How evil! And they are doing this with tax payers money in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Of course, taxpayers will not benefit as Robert Bennett’s estate is stripped of everything and that money goes to private individuals involved in what we believe is a criminal conspiracy. Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services wants to take Robert Bennett away from his family forcibly and put his guardianship under the Jewish Center for Family and Children. That has always mystified us because Robert Bennett has adult children who are fairly substantial financially and personally; he has extended family who would and have been there for him; he has a wife who would never put him in a nursing home and has more than adequately taken care of him as he has of her. Does this come under “The perils of being Black.” Your assets, for which you worked all of your life don’t belong to you they can be stripped away from you by those lusting after what you have and have figured out how to take what they have not earned.
That Jewish Center for Family and Children has been involved in other such moves which the families are still fighting to get their family member released from being totally destroyed physically and financially some five years later. All of their resources going to attorneys and others. The estate of the person so selected going to pay salaries of many people – some of his family restricted from having access to him on any level. It is a pattern – which has been repeated many times – sometimes even with Blacks who are not well off, but struggling to make ends meet. Whatever assets they have acquired have been taken and when they are totally in poverty they are released from under all that went before and they are on the street. Some have had family pick them up off the street and continue to care for them and try to bring them back to where they were before they were stripped of everything including their dignity.
Robert Bennett and Marceline Donaldson at Whole Foods on May 20, 2020.

Sorry for the look, but this is what happens when hair salons have been closed for a few months.
Take a good look at Robert. If this is how one looks, acts, gets around when incapacitated, maybe we should all try that way of being. From Marceline – “We were delighted to meet a friend at Whole Foods in Fresh Pond and she took our picture. This was May 20, 2020. We will post other pictures on Robert living his life with all that he is doing.”
SCES and others claimed he was “incapacitated” and described his lack of every kind of mental capability. What they did not say is that they are the people who unsuccessfully tried to “incapacitate” him. They filed a “Guardianship” action the day after he was let out of Mass General Hospital.
They had an agreement with Robert’s son that he could leave Mass General Hospital and they would back off all of their past actions. They wanted Robert’s son to agree that a family Health Care Company would be allowed to see him periodically. Robert’s family agreed and complied – SCES broke the agreement immediately, the day after Robert left Mass General, by having Attorney O’Sullivan file a guardianship suit against Robert to have him put under the care of Jewish Center for Family and Children and then delivered to a Hebrew Nursing Home. That was done by SCES with papers served the day after Robert left Mass General Hospital for home.
Some interesting observations that we are now investigating:
- Robert’s family thought this was being paid for by Robert’s medical insurance, but we investigated and have discovered that is not true. The reason for Robert having been identified in the first court hearing as indigent is one of the first steps in what we believe to be a criminal conspiracy. Once indigent the police come to take you out of your home without questioning how could a man who lives in such a house be indigent? Second step, the police take you to the designated hospital – we have serious questions about that designated hospital having been Mount Auburn and only became Mass General when Robert and his wife insisted that was where he had been until the day before. If it was not going to be Mass General they were going to have to drag Robert physically out of his house. At the designated hospital there is no charge for an “indigent” person being admitted especially if it is at the request of Protective Services from some part of Massachusetts – in this case Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services. We are still trying to discover who pays the hospital bill. Is this a contribution by Mass General? Does the state pay the bill – which means the taxpayers of Massachusetts or is there some other funding for this. Five weeks incarcerated at Mass General is not a small amount of money – not including all the other fees involved – the lawyers fees and much more. What we also don’t understand is how could Mass General not put this all together? A patient comes into the hospital for brain surgery with adequate insurance. Discharged after surgery. Two days later the patient is brought back as “indigent” and is checked into Mass General with who paying the bill? And no questions from Mass General? I hate to think this hospital that – so far – Robert and Marceline think of very highly is a part of all this! However, we have nothing to show otherwise. MGH has had more than one such “patient” forced into their hospital. At some point “innocence” – “ignorance to what is happening” – all of those kind of excuses by MGH or any other hospital involved in these kinds of kidnapping shenanigans begins to wear thin. What is the criteria before MGH begins to be accused – as the others should be accused – of kidnapping.
2. This really comes down to fraud perpetrated against many – especially taxpayers, Mass General Hospital, and so many more.
Robert Bennett was forced into Mass General using the Cambridge police to do the forcing without his wife or family being given any court documents to say they could – so they does that mean they literally forced their way into the home and accomplished taking Robert Bennett out and bringing him to Mass General without fulfilling the most basic requirement – produce a court document to prove you have the authority to do what you are doing..
At Mass General, Robert Bennett was listed as “indigent” with other little notes embroidered to make the fact that Robert would be kept away from everyone who cared about him for as long as it took to “incapacitate” him.
It also explains why his wife was threatened so many times with Robert being sent immediately to a nursing home if she did not apply for Mass Health – in spite of the fact that they had adequate health insurance and they did not qualify for Mass Health. The pattern this “criminal conspiracy” needed to move along the way it had in the past was the patient having Mass Health – whether they qualified or not. We are still trying to discover why the threats, over a couple months, of what would happen is Marceline did not apply for Mass Health. They couldn’t, all of a sudden, use Robert’s health insurance – which they knew about – that would have clouded the story they were setting up to tell.
If you tried to visit him at MGH you could not because he was not listed as a patient. He was listed on a special list and we don’t know what those on that list have in common. You could not call him because the operator would insist there was no Robert Bennett as a patient at MGH.
So what were they hiding? Robert Bennett was a paying patient at MGH for his surgery. He was a “charity” patient for this forced stay because that is what was needed for SCES and their friends and supporters to take over another human beings life, reputation, assets, and remove him from his family.
Thought I would share this to bridge any unbelievability that an African American man who is totally able to negotiate life physically and otherwise on his own would have to face the kind of vicious harassment Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett is having to face being pursued for his estate by Attorney James O’Sullivan, Ms. Nora Al-Wetaid, Ms. Angela Clary, Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services and others. Our investigation says this is a criminal conspiracy and needs to be investigated by law enforcement.
It is a pattern which is a variation on that which is happening on the border with migrants separated from their families and more. Sort of reminds you of slavery in these United States during which those in charge felt no problems with the way they destroyed slave families; separated slave families; cheated slave families out of any and everything they could and so much more.
We see this as a criminal conspiracy which others have had to also face and negotiate using resources they earned and are now being threatened with poverty because of the greed of the people perpetrating this criminal conspiracy. It may have been legal during slavery days, it is not legal today.
City Council people need to move to stop this from happening in their cities. State Senators and others need to stop this from happening and from using taxpayers money to push this conspiracy to increase the wealth of some and destroy the wealth and life of others.
My favorite story – comparing Massachusetts to the very deep south.
We are looking into what happened to an African American man living in the deep south. Like Robert Bennett he was living in an otherwise all white neighborhood which had kept blacks out for a couple centuries. He bought the home of a very high up member of the KKK. They thought this was great because oil rights were involved and the KKK former owner of the home saw this as a way to sell his house and get the oil rights because colored folks were to “ignorant” to know how to stop him. And then he could be relieved of his property. Unfortunately for the KKK person, that ignorant colored person did know how to get the oil rights which were his anyway by virtue of his home ownership. What happened? The African American wound up incarcerated in the hospital just like Robert. He was picked up by the police and forced into the hospital when no one was home – so his family did not know where he was and they looked all over for him. It took four weeks for this African American man in his 80’s to be able to use a telephone to call his family to let them know where he was. With cell phones – he didn’t have his – pay phones are no longer around for public use – hospital phones were not allowed to him and so much more. His family worked to get him out and home after the expenditure of many resources which should not have been so spent.
Massachusetts brags so about its “openness”. In reality Massachusetts has the reputation for being one of the most racist places in the United States. Sophisticatedly so, but racist nevertheless. Here is a parallel case – how similar things were handled in Massachusetts and in a deep south state in about the same time frame.
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