You keep calling me out to tell you more – this time no small answers lets take a broad brush across all of what is happening in the United States and why!
I told you some time ago there would be a continued upswing in their stock market from Barack Obama’s economic policies until Trump’s policies began to take hold and then the stock market would tank.
That happened last week. Take a close look at the numbers. Friday the stock market went down 666 points after a week of going down substantially. What does that mean? The market is screaming for you to hear its underlying movement – take a look at the Bible. For those of you who don’t believe in such – humor me and take a look anyway.
Pick up your Sunday School lessons. For those of you who did not study scripture pick up a bible and open it to Revelations Chapter 13.
What does the number 666 mean? Try reading the Book of Revelations – Chapter 13. The number of the “beast” – the antiChrist – the devil. And that is where the stock market ended on Friday. It gave you as good an opinion of Trump and his policies and presidency as was possible for an institution which speaks in numbers, a different language from all of you. You are accustomed to looking at the stock market for indications of the health and lack of it of individual businesses and as a whole for where the economy is going six months down the road. Now, take a look at it as an institution which reflects where multi-millions of souls exercise some kind of opinion and judgment daily. In the United States Stock Market there are no secrets. Someone knows – and the movement of the market tells all of your secrets. And on Friday, after leading up to it all week, the stock market spoke as loudly as it could to reach you about this President of the United States. That was a collective comment.
Where has all of this upheaval come from – what underlies this?
The United States Congress and the President of the United States:
First the Congress:
It cost immense amounts of money to run for Congress these days. Most of a Congress persons time is spent raising money, most of which is spent on polls. Why polls? So Congress people don’t have to risk telling their truth – standing for anything – so they can have positions they espouse and on which they run and base their Congressional careers. These Congress people take a poll and whatever the poll says has the largest number of voting people in back of it, that is what they espouse. They redress the polls as though that is their opinion, their program, their – ‘je ne sais quoi’. That is one thing creating all of this ugliness. It comes down to lies, pretense and more and for what? To be elected to Congress.
To get into Congress one has to raise incredible amounts of money and it looks at though that is what has happened to the United States Congress. People are looking to side with those who can promise large sums of money for their next campaign to renew their Congressional Seat. For example, wasn’t it Paul Ryan – third in line for the presidency behind Michael Spence – who pushed for a tax cut and immediately thereafter received a $500,000 contribution towards his next Congressional Campaign? Or his next whatever he decides to do campaign? To have to raise such huge amounts of money puts the power as to what this country will be like into the hands of the billionaires who can easily buy an election. Or should I say, who have already bought several Congressional seats and some Congress people and those who want to be are falling all over themselves to show how obsequious and servile they can be if their Congressional campaign is backed with money from the few.
The phenomena of Donald Trump has brought that into clear view. And then there are the connections that people who win the presidency have and use. Some connections during the campaign, many many more after the election.
Trump’s very wealthy friend – Steve Wynn was finance chair of the RNC. That means those running for Congress could be shut out of RNC monies if they didn’t toe the line and do what Mr. Wynn – who is Mr. Trump’s very close friend – says and tells them to do. And – the president usually dictates the character, morality, values of those with money who come close to him – they usually have commonalities of character, morals, value systems and more. Didn’t I hear a rumor that Steve Wynn and Donald Trump are claimed to have sexually assaulted many? And aren’t they rumored to have other similar proclivities in common?
Didn’t you notice the bowing and scrapping that has been going on amongst Congress people. Could that money possibility for his coming campaigns be what has been motivating Devin Nunes? Bowing, scraping, foot shuffling, running around making a fool of himself for his future in the government. And everyone says they are mystified as to why he has been doing this. There is nothing mystical about it. What it is about is human greed and grab for Power and Control. For some, just the warm fuzzy feelings they get from being close to and being seen as close to and representing power.
And — you see Congress people lining up to make sure their obeisance is in tact and that it is duly noted so their campaigns will be generously funded. And you see Donald Trump’s power extended and strengthened as he lines up with people who have the money to finance Congressional and presidential campaigns. He becomes a power, just because he is president, because those wealthy and super wealthy individuals need to control the politicians so their prurient and business and personal needs and wants are satisfied and not handicapped politically and by politicians.
There are two political parties in the United States. One party takes charge and pushes the agenda of the wealthy through and the reaction against it moves and helps to grow the other party in the direction of taking over some of its people. That goes on until the parties change positions, beliefs, and things they work for and stand for. A third party has never been able to develop beyond a very small group because the two dominant parties will not allow that to happen. Until it does, and a strong third party forms, the United States will go through these charades.
I remember when the Democratic Party was the Party of slavery, of racism, sexism and more. They were the ones keeping Africans from voting and were behind the KKK and other such groups. Then, along came a handful of people who moved their followers out of the Democratic Party into the Republican Party because it looked as though there was a vacuum and into that vacuum they could put their followers and achieve the goals they were used to achieving through the Democratic Party. In addition, the Democratic Party recruits its adherents through movements. The KKK, White Supremacists, White Citizens Councils were dying out and the Black Civil Rights Movement was becoming strong. The Democratic Party started recruiting from these groups and from the feminist organizations. as the Feminist Movement became stronger with more people joining and working to achieve its goals.
And then there is the Presidency:
For decades the office of the president of the United States has been accruing more power on a gradual ongoing basis. If the inhabitant of that office is a moral person then the office and its powers are safe. If not, and the office holder has the morals, character and soul of a Donald Trump then everything, everyone and the institution itself along with the Congress, the Legislative branch and the very Constitution of these United States are all threatened and the citizens are threatened with a move away from the Republic, which is the current government structure – not towards a democracy but towards a fascist state where moral corruption can abide and hide from public view. Lies, theft, self-aggrandizement, scape goats. All these thrive under such structures. People regress from responsible adults working so all can thrive to dependent and irresponsible children supplying the powers in the system with their needs, wants, frivolities, debaucheries and more at the expense and sacrifices of the many.
The office of the president must be changed with far fewer powers so it is in line with the other branches of government. It needs constraints – a fail safe – to make sure it doesn’t become the monster it is becoming under this current president. Clearly, we lack the ethics, morals and character to be able to trust our ‘elected leaders’ to move us in the right direction, to respect and follow the constitution, and to not bring foreign – particularly hostile foreign governments into these United States simply to increase the power, money and control of the government over which the current occupier of the office can exercise power.
Well, that’s it for now. Pay attention – stay involved – guard your soul against corruption and everyone will be fine. Don’t be afraid to speak up and speak out. When things get rough and one or the other side gets out of hand take to the streets to bring things back into some kind of equilibrium while the forces of the universe try to bring enough strength into your system for the creation of a third party.
There are so many good people in the United States. It is worth saving – so hold tight, work hard and don’t give up. Also, step up to speak truth and act out of your beliefs. In such a circumstance you die once. Shrivel, give in, give up, throw away what could be because you want a soft, smooth, effortless life – you will die a million times.
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Many Responses to Trump Article!
Sunday, January 21st, 2018Since we had several responses to the same blog – we thought we would combine them as best we can to let you know what members of Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community are thinking about and responding to. These are not direct quotes as we have tried to condense some, which were very long, and write the essence of others. We do think we have kept a faithful reporting of the comments we received. The emotion against Trump is amazingly strong. We think, at some point, something has to give before this society explodes.
2. It is interesting to me that once upon a time I used to love reading about the social goings on in Washington, D. C., particularly those around the president and his cabinet. None of that seems to exist today. I have yet to read about Trump and his wife going to social events in Washington. I also don’t see anything about the “Washington establishment” having social events and inviting the president and his family. Have I missed something or does Washington society see in this family the same thing the rest of us sees and doesn’t want to spend an evening mired in Bull Crap.
3. Closing down the United States’ financial arm of the government by refusing to fund it on the anniversary of Trump’s inauguration. What a way to mark that day. We have decided to wear black arm bands until Trump is removed from office. We can’t walk around in pink hats, but we can keep our hats in our pocket books for times when we can put them on. I think the import of those arm bands say clearly the kind of grief we are experiencing with this man as president.
4. When I heard the president prevaricating on which the day the government would be shut down and. which day he would announce his “Fake News Awards” – I was not surprised that he threatened a lot, but didn’t deliver until 1/20/2018. That is the day of his big celebration planned at Mar a Lago. I wondered when I first heard of the celebration who would attend. At $250,000 per couple that is more money to join the disappeared and unaccounted for and unreported disposition of money from the Trump inauguration. People must now have a clue as to where their money is going. My thought when the shut down loomed imminent was whether Trump would attend, because of the possibly low numbers of people who subscribed and would be attending? There has been almost no coverage of the event and the press has been very carefully kept away. That event shrouded in silence given what is happening all around and given what attendance or lack of it means to what is happening elsewhere it is quite suspicious that it was almost totally not covered by the press.
Everyone seems mystified as to why Trump has acted so unbelievably wild given this huge event on the horizon. One would think his normal way of being would be to do what he could to attend and bask in the glow of people idolizing him. If that was not to happen and it began to be clear as the day came nearer – how to get over what would be a very revealing lack of support by his big contributors and save face was an issue. Doing what he could to not fund the government was one way to glossing over this possible lack of participation by his big supporters.
I can’t believe people who are careful about their money would have made reservations to pay that kind of money to attend this “celebration” given the history of money disappearing and not being accounted for by the Trump group. That seems to me to be what is behind this government shut-down. A cover-up for a possibly failed “event”? It would certainly have been majorly covered by the press if Trump were in attendance, but given that he was not there it seems that press coverage was elsewhere so we have next to no information as to what happened. Have to get on the telephone to friends to see who knows about this – I am sure someone will talk about Saturday at the Trumps’
5. I have taken a flying leap into wishful thinking as to why I think Trump worked so hard to see that the Government was shut down on Saturday 1/20/2018. Mueller was ready to indict and arrest – Trump, Pence, Kelly and all the rest, but shutting down the government meant those about to be indicted would not be arrested during this event? maybe that will happen next week. Just a thought. I also thought the “Fake News” awards were meant to cover-up something. Especially since the date of release of that “award” kept changing. Wonder if those changes had to do with the Mueller investigation? One can only hope. Especially strange that Pence was not at the Mar a Lago party – they sent him out of the country during the party. Hope another book is coming out to explain all of these things. Can’t wait to read the reality so I can stop guessing.
6. Oh, the news leaking out about Russia infiltrating the Conservative movement. Do you think “Karma”, which lots of people are beginning to talk about, had anything to do with it? My dream is that those “Russian” and others infiltrating the Conservative movement would actually be converted in the process. Anything is possible, right? I wondered why there were these pictures around of so many of the loudest Conservatives and Evangelicals turning up in Russia! Whatever being a Conservative used to mean, today it seems to mean you are cavorting with those who want to take down the United States Government and their way of contributing to that is by being an undercover part of the Conservative – especially Evangelical group. How things change. There was a day when Russia was the “evil empire” and we were taking down the wall – Ronald Reagan famously went to Germany to say “Mr. President, take down this wall.” One would think that experience would make us very wary of building walls, especially for such evil reasons.
The Conservatives and Evangelicals are intransigent in their support of Trump, no matter what he does, and I can’t believe true Evangelicals would take that position. When I hear people like Franklin Graham supporting a man who is an adultery, sexual pervert, pathological liar, sexual abuser, see no reason to ask for forgiveness because he has done nothing wrong etc. etc. and sees him as a role model for our children, I wonder how much money Russia and its allies have contributed to Franklin’s group. Hearing about the infiltration of the NRA, a group I used to wonder how they became so powerful and with so much money so quickly, it certainly makes one think that others must have followed suit.
Editors Note:
That ends our trying to put out what we received from several people. We combined two or three comments into one and did our best to accurately give to you what was given to us. When someone like Donald Trump is doing his best to undermine and destroy all of us so we become too exhausted to fight back and he can just move along swiftly with his program with diminishing push back, one good way of fighting back is to openly and publicly vent to let all of that ugly out of our systems.
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Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you. Please also tell us if you want your name as your byline or if you want your article to appear without your name.
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Tags: bed & breakfast, Bettina Homes, Bettina Network Educational Institute, Bettina Network Hedge Schools, Bettina Network's Lifestyle Community, breakfast table talk, Donald Trump, Guest Comments, politics, Racism, Sexism
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