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Archive for the ‘politics’ Category

Trump and Putin Meet, but clearly not for the first time!

Saturday, July 8th, 2017

It was interesting to see Putin and Trump meet.  This was touted as their ‘first face to face meeting’.  We would respectfully disagree.  What we saw was two men who were quite familiar with each other and had a strong friendship going which to us looked as though it had developed over several years.

From the very familiar way they greeted and were with each other this was not a first time meeting.  The handshake was not a traditional Trump handshake.  He was not trying to gain the superior position.

Grabbing Putin’s arm in addition to the handshake is not something one normally does upon a first meet.

Reaching his arm behind Putin to put on his back is a very intimate gesture one makes with a friend not a brand new stranger person.

Putin’s response was the same.  He clearly was face to face familiar with Donald Trump before this meeting and probably in intimate get togethers – familial, friendship or both.

The “optics” as they say, spoke volumes about their daily life and choices – everyone in the room for this meet and greet was white and male – and that included the interpreters.  A very different visual from that of others shown at the G20 – women were in attendance, participation and as interpreters.  The old boys club was on full display, in more ways than one.

And, Trump continued to diss Obama.  His white privilege and superiority is much shattered by the elegance and success of Obama’s presidency – kind of a symbol for what is going on with the rest of Trump’s base.  Trump needs to constantly reassure himself of his superiority over African Americans, at least, by attempting to tear down Obama and his presidency.  Sad!  And, isn’t that what his travel ban is all about?  Very sad!

We could be wrong, but………………


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.

Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to bettinanetwork@comcast.net or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to: bettina-network@comcast.net


A Letter from a Member

Thursday, July 6th, 2017

Dear Bettina people:

I love you folks.  Thanks for the post on Trump needing to admit and go all the way with his transgender self.

Being called ‘crazy’ didn’t sit quite right with me, but your “oracle” hit the nail on the head.

Unfortunately, he is who we voted for and he is who he has been for decades.  Knowing the man I have known about his secret for a very long time, but I didn’t dare bring it up.  To cover, he has been stirring up everything and everybody so it has clearly been visible for anyone who pays attention.

May you all live long and prosper and continue writing – I love it.  My blog will be along shortly.  Hope you have the guts to publish it – although from what I have seen that is not a problem with you Bettina people.


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.

Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to bettinanetwork@comcast.net or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to: bettina-network@comcast.net


The Bettina Oracle Speaks

Tuesday, July 4th, 2017

This has been an incredible time for everyone – especially since you have all been faced with what for many is not understandable and for those of you who do understand what is happening, you are not able to speak about it out of fear.

A man, surrounded by many who are there to take advantage of his pain, confusion and a lifetime of hiding, has become president of the United States.

In the process of this man’s entire life, creating havoc, upheaval, evil, unhappiness, fighting and more in his environment and among those who have tried to love him, be his friend, work with him, help him achieve his goals, has been the way he has coped with the havoc, unhappiness, desperation which he has carried around inside of him for his entire life.  Well, actually from about age five.

He has been accused of being crazy – thoughtless – self-absorbed – not someone who is capable of thought = and more.  And he has been all of those things.

What most need to know is why!

When you carry a secret all those years and need to distract yourself from dealing with that secret and being desperate not to be exposed, you create an environment all around you which is horrible for those with whom you interact – who depend upon you for many things – who try to befriend you – and especially for those who love you.

What is this secret that has set ablaze the United States in the worse way and is threatening the world?

This president is actually a woman in a man’s body and that has been the burden he has carried around for decades, shaping his life so the explosions around him camouflage this ‘problem.’.

When his hands were ridiculed it was an especially difficult time for him because he believed he was about to be “outed”.  He has the small delicate hands which he uses the way a ballerina uses her hands.

When he plays golf or tennis you see another aspect of this because his rear end is exposed and you see the rear end of a plus-size mature and quite shapely woman.

Problematically, this becomes worse as he ages and hiding it becomes ever more difficult because the tell tale signs of his internal woman – who he will not let out – becomes clearer and more people are able to see and understand what this is all about.

Who hates gays more than a gay person in the closet.  Who hates transgender people more than a woman in a man’s body.  Who has the greater need to move away from those with whom one is identified especially if that group is oppressed by the larger society.

If he lets this secret out and holds it as a secret no more, there is no one with power over him – he would be free.

Given some of the talents he has shown this would be his opportunity to becomes a substantial, giving, loving, thoughtful and kind human being.  The person everyone wants to know, be with, enjoy, etc.  To continue to hold this secret means more and more people hold power over you and you have to continue in the ways of distracting, finding ways to upheaval entire societies so your secret is safe and more.



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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.

Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to bettinanetwork@comcast.net or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to: bettina-network@comcast.net




The Fourth of July, 2017

Sunday, July 2nd, 2017

What a day we celebrate in a year during which our Republic is once again in jeopardy and we are in fear of all of the gains made by those who went before being trashed.  And – we have only ourselves to blame.

To celebrate the Fourth of July with Donald Trump as president of these United States seems a sacrilege.  He has worked very hard to trash everything this country’s founders put in place.  And he has been way too successful!

Why?  Because the United States of America elected and re-elected an African American as president – twice!!!! And that jeopardized his identity as better than and the identities of those who he has gathered around him as above all others.

All of the racist and sexist structures that Barack Obama took down during his presidency, or which influenced others to work to take down the racist/sexist infrastructure of these United States are being reconstructed by Donald Trump and his followers.  In the name of white supremacy – white privilege – Trump and those who are working with and for him are doing everything they can to tear down and then reconstitute this country into a stronger model of the racist and sexist institution from which it has struggled to be free.

Adolph Hitler played god in Germany and the people suffered.  Donald Trump is playing god in the United States of America and the people are suffering.  Only God is God!  To attempt to become a god and force others to acknowledge and honor and pay obeisance to you is one of the greatest sins and we have Donald Trump and his followers doing just that.  Forgive them, O God.   Show them the error of their ways before it is too late for their redemption.  Many are in Church this Sunday praying to their god to give them the strength to continue the work started by Donald Trump.  How bright is the light they are trying to subdue.  How manifest to others are their sins.  How blind to their own sins have they become that they can kneel at your altar and call on you to support their chosen god.

Last year, we published Frederick Douglas’ speech given on July 4th.  We commend it to you https://www.bettina-network.com/blog/archives/2560

There are several paragraphs which can make you weep and take you into that place where no one should have to go –

“Go where you may, search where you will, roam through all the monarchies and despotisms of the Old World, travel through South America, search out every abuse, and when you have found the last, lay your facts by the side of the everyday practices of this nation, and you will say with me, that, for revolting barbarity and shameless hypocrisy, America reigns without a rival….
400 years of slavery – 25 to 35 million Africans robbed of their freedom; taken from their country and put into slavery for 400 plus years – first by the Arabs and then by Europeans and Americans….

Fellow Citizens, I am not wanting in respect for the fathers of this republic. The signers of the Declaration of Independence were brave men. They were great men, too-great enough to give frame to a great age. It does not often happen to a nation to raise, at one time, such a number of truly great men. The point from which I am compelled to view them is not, certainly, the most favorable; and yet I cannot contemplate their great deeds with less than admiration. They were statesmen, patriots and heroes, and for the good they did, and the principles they contended for, I will unite with you to honor their memory….

They loved their country better than their own private interests; and, though this is not the highest form of human excellence, all will concede that it is a rare virtue, and that when it is exhibited it ought to command respect. He who will, intelligently, lay down his life for his country is a man whom it is not in human nature to despise. Your fathers staked their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor, on the cause of their country. In their admiration of liberty, they lost sight of all other interests….

They were peace men; but they preferred revolution to peaceful submission to bondage. They were quiet men; but they did not shrink from agitating against oppression. They showed forbearance; but that they knew its limits. They believed in order; but not in the order of tyranny. With them, nothing was “settIed” that was not right. With them, justice, liberty and humanity were “final”; not slavery and oppression. You may well cherish the memory of such men. They were great in their day and generation. Their solid manhood stands out the more as we contrast it with these degenerate times….

“By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down. Yea! we wept when we remembered Zion. We hanged our harps upon the willows in the midst thereof. For there, they that carried us away captive, required of us a song; and they who wasted us required of us mirth, saying, Sing us one of the songs of Zion. How can we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land? If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning. If I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth.”……

May we always remember – may we always celebrate this holiday in truth and not in hypocrisy, trying to hide our history and our sins – may we be able to accept our humanity while attempting to right our wrongs – may we never accept the tyranny of those like Donald Trump, who refuses to accept his own humanity trying to force others to accept him as perfect in every aspect –  god walking this earth – infallible – the only one who can achieve and accomplish what this country needs.  Forgive him, O God, and walk with us as we travel through this very dark valley.  There is light at the end of this journey, but we can’t see it, only you know its outcome and why.  The forces of evil have gathered and are strong.  They have taken over our new businesses and infused them with bigotry.  We have worked hard to remove and replace the kind of bigotry they refuse to live without.  Help us to identify each and everyone of them and help us work to bring good where they have and are sowing evil.  Amen!


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.

Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to bettinanetwork@comcast.net or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to: bettina-network@comcast.net

AMERICA: your ethics are showing

Thursday, June 29th, 2017

From slavery – to Jim Crow – to the immense Black Civil Rights movement – to the painful Feminist movement – to the Peace Movement – to Americans for Respect of the Globe and the Universe – to Donald Trump?

The election and ‘service’ of Donald Trump has exposed the United States’ underbelly the way nothing else has and it is very difficult for all of us to see.  Much better to continue to engage in denials.

Breakfast conversations in a Bettina Home are always inclusive of something about what Trump is doing; what he needs to do; how to stop him; what is Russia’s involvement; how are we going to continue with such a man as president; what happened – did we really elect Trump or did Russia do it.  Are we missing something?

Among the forces in this country which have come together to elect Trump as president we have to include those forces which elected this Congress.  Among those forces we also have to include the years spent before this election of gerrymandering to help make this election possible – all in the name of denying one person one vote, denying one person’s voice replacing it with the manipulators’ need for power.  They also have to include our refusal to become a democracy by doing the work to eliminate the Electoral College.  They also have to include our refusal to get rid of ‘White Privilege’ – the sick need many have to be better than even in a democratic/republic.

We have only ourselves to blame for Trump and we have only ourselves to correct this massive error by correcting the ills in this country which brought this about.

From where we stand and from what we have heard, Trump was elected with a solid base of the organized bigots, the mafia, many of those at the top of our corporate structures coming together in one of those perfect storms.  And, what we need to acknowledge here is that those groups have always worked together  – and – as per usual – we and they blamed the “Middle Class”, the “Working Class” for what others have wrought.

Corporations are very far from being a democracy.  They are also not republics.  They are dictatorships accustomed to doing things their own way, as ordered from the top, and accustomed to brutally moving obstacles out of their paths, greasing everything with lots of money and little bits of power.  The same is true for the other groups whose reason for being is to spread bigotry, hatred, white supremacy.  They are skilled at the lying, cheating, stealing, and all the other sins we can now see them committing as they come out from under their traditional cover.

What is clearer today than it has ever been is the collusion between Corporate America and the mafia.  That is something we don’t like to admit, but Trump has forced the issue and the admission.  For example, there is no way anyone who voted for Trump can today say they did not know of his mafia connections.

Trump’s ties to the mafia go back to at least his high school days when he met and was friends with John Gotti’s son.  The son of the teflon don puts his schoolyard friend in the path to be taught to become the teflon president.

Things became much more intense and involved from that point on.

Enter Roy Cohn – which brings in another group tied into Trump’s base – gay men in the closet who enjoy a camraderie with the corporate, the political, the well-heeled sprinkling gold dust over those mixing and shifting relationships and hiding that collusion from the rest of society (as best they can).

The consensus from many breakfasts is that Trump’s hidden secret, which makes him subject to Russian demands is not about sexual orgies, golden streams, etc.,  it is about having found places in and around Russia to let out that gay side where he thought it wouldn’t reach the light of day.  Many of our breakfast folks thought that such a place would be important to Trump who they saw as not only gay, but homophobic – so coming out of the closet would not be an option.  And, so some breakfast conversations went into comments such as; coming out of the closet would not mean a solid, steady relationship based on love, but it would mean coming out of hidden orgies with whoever/wherever making the sexual needs not necessarily “gay” or same sex, but outrageous, out of control sex, orgy addicted, kinky to an extreme. Coming out of the closet would lessen his power with his close compatriots who helped him get where he is today.  The closest he came to coming out of the closet – so these folks discuss – was accidental and through his relationship with Roy Cohn, which supposedly had a sexual closeness that many picked up on, but few publicized.  That kind of sexual orientation and lifestyle was more prevalent during the days of Trump’s young adulthood, but still exists in small pockets in several places today.

That can lead, when such a person engages in moments of sober reflection, to an extreme insecurity and self-hatred, if one still has any shred of moral values left.  Is that what we are seeing in Trump’s projection of all of his insecurities onto minorities of every color, class, sex, sexual orientation, etc?  His projections have certainly been vicious enough to tear this country apart and begin the process of putting it back together in his own image.

Trump has also given us a clear and unusually open look at mafia culture through his lifestyle, mannerisms, speech, dress and expectations of obeisance from others to him and from him to (only a very small number) of others.

We are living in an America that will never be the same again.  All of the gains we have made – moving away from and rejecting slavery; watching the gains of the Black Civil Rights Movement being stripped away daily with one or two Blacks being held up by Trump as the objects to disprove the rule of extreme racism in his administration as the new normal; from organizations becoming respected and respectable who had been fought and relegated to the back rooms of illegality; from the gains of the Feminist Movement also being stripped away as women are once again being portrayed as objects whose ‘pussy’ can be grabbed by anyone; with sexual abusers at top corporate levels being front and center and their corporations held in high esteem with the individuals so caught in such illegal activities given comfort and succor by the President of the United States?

How low are we going to sink, America?  How many sins are we going to commit before this all comes to an end? Will there be absolution for those sins in the end of this nightmare or will the vestiges hang on to scare our children, our grandchildren and all of the next generations?  Evil is far harder to eradicate than good.  Evil is far simpler to incorporate into the structure of our country than good.

We were able to justify slavery – stealing millions of lives because some of us were too lazy to do our own work, but wanted the benefits from the work of others for free.  We were able to justify maintaining racism against Africans because we needed to continue to deny what we did to them during slavery.  We attempted to justify that by showing the movie on how Africans moved from sub-human to more cultured due to their association with us so now we can move forward incorporating them as more equal in our society, our schools, our neighborhoods.  We were able to justify maintaining sexism against Women because we needed and still need them to do our dirty work and to support us in whatever we decide to do without recognition, agreement, compensation, and more.  We are still able to justify maintaining all of the complicated bigotry against other human beings because it satisfies our need for macho power, money and the creature comforts all of that brings not the least of which is not having to do the hard work of creating an identity when white privilege gives us a strong foundational identity for which we don’t have to work – isn’t all of that what the Supreme Court has facilitated in a low keyed way with their recent decision?  Isn’t that almost a parallel to their Plessy decision?  And now we can move on to their 1954 decision after those involved have had a bit of time to appreciate the less than equal decision that will follow.  It will feel like a breath of fresh air even if some of the less than restrictions are left in place?  How to move backwards a little by moving backwards a lot.

Give him enough rope – he will hang himself, but in the meantime he will make sure that his contribution is to the continuation of White Northern European Privilege and Ascendancy over all others.  Put him in jail to insure that much or our guilt is expiated, but the damage done will not be totally rectified.  Make him a very negative example and make fun of him, call him crazy, hold him up as ‘not like the rest of us’, but underneath it all is that gratitude that comes from those who need the security of being ‘better than’ so they can continue to live ‘free’ after having called for that bowl of soap, water and a towel and used it to insure our eternal detriment, degradation and damnation.  Eternal isn’t the issue – immediate is and isn’t that what our increasing technology is doing for us?

Take a look at where we were before Trump!

The Venture Capitalists planned our future with brash, uncouth, out of control, disrespectful young white men of Northern European descent being held up with multi-millions. Made to think they built huge empires when they and their brashness were actually used to front for what has developed and is developing around the multi-billions dollars companies that have sprung up overnight to put the older companies out of business and to move power into the hands of a small group who make Trump look like a joke.

The political ‘king’ makers, who are responsible for the rise of Trump and who have put the supporting structures in place which are needed to change this country and stop its movement towards a democracy where all are equal and where compassion and love reign supreme are today rejoicing in what they see as their success.  It took years before the advent of Trump to put in place the structures which elected him.  How much went into gerrymandering?  How much went into the development of Breitbart- the NRA – the KKK – the White Nationalists – the neo-Nazi’s – bringing them all to the fore and pushing back on everything else.

“Make America Great Again” did not start with Trump.  It is a slogan he stole from others who used it before he came along, when he was playing around with Roy Cohn and his boys. Bringing America into the circle of Russia, Northern Korean, Syria, and other such countries couldn’t have been done by Trump.  It had to be a long developing power surge.  Take credit, guys,  for what you have done.

And now what?  More of the same? Moving to a very different form of government – one which will never again be bothered having to fend off an African American president – or beat back a woman president who was advocating for the opposite to what we now have in power – never have to face the horror of the son or daughter of a refugee taking over as president?

It is up to you America.

From every Bettina breakfast or breakfast seminar there is no sign of anyone wanting more of what we have today – so how is this going to end?  All of us shot dead when we step out of line and shine a light onto what’s wrong here?  Jailing increasing when you protest with all of your assets taken away as they can now do in Arizona if you dare to be a part of the ‘wrong’ protest movement or demonstrations? Fear running through the streets as security guards from other countries are allowed to mutilate and harm Americans even in front of the cameras and without negative comments or protests from our leaders – a tacit show that it should continue and grow stronger.

Where is all this going America?  Is your insecurity going to continue and make America White Again? Or are you going to find your guts and make America a wonderful, humane, democracy whose doors are actually and really opened fulfilling what is written on the Statue of Liberty.  She is certainly in trouble today.  I can see the stone masons chipping off those words and replacing them with “Enter at your own risk – leaving your need for equality, freedom, justice behind.”


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to bettinanetwork@comcast.net or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to bettina-network@comcast.net







Corporate vs Democratic Structures

Monday, May 29th, 2017

“It is great to have a business man as president”.  “Maybe now things will get done in a corporate way.”  etc. etc.

Do you really want the United States of America to be a Corporate entity – like USA Corp.?  Or the General Motors of America?  Or even Google – scratch that – Alphabet, inc.?

What does it mean to have a business person as president?  Wasn’t that the real issue in this last campaign?  Hillary Clinton – who has been in public life her entire life as opposed to Donald Trump who has been in business his entire life?

So what’s the difference?

I should say in the beginning that I am biased.  Having worked for major corporations, I would not want these United States to be run like a corporation by a businessman or woman.  What is the difference?  All of our talk about changing the United States governmental structure into a fascist dictatorship is roughly equivalent to saying change the United States into a government which makes shoes led by a business person within the structure of Corporate America.

Corporations are not democratic institutions.  They are dictatorships.  The person at the top dictates just about everything.  When a new person takes over at the top even the personality and character of the people under him or her changes.  The corporate hiring and promotion begins to be of people like the corporate leader.

Corporations don’t take decisions from the bottom up and only on matters that don’t count would a vote be taken in anything.  And when corporations do vote at their annual meetings where voting occurs – the results are fixed.  Not by someone who goes about ‘manipulating’ the results for a certain outcome, but because shares in most corporations are held by a few large people or corporations with the results known before the papers about voting even go out.  The few times someone has tried to change that they were pushed out unceremoniously and life went on at though they had never existed.

Democracies are far less efficient, but far more humane and concerned about making sure those who are among the ‘have nots’ are taken care of – not totally, but some basics are fought over to make sure the ‘have nots’ have a chance.  The defense of those who are a part of the democracy is important and monies spent to make sure we are all ‘safe’.

In the United States, we are currently fighting over universal health care.  Other countries already have such, but we have some kind of horror that we might be giving away health care to those who don’t deserve it.  That is a very corporate mentality – since in most corporations – those that have get and those that don’t have stay at the bottom until they are fired for others who don’t have and who can be paid to do the same job for less money.

Corporations define the elements that go into reporting a ‘profit’.  Very seldom does the profit of corporations actually equal out to what is used to add, subtract, divide to get to the bottom line.  For example – corporations use much in this world for which they don’t pay.  The democracy or other governmental entity in which they live pays for a lot that corporations use which does not get subtracted from their gross to get to their bottom line profit.

They contribute to pollution, but don’t pay to clean up their mess.  They contribute to climate change, but don’t pay to reverse the negatives they create.  No one disputes that and no one – well very few people – would fight to get that changed.  Occasionally corporate profits are disputed and something is added which was not there before and that then makes up the corporate bottom line.  What happened to cause that change? Normally government stepped in to demand the corporation make amends; change its policies; be more responsive; and that government entity will demand the corporate product or service be surveyed and kept ‘honest’.

In democracies, the people who make up that democracy determine what is done, how, when, by who and much concern and money is put into defense, social services, education, and more.  There is a responsibility which each person in a democracy has in its continuance, growth and upkeep. There is a limit to the responsibility each person has in a corporate setting and your level of responsibility depends upon your job description, salary, etc.

Where a corporation can cause a problem which affects everybody – it is the governmental entity which generally has to address, change and make better whatever happened.  The corporation can and some do, walk away from that kind of responsibility and the world will not stop spinning.  The governmental entity cannot – especially the democratic governmental entity.  It must step up to the plate and make a change.

In corporations, the CEO, CFO, Executive Committee are generally the people who set policy, and run the corporation.  The underlings carry out the dictates of the upperlings. That is not true in a democracy.

I think you get my drift.

It is time for us to clearly outline and understand the difference between a corporation structure and what life is like under such an entity and a democracy knowing what life is like under that entity also.

The United States is a democracy/republic and those of us who are citizens of that democracy are also responsible for its good or ill.  Voting is a heavy responsibility – we pay taxes to provide the services we have determined should go to others – we pay taxes to provide for the defense of all of us from negative outside forces – we pay taxes for…………..oh god, do we pay taxes!

In a corporation we do not have that responsibility and we do not pay taxes.  We earn an income for doing what our job description says we were hired to do and we can be fired by the corporation, sometimes for no reason.  We do not have the level of responsibility in a corporation that we have in a democracy.

A war between the corporate structure and the democratic/republic structure has been predicted for quite a long time – and it has now, with Clinton/Trump, arrived on our door step demanding attention.

The Trump/Clinton presidential campaigns reflected that difference more than most in the past few years.  Their mind sets – what they are about are all very different and instead of outlining that difference and calling it what it is, we see evil and good – me included – because clearly a corporate structure for these United States would defeat everything we have worked for over a few hundred years.  Our constitution is not a corporate document, but one that brought a democratic/republic into being.  We have a Supreme Court and all the other trappings to try to keep us on that democratic path.  What is going on in this country today is a strong move to drop the democracy and take on the corporate structure.

Most of the people pushing for such have no idea what they are asking.  They are simply repeating what they’ve heard and someplace inside they seem to think this would be great – we all have those moments of running home to Mama to be taken care of, but adulthood is much more fulfilling, productive and humane.  They talk about how more efficient that corporate structure would be, etc. etc.  when efficiency is not the issue in a government.  That would be a disaster and would result in our aligning ourselves with Russia and all the other dictatorships of the world where the individual counts for nothing and survives out of the largesse of the oligarchs and dictator – giving up everything in return including equality, freedom, justice, etc..

Maybe if we bring up in our minds these two opposing structures, which were developed for very different reasons we might be able to come to some accommodation.  The United States of America was not founded to make shoes, after all.  It was founded to bring about things like equality, justice etc. etc. etc. for all of us.


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to bettinanetwork@comcast.net or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

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Our Oracle speaks about Trump, Pence et al…

Friday, May 19th, 2017

We just couldn’t resist.  With everyone chiming in about all of this we thought it was time for our oracle to speak:

“What a grand mess!  Developed from human greed and the need for power to bring about a world in which one can wallow instead of being industrious about and responsible for the welfare of others.  This is all coming from a need to feel better than other humans instead of working hard to follow the laws of love.  In other words, laziness of the soul is what has produced this mess.

Where to begin!  Amazingly there is no static surrounding this so it is coming in clear!  It is a rare time to see the future with such clarity and beauty.

I shall begin with – of course – Donald Trump, the great man, currently being used by so many forces of evil.  How did he become so powerful!

Remember when Donald Trump was so viciously pursuing Barack Obama with his campaign of lies about Obama not being a citizen of the United States and so he was not a legitimate president?  Too bad Trump could not use his genius in the service of good, but put it at the disposal of the forces of evil.  He pursued Barack Obama relentlessly all throughout Obama’s campaign for the presidency and throughout his years as president.  That was a ‘dog whistle’.  Trump was calling together those who were weak in their identity; who had problems with their inner being and needed something to be able to feel good about themselves.  He called together those who chose to slide by in this world not doing their work, but putting bigotry at the center of their being. The very hard work of building their identity on the solid rock foundation of love for all humans is what makes one pursue love instead of tyranny and evil.  Trump unveiled for those so insecure the beginnings of how they could get rid of this threat building – an African American man as president threatening to take down what generations of evil had built – this threat to all like him who were insecure in their personhood.  And when a woman threatened to follow this African American man, the last bits and pieces of this evil were being threatened with being reduced to nothing.   It was too much – the last straw – this was not something evil in the world would or could tolerate and so these negative, ugly, fascist forces were called into action as Donald Trump’s “army”..

Donald J. Trump put together those who responded to his ‘dog whistle’ with  those who chose the path of ‘power over others’ to create a campaign to make himself President of the United States.  He wanted to be the most powerful person in the world and was willing to sacrifice the small bits of goodness he still had inside of himself for the position.

One can gain that position by going the route of working to build a better world for all or one can gain that position by taking the route of calling together all of the evil in the world to create you as this human who is above all other humans and that is what appealed to Trump.  Trump saw the path of evil as a much clearer path – one far more suited to his souls laziness and he saw the same laziness in others – so he joined with those establishing and who had already established fascist dictatorships around the world and promised his fealty as one of them and to be their chief supporter- and what they have not yet realized – their leader.

So, Donald J. Trump had the building blocks for his presidency – the combination of the bigots with the fascists. A fairly traditional partnership known to and comfortable in this world.  Mostly these were one and the same, but sometimes he had to meld the two to get the support he needed.  Chief among his supporters was VP.

At the same time Trump knew he could constantly refresh his position and he put aside many ‘dog whistles’ which he could use when one began to get old and the dogs stopped responding.  The latest one was his statement about Barack Obama having him surveyed with listening devices in his beloved Trump Tower.  It was plausible to many because of many of the people living in Trump Tower.  One could make a case for any one of them being “surveilled.”

With this as his base, Trump has accomplished much for his side.  Human weakness has played into his plans and given him the kind of support he never expected to have.  Those who wanted the same things, but were not clear enough in their pursuit of evil to make the kind of sacrifices Trump was willing to make and, in fact, has made.  These were chief among his supporters –  those who wanted power in their own small piece of the world;  those who wanted to be close to power serving its needs were in the mix;  those who wanted money to be able to do things they hadn’t been able to do before they promised fealty to evil  –  and so many more.

We can see the result.  Especially this past week with the violence in the streets of Washington, D. C., apparently caused by the evil emanating from Turkey to let the world know that such thuggery, such destruction of the human spirit by physical means, was clearly now acceptable in the United States and would be rewarded.  Those objecting and trying to stop such displays and horribleness would be put down and pushed aside in Trump’s world.

This was a week of Trump parading his fascist-style dictator friends in and through the White House – that beacon of democracy – and across the pages of the media to show the world what he expected to be his grand entrance into world domination, giving out the images to the world that America has left its democracy behind and is entering into Trump and his friend’s fascist state.  No more democratic-republic.    Let those following the law of love shutter – Trump appears to have won!  His hand shakes and smiles and friendly bantering with the fascist-dictators of the world and those who hope to be fascist-dictators as opposed to his coldness and ugly attitude toward those who came to visit during previous times who are working to build a more democratic world.  All very telling.

Well, not so fast.  Apparently, there are still vestiges in the United States of some form of goodness.  The rule of law, which we shouldn’t really espouse, but which shows up in times of need when we seem to be failing in other ways, has shown its head and is beginning the take down of Trump.  Well, maybe the rule of law will suffice until the rule of love can become totally entrenched.

Now those who were choosing evil have to stop and breathe.  What now!  It seemed clear that their path to importance – to moving up another step on the ladder of financial worldly success has been changed.  Maybe it is time to wait to see what will happen.  Will evil continue to succeed via Trump?  Or has something else entered the picture.

Certainly Pence – Trump’s major ally in this drama – is not the answer.  He has shown himself able to lie as easily as Trump.  His way to the top, however, is a little different.  He is moving ahead with his inner soul trappings as one of the pharisees (a person distinguished by strict observance of the traditional and written law, and commonly held to have pretensions to superior sanctity. a self-righteous person; a hypocrite) only beginning to show, but being exposed ever so slightly is as good as being totally stripped and laid bare.

In all of this. good eventually triumphs’  How fast or how slowly this happens depends upon where you are in your life and in how much or how little of yourself you are contributing to either promoting Trump or working for and promoting the goodness in life.  But even so there is a ways to go.  Follow Trump’s trip abroad very closely – it holds the answers to the questions you have and will expose many for who they actually are in this drama – both those at home and those abroad.

We don’t need this drama to see that all of you, in everything you do, clearly give out hints and behaviors that expose your inner soul.

And now to more practical matters:  How do you become a seer and an oracle?  you only have to  pray constantly for wisdom and knowledge and you will also become a seer and an oracle.  To obtain, get to know and follow the rule of love?  That is a totally different story.  That is the hardest path to follow and the one which puts on your shoulder the largest and heaviest of crosses.


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to bettinanetwork@comcast.net or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

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We Are Being Played! Trumped!

Thursday, April 27th, 2017

The “roll out” of Donald J. Trump’s tax program was amazing.  It is the (1%) one percenters dream.  If it goes through it create a country without responsibility to anyone except its top ten percent – the bottom nine percent of this top ten percent will be the recipients of this country’s “welfare”.  It is the way to acquire unlimited wealth and pass it on to your children.

Every country has suffered from having no ‘death tax’ because the wealth of their top group grows to extremes and the poverty of its bottom group becomes beyond desperate.

My dream has been to be able to pass on what I have worked so hard for all of my life to my children and grandchildren.  It isn’t a huge estate, but enough for me to rest in peace knowing they would have some backup as life delivers one body blow after another.  But, every time I think those thoughts I think of all of those others – children and grandchildren of people who have not been able to accumulate an estate of any kind and generally leave their children in debt.

It is a conflict for most of us, but the ‘death tax’ usually wins, if we have a shred of caring for those who can’t care for themselves and if we care about trying to lift up those who were born so downtrodden they won’t make it otherwise.

However, that is not the case with many who have accumulated a substantial estate.  It seems those who have created the largest estates are the greediest and want to see everything move down the generations of  their own families.  They generally wind up passing negative moral judgments on those who have not been able to create the same.  They become those who are ‘better than’ on so many levels and those in front of  whom the rest of us become subservient because we want a little of their wealth to rub off into our families.

Trump’s reduction in the tax rate – elimination of the Alternative Minimum Tax and all of his other proposals will bankrupt the United States Treasury and the deficit will zoom.  He knows that – he is not new to this game – his own estate has shown him the ins and outs of taxes and those he chose to work with him and on this tax problem, among others, are very much in tune with Trump’s way of life and way of thinking.  The poor, the sick, those who have many problems which have kept them from amassing large amounts of money are parasitic interlopers into their “hard work” and “success.”

The longer I live the clearer it becomes that those who have succeeded awesomely have done so at the expense of the poor, the sick, the indigent, the minority, the women in this society.  They have used the life, the work, the dreams of others to make it in big ways.  They have stripped those others of everything and have no conscience about their deeds.

Right before this tax cut was rolled out, the ‘Trumpster’ started playing us all.  As many buttons as he could push to distract from this tax business he pushed.  Talking heads in the media took the bait; civil rights activists took the bait; those working for economic justice took the bait and Trump cleared a wide path for his people to walk down the road, make their announcement of things to come and the response was muted because we were all looking at where Trump’s finger was pointing instead of at the moon.

We are being played.  We have been played since Trump started his run for office.  The very large choice Trump made in how he would make his money was via casinos, after all.  (It always amazes me how “evangelicals’ ran so hard after and for a hard core gambler).

His research is to find the ‘hot buttons’ in this society and choose which ones to push before he does something he wants to slip through as unnoticed as possible and he is very good at that.  It is called manipulation and Trump is the Great Manipulator.  He has done a magnificent job.  He got votes from the middle class because he convinced them that his racism, sexism, general all around bigotry, anti-immigrant stance was just what they needed to recover whatever they lost.  The fact that under Trump they would lose even more was totally hidden and many still haven’t seen the game.  The money support he has received has been awesome and none of that middle class has asked -‘where did we get that kind of money to support you – we sent small dollars because it was all we had – so now what are you going to do for those who tossed so many dollars into your ‘honey pots’ because what they want is anathema to us.’

And – by the way – is Amazon.com still a large Trump supporter?  The story of their bottom to middle employees needs to be told truthfully to understand why amazon.com’s support of Trump follows its path!

Let the games continue!  Let those who have Trump Dust in their eyes get clear and see so they can begin to win some of these games.  No one is going to do it for you!  And to the rest of us – Reagan was the opening parenthesis; Trump is the closing – what does that mean!!  What preceded Reagan and what was between the opening and closing parentheses?  It is the pattern of our world, repeated over and over and over again.

This country has had too many times of the majority fighting for equality and justice and those few at the top planning and bringing about the defeat of that equality and justice which peeps through each spring before it gets mowed down, covered with all those chemicals, comes back looking bedraggled, tired and straggly while that top group, regroups and finds a new-different-and better way to rip off the rest of us.  Certainly the technology group has found ways to become extraordinarily wealthier than any that preceded them.  Their progeny lives to fight another day, wealthy beyond imaginings and walking in their ancestors paths – until this next group comes along to knock them off.  They grow smaller in numbers but greater in strength and their look is characterized as how the rest of the culture should look.  There are very few women in that group, but have you noticed their shoes?  The highest heels – the thickest platforms – the latest style – and never under four figures.  That is how you know them from the wives of the tech people.

And the progeny of those fighters for love, peace, equality, justice and all that’s related start once again thinking that this time they will succeed where their parents, grandparents, great-grandparents failed and this world will be beautiful and good for all of its inhabitants because of their work – they will get it right.  The extremes of that group have been called a cults.  The extreme of the other group have been called the real heroes of the world and it is their history that goes down the generations.  The others are characterized like John the Baptist and pictured as we think he looked in his day. Their adaptation of ‘their historical culture’ always makes up the look of what we label the ‘counter culture.’

Think on these things so you can begin to take over your life.  It is difficult.  It is stressful.  You don’t always win.  But, you become stronger as you fight each battle whether you win or lose and at some point if you continue standing on your own two feet you begin to win more than you lose.  But the real reward is the inner peace that comes and the love that glows from your very body.


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.

Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to bettinanetwork@comcast.net or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

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Trump Tries to Trash Rice!

Wednesday, April 5th, 2017

Well, if you thought Trump was just playing at being a bigot – have no fear – your thoughts are wrong.

To attempt to control the public conversation and steer it away from the Russian interference with the American presidential election and his possible collusion with that Russian interference, Trump has attempted to destroy the reputations of many.  The latest is Susan Rice.

When – O, Lord – will this end?

It is time for Trump, his administration, his cabinet and all those associated with him to quietly take a jet to Russia and we are certain he and they will be granted Russian citizenship.  They have, after all, gone a long ways to making sure Russia was bolstered as a country at the expense of the United States of America

And for those who voted for Trump?  Your bigotry has cost this country immensely.  So, how does that feel?  If it feels good to you – you should take the second class jet to Russia.  You won’t be able to take a first class jet because Trump has insured that you can’t afford to do that.  We think Russia will provide you with money to live on before they ship you off to Siberia.  After what you’ve done here they probably only want to insure you will be good citizens.

To the coal miners – you should have taken Hillary’s offer to re-train you and re-educate you into the core of this society’s current needs because Trump has just made fools of you to line his own pocketbook.

We now have a government getting closer to African dictatorships, Russian fascists and all the others in this world who have taken over countries for their own aggrandizement and fortune building at the expense of its citizens.  Take a look at how the Trump administration is merging with the Trump Organization.  And where will you be in all of this?  Able to serve for a brief period of time before they move on to replace you with family members.  They will soon be able to have a family reunion by having a party within the administration.  How many so far?  Where there had been none – we now have three and, looking at experience, education, qualifications for the job we have zip zero.

Our foreign policy?  Formed as we go along out of the back pocket of Donald J. Trump.  On the fly – so to speak – and from past history, that ‘fly’ is additionally open to however many and kinds of women whose ‘pussy’ he can grab.

How low is this country going to sink?

Proud of yourself Mr. Comey?  And when are you – or are you going to rectify this situation?  Or are you also benefitting, in spite of your claims to the contrary about being so neutral?

The United States Treasury is being depleted daily paying the bill for the Trump presidency.  When they figure out how – the gold in Fort Knox will also be on the move – away from the building that now houses the gold into the Trump family treasury.

And Susan Rice?  Well, Donald can’t leave any African American with a scintilla of a reputation without attempting to smear and ruin them for his own personal benefit and as ‘chum’ thrown to the sharks  whose entire lives are about bigotry.

You all seem to be amazed at the mess each new thing is mired in when it is rolled out!  That amazes us most of all!  You elect a president who has created six bankruptcies and, in spite of knowing that history, you actually expected Trump to be a skilled businessman able to bring together and solve all of the problems of the country – and to fulfill his campaign promises.  The only real promise we think Trump made was to himself – to make sure he rakes in every penny with every possible opportunity.  Why else go to Mar a Lago every weekend?  He is certainly raking it in through that decision.  No one has said if this was a long standing habit of his or if this weekly trip to Mar a Lago developed after he became president. From everything I have read this is a new habit.

They certainly don’t lack new members trying to pay the now $200,000 membership fee raised up from the $100,000 fee that was required before Trump became president – in fact – raised almost on the same day Trump was inaugurated.  This $200,000 fee does not include the yearly fees on top of that and all the money they are expected to spend each weekend – which people do spend because they are looking to hob nob with heads of state; have the president of the United States with his head of another state visitor pop into their private parties ‘unexpectedly’ with pictures of such for posterity; also see and take pictures of the occasional top secret document left open on a table; get pictures for posterity of themselves with Trump and various other high government officials, who are just as star struck at being the stars of the place when they show up and they certainly have been showing up on a regular basis.  Wasn’t that Sessions walking around Mar a Lago shaking hands with all and sundry?

The Russian government – Putin included – apparently picked Trump up when he fell because he didn’t know what he was doing or how to increase the $200 million dollars his father left his – which he squandered in his rather typical fashion.   they seem to have  brushed him off – lined his pockets with billions – and deposited him in place as President of the United States – and why?  Charged him with destroying the country?  Or, actually they didn’t have to charge him to do anything – his natural way of being is to wreck wherever he lands so they were certain that Trump simply being President would wreck the United States of money, credit, reputation, the trust of its citizens, etc.  And were they ever on target.

Way to go folks!  You should be proud of yourselves.  You have used your vote, your citizenry, your responsibilities to satisfy your bigotry against those you consider ‘less than’  and your disdain for those in need.  And then you go out and call yourselves Christians.  Yes, Christians because you’ve gotten rid of everyone else – the real Christians and all the other religions that you consider ‘fake’.

The ‘colored’ people of the world are being routed out of the United States and others are being kept out. Those who can’t be routed out are being destroyed in many subtle ways.  And on they go – the current White Nationalists, kind of headquartered in the United States in Washington, D. C., from whom Hitler and all the others like him could take lessons.

Who was it that said “If they come for me in the morning, they will return for you in the afternoon and you will be alone, destitute, hungry, and totally discouraged with no one to stand up for you.”



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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.

Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to bettinanetwork@comcast.net or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

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Proud to be an American

Saturday, March 25th, 2017

This is one of those mornings when it is time to reflect on your governmental loyalties.

We do a lot of complaining about this United States and we tend to point out all of the faults and pot holes wherever we find them.  But every once in a while something happens that renews our faith and has us puff out our chests and this is one of those times.

To see the White Nationalists, the neo-Nazi’s, the KKK and other such assorted groups who are about nothing but hate – White Privilege – and all of that, reach the level of President of these United States is the most degrading, heart rending, destructive of democracy/republic thing that one could even imagine, let alone see happen.  It makes you wonder if this is what we all have been fighting and sacrificing for?

And then to watch the drama unfold where this is clearly not America.  To begin to understand that we have a president of these United States who could be an agent of a foreign government and have risen to the level of president through the interference of a foreign government into United States voting to become president is crushing, but not as bad as thinking that this happened through United States citizens wrecking such havoc.

When we see the energy and spontaneous activity of Americans raising their voices in protest to say – this is not my country and you get out – begins to bring the color back into my cheeks and the faith and love back into my heart.

You go America! And you keep on keeping on because this too shall pass.  I can see the clouds lifting and the gloriousness of tomorrow because of the activity of our citizens becoming united to rid this country of those who want to change it into something that reflects those countries both current and historical who were about greed, jealousy, deprivation, theft from the poor to give even more to the wealthy, power and control over, giving to self and taking away from those who traditionally give away everything leaving themselves with nothing …….

There are those of you who voted for Trump and his gang of thieves because you wanted the United States to return to “normal.”  And what was that “normal”.  Well, you have seen it with all the cover taken off.  That is what many of us have been fighting for generations.  Only we didn’t see it in such stark terms.  We saw the sophisticated version of what we are seeing exposed today.  So now, maybe we can move ahead together understanding what and who we are and have been fighting and why.

Why has it been so hard to get human beings – who live on this planet to respect it and work to make sure it would be here and in good shape for generations to come – you are seeing why as you look at what is happening right in front of you.

Why has it been so hard to get human beings to care about those who temporarily can’t care about themselves or who have another way of being which got them into trouble or who are sick and infirm who can’t take care of themselves.  Why has it been so hard to turn to understand they are our responsibility and to get all of us to work together so that we all can be whole and comfortable and loved.  Take a look at this administration and you will see the personality types who have prevented and could care less about such – who characterize people needing help in ugly evil ways.

Why has it taken so many generations to get rid of the stain of slavery – Jim Crow – bigotry of all kind?  Why has all of that hung on for so long?  Now – do you understand? And now do you see what needs to happen to bring about that necessary change of heart?

We have had a theatre – a morality play – right in front of us all day every day for months now.  Take heed and remember the lessons you are learning today – they will determine if we walk into the sunshine or continue to live in the shadows under all kind of storms and foul weather only able to look into the distance to see that beautiful warm bright light beckoning to us.  Don’t reject it – just walk into it and we will all be better off.

So proud to be an American, today because I have been seeing those working for the same things I have spent myself working to bring about.  Hope that feeling will last several lifetimes.  And those people will multiply.

And as for you who want that “normality” back?  Screw You!

Ooops!  Sorry!  Guess that other side slipped out!  I am only human, after all.  We all have it don’t we!  Guess I have much more work to do on myself!


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.

Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to bettinanetwork@comcast.net or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to bettina-network@comcast.net


And God laughed………..

Thursday, March 16th, 2017

Well, once again the United States Court system has come through – keeping to its Constitutional mandates.

This time, however, there is a side issue and in that issue one can see God’s hand.

The decision to block Donald Trump’s bigotry as it constantly spews out of the White House and out of his every pore – was made by a judge from Hawaii.

If we have to explain that to you, you have not been paying attention.

You may have other kinds of religious “Amens” to this and please feel free to use them.  My grandmother would say – “Thank you, Jesus.”


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.

Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to bettinanetwork@comcast.net or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to bettina-network@comcast.net

The United States President = Pathological Liar

Monday, March 6th, 2017

It is amazing to see “Mr. President” referred to every day as a Pathological Liar.  I have lived through many presidents and not everyone has been happy with the current president, but all of them – except maybe Richard Nixon – have been respected even when one could not agree with some of their policies or beliefs, until now.  And even Richard Nixon – who was given some choice names – pathological liar was not one.

To every United States voter who used their vote to help elect Donald J. Trump – you are unequivocally a bigot.  Everyone is being nice and dancing around this, but it is time to say it very clearly.  You voted for Donald Trump because you thought he was going to bring America back to the racist/bigoted nation it was before the election of Barack Obama – quietly, unobtrusively with plausible deniability as to the bigotry being re-enforced, re-established with examples to make sure the youth of the U. S. are thoroughly re-indoctrinated into the evil that has been a part of the structure of America for hundreds of years.

Two things come to mind when one says the name – Barack Obama:  one – he is half African;  two – his name brings up Muslim connotations. Isn’t that why Trump is on this anti-Muslim ban? His bigotry as he and his followers are determined to wipe everything off the face of the earth that this half-Black with Muslim ancestors has achieved, turning it all into extreme negatives to fit the negative stereotype that has existed in the U. S. since it was needed to justify slavery.  You cannot have this ex-president destroying the negative stereotypes you and your ancestors have spent generations putting in place.

Please understand, I know very well Barack Obama is not Muslim, but his name legitimizes Muslims as first class citizens as much as he legitimizes African Americans as full citizens of this country – totally eliminating the second class citizenry of both.  To the bigots in this country that is unforgivable.

To each and every Donald Trump supporter, you can hide behind other reasons that you spurt, but that is the real reason you voted for a man who showed himself to be a pathological liar both before and during his campaign for President; a purveyor of vicious and ugly stories that are lies; who was involved in soft-porn; owner and operator of casinos with rumors of mafia connections; who filed bankruptcy six times cheating many people in the process – without any explanation, without any disclosure of his tax returns, without any substantiating that he didn’t get money from Russia and others of that ilk; who was an adulterer many times over and who paraded it around for all to see and to brag about; who talked about and treated women as though they were sex objects existing for only one reason – who was vile in his comments about women.  And for your side bonus, he also called Mexicans and others ugly names to insure that the world knows that in America they are not considered equal to White Americans – or Russians. – You, Trump supporters, didn’t care, because you simply wanted someone who would wipe out everything about Obama and his presidency, creating a lie that it wasn’t right or good and someone to do everything possible to make that seem to be a vile, ugly, horrible time in these United States.  If Trump had to lie to achieve that goal – you were right there with him, helping to spread what you knew were lies.  If he had to attempt to destroy a woman who spent her entire adult life working so that our lives could be better – so much the better.  You got a ‘twofer’ in Donald Trump.  He not only lied about, misrepresented, slandered the sitting president of the United States, but Trump worked to destroy an “uppity” woman at the same time.  Wow! You really worked hard to make him your president.  Who knows when another such opportunity would come, for you to rise up and make your filth, that was poorly hidden all these generations,  known to the rest of the world.

You claimed you were voting for him because he was going to bring JOBS back to the United States.  Right! A man whose own company and the company of his daughter and family members had outsourced jobs for their businesses to other countries – China, Bangladesh, etc. – has credibility with you to bring jobs back to these United States?  He is still crying the same story. You still claim to believe him when none of his companies or his family’s companies including Ivanka’s has made any move to bring their company’s jobs back to these United States.  Trump makes an announcement about some corporation bringing jobs back to the United States and he takes credit for that move when he had nothing to do with a decision made long before he became president and no one even asks when Trump is going to bring his jobs back onto these shores.

Ivanka Trump just moved her company’s jobs from China – to where?  Back to the United States?  NO! To Bangladesh or some other country where the wages are almost slave wages and where people work in sweat shop conditions just to survive.  This is no secret.  We all are aware of this.  Paying sub-human wages to their workers to increase their own profits so they can live a more elaborate lifestyle leaving those working for them beyond destitute!  That is the reason most U. S. Corporations move their jobs overseas.  Trump and family were just going along with the crowd.  And at the same time hitting at others for doing the same thing.  It is hypocrisy at its worse.  This family’s ethics are in the dumpster and still you cheer.  That is the definition of a bigot.

Why do I call you Trump supporters bigots?  You elected a man who spent over eight years attempting to trash the sitting president of the United States.  He used blatant lies that every one of you knew to be lies, but you voted him in as president, anyway.  Not just little lies, but blatant ones that you knew were lies and that you supported in your zeal to be free of equality and  justice.  You were and are ready to trade a democracy for a dictatorship to maintain your White Privilege – and you are doing it with great gusto.

You knew before you cast your vote that you were voting for a pathological liar.  You knew you were voting for a man who had the ethics of a gutter snake.  A man who would do and say anything to get his point across and to gain his end goal.  In this case, you were casting your vote for such a person to be President of these United States.

You voters for Donald J. Trump as president knew when you cast your ballot that his campaign was a lie from beginning to end.  You knew he put together the KKK, the White Nationalists, Breitbart, the neo-Nazi’s and others on that same level with the same philosophy and beliefs to gain the presidency.  You knew when you cast your ballot for Donald Trump you were voting for the worse kind of bigot.  Yet you voted for him.  Why?  Because you are like him – bigots together trying to bring the United States back to a pre-1950’s place complete with raising again Jim Crow, complete with your claimed superiority over everyone not like you.

You knew with Donald Trump as president you would not have to swallow your own bigotry.  You could come out calling people the -N- word.  You knew you could be abusive to minorities.  You knew you could let out all of the ugliness you had to swallow during the years of Obama’s presidency and today you are doing just that and enjoying every moment.  We are all seeing just how ugly, shallow, violent, rude, vile you can be – that is all on parade for the world to see also.

At some point, it must have dawned on you that your children – born shortly before, during and in the process of the Obama presidency – would not share your hatred for those not like you.  You must have realized that children born to the rest of the world would also see a Black man as president of these United States and that changed, modified, mitigated, eliminated much of the racism that you and your forbears spent your lives creating and projecting.  The negative stereotypes you projected – from deep within your soul – onto minorities was fast disappearing.  You had to do something or face who you really are as a human being, just equal to, without the ‘glow’ of White Privilege covering all of your shortcomings, giving you an identity you did not deserve nor work for, giving you privileges over others which the ‘American Dream’ guaranteed to you, above all others.

America, having created ‘White Privilege’ as its camouflage to maintain slavery and to meld Europeans and others into a ‘race’ of superior beings called White, was changing.  It was threatening to you to see your beloved ‘White Privilege’ evaporating into the equality and justice now coming into being in these United States.  Late, but better than not at all.  This was something you would not tolerate.

Since we have been accustomed to lying to ourselves and saying one thing which was really code for something else, you saw right away through Donald Trump’s code words – Make America Great Again – to what those words really meant – Make America White Again.  We are also beginning to realize your dumping on the media means the “Liberal Media”, which means what you consider the “Jewish Media.”  We saw the need for you to eliminate the “Liberal Media” you could not control, but your actions are showing ever more of where you are coming from and where you are going.

The media conspired with its 24/7 coverage of Donald Trump’s campaign to the elimination of all but 5%  of its coverage given to others running for President of these United States.

So what now Donald J. Trump supporters?  You are faced with supporting Russia – since that is apparently who had to help you elect Mr. Trump.  There are not enough of you to constitute the overwhelming majority that Mr. Trump needed to become president.  Most Americans reject your beliefs and the bigotry by which you justify your existence.  Are you going to move into that place of being enemies of your own country because that is what the continuation of your attempts to re-establish a bigoted nation requires?

I can imagine how fulfilling it is to look at Russia and see only White Northern European faces – even if it does mean pushing the definition of Northern European a bit to fill this role.  You are doing that quite admirably.  Not even many women – a few here and there, but not so many they are equal to those White men we constantly see pictured from Russia.  And certainly, Vladimir Putin’s sexism is very satisfying to you, I am sure, as you see that he is just as much a womanizer as Mr. Trump.  Warms the heart to see those old values still in ascendancy with the hope that you can leave the world in tact for your children coming along, who won’t have to live under equality; won’t have to worry about justice being ‘blind’; won’t have to be truthful in their dealings with others – they will be able to lie to gain the goal of maintaining this bigotry because they will have been taught and have been given a role model who does just that.

So what now all of you Donald J. Trump supporters.  Some of you are hiding.  You supported and support him, but you don’t want your friends and co-workers to know because you know it is your bigotry leading your brain and you know it is wrong to give your support to such a person.

You and your young  children had as a role model – Barack Obama.  A man who was principled in his dealings with you and the rest of the world.  Whose family is down to earth and accepting of all of us – including you and your family.  You have now been instrumental in giving your young children a role model – Donald J. Trump – of a pathological liar and of a man who has cheated, lied and stolen from others without any remorse and who continues to do just that.  This is the role model your children now have and what a follow-up to Barack Obama.

Don’t be surprised when the crime rate sky rockets – don’t be surprised when the murder rate increases exponentially – don’t be surprised when corporate America takes away from you whatever they want in the name of major profits – don’t be surprised when you see the worst of humanity in your leaders because gradually that is what is happening and you know that.  You may be bigoted, but you are not stupid.  Because your current ‘leaders’ are expensively dressed, that indicates their wealth not their character.

Don’t be surprised when your children catch on and start giving you denials to their missteps; when they start justifying going on drugs to escape reality; when they start mistreating you as well as their friends; when they start taking whatever they want from whoever they want to take it and feel justified in the doing.

When you give your children a role model such as Donald J. Trump, they follow it just as they started to follow the role model of Barack Obama.  Who do you want your children to follow – to want to be like? Because rest assured that the ethics of this country – its character – is gradually being changed to follow the character of its leader.  That is the human condition.

When your children have business relationships will they follow the six bankruptcies of Donald Trump?  Will they justify their bigotry – which is assuredly going to grow – by claiming that Barack Obama, as President of the United States was fooling the people and was really not born in these United States – by claiming that Obama was lying to the American people and was really born in Africa?  In other words, Trump was trying to set up the argument that the United States has never had a legitimate Black president.  Isn’t that behind the lies Trump told constantly about Obama?  With the unspoken knife twist implying Obama’s lack of ethics to be able to do such a thing?

Will you delight in seeing your children, as some of you did, portraying the president of the United States and his wife as apes in the jungle, dressed in animal skins and acting as though they were totally stupid, violent, terrorists? Because that is the example you have given them as a good example by your vote for Donald Trump as president.  I could go on for pages, but you know the history and you know what you have done.

And now you have the ‘surprise’ of Donald J. Trump claiming Barack Obama had his phones “tapped” in Trump Tower as some kind of attempt to gain the presidency for Hillary Clinton.  How many more of these pathological lies are we going to sit still and absorb?  For this country they are like body blows.  And we can’t sustain too many of those.  The surprise to me is that having listened to Donald J. Trump lie about Barack Obama for over eight years as he was campaigning for president and his years as a sitting president, when Trump claimed that Obama was not born in the U. S. we are now taking this additional lie of Donald Trump’s seriously.  It is horrendous and should result in his removal as president, in spite of the support and delight of his bigoted followers rejoicing in ‘their President’s’ still being the horrendous liar that he has always been to them and very willing to promote the horribleness that finds its way onto the pages of Breitbart and other such publications.

You, Donald J. Trump voters, have violated your responsibility as citizens of this country because you valued your White Privilege above everything else.  You sold out your country so you could feel better than many others – who are probably better than you, at least ethically and as patriots.  Your patriotism was for sale to whoever assured you that they would make it possible for you continue to feel better than, covered in White Privilege and they would make sure that the law and government would keep you on top because they would “Drain the Swamp” of those swimming in the waters of equality and justice and working to bring about the equality and justice that the voters for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton tried to give to all of us.  You let Donald Trump turn the metaphor of Amos’ – let justice roll on like a river and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream into Trump’s “Drain the Swamp”.

All you wanted, all of you Donald J. Trump supporters,  was to put that White Woman in jail because she dared to think she was good enough and equal enoughto run for president of these United States and everybody knows women have a place and it is not equal to men.  All of you knew that could not happen if you were to maintain your feeling of superiority and your White Privilege in the face of its being torn down by people like Hillary Clinton and her followers.  You attempted to turn a God-fearing, hard working woman into a murderer and worse.  Well, you have your murderer as president; you have succeeded in electing your pathological liar as president, you have your mafia tinged president who many claim sold all of us out to Russia and whoever else would pay him the big money, and now you have to live with the result.  You could very well have voted in the end of this Republic and the beginning of a Russian style dictatorship.

Your actions will assuredly send you to the hottest corner of hell.  And what now are you going to do to rectify this situation?  Live in the muck you have created?  Or do something to get Russia out of the United States government and work with all of us to move this country into the greatness promised by its founders?  Into a country where justice, equality and more of the same are really the American way! It is not an easy way because we constantly annoy and disappoint each other, but it winds up to be a pretty good place especially if it is without all of you bigots creating a swamp you then don’t have a clue as to how to move across into the beautiful, clear flowing waters.

And no, I am not a Democrat.

Get those white sheets and pointy hats and that Nazi symbol out of here!~


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.

Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to bettinanetwork@comcast.net or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to bettina-network@comcast.net



We Heard Your Call to Investigate and Write!

Sunday, January 8th, 2017

To the editor:

Thank you for that blog.  We – me and a small group of friends – heard your call to investigate and put together the pieces we have and write about what is happening.  We are going to do exactly that and hope others will follow suit.

We have a little information, but need to expand on it so we are going to contact who we need to contact and you will soon hear from us.  I am writing this because I hope others do the same.

Some of us can put our names out there.  Others, who are still dependent upon their jobs, can’t.  Can we still send you a blog and you will publish it anonymously?


Yes! We will publish it anonymously, as long as we know who you are and we know you are a real person. You have to identify yourself to us, but we will keep your identity close.  It does not have to be sent with your blog, but you will have to then call, write, or somehow contact us to let us know who you are and your identity has to check out.

Thank you for caring.  If we all come together on this, maybe we can save a little bit of the country we know and love from what is about to happen here.


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.

Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to bettinanetwork@comcast.net or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to: bettina-network@comcast.net

The American Manchurian President-elect

Friday, January 6th, 2017

Marceline Donaldson – January 2017

I think it is too late in the day to continue the denials of what has happened and is happening in these United States.  We are attempting to put lipstick on a pig and for the sake of decency – truth – justice – our own democracy continuing and not being usurped the way it is currently being usurped – continued prosperity – we need to be truthful and own up to what has been a massive failure for the United States and an ugly exposure of its underbelly.

The platitudes and overused sentiment needs to stop.  The voting citizens of the United States elected Hillary Clinton as president.  Over 2.9 million more than her rival, Donald Trump.  The Electoral College – an institution which was put in place with the Founding Fathers to maintain slavery – turned their backs on what the substantial majority of the United States voting citizens declared and wanted and that Electoral College elected a man who has shown himself to be a traitor, a bigot, crude, vile, womanizer, adulterer, participant in and poser for soft-porn pictures, sexual abuser, very arrogant and entitled about that fact of his life, and so much more.

There are indications that Donald Trump is a part of the mafia and has been so for some time.  It is difficult in the United States to own casinos; to be involved in the Construction Industry; to own hotels – all at the same time and not be a part of the mafia.  Those investigating and writing about their findings have found that Mr. Trump has bought concrete from the Genovese Crime Family for his hotels and much more.  It is time for every decent person in these United States to take up their pen and begin to investigate and print their findings.  Clearly, the media is not going to do that.  If they printed what they knew before the election, it is possible we would not be facing this situation today.

Donald Trump’s  deceit, hypocrisy and lies slaps everyone in these United States and elsewhere with its flagrancy.  If he is caught, he simply denies his actions and takes the other side.  It does not matter to him that he is in print clearly making the statements he then denies having made. There is no hesitation.  That alone shows his lack of a good and substantial ethical base from which to make decisions; a lack of respect for those to whom he is speaking (all of us), and he has shown an incredible vicious side and total lack of any component of what constitutes a good character.  In large corporations, looking for a chief executive, I don’t see any that would hire such a person and yet he is about to become President of these United States.  His lack of honesty is beyond overwhelming – it is something I have never seen before.  To stand in front of a group of people and deny that you said what they know and can prove you said without blinking an eye or showing any shame or regret or taking back of the one statement as when you believed then, but now have had a change of heart – nothing.  He simply stands in front of a group of people and denies what was his own truth.

When Roger Ailes was outed as a sexual abuser of many of the women who worked for Fox News and he was forced to resign, Donald Trump embraced him as a friend and gave him support.  The men Donald Trump embraces and calls “friend” are men who have similar backgrounds.  They may not yet have been outed, but we clearly know and have seen their womanizing habits.  This is your newly “elected” president of these United States.  Not only  has Donald Trump embraced prominent sexual abusers, whose deeds were publicly known and verified, but he has bragged on tape about his own sexual abuse. In the bragging he clearly saw what he was saying and doing as good and his right – at the expense of the women having been and who will be exposed to such a man as the leader of these United States.  He is the one who will be serving as a role model for our children.  He is the one who will be contributing to their character and to the choices they will make over the years.  That will not leave this country – that will be entwined and a part of the fabric of this country’s ethical base and decision making for generations to come.

When is it going to be enough – all of you United States citizens?  When are you going to call an end to this charade and made for television moment in our history?

It is clear to me that Donald Trump started his candidacy in cahoots with Valdimir Putin or some other high ranking government official in Russia.  Donald Trump’s conspiracy theory against Barack Obama, which plagued Obama’s presidency for eight years and plagued his presidential campaign before he became president clearly played right into Vladimir Putin’s negative relationship with Barack Obama.  The boy doing the bidding of the man.  The “boy” in these United States is clearly Donald Trump.  The “man” is clearly Vladimir Putin.

Most of us looked at that conspiracy theory and let it go as the rantings of someone vicious and evil and far removed from our world.  However, he was right in the middle of this world and preparing to help those the United States has fought against for generations to take it over.

It is clear that this is a takeover of the United States Government and we will never be the same.

Evil walks the land and we are cooperating with it as we try to be “nice”.

President and Mrs. Bush have announced that they will be at the inauguration of Donald Trump as president because it is important to show the world how a democracy works and the peaceful transition of power.

President Clinton and Secretary of State Clinton have made the same announcement.

What they are actually showing the world is that they have been co-opted for the optics of the moment and are not going to take an ethical and moral stand which puts them on the side of the good and the just and the righteous and those who see through this charade.  They have been in a position and have been exposed to the people and information which tells them – in more detail than the rest of us will ever have – just how corrupt Donald Trump actually is.  To then stand up next to him and for him and allow those pictures to circulate through the generations – that when called on for the tough decisions, they were among the missing – is kind of hard for this voting citizen of the United States to take.

It is time for everyone to pick up their pen and document what they know about all of this and how they feel about this takeover of their government.

It is time to stand tall and stop this turning Muslims into the victims of the moment so the treasuries of countries can be raided while its citizens are distracted and so all kind of other injustices and lies can be promulgated while the majority of the people are ranting against Muslims as though they are the people who created this evil.

Turn back in time and listen to what Donald Trump said about Mexicans.  Listen to how he was going to build a wall and Mexico was going to pay for this wall – to keep out thieves and rapists and on and on he went denigrating Mexicans.

As you listen – tune into what is being said today.  The United States taxpayers are going to be called on to pay for this wall which is going to become a reality in this country as one of its current and ongoing projects.

To make that palatable, what is added is that – after the wall is built, Mexico will reimburse the United States for the cost of building the wall.  Mexico has not said this nor agreed to this.  In fact, Mexico has said the opposite, they will neither pay for nor have anything to do with such a creation.  In spite of that many people are now taking up that new mantra and passing it around as though it is truth.

That is symbolic of the kind of ethical base being created in this country. Ethics which are designed to make some very ugly things palatable and positive and looking as though they are for the good of all.  What are those ugly things?  It is overused at this point as an example – but if you do not know history you are doomed to repeat it and we are repeating the history of Nazi Germany, except the way we are going and the very accelerated time table we are on – Nazi Germany will look like the training ground and the learning wheels on the bicycle.  The incredibly powerful vehicles the United States will soon be producing, riding, navigating and trying to sell to the rest of the world through its own re-creation of a sordid time in history will be horrendous.

The United States will not be standing alone – we will be a part of a combination of  countries with whom we are growing compatible and who have a head start on wrecking this kind of evil on others.  If this madness is not stopped we are going to wreck evil on this world such as it has never seen before.


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.

Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to bettinanetwork@comcast.net or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to: bettina-network@comcast.net


TRUMP – An Even Newer Post

Saturday, December 17th, 2016

by: Marceline Donaldson, December, 2016

There are some things that people are afraid to say about Trump.  Because of the way Trump is moving fast towards his goal of heading a racist, sexist, totally compliant society, we need to be aware of what is in his environment:

It is clear that some people believe Trump is a part of the mafia.  If you look around, that is beginning to leak out. The tweets which talk about his purchases from the Genovese family for his businesses and more say to me – who buys from a crime family?  Do they have to belong?  Are the prices cheaper?  The quality better? Or is this patronizing family?  Trump tweets with regularity, but have you seen Kurt Eichenwald’s tweets?

“Kurt Eichenwald ✔@kurteichenwald
67. Trump opted out of using steel on many buildings, instead purchasing concrete from businesses controlled by Genovese crime family.
4:27 PM – 7 Nov 2016”

There have been conjectures about Trump being “the Don” Trump, but the media has totally ignored that.  There have also been conjectures that Trump’s real mission is to organize a world-wide mafia into a loose organization with all groups represented – the Italian Mafia, the Russian Mafia, the Eastern European Mafia, etc.  That could have been researched by some enterprising media person, but it was left totally alone.  The question about the possible Mafia background of someone running for President of these United States is an important question which needs to be answered soonest.

Eichenwalds tweets are from his research into Trump’s businesses.  He has been tweeting for quite some time, have we been listening?  To see this story unfold is amazing.  This is who we elected President?

In addiiton, only now is it coming to the fore in ways that America is beginning to see and take seriously, Trump’s involvement with Russia and Russian involvement with the American Presidential election trying to get Trump elected and Hillary pushed to the side.  It is clear that was a very important and effective dynamic in this past election and will have repercussions into the future.

In addition, we have not only elected someone who appealed to Putin to hack his opponents emails and other requests, we have also elected someone commonly called a bully.

To see the bullying side of Trump – look at his “Thank You” rallies.  I’ve seen threats before, but this is a huge threat to the Electoral College.  If you don’t vote Trump in – he is ready to send his people on a rampage and his rallies are making sure he is in a position, at the time of the vote, to do just that.  And let us not blame Trump.  Standing next to him and participating as an equal in all of this is his Vice President-elect Pence.

In addition, we have elected a man who is sexually abusive and has several women accusing him of serious sexual abuse.  Our response? Disbelief.  Our sexism does not allow us to take that seriously as being any kind of character flaw which will negatively affect these United States for generations to come.

The people Donald Trump has called to Trump Tower – people who were against him and said horrible things about him and called on others to not support him – Trump is now parading in front of the press so the American people can see the two faces of their politicians and their leaders.  He has humiliated Mitt Romney – Silicon Valley supporters of Hillary Clinton using Peter Thiel to organize that “show and eat-humble-pie meeting”. Thiel is and has been a Trump supporter almost from the beginning.  What is also amazing about that is the rumor that Peter Thiel is gay – isn’t one of Trump’s planks one against such people and against the LGBT Community as being less than?  So is this how Peter Thiel works out his own self-hatred? It is an American Tragedy.

We have an American President-elect who is skilled at bringing out the worst in people as he moves along with his divide and conquer way of life.  Satan is strolling across America having one incredible party after another and look who is being invited.

One recent rally called on people in attendance to applaud for the African Americans who didn’t vote.  That was a show and tell lesson on how he is going to turn America against its own and increase the level of racism without being upfront about it.  He led that group of people into a not so subtle hate rally without their even realizing they were participants in such a time.  After that rally he was able to call for that bowl of water and wash his hands claiming innocence – he wasn’t being racist, he was being supportive of Blacks.  He didn’t do it, they did it to themselves.

Divide and Conquer is still serving Trump very well.  When he finishes, the world and practically everyone in it will be at odds with each other and in the chaos, Trump will win and walk calmly into a huge increase of wealth and power.

His greatest achievement has been to have some 37% of the Republican Party preferring Putin to Obama.  They see him as a benevolent ruler who they admire. They are blinded to the extreme racism of that preference.  The one the world calls a “butcher” – and who shares the blame for what is happening in Aleppo, 37% of the Republican Party calls a great ruler.

Having recently left the Republican Party to stand with the Independents,  it has been quite a time for me to see this.  Some things do come together.  When I left, projected out of the Party, finally, by Donald Trump’s nomination, there was no one left in the Republican Party who I knew as a young person just beginning to vote – to get involved – following a family tradition.  A racial tradition also because years ago most Blacks were Republicans.  Lincoln freed the slave and Blacks are nothing if not loyal.  That has changed and all of those who were very much a part of that Grand Ole Party have run screaming out of the Republican Party as they witnessed more and more of its current members putting on their white sheets and looking in the mirror to make sure their tall white pointy hats were sitting at just the right angle.

I couldn’t believe the Party I knew – through the Rockefeller Republican years and more – was not going to move back to its roots.  But it has moved so far. those roots have been killed off and can’t even be used to fertilize the ground around it anymore.  How time changes all of us.

At the end, everyone I met in this new Republican Party had come, fairly recently, from the Democratic Party, which has been throwing out and alienating its more conservative members for at least a generation.

When I signed up as a Republican, the Democrats were the racists.  If you were a Democrat and Black and tried to vote you were in serious trouble.  When the Democratic Conventions were held it was – no Blacks allowed – especially none with a seat at the Conventions.  Fannie Lou Hamer and others changed that and the Democratic Party has been changing ever since.  It was the Party of Movements moved from recruiting its members from the KKK movement and the White Nationalist Movement to recruiting its members from the Black Civil Rights Movement and the Feminist Groups and now those convened about the environment and more.

What an amazing life I have lived.  What spectacular events God has allowed me to witness.  With that comes a wisdom I had no idea would accrue.

In all of this I feel most pain and sympathy for the many friends and acquaintances I have met, worked and played with over the years who lived a very circumspect life.  They made decisions taking care that they carefully preserved themselves from getting out there – from taking stands for that which they believed, if that was not sanctioned by their peers and society – from supporting the less fortunate if they were not those currently on the “in” list – from ever being there for those oppressed, because that kept them and theirs in power.  They would get involved if society showed how to do that in an ‘acceptable’ way.  That ‘acceptable way’ was always one which would give one a chance to ‘show boat’, but preserve one from making basic change.  I didn’t and still don’t understand why.

I used to wonder what was wrong with me that I didn’t do the same?  Why did I jeopardize a career to take a stand for minorities and women who were being discriminated against at the Pillsbury Company when the only women in management were White and were either over the kitchen or secretarial pool?  Why did I take on the role of organizing  – as a member of NOW and with the National Urban League – a boycott against General Mills because of the way they advertised and sold all of their products to women and minorities but had none above a management level in their company – as a member of the NOW National Board, why did I run for President on a platform which was incredibly unpopular holding up a mirror and asking why the organization was so determined to be so White relegating Black Women to support roles and claim to be fighting for equality.

Even as a young child – 9 years old, why did I go from door to door in my New Orleans neighborhood asking my neighbors to call the telephone company and disconnect their telephones because young Black Women could not be hired as telephone operators.  Why did I cause my grandfather grief when I demanded that he lead a charge opening membership in his beloved Prince Hall Masons to everyone and get rid of the women’s group, which was clearly an appendage to the main male group making that membership equal to all, especially when membership in that group gave a positive push to one’s vocational movements?  I could go on, but it gets worse.

Today, as I look at Donald Trump and what he is about – I see someone who is the personification of a human being who has spent his life chasing the economic/ financial/power in a society.  He seems to think achieving all of that is the ultimate and he has spent his life engaged in that kind of struggle.  His ethics, character, – his life has been formed out of that struggle for all things temporal.  All things that die horrible deaths.

He has reached the ultimate spot in this country.  The honey-pot of power from which he can extract money, power, position beyond his wildest dreams.  But he is such a pathetic figure.  He has learned to manipulate, to twist, to humiliate his detractors, to squeeze everything he can squeeze from those struggling around and beneath him.  He has used women and other minorities to puff himself up and get whatever good feelings he could get from creating an identity as the ultimate White Male Power Hungry Potentate.  And he is the most humiliated, despised, friendless person I have ever seen.   You look at him and it is painful to see the emotions he is experiencing in the middle of what could have been his finest hour.

His ancestors – those who have brought him to this place and this time – are all gathered around him to bask in his glory – hoping and praying to share a bit of warmth from his life.  They, who helped to create him, are surrounded by storm clouds, and hurricanes, and freezing ice falling all around – and they have no warmth anyplace.  They have no protection from the horribleness of their environment – from where they live for an eternity, yet they are doing their best to support Donald Trump because their need and hope is that his life will bring some warmth to their afterlives.  Given the frigid cold in which Trump lives and has chosen,   I don’t think I have ever seen anything so sorrowful.

You can manipulate, humiliate, destroy, and all the rest for a lifetime.  But if you have not lived life to accumulate love, wisdom, friends, ancestors in warm wonderful places, what has your life been about?  You pay for your sins and you receive for your goodness – there is no way for us to change that.

Given all that I have seen in life, for some of us the best is yet to come.  For the Donald Trump’s of the world, the excruciating future and eternity is also yet to come and from the way it looks, I am content.


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.

Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to bettinanetwork@comcast.net or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to: bettina-network@comcast.net





TRUMP: An Analysis – Another One

Friday, November 18th, 2016

by: Marceline Donaldson 2016

No more calls, please.  I will give you my final say.  You probably won’t like it, but here goes:

What do I think about this election?  It told me much about myself in relation to the United States of America’s citizens and structures.

I am a minority and the laws of these United States have that written into them.  What is that? Me – and those like me – are less than.

Laws have been challenged, changed, made, amended, but there are always more because slavery was a part of the founding of these United States and that structural inconsistency is a part of what we have inherited.  And before slavery, the laws that enslaved Africans were based on the marriage laws – so sexism also plays a part.  That is why the Constitution must be a living, breathing, changing thing – and – that is why the bigots in this country want it to be set in stone.  To tell the truth is powerful.  To be able to hear the truth and respond is even stronger.

White Supremacy Ideology was developed during slavery to justify one group over another -better than another – which  allowed that slave holding group to go to Church on Sundays and participate in life as though they were good people.  Before that, WHITE did not exist and it was clearly not a race. These newly named WHITES demonized, demeaned, destroyed the lives of many to be able to be slaveholders and mistreaters of women and other minorities and still sit in the pew they paid for with what felt to them like a clear and clean conscience and to exercise their prerogative to be lazy.  Lazy how?  To import “immigrants,” who then were called “slaves” for the sole purpose of doing their work to achieve their goals of building this country.

That White Supremacist Ideology has maintained even into today and even though some slavery has been abolished.  Slavery involving Africans – stealing African citizens from their country and “importing” them into the United States.  That slavery is now illegal.  We have moved on because as technology develops and all of what has come from the Industrial Revolution morphs and changes,  this society does not need that  kind of physical labor anymore.  We now resort to “emotional slavery” – using women, dogs, other animals, etc. – but that is for another time.

Jews were “Blacks” and “N*****S until the Black Civil Rights Movement came along and then gradually they became “WHITE”.

East Indians – the same.

Today Latina’s are “Blacks”, but some are gradually taking on new racial identities as “WHITE”.  And so it goes.

We won’t even begin to include American Indians – foreigners on their own land.

This election has said clearly that I may be an American citizen because my family has been here from the beginning and my family has been added to with “immigrants” who have been here for several generations, but that does not make me free and equal.

My vote, for example, is only worth a percentage of what other peoples votes are worth.  If I lived in the “countryside” instead of in the city, my vote would count as one plus  – the plus coming from what was taken from other United States Citizens to make sure that my unequalness would remain wrapped into the institutional structure of this country.  Those not as equal cannot vote as equals and those ‘better than’ have their better-than-nes institutionalized in the structure of the country in which they live, contribute, and more.

The one vote lie that we tell United States citizens and others is just that – a lie.   Since I live in the city, I do not have “one person one vote”.  That lie has been told to me and mine for generations. And since most minorities – with very few exceptions – live in the cities – another way to discriminate, that has been around  for generations, has now come full circle and created a tyranny to maintain the bigotry which is still in our structures. Its maintenance has shown up when Whites most needed it – when they are about to become the “Minority”, but the structure is doing its best to maintain them as a “Majority” which dictates how everyone else shall live and how they shall maintain their White Supremacy.

That is what brought Donald Trump into office.  Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by over one million votes – 1,000,000.  If you are still saying 200,000 then check your figures, they are wrong.

Having won the popular vote, Hillary should be president of these United States.  What happened!  Why did she “lose”.

  1. She is a woman.
  2. She is a woman who identifies as a feminist.
  3. She is a woman who is well known in the African American and other minority communities because she has been there for all of us.  From the beginning of her career in law when she stood with Marian Wright Edelman working to bring about positive change for many children – who, but for, would have had a very different and much more difficult life.
  4. Many in the media were bribed by Trump with weekends in MaraLargo and other amenities and they then talked Trump 24/7.  Apparently there are no checks and balances to make sure that kind of bribery does not happen and it was given free range in this Presidential Campaign.  It doesn’t matter what you say as long as you keep saying it about me 24/7 with hardly a comment about my competition and that comment, when made,  is negative – and I will win any election in which I take part.
  5. Donald Trump viciously called out those who said anything, even slightly negative about him or his and so people became more reticent and more careful with what they were saying.
  6. Our own FBI through its head – Comey – interfered with the election of President of these United States to make the election come out in favor of their candidate Donald Trump.  A vicious turn and a total sell-out of what that Director of the FBI took an oath as to what he would and would not do.
  7. Wiki Leaks did all it could – went way above and beyond to elect Donald Trump over a woman.  When this happened and I saw how viciously they were going after Hillary, I began to believe the charges of rape against Assange.  This was certainly sexual abuse by an organization – Wiki Leaks.   It was rumored that he did these deeds hoping Donald Trump would give him asylum.  An immigrant from Sweden, after all, would be much more acceptable than those from Muslim countries, from Mexico and more.   (It will be interesting to see if he is prosecuted for hacking into computers without the permission of the owners of those computers.)
  8. Since Hillary Clinton supporters came mostly from the cities, clearly the percentage of one vote that each one had determined that this election would go against her.  Handicapping her voters and lying to them in the lead up to this election.  “Your vote counts.”  One person one vote”. etc.
  9. MAJORLY, Donald Trump “won” because he is the first candidate to come right out front to say he was a racist and sexist and made no bones about it.  In fact, he emphasized that fact by having racists and sexists – well known – along with their organizations up front in his campaign for the presidency of the United States.  We are a racist/sexist/homophobic/anti-semetic/anti-immigrant and more country.  We are a country in which bigotry reigns and has reigned throughout our entire existence.  We have covered over that fact with denial, blaming the victim, pointing the finger at other countries to deflect from our own misconduct, using code words to cover what we actually are saying and mean and more. To achieve the small gains we have achieved, over the generations, has taken many people giving their lives for this to happen.  It has taken multi-millions more to have given up their futures to take less financially and otherwise to fight for the rights of everyone.  It has taken enormous courage to stand in the face of bigotry and fight for its elimination.

  10. When faced with the possibility of electing a woman who was anti-racism/anti-sexism/anti-all of the other isms, there is no way we would do anything other than elect the racist who was running against her.  Why?  Because this country was set up to make sure that would happen.  The people in the country side who are, generally – with some exceptions, determined to live in a racist/sexist country cast votes worth more than those in the areas where minorities live.  They had more than one person one vote and it is not the only time that has happened in this country.  When it happened a few years ago – please notice we did not change the system.  We did not have a movement of any depth and breath to attempt to change the system to give one person one vote.  If that had happened Hillary Clinton would be president.
  11. To maintain the Electoral College and all that it brings in its wake is a racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitc things to do and our Civil Rights laws need to come into play as we move to eliminate this Electoral College and bring into this country a truer democracy with an actual one person one vote ethic.

  12. the way this is set up today, it violates the intention of my rights under the Constitution of these United States, which was and is that all people are created equal.  To make some more equal by conferring upon them a larger vote just because of their geography – the place where they live – is not understandable under what the United States of America claims to be to itself and to the rest of the world.
  13. Donald Trump did not appeal to the “working classes” he appealed to the bigots – the racists and the sexists.  That was made clear through the button Donald Trump supporters proudly wear – the NO to Political Correctness button – which is simply another way of saying “Yes, I am a bigot and proud of it.”  

  14. Donald Trump spent a few years setting the stage for this Presidential Campaign so he would not be misunderstood.  Years during which he called Barack Obama many ugly names, encouraging his followers to go even further.  Donald Trump insisted Barack Obama was an illegitimate president because he was not born in the United States and more.  Donald Trump was the “Mouth piece” for the birther movement and gave it breadth and depth.  Given those years of campaigning before the campaign, it was not possible for anyone to misunderstand who he was and from where he was coming.

    Many in the media are looking for the code words to use that will satisfy those of us who are angry – very angry.  The interviews and panels and other forms of media forensic dissecting of this election has been about everything but the truth and the truth needs to be told. At best, it has only been hinted at, except for a very few of these propaganda shows. 

    Listen to what people are saying and how they are twisting themselves into all kinds of contorted figures to say they are relived that a racist white man who sees women as sex objects has won and they voted for him because the demographic in these United States is on that precipice of change where it is going to roll over in this country from the majority being  “White” to majority being  “Minority”.  Their hope and their vote went to Trump because they think he will be able to stop and change that process or put something in place that mitigates and keeps “White” on top in spite of the fact that their numbers will be in the minority.

Need I go on?  I think that says it all.  The looking for ways to recast this so the United States of America can continue in its place where it is supported by hypocrisy – lies – and more needs to stop.  Truth needs to be told or America will never be great again.  Especially never great in God’s eyes.

The slogan – “Make America Great Again” is one everyone understands.  It comes from Ronald Reagans campaign where it meant then what it means now “Make America White Again” and that needs to stop.


We either learn from history or we are condemned to repeat it.  As it sets up today – the first government to come out to meet Donald Trump is Japan.

TODAY, You are looking at the first people being nominated by your new so called “President Elect”  Chris Christie is out because it is rumored that he put Donald Trump’s son-in-laws father in jail and their disagreement finally erupted and ended in Christie’s ouster.  True or not that could be symbolic for the rapists, thieves, thugs and assorted others now taking their place at the top of American Governmental circles.

You are looking at others who have compromised their values and ethics and are now running into Trump Tower because they are power hungry and are explaining away why they took the stands that they did when Donald Trump was running for President.  They clearly took those stands, not out of their beliefs, values, great moral character, but they took those stands because they thought Donald Trump would lose and they wanted to clear the deck so they could be appointed to a big position by who they thought was the new incoming President, Hillary Clinton.  That was all cast, by them,  as decisions coming out of their “character”, ethics, etc.  Was that really the case?  Because they are now showing their real character, ethics, etc. as they seek power, money and position and are backtracking to get in line in front of Donald Trump to kiss the ring.

God acts in mysterious ways and this is one.  We can now clearly see our so called “leaders” and we know exactly where they are coming from.  This time does not come around often.  More often than not our “leaders” are covered in their hypocrisy.   Today, the cover has been stripped off everyone and they are standing before you naked.  Take a good look and learn the lessons being taught.


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.

Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to bettinanetwork@comcast.net or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to: bettina-network@comcast.net




Comments – Trump: An Analysis

Tuesday, November 15th, 2016

I could not wait to read your analysis on Trump.  I know about your “seer” and she is great.  Too bad you couldn’t get her to write what she has seen about all of this.  Breakfast at that house is magnificent.  I leave feeling as though I know myself better than ever and have a little insight into the future.

As I read your “Trump: An Analysis” and have read other postings around the internet.  I have not been able to get out of my chair and  because I am LMAO.  The comment that keeps coming up about Trump’s Personal  Asset Accumulation as he goes through his presidency includes the U. S. Treasury is priceless.  At first it was funny until I realized he had appointed his children as managers of his assets in a blind trust and then asked for them to be given this top secret clearance so they could be a part of his briefings each morning.  I am still LMAO.  It is so ludicrous that I don’t know any comedian who can top what is actually happening in these United States.  Is this serious?  Maybe I am  watching the latest SNL and don’t realize that this is all one bad joke – a funny one, but bad nevertheless!  If so, SNL has never been so funny!

I can’t imagine what comes next.

Just to make sure I get all of your analysis – assuming you are going to put more into your blog – I signed up to receive it in my email. Please check to make sure my sign-up is there because I don’t want to miss anything.  I could write more because I have more to say, but I can’t stop laughing.


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.

Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to bettinanetwork@comcast.net or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to: bettina-network@comcast.net


TRUMP: An Analysis

Monday, November 14th, 2016


We have all had quite a week.  We put out two petitions asking you to sign them.  The blog before this one has the URL which you can copy and put into your address line to get the petitions.  We also put out a petition through Groundswell.  These petitions ask that a Special Prosecutor be appointed to investigate this Presidential election.  Something that is as big a shock to the entire country as the result of this presidential election, by definition, is flawed.

All of these folks can’t have been wrong in their expectations.  We also received several communications with information which the sender asked we give to the Special Prosecutor.  We would like to receive that information, but we also strongly suggest you send any information you have to President Obama and U. S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch.  I doubt that either one is interested in naming a Special Prosecutor, but given the involvement of the FBI and its head Comey in moving this election in Trump’s direction with Comey or one of his underlings, apparently having given a heads-up to the Trump Campaign that information hurtful to Clinton and helpful to Trump was going to be released shortly before the election so the Clinton Campaign would not have time to react, this says such a Special Prosecutor needs to be named and soonest.  It is going to take a lot of pressure put on both Obama and Lynch to name such a Special Prosecutor.

We were asked to give an analysis of what we think happened.  We have our own resident seer who refuses, so after many conversations, this is a group effort as we try to fathom what happened.

What seems to be clear to us is that Donald Trump played the entire country.  We are not a country accustomed to the kind of lying, cheating and stealing that happened during this campaign.  How did he do it?  By divide and conquer.  A method of management which is as old as scripture. As old as the Scriptures held sacred by all religions.  What Trump did is what Scripture from many religions seems to have been written to prevent and/or warn its adherents against falling into this particular trap of Satan.  It is a way of control and conquer as old as humanity itself.  Power, greed, jealousy are some of the fuel which powers this management method.

To carry out a divide and conquer strategy on the scale it was carried out by Donald Trump and his campaign, to us, is the essence of evil.  It is one thing to engage in hypocrisy and to bend the truth for some small gains.  It is quite another to carry out this kind of grand scheme which is always attributed to whoever the evil one is in different religious bodies.

The race haters were called up and given a kind of acknowledgment, exposure and acceptance that they have never experienced before.  They reveled in all of the attention and the possibility that their way of life would become the American way of life.  At last, they would have their moment in the sun.

The civil rights fighters and those who have spent their lives trying to work within the system to bring America closer to achieving the dream of equality as they tried for generations to make real the promise written in the statue of liberty – ‘bring me your tired,………  They were also played by Trump and his campaign.

Besides the divide and conquer, we believe Trump worked through – or rather Vladimir Putin worked through Trump and his forces to help bring about the downfall of America – or at least to mitigate its power.  Both Trump and Putin were quite successful. Let’s not forget China as we bring together the foreign powers that helped the Trump victory become real.  When Trump talked to the president of China as he called to congratulate Trump, the President of China was talking to a man who promised the American public he would bring back manufacturing jobs to the United States.  True Trump made a few negative comments about China during his campaign, but what China saw was a Trump who bought his  steel from them in great quantities and whose daughter, Ivanka, has her clothes line made in the sweat shops of China.

That was easy to discover.  What is not so easy to discover is why the race haters and those who were wishful about bringing back a Colonial past were so easily manipulated by Trump and his group into thinking that a man, who gave his business to China and other countries, when that was his choice, would bring manufacturing jobs back to the United States.  This defies all logic.   A man who refused to give his tax returns to the American Public so they could see what was his involvements.  Where did that trust come from which convinced them that this man could be trusted when he said he was going to bring back to America jobs that had been outsourced to China and other countries?  What was it about this man that allowed the Evangelicals and other supposedly strong Christian to suspend their faith and belief to put it all in Trump.  This was a man who totally fit the description of those Jesus threw out of the Temple, whose money tables were overturned, and in the end when the sheep and the goats were line up on their way to eternity – his eternity set-up was called hell for an eternity.

With the United States being on the cusp of those considered ‘Minority” now becoming the “Majority”, all of those middle to upper middle-class folks (male and female), whose identity is fixed in the way this country is and the way it uses racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamaphobia, anti-semitism, anti-everything else except Northern European, to maintain their unearned identity, the fear of that event seems to be what motivated John and Jane Q Public who don’t want to be equal.  Why be equal when you have been “better than” for generations.

Maintaining their identity as “better than” is something they were born into, accepted, and were as skilled as Alcoholics in denial and finding excuses and pseudo reasons as to why things should not change.  Or better still, why they are changing, but it has to be a very gradual to no movement change.

All of this was sitting out there and Trump wrapped it all up in his campaign.

Lots going on in this election.

Trump played all of those forces and did it beautifully.  He weakened America while preaching the gospel of “Make America Great Again”.  Weakened America to the point of moving into the future with America being a country which would trail Russia and China in strength.  Many in these United States have been so wrapped up in fighting each other, no one was looking at this movement which was actually making the 1% stronger and everyone else weaker and poorer. That includes the race haters and those who have dreams of being on top again – the kind of on top countries were when Colonialism was the currency of the day.  Seeing America as an empire and them moving into the upper-classes is a dream that moved many people into the Trump camp.

What will Trump’s movement produce?  The serious reduction in regulation.  The regulators will be lining up at the unemployment office by the dozens.  The rich can’t get much richer without reducing the Regulation that has been set in place.  Think of what will happen when they cancel Dodd.

Serious reduction in health care to the point of having many millions of people unable to get health care or needing to go back to losing everything they have acquired if they are hit with a serious illness is what lies behind the canceling of Obamacare.  If folks have to struggle with serious illness without hospital or doctor care in their families, they won’t be much interested in what Trump and his colleagues are doing.

Racism, etc. is not an economically viable way to run a country.  One reaches the point the United States is now reaching where super large businesses will take over and governments will be symbolic and do things which are adjuncts to what will be sanctioned by the state religion.  Evangelism turns into State Churches.

White Churches, with a sprinkling of minorities will gradually change until they all have flags in the sanctuaries and they are clearly appendages of the state.  The state officials will become awesomely like priests, ordained by god.

The mastermind behind all of this is Donald Trump.  Only he doesn’t realize that already he is being moved aside.  He isn’t even inaugurated yet and his time of being relevant and necessary has already passed.  He can keep his golden palace for a little while, but eventually even that will be gone.

If he had been a younger man he would not have been entrusted with such a ‘revolution’.  But an old man – with an extremely fragile ego – and something wrong with his sexual functioning that he needs to constantly build his sexual prowess up with his talk and womanizing and more was an ideal foil around which to bring about this major growth of the 1%.

What is most amazing is that those who worked for and voted for Trump to become President with the hope and belief that he would make their condition better are soon going to discover he is making the 1% better, which means – by definition – the rest of us are going down the slide to a much lower economic place, because the 1% needs automaton workers, not those moving on up.

Surrounding himself with men who are in the same place as he is and women who see themselves as only having worth as sex objects, Trump has gathered around him a group that cannot take over and do a great job with the ship of state.  By the time they have paid attention to their fragile egos and to their images, there is nothing else left to do the work of the state.

Moving downscale and marrying women who are steps beneath the last wife – both younger, which means more child like with less experience and less ability to function as an equal with no other redeeming education, experience or anything else not dependent upon Trump and those like him you have the 40% plus who voted for Trump and are going to be worthless except as consumers.  They will be shortly cast aside into the pit with the rest of us, working to maintain the very shallow and artificial lifestyle of the 1% and where is the redemption.

Is this the point at which we realize that we have all been working to set the stage for the Second Coming?


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.

Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to bettinanetwork@comcast.net or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to: bettina-network@comcast.net



Wednesday, October 5th, 2016

copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2016

The Vice Presidential debates for the 2016 campaign for the Presidency of the United States happened last night.

They laid bare the American soul.

The candidate for president – Donald Trump – has shown himself to be unstable, irresponsible, saying one thing today and another tomorrow and basically someone who looks as though he is on a cocaine high.  He has also shown himself to be a liar.  One who lies to manipulate and win.

The candidate for vice president – Mike Pence – has shown himself to be the sociopath on the ticket.  A cool, calm, collected, elegant liar who is totally unaffected by his lies because a sociopath is who he is at his core.  He can lie and justify the lies of those around him without batting an eye – without his eyelids twitching – without any other physical sign showing that his body can’t stand the lying.  So you know that Mike Pence, the sociopath is an accurate comment.

This election has ‘outed’ all of the problem areas in the American populace; American history; American economics, etc.

Up until now, all of these things were pretty much hidden, with code words used, when it was necessary to talk about some of our problems without really being upfront and truthful.  And so, the problems have continued and grown worse.  We, however, have gotten better at our denials and embroidery and all the others ways we have developed to make a lie look like the truth and to make the denial of a citizens rights look as though that person is hyper-sensitive, complaining unnecessarily, and it is all their fault.  That is certainly some of what we have used to get into and continue slavery for a few hundred years; to maintain Jim Crow for a hundred or more years after that; and to force some of the citizens of the United States to use all of their resources, missed opportunities; and more to fight the racism which is constantly tearing them, their families, their friends apart.  That is how sociopath as a disease runs all through this American society.  That is certainly why we now have a Donald Trump candidacy with a Mike Pence Vice Presidial candidate and almost half the country backing their candidacy.  This election is making a major statement about the American character and it is not pretty.

To listen to the media comment on the debate,  one is struck that as Americans we all have different degrees of sociopath.

Mike Pence responded to questions about what Donald Trump has said in the past by denying everything negative.  He could do that because the media agreed to not fact check this debate.  That was a plus for and promotion of the Donald Trump candidacy.  Excuse it however you want to, that is a fact.  It was clear when the announcement was made that this debate would not be fact checked the media was opening the door for lies, distortions, and more.  And the candidate did not disappoint.

Mostly the talk has been about the cool, composed style of Mike Pence and how Tim Paine lost so many points because he was too aggressive, emotional and more. Tim Paine lost points with the media and many of its followers because he responded to a pack of lies the way most people respond to such.  Certainly not with denial and more lies on top of the lies with which one is confronted.

I am not sure I could have kept my cool if I were debating someone who was lying consistently and nothing was stopping him.  To respond in the cool composed manner the media expected of Tim Kaine would have said Kaine was bordering on the sociopath.  His upset, emotional and sometimes overly aggressive way of responding is normally how someone responds to being faced with a barrage of lies at an important moment with millions of people listening.  That must be an incredibly frustrating time.  To act any other way would be to project an emotional lie.

And why do we have folks complimenting Mike Pence for his “style” and demeanor and to give him excuses for the lies he told such as – he must not listen to the coverage given his running mate; or, he probably has immune himself to Trump’s lies and can deny all that he denied because he hasn’t heard Trump say these things – and on and on and on.

But Mike Pence prepared for this debate and one way of preparing is to go over the issues and your tickets response to the issues.  Given that, his responses to say Trump didn’t say that or to attempt to turn something Trump did say into something else in that cool way he had, these are the actions of a long terms strong sociopath.

If you didn’t recognize that – check yourself.

If you did, then you also recognized that the society in which we live is so wrapped up in its own form of sociopath that it didn’t see anything wrong with Mike Pence’s performance.

To deny the racism in this society is to lie about what you know and what your ancestors knew was true.

To deny the sexism in this society is to lie about what you know and what your ancestors knew was true.

To allow homelessness with human beings sleeping on the streets; having no jobs; no care of any kind; and being treated by many in the most rejecting, demeaning and ugly way and to deny that you know this about yourself and others and that you know this is what your society is about is a form of sociopath.

To work in a corporation and to see how it is destroying human life – the environment – plus other kinds of ugly and evil things and not address this while denying the existence of what you see on a day to day basis is a form of sociopath.

I could go through the entire list, but you get the message.

So, when a Mike Pence comes on television and lies the way he lied on Tuesday evening and to have the media saying he “won” the debate for various reasons says we have a long ways to go to reach some kind of caring humanity.  We are stuck in a lying, self-justifying, sinful place which we then justify, substitute a great style to accept the lying – its ok to lie if you do it elegantly and in an acceptable way, and more.

All corners of this society are being exposed by Donald Trump’s campaign and Tuesday evening showed us the worst.

I want to be around people who are distressed, disturbed, distraught when they are faced with lies and liars – the way Tim Paine was when he was faced with Mike Pence and his lies and denials.

I want to be around people working to make this world a better place for all of us.  Not perfect people because we only seem to reach perfection.  In actual fact we are all flawed, but working on those flaws.  To be around those with the perfect persona projected by Mike Pence on Tuesday hardens us back to the actors and others who have presented perfect images to us during their political campaigns and we bought them hook, line and sinker.  But even in the buying we knew it was a lie, we just engaged in denial to accept and promote the liars and elect them to the important posts in the land.


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.

Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to bettinanetwork@comcast.net or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to: bettina-network@comcast.net


Saturday, October 1st, 2016

What we all have been trying to understand is why so many people – good, kind, loving, caring people – are supporting and intend to vote for Donald Trump.

They have seen – as we all have – Trump’s negatives.  So why and where does this support come from?  We are past the racism, and sexism which has been used to explain Trump.  We are looking at and talking to the many who are 120% behind Donald Trump and nothing is coming between them and the “Don”.  How come!

His supporters have heard his lies and knew they were lies.  They’ve heard how he treats women and know that to be true.  They’ve heard about his racism and knew that also to be true.  They’ve heard all the hints about his bad temper and thin skin and have seen and heard how he will quickly and viciously insult anyone who he even thinks has insulted him.  They’ve heard the hints at the possibility of his being tied to the mafia – both within the United States and Internationally.  And they have heard and seen how all of the greats and near greats who are greatly respected in the United States are now falling all over themselves to detach themselves from being seen as even passively supporting Donald Trump.

So why are there so many still in his camp?

Much of this support is coming from people who have been lied to – cheated – who have seen their hard earned money stolen from them by those within the system in what has been made to look like ways supported by our laws.  They understand the evils of this system in which we live better than those at the top or near the top who have benefitted from the ugly ways of those who pull the strings for the money to flow from the have nots to a handful of the haves who can then step out into the spotlight looking clean, honest and working for the people.  They have lived through some financial horror stories, which most people can’t or won’t believe and which no one is fixing.  Given that, it is totally possible to overlook Trump’s negatives and hope that their lives will be better because Trump will fix it.

Let me give you a few examples – real life examples in which we have been involved.  Having a Foundation you can use it in one of many ways.  One way is to give money to be able to take a 501(c)3 deduction on your income taxes.  Or, you can give money, take the deduction – which doesn’t mean a lot to you – but you take away what you really need, which is the feeling that you have helped those in need. (But you have not had to rub elbows with those in need the “Foundation” people have been hired to do that – and even the “Foundation” people keep themselves removed from the actual recipients.)  Or, you can get involved, personally with the people your Foundation is working to help and therein lies the path to depression, frustration, disbelief, the death of your idols and the ideology with which you were raised, and for many,  your belief in the religious structures in which you function  and more.

Let me tie into the Wells Fargo mess and give you an actual example.  Put yourself into this one persons’ place and then you will see Donald Trump in a very different light.

A Disclaimer:   We are not advocating that you vote for Trump.  That vote would only make things worse, because all of this pain and suffering we have seen would be brought into the light and done without the cover under which it now functions.  Under a Donald Trump administration the front under which all of this evil operates would be stripped bare and made totally legitimate and we would then have to function seeing evil with nothing shielding us from the seriously infected swamp in which it lives.


Why fight such a giant?  What have they done?  You’ve heard the Congressional hearings.  You’ve read in the papers how President Stumpf has been forced to give back millions to the company. Lets take a  look at the human cost to John and Jane Q. Public:

Assume you have a mortgage with Wells Fargo.

That opens you up to some incredible financial games, created by greed which has created today’s billionaires.


There are many ways – this is just one.

Given your mortgage, Wells Fargo people are now able to open your finances and look in – and from what we have seen, they do just that. What do they have to gain? If they cause you financial trouble across the street, then at home, you will be subject to fees and penalties because they have set up a situation in which you stumble.  If you fall, so much the better, they have everything.  If you just stumble, that’s not so bad and that’s ok too because their fees are high.  They benefit under either scenario.

One other way you are vulnerable to them is through their Wells Fargo Shareowners Service.  A seemingly small, innocuous bureaucratic division which seemingly is quite straight forward in what it is tasked to do.  A little bureaucratic place in this great giant that you probably don’t realize exists.  A little place that interacts with and can control your assets in larger corporations whom they serve.

They are the agents – handling the stock transactions for several large corporations – like Target Stores.  So, let us assume you have a Wells Fargo mortgage and you own Target stock.  Now, lets assume that stock was purchased through Targets Direct Purchase Plan.  What a benefit.  You can send the company small amounts of money to purchase their stock.  So you establish such an account for your children and over the years accumulate Target stock by sending them just a few dollars each month.

Those few dollars add up to a few thousands of dollars and on and on it goes.

Now comes the time you need to sell that stock.  So you contact the transfer agent and ask them to send you the forms necessary for you to sell the stock.  They refuse.  You call again.  They refuse again.  And so it goes. What does that do to you?  You live your financial life assuming this is an asset you can convert to cash in a matter of days – or at least in a matter of a month at the longest, given the excessive times bureaucracies take to work.

Finally – months later – after much time spent on many telephone calls,  you get the forms.  You fill them out and spend over $20 sending the forms back to them – the original forms – via overnight mail to insure they get where they are going and so you have a record and can trace anything that might go wrong with the mail.  And then you wait – and wait – and wait.  But, nothing happens. They received the correctly filled out forms the very next day.  How do you know the forms are correctly filled out?  Because you took them to a bank and to a stock broker friend and you and the banker and the stock broker filled them out.  The banker executing a couple of the forms, as required by Wells Fargo Shareowner Services.

What happens as you wait for your money to be transferred into the account you indicated on your forms?  NOTHING!

So weeks later, you call – not Target, but Wells Fargo Shareowner Services.  Two large corporate entities tied together via this kind of transaction.  These two corporations are also tied to tens of thousands of people with small amounts of money they have accumulated over years of sending their bits and pieces of money to purchase Target stock. There are other large corporate entities so tied together.  Without knowing this you would not connect something happening to you through Target, inc. with Wells Fargo.

An interesting fact, but nothing that bothers you at the time – checking out Target to decide whether to continue investing in them at a later date you discover there is no way to contact their Executive Offices.  You don’t need to, but it is curious that their CEO is totally enclosed and cut off from any and all people except those close to him.  No telephone, no email, no way for the public to reach them. And this is a publicly owned corporation?  So you put that aside for later review.

What happens with the stock you are trying to sell?  The Wells Fargo Shareowner Services Company knows nothing about you, nor the forms you sent to them, and you have to hold on the telephone for over 45 minutes and insist and prove you sent forms to them while they search for these forms they claim to have “LOST”?

Finally, when you produce your proof of mailing, they find the forms and assure you the stock will be sold and you will be sent the money.

And then?  You get a telephone call from someone else from Wells Fargo Shareowner Services days later to say your forms are being sent back to you because they are not filled out correctly.  You ask why?  The person on the telephone does not know.  You hold on the phone and when someone finally comes back – they don’t know either.

So you get the forms back – and your finances are becoming a mess because you were selling the stock for a reason – you need the money. You have a business to expand.  You have projects you have started that need more funding. You have people you have promised to help who need the help now!

And then the fun begins.  For months nothing happens and you go round and round – sending letters, making telephone calls, getting nothing.  And your money is still tied up in Target stock – which you cannot use as money – it is just, at this point, worthless. You can’t even sell the stock through another stock broker because you don’t have the stock certificates – Wells Fargo Shareowner Services holds those and won’t send them to you either.

An interesting side note – Target, inc. comes from Dayton-Hudson, a Minneapolis based corporation.  Back in the day, Dayton-Hudson was known to be part of an interlocking directorate with influence and no inhibitions on using that influence to manipulate individuals – among other possibilities.

And remember – back a few paragraphs – your mortgage is being held by Wells Fargo.  So, is this accidental with one having nothing to do with the other or is something else operating here!

And then your door bell rings.  It is a Chinese Real Estate Agent who is offering to buy your property, claims she understands that you need the money and she has a client who is willing to pay cash – at half the value of the property, in a hot real estate market, where half leaves you a few million dollars short of the real value of the property, but here is the next step in this evil and greed which strips people of everything financially in the end.  It is nothing you could conceive in a country which touts itself as good and other countries as evil or at best as not so good.

You turn down the real estate agent – and at first you are mystified as to why she comes to your door with such an outlandish offer.  You don’t have financial problems so what is she talking about!  The door is slammed with some anger because it is dawning on you that  there is a connection between this and what is going on with Target, Inc. and Wells Fargo.

This story has throw backs to Pontius Pilate all throughout.  He called for the bowl of water to wash his hands and symbolically wash away his guilt at what will be the unbelievably brutal killing of Jesus.  This story is a modern, institutional adaptation of that old, old story which many in this society are experiencing.  The symbols of the bowl of water with rag and soap have changed to new 21st century symbols of the same thing.

The realtor reappears in a few weeks.  This time, after you have called and written to Wells Fargo Shareowner Services a lot – gotten angry – done lots to get your stock sold so you can move on with your financial life..  None of which was effective, even almost two years later.  The Wells Fargo Shareowner Services door is solidly closed.  Their refusal to sell your stock is clearly a refusal and violates everything on which this society is built.  Wall Street could not function without the guarantee that you could convert your stock into cash within days.  So they are violating the very foundation of our economic system and with impunity.  Even contacting the SEC hasn’t helped.

You do get one foot in the door – so you think.  Wells Fargo has appointed someone to investigate this stock problem.  Who?  Someone from their mortgage department.  And who holds your mortgage?  Wells Fargo!

It doesn’t dawn on you what that means.  Your assumption is that this is the company process and the person appointed is probably someone they have trained and designated to head such investigations.  Dumb dumb – she is with the mortgage department.  What you discover in the process is that she does not have access to the people she needs to talk to, nor the records she needs to access to do an investigation.  So why was she chosen to head this investigation?  You gave her the right to access your records with Wells Fargo Shareowner Services Company in a three way telephone call with someone from Wells Fargo Shareowner Services Department, but months later you are told that was only for that particular telephone conversation.  When the three of you ended that telephone call,  so did that sham of an investigation.  Interestingly, you were not told that during the conversation – a conversation which was the initiation of the investigation.  In fact, you were led to believe the opposite – very specifically, that she would continue the investigation and get back to you with her findings.

After this “investigation” came to an end with no results and the mortgage person told you she was in mortgages and had no access to other departments – and you asked why was she assigned to head this “investigation” given those circumstances and you didn’t get a straight answer you realize you have been played. Played to your detriment and the company’s need to buy time to make sure you were becoming more and more financially destabilized.

And then comes the real estate agent again.  This time with an elderly Chinese gentleman to assure you there is a “buyer” who is willing to pay cash.  And, oh by the way, you are really too old to be saddled with owning such a large house.  And, oh by the way, we are willing to pay you half of what the house is worth.  And oh, by the way, you should be thrilled because that will allow you a very comfortable old age – you won’t have to work anymore. And for reasons that made no sense – her last ‘oh, by the way’ was did you get out for a walk today, you need to do that, you know.  With my mouth hanging open wide enough for bugs to fly in from the shock of this – she went on to say they understand we were having troubles with our mortgage and they came to help.  And where did they get this information – you ask?  And they answered – Wells Fargo!  So you throw them off your porch – because you were astute enough not to let them into your house.  And you thank God you were raised to control your anger and not revert to the most primitive kind of violence because this certainly is the point at which that would have happened if your family had not been so tenacious about raising someone who is -on the surface, at least – non-violent.

So the game continues.

Next up – Herb Chambers Automobile Sales and Honda Financial Services.

Because you have been put into this cash flow problem – you have to move assets around to have enough to make up the short fall from the money you expected from selling stock you legitimately own and have been assured, from all the federal statues, the traditions, the law which set in place the Securities and Exchange Commission,  that you would be able to sell and settle in four business days.  This is now over one and a half years later and even with constant telephone calls, letters, emails, the stock has not been sold.

In the process, your car note falls behind by 52 days because you were foolish enough to continue to expect the stock to be sold so you did not transfer assets needed to get all the things done you planned to do before this mess started.  You pay the car note by wiring money into the bank account of the Honda Financial Services Corporation and go about your business.  You have, after all, transferred the assets you need.  You will be fine for months – although your business will not have the money it needs to grow according to the plans you set for it.  You will have to take a little from here and there to make up for the personal financial problems you would have otherwise.  So you do that.

And  behold, arriving at your door is this huge truck to repossess your car.  Surely they are mistaken.  You owe nothing and the total balance due  on the car note is very miniscule.  Well, therein lies the problem.  If it were a huge car note owing – no problem and no one would bother you.  You would have been charged a $5 late fee, which you would pay happily because you know that was owed, but instead, here comes this truck to take away a car on which you have no monies overdue.

The truck driver is not fazed and does nothing because you have threatened him with theft, criminal trespass, fraud and a whole lot more.  So he steps away and waits for his bosses to tell him what to do.  He is clear that he is not going to risk being arrested.

As all of this happens you reflect back on a couple people you worked with in the past to help them save their cars from such a problem.  The total pictures of what they were going through was lost on you because you still had some trust in the system and how it worked.  The greed had not surfaced for you in all of its brilliant magnificence.  Even as you see this truck trying to take your car, the greed intrinsic in this still has not manifest itself.  This just seems like a bureaucratic mistake.

As this all plays out for you, the realization hits that the people you tried to help and who lost their cars did so because they became too afraid of the car company trying to repossess their cars.  And, they never lost the expectation that there was human decency and some honesty in all of this and no one would do to them what ultimately happened.  They were so wrong.

What all of the people you helped with their car problems had in common was a very small amount owing on their car and they were over 30 days past due on their current payment.  You gave them their note payment, which they made to the company, but they still lost their car even though when they lost it, their car payments were up to date.  How could that be?  It was a mystery then, but your faith in the system didn’t lead you to tear it apart to see what was wrong.  It was all revealed, however, with this experience.  The evil is overwhelming.  You can see it as it dances around the people with whom you are dealing – it is all bright and gold and shining unbelievably.  And you thought only good was bright and shining and full of light.  The society that helped raise you taught you that evil was all dark and suspicious and, well like Africans and here you were looking at evil bright and gold and shining unbelievably.  What a break through moment!

What was the difference between you and the people you tried to help?  You were calling the police to have this repossession guy arrested.  The people you moved to help were too afraid to do that and instead put their faith in the goodness of the company.  So they lost their cars.  And what happened to their cars?  With the balance owing on their car being under $3,000 and they having used the money you gave them to bring their monthly payments up to date and the car company demanding that they pay twice that because since they were behind and a repossession notice had been issued, their cars could not be released until the payment they had already made was made again. The fact that the car company had received their cash and put it in their bank account, but still demanded that the amount due – even though it had been paid – be paid again either by bringing cash to the company or sending cash via Western Union’s “Quick Collect” – those car owners were lost.  They didn’t have the car payment they were behind – we gave them that.  Once that was paid they were too ashamed to come back to us to ask for their car payment twice – they thought we would not understand and would think they were trying to game us.

So, being too ashamed to come back to us to ask for their car payment twice or to tell us what happened – something they didn’t understand and didn’t know how to explain, they just kept quiet and lost their cars.  Apparently, Honda Financial Services depended upon that and knew this was the normal outcome.

Once the car payment was made a second time – according to Honda Financial Services employees, – the cash received by them  would be refunded, their car would be released and everybody would be happy.  Since we had given folks the money to make the car payment, they clearly did not have money to pay it again and were too embarrassed to come back to us for more money so they lost their cars.  That part of the story we didn’t know and didn’t understand until now.

What happened to the cars?  With less than a $3,000 balance due – the cars were sold in the used car lot for over $10,000 and who made out with a substantial profit?  Not the original owner, because title was transferred away from them before the sale was made so they had no right to pay Honda what was due and keep the balance.

So, with no money to buy another car and with the car company having wrecked their credit – the car company experiences yet another dividend.   The people so negatively affected could buy another car from the same company – but they would have to pay very high interest and make two monthly payments – one for the downpayment, and one for the regular payment for the car.  A couple people we tried to help did that and nearly killed themselves in the process.  We lost track of them so we don’t know how that story ended.

But I am getting ahead of myself in this story.

What we experienced from Herb Chambers and Honda Financial Services was a demand for a second payment of the monthly car payment even though there was no payment due.  They tried shame; threats; acknowledged they had received the monies sent to them; that the account was not delinquent on any level; but they still demanded the amount due be paid again and even though they had received the cash which brought the account up to date, we would have to either bring them cash for that exact amount or send them a Western Union “Quick Collect” amount.  After they received that Western Union money or we brought them cash to their company, they would take the cash they had already received out of their account and, in due time, send it to us  as a refund.   They claimed this demand was legal.  It was amazing!  What they were demanding was totally illegal and as of today we have not received a refund nor has the second payment been credited to our account.  WOW!

We wanted an explanation as to why they could not keep the money already in their account – why they wanted us to bring them cash so they then could take the cash previously sent to them and received by them out of their account and send it to us as a refund.  It is the demand which made the people we helped lose their cars.  The expectation was that you would not be able to pay this second amount demanded because you had been late on the first payment.  So they were foaming at the mouth looking at a car that they could sell and make a very substantial profit on,for their company, showing they had done an excellent job.

They became so helpful at this point.  They would see to it that the car was returned as soon as we notified them this second payment had been made and they would do everything possible to make sure we would not have to wait a moment longer than necessary for the return of the car.  When we brought them this second payment they would contact the repossession company and have our car released immediately.  What they didn’t realize was that they didn’t have possession of the car throughout all of this because the car repossession guy had gone home without the car.  He got the message, did not want to be arrested, because he knew what he was doing was illegal.

We sent the second amount via Western Union because we wanted to follow this through to the end.  When we called to verify that the monies had been sent and received by them, according to Western Union, we couldn’t help but notice the disappointment and surprise in the voice of the person from Honda Financial Services with whom we spoke.

When we realized what the people we were helping had gone through and some were still going through,  it was beyond belief. It began to dawn on us the extent of  the fraud involved and how intimidating the people were who were practiced at this.  How many people have so suffered.  Most people have buckled under this kind of thing.  We tend to be mean and angry so we call out the police, the attorneys, the relevant governmental departments and agencies involved and everyone we know, to attack.

What makes this possible and why is it so widespread?  SHAME!  People are ashamed even when they are being ripped off

We have no shame.  We are outraged.  And unfortunately for those trying to rip us off, we were not broke – we simply had a transfer of assets problem and in that situation many are caught unawares that this is what happens to people who are actually in a financial bind.  Everything they have is taken away.  Stripped away with great glee.  It is amazing to see how unprincipled, how greedy, how many lies people will tell to strip another person of their money and assets.

What is even more alarming – the people doing the stripping don’t benefit from what they have ‘stolen’.  The company for which they work benefits.  And in that company, the people at the top of those companies benefit.  Those doing the stripping are simply allowed to keep their jobs and, in the evenings, to sit by the fireplace to watch the flames that will consume them when they die – and they will not even have had the benefits of the ill-gotten gains they made possible for others to enjoy.  A very few others, but others indeed.

This has been an experience we are going to push to the limits because this needs to stop.  We realize we won’t be able to stop it – its like using a small wooden fence to stop a tsunami, but we are not going to sit by and let that tsunami swamp everything without trying to stop it.

This experience did enlighten us as to why so many people are willing to overlook Trump’s negatives and support him.  They are looking for relief from an extremely oppressive system.  If you dig into the past of many Trump supporters you will find a situation much more dire than the one I have described to you because at some point, someone in their family has probably been made destitute by these machinations.

As for us – we are supporting Hillary Clinton.  Our more sane side has won and we realize that what we described will only be made worse by someone like Donald Trump coming into office.  We are sure he has had enough experience to know how to take advantage.  What those supporting the “Don” don’t realize is that he has done some of what I described above.  Not the same particulars, but in his own corporate way he has made many people destitute – many others have lost their businesses because of his greed and on and on and on.  But those who have gone through this kind of thing are looking for a way out and someone to come to their aid and they see that someone as Donald Trump.

Clear your eyes people.  He will only make a bad scene worse.

We don’t know where the solution lies, but we are going to continue to move the needle and do what we can to expose and stop these scams – thefts – destructions – horriblenesses of this system out of control.  It is time for that 1% to get real and do something to level the playing field instead of stealing all the turf and exposing the swamp underneath.

Wasn’t it an emperor of Russia who had a wonderful life until the peasants revolted?  And the king of France? And many others, who were so busy ripping off their citizens that they didn’t realize they had gone too far until the ax fell on their heads wielded by the very citizens whose economic and financial lives they were destroying.


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.

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Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to bettinanetwork@comcast.net or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

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