurses and no plan for medical care, PSD contacted PCP and the rehab that Mr. Bennett was discharged from.”

Our investigated response – What strikes us as really amazing is that Ms. Al-Wetaid is so into her fairy story she does not realize she is blaming lots of what Mr. Bennett does not have is not doing nor receiving on Monday. From our information, Dr. Bennett left Sherrill House rehab on Monday afternoon shortly before Ms. Clary and Ms. Al-Wetaid arrived at their home disguised as “friends” saying nothing about their professional jobs nor affiliations.

Ms. Al-Wetaid gives this indictment of so much she claims was not done when this was just a couple hours after Dr. Bennett returned home.

15a through b

Ms. Al-Wetaid – 15 a)” PSD attempted to reach PCP Dr. Kehlman and left message.

15 b) i “RN informed PSD that Mr. Bennett was in rehab less than 15 hours and never had an assessment completed so she could not speak to his specific care needs.”

Our investigated response – Dr. Bennett was in rehab at Sherrill House from about 2pm through about 1pm the next day. That is slightly short of 24 hours.

There was no assessment completed because there was no assessment begun. Sherrill House staff and personnel told Dr. Bennett and his wife when he arrived that he should stay in bed and not even go to the bathroom on his own. If he needed to go to the bathroom he should pull the nurse’s bell and the nurse would come to help him go to the bathroom. That was the rehab program for the day.”

15 b) ii Ms. Al-Wetaid – “RN noted that MGH discharge paperwork indicated that Mr. Bennett did need assistance with transfers as least and further assessment was needed.”

Our investigated response – It is amazing to us how open one’s medical records are. There was nothing giving Ms. Al=-Wetaid nor anyone else access to Dr. Bennett’s medical records. Ms. Al-Wetaid quotes freely from what she claims is Dr. Bennett’s medical records to which she has not been given permission to access. In addition, the RN at Sherrill House had no right to share anything with Ms. Al-Wetaid nor anyone else. Since there had been no assessment even begun at Sherrill House we do not see how they could say anything other than “assessment was needed.”

15 b) iii Ms. Al-Wetaid – “RN provided medication list which included hypertension meds, a blood thinner and anti-seizure medication among others.”

Our investigated response – We have already responses to the anti-seizure medication and we seriously doubt Sherrill House would have provided that as one of the medicines prescribed for Dr. Bennett. We could be wrong, but we will not comment further on those private medical records to which we have not had access.

15 b) Ms. Al-Wetaid – “Mr. Bennett was not discharged with medications and PSD and PSW discovered that wife has not picked any prescriptions as of March 3, 2020.”

Our investigated response – That makes no sense to us so we don’t know what to do with it. We can only respond looking at what happened during Dr. Bennett’s recent discharges from MGH from his five week incarcerated stay in that institution.

Dr. Bennett was sent home with at least 12 bottles of medicines to be taken on a daily – some twice daily schedule. None were prescribed medicines, some made him visibly ill when he took them because they were too strong going down his system. We realized he had been forced to take all of those medications while at MGH during his five weeks of incarceration. Some were meant to depress him – apparently to make it easier for Dr. Bennett to stay in bed those five weeks.

When Dr. Bennett’s son called the doctor at MGH, after his return home, because all were appalled at so many “over the counter” pills, it was acknowledged the medicines were not “prescribed” but they thought he might need them and if he didn’t they should stop giving them to him. A couple were psychotropic drugs which caused small hallucinations which Dr. Bennett had during his stay at MGH taking those pills. When those pills were stopped so did the confusion Dr. Bennett experienced during those five weeks.

Apparently, Ms. Al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary feel those”not prescribed medicines” are required and were appalled that Dr. Bennett, whose choice is to take as few pills and other kinds of medicines as possible and whose choice that has been all of his life, was to be ignored in favor of maintaining an elderly gentleman on as many “medicines” as possible whether they were needed or prescribed or not.

We don’t know how to respond to the March 3, 2020 comment because that made no sense to anyone. March 3, 2020 was the day Ms. Clary and Ms. Al-Wetaid had Dr. Bennett picked up by the 8 policemen at about 10:30am on a section 12 for which there was no reason, no background, no medical sign-off, no nothing except to produce a form given to the police to pick him up breaking down the door and invading the entire house until his was found and carrying him off whether he wanted to go or not.

On March 4, 2020 MGH discharged Dr. Bennett from this section 12 with a discharge form which said “no medicines prescribed.” Ms. Al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary ignore that and have put their own judgment that there should have been and apparently have delivered that as their affidavit swearing to the fact that what they are saying in the truth. Clearly, it is not.

Upon his first discharge from the section 12 filed by Somerville Cambridge Protective and Elder Services – his discharge papers say – “no medicines prescribed”. It goes on to say all Dr. Bennett’s vitals were “within the normal range.” That does not fit the story line for Ms. Al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary so they have changed it to fit one they prefer.

16) Ms. Al-Wetaid – “On Tuesday March 3rd several steps were taken to address immediate safety concerns.”

Our investigated response – Those steps were apparently to create a drama like those seen in the south in the 1920’s around an African American man who ‘overstepped his boundaries’ in this society. Living in the wrong neighborhood; having earned and received degrees from the wrong universities; belonging to the wrong organizations, etc.

16 a) Ms. Al-Wetaid – “Protective Services Psychiatrist Dr. Rebecca Warner was consulted about the case.”

Our Investigated Response – Dr. Warner is affiliated with one hospital Cambridge Health Alliance which has a geriatric rating of 39.1/100.

To give you an idea as to what that means – Johns Hopkins Hospital has a geriatric rating of 100.0/100

16 b) Ms. Al-Wetaid – “Dr. Warner contacted PCP’s office and spoke about concerns. PCP agreed that this is high-risk situation and that E needed to return to hospital. PCP felt Mass General was best facility since they last treated Mr. Bennett.”

16 c) Ms. Al-Wetaid “PSW Clary continued attempts to reach medical providers at MGH to discuss situation and that their discharge plan was unsuccessful.”

Our investigated response – On March 3rd Dr. Bennett was less than one day away from having been discharged from Sherrill House and two days away from having been discharged from MGH. What is amazing to us is the fact that Sherrill House was quarantined because of the flu; that they didn’t know what kind in this coronavirus era; that the patients who had the flu were not segregated from the rest of their patients – meant nothing to Ms. Clary and Ms. Al-Wetaid. They were focused on this “investigation” and getting Dr. Bennett under their control as quickly as possible for reasons which could have killed Dr. Bennett.

16 d) Ms. Al-Wetaid – PSW Clary did reach neurosurgeon who worked on Ms. Bennett’s care team during his weeklong stay at MGH.”

Our investigated response – Ms. Al-Wetaid does not identify this neurosurgeon so it is hard to respond and hard to know if Ms. Al-Wetaid’s comments and Ms. Clary’s exchanges are true because we have no way to check this out.

16 d) i – Ms. Al-Wetaid – ” Neurosurgeon was concerned that Mr. Bennett was not in rehab at this time, was not taking medications.”

Our investigated response – This is of grave concern to us because at this point in time on March 3, 2020 Dr. Bennett had already been picked up by 8 white policeman in a 1930’s KKK style action with people running from the Charles River towards his house to see what all the drama was about. At this point in time Ms. Al-Wetaid is calling around to MGH neurosurgeons telling them, Dr. Bennett was not in rehab and not taking medications. She neglected to tell them Dr. Bennett was actually in MGH and there had been no medicines prescribed. The investigation Ms. Al-Wetaid is doing is what should have been done before she and Ms. Clary had the order signed to pick up Dr. Bennett in the extremely racist way he was picked up and in a way to do as much damage to the work the neurosurgeon Ms. Al-Wetaid was talking to had done – if she was indeed talking to a neurosurgeon who was a part of the team that operated on Dr. Bennett or – as this looks – is a part of the created story to justify what Ms. Al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary wanted to do and were now putting some justification to what they already decided and had already done.

16 d) ii Ms. Al-Wetaid – “Neurosurgeon was surprised to hear that Mr. Bennett had been able to sign a new HCP given that he was alert and oriented to self and place and sometimes only to self on the day he signed the new HCP form.”

Our investigated response – Ms. Al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary had apparently already decided to change Dr. Bennett’s HCP to one over whom they apparently had some control. This question would not have been answered in such a way if this were actually a neurosurgeon on Dr. Bennett’s team because the “new” HCP was created by MGH. He would have been questioning the professionals at MGH whose job it was to deal with such HCP’s. Ms. Al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary also have dropped the first part of the HCP story by not telling people the HCP had been signed by Dr. Bennett November 18, 2019; that this was not a new HCP but the one who was Dr. Bennett’s HCP when he entered MGH; that the only change was the typo by the probate attorney who drew up the HCP in whic a date was November 18, 2018 when all the other dates were November 18, 2019. What is also not said is that the new HCP was Mass General’s suggestion because they thought the HCP should be clear without that typo and in spite of knowing Dr. Bennett signed this form November 18, 2019 the Mass General professionals who handle HCP’s spent about 45 minutes talking with Dr. Bennett to know for themselves what were his wishes and Dr. Bennett verified the fact that he wanted his wife as his HCP.

Ms. Al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary and Attorney O’Sullivan all knew about this HCP and all hid it from the Court when they went to Court with ms. Al-Wetaids purgered affidavit to incarcerate Dr. Bennett in MGH twice.

They had Dr. Bennett incarcerated on March 3rd – from which he was discharged by MGH on March 4th for no reason to keep him and they went to court on March 5th on the same charge – another section 12 – to have Dr. Bennett incarcerated again on the same section 12 from which he had been discharged on March 4th. They very carefully hid that fact from the Court so they could get their Protective Order to do the damage they intended and indeed, actually did to Dr. Bennett over the next five weeks.

Perjury – Insurance Fraud – Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett (cont’d)

Sunday, April 19th, 2020

This investigation has been amazing to us. We’ve looked into many things and each one more astounding than the next. It is especially egregious from our point of view because this is about your health – yours and mine. It is about turning the health care in this country into a police state. The only way you can have someone in this country picked up and incarcerated for an indefinite period of time who is not accused of a crime.

What is also very clear – the health care system in this country is seriously broken, seriously racist and so much more. It seems to be riddled with people who have discovered how to rip-off dollars with one scheme or another; others who are careless with medicine, their patients and so much more; and no one seems to know about all of this nor do many care, until they come face to face with this unbelievable way of functioning. Basically, it is – right or wrong – this medical system is right. That is the governing standard.

At the beginning of this, of course, is the primary care physician. You are supposed to have one and that person accesses the system for you and your needs.

Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett has a primary care physician he has been trying to change for months with no success.


Well first, who! His primary care physician is Dr. Kehlman with the Washington Square Group. He is someone Dr. Bennett has met exactly once and that was when he went for a check up after his overnight at Beth Israel Hospital because of a fall which turned out to be not serious.

Although it was considered not serious, there was one CT Scan which showed four dots which needed to be watched and checked. Beth Israel suggested that Dr. Bennett have a CT Scan by a neurologist in six weeks to make sure those four dots were as harmless as they looked and had not started to allow blood into the cavity between the brain and the outer skull.

When Dr. Bennett went to Dr. Kehlman for a six week check up after his trip to the hospital, that did not happen. Dr. Kehlman checked him by taking his vitals and had him walk up and down the hallway to make sure his balance was fine – and it was. No need for a neurologist to do an additional check. Dr. Bennett and Ms. Donaldson took Dr. Kehlman’s word that an additional check by a neurologist and a CT Scan were not necessary and went home.

Well, not exactly. Months later when his wife called Dr. Kehlman because of the second fall Dr. Bennett took after eye surgery – this time a corneal transplant which cut his peripheral vision – the PCP’s office told his wife the PCP was busy and could not talk to her: No, he did not know a neurologist to refer Dr. Bennett to: and the PCP was busy getting ready to go on a ‘brief’ vacation’ and would not be able to see Dr. Bennett until he returned.

Dr. Bennett had an appointment with Dr. Green, a podiatrist just days later. The appointment was cancelled by Ms. Donaldson’s daughter, but Ms. Donaldson called to remake the appointment and was able to get the same time slot. She asked Dr. Green for a referral to a neurologist since they had been looking for one since Dr. Kehlman was too busy to see Dr. Bennett and since Dr. Kehlman’s office said he did not know a neurologist for a referral. Dr. Green said he couldn’t refer a neurologist Dr. Kehlman would do that. They told Dr. Green they had asked Dr. Kehlman’s office for a referral and they didn’t know any. So off they went to talk to others about finding a neurologist. They found Dr. David Pilgrim through a friend. Dr. Pilgrim suggested they go to Mass General Hospital and go by ambulance since that was the best way without going through clinics, etc. That was a tremendous recommendation and referral.

We verified that exchange because it was amazing to us. So much for the PCP. They are looking for another PCP, but can’t get the current one off Dr. Bennett’s medical records. Given that, it is not likely another PCP will be willing to take a look at taking on Dr. Bennett.

We cite that example and exchange because we read the comments attributed to Dr. Kehlman by Somerville Cambridge Protective and Elder Services if they are true, Dr. Kehlman dumped all over Ms. Donaldson. We wondered why and then we discovered this little exchange.

What is most serious as we do this investigation – truth is hard to come by in this field of medicine.

From our last writing I am sure you remember “the shower thing”. Well it happened. Although, at the last minute, Ms. Donaldson backed out. She and Dr. Bennett have showered together for decades. The Occupational Therapist has come along to put a stop to that.

The OT person arrived and she wanted to see Dr. Bennett shower “alone.” Since he didn’t ever do that we were amazed at her request. She insisted however,. She also insisted that he do this in the nude while she watched.

We’ve seen some demeaning things, before, but this one topped the list. A man who should not be under an OT person to begin with because he walks a mile a day – goes back and forth to the post office from his home, which is several blocks – is self-sufficient in every way, but is considered in need of care that people who are “incapacitated” need and so he needed to show this OT person how he showered.

He stripped, as this young woman demanded, but did not remove his jockey shorts. He stepped into the shower stall – a space that is about 4 x 5 feet. It would be very difficult to fall in such a small space, especially if you are quite mobile and balanced before you got into the shower.

Ms. Donaldson was very present because she was not going to let any space within which her husband could be accused of anything.

What none of us expected was for this young woman to grab Dr. Bennett’s jockey underpants and attempt to pull them down. Wish I had a camera for that one. It was a shocker.

She said, she was there to observe him shower and she could not do that with his under pants on.

She then launched into how “unsteady” Dr. Bennett was and how he should not be allowed to shower without a chair in the shower room and even then she was going to have a medical aid come daily to watch him shower so he would be “protected” from falling. She went on to say he should not shower – only wash his face, under his arms, etc. until she was able to get this medical aid in place. The cost for this medical aid would be $60/hour – or any part of the hour used.

We pointed out that Dr. Bennett showered with his wife and what was this aid going to do and why was this necessary. The OT person went on about her clinical credentials and her profession and knowing what she was doing, etc. and Dr. Bennett was warned and the rest of the family was warned they should not allow him to shower until this medical aid showed. up.

Of all the bizarre things we have experienced with these groups – this was the most outstanding. It clearly was not about Dr. Bennett taking a shower. It was clearly about starting another upheaval that could end in the police coming to Dr. Bennett’s house again and forcing him out of his house to some medical institution.

We don’t know about you readers, but we are sick to death with all of this.

It was not the only threats Dr. Bennett and Ms. Donaldson received.

Dr. Bennett’s son made an agreement with Mass General that Dr. Bennett would be allowed to go home if the family agreed to allow in these Home Care People. Only this agency – Blissful Agency – was allowed or considered. They could accept that or Dr. Bennett would be immediately taken to a nursing home. That had been threatened before – either Ms. Donaldson and Dr. Bennett sign up for Mass Health or Dr. Bennett would be taken immediately to a nursing home – and so much more.

Dr. Bennett’s son agreed because everyone was tired and Dr. Bennett had been in the hospital for far too long, especially since he was not there nor brought there for medical reasons. Dr. Bennett’s son picked up Dr. Bennett at the appointed time from the hospital – Monday, April 13, 2020 and at the appointed time.

That agreement was immediately broken by Mass General and its people because registered letter started arriving around the country to all of Dr. Bennett’s family. The letters set up a telephone hearing with the Court to have Dr. Bennett put under the guardianship of the Jewish Center for Family and Children and sent by them preferably to a Hebrew nursing home – this retired Episcopal priest.

That hearing was to happen on Thursday, April 16, 2020.

That hearing was cancelled on Wednesday – the day before it was to happen. Notified of the hearing on Tuesday – cancelled it on Wednesday. Was the hearing real? Or was it being used to threaten the family to get them to do whatever demand was about to be made. – Clearly, it was the latter.

A Constable came to the door of Ms. Donaldson’s house on Wednesday looking for Dr. Bennett. He wanted to know if Dr. Bennett was “incapacitated”? That was a strange question. He was told no, Dr. Bennett was no “incapacitated”. He served papers for a hearing to put Dr. Bennett under the guardianship of the Jewish Agency for family and children. Since Dr. Bennett has family, has adult children, and many other family members who are there for him – in fact, there were five people currently caring for Dr. Bennett – three in the house, two on standby. So why was this being done? What was the point? The upheaval being caused was incredible and we are sure that was a large part of the reason for sending a Constable out with papers to be served.

We are beginning to look closer at who is behind this. It is clear something big is at stake here because of the extreme lengths these folks are going to destroy this family and to take Dr. Bennett out making him “incapacitated”..

It does make sense that if you forced a man out of his home at 87 years old – kept him enclosed in a 7 by 9 foot space in a hospital where he was placed not for medical reasons, but in the area where patients are restrained with many there for non-medical reasons and kept that man in bed for five weeks with an alarm under his bed and under his chair so when he moved the alarm would go off and the nurses and others would know to run to his room and force him back into bed or back sitting on the chair, it is possible his health and the rest of his life would be ruined because any possibility of mobility could have been stripped from Dr. Bennett under those circumstances. Those are the circumstances Dr. Bennett had to deal with for those five weeks at Mass General Hospital. So when the Constable comes the day after he is released from these conditions with papers to legally force him into a nursing home within days it looks like a pattern has been at play here – a pattern which has probably been used against others to destroy their lives. For what reason? Well, one could be – Dr. Bennett has a net worth into seven figures, and a guardianship moves into the management of the assets of the person under guardianship. Could that be the reason?

Fortunately, Dr. Bennett is quite strong, determined and understood that this was about something over which he had no control. He did have control of keeping himself alert, as physically fit as he could under the circumstances and wait until he was rescued. Given his wife and others determination, he knew he would be rescued.

So the people who broke the agreement they made with Dr. Bennett’s son and started harassing the family to an extreme the same day he was released from incarceration in Mass General Hospital must have been extremely disappointed to understand that Dr. Bennett was not “incapacitated.”

You see “incapacitated” in quotes because that is how Dr. Bennett is described in the papers served on the family just two days after he was released from his incarceration.

What was Dr. Bennett’s actual condition? He was in disreputable condition when he was released from Mass General Hospital. His feet were so swollen he came home in his stocking feet because his shoes no longer fit. That changed within a few days of his returning home.

Coming back to normal after being almost destroyed while in Mass General Hospital by the conditions under which he was incarcerated took a lot of work by those who love him.

His strength was coming back quickly as he started walking a mile a day to keep his balance while at the same time doing the exercises the Physical Therapist was generous enough to share with him.

So, Dr. Bennett is far from “incapacitated” – and clearly that is much to the disappointment of those so determined to make him so. He showered, dressed himself and is totally self-sufficient, but the need to destroy him is so great the papers served on his family claimed, without seeing or knowing what conditions he was in, that he was “incapacitated” and could not take care of himself needing complete care in a nursing home.

The threat of that is great for any family because at the same time those papers were being served, the news stories were full of what was happening in nursing homes around the country – people dying by the hundreds; families not able to see their family members because of the quarantine of nursing homes and more.

We are offering a $500 reward for information which leads to uncovering what and who this is about It is no longer possible to believe this is just happening. This is being orchestrated for some reason that escapes us because we don’t have that kind of mindset. If that is not true and many others suffer the same thing happening to Dr. Bennett that is a horrendous story about this health care system.

Dr. Bennett is a part of Bettina Network’s Blog! And the blog has had some very strong writings about Donald Trump! But there is also a lot more out there that could be motivating this. A couple people in Dr. Bennett’s neighborhood have been strong about doing whatever they could to move this African American family out of the neighborhood. We remember what happened years ago when a mixed race kindergarten bought a house on Brattle Street for their school. The neighborhood went crazy and did everything they could to stop that school from moving in. The house they bought was sold to a real estate school, which still operates in that same location today.

Our offer stands. It isn’t much, but we hope you who know what this is about will be moved to do the right thing and let us know what you know about all of this.


Insurance Fraud – Attempted Destruction of a human being – and so much more!

Friday, April 17th, 2020

Each day brings drama such as we have never seen before. We had no idea the Health/Medical field had such incredible things happening.

Keeping up with all that is happening takes a lot of work. We are trying to walk a fine line with what we publish because Ms. Donaldson and Dr. Bennett want to preserve a bit of privacy because a law suit is going to follow all of this, but at the same time, we think the public has a right to know what the medical/health industry is producing and how quickly and totally your rights are being destroyed. It is like living in an extreme fascist country when you deal in this area.

There is so much constant insurance fraud it is difficult to document. We will start with the smallest things we have seen.

When leaving a medical facility Dr. Bennett was offered a walking stick and a walker. He had several of both because the Donaldson/Bennett’s are avid estate sale shoppers and have purchased things they didn’t need at that moment, but they could see a possible use in the future and they had guests who they thought might need such when visiting.

Dr. Bennett and Ms. Donaldson have two walkers – which they keep in the basement in case they are needed. They paid $5 for the two. They also had three walking sticks, not including an exquisite carved African piece. The three regular walking sticks cost them $2.00 each.

From a medical facility they were encouraged to take a walking stick. they declined and said they already had three. The person encouraging them said they should take it anyway because it was “free” and theirs anyway so they should take it.

Turns out that is not quite true. It was “free” to Dr. Bennett because his insurance was paying the bill and the insurance company was charged $12.00 for the walking stick that was represented as being “free”. Same thing with the walker.

Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett is now at home. He was discharged from Mass General Hospital on Monday. Dr. Bennett’s son made an agreement with the people at Mass General who were keeping him incarcerated for Somerville Cambridge Protective and Elder Services that if Dr. Bennett and Ms. Donaldson agreed to accept “Home Care Services” then Dr. Bennett would be released on Monday.

The Donaldson/Bennett’s kept their part of the bargain. The Mass General people did not keep theirs. It has been extreme drama since Dr. Bennett has been home beginning with the fact that the Home Care Agency chosen could not be chosen by either Dr. Bennett, his wife, nor anyone else in the family. Mass General’s people would make that choice.

We would call what has and is happening attempted murder, and/or the attempt to destroy an African American male. And as we said before, this is not the only case of such we have found – in Massachusetts and around the country. We would say “attempted murder” because Dr. Bennett would be kept alive, barely, until his insurance ran out and they would have taken all of the Donaldson Bennett assets and then the actual murder or the turning out onto the street of Dr. Bennett would, no doubt, take place. And, this is not just conjecture, we have people calling us constantly now because of the blogs we have written documenting what has been happening to Dr. Bennett. They have seen a commonality with what they are experiencing and they are calling us for help or to just have someone to tell their story to because it all sounds so bizarre it can be difficult to believe that such happens in what is supposed to be a “free country.”

When Dr. Bennett was released from the hospital, his son picked him up and brought him home. It was a shock to see him. He could no longer walk except with the help of a walker and one person on either side holding him up. He looked disheveled and unkempt. He left the hospital and arrived home in socks because his shoes no longer fit. His feet were extremely swollen and the socks almost did not fit they were so tight. Dr. Bennett talked about being in California and later in other parts of the world including conversation about events no one knew what he was talking about.

As everyone gathered around several people committed to being there to be able to take care of Dr. Bennett. His wife took charge and things began to change. The first thing they worked on was helping Dr. Bennett get back his ability to walk on his own.

It took about two days for Dr. Bennett to begin walking on his own. He very quickly reached the point of being able to walk from home to the post office and today he takes a daily one mile walk around Harvard Square. At 87 years old, having been forced to stay in bed some five weeks during all of which his friends and family were not able to visit nor see him nor talk to him via telephone because he was held under some kind of “Security” to keep him “safe” – that was nothing short of a miracle and an answer to prayer. That “Security” allowed all of this to happen because there were no eyes on Dr. Bennett of people who care about him and would have raised red flags if they had known how bad things were for him.

His feet were addressed next and Ms. Donaldson was able to get the swelling down to the point where that Dr. Bennett could wear shoes again. So now he can go for walks with his own shoes on instead of oversized galoshes stuffed with paper and other materials to make them comfortable.

Dr. Bennett, who never took medicine and never wanted to take medicine of any kind, not even aspirin nor tylenol was sent home with some 12 plus bottles of medicine with orders to take them and the intervals necessary. These were the medicines which had been given to Dr. Bennett during his stay in Mass General. There was a twice daily schedule for him to take these medicines. It was painful to see him take a couple of them because they clearly burned Dr. Bennett as they went down and he showed the results of having had to take such and endure the pain as they went down, for so many weeks.

All of those medicines were amazing to us because Dr. Bennett had not been forced into the hospital for medical reasons. Remember? He was “sectioned” by Somerville Cambridge Protective and Elder Services without any psychologist or psychiatrist having examined him. The woman who signed for him to be sectioned had never even met Dr. Bennett. In addition, Dr. Bennett had never overdosed on drugs or alcohol nor did he have public displays which would threaten people in the public nor was he a threat to himself. In fact, Dr. Bennett does not smoke, drink alcohol, does not take drugs and has never had even a hint of mental problems. So it was quite a shocker to discover that a couple of the “medicines” sent home with Dr. Bennett were psychotropic drugs. Therein the light began to dawn and we begin to understand where the flights of fancy Dr. Bennett had about being other places and having a hard time knowing where he was – it became clear to us where those things had come from.

That has all cleared up as the drugs in his system were eliminated and he is himself again. That made all of us breathe a huge sigh of relief when we realized he would be fine, but it also seriously angered us to know how much ugliness had been done to such an incredibly lovely person.

When Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett was in Mass General he was kept in bed for five weeks. That would have destroyed or “incapacitated” many people. Thank God that did not happen to Dr. Bennett. As we went back over what he had been given, we knew from the very brief conversations we had with him over the telephone when he was in the hospital that something was wrong because one day he would sound fine and the next he would be exhausted for no apparent cause. We discovered that he was given drugs that were depressives and a couple of them were sent home with him. Our guess was that this is what one had to do to keep someone in bed for such a long period of time, who was not sick and who had been as active as Dr. Bennett had been.

Because of the agreement Dr. Bennett’s son had to make with Somerville Cambridge Protective and Elder Services just to get Dr. Bennett home, we could not simply stop giving Dr. Bennett the drugs sent home with him from Mass General Hospital. We were forced to continue giving hime those drugs. Dr. Bennett’s son had to negotiate with a doctor that because these were not prescription drugs, none given in the course of some disease, or for any other real medical reason, why did he have to take them and wouldn’t it be possible to stop them because they were not needed and were clearly causing Dr. Bennett physical and psychological problems. The doctor agreed and those drugs were no longer given to Dr. Bennett. Once they cleared out of his system he was back and strong. The bill for those drugs must be horrendous and we would guess into at least a couple hundred dollars.

Today, we are dealing with the Home Care People who come into the house.

That was the hardest of all to accept. A large part of the agreement Dr. Bennett’s son had to make for Dr. Bennett to be able to leave Mass General Hospital was they had to agree to allow Home Care People from Blissful Agency into the house. The Bennett/Donaldsons concern was the possibility of the family coming down with coronavirus because of so many people coming and going. Before Dr. Bennett was released, Ms. Donaldson kept herself inside the house and didn’t let anyone into the house because she knew Dr. Bennett would one day be home and she wanted to make sure the house was as clear as possible of coronavirus because she had sheltered at home and closed the home to others. Now it was open to whoever the Blissful Agency sent and they had no say so over anything.

So far, the nurses they have sent have done exceptional jobs. They take care to have on a mask and gloves. If their clothes have picked up something from the many places they go we had no control of that and that still worries all of us. We could only stand aside and pray hard that Dr. Bennett and Ms. Donaldson would get through this too without coming down with the coronavirus.

There have been a couple exceptional experiences. One is yet to come this Friday at 10am when the “Occupational Therapist” comes back. This is the most amazing and the most negative experience so far, from what we could see. We had some questions about her first visit, but decided to keep an open mind. Dr. Bennett and his family said they did not need an “Occupational Therapist” and there was an appointment for the afternoon and that was supposed to be a “Physical Therapist.” Instead, the Occupational Therapist who the family said was not necessary came anyway and it was not a great experience.

She visited Dr. Bennett’s bathroom and had him sit on the toilet and get up – but he was completely dressed at the time, so maybe that was routine. She also had him get into the shower – fully clothed. The Donaldson/Bennett’s have a walk-in shower so there are no impediments to anyone getting in or out.

The “Occupational Therapist” suggested a stool be put in the shower, which she thought was needed. It was a bit strange because she knew Dr. Bennett and Ms. Donaldson showered together so exactly what a stool in the shower would do was a bit mystifying, but trying to be open and accepting and keeping up the spirit of the agreement the Bennett/Donaldsons did just that.

Last night, however, they received a telephone call from the “Occupational Therapist” who said she would arrive on Friday about 10am and she wanted to see Dr. Bennett take an actual shower and not with his clothes on.

There we had a real problem. Since Dr. Bennett is now completely mobile; goes for walks every day of at least one mile; rides his stationary bicycle daily and has access to two other pieces of exercise equipment in his home on a daily basis with no problems, his ability to get around and do whatever he needs to do is not in question so what was the point of having to see him take a shower – sans clothes – and a walk-in shower at that made no sense.

Dr. Bennett and Ms. Donaldson agreed, but with the proviso that Dr. Bennett take a shower the way he normally would – which is with his wife.

Also amazingly, the “Occupational Therapist” thought that would be fine.

We wondered if we should film this “Home Care Shower Exhibit” because we would probably be able to sell the film to a porn film group and we wondered further what that had to do with home care?

Our next installment will go into detail about the breaking of the agreement Dr. Bennett’s son made with Somerville Cambridge Protective and Elder Services which Somerville Cambridge Protective and Elder Services broke on Tuesday and continue to break daily with the extreme harassment they and Attorney O’Sullivan are bringing down onto the backs of Dr. Bennett and Ms. Donaldson. It is what they have done continually for all of the time they have harassed, injured, attempted to destroy this African American family. This time they are coming around with a scenario to send up a picture of this being Jews and Blacks harassing each other, however, we see the shadows of the real culprits in the background – doing what? – for how much money? The picture becomes uglier exponentially, but clearer as to what is really happening here.


the Robert Bennett Story gets worse!

Friday, April 10th, 2020

We received a telephone call today from two Social Workers from Mass General Hospital, who work in the section 12 area of Mass General.

They called to say Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett could be released to his home as of Monday if his family agreed to their terms but this retired Episcopal priest could not be released in time to celebrate Easter with his family because “people do better if they are released on a Monday instead of at the end of the week.”  His religion and religious status would not make a difference.

First – we need to say he was admitted to Mass General on March 3rd not for health reasons but because of a section 12 charge filed against him by Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services. This charge was filed against a man they had not met, had not evaluated, whose home they had not assessed, with no program in place that had been violated. Somerville Cambridge Protective and Elder Services had no contact with Dr. Bennett at all.

He was discharged on March 4th about 3:30am  because there was no reason to keep him and there was no reason even for the charge to have been filed against him.

In spite of that, another section 12 charge was filed against him on March 6th – again not for health reasons, and again by Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services.  

He was discharged from that first section 12 just two days prior to the same charge being pressed against him.  He was released because Mass General found no reason to hold him.  He was released with his vitals in the normal range, no medicines prescribed and the question unanswered as to why he was “arrested” to be so incarcerated  because he did not fit any part of the profile of those for whom the section 12 was created.  Especially those who were picked up by the police and forced by the police into the hospital on such a charge.  it was an extremely demeaning, disgraceful, disrespectful and racist action against a well respected, accomplished, highly educated African American man who accomplished much in his life and had never been associated with the drugs, alcohol, psychotic breaks associated with such a charge.  Nor had he ever been considered a threat to society or to himself which is also a part of the section12.

This second time around charge filed against Dr. Bennett on March 6th which Attorney James O’Sullivan had gone to Court to get – was combined with a “Protective Order” to put with the section 12 to make sure Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett would not get out of the hospital, but would be retained in the hospital indefinitely because whoever controlled the Protective Order controlled Dr. Bennett’s freedom and that was clearly what Somerville Cambridge Protective and Elder Services intended and had done in concert with Attorney O’Sullivan.

Before this happened, Dr. Bennett had been in Mass General for brain surgery which was very successful.  His recovery was amazing and witnessed by many people – some of whom have given us sworn statements as to what they observed of Dr. Bennett over the few days he had of freedom from the hospital after the surgery.  Those statements talk about his walking around his neighborhood, talking to friends, laughing and joking with those he passed who knew him and more.

In spite of that, Somerville Cambridge Elder Services went after this family upon his release.  It was elder abuse on steroids.  Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective services  did not know Dr. Bennett – had not met him – no psychologist from their group examined him – they did not visit his home to do an assessment if they had legitimate concerns – nothing.  They just sent the police (8 white policemen – five or six EMT’s, police cars all over his street, a hospital gurney on the sidewalk flanked by two EMT’s, two ambulances in the middle of the block) all of whom were there to pick up this African American man and forcibly put him in the hospital in the part of the hospital where such out of control people were kept.  If Dr. Bennett objected, the police claimed they had the authority to break down his front door; go through the house to search for him wherever that took them and whatever damage they did in the process would not be their fault nor responsibility; and if he objected and refused they were to carry him out.  That produced quite a bit of theatre in the neighborhood – people were running from the river to see what was happening, neighbors came out of their homes, people passing by stopped to see what this was all about and the police pushed into Dr. Bennett’s home and swarmed all over the house.  Dr. Bennett was sitting in his dining room through all of this. 

That kind of authority was given to the police over a man about a section 12 on March 6th – a man who had been taken to Mass General on a section 12 on March 3rd and released on March 4th because there was no reason to keep him.  In other words the filing and forcing of a man from his home into the hospital was done on what we believe was a trumped up charge to attempt to gain control over the man and his assets.

The attempt at his assets is clear when you see he was described to the Court under oath as being “indigent” – which he is not.  And then you see Somerville Cambridge Protective and Elder Services attempting to force his family to get Mass Health whether they qualified for it or not with Somerville Cambridge Protective and Elder Services using that instead of any other insurance the family may have.  

The history of the relationship between the Elder Services Group and Mass Health is highly suspicious and needs to be investigated.  Is it a means for those who need such to have Health Insurance coverage subsidized by the state and/or does it have a secondary use as a means to identify and strip away the assets of some of those forced to use Mass Health even though they don’t qualify for and don’t need Mass health because they are adequately covered in other ways?  With  those who do not qualify not being given a choice, but are forced to apply for and use Mass Health.

It was also clear that this African American man was being attacked by Somerville Cambridge Protective and Elder Services with the backing of Mass General because of his race – African American.  It would not have happened if Dr. Bennett was white, especially this would not have happened to anyone in that Brattle Street neighborhood of Harvard Square where Dr. Bennett lives – when he is not being hauled out of his house by the police.

He has been kept at Mass General under the section 12 and a Protective Order for some 5 weeks now.  He has been kept in bed or in the chair next to the bed.  In an area 7 feet by 9 feet – no friends allowed to visit – no telephone calls put through – no family allowed to see him.  Dr. Bennett’s space in that room for 2 1/2 of the five weeks and counting that he has been in Mass General – was about 1/4th of the room.  Three days before his proposed release – Dr. Bennett was moved to the more spacious side of the room with wall to wall windows. That side of the room had been empty for days prior to that and no movement was made to move Dr. Bennett to the next bed releasing him from his 7 by 9 foot “cell”.

His wife could only see him 1/2 hour per day and then only with a Security Guard in the room.  In actual fact, she was able to see him only three times in two and one half weeks.  After that no one could visit because the hospital was closed to visitors because of the coronavirus.  We have documented in other places the incredibly demeaning and disrespectful way she was treated which included a Security Guard threatening to physically throw her out of the hospital.

Five weeks later, Mass General is ready to discharge Dr. Bennett “sort of”. No one has ever said to any member of the family nor to anyone else we contacted why Dr. Bennett had been kept so incarcerated for five plus weeks.

Among the terms of his release, the “Protective Order” under which he was being kept would have to stay.  That order accused his wife of abuse.  The Social Workers, in the conversation with his wife said “we know you and Robert are devoted to one another so we know no harm will come to him.   But the order accusing her of abuse stays.”  They also said both ” they and Somerville Cambridge Protective and Elder Services knew Dr. Bennett’s wife did not and had not abused him.”  We have also seen letters from the lawyers saying the same thing.  The ‘Protective Order”, however, claims something very different.

The “Protective Order” is one in which Attorney O”Sullivan asked the Court to invalidate Dr. Bennett’s then current Health Care Proxy which was created by Mass General Hospital naming his wife as his Health Care Proxy.  That was created by Mass General after an investigation of Dr. Bennett’s Health Care Proxies by the person at Mass General who creates such proxies.

The Court went along with Attorney O’Sullivan in a hearing during which only one side was represented because the other side was not given notice.  That hearing was one which would determine whether Robert Bennett would remain free or be “incarcerated” in the hospital or some other place. The fact that such a hearing even took place without notice of such being given to Dr. Bennett was a gross violation of Dr. Bennett’s rights, especially since he was able to say clearly what he wanted or did not want.  We wonder how many other people are and have been in that same position and is this how Somerville Cambridge Protective and Elder Services, along with other such groups and their attorneys function. That “Protective Order” invalidated what was then the legal Health Care Proxy and put in its place one which had previously been invalidated because it was not signed by Dr. Bennett; was not signed by him  because he did not know of its existence; Dr. Bennett additionally did not want the person named in the “forged” Health Care Proxy as his Proxy.  

When Dr. Bennett discovered such a Proxy existed he hired a probate attorney to make sure his wishes were definitely expressed and that the Health Care Proxy was properly signed and witnessed by two people who have known Dr. Bennett and his family for a few decades.

Unfortunately that Proxy had a typo in the last date – which in most places reflected the November 18, 2019 date on which it was created and signed, but in that one place – after Dr. Bennett’s signature and before the signature of the witnesses was November 18, 2018.

That was the reason Mass General stepped in to replace that with the one they created and they stepped in because they realized there was a conflict with two Health Care Proxies naming two different people as Dr. Bennett’s proxy and after talking to Dr. Bennett for a considerable time they also understood that Dr. Bennett had not known of the existence of the first Proxy and had not signed it although it showed a signature claiming to be Dr. Bennett’s.

There were other things in the Protective Order which were and are clearly not true.  We cannot speak to the total of what is in the Protective Order because it was impounded and not available.  We can only wonder why!

Mass General has now said it will send Dr. Bennett home on Monday April 14th, but that Protective Order must stand along with its forged Health Care Proxy, which they know is forged, have known its history since Dr. Bennett was discharged from Mass General Hospital on March 1st and they know there is a Heatlh Care Proxy created properly by Mass General and is in Dr. Bennett’s best interest.

There had been an ongoing demand that Dr. Bennett would not be released from Mass General until his family filed an application for Mass Health.  That delayed Dr. Bennett’s release for quite some time.The demand was that if Dr. Bennett’s family did not fill out and accept Mass Health, Dr Bennett would not be released.  Mass Health was the insurance Somerville Cambridge Protective Services was demanding be used.  Even though they knew Dr. Bennett had other insurance which was more then adequate, to Somerville Cambridge Protective and Elder Services that was not going to happen and Dr. Bennett would not be released unless his wife filled out the Mass Health application and that insurance be used.
Problem with that was Dr. Bennett did not qualify for Mass Health and already had more than adequate insurance with two insurance companies.  No one could tell either Dr. Bennett nor his family as to why Mass Health needed to be added as a third insurance company.  After conferring with people who knew about such things, Dr. Bennett’s family discovered they would be on the edge of insurance fraud depending upon how these insurances policies would be used. 

From information and belief we have found that is a standard with Somerville Cambridge Protective and Elder Services.  They demand that their clients file an application for Mass Health and they were the ones making the demand that Dr. Bennett file for such in spite of the fact that they had checked and found he had adequate insurance without this extra policy.  In spite of that Somerville Cambridge Protective and Elder Services blocked Dr. Bennett’s release from Mass General because of this “glitch” and refused to allow him to be discharged from the hospital until that was done.  We know that because we have seen the correspondence concerning such.

When Somerville Cambridge Protective and Elder Services went to Court to get the Protective Order and the section 12 to keep Dr. Bennett in the hospital they claimed under oath that Dr. Bennett was “indigent”.  We wondered at the time why that was done, especially since Somerville Cambridge Protective and Elder Services knew better.

We wondered if this demand for Mass Health was being done to save face, until several people contacted us after we started circulating the Bettina Network Blog with articles about what was happening with Dr. Bennett.

People who contacted us had been through horrendous times with the same people. The demand that they have Mass Health was made and they acquiesced because they would do anything to get their family member home.  Because of that when they were out from under the elder abuse they experienced under Somerville Cambridge Protective and Elder Services and other such groups in the Commonwealth with the legal representation of Attorney James O’Sullivan, they discovered all of their property and possessions were gone.  

There is something in Mass Health which demands that you give them permission to put liens against your property and they then move against you to enforce and collect on those liens and that left several people homeless and broke.  For some, the threat of being so moved against led them to just give up their property and other assets.  Other insurance policies – including the ones Dr. Bennett had – do not charge to you what Mass Health pays to the health providers and we think that is the case if you have Mass Health and it is given to you in spite of the fact that you do not qualify.  If we are correct, that is why liens are filed on peoples’ property and why Mass Health and/or others are able to force the collection of such liens.  If we are correct, then it becomes even clearer why the attack on Dr. Bennett and his family happened.  All one has to so is to look at the home they own.

We wondered who then profited?   The people contacting us didn’t know because they were not skilled in the law nor in the knowledge of how to follow up or attempt to prevent such and so they are a part of the quiet group who have suffered at the hands of Somerville Cambridge Protective and Elder Services, among other such groups.  One person who so contacted us was under the Boston group.  He also lost everything – left the state – and will not put his foot across the Massachusetts State line.  His story makes Dr. Bennett’s look small by comparison.  

A second demand of the social workers at Mass General was that Dr. Bennett’s family accept the “program” they put in place as a condition for Dr. Bennett’s return home.

When Dr. Bennett was forced into the hospital by the police, he was in very good physical, mental and emotional shape, so they did not understand why an extensive program was  now going to be put in place for his return home five/six weeks after having been in a medical/health institution which is supposed to be about improving your health.  

None of Dr. Bennetts friends, family or associates had been able to see him over those five weeks so no one was able to tell just what kind of condition he was in.  Only over this past week has his family been able to talk to him over the telephone.

The Mass General Social Workers and his “team”  put in place a “Home Care” group of their choosing to go into Dr. Bennett’s home to take care of him for an indeterminate period of time.

Questions Dr. Bennett’s family had about those arrangements were not answered.  They were told this group had been selected by Mass General and therefore were great.  Dr. Bennett’s family was also told that in spite of the fact that they had their own resources for such and wanted to choose the people who would help with any care Dr. Bennett needed. They were told that was not possible.  

Given the fact that when Dr. Bennett was discharged from Mass General and went to the rehab place Mass General recommended he found it was quarantined because of the flu. – Mass General’s track record with Dr. Bennett and his family was not great.  But then this is an African American family so maybe the institutions choices are neither scrutinized nor made the way they would be for others.

We wanted to know why so many “home care” people were being put in place to go in and out of his home daily especially since his wife had kept to herself in their home, not allowed anyone in to make sure the home would be as safe as possible for Dr. Bennett’s return home, given the coronavirus threat.   This new group being pushed on Dr. Bennett’s family seemed to be an opening of the door to the virus and inviting it and its relatives in to stay awhile and do its best damage to Dr. Bennett and his family.

When everyone else is being told to “shelter in place” to not go in and out of each others homes, etc. to be safe from this virus – why was this in and out of his home by several people on a daily basis being forced on Dr. Bennett’s family?  Especially some six weeks down the road from his surgery from which he clearly had made a remarkable recovery in the days right after he left the hospital and before his incarceration at Mass General Hospital claiming two section 12’s in one week.

The answer was – they take the same precautions people working in Mass General take daily before going in and out of the hospital.

We checked on the company and this is what we found –

          1.  That is not true

          2.  Their reviews include the following –

Gail Hermann Shea reviewed Blissful Homecare — 1 star

March 11, 2017 · Awful..buyer beware…finding urine soaked loved ones is a horror. 

Mike Blanchard reviewed Blissful Homecare — 1 star

January 29, 2017 · The worst visiting nurse company I ever had!! Some of them can not follow simple instructions. If you want to end up, in my opinion, in a worse medical condition then you started off with, then go ahead and use them. You might be sorry you did.. 
Medicare’s rating is 2 1/2 stars out of a possible 5

Our largest concern is, given this enormous “Home Care” situation about to be set up in Dr. Bennett’s home – in the home of a man who was walking, talking, joking, enjoying life before he was forced against his will into Mass General Hospital,  why Robert Bennett was now, apparently,  being sent home in much worse shape than he was in when he was forced into Mass General twice – once discharged positively with no reason as to why he should have been forced in and the second time kept for five weeks in a small 7 x 9 foot area with no window, surrounded by a curtain which kept him from even seeing the sun let alone being in the sun for even five minutes.  He was walking, jogging, enjoying the company of friends after his surgery and before he was forced into Mass General.  Now they claim he has to be on a bed with an alarm if he gets up; an alarm on his chair for the same reason and they claim he has a difficult time walking – especially  without support and many more such deficiencies.

We don’t know if that is his actual condition, or if this is what seems to be the normal route taken by Protective and Elder Services.  This group seems to demand a lot of “home care” for those they work with, without the patient or family’s permission.  We wonder if that is why no one has been able to see Dr. Bennett to be able to evaluate his condition.  

One of the people who contacted us told us his story of the Elder Services group putting a lot of “home care” in place for him – most of which he did not need – claiming he could not make decisions for himself and with that excuse they totally ruined his life and destroyed his assets which he had worked a lifetime to put together.  He was not wealthy by any means, but he said he was a pauper when all of that was over and he was never in such a state that he could not make his own decisions and he was able to get around on his own in spite of them trying to keep him still, not moving.  He knew if he went along with that his life was over so when no one was looking he made sure to exercise, walk and try to keep his strength up. 

Dr. Bennett’s family consulted with a neurologist who they asked to evaluate Dr. Bennett.  The chief neurologist  was only able to do so by reading the record because he was not able to actually physically see Dr. Bennett to compare the record with his actual condition.  Dr. Bennett’s current Health Care Proxy – while she did not say no to this Chief Neurologist being able to examine Dr. Bennett for his family, she obfuscated to the point where it became impossible except by accessing the records to do so and that with difficulty.

When his wife asked that the Protective Order be removed and the Mass General created Health Care Proxy be re-established she was told no that would not happen.  

When she asked why now was he being allowed back into his home when the abuse charge against her still stood.   The Social Workers said that would not be removed, but everybody  knew she had not abused her husband and everyone knew how devoted they were to each other, but the Protective Order with its abuse charge would still stand.

Also, she was told that if the agency which Medicare rates at 2 1/2 stars complains about Robert Bennett’s wife, he would be removed back to the hospital.

P. S.  This is an African American family!

P. P. S.  When Dr. Bennett was discharged from Mass General after his brain surgery he was discharged to a rehab place which was under quarantine for the flu.  Would that have been done if Dr. Bennett were not African American?  And when one enters the rehab to which Dr. Bennett was sent – without saying anything about the kind of job it does – one notices the color changes from white at Mass General to black at the rehab place to which it was suggested Dr. Bennett spend a bit of time.  One also wonders why Dr. Bennett’s wife’s suggestion of Spaulding Rehabilitation Center in Charlestown as a rehab center for Dr. Bennett was immediately turned down as a possibility for Dr. Bennett by the Mass General people who said where he should go.

Dr. Bennett made the choice to accept Mass Geenral’s suggestion of rehab not because of any physical reasons or physical incapacity he felt because his first choice was to go home after his ordeal, but he accepted their suggestion because of spiritual reasons.

The threat from Mass General to force Dr. Bennett’s family to accept their terms is that Dr. Bennett would be discharged to a nursing home instead if the family did not accept this suggestion.  This was about the fifth threat of sending Dr. Bennett to a nursing home if the family did not do something Somerville Cambridge Protective and Elder Services along with the Section 12 part of Mass General Hospital was trying to force on this family.  Their threats continued on to giving  guardianship over him to different agencies.  The last such threat made by Somerville Cambridge Protective and Elder Services and the Section 12 personnel making up Dr. Bennett’s “team” to Dr. Bennett’s family was that guardianship over Dr. Bennett would be given to the Jewish Agency for Family and Children if they and Dr. Bennett did not accept this release under their terms and he would then be sent to a Hebrew Nursing Home –  Dr. Bennett, a retired Episcopal priest who is strongly wedded to his denomination.  

 Given what is happening with the many people dying from coronavirus in nursing homes – with the virus spreading fast amongst nursing homes around the country including the Greater Boston area that is a potent threat.  

Countered against the threat of several people coming in and out of Dr. Bennett’s family daily bringing the threat of the coronavirus to Dr. Bennett, Ffrom what Dr. Bennett’s family has heard as they checked out this company that is also a very potent threat.  That put up against a much safer, more caring, more concerned and more capable home in which Dr. Bennett has lived for 36 years safely with his wife until his current Health Care Proxy involved herself in his health care – is an amazing set of choices – especially given the order in which those three choices stand.

His family cannot choose who they prefer to provide whatever care Dr. Bennett needs – that has to be chosen by those making such choices under the Mass General Hospital banner supplemented by or led by Somerville Cambridge Protective and Elder Services.  This includes those responsible for the forged Health Care Proxy and that includes the person who forged his health Care Proxy so she could be in the position of his Health Care Proxy.  

This is one reason why the dichotomy in the numbers of African Americans with the coronavirus and this is why such disparities will continue.  Every right possessed by Americans with their health care and guaranteed by the Constitution – including Dr. Bennett’s right to vote –  have been denied to Dr. Bennett and his family – with the attitude that those doing the denying have the right and the power over them to do so.  

It is also assumed that the manipulation of the Court and the lies told to the Court to obtain this outcome was right and just and why would Dr. Bennett and his family expect anything any different.

When Dr. Bennett went to Mass General, we and his family felt Mass General was fantastic and we said so to everybody.

Our experience with this is beginning to make a change in that evaluation.

Especially since we noticed the section 12 is really the back door at Mass General and the color changes quickly as you get into that area.  For example, there are almost no African American nor other minority nurses in other parts of the hospital.  A majority of the nurses in that part of the hospital are minority nurses – mostly African Americans along with a majority of African Americans with Caribbean accents as aides in that part of the hospital.  Is there a reason minority nurses qualify to work in the section 12 part of the hospital and not, for example, in neurology? 

We want to be very clear about this – Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett’s family wants him home desperately.  They do not, however, want him home only to have the structure in place – as it is now – which will simplify and accelerate the process for him to be picked up once again by the police and brought back to the hospital and this is clearly what this is about.  They would like Dr. Bennett to be released, as he should have been weeks ago – and actually, he should immediately be released because he should never have been so incarcerated to begin with.  

The racism within all of this is screaming!


Monday, March 30th, 2020


My husbands name is Rev. Dr. Robert A. Bennett, Jr.

My name is Marceline Donaldson

Why is MGH allowing itself to be used to abuse and destroy my African American husband? They have been so used by Somerville Cambridge Elder Affaires since March 1st.  Elder abuse by an organization supposed to stop such, but has used this more than once to its advantage and to the advantage of those who work there against the people they serve.  They engage in Medicare Fraud on a regular basis.  They recruit people to use their services by using a form of Medicare Fraud.

I can be reached at 617 497 9166

or via email at bettinanetwork@comcast.net

or via regular mail at P. O. Box 380585, Cambridge, MA. 02238

  1. I am asking that my husband be released from Mass General Hospital where he is being held on a section 12. This is an abusive use of a section 12 to incarcerate an African American man without public knowledge, awareness, being listed anyplace of having been incarcerated.  If you check you will find such being used to incarcerate African American men and women in other parts of the U. S. A.

Dr. Bennett was not admitted to Mass General for Health Reasons. 

Robert Bennett had brain surgery at Mass General at the end of February and was discharged March 1st with no medicine prescribed and his vitals in the normal range.

3) He could have gone home.  He was in very good shape physically and emotionally.  He does not like to use medical services so going home and following up with rehab in his home which is equipped for such, was his first choice.

However, it was suggested he go to rehab after Mass General and Robert agreed to that after initially disagreeing because he just wanted to go home. He agreed because Mass General suggested he go to Sherrill House in Jamaica Plain. Since Robert is a retired Episcopal priest, that made him change his mind. He said the possible spiritual part might make it a good experience.

4) We arrived at Sherrill House about 2pm on March 1st.

5) Robert was brought to his room and put in a bed by the ambulance driver and attendant. At that point all of our expectations took a nose dive.

6) We stayed in the room waiting for someone to check Robert in but after about 35 minutes when no one from Sherrill House even came to say hello we became concerned. I went to the nurses desk to ask what was the procedure and what would happen via rehab. I was told the nurses were busy. Robert should stay in bed and not get out. If he needed to go to the bathroom he should pull the chain for the nurse and someone would come.

7) We did that. Robert was concerned because he went to the bathroom his last couple days at Mass General and didn’t want to revert back to catheters, etc. He rang for the nurse, no one came for some 45 minutes and by that time it was too late.

8) The nurse finally came, took his vitals and told him to stay in bed for the rest of the day. That was not what either of us thought happened at rehab so we were beginning to get a bit concerned.

9) I left about 7pm and returned the next day, Monday March 2nd,  about 11am. I was not able to see Robert because Sherrill House was quarantined. They had three or four patients on Roberts’ floor (2nd floor) who had the flu. I asked if they were separated from the rest of the patients and I was told no that was not necessary. With the coronavirus stories all around I asked what kind of flu and they did not know. I talked to Robert via telephone and we decided to go home where there was no one but us and especially no possibility of getting the flu. This was his second day at Sherrill House and he was still in the bed – no program for the day, nice people but no rehab. With the flu flying around he couldn’t walk around, activity was limited so it didn’t make sense to stay in bed when we had three pieces of exercise equipment at home, jacuzzi tub and more.

Robert said clearly he did not want to be involved in any more medical services or institutions. He would follow up with his surgery when it was time to go to Mass General clinic for a check up but that was it.

We said that to the people at Sherrill House and we left.

10) That Monday evening about 9-9:30pm a policeman rang our door bell and woke us up. He said he was there for a “wellness” check. Someone called concerned that Robert was not alright and asked for such a check. I answered the door. Robert heard the policeman at the door and came to see what was the problem. He did not want me alone at that time of night with a policeman ringing the doorbell.

11) The policeman apologized for waking us up – said everything seemed fine and left.

12) The next morning about 10:30am eight white policemen arrived at the front door of this African American man – ringing the bell along with 5 or 6 EMT people. I answered the door and looked out and the street was covered with police cars – a couple ambulances – a hospital gurney on the sidewalk with the neighbors coming out of their houses because of all that was going on. The police pushed into our house and said they came for Robert. They had an order to pick him up and take him to Mount Auburn Hospital.

We were appalled. Robert said he was not going. He wanted no more medical services or anything else and was not leaving his house. The police said he didn’t have a choice they were there on a “section 12” and he had to get on the gurney and into the ambulance because they had a Court Order to pick him up. Their order said they could break the door and do whatever to get Robert out of the house.

A section 12 is taken out to pick up someone who is an immediate threat to society and to self.  Robert was neither.

It is a psychiatric section and there was never a whiff of any mental or related problems with Robert ever in life.  But here he was being forced out of his home by EIGHT WHITE MALE POLICEMEN TO BE TAKEN TO THE HOSPITAL.

We decided to go and work out whatever this was.

Not, however, to Mount Auburn Hospital, but to Mass General since he just had surgery at Mass General and it made no sense that they had something sending Robert to Mount Auburn Hospital. None of this made any sense until we saw the greed, racism, power needs of those involved in causing Dr. Bennett and his family this horrific experience.

That was before we knew who and what this was about. 

Clearly, Mount Auburn was seen by Somerville Cambridge Elder Services as more compatible to what they wanted to do and the way they wanted to destroy Robert Bennett’s reputation, health, wealth and everything else they could destroy.  The anger we saw directed at this African American man was unreal.  With people we came into contact, especially from Somerville Cambridge Elder Services their emotions were not discussable and it was the jealousy and rage of racism when whites who see themselves as having and being less than an African American moves to destroy that African American.  It is exhibited in the KKK poses riders who went after Blacks during slavery and after reconstruction when blacks who achieved, black cities which were established and doing well were destroyed and black men, women and children were massacred . 

13) We arrived at Mass General and discovered we were being taken to a “special” emergency room where there were security people all around the room who looked like the security people around the president of the United States. The “section 12” was a psychiatric section where people are picked up who are considered a danger to the public, etc. for drinking, drugs, psychotic breaks, etc.

There had never in Robert’s life been even a hint of such. Robert does not drink, does not smoke, does not take drugs, has never had a psychotic break so he didn’t fit any of the criteria for being picked up on a section 12.

The psychologist who signed the papers which allowed the police to pick up Robert and force him from his home said, in writing, on the forms she had to fill in to cause this that she had never met Robert, never examined him, never been in his home. In spite of that she had him picked up on this section 12 and declared his home “unsafe,”

She needs to lose whatever license or licenses she has.

14) About 2am on Wednesday morning, a psychiatrist came to examine Robert. We sat in the emergency room from the time we arrived about 11am until this Doctor arrived because he had many people to interview before us – there were apparently several psychiatrists working, doing the same thing. 

After the interview the psychiatrist said there was no reason for Robert being there. He left to talk to the “team”. A physician came back – not the same one – and said Mass General was lifting the section 12 because it didn’t fit Robert. We received a discharge paper which said – “no medicines are being prescribed” and all of Robert’s vitals are normal including his blood pressure.

Robert was discharged and we were exhausted. Robert had not eaten – no water – no nothing. So clearly the group who had Robert incarcerated at Mass General were clearly not interested in his health or healing. That is also shown in many different ways.  The attorneys and those who work at Somerville Cambridge Elder Services also showed that lack of caring, but interest in this kind  and other kind of cruel and vicious activity against the elderly which pads their pockets and helps their careers move forward.

15) When we returned home, after that really harrowing time, we had breakfast and walked around the neighborhood.  Robert Bennett walked around the neighborhood under his own power, no walker, no cane, no help.  He didn’t need such and had never needed such.

This was Wednesday March 4th.  Robert had this very brief time of enjoying the company of a few friends – to sit by the Charles River for a time and went home.

A short time because more of the same was to come within the next 48 hours.

16) It was a horrifying experience to take an African American man out of his home by force with 8 policemen – all white – arriving – to incarcerate him in the hospital on a trumped up psychiatric charge.

When Robert said he wanted no more medical services – that trumped up parading out of a section 12 to incarcerate him in a hospital was a clear violation of his right to make that decision and a very angry slap back at Robert for rejecting more medical care and services – especially since they were not needed nor wanted. 

As his Health Care Proxy I backed that up. We should have been left alone. Forced into a medical facility I would think amounts to Medicare Fraud.  It certainly violates Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett’s right to make that kind of decision.  Craps all over another of his rights – like they did blowing through his right to vote.

17) Not only were Robert’s rights to decline medical services violated, Tuesday – March 3rd was primary day for voting. Robert could not cast a vote as he was forcibly detained at Mass General Hospital where he could not leave – his right to vote was taken away because of what was happening – and Robert Bennett asked several times about needing to vote.  He was told he could not leave until and unless the section 12 was lifted.

We were confused becasue we didn’t think we lived in a police state, but here we were being treated with every right destroyed in the crudest, most painful, most horrifying and demeaning way possible.

18.) After being released from Mass General Hospital on Wednesday March 4th with the section 12 lifted, on Friday, March 6th – just two days later – the police arrived again.   – In another 1930’s Nazi Germany bit of theatre, performed for the neighborhood to continue demeaning and attempting to disgrace Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett – a Harvard Graduate School recipient of a PhD which he painfully earned in the 1960’s in Near Eastern Studies, which would have been an extremely difficult things to achieve for an African American Man,  the police arrived again saying they had a  Court Order and came to pick up Robert to take him to Massachusetts General Hospital on a section 12. 

We could not see the order.  The policeman, who seemed to be in charge, pushed his cell phone in Marceline Donaldsons face and said she could read that if she wanted to see an order, but he did not have and was not going to get anything else.  He said he had the right to break down the door, go all over the house looking for Robert Bennett, take him out of the house whether he wanted to go or not and if he declined and said he was not going they had the authority to carry him out.  He said any damage that might happen to the house in the process was not their fault nor their responsibility.

We said Robert Bennett had just come back from Mass General Hospital on a section 12 with a discharge and very clear record. Another policeman asked to see the discharge papers.  Marceline Donaldson went to get them and after looking at the papers he said they had some suspicious places and he didn’t see them as a real discharge – it had problems.

There were no problems with the discharge papers. There were no ifs, ands or buts, they were very clear.  The police didn’t care about that. They had a Court Order which gave them the authority to break down their door if necessary, to push their way into their home – which they did even when Marceline Donaldson told them not to cross the sill of their door.

The police ignored her and pushed their way in their home with the objective of finding Robert Bennett and even if he objected to force him out into the ambulance to be incarcerated at Mass General Hospital on a psychiatric charge – even though he had experienced the exact same thing just two days prior and the hospital found no psychiatric problems.  Robert Bennett was not a threat to society because of alcohol, drugs, psychotic break or anything els neither had he ever been in his life.

He was probably a threat to the way this United States society has chosen to order itself because he was an African American man living in a neighborhood which was “for white people only” and he had been “in their face” for some 36 years with the threat today of his African American family being in the same place and carrying on for another generation.  

19) This time the police also had a “Protective Order” obtained in a Court hearing which only one side knew about. A hearing with charges brought by Somerville Cambridge Elder Services represented by Attorney James O’Sullivan who represents many such groups throughout the state and who has caused untold suffering and loss of assets by many families throughout the state.

The first time Massachusetts General Hospital did not incarcerate Robert keeping him in the hospital indefinitely. They set him free because they ad no reason to do otherwise.

This second time Attorney O’Sullivan and Somerville Cambridge Elder Services were determined Robert would not walk free in this world, but would be incarcerated for as long as they could possibly hold him in the hospital until they could find a way to take over guardianship to keep him until he was in truth “indigent.” and they could walk away with his insurance maxed out and all of his other assets gone.

 Robert’s wife – Marceline Donaldson – was accused of abuse in the Court Order which followed the hearing with only one side represented. Everything presented by Attorney O’Sullivan was apparently accepted by the Court and everything Attorney James O’Sullivan requested was granted.

The fact that most of what he requested with the reasons he presented was not true – didn’t seem to matter to anyone. 

The abuse accusation against Marceline Donaldson was not true, but necessary because it was a needed accusation in that Court hearing for Attorney O”Sullivan to be able to push her aside because he wanted the Court to invalidate Robert Bennett’s wife as Health Care Proxy and he wanted her replaced with the Health Care Proxy which had been invalidated by the intervention of probate attorney McInnis and Mass General Hospital.

They could not raid Robert Bennett’s insurance and assets without that happening.

And there were other charges which were calculated to make it impossible for Robert Bennett to leave the hospital for quite a very long time – none of them about his health..

20) This was done on a Friday after 6pm with everything closed and inaccessible.

21) The Court invalidated the Health Care Proxy created by Mass General Hospital, which they created after very long interviews with Robert Bennett as to who he wanted for his Health Care Proxy and put in its place a Health Care Proxy which he believed was forged because he did not sign such a document and the person it set up as his Health Care Proxy was one he very specifically did not want in that position and had moved to get a Health Care Proxy created by a probate attorney so his right to decide and name who he wanted as his Health Care Proxy would happen.

Unfortunately, this Health Care Proxy System does not act in the way expected.  Your decisions can be reversed if the price is high enough. 

The Court declared Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett “indigent”. He was far from that designation,  however, that was a designation Attorney O’Sullivan and Somerville Cambridge Elder Services were accustomed to using and apparently have no problem lying about because of the doors it opens to raiding insurance, getting grand money under untrue circumstances, but not known by the grantees because of the Court giving cover to such actions while allowing other assets to be raided – which they are, today, in the process of doing.

The Health Care Proxy, which the Court invalidated in this hearing, surfaced in November 2019. Not having signed that Health Care Proxy and being concerned at its appearance, to protect himself, Robert asked a neighbor to draw up a Health Care Proxy for him because he did not want what was out there to stand. He said he had not signed nor knew anything about a Health Care Proxy naming Maliça Aronowitz as his Health Care Proxy and he very specifically did not want her to serve in that capacity. 

Robert Bennett wanted his wife – Marceline Donaldson to be his health care proxy. – the neighbor Robert Bennett asked was Don McInnis who is a probate attorney and has known Robert and his wife as neighbors who live across the street from one another for some 20 to 30 years.

22) That was the proxy Dr. Bennett and his wife gave to the Dr. Kehlman, who at the time was Robert Bennett’s primary care physician. Maliça Aronowitz came up with Dr. Kehlman, who Robert Bennett did not know and was not sure he wanted.

Dr. Kehlman has since been fired by Robert Bennett. Dr. Kehlman had the Health Care Proxy Maliça gave him naming her as Health Care Proxy. His nurse was given, in hand, the Health Care Proxy Don McInnis drew up for Robert Bennett and they acknowledged receipt of such.   On information and belief they have not honored that Health Care Proxy continuing to only recognize the Health Care Proxy given to them by Malica Aronowitz – a long time patient of theirs. 

23) When Robert’s wife brought him to Mass General, by ambulance, for what resulted in his recent brain surgery – she did so after talking to neurologists because of her concern about Roberts health at the time. He had fallen from the aftermath of two eye surgeries which he did not want but was pressured into and which were unsuccessful and took away some of the eyesight he had before both operations.

His ability to read was diminished after both surgeries.  Much of his peripheral vision in the eye in which the surgeries took place and which Maliça Aronowitz insisted  he have and which he should not have gone through.  

Those surgeries caused the fall which resulted in the brain surgery that started all of this.

During the brain surgery Maliça Aronowitz gave Mass General Robert’s Health Care Proxy which she knew had been invalidated and replaced by one created by the probate attorney Robert asked to create one to name the Health Care Proxy he wanted making decisions for him if he reached a position where he could not make his own decisions and that person was his wife.

24) When Robert and his wife, Marceline Donaldson, were getting ready to leave Mass General being discharged, the person who handles Health Care Proxies for Mass General said she wanted to talk to Robert about who he wanted as a Health Care Proxy because two things had happened. Unbeknowst to either Robert or his wife, Maliça Aronowitz, even knowing Robert had invalidated her Health Care Proxy, had given Mass General her Health Care Proxy as though it was the one that would be operational if Robert could not make his own decisions about his health.

25) Mass General had a concern because the Health Care Proxy the probate attorney drew up for Robert had a typographical error. At the bottom of the last page before Robert’s signature the date was November 18, 2019. After Robert’s signature and before the signature of the witnesses – Mrs Trudi Van Slyck and Mr. Don McInnis – the date was November 18, 2018. Both witnesses on that proxy were people who were friends of the Donaldson/Bennetts for some 30 years.

The woman who represents Mass General in Court about Proxies said she would be more comfortable creating a new Health Care Proxy so there would be no issues or questions and we would be safe. She did that and we left Mass General with a Health Care Proxy that reflected who Robert wanted as his Health Care Proxy.

The Donaldson/Bennetts had an issue following the first section 12 experience at Mass General Hospital.  One of the nurses took them aside to say they should know the Somerville Cambridge Elder Services group had been following the Donaldson/Bennetts for quite some time.  The person who said that to them did not know why they were being so followed, but because there didn’t seem to be a reason for Somerville Cambridge Elder Services to do that the nurse thought the Donaldson Bennetts should know about that surveillance.

26) In the Court Hearing, which gave Attorney Sullivan and Somerville Cambridge Elder Services a section 12 which they had served on Robert on March 6th, the judge also invalidated the Health Care Proxy naming Robert Bennett’s wife as his Health Care Proxy and put in place the Health Care Proxy naming the person Robert very specifically said he did not want as his Health Care Proxy.  Attorney O’Sullivan knew the two Health Care Proxies he was having invalidated were ones Dr. Bennett wanted and he knew the person so named was the person Dr. Bennett wanted to make Health Care decisions for him if he was unable to do so for himself.’=

In spite of that Attorney O’Sullivan did what he needed to do to have Robert Bennett’s choice of a Health Care Proxy removed and the one he and Somerville Cambridge Elder Services wanted to her place – positioned so they would have complete control over Robert Bennett and his assets and insurance.

27) Attorney Sullivan and Somerville Cambridge Elder Services play a very vicious game with families. They knew accusing Marceline Donaldson of abusing her husband would give the Court reason to replace her as his Health Care Proxy. and that is exactly what happened. 

Robert Bennett was exposed to health care decisions made by someone he very specifically said he did not want making decisions about his health.  He expressed that by having a probate attorney draw up a Health Care Proxy naming who he did want making those decisions. The Court replaced Robert Bennett’s decision for himself taking away another right he was supposed to have and activated the Health Care Proxy Attorney O’Sullivan wanted activated Robert’s rights over his health life were taken away.  The door was opened for the raid about to happen.

At that point in time, Robert Bennett was able to make his own decisions about his health choices, however, by activating the Health Care Proxy, the Court took those choices away from him, putting its own choices requested by Attorney James O’Sullivan on behalf of Somerville Cambridge Elder Services in the place of Robert Bennett’s desires when none of them knew if Robert could or could not make his own choices. 

The Court did this in a hearing about which Robert Bennett had not been notified and so could not be present.  It was a door open to outright robbery of Robert Bennett and of the Medicare System.

Robert Bennett is not in Massachusetts General Hospital for Health reasons. He is there for political and financial reasons and we ask that the Court reverse itself and put in place an order releasing Robert Bennett from Massachusetts General Hospital unconditionally.

We also ask that his Health Care Proxy that he chose be restored – and that is his wife, Marceline Donaldson.

We ask that the Court remove the abuse accusation against Marceline Donaldson – Robert Bennett’s wife. It was a lie told knowingly for the express purpose of having her removed as Health Care Proxy for Robert Bennett so Dr. Benett’s insurance and other things could be used and abused to the maximum. that is now what is happening.

Is that why MGH is allowing this to happen in its hospital? It brings in substantial money?  they know about and have known about this for some time and have done nothing.  In the biblical  tradition they called for a bowl of water – soup and a towel and washed their hands of any responsibility.   But this is happening in their facility. 

We also ask that the Court remove Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett’s designation as “indigent” – poverty stricken – which was declared to this Court as accurate by Attorney James O’Sullivan on behalf of Somerville Cambridge Elder Services. To so declare Dr. Bennett as “indigent” that opens a large amount of insurance money that would not otherwise be available to those taking advantage of the situation in which they put Dr. Bennett to raid his insurance for Somerville Cambridge Elder Services?

Two young women from Somerville Cambridge Elder Services came to the Bennett Home on Monday afternoon March 2nd and offered the Bennett/Donaldsons “free” everything. Someone to clean their house – free. Someone to cook their meals – free. Someone to walk their dog – “free”. And so much more. Dr. Bennett and his wife declined the services. They said they should be offered to those in need. Their house was taken care of, so were their meals, etc. The two young women were quite furious at that and showed their anger. Turns out the “free” was actually going to be paid for with Dr. Bennett’s insurance.  The women were Angela Clary and Noral Al Wataid – who worked in “Protective Services” for Somerville Cambridge Elder Services.

Dr. Bennett should be able to have an attorney of his choice, not an attorney appointed by the Court. But, since he was characterized by Attorney James O’Sullivan as “indigent” the Court appointed an attorney to represent Dr. Bennett. 

A Ms. Scott was appointed.

While Ms. Scott may or may not be a good attorney, that kind of continued taking away from Dr. Bennett the rights granted to him in these United Sates that continued what started with eight white policemen aggressively and viciously invading an African American man’s home.

After Ms. Scott was appointed – given the overload of cases she has she was not able to see Dr. Bennett for some two weeks after he was forced into MGH so he was consigned to Mass General Hospital, with no medical reason for being there, for an exceptionally long duration of time keeping him from his home and family – at least two weeks of which were added because the court appointed attorney was busy with other clients

His wife was over the top with concern about Dr. Bennett because she heard of Ms. Scott’s reasons for not being able to see him for two weeks.  She was constantly in and out of nursing homes with other patients and her time was limited.  The problems that could be caused with the coronavirus around with Dr. Bennett being seen by an attorney who was in and out of nursing homes was almost hysteria raising concerns about Dr. Bennett’s future life or lack of it.

To add to the sway the others would have over Dr. Bennett, his wife was precluded from seeing him on many days and severely time limited on others.

The time Dr. Bennett has been forced to remain in the hospital with no sun, no window, no ability to leave is now some four weeks. 

It is not acceptable for the Courts to put that kind of burden on a supposedly free citizen of these United State. Dr. Bennett  lost even his right to vote in the process of all of this. Dr. Bennett has lost his right to choose the Health Care Proxy he wanted. hHe has lost his freedom of movement since he is now confined to a hospital bed in a space some 7′ by 9′ for four weeks and counting for vicious reasons meant to keep him in that place. Dr. Bennett has lost the comfort and love of his wife and family. They are not being allowed into the hospital for visitation and he is not being allowed out and so much more.

In addition, Dr. Bennett’s wife was not able to see him nor was he able to see her for these four weeks except for 1/2 hour each day and even then for a very few of those days.

Marceline Donaldson was only allowed to see her husband with a Security Guard and armed Policeman present. The 1/2hour visits were few and far between because the Security Guards stopped her on many of those days and would not allow her to see her husband for very spurious reasons:

Guard Robert DuBois refused Ms. Donaldson the ability to see her husband claiming Robert Bennett had filed a restraining order against his wife. That was not true, but that was yet another day Dr. Bennett was kept from his family even for that small amount of time.

Additionally, the Security Guard threw Marceline Donaldson out of the hospital and was quite ugly to her in the process. The demeaning and disgrfaceful way the Bennett Donaldsons have been treated has been nonstop.

On other days she could not see Dr. Bennett because the hospital claimed to be short staffed and there were no available Security Guards and armed policemen who could spend 1/2 hour sitting in Dr. Bennett’s room while she visited. There were other such reasons which kept her from seeing her husband most days. And now she can’t see him at all because the hospital is restricted and visitors are not allowed because of the coronavirus scare.

Ms. Donaldson was also not allowed to talk to him via the telephone because that was not allowed.

That changed when a friend of the Bennett Donaldsons with the last name of Schlossberg called the hospital on Friday March 27th and asked to speak to Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett.  She was refused after being put on hold for more than 15 minutes; being transferred to security where they took her name and identification and kept her on hold another 10 minutes and then refused to allow her to speak to Dr. Bennett.  That was a common response to most people who called Dr. Bennett.

The Patient Advocate office called Ms. Donaldson within minutes of this friend being denied connecting to Dr. Bennett’s room to talk to him.  Ms. Donaldson was given Dr. Bennett’s telephone number where she could call him directly eliminating what Ms. Schlossberg went through trying to speak to Dr. Bennett on the telephone and was denied that right. 

Dr. Bennett has also not been able to see friends throughout this ordeal because he is on a “restricted” list. If you went to Mass General to see Dr. Bennett, before visitors were closed out, you were be told such a patient was not in the hospital.

And there is much more, but this has gotten very long and you know where the rest has been going.

We ask that everything else in the Protective Order be eliminated and Somerville Cambridge Elder Services be ordered to stay away from the Donaldson/Bennett family.

Respectfully Requested


Marceline Donaldson 

Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett

1933 Mississippi/2020 Greater Boston,MA.

Saturday, March 28th, 2020

Rev. Dr. Robert A. Bennett – the incredible, quiet, lovely, caring person who spent his life working for others, giving to others, helping those who crossed his path and needed help that he had to give has been made an example of in the tradition of the KKK possee which rode at night across places like Mississippi and Alabama to destroy the home, property, health and life of a N***** who didn’t know his place and didn’t stay in his place.

It is always amazing the people who joined that possee. They wore their faces covered so they could rejoin society the next day as though everything was fine and they were not a part of the ugly destruction of life that happened the night before. So do the people who have caused this to happen to Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett. They have rejoined society posing as loving, caring individuals working to help the elderly. This all amounts to elder abuse and will continue if not investigated and stopped.

You will not read about this nor see the story in any media. The only stories of interest to our current media that they will cover and report on are stories about coronavirus. That sells papers and electronic media and it costs very little to produce. So the media can rake in profits from their commercial advertisers and very little of those profits will be spent on producing the news and other stories for their consuming public.

Robert has been incarcerated in Massachusetts General Hospital for almost four weeks. He is not there for his health. He is there because he dared to achieve; to live in a neighborhood reserved for that class of Northern Europeans who have achieved mightily. His living in that neighborhood brings down the achievement and identity of those who spent much to have that privilege and that can’t be left to stand.

All through their 36 years living in the Brattle Street neighborhood in Cambridge, Massachusetts in the shadow of Harvard University, Dr. Bennett and his wife have had to endure, fight off, continue to carry on their lives under some of the most stressful conditions around. None of the attacks worked and they ranged from psychic to physical – Marceline Donaldson had her toes stomped recently by someone high up in the medical field – a new neighbor who found his multi-million dollar house was practically next door to an African American family. Something they didn’t know until they moved in after spending much to renovate their new house. This is someone rumored to work at one of the major hospitals in the Greater Boston area. What the Donaldson/Bennett’s experienced and endured is now the stuff of legend.

This latest is the arrival and movement into their lives of the 21st Century KKK type possee. People who previously didn’t know one another, but who worked together to achieve their goal of destroying this gentle soul.

And who has come to their rescue? Mostly those who experienced the same things because others don’t want to get involved. Which is why extreme racism in this country has endured over so many generations. It serves a wanted purpose.

” I talked to Robert by telephone yesterday and it was heart breaking. He has moved into his head trying to survive what he doesn’t understand. Why am I here – when can I leave – why have I been so treated”. and many more such questions. The same questions those watching and hearing about this travesty are asking. I understood what he was saying and why – he was rehearsing his life’s history and reliving a large part of it. I doubt that anyone else would because they don’t know and haven’t lived that history. When I talked to him he said he was in Denmark and was waiting for me to join him there. He went on to talk about things that actually happened in his life when he was in Denmark which was a good time in his life and one he was re-experiencing in his mind. The pain for me was unbearable remembering just a couple weeks ago standing in the Harvard Square Post Office – on a Thursday before the Friday this long incarceration started – talking with Xonabelle Clark, a friend of ours, having a great, fun conversation with someone we hadn’t seen in quite sometime. Robert was totally a part of that conversation. We walked to the post office from home, walked around Harvard Square and went home to enjoy a meal together. After these last four weeks of incarceration in Mass General Hospital, it will take some time before Robert can hold such a conversation with friends again. Before the surgery Robert had some memory loss. Right after the surgery that began to subside almost completely because the pressure was off the brain and his memory was back almost totally. Today, Robert would have to use a walker to take that same walk. Mass General Hospital has aided and abetted evil.” (Marceline Donaldson)

During the time Robert was in the hospital – all three almost four weeks – his wife was not able to talk to him via telephone. Why? Because the group that put him there and is determined to keep him there got a Protective Ordere – to “protect” Robert from his wife. By claiming his wife abused him, they were able to move her aside so she could not see or talk to him except very rarely. They were then able to claim that Robert was indigent ( in other words poverty striken and destitute) to open the Medicare pocket book even wider for their program for elders to succeed and their personal vocational goals to be achieved.

The few times she was allowed to visit Robert was limited to 1/2 hour per day and then only in the presence of Security Guards and Policemen (armed with guns).

How was she able to talk to him today – actually call him on the telephone using a telephone number for a telephone on the side of his bed when her telephone calls to others to attempt to talk to him in the past were met with phones being hung up on her as she made her request to talk to her husband? A friend called to talk to Robert today and that friend’s last name was Schlossberg.

Ms. Schlossberg didn’t get to talk to Robert – even with that illustrious name. She experienced what Marceline experienced. She was put on hold for some 15 minutes until someone else came to the phone and transferred her to the Security Unit. After providing identification as to who she was and waiting another 10 plus minutes, someone came back to the phone, told her could not talk to Robert and they hung up. We have the statement backing this up. We don’t write unless we have back-up statements.

However, the name Schlossberg must have gotten through when the security checked the persons identity because within 2 minutes of Ms. Schlossberg hanging up, Marceline’s phone rang at home and she was told that if she wanted to talk to her husband – that could be arranged. She was given a telephone number and told he would have a phone next to his bed on the side of the bed and he would be able to talk to her when she called and he could even call her. This happened over 3 weeks after Robert had been brought into the hospital against his will. Before that there was no telephone contact possible. Talking to doctors in the past, Marceline was told by them she could talk to her husband all she had to do was call the floor. When she tried doing what the doctors suggested – to call Robert after those doctors said she could talk to him – she was told that she could not.

Her 1/2 hour per day visits were not everyday because there was always a reason why she couldn’t visit her husband that day. The hospital was short staffed – the Security Guard told her Robert had filed a restraining order against her (which was not true – but used to refuse to let her see him that day and forced her to experience the ignominy of being thrown out of Massachusetts General Hospital. ) And on and on it went.

Every generation in these United States has had a way to force African Americans to experience truly horrible times. Each generation has lost beautiful black men and women to unspeakable criminal acts which they generated against themselves by being black.

Do you remember the young Mississippi teen ager who was beaten beyond recognition by the KKK possee, killed and thrown in the swamp? – He would only be about 75 today – so not that long ago. And he was not alone, there have been many such – hung, burned, beaten, bones broken and so much more. Today you have the modern KKK possee achieving the same goals, destroying blacks in vicious, evil ways. And with all of our media – what of this have you heard or read about?

Has that sort of thing stopped? No! It has changed to keep up with the times – those kind of things continue to happen. We stand by and watch and then wring our hangs at “them” – “those others” and all the names we give ourselves to place blame outside of ourselves so we can escape responsibility for the act, but our identity can benefit from the results of the action. These ignominies continue with every generation and today they are intense because the numbers of minorities threaten to outstrip the majority for the first time in American history.

The same thing happened in Germany under Hitler. The holocaust didn’t happen when Jews were in the Ghettos and under control and under the feet of the so called Superior Race. It happened when the walls of the Ghettos could no longer hold Jews back and they began to move out with successful businesses, families, social lives and more. It was at that point that the holocaust took hold and that “Superior Race” started rounding up to destroy Jews before they were wealthy enough, numerous enough, powerful enough to take over. The great fear driving all of this, even today!

That “Superior Race” was always a myth and no one knew the lie it told better than those who identified as such.

You see that now in the large waves of whites moving out of California (becoming a majority minority state) fleeing to New England to maintain their power and control over all. And doesn’t that reflect the history of slavery? There were slaves in the south as well as the north, but the plantations were in the south and the money made by the barrel full happened in the New England area where that truth is still denied. Even during the so-called times of the Abolitionists it was New England that held the power over; whose money was dependent on the continuation of the slave trade, and whose identity was dependent upon the continuation of slavery as showing society with a group of people “less than”, sub-human, and more so those others could be “better than”, more elegant than, defining of human beauty and used as cattle and more.

All of the above is incorporated into what is and has happened to Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett.

The KKK type possee came for him with an overwhelming police force – not because he was a criminal nor because he was a terrorist but because he was an African American out of his place – living someplace other than amongst his own kind in the ghetto and more.

Take a close look at what happened and is happening to Dr. Bennett. Look at the group incarcerating him? Look around and you will see others experiencing the same thing. It is a quick, very private way to rid this society of successful blacks who think they can do whatever their talent, education, lives dictate. They are blacks who bought the American Dream without realizing that is the White American Dream and does not apply to African Americans nor is it meant to apply to other minorities..

You can sort of live it if you understand which neighborhoods are off limits to you. You can sort of live it if you understand your place even within your chosen religion. You can sort of live it if you don’t bother the rest of society with your knowledge and understand of how this system of bigotry works and you go along to get along smiling broadly all the time.

The number of times the Bennett/Donaldsons have been told through this ordeal that they needed to “go along to get along” – “play the game until you get out from under this” and so many more similar-type comments – those numbers of times are inumerable. What is that really saying? Get back into your stereotype – who do you think you are doing your own thing?

Every one of Robert Bennett’s rights have been taken away from him – with the help and clear understanding by the Health Care Industry of what it was doing. It is the strongest industry in the world today and the one which has brought bigotry back into the system like never before.

Hospitals and other such “health” institutions have this other side where you enter through the back door and are kept until you are actually destitute. Young, arrogant whites – male and female – carry out stripping you of every part of your dignity and self respect, even into your identity that they and others like them can reach. They are very good at it because the first thing hidden from them is their extreme racism. And racism is not the only part of the national bigotry they support, make stronger, and much more powerful than it has ever been.

The institutions are becoming bolder and justifying their participation – why? Money, greed and more. It is, afterall, Massachusetts General Hospital where Robert Bennett is being held and not for health reasons. If he is ever released, that will come with trappings to make you think it was his health and concern for his health that caused this imprisonment,.

The police picked up Robert Bennett and forced him into the hospital on a psychiatric charge – that is what a section 12 is about. You cannot get out until you have passed a psychiatric exam by a psychiatrist. Robert Bennett, who had not even an inkling of psychiatric probmes passed their exam and was discharged because they had no reason to hold him.

He was “arrested” again just two days later on a section 12 – identical to the one under which he was first “arrested”. He is still in the hospital because this time unscrupulous attorneys and arrogantly bigoted health workers went to Court to get a Protective Order which was full of lies, but they knew which lies they had to tell to the judge and they knew which judge to tell them to. The Protective Order kept him in the hospital because at home was his wife who that group of totally unscrupulous people had charged with abusing him. They knew the system and worked it well to their advantage.

You, the average American citizen is paying for this – which is costing a small fortune. Not just the hospital fees – which are being charged and collected fraudulently, but the fees from the police and so many other areas contributing to the cost of this action.

Without the “Protective Order” Robert Bennett could only be held for 72 hours as happened during his first incarceration. However, with the addition of this Protective Order, which was impounded so it could not be seen by the public, he could be held indefinitely – they could claim guardianship over him, but what they really wanted were the commissions from the insurance collected by Massachusetts General Hospital under these false conditions.

These same people responsible for all of this offered Robert Bennett and his wife “free” services – someone to clean their house, “for free”; someone to cook for him “for free”; someone to walk the dog they don’t have “for free”. And when they refused – this is the result. If they had taken all of those “for free” services this probably would not have happened. The Elder Affairs Office needs to get its share of the insurance pie and this is how they do it. Those “for free” offers are actually paid for out of Robert Bennett’s Health Insurance.

Why is Health Insurance so high? and so costly? It is full of such graft and corruption. Get that out and costs will go down dramatically. Do you hear anyone talking about such? No!

That kind of graft also insures that the number and economic viability of African Americans in this society can be reduced dramatically, quietly and permanently controlled as a side act of the Health Care System.

Why does Massachusetts General Hospital allow itself to be so mis-used?

By that misuse it participates in the South African style apartheid which is the Massachusetts Health Care System. But lets not limit this to Massachusetts, that is true across the country.

“Before Robert was incarcerated I didn’t know Mass General Hospital had its “Brown and Black Door”. Today, it is clear that kind of bigotry exists and is kept from public eyes.

As long as we were in Lunder and the neurological side where great work was being done we did not see many blacks or brown peoples. Roberts second incarceration opened the door to that side of Mass General. Where Robert Bennett is currently incarcerated the racism is stark.

Walk to the reception desk on his floor and there are two black women sitting right behind the counter. There is something separating those two from the rest of the women in that entrance area and the rest of the women are white and clearly have a higher position than the two black women seated at the entry counter.

Enter the area and look up and down the hallways and you see mostly black. In Lunder in the neurological area you saw mostly white. IN fact, in the same positions you saw all whites in Lunder.

We were excited about Mass General Hospital because when Robert was brought in, the neurologists and others who were examining and attending to him were all colors and nationalities. That has a very limited area. Once you get into the bowels of the beast where the ugliness happens, the color turns black.

“I don’t know if Robert will ever get out of there. Or if he will be the same once out that he was before all of this high stress, anxiety and more were dumped on him as he recovered from surgery. He was discharged after his brain surgery at Mass General in very good shape. In fact, we were ecstatic by what happened. He was discharged after the first section 12 in good shape. The discharge papers said – his vital signs were normal as was his blood pressure. No medicines were prescribed and etc.”

I doubt that would be his condition today when and if he is let out of Mass General. So they healed on the one hand and destroyed their healing on the other – of an African American man.

When we last talked to Robert – which was yesterday – he sounded under enormous stress. His voice sounded as though he had a huge cold. He was confused as to why so many people were leaving his floor – and he was still there with no one even attempting to say why that was happening and why he was not allowed to leave. He has not experienced the sun or gone for walks or gotten close to a window since he was thrown into this situation.

He knows prisoners are being let out of prison, but what has he done so egregious that he is still incarcerated with no criminal charges.

We have Somerville Cambridge Elder Affairs group – an agency of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts actually engaging in elder abuse. By charging Robert’s 82 year old wife with abuse and putting both of them into this kind of situation is pure elder abuse. And normally if there is one such group engaging in that kind of activity there are more. We have certainly heard of more. The stories have circulated for quite a few years and nothing has come of them. Certainly no state investigation nor other kind of investigation to stop such abuse. it is profitable. Its purpose seems to be to gain insurance money using really spurious techniques. Robert Bennett was classified as “indigent” – poverty stricken because that opens more pockets of medicare money to be misused.

The Elder Affairs group just this Friday responded to the Bennett/Donaldson attorneys by trying to claim guardianship over Robert Bennett. Things just go from bad to worse. Cover-up one ugly with something even uglier. but their interest was not guardianship, they wanted to maintain their right to raid medicare using Robert Bennett’s insurance. they wanted to continue destroying families by picking out family members who would carry out their wishes. Weaponizing family members against each other.

It is ugly, vicious, and being allowed to continue. the Court is laying down requirements for Robert Bennett’s release. Putting those requirement on his wife as though she is the one who caused this. Putting payment for what Somerville Cambridge Elder Services and James O’Sullivan have done on Robert Bennett’s pocket book and Medicare.

All of this, from what we’ve seen amounts to Medicare fraud among other charges. What happens now! The drama has been extremely painful and daily. The pattern, however, seems to be set from other such cases.


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