copyright 2014 Bettina Network, inc.
So much pops up at breakfast and gives one enormous amounts to think about and digest over the day.
This morning it was how heavily laced with superiority and inferiority are our words.
For example;
sympathy – This word came up because of a Bettina Network Blog a guest had read on Sin.
She wanted our feed-back on her thoughts and she got it in strong terms.
She was contrasting sympathy and empathy. We all show sympathy to our friends, colleagues, family, strangers – we sympathize with many we don’t know and many who are close to us. It keeps us in a superior position to them. Sympathy is always shown between and among unequals. I sympathize with you because there but for the grace of God goes I. For a brief moment, I can pull myself up to be heads taller than you when I find something within you and your life with which to sympathize.
empathy – however is a different concept and a different word. It brings us into equality with our friends, colleagues, etc.
Isn’t it interesting that the word we use most often is sympathy and the word which is not even in most of our vocabularies is empathy.
We stay away from the family, of our friends who have just died because we don’t know what to say to them. We want to sympathize with them, but the right words don’t come and we become all thumbs and stutters and awkward. We have not yet learned the facile way to sympathize – bringing ourselves up above them because we are not in that position of grief. Maybe being awkward and not knowing how to sympathize with someone is a good thing.
If one practices empathy one goes inside oneself and pulls up those experiences when we were in that place and we become one with the person with whom we are trying to relate through empathy. In that circumstance there is no lack of what to say or do. It is easy to meet and comfort a friend or family member with whom we feel empathy or can empathize.
There are many such words in the English language – paired concepts. The most common word of such a pair is always the word/concept which elevates us above the rest. The other half of the pair, which we rarely use, are the word/concepts which make us equal to.
We spent an incredible time over breakfast coming up with these pairs and trying to correct the way we talk and relate. Amazingly, it wasn’t very difficult, it was a conversation and an exercise we took to like ducts to water.
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More on GRITS!!!!!
Tuesday, October 28th, 2014copyright 2014 by Bettina Network, inc.
Wow! Grits being discussed as a serious topic. Unbelievable. Am I the only Yankee reading your blog?
I used to wonder what was the big deal about grits until I tasted the grits you have described and generously provided a recipe for.
Each time you add something I try it. I thought the “Grits and Greens” were special. That was just the introduction.
I would like to add my two cents to this discussion:
After leaving a Bettina Home with my stomach full of grits I went home, bought Arrowhead Mills Organic Grits and tried it for myself. I started with grits and greens. Came back to buy more grits and couldn’t believe those folks actually put “gluten free” on the box. Didn’t know corn had gluten.
I tried your most recent recipe for grits and added the following:
After adding the 4 ounces of organic cream cheese I also added a package of frozen organic yellow corn and a 4 ounce package of raw organic sharp cheddar cheese. I let them bubble awhile – stirred every once in a while until everything was combined nicely – and then ate the most fantastic pot of grits I’ve ever had. I heartily recommend it to your readers.
Most people would talk about cutting the cheese into small cubes, etc. but i just put everything as it came from their packages into the pot and let them cook. They melded on their own with just an occasional stirring from me.
What most surprised me was that I had a great dish without tons of butter. You go girl!
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Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.
Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.
Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.
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Tags: bed & breakfast, Bettina Cookbook, Bettina Homes, food shopping, Grits, health
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