The Trump/Biden Debate exposing everyone! - Bettina Network's Blog

The Trump/Biden Debate exposing everyone!

It was quite unbelievable. No – not the debate, but the aftermath and all of the talking heads showing their lack of decent ethics, understanding and etc. and etc.

Joe Biden took on this debate in spite of having a cold. I have not heard anyone talk about that. It is a miserable time dealing with someone who is lying constantly, misrepresenting, and so much more negative stuff when you don’t feel great. It is even worse to see the fall out from a lifetime of hard work for these United States and your one night’s debate performance get such crude responses.

That is no different from the acceptance and actual talk about Donald Trump being the next president after a one sort of bad night for Biden – (sort of bad night because most of his responses were pretty good). What was especially good about his debate performance was the contrast – truth versus lies; horribleness and threats versus goodness and truth; one person with a history of working hard for this country on the right track versus the other person working for himself immersed in so many falsehoods there were back to back discrepancies in what he talked about. One minute he said one thing, the next he contradicted himself and lied.

My life has been horrendous given the fact that I am Black/Female/accomplished. Every time I threatened to break through there was something blocking. What was blocking? – The institutional structure of this country which prevents blacks, women and other minorities from achieving to the top of their talent, intellect and possibilities. The only minorities and women I see moving on up are those who have been put in place in a higher place than they can handle and clearly being there to disprove the rule.

The rule that took down a black female president of Harvard University who had only been in her position for a very few months. Why was she taken down? Certainly not because she wasn’t qualified. The claim was one to attempt to destroy her credibility whatever else she might try to do. Having gone up the ladder at Harvard – one is investigated thoroughly each step of the way. She passed on to her next step higher with no problems. However, the higher she reached and the closer she came to that pinnacle many were horrified. How could such a person represent Harvard University? The people who put her there must have been a bit crazy. So Congress called her and a couple others to “testify”, but was that really done to take them down and put them in their places using the attorneys working with them to make sure they didn’t stay on those high pedestals and were taken down? They were all women!

Harvard is now safely in the hands of a proper white male.

That debate showed starkly why my life has been so difficult. Donald Trump is the embodiment of structural, institutional racism, sexism and all the other isms. His history brings together some horrendous “coincidences”. He is a man who has been horrible about gay folks – who was strongly showing his own gayness as a young man in New York. Once he was able to move beyond his reputation and began to show signs of success he became the gay community’s nightmare in the way he has done everything he could to block their lives, limit their opportunities and throw up images which keeps as many down as possible.

He showed his ugly and very foul ethics from the time he was quite young. This was also clear in New York when he was a young man. It became uglier as he got older. Lies are something which Donald Trump puts out whenever it suits him and always has. It is amazing that knowing he was trained at the feet of Roy Cohn, Joe McCarthy and yes, even a Kennedy. All three sat at the head of the table promoting McCarthyism – destroying the lives of many who did not conform to their horrendous political positions. Who was the Kennedy? – The father of the Kennedy now involved in this campaign clearly working for the betterment of Donald Trump’s campaign.

The campaign’s ethics showed in the way they put a campaign sign on my property without my knowledge or consent.

Lies are what Trump told the American public during the debate. Do you want someone who constantly and viciously lies to you about everything or someone who has a short downturn because he has taken on debating such a person feeling pretty bad with a cold?

My other question is why has the media ignored that fact? Isn’t it the media’s constant coverage of Donald Trump during his run for president against Hillary Clinton that helped move him into that position? He did not win that presidency that he served, but he came close enough to push his way into office with the acquiescence of the many, helped by the same media that is ignoring Trump’s lies and other uglinesses during that campaign and dumping all over Joe Biden ignoring and not mentioning his cold.

I remember when I couldn’t turn on the television or read the newspapers without something about Trump? Where was mention of Hillary Clinton – his opponent? Not many places. Certainly not nearly the kind of coverage the media gave Trump. As that was happening, I remembered my grandfather – who was a journalist in his day, amongst other vocations – telling me – whatever they want to say about me, positive or negative is fine as long as they spell my name right. Lots of negative coverage can get someone elected as much as, if not more than, lots of positive coverage. Isn’t that what happened to that election that Donald Trump actually lost, but millions of people still voted for him?

As voting Americans, many voted for someone who assaulted women, bragged about that himself, was accused of raping women, saw women in “their places” and not at the table with white northern european men and so much more?

With his television series which vaulted him to fame and helped put him in the place of running for president, I remember when he talked about having a “black” program like the one he was doing. It would be only for blacks and that, he thought, would be a great improvement in bringing about equality. He apparently also thought that would relieve the burden from his shoulders from the people who were beginning to talk about the racism – the lack of a black/minority/female presence showing up in his television show. Separate and “unequal” – what we spent much to remove brought back by Donald Trump to the cheers of his supporters.

What this Trump-Time has shown me is the extreme racism and sexism structured into the institutions of this country. The kind of ethics one must have to live, breathe and grow a country whose institutions reflect that bigotry is the kind of ethics Trump has and is showing along with the millions of people in the country following him and working to make sure he is the winner and on top. It is a safe bet that he will continue and make that bigotry more entrenched so millions feel safe that they will be “better than” for as long as Trump is around.

We are supporting, by the millions, those whose horribleness is showing in their very negative sense of humanity, equality, truth. We are supporting, still, the racists, sexists, perverts, liars, filth spreading people like Donald Trump for president and using the fact that Joe Biden had a cold which put him in a bad place for one few minutes after a lifetime of hard work for America and all of the American people and we turn on him demanding he step down and someone “more qualified” than that ‘old man’ take over.

This should be unbelievable, but my life experience tells me that is America. That is especially the American media.

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