Kale Chips – Bettina Style - Bettina Network's Blog

Kale Chips – Bettina Style

copyright 2014 Bettina Network, inc.

The hot new snack across the United States is Kale Chips.  They are beginning to come out in many versions – and are very expensive when purchased at food stores or anyplace else.

We tried for about a week to make them and have come up with a fantastic and healthy snack, which we make every day and which is eaten with not even a crumb left.

Buy organic green and/or red kale.  Make sure the leaves are perky, healthy looking and not limp.

Rinse the organic kale carefully.

Put it in a food spinner and push down on the top of the spinner for a couple minutes.  You need to make sure the organic kale is as dry as possible.

Pull the leaves of the organic kale off the stalks and put them on a cookie tray.  A large cookie tray is better.

Make sure you have only one layer of organic kale on the tray – don’t pile the organic kale onto the cookie tray making several layers because you won’t get a good result.  If you have more than enough for one layer – either wait to bake the rest or use two cookie trays.

Pour a bit of organic cold pressed olive oil over the organic kale.

Follow this with a sprinkling of himalayan salt, cayenne pepper and Tekka.

We have had great luck with tekka over popcorn and decided to give it a try over organic kale and it makes a huge difference.  Be careful with the salt.  The tendency is to use too much and then you run into the problem of having an addictive snack because the salt will grab your taste buds (and your blood pressure.)  Less is more is the guideline.

Put the cookie tray in the oven at 300 degrees for about an hour.

Take your fantastic organic kale snack out of the oven.  Use a spatula to get it off the tray and serve on a beautiful pedestal cake plate.

And NO! You don’t have to wait for it to cool, it is ready for eating straight out of the oven.


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