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Some Parallels – the KKK and the Police at Dr. Bennett’s House!

Wednesday, March 18th, 2020


Before we start this article I would like to leave a note as to Robert Bennett and how he is doing. It was very concerning to me after visiting to see how he is treated. My husband is not used to be called “cutie”, “hi, handsome,” “oh, isn’t he cute” and more. He is talked to as though he has a hearing problem which he does not and talking to him in his room as though he can’t read or write. He is accustomed to be addressed as Rev. Bennett and he needs to be respected enough to call him by his name. He does not lose his identity because the police have put him into this situation and the powers that are attempting to rip off the aged puts them in this ‘lock up’ so that can proceed with things put in place needed for that to happen.”


I had a phone call today from a friend of over 70 years ago.

Friends from your growing up days may get lost through the years as you do other things, but you don’t forget them and you think of them off and on while you move ahead doing what you think is so important. But really, when the chips are down good friends are life’s gold, silver, diamonds and more

I grew up in this circle of friends in New Orleans, LA. We all went to Central Congregational Church, which was a church vey important in the civil rights movement of the 1960’s and beyond. St. Luke’s, at that time was the society church. My great-grandfather was an Episcopal priest – the Rev. Dr. Taylor. He was rector at St. Luke’s in NOLA – half Black Feet Indian, married to a woman who was French and didn’t hide her race, joining and being active in the exclusive tennis club in NOLA – for white’s only and then only for a very upper class white. Don’t know what that was about so don’t ask. Don’t know how it happened – I have pictures of her and her daughter in their tennis clothes, some pictures in front of the club and while she was very white, her daughter was fairly dark skinned so they could not have been a part of that tennis club “passing.”

Rev. Nicholas Hood was the pastor at Central during my time there. His son is now pastor of a church in Detroit, Michigan where his father moved from New Orleans and where they built a tremendous congregation of caring people. I read the lessons he sends out every week from Plymouth United Church of Christ in Detroit where he pastors the Church his father and now he, following in his father’s footsteps, is building.

Besides Walter and Andrew, another friend from those early days called today and said “Cookie, get out of yourself and look around. What do you see? What similarities are there between where you are now and where you were then.”

We used to get into all kinds of civil rights battles. Going home from school I would throw the signs out the window of the bus which said “for colored patrons only.” Nobody bothered me for doing that then because they knew my grandfather – co-founder of the Louisiana Weekly and all around upsetter of the racist status quo and builder with George Schuyler of the Pittsburgh Courier. The first office of the Pittsburgh Courier in NOLA was our living room. Sure wish he was here now.

My mind went back to what happened to us when the police invaded our house; demanded that Robert leave with them; refused to give me a copy of the paper giving them the right to take my husband out of our house by force. It was so familiar. And then it hit – the KKK took on this persona and its mission to scare N*****s with their white sheets and pointy hats to scare blacks into doing whatever they demanded. Sit, stand, talk, shut up, and more which was much worse. Whenever they found a Negro who wasn’t bowing to them and showing them “respect” – shining their shoes, doing whatever they bid, they turned up at his home and wrecked havoc. On horseback with torches and most times much more.

Wow! It hit me. The police being sent to our house was the same thing only in 20th century garb. Folks have been trying to make Robert and I heel for decades. We just keep on keeping on and ignore the insults, the jabs, the hurtful actions. This time it was so in your face that it was impossible to ignore. The new neighbor high up in the medical profession who made complaints against us and wound up trying to stomp on my toes on the sidewalk, who was stopped in the act by Robert he came walking fast around the corner because he had seen what was happening from the window where we sit and have coffee most days. – At least where we used to sit and have coffee before this attempt to destroy our lives together.

My mind started clearing further when I called Medicare and they spelled out what Medicare Fraud was about and when they told me about forcing someone to get services fraudulently, mistreating that person in the process. Wow! That is exactly what we have experienced. That wallop from the past is another part which defines this experience. When my friends from days past started calling on the same day with the same message – Thank you, Jesus, I know from whence that has come!

No one we have ever talked to has ever heard of anyone being forced into a hospital with policemen forcing them from their home with EMS/EMT’s with a Court Order allowing the police to break down doors and don’t worry about the damage being done in the house if you have to go in to find Robert Bennett as long as you drag that black man out of his house, scare the life out of him, bring him back and lock him up. There are many ways to incarcerate a Black Man. It doesn’t have to be in jail because he committed a crime. It can be all of these other ways you have to engage, especially when he has done nothing wrong. I don’t know many people being forced into the hospital for medical treatments they don’t want, being classed as indigent by a judge who had no idea what he was doing and apparently didn’t care. I have met a couple women to whom that happened, but they were not called “indigent” they were classed as “homeless” when they lived in very nice homes – and of course were African Americans.

I guess we forget the big money made on slavery was made in this New England part of the country.

We forget that you do not have to accept medical treatment, medicines or anything like that. It is your choice to go to a hospital. It is your choice to see a doctor. l It is your choice to take medicines some people think might be good for you. If you choose yes, that’s fine then that is the way you go. If you choose no and to go in another direction that is your choice and should be respected by everyone – police, attorneys, judges, people of all colors, religions, descriptions, etc.

I wonder what it takes to have someone disbarred. That would certainly be something I would consider attempting around someone like O’Sullivan who, they say, was the attorney who has this relationship with the Court which would allow him to get these Court orders for the police to appear and for a hearing at which he presents what he wants and makes sure the other side is not informed so nothing counter to his presentation would be seen by the judge. I don’t know that, but I have certainly heard a lot about him since this started. We will have to do a Bettina investigation to see what’s up and publish what we find.

In that hearing, at which Robert was the topic but the judge refused to have notice served on Robert so he could present his side of what was being claimed – not the first such extreme miscarriage of justice. Apparently, documents to disprove what was being said were withheld from the Court. And so many other mistakes and intentional twisting of the facts happened. The judge was apparently happy for that kind of Court hearing. What are the penalties, if any for such abuses and for so ruining the lives of people.

I always hearken back to the black woman who was awarded $10 million dollars in damages by the Court because of how she was mistreated by Cambridge people in charge. The Courts don’t normally award black women anything and you can be sure whatever the award to a black woman it is peanuts compared to what she suffered and what happened that she was awarded anything.. You can be as damaged as possible and any award you get as a black woman will be minimal. What must they have done to have caused those kind of damages. And what happened that the award received so little coverage in the press. Hardly anyone knows about this. Because of the tax payers money that has had to cover those damages you would think every Cambridge taxpayer would know all the details.

Having experienced some of the kind of damage of which they are capable I can do a little more than imagine what that woman suffered.

To hear from Walter Young with his brother Andrew Young it brought back so many good memories. Of going to Andrew’s wedding; of singing in the Jr. Choir at Church; of playing the organ with friends who crowded into the first pew when I played the organ because I played in my bare feet – it was how I could best feel the pedals at that age and the teasing after the service could be merciless.

It was a relief from what is going on today. Didn’t ever think I would experience eight (8) policemen coming to my door with one just as happy as he could be showing me his cell phone with the Court Order and refusing to give me the actual order. Using his ‘power over’ at that point to draw himself up and make himself ‘better than’. Dusting off his identity to try to make it larger and closer to that of the local White Supremacist ( if he wasn’t already one.) What an ugly sight that was. It was not as bad as this, but do you remember Skip Gates and the police?

That must be illegal and the people who did it need to have to pay the price.

What should also be illegal is bringing someone into Court for the same thing over and over again with dire results for the person. Robert was brought in twice in the same week. Twice within four days on a section 12. It was removed by Mass General Hospital people who examine people under those circumstances. Robert was brought in again by the police on a section 12 – identical – just two days after Mass General discharged him from the first one with no medicine prescribed; normal blood pressure and other such markers in the normal area. What happened when the attorney for Somerville Cambridge Elder Affairs presented that to the Court. Did the Court decide it should be done again and jeopardize the health of a man shortly out of the hospital from a real problem? Or did the Court not care and simply do what it was asked by someone who does this on a regular basis.

And first off, Jim O’Sullivan needs to be removed if indeed he is the person who moved ahead that Court and police business KKK style. He should come under serious questions even if he was the one who sent someone else to do this dirty work.

But in the meantime, my husband is still in Massachusetts General Hospital and the Hospital needs to take an action to stop allowing itself to be used in such vicious ways. They can’t cure beautifully on the one hand and let others destroy what they have done on the other. There is a ground point where a part of the responsibility for this falls on the Hospital.

Thank you, Walter. Give Andrew a big hug for me and God bless Raljean.

Robert and I have always looked out for each other and I will continue to look out for him. I know he will also do the same for me. I also know he would not want me to grovel or demean myself anymore than I have already been demeaned and disrespected with this attempt to destroy our lives together. Why! Because someone wants our assets?

They weaponized my daughter against me and I will never forget that. I live in a universe, however, in which my God is a just God and a God with a memory that does not fail.

This to shall pass – the sun will shine on all of it and God’s justice will roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.


MEDICARE FRAUD AND MORE. What has Robert Bennett Lost!

Tuesday, March 17th, 2020
  1. His vote as an American citizen. Eight (8) policemen picked Robert up on March 3rd in the morning – 10-10:30am. He was set to vote in the Primary and could not. He asked several times during his “incarceration” at the hospital, but could not. So his right to cast his vote was taken away with all of this.

2. This is continuing in the worst way. People are now talking about Robert needing 24 hour care. He was walking with no problems – meeting friends – to the post office and back – how can someone’s freedom be taken away and their health destroyed – their ability to live on their own taken away – I am overwhelmed with this.

3) The Court’s took away an African American man’s freedom on so many levels. He clearly could make his own decisions on the Tuesday and Wednesday that the police pushed into our home. He also clearly could make his own decisions on the Wednesday and Thursday following that Tuesday/Wednesday ‘incarceration’ before the police pushed into our home for the second time in a week for the same reason to repeat a process because the Somerville Cambridge Elder Affairs group didn’t like the result the first time. Both times the police pushed themselves inside my home with the Court’s suggestion and permission and dragged Robert Bennett out against his will. The Court said if he did not want to come – the police had the Court’s permission to take him out anyway. Robert was very clear with everyone he did not want to go and refused the request. The police made it clear he did not have a choice. Both times they threatened to arrest his wife because she also did not want him taken away.

Robert Bennett was totally able to make his own decisions about his life. The Court took that away by invoking a Health Care Proxy which was invalid and replaced at least twice. The Court gave Robert Bennett’s health care proxy to a woman who is a non-blood related person who was not his wife. To do that they had to invalidate a Health Care Proxy created by Massachusetts General Hospital and a prior Health Care Proxy created by a reputable probate attorney with of which reflected what Robert wanted because they talked to Robert and knew what he wanted. Two witnesses who had known Robert for some 20 to 30 years said so and Robert himself was present when the Health Care Proxy was signed November 18, 2019 and Robert was very clear at that time who he wanted as his Health Care Proxy. Mass General had someone interview Robert for some 30 minutes to make sure they knew who he wanted as his health care proxy. The Court had never met Robert, never talked to him, knew nothing about him and the people making the presentation to the Court didn’t know Robert or his wishes either. This is how they operate in Cambridge MA? How could a man’s freedoms and right to choose be so destroyed. The more this goes on the more appalled I become.

What is clear – there is something not quite right in Cambridge, MA. which is putting its citizens at risk – especially its older, minority – especially African American citizens. if you go into old age with any substantial assets, they will be targeted and taken away from you in the name of “taking care of you” when you don’t need other people to push themselves into your life, take up residence and push their wishes and needs on you.

What happened and the way it happened looks as though it is also Medicare Fraud and the taking away from a citizen his right to decide the choices he wants to make with his health care.

If you don’t go along with the program and max out your Medicare and other medical insurance you will be picked up by the police, your rights taken away from you and among other things – your freedom also as you sit in a hospital with your health declining and it is clear the condition Robert is in today was created by Mass General Hospital following an order of the Court.

This is happening, has happened and will continue to happen unless someone stops it.

In this case the agency controlling all this and carrying out this apparent Medicare Fraud is Somerville/Cambridge Elder Affairs aided by its attorney Jim O’Sullivan. Has he been involved in other such situations like this? Any attorney involved in this should be disbarred. Was he involved in the complaints and law suit which resulted in Cambridge, MA. having to pay an African American woman $10 million dollars in damages because of the way she was treated?

When a person makes a decision that they do not want rehab services as offered by the agency the hospital referred them to -that they would prefer such services at their own home and privately secured and paid for – and the local state agency files for the police to pick up that person and force them into the hospital on a section 12 making the hospital prove the person is sane – not on drugs – not on alcohol – not psychotic, Medicare has to pick up the bill for that hospital stay – that looks to me like Medicare fraud. Forced medical treatment billed to Medicare.

When that person is discharged by the hospital and the next day Somerville/Cambridge Elder Services goes into Court and manipulates the Court System to force that person back into the hospital with no reason and no right, but the Court goes along that is Medicare fraud taking place – that is forced medical treatment which takes away an individuals rights and at the same time increases the Somerville Cambridge Elder Affairs group’s standing with its reporting to the state and others, inflating what it claims as legitimate services, which in fact are spurious and nobody checks – not the lawyer for the agency, nor anyone else affiliated with that agency and the people employed are allowed to make sworn statements which do not represent the facts as they are – but changes them to fit the Medicare requirements for such services – that is apparently Medicare Fraud.

To go into Court – Somerville/Cambridge Elder Services mischaracterized Robert Bennet as “indigent”. Who follows that up? No one. Why bother with an indigent – poverty stricken person. That made it easier for Somerville/Cambridge and any other institutions to present the bills to Medicare for Mr. Bennett. The Court aided these mischaracterizations by allowing this state agency to have a hearing without notifying Mr. Bennett, making all kinds of untrue, spurious, twisted statements to the Court.

To compensate, the Courts appointed an attorney to represent Mr. Bennet after the hearing and after Mr. Bennett was in the custody of the police. An attorney who never met Mr. Bennett, knew nothing about him, and that attorney was appointed after the hearing in which the Court gave Somerville Cambridge Elder Services unbelievable latitude over Mr. Bennett and lied extensively about Mr. Bennett’s wife – in fact slandered and libelous are their accusations.

That Court appointed attorney contacted Robert Bennett after a hearing which sent police to his house to forcibly pick him up and incarcerate him in Massachusetts General Hospital against his will – especially when no medical doctor, agency or anything comparable had declared Mr. Bennett unable to make decisions for himself. It took more than a week for this Court appointed attorney to see Mr. Bennett – too busy.

That attorney has subsequently put Mr. Bennett at risk because she is an attorney who is in and out of nursing homes and then visited Mr. Bennett in the hospital possibly exposing him and others to the coronavirus and that visit took place after she was told Mr. Bennett did not want her to represent him.

After Somerville/Cambridge Elder Affaires went Court with Jim O’Sullivan apparently representing them and hiding relevant information from the Court to gain a decision which they wanted and asking the Court to make a Protective Order without allowing Mr. Bennett or his representatives to appear to present the other side to what they were claiming, the Court by not notifying Robert Bennett and Marceline Donaldson that there was to be such a hearing – for the second time in four days to harass Mr. Bennett to the point of having police pick him up at his home to once again incarcerate him at Massachusetts General Hospital to once again undergo the same thing he had undergone just two days before when he was discharged from the hospita in very good shape, after the first police pick up of Mr. Bennett and after that first forced visit Robert Bennett was discharged from the hospital with no medicines prescribed and a date for a return to check up on his past surgery.

This was forced and fraudulent treatment which was to be billed to Mr. Bennett’s Medicare.

To be able to do this they had to move Mr. Bennett’s wife out of the way so the Somerville Cambridge Elder Services had Mr. Bennett’s wife charged with abuse in this same Court hearing where neither knew about the hearing and were therefore not given the opportunity to defend themselves against such horrid, reputation destroying, life destroying charges.

We believe it is illegal to bill Medicare for forced treatment which the patient and his Health Care Advocate rejects and Marceline Donaldson had been named as Health Care Proxy by Mr. Bennett, but it was not invoked because Mr. Bennett was able to make his own decisions. We believe it is fraudulent to make such charges to Mr. Bennett’s Medicare account.

If Mr. Bennett needed therapy – it was possible to get that at home – even through Medicare. That was not a consideration because there was no such therapy prescribed.

After leaving Massachusetts General Hospital, after surgery, Mr. Bennett took the hospital’s advice and went for rehab to Sherrill House in Jamaica Plain expecting that to be a great experience. The connection between Mr. Bennett as an Episcopal Priest and Sherill House’s Episcopal connection he expected that to be a special experience on many levels. Instead it was a horror story.

If you read other Bettina Network blogs you will see some of the reasons for that horror story. The one we will repeat here – Mr. Bennett left Sherrill House after a stay of some 24 hours because Sherrill House was quarantined – there were patients on the second floor – we were told three or four who had the flu. No one knew what kind of flu and with all of the publicity around the coronavirus, Mr. Bennett took the precaution of leaving Sherrill House rather than being exposed to the flu and his wife concurred. Especially when he heard that several months prior Sherrill House had again been under quarantine because of the flu and apparently “only a couple people” caught the flu at that time so there was nothing to worry about. The outrage at Robert Bennett making such a decision, which he had every right to make on his own behalf as did his Health Care Proxy – was astounding.

After that experience Mr. Bennett and his wife read the reviews about Sherrill House online and were totally freaked out by what they read – people who died because nurses did not respond to their buzzer for a very long time and more.

To call the police and incarcerate someone in the hospital by sending the police to pick them up – twice – because they refuse the service Somerville Cambridge Elder Services tries to force on them when they have said clearly they prefer any necessary services at home and paid for privately, should be a crime. That is an abuse of the police and since Mr. Bennett is an African American from the national experience with the police forces around the country that possibly opened Mr. Bennett to serious physical harm.

In addition, Mr. Bennett’s health has now been negatively affected by all of this. We have witness statements which talk about how Mr. Bennett was walking around Harvard Square with his wife and enjoying the sunshine and their life together before the police forcibly invaded his home on March 3rd and again on March 6th while refusing to give him or his wife a copy of the order which the police claim gave them the right to break down his door and go into the house doing whatever damage was necessary to take him out refusing to listen if he said no and taking him out against his will.

Instead, with the police involvement he has been confined to a very small room at Massachusetts General Hospital – which he shares and is so tight there is no room between his chair and the bed and he goes from bed to the chair, from the chair to the bed. He had a walker, which he no longer has because he can’t walk even with such a device.

Being 87 years old and having been kept in bed from Friday to the next Friday to the next Wednesday and still ongoing, his ability to walk has been impaired and it is possible other health issues may arise because of his confinement imposed unethically by the Courts and illegally by Somerville Cambridge Elder Services.

Is this to scare others into accepting the Somerville Cambridge Elder Services when they come around because you too may be so confined and the police may be called to enforce their right to control your health care by lying, hiding the truth, causing fraudulent claims to be filed on your Medicare insurance causing you to have to pay 20% for services you rejected and Medicare having to pay 80% for services that were forced treatment and hospital confinements which should not have happened.

We have found people – and in reviews also – who complain about the Somerville Cambridge Elder Services because of the way they squander the agency’s money – taking cabs to the bank – and in many other ways, calling it a very amateurish group.

The kind of ignoring and destruction of a persons’ rights is huge and this has been a horrifying experience for all.

It is time to release Robert Bennett from being held in “police lockup” at Massachusetts General Hospital under a protective order which was spuriously obtained. Yes, he is still being held under Police lockup. No one can visit him. His wife can only visit 1/2 per day and then only with a Security Guard and Police present. She is treated in very abusive ways. And most days she is not allowed to visit for one reason or another – if you read other blogs you would have seen when she was told her husband had taken out a restraining order against her and she could not go up to his room under any circumstances. That was not true but she was not allowed to visit that day and the Security Guard who said such a Mr. DuBois also put her out of the hospital.

The attorneys the Bennetts hired did not take care of this and should have immediately filed an emergency motion for his release. They took the case knowing his health would be at risk if they delayed in any way and in spite of that they made their busyness with other things a higher priority which has contributed to this.

It is time for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Massachusetts General Hospital and all others involved to release this man from confinement and take whatever steps are necessary to reimburse him for what they have caused; make his wife whole after demeaning and disgracing her with their charges of abusing her husband when that was not true and so much more. It is past the time for the Governor, Mayor of Cambridge and others to step in and stop this abuse of this African American family in this case – by the state – this is a state agency.

Mr. Bennett, on information and belief, is not the only person who has been so held in the past – turned into an “indigent” so the forces doing the deed can better access Medicare. It is time for all of this to be investigated by those who do such and it is past time for this cover-up to stop and be uncovered.

The attempt now is to blame others who Somerville/Cambridge Elder Services weaponized to help them in this effort and that also needs to stop.

Robert Bennett needs to be put in an ambulance and sent home IMMEDIATELY, especially given all of the coronavirus warnings to which he would be a primary target. This needs to be done without trying to force Robert Bennett and his family to accept all the trappings being attempted – which are needed to take Somerville Cambridge Elder Services off the hook and leave them blameless so they can continue in their efforts to destroy others – apparently mostly African Americans.

What comes after this for the rest of us? Forced medical care and treatment – whether you want it; need it; in the place the agency harassing you or targeting you decides that should happen. Somerville/Cambridge Elder Services has been hounding this family for years.

It is tough to be African American and live in the Brattle Street neighborhood. Institutional attacks come from many places. Read other related blogs and you will see a fuller picture.


An Open Letter to the Governor of Massachusetts – the Mayor of Cambridge – the Mayor of Somerville, MA

Sunday, March 15th, 2020

by: Marceline Donaldson

It is time for Massachusetts to give up its title of the most racist area in the United States.

Having lived in the Cambridge/Boston area for some 36 years, it is clear that title is well deserved and I was born and raised in the deep south and experienced places like Mississippi and Alabama at the height of their most racist actions.

We – my husband and I – have challenged that over many years and each time it had disastrous results because of the slam back we had to take. What is happening now is the worst of times because it has put my husband in Massachusetts General Hospital in their area for people “Protected” by Court Orders.

I went to visit my husband yesterday (Saturday). A Security Guard was called because I needed to have a Security Guard and Policeman present and then I could only stay for 1/2 hour. So far, I have only been able to see him once. Why? One time I couldn’t see him because the staff on his floor said they were short staffed and did not have a Security Guard or Policeman who could be present. With all that has happened and is happening it is clear the goal is to keep me away from my husband by any means.

What happened this time? A security guard by the name of DuBois arrived, asked for identification, left and returned to tell me I was not allowed to see him at all because he had taken out a restraining order against me. That was amazing because I thought that was clearly not true – or it happened after they gave him drugs. The last time I saw him he was clearly on something and you could tell that by the way he looked and how glassy his eyes were – and my husband is a man who does not drink, does not take drugs.

The Security Guard was vicious – as though this was really personal for him. I asked his name a second time because the first time was before he came back to tell me I was under a restraining order and could not see my husband. He refused to give me his name; said he had already given it to me and he wasn’t going to do it again. I asked for the name of the supervisor who said I was under a restraining order and he said he was not going to give that to me because I didn’t need it and he said more. To say he was vicious is an understatement. He finally gave me his name – for the second time – and told me to leave the hospital immediately.

My husband is in the hospital during this coronavirus pandemic when he needs to be home. What are you going to do if he gets the coronavirus while in the hospital? Deny any responsibility? Do what bureaucrats do?

Somerville Cambridge Elder Services brought charges against us. Against me, claiming I was abusive in some horrible ways. Since we have people in our home most of the time that would be impossible. We have many people ready to talk about the relationship they have seen over 20 to 30 years. And the fact that I am even having to prove that to you and others within the state system is unreal and beyond severe retaliation for challenging the racism, sexism etc in this state – city – county.

On a Tuesday march 3rd they had some 8 policemen – all white – come to my home with the authority to break in, if needed. They took him to MGH to undergo tests under a section 12. Disbelief ran through everyone we know. I stayed with my husband at MGH from about 10-11am on the 3rd until 3:30am the next morning.

Do you know what it is like to be African American with all those police at your door, pushing their way into your house, threatening you and demanding to take away your husband? It is terrifying. You should experience the same thing with African Americans at your door doing the same thing so you know what a part of the citizens of your state, city, county experience on a nearly regular basis. Head in the sand is one way to deal with this.

He was released at about 3:30am the next day after he had been put through unbelievable trauma. Not by MGH – they were doing in that department what they were set up to do. When you are put in that department for political reasons – you experience it in a very different way.

When released, his blood pressure was normal and all of his other numbers were within the normal range – especially for an 87 year old man. He was released with an appointment for another visit; a note at the bottom which said no medicines were being prescribed. Since then I have heard about how he was not getting anti-seizure medicine and more and I was supposed to be the person who was keeping this away from him. The story goes that CVS tried to call me to pick up prescriptions left there by doctors and I refused. That was astounding to me. When we called CVS there were no prescriptions to be picked up and no calls made to me or anyone else to pick up the medicine. MGH told us the anti-seizure medicine was only to be given to him for 7 days after his operation and he was in the hospital for all of that time. So the lies throughout all of this are monstrous and all being told through Somerville Cambridge Elder Services.

We were able to get out into the sun for the rest of the day and the next day. I am glad we enjoyed that brief time because it looks like the last time we could even be together. My husband has not seen sun, been out in the fresh air, taken a walk since then. Why? Because the police came back – this time on Friday evening after the Courts closed for the weekend and it was impossible to reach attorneys, with an order which was more draconian than the first. The police were given the right to break into our home; to do whatever they had to do there to take my husband out; with orders that said even if he objected they should ignore his objections and drag him out anyway and anyhow.

They were taking him back to MGH under the same Section 12 and given the same tests he had been through less than 48 hours before and he had to go over again what he went through on March 3rd-4th. Why would a court order such? To send someone back through terror because the state agency filing the order and signed by the court with no notice to the person involved wanted him under their control?

Our right to challenge this was taken away from us by the court because the court signed the order presented by Somerville Cambridge Elder Services without our even knowing such was happening and that with a state law which says such notice was necessary.

To go through twice in just a few days the same terror is unbelievable. But, the first time didn’t do the job so try again and make sure you lock this man up for the rest of his life? There was even the suggestion that he be sent to a nursing home with Somerville Cambridge taking guardianship or giving it to someone “responsible.”

The man involved and being so attacked is African American. So it is alright for that to happen.

He is not wealthy, but he is also not living in poverty. The Court ruled that he was “indigent” and so the Court needed to appoint an attorney to represent him. An attorney he did not know, did not want, he had his own attorneys, so even the right to choose his own attorney was taken away from him by this court. Why? Is there something else in here that is not known? Let my paranoia fly to ask if this collusion by the court the state agency and the attorney?

What is being done to him and his family is what happened in the deep south at the turn of the century and in the 1930’s and 1940’s when whites went into black areas and cities and massacred the people there because the whites were terrified that their White Supremacy might be taken away or diminished? The African Americans at that time had no defense and what happened to them was subsequently ignored and is only recently resurfacing in the history books. The outrage at such relating that to what is its modern counterpart is the same.

This time the massacre is being done using the Court System and a retired judge called back to sign this order.

Yes, the people involved who the Court System acted against have worked for decades trying to change the racism, sexism and all the other bigotry in this area. Yes, the people involved are living in a neighborhood where African Americans are not welcome – not by the neighbors, but by the institutional structures which run these cities – and they have been clear that they do not want African Americans living where this couple lives.

I could go on, but my husband is being held in jeopardy to his life and health. At 87 years old he has been kept in bed from Friday through the following Friday through Saturday and will probably be kept as long as they can keep him in bed. What does that do to such a person? It limits his life span – it destroys the quality of his life – it takes away from him all of the rights guaranteed by the Constitution – it took away from him his right to vote on Tuesday March 3rd even after he asked about being allowed to vote and that was denied. That is what you – the Mayors of Cambridge and Somervile. the Governor of Massachusetts and others are allowing to happen by doing nothing – putting your head in the sand. Is he being held until he is broken and his health is irretrievably negatively affected?

We have been harrassed for years. Most recently by a new neighbor who moved in and went bonkers when he discovered after spending millions on his house he was living in the middle of a block with African Americans living on the corner. That was very sad, because the neighbor who lived there before he moved in was a dear friend. And just by coincidence he is rumored to be high up at a major health institution.

I want my husband out of the hospital and home. I want my husband detached from the Somerville Cambridge Elder Services. I want Elder Services investigated. They are ruining the lives of African Americans by their actions and need to be closed and investigated with the people responsible for this FIRED. As I look into this I am discovering that this may not be so strange in Massachusetts and certainly not foreign to Somerville Cambridge Elder Services.

And as I look into this I discovered that in spite of our knowing nothing about it, the Somerville Cambridge Elder Services has been attempting to hound us for many many months, possibly years.

It is time for action instead of this foot dragging and ignoring and doing nothing and I hope this does not result in the police coming for me and dragging me off someplace.

My hands are also tied because his health proxy, named by the Court is someone who is not a blood relative. That person appointed by the court in spite of a health proxy form created by massachusetts general hospital creating a health proxy form naming his wife as his health proxy and that after they talked to him to find out his wishes. In addition, there was another health proxy created by an attorney who works in probate and estate matters in which my husband named his wife his health proxy and that was witnessed by people who knew both of us for some 20 to 30 years and are substantial members of the Cambridge community. The Court decided it knew better and negated both of those in favor of one which both of those health proxies negated. The health proxy created by the attorney was done after Robert discovered the health proxy by the person unrelated to him.

What – if anything – are you going to do about this? I would like my husband home immediately if not sooner and my husband has been begging to be allowed to go home since they locked him up in this “protected” area where, in my youth would have been called the “police lock-up” in the hospital.

marceline donaldson – 49 Hawthorn Street – Cambridge MA. 02138 – 617 497 9166

Letters to the governor, mayors, and other political figures would be much appreciated. All of you who know us and have known us for decades know that this is a travesty – tragic and ruining of live – especially the quality of life of two elder people.


Living in Cambridge/Boston While Black! – Part 3

Saturday, March 14th, 2020

This is the third segment on what is happening with Robert and Marceline. It is horrible and the racism is being compounded by the way this is being handled. The agency responsible is Somerville Cambridge Elder Services. They are known to be racist and work beautifully with many in the Harvard Square area (all white) and rumor has it they put blacks in institutions the way they have Robert and drain their insurance and other benefits while labeling them “indigent”. The move they make against blacks in the Cambridge Somerville area always characterizes the black and their families in the most negative stereotypical way possible. Why are they still being allowed to destroy Robert and Marceline and why is there and has there been no investigation over the years – at the very least closing this agency? This has been going on for at least 20 plus years with people around this agency knowing what has been happening.

More to the point what involvement do the Courts have in this situation? They have to be involved – when you think they facilitated this by making a decision without any notice to the other side. Clearly, they look as though they are implicated somehow. And the Cambridge Somerville administrative people who are heads of these agencies, particularly this state agency has done nothing to investigate these goings on and the attorneys who represent these agencies. They have to know what is going on within them.


I saw Robert and Marceline walking together in Harvard Square last Thursday. – March 5th. They are the cutest couple. What amazed me when I heard this, that was a day before Robert was forced into Massachusetts General Hospital. They went into the post office and were talking to an African American woman in the most animated way. It looked as though they were having a great conversation.

I saw them a bit later as I turned onto Memorial Drive. They were sitting on a bench by the river.

Since then and hearing that Robert was put into Mass General by the police and kept there – I thought about the contrast. He was in the sunshine, walking with his wife, enjoying life and maybe that was too much for the people involved in this. Apparently, the next day or the day after he was confined in an institution where he is in bed all the time, under police supervision, no sun, no walks around his neighborhood and his wife kept from seeing him because of the bad influence she would have? Good and bad take on very different meanings in this context.

Values count! These values are that an African American man can’t walk around Harvard Square in pleasant circumstances, talking to friends, sitting on the benches by the river. We have to stop that, other African Americans might find that a great picture of life and come to live in Harvard Squarte themselves and then what would we do – have an integrated neighborhood? That is being stopped in the ugliest way. I know Robert and Marceline have had to fight almost daily the intrusions on their lives living where they do. This fight is beyond despicable.


I saw Robert Bennett and his wife on Thursday, March 5th in Harvard Square in the post office talking to Mrs. Clark. He looked great. I waved as I passed and they all looked as though they were having a lovely conversation. Is that what caused all of this? I can’t believe I really live in a place where this happens. With all the people pouring into New England from places like California, is this how we get housing for them? Since they are mostly white we have to move blacks out of white areas to find room for these white immigrants among their own kind? Even if it means doing this?


by: Marceline Donaldson

I would like to tell you how Robert is doing, but I am not allowed to see him. There has to be a Security Guard and a Policeman present for me to talk to Robert and one time I tried the hospital people turned me down because they were short of personnel and didn’t have a Security Guard and Policeman to be able to allow me to see him and then I am only allowed 30 minutes.

I wanted to keep all of you up to date on what is happening with daily updates, but that won’t be possible. We have hired attorneys and you know what that means. They don’t want to work in full, real time exposure.

We hired Burns and Levinson as attorneys to work with Shippen Page to bring some justice out of this farce.

Things were horrible in the deep south where I grew up, but I experienced nothing like this.

The attorneys don’t want me to put out all the gory details because they have their work to do and prefer to do it without my writing about what they are doing. After it is done I will have the freedom to write about this, but in the meantime you will hear very little from me. I wanted to share the letters we are receiving from all over, but I won’t even be able to do that. Those letter are going to the attorneys.

It is unbelievably painful not to see your husband of 36 years with whom I lived 24/7. We have never been separated this long ever.

When I saw Robert in the hospital my heart broke. Before the police picked him up he was beautiful and vibrant and strong. Now he is almost shriveling as he sat in a large chair with pillows propping him up looking just miserable asking me to take him home. The mean, viciousness which put him there and is keeping him there is beyond my ability to understand.

Most heartening about all of this is the support from so many people who call to let me know they are there if we need anything. What they don’t have is the magical power to get Robert out of confinement enforced by the police. Call it what they want, the establishment has put an African American man under the police in spite of his not having done anything even close to what would have put him under police control. They have also weaponized my family and friends.

I think constantly of what I used to hear as a child. It was, at the time, related to the holocaust – ‘ if they come for me in the morning and you do nothing and they come for my family in the afternoon and you still do nothing, they will come for you in the evening and there will be no one to help you because there will be no one left.”

We have great lawyers with Lisa Cufier with Burns and Levinson and Shippen Page. The cost is going to be exorbitant. One way or another the goal of destroying us and getting rid of African Americans in the Brattle Street-Harvard Square area will have been achieved. We’ve had lots of problems with people doing all kinds of little harassment over our time living in Harvard Square. We overcame that. We cannot overcome this without your help.


For those of you who have asked – the attorneys we hired are:

Lisa Cukier is a firm partner and Executive Committee member. She concentrates her practice on all aspects of estate and trust litigation, fiduciary litigation, probate law, child custody, parentage issues and divorce, planning and litigation for blended families, adoption, guardianship and conservatorship, and elder financial exploitation.

Recognized for her expertise and skill, Lisa is a frequent speaker on the topics of trust and estate litigation, estate planning, and family law, including undue influence and financial exploitation of elders. She is also a regular contributor to various publications, including Boston Spirit Magazine, and a columnist for the Weston Town Crier and Wicked Local Wayland.

Lisa serves as private adjudicator, Special Master, Guardian ad Litem, and mediator. 

You can look at the last Bettina Network Blog and you will see a paragraph telling you something about the other attorney – Shippen Page of Page and Powell attorneys.


Living in Cambridge/Boston, MA while Black.

Thursday, March 12th, 2020

THE SECOND INSTALLMENT OF THE Marceline Donaldson and Robert Bennett story as it is happening.


We have to start this article with our deepest appreciation to Carolyn Tribe who knew what was happening to the Bennett/Donaldsons and spent time finding an attorney who would hang in there with them and get Robert out of Protective Custody. Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett is certainly experiencing first hand what happens to people who wind up in some incredible places and who has not done any of the things which gets most people in those situations.


Shippen Page of Cambridge, MA. is now representing Marceline Donaldson and is one of a team of attorneys we are pulling together. Hopefully, if our current talks go well we will be able to tell you shortly who is representing Robert Bennett. If you would like to contact Attorney Page he can be reached at 174 Lake View Avenue, Cambridge, MA. 02138-2132. His telephone number is 1-617-967 0318. We are sure he would welcome your legal and/or financial help since this looks as though it will be a very long, tough grinding problem to solve and in the end we hope the results will help many who have been treated the way the Donaldson/Bennett’s have but could not fight this very intransigent, unjust and myopic system.

Mr. Page is a part of the law firm of Page and Powell and he has been a practicing attorney since 1979. He is president of the Cambridge Public Library Foundation and serves on the board of Cambridge Homes. He has been a supporter and responsible for the success of many local nonprofits over the past 35 years.

We are, in addition, putting together a team of attorneys because from the very intransigent and ugly way we see this growing it will probably move on to substantial law suits.


Marceline visited Robert yesterday and she came back heartbroken. I can’t imagine how it feels to have lived with someone so long, 24/7 and now have to face this kind of situation. I wonder who the Cambridge/Somerville people think they are?

Mostly, she was appalled to see how glassy Robert’s eyes were. It looked as though he was being given sedatives and/or some other kind of drugs. His lethargy went along with that description. His mind was sharp, however. They had a conversation in which Robert remembered everything they discussed and participated in the discussion with no memory lapses. Trying to claim Robert is mentally unstable is the worst of this, considering he is a Harvard graduate with a doctorate from Harvard’ Graduate School of Arts majoring in Near Eastern studies and having taught for some 35 plus years Hebrew Scripture, Ancient Hebrew and other Semitic languages plus his work in archaeology and the books he has written. Cambridge/Somerville is trying to push all of that under the cover while they carry out this really vicious action against a very substantial African American man. Is this how African American history is changed? Is this how those who contributed and their contributions shove out the window never to be included in anything except a broken dialogue pushing and creating the negative black stereotypes which are strong in the minds and hearts of many in the Cambridge/Boston area?

Think of the amount of public money being spent and the resources being sucked up to push this unjust, unnecessary and really evil thing. It is clearly, among other things – extreme racism. That is not unknown to Cambridge. Check your history and you will find the $10 million of public money Cambridge spent – in damages – because of the way they treated a black woman a few years ago. I think there are also smaller amounts that have also been spent to allow this kind of bigotry to thrive, grow and hurt many. The money being spent on calling out the police to do this dirty work must have been substantial. I seem to remember a Cambridge policeman going to Skip Gates house to ring his doorbell, call him out of his house in a gross and unnecessary attempt to demean, disgrace and embarrass him. That bottle of beer at the White House does not wash out that action – it happened – and clearly was a racist act. From what I know of Marceline, who doesn’t drink any alcohol – there will be no such “beer reconciliation.”


We have had lots of response to our last email trying to keep folks up to date on what is happening. The question everybody asked was – who are the women pushing this – and who started this? The names we have come up with are Angela Clary and Norah Al-Wetaid.

When we can, we will put in this series of articles copy of the unbelievable Protective order – obtained by not giving notice to Robert Bennett so he was not able to respond – does that come from the Court’s racism? Not feeling an African American should be given those rights but should be rushed into the police state quickly before the opportunity passes?

We will also publish the Affidavit ofNorah Al-Wetaid and the Affidavit of Marceline Donaldson responding to the unbelievable number of easily provable lies in what Somerville Cambridge Elder Services promoted.

The City and State Government that funds this group and supposedly exercises some kind of management over them needs to do their job and have a better hold and knowledge about what they are doing. There is something at stake here that the Donaldson/Bennett’s have uncovered and we are beginning to understand what that is. Future articles will lay all of that out in full.

The agency’s affidavits and materials filed with the Court have never known the names of the people they are filing against. If you don’t know who you are legally accusing – one of the first rules should be – your action is questioned and denied. An agency like Somerville/Cambridge Elder Services should at least know the names of people they are making such egregious claims against. They don’t even know that much.

A second rule is that the people managing the agency on a state level needs to know if the people who work for them are accurate and not out there making wild accusations which negatively affects others lives and the quality of their lives. To allow such irresponsible people out making such charges is the height of irresponsibility and the appropriate Commonwealth People need to immediately investigate what this is really about. Robert Bennett’s wife is characterized as Marceline Davidson all throughout their filings. That is not her name. The agency also mis-named others they quote. If the people making such charges are found to be so irresponsible they need to be fired and the agency cleared out of such ways of acting.


We have suggested that the Bennett/Donaldsons be prepared to file major law suits against all offending parties because their Constitutional and all other rights have been trashed as though we are a country in which the police, the Court’s and others can go wild the way they have here, negatively affecting people’s health and lives.

Before the police pushed into the Bennett Donaldson home forcing him to leave home and family, Robert Bennett was doing very well. He took long walks in-between those police ‘arrest’ times; enjoyed the sun and great weather; had good organic food; and so much more. The food he has been exposed to since has been unbelievable and its quality seriously questionable as to whether it would help heal or destroy the health of those eating such.

Since he has been pushed into first the emergency department which works with those who have alcohol, drug and mental problems that would negatively affect the public if they were not pushed into the hospital and then into a section of the hospital for those under “Protection” – which means you cannot visit him because he is not listed as a patient. He has to be hidden from who? His wife who cared for him for over 36 years? Their relationship is well known in the community because they moved in many circles in the Cambridge/Boston areas as well as nationally – and many people in different countries know them and their relationship intimately because of the business they were in before the police, the Courts and others did everything and are continuing to do everything they can to destroy that business.


Letters talking about the Bennett Donaldsons are pouring in – we will print some of them so you understand what we are dealing with here. This is not something to take lightly. When you read about this does it sound familiar? Does it sound like what is going on at the border to immigrants where families are being separated? When you read the articles in Bettina Network’s blog which preceded this you will have some questions about who weaponized people – friends, family of the Bennett Donaldsons against them – for this to happen.


So much has been put into the affidavits which are lies. That is what has me over the top. I read them and was appalled. There is the accusation of Robert Bennett having broken ribs with the implication that it came from his wife. The hospital verified that this was not true – Robert Bennett did not have anything wrong with his ribs.

There is the accusation in the affidavit that Robert Bennett had prostate cancer and his wife refused to get him treatment. That is also not true and Robert Bennett was capable of going to the doctor himself, but did not. This affidavit both makes Robert Bennett’s wife responsible for something which was supposed to have happened years ago and has taken away Robert Bennett’s humanity and ability to lead his life and make his own decisions. Isn’t that where this society goes when they are trying to destroy an African American man? First take away his right and his ability to function on his own and make decisions for himself.

The reason to seek treatment – not to seek treatment – take medicine – not to take medicine – is a decision reserved to each one of us. To do this to someone who does not want the services of Somerville/Cambridge Elder Services is beyond humanity. Are there problems – financial and/or otherwise that Somerville/Cambridge Elder Servicesis having that they need to force people to accept their services or else? That is certainly what this looks like. Since the Bennett Donaldsons thanked Somerville/Cambridge Elder Services for their offer, but no thank you, it is as if they rejected the services of a mafia and they are now paying the price the mafia extracts for refusing such. Where are we? the USA – really? I don’t think so.


There needs to be some laws passed here that monies spent by Somervile/Cambridge Elder Services and all the other Elder Services in other areas of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts need to be replaced by the people who so clearly and so easily spent the agency’s monies and other resources un-necessarily because what was most important to such people was the satisfying first of their bigotry needs to keep themselves as higher than, better than the people they are supposed to be serving. Certainly declaring a person as indigent who is not and who clearly is known not to be indigent shows a very evil kind of bigotry operating within that agency which needs to be stopped..

In addition, the Somerville/Cambridge Elder Services needs to be investigated for other violations which they clearly have committed in this process of acting more like a mafia group than a group responding to the actual needs of those they serve.

They no doubt have helped some people. That does not justify them in their destroying the lives of others. A thorough investigation needs to happen and the agency closed until it is completed. There needs to be a report produced which shows who, what, when and how this agency, which is not carrying out its mandate, but has let the bigotry of its employees get in the way of doing an acceptable job is going to do to change. And such an agency needs to be and do a job which is much than just acceptable. How many people could this agency have helped with the money being spent on this action.


One reference letter written follows to give you an idea as to who the Bennett Donaldsons. We have received many more and will publish several of them so that you know more fully what this is about.

March 10, 2020

“To Whom It May Concern:

I have known Marceline Donaldson and Robert Bennett for twenty years. While serving the Shady Hill School as Executive Director of the school’s Teacher Training Center, Robert and Marceline have been gracious hosts of college students traveling from across the United States to Cambridge, MA. Shady Hill partners with Bettina Network to recruit aspiring teachers for Shady Hill School and graduate students for Boston University and Lesley University. When students or families travel to Cambridge seeking a place to stay, I highly recommend that they stay with Robert and Marceline. Their home is warm and inviting and their kindness knows no bounds. Guests usually reach out to me at the end of their visit and report that their time with Marceline and Robert was the highlight. They have been instrumental in helping these students transition to the area and successfully complete their apprenticeship and master’s degrees in education.

Recently, Robert and Marceline hosted two students from Morehouse College who were visiting Shady Hill School…..Because of Marceline and Robert’s wise counsel, kindness and support, (Name withheld) has decided to apprentice at Shady Hill School, the Epiphany School, and Boston University in the fall of 2020. I have Robert and Marceline to thank for playing a significant role in supporting Shady Hill School’s recruitment efforts and the partnership between Shady Hills and Morehouse College led by President David Thomas, former Associate Dean of Harvard University’s Business School.

Robert is a generous and kind person. I witnessed an expression of love and compassion for his wife, his family and his sister when he co-led the Eucharist for friends and family who honored the memory of his sister as a lovely memorial service several weeks ago. It was moving to witness not only Robert’s compassion but also the ministerial role he played while also celebrating his sister’s life. It is a memory and an experience hat has stayed with me and will stay with me.

My gratitude for Robert and his wife Marceline is deep. I treasure them, trust them and love them.



That is one of many such letters we have received. We will publish several of them so you know who the people are who the Somerville Cambridge Elder Services very clearly tried to destroy – and how they have played with Robert Bennett’s health and life, while claiming to be concerned about him and his health.


My concern is that Robert Bennett needs to be home NOW. Considering the Coronavirus it would be criminal for him to be locked up in MGH instead of being home. I saw him walking to the post office on Thursday (the day before the police ‘picked him up’. He was clearly in a great mood, talked about things we needed to talk about, and his strength was amazing. If he is held in the hospital and they are quarantined because of the coronavirus that should result in some kind of action against the people responsible. Return him home.


You asked? The person who gave Marceline that bible quote which helped her through the day was Lynette Saxe Leveau. The quote – for those who didn’t see the comment on Facebook was ” “No weapon formed against you shall prosper.”


The Bennett Donaldsons are going to need help paying these legal bills. We hope you will help them and let us know if there are other ways you can help.

Black in Cambridge/Boston

Wednesday, March 11th, 2020

a series following what is happening to Rev. Dr. Robert A. Bennett and Marceline Donaldson in the Harvard Square area. Please send this to everyone you know – . They need a lot of help – it is a system stacked against them – Being African American, in business, in the Greater Boston area is unbelievably and they are not the only people to whom this has happened.


by: Marceline Donaldson

My anger is over the top. I am going to pullout every stop to get Robert out of the hospital under a very bogus protective order which was heard without giving notice to both sides.

I will post every thing that happens and I hope you will send these posts to everyone you know.

The latest? I went to Mass General Hospital to see Robert yesterday with my lawyer. We had to wait for Security Guards to come to make sure we didn’t tear the hospital down or whatever was their problem. Two guards appeared to guard the hallways in front of us – two other guards appeared and asked us to step out while they consulted with whoever. We were ushered into a conference room and told we could not see Robert because they were short handed yesterday and did not have the requisite personnel – a policeman and a security guard – to be present during our visit. Who is the “our”? My attorney and myself. My attorney is a well known well respected Cantabridgian and what could an 82 year old woman do to the hospital?

Then we discovered when we received the file from the Court that an attorney had been appointed to represent Robert. Why had the attorney been appointed? Because Robert was declared INDIGENT.

Interestingly, we have the affidavit filed by Somerville Cambridge Elder Services and they talk about two young women who visited our house. After having been in the house to take out a filing calling us INDIGENT is about as racist as life was in the 1930’s for Blacks.

You want to see where these INDIGENT people live? Put in 49 Hawthorn Street Cambridge and there should be pictures of the house valued at about $5 million dollars.

In an earlier filing, the house was considered “unsafe”.

And by the way – it is clear that this is the real issue because the end of those affidavits talk about taking supervision over Robert and his wife – two elderly people who need such supervision.

I think you now can see better what this is about.


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