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Donald Trump and Jim Jones – HERD IMMUNITY and KOOL AID

October 14th, 2020

Kool Aid and COVID-19.  What do they have in common.  

The people in Guyana who were followers of Jim Jones had a better chance of living after Jim Jones had his trusted Lieutenants begin to serve them a poisoned concoction because he saw that his rule as head of the group was coming to an end than the people residing in the United States have after Donald Trump put out his order for the COVID-19 virus to be met head on with HERD IMMUNITY.  

 Trump  is out in front having gatherings which will do the maximum at spreading the virus quickly around the country and he has many people working with him to achieve his goal.  As did Jim Jones.   It is time for “head in the sand” people to take their heads out of the sand and look around.  

Rather than face life without the power and control he had experienced as head of this group, Jones had them all killed and his chief lieutenants obliged and carried out his wishes.  Donald Trump has done the same thing using the Coronavirus and his chief lieutenants are following his orders. 

What are you going to do about this?  Wait to die? We, at Bettina Network, inc. are clearly being harassed.  We have been experiencing much harassment.  After this blog I expect there will be more.  We survived being out there during the 1960’s fighting for civil rights.  We were out there in the middle of the women’s movement in the late 1960’s through the 1970’s.  We have been out there fighting for equal rights for everyone because that is how we were raised.   

Today,  our telephone constantly rings and there is no one on the other side.  The last call was from “Nicholas Gary 1-813 289 8225.  at 9:50pm.  When you dial that number an interrupt signal comes on and the recorded voice says – “this number has been disconnected.”  That is a common response from the telephone calls with no one on the other side we have been receiving for months. Minutes before that the call came from 617 691 2429.  The recording said “the number you have reached has been changed.  Please make a note of the new number and there then happens a busy signal.

Minutes after that a call came from “Blue Ox Bistro” 215 728 9440 with a long recorded message ending with a busy signal.  714 942 9957 with a message that says “we have determined that you are a scammer.  If our info is wrong you may email us at info@ scammer blaster.1” and it goes on and on with calls every few minutes. 

We are not the only people being harassed and threatened – and now it goes across the country threatening everyone.  Don’t you think it is time to put a stop to this?  Pelosi?  Schumer?  and the rest of you?  What will it take to remove this man from office and move him to some safe place where he will not be able to do harm to the citizens of the United States? With his announcement that there would be no COVID relief bill until after the election when he is re-elected – how much more is needed to remove him along with his lieutenants from office?  

Mark Meadows looks and acts very much like Jim Jones’ chief lieutenant during the Guyana event.  How much more is needed to act? We had no thought that we would be in such a place to say such things, our Harvard Business School education put us in line for great things – or so we thought.

However, these are crucial times and friends, family and colleagues are dying because of Donald Trump.   We have had a “thug” in office as President of these United States.  His grandfather was the first to come to this country and he made a substantial living on the backs of women who he used as prostitutes and built a bordello.  His son, Donald Trump’s father, made a substantial living partnering with someone who many claimed to be Italian Mafia.  Together they succeeded wildly and made it possible for Trump to become president.  

Trump himself sent out the dog whistle to all of those who could not face life without being “better than” and that dog whistle got him elected.  There are still those who see themselves as supporters of the one they claim has been sent by Hitler to restore the Nazi empire and we sit and wait.

How long, O Lord, are we going to sit and wait for the powers of evil to do their worse while we keep our hands clean to be able to wait until others do the dirty work and we can then come out of hiding breathing a sigh of relief? That is how it has ever been – would it be so beautiful a world if that could/would change?

We were raised with the belief that “I am my brothers’ keeper.” We sang that hymn – “Send me”. Were those only words to feel good by or words to live by? Martin Luther King, Jr. stepped out and with him were a number of people, but not as many as claimed to be there when the air cleared and he was declared one of our heroes. His army of supporters at that point, after he was long dead, multiplied by the millions, still doing nothing, but laying claim to being a part of his sacrifice.

When will that attitude change. We have caused many wars and much suffering for generations. We fled the “old country” for freedom in the new and we simply put in place to live by what we fled from.

If ever there was a time to stand and be counted – this is it.

Where were you when the United States was being destroyed by its “democratically elected” president? Were you on the front line? Or were you cowering behind waiting for others to clear the path so you could join them at the victory party as though you had been there all along!

With this White House declaring its way to go is through “Herd Immunity” it is time to stop sidelining and it is time for you to join those on the front lines. What can you do? What do you have to give? How are you going to protect your family from such a threat? Is your need to be better than – which you hide under all kinds of deflecting rhetoric – worth this?


Supreme Court Nominee – Amy Barrett. Really!!!

September 29th, 2020

Amy Barrett is a woman being appointed to the Supreme Court who does not believe in the equality of women.  Equality does not happen when one lives in a community and one’s first loyalty is to the content and structure of that organization giving deference and obeisance to men. In this case living under the board of governors who can only and always be men.  

In Ms. Barrett’s case, her entire life is structured around the concept of women always under the authority of men.   She has accepted that and lives with it as her life’s mantra.  It is not spiritually or emotionally possible to then have a job outside that community which requires you to be a person who sees others as equals.

She believes a career in the law is a means to the end of serving God.   God, the way she lives in that concept, is one who structures society with men on top and women in, at best, secondary – lesser people who cannot handle the responsibilities given to that male board of governors.

Someone who has purposefully elected to be a part of a community such as People of Praise should not get a pass to rise in other groups where their community beliefs can be set aside to make decisions which are disparate to what they are taught and teach and live by in this community. Their tendency will be to undermine that group to which they do not belong as a lifestyle choice so that it becomes and its members become a part of POP.

Human beings cannot do that without waking up the evil side of their lives, which will increasingly become the side they use to make decisions in their vocation outside of POP.   Your life beliefs – especially if they are as strong as those in People of Praise and as different from the concept of this Republic called the United States as is the lifestyle demanded by the People of Praise  – do come into account and totally influence your decisions.

Barrett does not see herself in an equal marriage.  Her husband is the head of the family.  This is re-enforced by the larger community in which she lives, works, breaths.  That community  is headed by an all male board of governors and women are identified as those who cannot serve on that board of governors. Their lives are lived on a very secondary plane because they do not have what is necessary to take on that first level?

Its institutional structure, economically, is one of a communist organization or a very  developed socialist organization on its way to being communist.

To be fine with women excluded from the highest leadership positions says a lot about how she would rule as a Supreme Court Justice.  The economic lifestyle of her life group also says how she would rule if she were confirmed.

To question Amy Barrett on her membership in the People of Praise and her ability to be a justice who sees equality as the guiding principle of the U.  S. Constitution is not questioning her on the Catholic religion since People of Praise is a non-denominational paraChurch group.

It is totally like Donald Trump and his beliefs in the inferiority of women and their use as objects to have appointed someone like Amy Barrett to the Supreme Court.  To have someone with the belief system of people of praise as a Supreme Court Justice is one way to destroy and undermine the Supreme Court as Trump has done to the other parts of the u. S. Government.

How much money is he receiving and from what quarters to make this decision.

This is an extremely authoritarian group where each one reports to someone higher up and there are no secrets and no decisions made solely by one person – apparently, even in their career.   Who plus Amy Barrett would occupy her seat on the Court?

Republicans has gone into fits and one of the worse threats possible seems to be the threat of having someone in government in these United States – either elected or appointed – who lives in a Socialist and/or Communist political structure, especially someone at the top with major influence. 

Donald Trump has made it his choice to appoint people in high places who would contribute to the downfall and destruction of the Republic of the United States and who would most likely be instrumental in replacing that Republic with a very authoritarian, fascist system.  This nomination of Amy Barrett to the Supreme Court is no exception.

Bill Barr – the Attorney General is either closely affiliated with or a member of Opus Dei – a group which encourages its members to promote their faith through their everyday lives.

They live in a controlled environment and all the while Opus Dei hides behind the Catholic Church.” It is claimed they are not free to make their own decisions.

Mike Pence is a member of a similar group and it may be the People of Praise.  He has not identified the group to which he belongs, but what we have gleaned is that it is the same type of authoritarian, evangelical/catholic group which requires the same kind of sell-out of the U. S. Republic as those apparently belonged to by Bill Barr and Amy Barrett, amongst others in the Trump government.

These are cultish groups.  Pence cannot meet alone with a woman without someone else present. Members do not make their own decisions, but have others pulling the strings of the people so appointed.  To have the president of the United States appointing people who have the tendencies that one must have to maintain membership in such groups is chilling.

It suits his extreme authoritarianism, but these United States were founded by people running away from such.  These appointments and others say much and go along with the type of person Donald Trump chooses to appoint and with whom he chooses to work.

Their economic structures are also all mostly communist.


The new Supreme Court nominee, Dark Money and the “Christlike figure of Bill Barr”!

September 27th, 2020

In fact, it seems to us that all the Supreme Court appointments and nominations by Donald J. Trump were made because dark money opened its pocket books and dealt to Trump and his followers that which he is known not to resist – money! Note that they dealt him money, not power – that is never shared.

The United States Supreme Court has now clearly been peopled by and its future rulings dictated by the dark money and power about which we hear very little. It has come that much closer to total rule.

There should have been lots of light shone onto what is happening in that corner by the recent award given to Attorney General William Barr by the dark money forces within and around the Catholic Church.

Very little has appeared in the major media about Barr’s award and even less about Barr’s affiliation with Opus Dei. Opus Dei seems to be an organization whose ethics and morality justify the dealings of people like Attorney General William Barr, Michael Pence, Donald Trump and their associates, friends and supporters. Instead of lacking sleep at night, they can sleep soundly because their particularized religious beliefs and organization justifies the immoral and unethical way they function in this life. It is rumored that Opus Dei sits on the right side of the Pope, right across from the Jesuits. We thought there would be more comments on this award by the Jesuits, but there is almost total silence coming from their group.

That award solidifies the unethical, vulgar, immoral tenets which have been published as the foundational beliefs of Opus Dei.

All of our religious groups can be divided into believers and those who dress themselves up in the beliefs of that religion and attempt to get their wants and wishes known and promulgated by others to their benefit.

In the case of the Supreme Court, there is enormous benefit to corporate America for “dark money” and its brotherly government to have major control of this highest court in the country. Most of us have had Russia and Putin thrown in our eyes and ears in major ways while silence was kept around this group as it made its way to more and substantial power.

Trump has, no doubt, been seriously funded by such groups with the understanding that he would not miss an opportunity to move the court’s of this country in the direction in which dark money wants them to go – and in this Trump has been enormously successful. Mitch McConnell has apparently made it his lifetime work to see that such happens. He wants to retire and die a very wealthy man. Given the way he has sold his country to the dark money forces he should be immensely wealthy.

We have been subjected to many articles and much propaganda against Russia and how it has interfered in our election and how this Russian interference is going to destroy the United States and substantially change its constitution on which it was founded in the direction of a horrendously evil dictatorship. Almost nothing on the ways in which Opus Dei has intervened and brought about the wishes of the dark money and government under which we are now operating more and more each day.

As we looked at that, we know for sure Russia interfered in the United States election and on the side of Donald Trump, but its power to bring about the kind of change that happened and is happening is beyond its power. Russia is a country with a very small economy, after all and oligarchs who have some wealth and influence, but that pales compared to what we are seeing and how dark money and its ‘owners’ have drastically changed this country over decades. Russia’ interference has been merely a deflection and distraction taking us away from the real powers that have changed this country and put its movement towards democracy in peril.

We have had two governments in these United States for decades – the government which follows the structure, desires, priorities of corporate America and the Republic, which is the government under which we think we are functioning.

We are in a crisis over climate change because of the out of control greed of the dark government and its money and influence and greed. The United States Supreme Court has been restructured thanks to the dark government and its money under which we have been living. Racism, sexism, LGBTQ rights, and so many more bigotries which develop, take hold and destroy are maintained in these United States and are intransigent because they do not fit the vision of this dark government and its money – that is a white, northern european group and means to maintain itself and those under its sway as “better than” whoever else tries to come up to equality with their kind.

What better way to develop such a country than through slavery – when human beings were the activators and producers of wealth and power? Tens of thousands of people working for free with only a filthy, hunger filled, terror filled life for a few hundred years – unbreakable because of this dark government and dark money under which we have lived.

When that was no longer the best way to go and the industrial revolution happened – more than Africans were enslaved to this new way to govern so this revolution would develop to the aggrandizement of the dark government that has ruled this country almost since its beginnings.

When Donald Trump talks about the “deep state” – listen to him for he knows of what he speaks. However, he is pointing in the wrong direction using the concept under which we have been enslaved, but attributing it to those who know nothing about or only have seconds of a fleeting glimpse of the “deep state’ of dark money and government under which we are oppressed.

Think that has ended? It has only intensified. Look at the obscene amounts of money “earned” by those in this dark government pulling the strings so that its wishes, needs, continued exponential growth would continue during this pandemic. What is it now in the United States economy? 99% of the people are actually enslaved, having had returned to them for their livelihood decreasing amounts of the wealth they created? New tools are being created so the 1% can “earn” 99% of the wealth they did not create and had nothing to do with except take credit.

This is the environment in with these United States are now functioning. The dark government has created its Supreme Court using immense amounts of dark money and have set up stooges to blame – Donald Trump, Russia, Vladimir Putin and on and on and on.

Because the actual facts of what is happening are obscured from most, we walk around fighting for our survival on a decent economic and other level and defeat our own fight by buying the garbage we are fed as truth. Look around with an open mind and it is there for you to see.

When that part of the Catholic Church embraces, promotes and works towards a new world giving awards to Bill Barr for the work he has done and praising him for his “Christlike behavior” we can’t help but think of the Protestants who held up Jerry Falwell, Jr. the president of Liberty University with similar claims. That gave Falwell time to organize and bring into Trump’s sphere those like him in this far right wing area of the Christian Church. Most with the same sexual proclivities as Falwell – and Trump – and so many others in this group.

Today and yesterday and the day before it was clear that these men who were being honored all shared a sexual deviancy which really needs to be explored.

William James talked about two types of “religious belief”. One brought on fervently by feelings of sexuality which mask as feelings of religiosity and another by real feelings of commitment to take the walk of Christ and others in different religions who are held up as their real “saviors”.

What is it in human beings that we trash our saviors and honor those who trash humanity because their own selfish, immoral and destructive needs take precedent.

Those being so honored by the “Church” need to be closely examined because the “Christian Church” particularly has always been divided into those that serve the “empire” and those that serve the Christ. And that division has existed almost from its very beginnings. Isn’t that why someone with Bill Barr’s background and decisions he has made in life have earned for him this Christifidelis Laici Award? Not from his walk with Christ or from his walk following Christ’s path, but from his walk with a disguised Satan fulfilling his most devious, seditious desires and crowning him with money, power and the ability to blind himself to his own sins and sinful nature?

Sadly, many of us buy into what is being sold to us by Cardinal O’Malley. For political power it seems to us Cardinal O’Malley has sold his faith to the highest bidder and is doing whatever he can to insure the re-election of Donald Trump. And that side of the Catholic Church has caused the entire Church to suffer from the results of the sexual abuse and assault and more it allowed without being called before the cross to account for their ways.

Don’t be fooled into thinking this Supreme Court issue is about abortion. Abortion is only a word being used to bring along the gullible. it is a bread crumb for the masses to share.

This is about power, wealth and control. There has always been and probably always will be a group in the Christian Church, both Catholic and Protestant, and in other religious faiths who gain power, wealth and control-over using the faith and belief of the many.

Attorney O’Sullivan – who is the attorney for Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services was given an award by Archbishop O’Malley for the “great work” he has done for the elderly.

Looking back over this Bettina Network Blog you will see some of that work and what it is really about – for the elderly? or for the divestment of the elderly from their assets; the incarceration of the elderly under horrible conditions in nursing homes and other such institutions; ripping the elderly from their families so this can be done quickly and quietly; silencing the major media outlets so this will not be reported on and will be unknown to most; making a path to be trod by the likes of Donald Trump, Cardinal O’Malley and others. And an award to be given to those who do this work.

What is most amazing – those doing this kind of work don’t learn and are almost never converted. A few thousand years have passed in Christendom and there are still those who followed the Roman Emperor in taking up the banner of Christianity and dragging it through the dirt, the slime, the filth of heresy – adultery – sexual assault against children – and so much more with this branch of Christendom giving the awards to these seeming adherents so their immorality will succeed and making the lives of true believers who are actually walking the path Christ walked a walk of martyrdom. Those walking that real Christlike path threaten those walking the path of greed, power, injustice.

William James talked about two types of “religious belief”. One brought on fervently by feelings of sexuality which mask as feelings of religiosity and another by real feelings of commitment to take the walk of Christ, Muhammed, Moses, Krishna, Buddha and others in different religions who are held up as their real “saviors”.

God forgive us, but we still need such people because we only respond to that kind of all out sacrifice and our response doesn’t last long. In Boston during the King era, many sacrificed to integrate the schools to see that children of all colors, creeds, would get a decent education. Today, the schools that were so “integrated” are now all-Black schools with the same problems schools had in the 1950’s and 60’s. It didn’t take long for all of that sacrifice to be turned back as though it had not happened.

The creators of dark money, dark government, dark corporate structures and so much more soon pop up and evolve to take over because they appeal to our greed, our power needs, our weak egos so we follow that group basking in a reflection of their power – which we never feel and can never join and are never welcomed into their bosoms, but we are satisfied to be those who sacrifice ourselves so the worst amongst us may live this grandiose life style. And so we have the coming about of the presidency of Donald J. Trump.

How long, O God, must be live with our sinful natures making such grand strides to the detriment of ourselves and others. Deliver us O God, and soon.


Donald J. Trumps Message to his followers!

September 26th, 2020

Quoted from his television appearance he said – get rid of the ballots and there will be a continuation of his presidency. Speaking generally or to those who follow him and pick up his clues dropped for their immediate action?

Why did he say that? To whom was he speaking? And right after he spoke, someone in Pennsylvania threw ballots in the garbage as that person worked with others on “counting” the ballots. He was fired, of course, but his working in that place said loudly Trump’s message got through to his followers.

Our Experience?

When you are dealing with someone evil – his evil is not limited to those he is railing against. His evil falls on everyone. Those of you supporting a man who is clearly motivated by evil need to stop and think. You are not exempt. He may be moving against me today, but it will be you tomorrow. And that evil hurled against you will be when you do not expect it, are least able to respond and defend yourself and your destruction will come about by the evil one you selected as your leader.

History is replete with examples!


Let’s Review the Rev. Dr. Bennett situation! It looks like Criminal Conspiracy to us!

September 21st, 2020

Please circulate this to everyone you know. To every law enforcement agency you can reach. To everyone you think should know about this with letters to Middlesex Probate and Family Court, 121 Third Street, Cambridge, MA. 617 768 5808 to let them know your thoughts about how they function. letters to fax number 617 225 0781.

We need lawyers, legal researchers, people skilled in IT, those in PR, everyone who can help. Let us know who you are and how you can support what we are doing. This is clearly headed to a substantial law suit with side issues – like medical malpractice, legal malpractice and more.

Clearly, this is going through the legal system in a huge way. We are getting prepared so we can do our bit and the research will continue. This is a lawyers dream – this ‘incident’ in the ‘elder law’ area. The money lawyers can and are making in this area – it is unbelievably foul, especially when you think of the suffering and destruction of the end of life of so many elderly people, most of whom cannot take this on to fight and object to what is happening to them. The Donaldson/Bennett’s are rare. He is 87, she is 82. We guess the folks pushing to take their assets thought they would be a push-over.

This is an area the press refuses to cover and so the people who have perpetrated this on others evade scrutiny. This is what happened with the media pre-1960’s. The horrible things the KKK, the White Supremacist, the Nazi’s and those supporting them did escaped notice because racism and all other forms of bigotry were routinely not covered in the press. Ms Donaldson comes from a journalists family because her grandfather co-founded the Louisiana Weekly and worked extensively with the Pittsburgh Courier (the first office in NOLA of the Pittsburgh Courier was in her family’s living room) and other African American publications. His goal was to have these very racist, sexist, extreme bigoted actions be journalistically researched and published so they would be known and not done under the cover of silence. Sorrowfully, that is what is happening in this society today.

As more is uncovered this gets uglier. Some of what follows is repetitive – much is new to the blog. If you have additional information, please contact us.

We very much appreciate the person who put the papers through the mail slot at the Donaldson/Bennett home. We wanted to know the genesis of the charge against Marceline Donaldson of “elder abuse”. We found all kind of possibilities, but found the real genesis in those papers turned over to us so we could move ahead with investigating what happened, how, who, when. It made us sick to our stomachs when we found so many lawyers involved in previous cases. It looked as though the goal is to drain the assets of this quite, shy, lovely man so their estates can benefit.

Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services made the charge backed up by the attorney they ‘appointed’ for Rev. Dr. Bennett while making sure he would not be able to have an attorney of his or his family’s choosing.

The CPCS in Boston saw to it that Cheri Myette would be paid even when they were contacted by Ms. Donaldson who wanted to know why an attorney was appointed for her husband calling him “indigent” when he was not. This state agency was cooperating with a conspiracy to take away Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett’s ability to function in this life – to walk, talk, think, etc. by funding a lie.

As we looked closer, Ms. Donaldson hired attorneys for herself and her husband. She paid their requested retainer which amounted to several thousands of dollars and they could not do their job because the state was paying attorneys, as requested, by one of the State of Massachusetts Agencies – Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services is funded – either in whole or partially by the State of Massachusetts and they also have Federal support. That support is used to keep assets from one generation of African Americans, Jews, Latina’s LGBTQ people and other minorities from passing to the next generation. Instead those assets are going into the pockets of the descendants of white northern european attorneys and their supporting staff.

A family, which hired attorneys, paid the retainers, called “indigent” because of the greed of those pushing this action. It is one of the most disgusting things we have come across. It is certainly a way to drain the minority community of many assets and very quickly. It is a way to reduce the number of minorities able to succeed in this society and to keep them as the “bottom” – making the least amount of money while taking the largest risks – something which is showing clearly in this COVID-19 pandemic.

We believe this was and is a conspiracy to destroy a black family – to destroy a black marriage and so much more. One thing that happened with the motion Attorney Myette filed was to separate a husband and wife of 37 years. Against their wishes and without their knowledge they were legally separated. We understand jokes were made about Ms. Donaldson after they had clearly seen her as a very negative stereotype of black females. None of them had even met Ms. Donaldson or Rev. Dr. Bennett.

Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services instituted with MGH’s help and compliance a “rule” that Ms. Donaldson could not visit her husband without an MGH Security Guard and a Policeman present. On her first visit, she noticed the ward in which he was kept was locked and there were Security Guards in the hallway. Others stood close to her during her visit – apparently to make sure they heard everything said between Rev. Dr. Bennett and his wife.

During these five weeks, Ms. Donaldson was able to visit her husband only three times. An MGH Security Guard threatened to physically throw her out of MGH if she didn’t leave – on a day when she arrived, having made an appointment for the visit and was denied with the Security Guard telling her she could not see her husband because he had filed a complaint against her for abuse and she would not be allowed to go to White 10th Floor at MGH where he was being kept. That happened several times when she arrived – one excuse after another was used by MGH Security personnel to keep her from visiting. That happened under whose orders?

We have reproduced here a letter to the attorneys involved sent by Attorney O’Sullivan and it makes your stomach churn.

In it, Attorney O’Sullivan actually describes the process by which one is “incapacitated”.. It starts in the hospital – in this case MGH, a hospital that needs to investigate what is happening within its confines when one department does a great job and another does everything to destroy a patients’ ability to function.

We also have a letter hand written by an employee of the Post Office who saw Rev. Dr. Bennett frequently as he went to the post office daily over many years. The letter is copied here and says what great shape Dr. Bennett was in on March 5th, the day he was seen with his wife in the post officer laughing and talking to a friend X.C. who commented on how great he looked. The very next day white Cambridge policemen arrived at his house to force him into MGH. That even after the section 12 filed against him had been lifted and he was sent home with “no medicines prescribed.”

When he was discharged from MGH on April 13th he did not look so good. He looked like a man who had just come out of a concentration camp. He could not walk without extreme help – even with a walker. He was confused as to where he was. He was clearly terrified until he saw his wife.

He was sent home from MGH with no shoes on his feet because they were so swollen none of his shoes fit. I could go on to what was done to this African American man in a medical action started and carried forward by Dr. Rebecca Warner who is apparently the medical person who gave the diagnosis of “incapacitated” after she filled him full of hallucinatory drugs, anti-psychotics and so much more which no one before her had prescribed. In fact psychiatrists before her deemed no medicines were necessary and Dr. Bennett should not have been brought to MGH to be sectioned.

When he did not turn up at Mount Auburn Hospital, which is the hospital Dr. Rebecca Warner wanted Rev. Dr. Bennett sent to – she followed him to MGH to do what they were prepared to do at Mount Auburn Hospital – treat Dr. Bennett in such a way that he would be quickly “incapacitated” and ready to be forced into a nursing home. Especially after having his wife was declared “abusive” so a Guardianship would be necessary to make decisions about the drawing down of his assets, among other decisions that needed to be made. Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services was right there to make sure the person and Guardianship Corporation so chosen would benefit them – and probably the future career of those young women making such horrendous decisions over the life of this African American family.

To what can we compare this? SLAVE HOLDERS – ripped slaves from their families. They separated families with deception and with speed. Clearly, speed was one of the motivating factors here.

They deceived the enslaved by not telling them what was happening and transported them quickly using – in many cases – the then police, the group established to hunt, capture, intimidate, take away the liberty of human beings who happened to be Africans. They were transported quickly to avert what the law might dictate is given a chance and given the truth. they were removed from being able to contact attorneys or other witnesses. Relevant and important papers were hidden and/or destroyed.

Ms. Donaldson contacted Ms. Paulette Marie with the CPCS to talk about what was happening with her husband and to make a complaint against Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services and Attorney Cheri Myette. Ms. Marie explained to Ms. Donaldson how one could have assets and still be considered “indigent” qualifying for the state support. She did not ask Ms. Donaldson for any information that might be used to investigate or move Ms. Myette out of the way by taking away the State monies paying for her to do a job which should have been done by the private attorneys Ms. Donaldson hired. She did say several times how the attorney chosen was the next on the list. That was not true, but Ms. Marie would not counter such a suggestion. She also had no comment when Ms. Donaldson wanted to know how Rev. Dr. Bennett could be considered ‘indigent” when his family paid several thousands of dollars to hire attorneys to represent him and they could not because the state sponsored attorney was court appointed and was not going to be replaced by anyone.

We could go on for pages, but we will stop here and hope for more feedback from you. Please pass this on to as many people as possible. We are most grateful to those who passed this on so we were able to get a copy of the motion which started all of this.

God keep you safe in all that you do and may you and your family never experience anything even close to this.

All of us at Bettina’s

Cooperatively researched


Signed and Notarized Statement of Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett regarding motions filed in his name about which he knew nothing at an ex parte hearing about which he knew nothing. A motion which contained lies he was claimed to have said and to which his name was attached as though he wrote the motion, with the claim that he was the one filing the motion. Filed by an attorney who neither he nor his family had ever heard of, had ever spoken to. In an attempt to make an ex-parte motion appear to be a motion at which Rev. Dr. Robert Bennet was represented.

September 17th, 2020

Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett’s statement – sworn to and notarized

I am attaching documents that were filed in my name with Middlesex Probate and Family Court.  One claim of these documents was that I am “indigent”. 

1) “Order Appointing Counsel” was filed 3/5/2020 claiming “elder abuse”.

I knew nothing about this document.  I did not request an attorney be appointed on my behalf.  I knew nothing about this action and I did not know nor had ever heard of Cheri Myette.  Over the months that followed Cheri Myette did not contact me; did not answer my contact to her which included telephone calls and emails.  Nor did she respond to my wife’s telephone calls and emails to her.  She was apparently appointed as a space saver so other attorneys could not represent me and motions I filed on my own behalf would not be heard by nor taken seriously by the Court because I had a Court appointed attorney. 

Attorney Myette was appointed in an “ex parte” hearing on March 6, 2020. She filed motions which claimed many things which are lies and apparently meant to further the case of Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services’ attempt to take over my life; to make the end of my life miserable; to incarcerate me in a nursing home with restraints on a steady diet of anti-psychotic medications; to make and then keep me “incapacitated” and more – things they have done to other African Americans.  

Protective Services Agencies in other areas of Massachusetts besides Boston/Cambridge partnering with attorneys in Massachusetts have done similar things to Jews, African Americans, immigrants and other minorities.

 2) A form entitled ” Motion for Funds for Independent Examination.”

I knew nothing about this motion.  This was not done on my behalf by anyone. This was done to further the goals of the “grifters” trying to strip me of any assets I might have.

I was forced out of my home on March 3, 2020 by the Cambridge police with an order signed by Dr. Rebecca Warner, psychiatrist who said in the Section 12 she filed against me that “she never met me, never examined me, never visited by home but was signing a Section 12 to have me picked up, forced into Mount Auburn Hospital to be “sectioned”.  This same Dr. Rebecca Warner is now the one being paid $2,000 by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to do an “Independent Exam”. She was paid $2,000 because Myette, O’Sullivan, SCES claimed I was ‘indigent’ and could not afford even the $150 fee usually required of people in these circumstances. 

What Dr. Warner did was to facilitate my ‘incarceration’ by SCES and to force anti-psychotics, anti-seizure medicines, hallucinatory medicines and 8 to 10 more individual medicines per day down my throat. They had me in a position where I was totally scared with all that happened around me and I was in this place with no one, shoved into a corner, forced to stay in bed. It was a nightmare.

3)  I refused to go.  The police were very clear, if I did not go I would be picked up by them and forcibly put into the ambulance waiting outside for me. 

4)  My wife asked why was I being forced to go to Mount Auburn Hospital when I was just discharged two days prior from MGH.  The police did not know, but if that made a difference they would take me to MGH instead. 

5)  I was taken to MGH against my will.   

6)  I was discharged from MGH on March 4th at 3:30am with the Section 12 “lifted” and told I could go home. 

7)  My wife and I went home. 

8. On March 6th I was forced into MGH again by the Cambridge Police and this time supposedly on a charge of “elder abuse.”  The claim included several things which basically said I was being “medically abused” by my wife. It claimed I was the one making the claim. 

 This motion says I swore to several things – I did not know anything about this motion and I swore to nothing.  What they have me swearing to is a lie and I believe was conjured up so they could go after my assets as they have gone after the assets of other African Americans, Jews, immigrants and other minorities, after they have gone through a process of making those minorities “incapacitated” or as close to “incapacitated” as possible.

They used the charge of “elder abuse” to send the police to take me out of a house I lived in for 36 years with a wife I was married to for 37 years.  They had to get me out of the house “immediately” because my life and health were at stake.

 This motion says “In support hereof the Respondent swears and avers that: 1. He is indigent

I am not indigent and I did not swear to any such thing.  Yesterday was the first time I saw that motion which is dated March 6, 2020.

I did not know about this document nor about this motion nor did anyone else in my family know about this or had seen it.

 2. The motion continues: “He has a right under the United States and Massachusetts Constitutions to the services of a clinician at the Commonwealth’s expense where, as here, the Commonwealth seeks to deprive a Respondent of a substantial liberty interest as a result of its allegations as to his mental status and need for inpatient psychiatric care and treatment.  See, Are v. Oklahoma, 470 U. S. 68 (1985). 

The Clinician they talk about is one who took out the Section 12 against me for Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services – Dr. Rebecca Warner. Hers clearly would not be an “Independent Examination” since she was involved from the beginning and when the MGH exam did not produce the results SCES wanted, they brought in their psychiatrist to do it over so they could move on to their next step which was trying to “incapacitate” me so Attorney O’Sullivan could move on to his next step which was to attempt to take Guardianship over me claiming I was “incapacitated” – the result they were trying to bring about.

I did not contact them nor did I ask for help on any level.  I was well taken care of by my wife, adult children and the community surrounding us.  They made allegations as to my mental status without proof of any kind.  

SCES did this to promote their services and to force African Americans into their agency forcing me and others to accept what we did not need nor want. To do this they had to bring in a psychiatrist to claim I was mentally ill.

3.  In the alternative, the Court must, pursuant too G.L. c.261, article 27C, authorize the expenditure of funds necessary to secure such services where, as here, such services are reasonably necessary to assure that Respondent is able to prosecute this action in as effective manner as would be available to a person of means.  Commonwealth v. Lockley, 381 Mass. 156 (1980).  In respect thereto, Respondent further asserts that it cannot reasonably be argued that a person of means, facing the possibility of the involuntary Pilgrim Rehabization, would ever knowingly choose not to expend his funds to secure the assistance of an independent clinical expert.  See e.g. Guardianship of a Mentally Ill Person, Mass. App. Ct. No. 85-0018 Civ. (Dreben J. 1/28/85).

This was especially amazing since such an independent clinical expert had done such a job and “lifted” the Section 12 and sent me home. SCES, Attorney O’Sullivan and their group were not going to let go because they thought my assets were too tempting nor to raid and destroy.

 Again I reiterate I knew nothing about this.  No one determined that I was mentally ill.  In fact, MGH psychiatrists made the determination that the Section 12 was lifted which was filed by Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services and Attorney James O’Sullivan. Attorney O’Sullivan and Protective Services have done this against African Americans, Jews, immigrants and others in the past, without cause. With the help of their psychiatrist and others they created the cause they needed to move against those they sought out to promote their grifting.  

In other words, MGH psychiatrist found I was not mentally ill and there was no reason for my having been picked up and forced into the hospital. The motion filed by SCES with help from Atty Cheri Myette and Atty O’Sullivan ends with WHEREFORE it is respectfully requested that the above Motion be allowed. It also says on the signature lines “Respectfully submitted, Robert Bennett, By his attorney s/s Cheri Myette” There is no signature under my name – only the typed ending. This was done by Atty Myette on March 5, 2020 when she had not spoken to me about anything – had never met me, knew nothing about me except that I was the new “mark”.

Again, I have never met Cheri Myette. I had never spoken to her. I had no idea these folks were running into Court to get this motion against me to take away my freedom. This was done in my name without my knowledge or consent and I was totally capable of giving both.

They took it upon themselves to accuse my wife of abusing me because that allowed them to send the police to take me out of my home once again and to continue on with what I consider a criminal conspiracy which has been practiced against many by the same people and others across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

On March 4, 2020 at 3:30 am  I was discharged from MGH with “no medicines prescribed” yet as a result of this motion they filed the abuse charge against my wife. SCES claimed that “It is alleged that Mr. Bennett’s medical needs are not being met in part, he may not be taking his prescribed medications.

They did not tell the Court that Robert Bennett was discharged with “no medicines prescribed.” So what does all of the above mean?

The “Temporary Order” also claims Robert Bennett needs “appropriate supervision”. needs rehab; needs medical follow-up; etc. etc. 

What they did not say was the discharge with “no medicines prescribed and all vitals normal including blood pressure made that a ridiculous decision.

What the motion also ignored was that SCES was behind forcing me into Sherrill House for rehab as the only place I could go. My choice was Spaulding, however, I was told Sherrill House was the only place I could go. 

With that choice they sent me to a rehab, nursing home which was under quarantine and did not have the same level of expertise, etc. that would have been available to me at Spaulding.

Having visited Spaulding when friends were there I was able to see their level of care and rehab that I did not see at Sherrill House. My choice was taken away from me and my wife, as my Health Care Proxy, was also eliminated from that decision. When my wife and I visited both places it was clear that Spaulding was white – Sherrill House was brown to black and the way that was maintained was what I was experiencing with no choice as to which institution I would receive rehab.

I was also forced to accept a visiting nurse/home health care group without having a choice in the matter and in the process of that I was sexually abused by one of the people who were supposedly giving me better care than my wife could give.

Dr. Rebecca Warner was the psychiatrist who signed the Section 12 which was ‘lifted’ by MGH. That should have settled the matter. Instead, she continued to be involved pushing the matter and attempting to clearly diagnose me as “incapacitated” and filling me full of drugs which could have done serious damage to me mentally and physically.

With the Section 12 she was not paid the $2,000 they paid Dr. Rebecca Warner to go to MGH to give me Hallucinatory Drugs, anti-psychotics with no reason, anti-seizure medications for five weeks on a daily basis which probably has negatively affected my brain and all the other 8 to 10 drugs I was forced to take. In other words the state paid for Dr. Warner to set me on a program to incapacitate me so I could then me forced into a nursing home in constraints for the rest of my life.

Dr. Warner’s license should be immediately suspended pending a hearing as to whether her license should be permanently removed.

That “Temporary Order” is dated March 6, 2020 – the date the police forced their way into my home at 6pm and threatened to drag my out if I didn’t walk out with them and if they broke anything or had to break the door down they said they had the right to do that and they would not be financially responsible for any damage done.  They also said they had to right to go all through my home, if that was necessary, to get me to drag me out to put me into the ambulance waiting outside to take me to MGH.

Present when this happened was my wife, Marceline Donaldson.  My son, Mark Bennett, his wife Karen Bennett and my daughter Ann Bennett.  But, somehow these African Americans were not adequate to see about my well being and could not satisfy what the Court thought I needed and forced upon me. What they forced on me were whites replacing the African American family and community within which I lived.

The person who was supposed to do this “examination of me” was Dr. Rebecca Warner, the psychiatrist who swore out the Section 12 which put me, against my will in MGH on March 3rd.  Dr. Warner is the psychiatrist who said in the Section 12 that she did not know me, had never met me, had never been to my home yet she forced me out of my home with police and declared my home of 36 years ‘unsafe’.

To swear this out – to lie under oath saying I requested this motion be allowed when I did not and knew nothing about it violates every right I have and has destroyed my wife’s reputation.

This has been an unbelievable experience and has shown me clearly one does not have to be involved in claimed criminal activity to have these horrendous interactions with the police and the Court which were clearly totally unjustified with a clear attempt to destroy my life, my family, and to see that my assets would be drawn down and turned over to whites instead of being help in the hands of African Americans. That apparently violates this Court’s ethic. – And yes, I am angry! Wouldn’t you be angry?

Respectfully Submitted,

s/s Rev. Dr. Robert A. Bennett, Jr.

They Acted Corruptly – They Lied – They cheated the Commonwealth of Massachusetts all to incarcerate an African American man and take his assets, while at the same time claiming he was “indigent”.

September 14th, 2020

What is most amazing about all of this is the multiple and continuing lies – most told under oath by people working for a state agency; by attorneys; by their clients. Are these called “grifters”.

The elderly are so badly treated in Probate and Family Court that motions are filed in their name – without their knowledge – without their consent and everyone acting as though this is fine and the way things are and should be done in Court.

It might surprise you, but many elderly people are perfectly able to talk, think, write, walk, dance, run and more and yet they are portrayed as “incapacitated.” That word is used in many cases to keep the elderly from appearing in Court so they will not contradict the story line being used to gain access to and spend down their assets.

What follows is a notarized statement by Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett in response to papers he and his family were given by strangers who got them from someplace – and thank God for such caring people.

These are motions and other such papers filed in Court under Robert Bennett’s name about which he knew nothing, which were not signed by Robert Bennett, some were undersigned by his Court Appointed attorney who has never contacted him; never talked to him neither in person nor on the phone nor by email. Their first contact was when Robert Bennett started motioning the Court for the removal of this Court appointed attorney.

We will let these papers stand on their own because we want you to know what Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett and his wife, Marceline Donaldson, are going through. We want you to know every detail because others are going through the same thing. We received calls, and other contacts from people who are desperate and who have been made destitute when they spent their lives accumulating a “nest egg” for their old age and something to pass along to their children. That “nest egg” seems to be the reason for all of this. It is no accident that this started against the Donaldson/Bennett’s shortly after they put their house on the market for sale and they changed their minds and took it off the market. And then all hell broke loose.


Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett’s statement – sworn to and notarized

I am attaching documents that were filed in my name with Middlesex Probate and Family Court.  One claim of these documents was that I am “indigent”. 

1) “Order Appointing Counsel” was filed 3/5/2020 claiming “elder abuse”.

I knew nothing about this document.  I did not request an attorney be appointed on my behalf.  I knew nothing about this action and I did not know nor had ever heard of Cheri Myette.  Over the months that followed Cheri Myette did not contact me; did not answer my contact to her which included telephone calls and emails.  Nor did she respond to my wife’s telephone calls and emails to her.  She was apparently appointed as a space saver so other attorneys could not represent me and motions I filed on my own behalf would not be heard by nor taken seriously by the Court because I had a Court appointed attorney.

Attorney Myette was appointed in an “ex parte” hearing on March 6, 2020. She filed motions which claimed many things which are lies and apparently meant to further the case of Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services’ attempt to take over my life; to make the end of my life miserable; to incarcerate me in a nursing home with restraints on a steady diet of anti-psychotic medications; to make and then keep me “incapacitated” and more – things they have done to other African Americans.  

Protective Services Agencies in other areas of Massachusetts besides Boston/Cambridge partnering with attorneys in Massachusetts have done similar things to Jews, African Americans, immigrants and other minorities.

 2) A form entitled ” Motion for Funds for Independent Examination.”

I knew nothing about this motion.  This was not done on my behalf by anyone. This was done to further the goals of the “grifters” trying to strip me of any assets I might have.

I was forced out of my home on March 3, 2020 by the Cambridge police with an order signed by Dr. Rebecca Warner, psychiatrist who said in the Section 12 she filed against me that “she never met me, never examined me, never visited by home but was signing a Section 12 to have me picked up, forced into Mount Auburn Hospital to be “sectioned”.  This same Dr. Rebecca Warner is now the one being paid $2,000 by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to do an “Independent Exam”. She was paid $2,000 because Myette, O’Sullivan, SCES claimed I was ‘indigent’ and could not afford even the $150 fee usually required of people in these circumstances.

What Dr. Warner did was to facilitate my ‘incarceration’ by SCES and to force anti-psychotics, anti-seizure medicines, hallucinatory medicines and 8 to 10 more individual medicines per day down my throat. They had me in a position where I was totally scared with all that happened around me and I was in this place with no one, shoved into a corner, forced to stay in bed. It was a nightmare.

3)  I refused to go.  The police were very clear, if I did not go I would be picked up by them and forcibly put into the ambulance waiting outside for me. 

4)  My wife asked why was I being forced to go to Mount Auburn Hospital when I was just discharged two days prior from MGH.  The police did not know, but if that made a difference they would take me to MGH instead. 

5)  I was taken to MGH against my will.   

6)  I was discharged from MGH on March 4th at 3:30am with the Section 12 “lifted” and told I could go home. 

7)  My wife and I went home. 

8. On March 6th I was forced into MGH again by the Cambridge Police and this time supposedly on a charge of “elder abuse.”  The claim included several things which basically said I was being “medically abused” by my wife. It claimed I was the one making the claim.

 This motion says I swore to several things – I did not know anything about this motion and I swore to nothing.  What they have me swearing to is a lie and I believe was conjured up so they could go after my assets as they have gone after the assets of other African Americans, Jews, immigrants and other minorities, after they have gone through a process of making those minorities “incapacitated” or as close to “incapacitated” as possible.

They used the charge of “elder abuse” to send the police to take me out of a house I lived in for 36 years with a wife I was married to for 37 years.  They had to get me out of the house “immediately” because my life and health were at stake.

 This motion says “In support hereof the Respondent swears and avers that: 1. He is indigent

I am not indigent and I did not swear to any such thing.  Yesterday was the first time I saw that motion which is dated March 6, 2020.

I did not know about this document nor about this motion nor did anyone else in my family know about this or had seen it.

 2. The motion continues: “He has a right under the United States and Massachusetts Constitutions to the services of a clinician at the Commonwealth’s expense where, as here, the Commonwealth seeks to deprive a Respondent of a substantial liberty interest as a result of its allegations as to his mental status and need for inpatient psychiatric care and treatment.  See, Are v. Oklahoma, 470 U. S. 68 (1985). 

The Clinician they talk about is one who took out the Section 12 against me for Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services – Dr. Rebecca Warner. Hers clearly would not be an “Independent Examination” since she was involved from the beginning and when the MGH exam did not produce the results SCES wanted, they brought in their psychiatrist to do it over so they could move on to their next step which was trying to “incapacitate” me so Attorney O’Sullivan could move on to his next step which was to attempt to take Guardianship over me claiming I was “incapacitated” – the result they were trying to bring about.

I did not contact them nor did I ask for help on any level.  I was well taken care of by my wife, adult children and the community surrounding us.  They made allegations as to my mental status without proof of any kind.  

SCES did this to promote their services and to force African Americans into their agency forcing me and others to accept what we did not need nor want. To do this they had to bring in a psychiatrist to claim I was mentally ill.

3.  In the alternative, the Court must, pursuant too G.L. c.261, article 27C, authorize the expenditure of funds necessary to secure such services where, as here, such services are reasonably necessary to assure that Respondent is able to prosecute this action in as effective manner as would be available to a person of means.  Commonwealth v. Lockley, 381 Mass. 156 (1980).  In respect thereto, Respondent further asserts that it cannot reasonably be argued that a person of means, facing the possibility of the involuntary Pilgrim Rehabization, would ever knowingly choose not to expend his funds to secure the assistance of an independent clinical expert.  See e.g. Guardianship of a Mentally Ill Person, Mass. App. Ct. No. 85-0018 Civ. (Dreben J. 1/28/85).

This was especially amazing since such an independent clinical expert had done such a job and “lifted” the Section 12 and sent me home. SCES, Attorney O’Sullivan and their group were not going to let go because they thought my assets were too tempting nor to raid and destroy.

 Again I reiterate I knew nothing about this.  No one determined that I was mentally ill.  In fact, MGH psychiatrists made the determination that the Section 12 was lifted which was filed by Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services and Attorney James O’Sullivan. Attorney O’Sullivan and Protective Services have done this against African Americans, Jews, immigrants and others in the past, without cause. With the help of their psychiatrist and others they created the cause they needed to move against those they sought out to promote their grifting.  

In other words, MGH psychiatrist found I was not mentally ill and there was no reason for my having been picked up and forced into the hospital. The motion filed by SCES with help from Atty Cheri Myette and Atty O’Sullivan ends with WHEREFORE it is respectfully requested that the above Motion be allowed. It also says on the signature lines “Respectfully submitted, Robert Bennett, By his attorney s/s Cheri Myette” There is no signature under my name – only the typed ending. This was done by Atty Myette on March 5, 2020 when she had not spoken to me about anything – had never met me, knew nothing about me except that I was the new “mark”.

Again, I have never met Cheri Myette. I had never spoken to her. I had no idea these folks were running into Court to get this motion against me to take away my freedom. This was done in my name without my knowledge or consent and I was totally capable of giving both.

They took it upon themselves to accuse my wife of abusing me because that allowed them to send the police to take me out of my home once again and to continue on with what I consider a criminal conspiracy which has been practiced against many by the same people and others across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

On March 4, 2020 at 3:30 am  I was discharged from MGH with “no medicines prescribed” yet as a result of this motion they filed the abuse charge against my wife. SCES claimed that “It is alleged that Mr. Bennett’s medical needs are not being met in part, he may not be taking his prescribed medications.

They did not tell the Court that Robert Bennett was discharged with “no medicines prescribed.” So what does all of the above mean?

The “Temporary Order” also claims Robert Bennett needs “appropriate supervision”. needs rehab; needs medical follow-up; etc. etc.

What they did not say was the discharge with “no medicines prescribed and all vitals normal including blood pressure made that a ridiculous decision.

What the motion also ignored was that SCES was behind forcing me into Sherrill House for rehab as the only place I could go. My choice was Spaulding, however, I was told Sherrill House was the only place I could go.

With that choice they sent me to a rehab, nursing home which was under quarantine and did not have the same level of expertise, etc. that would have been available to me at Spaulding.

Having visited Spaulding when friends were there I was able to see their level of care and rehab that I did not see at Sherrill House. My choice was taken away from me and my wife, as my Health Care Proxy, was also eliminated from that decision. When my wife and I visited both places it was clear that Spaulding was white – Sherrill House was brown to black and the way that was maintained was what I was experiencing with no choice as to which institution I would receive rehab.

I was also forced to accept a visiting nurse/home health care group without having a choice in the matter and in the process of that I was sexually abused by one of the people who were supposedly giving me better care than my wife could give.

Dr. Rebecca Warner was the psychiatrist who signed the Section 12 which was ‘lifted’ by MGH. That should have settled the matter. Instead, she continued to be involved pushing the matter and attempting to clearly diagnose me as “incapacitated” and filling me full of drugs which could have done serious damage to me mentally and physically.

With the Section 12 she was not paid the $2,000 they paid Dr. Rebecca Warner to go to MGH to give me Hallucinatory Drugs, anti-psychotics with no reason, anti-seizure medications for five weeks on a daily basis which probably has negatively affected my brain and all the other 8 to 10 drugs I was forced to take. In other words the state paid for Dr. Warner to set me on a program to incapacitate me so I could then me forced into a nursing home in constraints for the rest of my life.

Dr. Warner’s license should be immediately suspended pending a hearing as to whether her license should be permanently removed.

That “Temporary Order” is dated March 6, 2020 – the date the police forced their way into my home at 6pm and threatened to drag my out if I didn’t walk out with them and if they broke anything or had to break the door down they said they had the right to do that and they would not be financially responsible for any damage done.  They also said they had to right to go all through my home, if that was necessary, to get me to drag me out to put me into the ambulance waiting outside to take me to MGH.

Present when this happened was my wife, Marceline Donaldson.  My son, Mark Bennett, his wife Karen Bennett and my daughter Ann Bennett.  But, somehow these African Americans were not adequate to see about my well being and could not satisfy what the Court thought I needed and forced upon me. What they forced on me were whites replacing the African American family and community within which I lived.

The person who was supposed to do this “examination of me” was Dr. Rebecca Warner, the psychiatrist who swore out the Section 12 which put me, against my will in MGH on March 3rd.  Dr. Warner is the psychiatrist who said in the Section 12 that she did not know me, had never met me, had never been to my home yet she forced me out of my home with police and declared my home of 36 years ‘unsafe’.

To swear this out – to lie under oath saying I requested this motion be allowed when I did not and knew nothing about it violates every right I have and has destroyed my wife’s reputation.

This has been an unbelievable experience and has shown me clearly one does not have to be involved in claimed criminal activity to have these horrendous interactions with the police and the Court which were clearly totally unjustified with a clear attempt to destroy my life, my family, and to see that my assets would be drawn down and turned over to whites instead of being help in the hands of African Americans. That apparently violates this Court’s ethic. – And yes, I am angry! Wouldn’t you be angry?

Respectfully Submitted,

s/s Rev. Dr. Robert A. Bennett, Jr.

I did not request, submit, want the above submitted because it is a lie conjured up by Ms. Myette and probably with the help of Attorney O’Sullivan and Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services. I did not see this document until yesterday when someone brought it to our house and apparently put it through the mail slot. I had never met Attorney Myette, knew nothing about her, did not know I needed an attorney.

We hired Burns & Levinson to represent me. They did not. They decided on their own to represent my wife instead without our knowledge or consent. They said they did that because I already had a Court appointed attorney. The fact that there are procedures by which they could have moved to become my attorney seemed to be irrelevant. They did not talk to my wife about this case except very superficially and they knew they had been hired to represent Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett.

When they represented my wife, they omitted crucial facts –

They did not include the fact that the Section 12 had been filed by Dr. Rebecca Warner and lifted by MGH because it should not have been filed in the first place.

They did not let me or my wife know about the above motion which they had to know was not one I filed nor asked an attorney to file.

Apparently, Atty Myette assured the Court she could consult with her ‘client’ before the March 6th hearing – this on March 5th. She did not let the Court know she had not and did not intend to so consult.

Again – the above motion had not been requested, not filed, not wanted by me.


Robert A. Bennett, Jr.


Guardianship is a Civil Rights issue and evil!

September 9th, 2020

As we have moved along trying to understand all that happened with Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett, whose life was almost destroyed by Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services and its hangers on, we have come to realize that RACISM – SEXISM – ANTI-SEMITISM – and more are where the targets are aimed in this new area, discovered by those who are determined to keep bigotry as a part of this United States.

Slavery gave way to Jim Crowism. Jim Crowism gave way to Structural Racism. Structural Racism is giving way to a really vile kind of bigotry in the Health Industry where Guardianship is one of the star performers destined to keep slavery, jim crow and structural racism around for an eternity.

It is within the Health Industry where a person can be picked up by the police for no reason and have their lives ruined because of a number of reasons none related to your health. The kind of police power given to the health industry with no safe-guards is astounding. It is an area rife for the arrival and take-over of that industry and its institutions by a strong mafia.

The way there are no guard rails around Guardianship is unbelievable. The end of many minorities lives has been made a living hell by those who see themselves able to benefit financially from pushing into the lives of strangers and wrecking havoc for a few dollars.

Dr. Rebecca Warner needs to have her license to practice psychiatry seriously investigated and probably revoked.

With no prior psychiatric problems of any kind, Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett found himself in Mass General Hospital being given things like anti-psychotic medications, hallucinatory drugs and a whole lot more on a daily basis. This to a man with no psychiatric problems. The attempt to turn a fairly health man into an incapacitated sub-human was done exquisitely by Dr. Warner.

Remember – Rev. Dr. Bennett was not there for health reasons. The police went to his house and picked him up to incarcerate him in the hospital on a Section 12 – with no reason – except for the paper signed by Dr. Rebecca Warner who made the disclaimer with her signature that she did not know Robert Bennet, had never met him, never examined him, never been to his house and yet she signed for the police to pick him up and force him into the hospital to be psychiatrically examined because under the Section 12 she deemed him a threat to society and/or to himself.

He was supposed to be forced into Mount Auburn Hospital, which is apparently very amenable to and – on information and belief – have been practitioners of this ‘Guardianship Game” for quite some time. Instead, his wife insisted he go to MGH where the Section 12 was lifted because he should not have been so forced into a hospitable on such charges in the first place. So he was sent home.

Two days later the police arrived again at his house, this time to incarcerate him in MGH with the claim that his wife was “medically abusive” to him. This was introduced to the court without telling the court about the discharge of Rev. Dr. Bennett from the hospital just two days prior. This group of criminal conspirators were not to be rejected. They had a pattern to put in place and follow and nothing would deter them. Lying – cheating – trying to steal a man’s life for the financial or career gains that would accrue to them – fair game.

At MGH Dr. Rebecca Warner arrived and did what she was supposed to do at Mount Auburn Hospital, but didn’t have the chance because Dr. Bennett went to MGH and had been discharged with “no medicines prescribed” and all vitals in the normal range including blood pressure.

At Mount Auburn Hospital, they were waiting for the arrival of Dr. Bennett under the Section 12 to consign him to their psychiatric wing. There would be no examination, nothing just send him off. They would not have “lifted” the Section 12 at Mount Auburn Hospital because that was the start of the road to “incapacitating” Dr. Bennett. To drain his assets he had to be incapacitated, sent to a nursing home for the rest of his life as unable to be assisted to live any kind of life except tied to a bed. The court papers all say – not even with the help of all of the new technology

Unfortunately, he is not the only African American who has experienced what he has been forced through over the past several months. There have been many and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts needs to investigate what is going on with its Protective Services people.

Blacks, Jews, Latina’s have all been so incarcerated.

What had Dr. Bennett done wrong? He lived in the wrong neighborhood in the wrong house. A house that had been “red-lined” and we believe still is.

In addition, he and his wife and some in their circle of friends, consultants, business associates have been and still are very outspoken and have consistently and for months published how they see Donald Trump running these United States into the ground.

They have lived in the Harvard Square neighborhood for some 37 years and have had to fight, all of those years, some of their neighbors who wanted that African American couple gone. Interestingly enough, almost no African Americans have moved into their neighborhood in all of that time. When they see someone dark of color they discover they are Harvard related and live in Shaler Lane or in another house owned by Harvard, thus assuring the neighbors they will not be permanent neighbors and will not be involved in whatever decisions and community that happens.

Acceptable as a place to live in the Harvard Square area is on the other side of Harvard Square – Definitely not the Brattle Street side.

They put their house on the market for sale. When they decided against selling and took the house off the market, some folks in their neighborhood went crazy. Finally, they thought, their neighborhood was going to ‘lighten’. Instead the ‘darkness’ stayed.

That is only one reason and one example for Guardianship being a Civil Rights issue. There are many more and unfortunately this is becoming true across the country.

Blacks you cannot touch because they are not criminals, not accused criminally can be brought into the criminal justice system and can be picked up and forced out of their homes by the police with just the signature of a willing psychiatrist and Dr. Rebecca Warner turned out to be such a person for the Donaldson/Bennett’s.

Jews are also targeted in this Guardianship scheme – which we consider a criminal conspiracy. The anti-semitism around Jews has to do with the propaganda that Jews actually rule the world – have all the money – and are constantly grabbing for more. That negative stereotype goes on, but I am sure you are completely aware of it.

Immigrants, especially are becoming targets of these schemes to gain Guardianship over and then deplete and draw down the assets of minorities so their next generation does not have the “push” from being left assets to begin to move ‘Up” financially and otherwise in this society.

The hard work of that first generation of immigrants is well known as the way to the American Dream tor their children, grandchildren and more down the generations. Stop that – with the Guardianship conspiracy which has overtaken and felled many immigrant families.

Las Vegas, Nevada seems to be the headquarters for such evil. But it can be found in many states and spreading fast.

In Massachusetts, the Courts – which we believe is the headquarters these days for the Irish Mafia – has been developing a very sophisticated system to strip families of their future inheritance by incarcerating their parents using “Guardianship”.

MA. Health is a supporter of this scheme and they do a fantastic job of ripping assets from families – are they a health insurer or are they a very vicious bill collector. Whatever, their structure totally supports this Guardianship criminal conspiracy.

And what will the state do about that? DENY? Investigate itself and find itself clean and not involved?

Don’t be ignorant – Don’t go along to get along – know what is happening in your neighborhood and to those you know and love. Take action and demand that those being so discriminated against be listened to and made whole – one day, that could be you.

Electoral College Trumps Democracy!

September 4th, 2020

With the upcoming vote being what is dominating the news, the one thing mostly absent from the discussion is the Electoral College.

We have suffered through Donald Trump as president because of the racism and sexism structured into this country and its Constitution by our Founding Father. They were unable to envision a country in which all people were created equal. The fear that ‘others’ – other races, immigrants, women, slaves might be able to rise up and exercise control over those who they felt were the real Americans and so the Electoral College came into being as the structured racism and structured sexism put into the Constitution to prevent such an occurrence.

In 2016 that Electoral College gave us Donald Trump as president. A man so morally deficient in what we consider our “American values” that our country as we know it has almost ceased to exist.

We have immigrants being destroyed at the southern border. We have young children of immigrants by the thousands who can’t be found, while we have the suspicious swell in Sex Traffickers having a huge supply of young children they are abusing.

We have as president a man who had “Mein Kampf:” next to his bed for years on his night stand and who has just automatically put in place Hitler/Nazi type institutions into this American country. The latest being his Attorney General trying to eliminate the International Court of Justice.

The 2016 election clearly said – from a democratic place; from the democracy we wish we had structured instead of the republic under which we live – that Hillary Clinton was elected president and was pushed aside in favor of a white male northern European descendant with a ‘mafia’ type family history. We have lived with the fact that over 3 million Americans voted Hillary Clinton into office as president of these United States and instead we cringed as we watched Donald Trump step over her and take the position instead. That by itself should have been the event to horrify every American and move all of us into action when one candidate has over 3 million votes more than the other and the other becomes president? How have we justified our near silence about that over these past four years? How have we justified not having made that our number one priority? How have we justified making excuses for the continuation of the Electoral College while blaming other things which did not have the strength nor the import to be responsible for such a happening?

If we were not happy with that structural racism we would have moved to change it over these last four years. We have not. Instead, we have attributed that loss not to what our Founding Father institutionalized and what we have lived under all of these hundreds of years, but to James Comey writing a memo which is not the kind of thing which would dictate the winner of the 2016 presidential election.

It is time for us to “man up” and admit our failings and move swiftly and together to change that. We have “Black Lives Matter”, but do they really when we cannot take out of our institutional, political structure what has been put there to make sure whoever is running for election as president of this country has a very large barrier to cross if they are not northern European and if their class is not the preferred class of our Founding Fathers.

It is time for us to be – structurally – a democracy – and not hide behind the fear of “the others” taking over and running this country. It is time for us to be an actual democracy where white northern European upper classes in these United States are one of – are equal to – are working alongside those who are not white, not upper class, not the kind of person who originally wrote the Constitution and instituted slavery and the extreme oppression of women with immigrants being treated as they are today.

Why is equality such a scary thing to all of us. Why do we need the accident of our birth to determine our level of power, wealth and control in these United States. What is it we are afraid of? That blacks will rule the country? That Jews will be the financial arbiters? That we will all slide ‘down’ into a culture taken from American Indians? Need I go on?

Get your guts together America and act out what we claim to believe – that we are all created equal and we all have much to give to the betterment of these United States and we need to make sure everyone is allowed to give of their talents and that each one’s vote will be equal to the vote of their neighbor, friend, co-worker, colleague, ……….

The first priority in voting is to eliminate the Electoral College. We cannot afford anymore Donald Trump’s – and, we might add, eliminate many of those presidents who would not have been elected but for the Electoral College – all of whom added their bit to the destruction of this country through their fear of losing the advantage of their skin color, their culture and their financial status which they did not earn, but were given by their birth.

Your birth gives you many things – it does not give you “better than” against other human beings.


A summary of what happened to Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett, being sent to their neighbors and friends because of a request for contributions sent to them by SCES!

August 20th, 2020

To:   All of our neighbors and friends

From:  Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett and Marceline Donaldson

            49 Hawthorn Street

            Cambridge, MA. 02138

We just received a request for money from Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services.  That same request was sent to everyone in this neighborhood and probably beyond.

We would like you to know where your money is going and what it is supporting.  From the experience we have had and what we have seen others experience we ask that you please take a look at our experience and reconsider where you put your money and/or volunteer support.


In February, 2020 Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett had brain surgery at MGH.  The surgery was successful and after seven days he was discharged by MGH.

Two days after he left MGH eight white policemen, 5 or 6 EMT’s, two ambulances, police cars all over the block arrived without notice, without either of us having called them nor did we know anything about why they were at our front door.  It was such a circus people came running from the Charles River to see what was happening.

They were there to force Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett into Mount Auburn Hospital.  We understand, from one of the policemen that they were waiting for him at Mount Auburn to put him into the psychiatric wing of the hospital to be kept indefinitely.

No complaint issued, no investigation showing the need for such, nothing.

A “sectioning” is a psychiatric term.  A section 12 applies to a person who has had a psychotic break, overdosed on drugs, alcohol, etc. and imposes  substantial risk to the public or to themselves.

Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett does not drink alcohol, does not smoke nor take drugs nor has he had a psychotic break not shown or been suspected of a mental illness of any kind at any point in his life. He is a quiet, shy, unassuming Episcopal priest who is neither a threat to himself nor to anyone else.

A “Section 12” type action is beginning to be used by “front companies” across the country under different names to incarcerate blacks and other minorities in ways the IRS has been used in the past with people the government wants to silence, demean, discredit, disgrace, shut-up.

Guardianship companies are being formed to take over the life and assets of the elderly, spend them down, incarcerate the elderly in hospitals, nursing homes, substandard assisted living or other kinds of housing until their assets are gone and they are then indigent, destitute, etc.

Because of the lack of “reach” – the lack of political and other power of those so treated and the refusal of the media to investigate and publish this destruction of human beings, with only a few exceptions, you haven’t heard about this. Hopefully, that will change.

Jews are being targeted as well as other minorities and immigrants.  Why?  Because it is a way to reduce the influence of the next generation and “knee cap” the family.

What follows is being written by people we hired to investigate this:

Who ordered this and for what reason?  Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services. Under the control of SCES or other such ‘protective services’ one can incarcerate, claim any kind of mental deficiencies (without proof and without such diagnoses) , store the elderly in out of the way places and when their assets are gone walk away and give them over to the state.  Not only is SCES doing this, but so are the Protective Services across the Commonwealth as our investigation has begun to uncover.  The central place where this is happening in a very developed structural way is Las Vegas, Nevada.  Massachusetts is setting up to follow in their foot steps.

Dr. Rebecca Warner, psychiatrist, signed the order to have Rev. Dr. Bennett picked up by the police and forcibly incarcerated at Mount Auburn Hospital under a “section 12”.  Dr. Bennett had never in his life had even a hint of mental illness ever and “sectioning” is a psychiatric term under which all kind of destruction of the individual, their assets and more can happen and be sanctioned.

There are those who are serious about their vocation.  There are also those who will use their vocation to acquire more than they should destroying others in the process and money is not the only goal.  Power over others is high on the list, an instrument for bullying, especially where families try to gain an advantage over other family members using this ploy.

Robert’s brain surgery at MGH was because of a fall he took after unsuccessful eye surgeries which left him with limited vision.   His eye doctor provided no information nor guidance in such a circumstance and a few months after the two eye surgeries he was not as acclimated as he is today.

Dr. Warner said in this paper she signed for the police to immediately incarcerate Rev. Dr. Bennett in Mount Auburn Hospital, that she had never met Dr. Bennett, never examined him, never been to his house.  Neither had Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services.

That is a serious default in the law and Dr. Warner’s lack of professionalism and lack of concern for others is screaming in what she chose to do and how she chose to use her psychiatric credentials. Sign a paper, make a disclaimer and take away a human beings freedom while she went ahead with her life uninterrupted.

And it gets worse.

Dr. Bennett and his wife of 37 years – having lived in their home for 36 years were stunned.

This large contingent of police refused to give the Donaldson/Bennett’s any court papers which gave them the right to demand Robert be removed from his home.  They said he would either walk out of his house voluntarily or they would drag him out.  If they did any damage in the process that was not reimbursable because they had permission to take him out however and could break down the door to enter the house if they were refused entry.. 

What the Donaldson/Bennett’s were experiencing was the out of control power of the health industry.  Did you know about the police power of this industry and what it can do to you?  

The Greater Cambridge/Boston areas is one of the most racist places you can live.  It is a place  where structural racism is rampant and is kept in place with its set of denials by the educational institutions where “the spook who sits by the door for all to see and draw inaccurate conclusions”, or, “the minority held up as an example to say we are not racist” is an apt description of how this is allowed to continue.   The racism is substantial and unassailed.  

In the Donaldson/Bennett neighborhood they have been racially harassed during all of the 36 years they have lived in the Harvard Square/Brattle Street neighborhood.  A neighborhood that was red-lined and to this day is almost totally free of African American home ownership.  We tried to make an offer on a house just within weeks past and were told it was sold.  When someone else called it was not sold and is still being advertised for sale.

The latest extremely racist incident the Donaldson/Bennetts experienced – before Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services came along to make that last incident seem minor – was a new neighbor on the block who moved in bringing their racism to spread around by using the Donaldson/Bennett’s garden as a dog toilet.  When Marceline Donaldson went outside to tell the ‘gentleman’, who had just lifted his toy dog into their garden to pee and shit, that it was criminal trespass to do this and that she knew and had seen him and his dog in her garden several times,  his response was to be physically threatening and stomped her toes to show his “superiority” and ability to relieve himself with no consequences?

But that pales compared to forcibly being able to take an African American man out of his home to incarcerate him in an institution – without notice – without a court hearing – without cause –  to deprive him of his freedom for weeks.

The Donaldson/Bennett’s insisted Dr. Bennett be taken to MGH instead of to Mount Auburn Hospital, as Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services was insisting, since he was just discharged from MGH two days ago.

The police did that.  MGH discharged Dr. Bennett within hours without any medicines prescribed and with all vitals normal including his blood pressure and with comments by several of the professional staff that he should not have been picked up in the first place.

If Dr. Bennett had gone to Mount Auburn Hospital – where Dr. Warner is connected – the results of all of this would have been far different and has been different for many people so trapped.  An investigation into SCES and its connection with Mount Auburn Hospital and how that has affected other people seriously needs to be conducted and not with the result pre-determined and a letter of exoneration written before any investigation has happened, but with the serious intent to correcting a wrong which has and is destroying families.

Two days after he was discharged from MGH on this section 12 Dr. Bennett was again forced out of his home by the Cambridge police and forced into MGH and this time kept for 5 weeks.  Within hours of his arrival at MGH this second time he was given medicines he did not want – mostly over the counter, but also hallucinatory drugs, anti-psychotic medicines, anti-seizure medicines, medicines for schizophrenia and bipolar disorders without a diagnosis of such and more. 

This time he was forced into MGH on a section 19/20 which accused his wife – Marceline Donaldson – of medical abuse.  If they couldn’t incarcerate him on one thing they would try another.

The people who did this did not even know her name.  They claimed, in papers they filed with the Court that his wife’s name was Davidson, etc.  Their ‘facts’ showed they had not investigated anything if they didn’t even know the names of the people they were accusing. 

Rev. Dr. Bennett was kept in bed on an alarm blanket so if he moved or tried to get out of bed the alarm went off and a nurse came to make sure he was back in bed.  He could go from bed to chair next to the bed in a  space roughly 7 by 9 feet.  One arm of the chair hit the bed, the other arm hit the wall – in a double bed, that defines the space in which Dr. Bennett was kept for five weeks without cause, but suffering under all of this because SCES could use the health industry’s unbridled police powers to pick up and incarcerate a person just because

The “team” over Dr. Bennett while in MGH for those five weeks was mostly Somerville Cambridge Protective Services.  We know that because we were able to get an email sent to this “team” which included almost exclusively Somerville Cambridge Protective Services people.  This second time he was picked up the claim was that Dr. Bennett’s wife was medically abusive and he had to be immediately removed from his home or he would be seriously damaged.

When they could not seriously incarcerate Dr. Bennett on a claim of mental illness, they came back two days later to remove him from his home on a claim of an abusive home situation.  Prior to this invasion there had never been a hint of any abuse in that home at all.  Dr. Bennett did not make such a complaint to anyone.  Talk to him and he will tell you he loves he wife – has loved her for 37 years – they have a good marriage and some neighbors have sent us letters describing what they have seen of their relationship – all very positive about seeing this “caring relationship between the two of them for years.”

Dr. Bennett tells you he takes care of his wife and she takes care of him and that has been their relationship.  Neither one has gone to doctors or taken medicines over those years, not even aspirin.  That is their belief system and it has served them well over their years together.  

Both are over 80 and in good health except for Dr. Bennett’s fall – and that happened because of eye surgeries.  They will tell you they should not have and did not want the surgery.  Marceline’s daughter insisted and Rev. Bennett decided to go along – a decision he now seriously regrets.

What exactly was this invasion and violation of their basic rights guaranteed under the constitution about?  Is this the new way to be bigoted?  If you are black you don’t have to have committed a crime or be involved in the criminal justice system to be incarcerated, it can be done through the health care institutions with police power.  The assumption that it will always be used for good is nothing which is assumed in other parts of the society – why is there such a leeway for these things to go off the rail in the health care areas?

You can be incarcerated and force fed medicines just because that is how you can be incapacitated and moved full time into this health care system with your money and insurance drained in the process with no repercussions to the people and/or institutions which do such?

Are the traditional institutions with their structural racism and now defunding the police being moved out willingly and changed willingly because this new way and this new structural racism is being moved in as a replacement?

The five weeks he was in MGH Rev. Dr. Bennett was not allowed visitors, no telephone calls, kept in bed – until the last week when he was going to be released.  His wife was allowed to visit only three times during his five week stay.  She had to call the day before, make an appointment to see him, could only visit between 11am and 1pm, with her visits limited to 30 minutes strictly enforced and a Security Guard had to be present during the entire time of their visit.  

The week before he was going to be released he was able to walk the halls, receive telephone calls, and he was moved to the larger side of this two person room where before, his curtain was kept closed so he could not even see or know there was a window in the room.  Getting ready for release he was finally able to see outside through a very large picture window with space to breathe.

When Rev Dr. Bennett arrived home from MGH, he was in his stocking feet because his feet were so swollen his shoes did not fit.  He left his house forced into MGH walking on his own, talking, in good shape.  He returned totally disheveled, not able to walk and somewhat confused.  He had a walker and had to be helped into his house by two people – one on either side to hold him up because he could not stand on his own.  To see the man who returned when you had seen the man who was forced out of his home made your heart break.

Why did this happen?  

The day after Dr. Bennett was released from MGH a Constable came to the Bennett home to serve papers to put Dr. Bennett under the Guardianship of the Jewish Center for Family and Children who would also have control of his assets to be able to draw them down to pay his expenses.  The Guardianship would then place Dr. Bennett immediately into a Hebrew Nursing Home (did we mention that Dr. Bennett is a retired Episcopal priest?) These papers were asking the court’s permission to administer psychotic drugs to Dr. Bennett in this situation and to keep him restrained.  The papers claimed Dr. Bennett was “incapacitated” and even the newest technological innovations would not be of help to him because his “incapacitation” was so severe nothing would help.

So far, it has cost the Donaldson/Bennetts tens of thousands of dollars to fight this.

We put the entire saga as it happened in Bettina Network, inc’s blog because we didn’t know what was happening and wanted to make sure all of this was publicly recorded in case the worst happened there would be a record for anyone interested to know about these incidents.

The Donaldson/Bennetts lost their business and the time spent on all of this took over their lives.

Because this was published in Bettina Network’s Blog we have received telephone calls, emails and people stopping us on the street to tell us their story.

It is beyond appalling that this has happened not only to Dr. Bennett, but to others.  Those who contacted us included Jews, African Americans, immigrants and other minorities.  Their families and lives have been destroyed by Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services as well as Protective Services across the Commonwealth.

To incarcerate Robert Bennett a second time, SCES went to court for an emergency motion during which SCES, through its attorney James O’Sullivan, asked the court that Robert Bennett not be notified of the hearing and he was not.  We think this violated Massachusetts Laws because major things were done during this “ex-parte emergency hearing”.  

In that hearing, Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services asked the Court to invalidate the Health Care Proxy Dr. Bennett had drawn up by a probate attorney in November 2019.  Dr. Bennett had that November, 2019 Health Care Proxy created because he discovered there was a Health Care Proxy in existence which he did not sign, did not want and did not want the person named as his Health Care Proxy. He was very consistent that he wanted his wife as his Health Care Proxy. When he discovered its existence he invalidated it by having the November Health Care Proxy created which was signed November 18, 2019.

SCES, in its emergency hearing – about which Dr. Bennett was not notified – also asked the court to invalidate the Health Care Proxy MGH created.  It was totally amazing that SCES would accuse MGH of being so irresponsible as to have created a Health Care Proxy for someone SCES described as being unable to understand what he was signing. That from SCES who interrogated Dr. Bennett without anyones’ knowledge or consent when he was just out of surgery and minutes after he was out from oxygen and barely knew where he was. The stress, anxiety and much else they put on a man just recovering from serious surgery is amazing and ugly.

In the place of these two Health Care Proxies, Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services asked the court to validate a Health Care Proxy which they knew Dr. Bennett had not signed and they knew Dr. Bennett did not want that particular person as his Health Care Proxy.  This unsigned and unwanted HCP was validated by the Court at SCES’ request and was put in place of the November 2019 Health Care Proxy and the MGH Health Care Proxy. It is amazing that a Court would take that stand, especially in a hearing to do exactly that while excluding Dr. Bennett from any knowledge of the hearing. The Court invalidated two Health Care Proxies that Dr. Bennett had created and wanted as his choice and validated one he specifically did not want and had moved to have invalidated by replacing it with a new one dated and signed November 18, 2019 created by a probate attorney.

An attorney was appointed for Dr. Bennett by the court who he has never seen, nor met, nor spoken to and who did not return his telephone calls nor the telephone calls made to her by his wife, nor emails sent to her.  The attorney so appointed was involved in another case in Peabody, MA in which the family claims a Jewish man was so treated because access to his assets was the goal – over $6 million in assets.

The attorney appointed by the court, during this “emergency motion”, has served as a space holder so others could not file motions nor do what is needed for Dr. Bennett. This has also discouraged other attorneys from stepping in to take this case because they did not want to start with a fight to remove a court appointed attorney. 

Major things happened in that hearing which, we believe, made it illegal under the laws of the Commonwealth.  You do have the right to defend yourself in these United States.  That ex-parte emergency hearing totally took away that right from Dr. Bennett.

Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett – with a Harvard University doctorate; full tenured professor at Episcopal Divinity School (retired); was adjunct professor at Princeton University, Atlanta University and others – living for 36 years in  a seven figure home was characterized in court as “indigent” with no one around to take care of him.  SCES had their attorney describe someone in a destitute position.  This was some of the reasons Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services gave the court requesting Rev. Dr. Bennett’s immediately removal from his home of 36 years and to be forcibly separated from his wife of 37 years. This request was made through SCES attorney James O’Sullivan who apparently uses emergency motions for such activities with frequency.  

What was the Bennett/Donaldson family doing when this happened?  What was this “indigent” man who was destitute, as described by SCES, and in despair in his home doing?   – The police arrived moments after he sat down to a candlelight dinner with his adult son, daughter-in-law, daughter and his wife.  His children were visiting and staying at the Donaldson/Bennett home to spend time with their father because of his recent surgery. They were there to do whatever they could to make sure their father was comfortable and had whatever they could provide.

How did the SCES describe this to the court?  A man who was destitute with no one to look after him or protect him from his abusive wife.  This destitute man in so much danger he had to be immediately removed from his home by white police, ambulance, EMT’s and more was happily enjoying the company of his son who was VP at CBS, a daughter who is a film producer and more, a wife with a masters in Theology running a business with her husband which they created decades ago , which had a great reputation and through which they met some of the world’s leaders who stayed with them at different times throughout their career.  

SCES managed to  demean, disgrace, destroy this African American family.  That is beyond vicious and clearly borders on evil. When you support SCES with your money and/or volunteer work this is what you are supporting.

What does SCES say to those who have contacted them and questioned what was happening?  They say “It is complicated.”  We think it is straight forward unless you are trying for a cover-up.

To so abuse the emergency court motion puts the opposing side in a very bad position because lots can be done without the other side present and you have a willing and cooperative judge – which apparently was the case.  The judge was called out of retirement to hear this case which had no proof.  It only had a sworn affidavit from Ms. Nora Al Wetaid who is head of Protective Services at SCES.

We believe her testimony rises to the level of purgery and have asked several times that this be investigated.  Especially when other minorities have had the same experience.  The other minorities were destitute  at the end of their experience with SCES and other such groups, but not at the beginning.

In addition to the incarceration, this entire incident opened the door for Dr. Bennett to be sexually abused. He was threatened that if he did not strip naked and get into the shower it would not go well for him.

We could go on for pages, but we are asking that you seriously consider what you are supporting when and if you make contributions to such groups which have a vicious structural racism and sexism which is denied by everyone, not investigated and when it was investigated at Ms Donaldson’s request the organization investigated itself and found itself not guilty of anything.  

Mr. Paul Hollins needs to be removed as head of this organization.

Mr. Hollins claimed to investigate – without the particulars of the complaint from Ms. Donaldson even being considered.  She called the elder hotline to make the complaint.  She was told it was recorded and would be investigated.  On information and belief, Mr. Hollins made his decision without access to the hour long recording from the hot line.  It was an hour long because they claimed that was the limit of such recordings allowed over their hotline.  Who is that hotline? Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services.  So they investigated themselves without identifying to Ms. Donaldson that this is who would be investigating her complaint against Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services.

Ms. Donaldson brought the complaint to the next level up in this state hierarchy and sent a written complaint.

Ms. Bree Cunningham called Ms. Donaldson to say she could not find the written complaint and would Ms. Donaldson send her another copy.  However, without having received another copy of the complaint, Ms. Cunningham found no basis for the complaint in a letter which was an exact copy of the one sent to Ms. Donaldson by Mr. Hollins.

The Donaldson/Bennett’s rights were stripped in every way.  Dr. Bennett was incarcerated for no reason and forced to take medicines which he neither wanted nor needed and was subjected to horrors in the process.   

The complaints were so flimsily regarded that when the court complaint was sworn out, Ms. Al Wetaid didn’t even know Ms. Donaldson’s name.  Any basic investigation would start with moving against a person knowing who it was you are so charging – in Ms. Donaldsons case – with abuse.  She was named  Davidson by Ms. Al Wetaid and Ms. Angela Clary and that misnomer continued for quite some time without anyone from SCES knowing who they were actually filing against.

If you want to read the details as we recorded them – see

If you have questions we can be reached at 617 497 9166.

The racist tropes are clear and certainly don’t need to be spelled out further.

There is an affidavit from Ms. Nora Al Wetaid who is head of SCES Protective Services in which she claims under oath that this time (this second time picking up Dr. Bennett) she would “conspire” with others at MGH to make sure Robert Bennett was not immediately released (as he was on March 4th) but would be kept in the hospital

This was a first for us.  We had never heard anyone talk about “conspiring” to keep someone in a hospital.  It certainly calls into question the hospital’s ability to do its job.

Several things happened to Dr. Bennett during his stay at MGH:

  1. He was put there, not for medical reasons, but the SCES claim was he had to be removed from his home to get him away from an abusive wife. Yet major medications started immediately.

2)  In spite of that he was treated the way one would treat a human being you wanted to “incapacitate” for other reasons.  Isolate – Medicate leads to Incapacitate.  Someone who called us gave us that formula for what happened to them.

3)  He was given an assortment of medicines daily – usually five pills in the morning and five later in the day – to someone not in the hospital for medical or psychiatric reasons.  The psychiatric part had been put to rest by Dr. Bennett’s discharge from MGH from the section 12 claim.

4)  The pills Dr. Bennett was given included anti-psychotic pills; anti-seizure medication; hallucinatory drugs which kept him in a horrible state.  This given to him after he was discharged from MGH the first time on March 4th at 3:30am with “no medicines prescribed”. Two days later, MGH allowed heavy medications to be given to Dr. Bennett.

5) We were able to get the name of several of the pills Rev. Bennett was forced to take, but were not able to get the names of all – only the reaction Rev. Bennett had after taking them.  We sent the list to MGH’s compliance department.  

6)  Rev. Bennett and his wife were told by Dr. Schweitzer, the doctor who headed the surgical team doing the brain surgery on Dr. Bennett, that he was given anti-seizure medications the seven days he was in the hospital after his surgery.  That was the limit and Dr. Bennett should not receive anti-seizure medications after that period because that could be harmful to his recovery, his brain.  Ms. Al Wetaid was outraged that Dr. Bennett’s wife had not even continued  anti-seizure medications and after such serious brain surgery.

7)  Rev. Bennett was given ( by a different group of people from the neurologists who performed his brain surgery and in a different area of MGH) anti-seizure medication for the five weeks he was in MGH having been forced into the hospital by the police and the court.  When Dr. Bennett was finally sent home after 5 weeks, medications were sent with him and he could only go back to his house if his wife agreed to make sure he received those medications daily as was happening in the hospital for those five weeks.  They also insisted that the Blissful Home Care Agency visit daily to make sure Robert Bennett took the medicines the SCES sent home with him.  SCES also insisted that the only Home Care Agency the Donaldson/Bennett’s could use was the Blissful Agency. 

8)  MGH also insisted the only way Rev. Bennett could leave the hospital was if his son, Mark Bennett came from Washington, D. C. to pick up Rev. Bennett from the hospital to take him home to Cambridge – the home he was forced out of five weeks earlier by the police and forced into MGH because he was so poor and alone and endangered because of who Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services called a “medically abusive wife.”  They were now sending him back to this wife.

9)  It seems to us the medical abuse came from the “team” MGH allowed to be over Dr. Bennett while he was in MGH and from the Home Health Care Service SCES insisted be the only one he could use who had to come into his home daily .  When that happened, the only one properly dressed to do that in this Pandemic time was the nurse.

10)  Dr. Bennett was also subjected to sexual abuse  at the hands of one of the Blissful Agency people.  

11)  After Robert returned home from this second forced stay at MGH his son, Mark Bennett, called Dr. Goodson to complain about all the medicines his father was given and to describe to him what happened when Rev. Bennett took some of those medicines.  Dr. Goodson said those were some of the medicines given to Rev. Bennett while he was in MGH.  He agreed that all of the pills except the blood pressure medications could be stopped. 

12)  The day after Rev. Bennett returned home – on a Monday – that Tuesday Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services through their attorney James O’Sullivan – sent a Constable to Rev. Bennett’s home to serve Guardianship Papers – a motion to commit Rev. Bennett to a nursing home because, as the  court papers claimed, he was “an incapacitated person” who not even the latest technological advances could help.  The papers also asked that the Jewish Center for Family and Children be appointed Guardians over Rev. Bennett which Guardianship included control of Rev. Bennett’s assets being able to draw down whatever was needed to cover Rev. Bennett’s expenses and that Rev. Bennett be immediately sent to the Hebrew Nursing Home for life with constraints allowed and anti-psychotic also allowed to be given with Dr. Bennett in constraints because of his extremely incapacitated state.  

For those of you who have seen Rev. Dr. Bennett and his wife around the Harvard Square area that can be a bit hard to believe that this is a man who Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services claimed was so “incapacitated” he had to be consigned to Guardianship; taken out of his home for life; taken away from his wife of 37 years and separated from a large family who cares about him and did not want to see this happen; and to be incarcerated for life in a nursing home under constraints.

At that point we understood why the person who gave us the three word code was so concerned.  Their experience with their family member had been – Isolate – Medicate = Incapacitate.  That family spent all of its resources trying to get their family member – an African American elderly gentleman – away from SCES.  He had been isolated – medicated – and while he was not incapacitated from the experience he was treated as though he was and stored in a nursing home.  He escaped and left the state.  He is not the only one which is probably why SCES asked for constraints on Dr. Bennett in the Hebrew Nursing Home.

Contemplate these things as you think how you will respond to this request for money from Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services.

Please, also, pass this around to as many people as possible. We are trying to make sure everyone in Cambridge, Somerville and surrounding areas in the Commonwealth receive this information.

John Lewis – “Well done my good and faithful servant.”

August 3rd, 2020

by: Marceline Donaldson and: Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett

When all the words have been spoken, the tributes paid, the memories shared, the pictures passed around, there is one that we believe will stand out for an eternity. That is the picture of John Lewis just days before his death standing in the middle of the Black Lives Mural.

What George Floyd accelerated opened eternity’s door to give John Lewis a view into tomorrow in the Civil Rights Movement to which he devoted his life. What one man can achieve in the space of just 80 years is an awesome tribute and example for those who work in God’s vineyards with seriousness of intent following what they are on this earth to achieve – the bringing about of God’s Kingdom.

May all of our lives, as we labor in the vineyards, produce much that follows the same example. It is so easy to be distracted and to be turned around to serve that other which oppresses us and pushes us to spend our lives looking into the mirror instead of out the window.


Dr. Rebecca Warner, psychiatrist – Unbelievably irresponsible!

July 30th, 2020

With all that is happening with Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett, we received a call asking that we please write about what happened with Dr. Rebecca Warner’s involvement in this attempted destruction of a substantial, well-liked, lovely person as he comes to the end of his life at 87 years old. The person calling saw Dr. Warner’s name on one of the original filings and wanted to know what that was about. She also asked about the possibility of filing against Dr. Warner, but didn’t know if she was a person who could do that since she was not one of the family and if not was there some way she could be involved to see that people like Dr. Warner could not continue practicing their craft when they do such things to people without a thought. There should be responsibility for what Dr. Warner has done.


What was she talking about?

On March 3, 2020 – as most of you know – 8 white policemen showed up at Rev. Dr. Bennett’s home, very unexpectedly and without cause with court papers to remove Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett from his home citing a “section 12” as the reason.

We say without cause because Dr. Bennett was removed from his home by these 8 policemen, 5 or 6 EMT’s two ambulances and more causing a circus in his neighborhood only to be released by Mass General Hospital where he was taken for this Section 12. He was released with “no medicines prescribed”, “all vitals normal” and no reason for him to have been picked up in the first place.

His family insisted he be taken to MGH instead of Mount Auburn Hospital where the Court papers signed by Dr. Jessica Warner wanted him to go.

That clearly said Dr. Warner was wrong from having signed such a paper and something needs to come out of this so this kind of frivolous , racist, evil stops. To start at the end process by sending the police after someone like Rev. Dr. Bennett is unbelievable – but I think most African Americans would understand that process and many probably have experienced other versions.

How do you deal with an African American man who has achieved much, has no criminal record, has prospered in legitimate ways in his lifetime and can’t be put into the criminal system to experience the things that African American men experience who are picked up from their homes and/or on the street for criminal activity and put into jails? How do you incarcerate an African American man who can’t be touched by the criminal justice system? Put him through what has and is happening to Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett and to do that you need people willing to step out and take the risks that Dr. Rebecca Warner stepped out to take against Dr. Bennett.

The police were going to take Dr. Bennett to Mount Auburn Hospital in Cambridge. His family sternly objected because Dr. Bennett had just returned home on – Sunday March 1, 2020 – from brain surgery at Mass General Hospital and had never been to Mount Auburn Hospital, nor had he ever seen or been seen by a doctor at Mount Auburn Hospital so why this order comes from the Court just two days after his discharge from Mass General Hospital was a mystery.

It was signed by Dr. Rebecca Warner who said she had never met Dr. Bennett, never examined him, knew nothing about him and had never been to his home – and yet – she declared he should be picked up for a sectioning at Mount Auburn Hospital and had additionally declared his house “unsafe”..

That order was taken out by Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services who apparently decided to focus on Dr. Bennett – an African American retired Episcopal priest who is lovely, quiet, – someone who is liked by just about everyone he meets, and who has never had even a hint of mental problems at any time in his life.

Well, his wife says he went crazy when he met her, but other than that there was no reason to even attempt to have Dr. Bennett hauled into Mount Auburn Hospital for a “sectioning” under Section 12 which is for those who have had psychotic breaks and caused a public nuisance in the process; or overdosed on drugs, alcohol or some other such substance and caused a public disturbance whereby someone thought he needed to be sent to the hospital to be analyzed and diagnosed by a psychiatrist and more of that kind of thing. Just for a note – Dr. Bennett has never smoked, does not drink, does not take drugs of any kind and is concerned even about medical prescriptions. He wants to know what goes into his system and tries to make sure it is good.

Dr. Warner, signing such a document is, to us, totally irresponsible. What makes it illegal from our perspective is that she could not have gotten any information from anyone else at Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services about Dr. Bennett because no one else had seen him, examined him, been through his house to declare it “unsafe” and all the rest that goes along with this type of sectioning.

This is the strongest action Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services can take against someone. It is usually the last action taken after they are exasperated working with someone who was causing all kinds of problems. This action against Dr. Bennett was taken when SCES did not even know, had never met, never analyzed, never had a discussion with Dr. Bennett on any level and had no business pushing its way into Dr. Bennett’s home and life.

What we discovered in the process of doing this investigation is that people were waiting at Mount Auburn Hospital to send Dr. Bennett to the psychiatric wing of the hospital to begin the process reserved for people being put through this kind of thing that ends up in “Guardianship over” being taken, their assets being drawn upon until they are gone and more. We have discovered many to whom this has happened. All those we discovered were either Black, Latina or Jewish. This seems reserved mostly for Jews, but others are beginning to be pulled in. It is a way to destroy the inheritance of the particular family being targeted. And you don’t have to worry about the press because they are peculiarly uninterested in reporting on such.

For Dr. Rebecca Warner to be so involved with such a scurrilous happening to attempt the physical and financial destruction of a nationally well known biblical scholar, theologian, priest and just all around decent human being, who was still working, doing research, and more at 87 years old. To someone whose family cares about him and is fighting this with all of their resources which should not be happening – says a lot about Dr. Warner – nothing positive.

Isn’t this kind of thing what “Black Lives Matter” is fighting against?

This happening is how to make sure the next generation of minorities cannot survive and will continue in low level jobs which just helps them get by and the generations to come will not benefit from the blood, sweat and tears of their ancestors financial and other accomplishments. What Dr. Warner has done is to help demean, disgrace, establish an undeserved reputation for Dr. Bennett who worked hard all of his life to reach that pinnacle from which African Americans are picked up and thrown into the ugly, vicious abyss for having tried and especially for having thought themselves equal to.


Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett and the sexual abuse he had to suffer! It is enough, already!

July 17th, 2020

by: Robert Bennett

This has been an unbelievable experience. Without prayer I don’t know how I would have survived. I was picked up by the police and incarcerated in a hospital without my agreement and without need, unless providing a story and ‘patient’ for Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services to brag about in their fund raising materials.

I came home from the hospital not able to walk without a walker and two people holding me up – when I went into the hospital I was walking just fine, took a daily walk along the Charles River without cane or walker; my feet were so swollen I could barely stand on them the pain was so bad and none of my shoes fit – I was kept in bed, mostly on an alarm blanket for five weeks; the grief I experienced in the hospital was profound, I had not been separated from my wife for over 36 years and the pain of that was almost unbearable; I was forced to take medicines I did not want and did not need – including an anti-seizure medicine which made me sick every time they came for me to take those pills and the horrible feelings after taking, particularly the anti-seizure pills was almost unbearable I could barely swallow and had other physical things happening.

For me to be able to leave the hospital my family had to agree to have one particular home health company come to the house daily for an indefinite period of time. I had no choice over anything and neither did my wife. I did not want that to happen.

I have had enough of the health industry and the way they have exercised their power over me to the detriment of my health. It is time for all of that to stop. It has not.

What is this about? From what I have seen, my guess is that in spite of claiming in court that I was “indigent” and destitute to get their “emergency motion” over me when there was no emergency, it is about draining down our assets and moving us out of a home we have lived in for 36 years.

Because of what I have been through and continue to experience, I decided to share the letter I sent to the home health care company with its complaint about sexual abuse. It was very difficult to write and even more difficult to reach the decision to make this public.

Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett

July 16, 2020

Re: Sexual Abuse Complaint – (sent from Robert Bennett to the Home Health Care Company he was forced to accept.)

Your company was assigned to me for Home Health care by Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services.

It has been a horrendous experience which no one should have to endure.

I had a very good experience with the nurse – AWA – who came to take my blood pressure, etc.

However, an Occupational Therapist came when we were expecting a Physical Therapist at that date and time with no one saying anything to me as to why the change.

The OT was named Becca and this was her second visit.

Becca wanted to “evaluate” my ability to take a shower.  I was a bit perplexed by this because she came mid-morning and I had already showered, shaved and was dressed for the day.  She insisted that she had to see me shower and it had to be in the nude.  That was a horrendous request.

She gave her credentials and training and  insisted that this is what she was supposed to do or she would not be doing her job.  She went on about needing to see what I needed in the process of showering to stay “safe”.  I objected strenuously.  However, Becca insisted and said I would need “equipment” and she needed to see what that was. 

My wife was in the bathroom at the time and told Becca that we showered together and there was nothing unsafe about that so neither she nor I understood this request.  After a back and forth which was not pleasant and during which Becca said she would have to report back that I was “uncooperative” and that might not have good results, I agreed to shower – with my jockey shorts and undershirt on. That would have given Becca any information she needed since those are skin tight underclothes.  That was not adequate because Becca said she could not see what she needed to see during the shower.

Again, a threat came of my being uncooperative, which she would have to report.

My wife said if I did not want to shower nude in front of Becca I would not.  

Since I was fully functioning – was not bed-ridden – was working every day – walking, eating, everything done for me by me, I didn’t understand why this was an issue.

Becca then agreed to my showering with my jockey shorts on.  It was very ugly and totally unnecessary, putting me in a horrendous situation.

I got into the shower, turned it on and Becca reached into the shower, grabbed my jockey shorts and tried to rip them off.  My wife stopped her by grabbing her hand and releasing my underpants from Becca’s grip.

That was the end of that and we asked Becca to leave.

She called a few days later to say she was returning and would need to order a shower chair and other “equipment” for me to use in the shower.  Since I clearly did not need that equipment and had checked with those training home health care people and discovered what Becca did was totally outside anything they trained or recommended, they suggested we contact you about what happened.

I had no idea this is what your “homecare” was about.  I can’t imagine what would have happened to me if I were not able to fend for myself and if my wife had not been in the bathroom.

Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett                                 Marceline Donaldson

Responses from Bettina Network Lifestyle Community Members!

July 4th, 2020

Member 1

Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett is the second African American – that we know of – who has had a negative interaction with the police. He is the second African American who had done nothing even remotely criminal and yet the police came to his house twice and forced him out and incarcerated him. The second time for five weeks.

The first we heard about was “Skip” Gates.. Henry Louis Gates, Jr., is the Alphonse Fletcher University Professor and Director of the Hutchins Center for African and African American Research at Harvard University. Emmy Award-winning filmmaker, literary scholar, journalist, cultural critic, and institution builder.

The attempt was to arrest Skip Gates. There are now pictures in the papers which show him on his porch in handcuffs with the police standing around.

Even if they could not be held, their images could be tarnished and it gives jokes among white supremacists.

And, by the way, how come the police in Cambridge, Ma. are becoming whiter along with Blacks being “arrested” for no reason.

Why was Gates “arrested”? For breaking and entering into his own home.

And Bennett? To be “sectioned” at the local and apparently ‘going along with the program’ hospital. He who had never had a hint of any kind of mental problems was picked up by the police, forced into the hospital to be psychiatrically examined because he was considered a threat to the public. Someone who might do harm to those around and about.

Both are living in areas of Cambridge which are known to be “for white patrons only.” It is an area which traditionally was and is “red lined.”

Rev. Dr. Bennett lives in that area and he is not Harvard connected. Well, except for a Harvard doctorate, however, he was supposed to live in faculty housing so the neighborhood would be confident he and his family would be moving along once he retired. Disappointed and having to come to grips with the reality of where they lived, they decided to sell their house, but then took the house off the market. Shortly thereafter white anger was unleashed and this is the result?

Member 2

What is incredibly disturbing in what I have read about all the things happening to Rev. Bennett is the fact that he had a probate attorney draw up a Health Care Proxy – which we are all advised to do – and that was drawn up months before he went into the hospital for surgery. Apparently, a judge, at the request of an attorney- who really seems ‘sketchy’ – invalidated that Health Care Proxy and put in its place a Health Care Proxy that Rev. Bennett did not want, had not signed, with a proxy he did not want and that Health Care Proxy was the reason Rev. Bennett had this new Health Care Proxy drawn up. Rev. Bennett was forced by the judge’s decision to have that proxy. Rev. Bennett apparently tried to correct that awfulness by having a probate attorney draw up a Health Care Proxy which invalidated the one he knew nothing about and the Court validated that proxy – the one not signed by Rev. Bennett, one he did not know existed and invalidated the one he clearly wanted. It is mind blowing! Are our attorneys and court that crooked? That said clearly to me this is all about setting up the situation to rip off Rev. Bennett’s assets and not about anything else.

Attorneys who have no ethics about what they are doing and who possibly have hidden interests in so doing can change our wishes to what benefits those attorneys and their clients. What kind of court system do we have? The way it is developing is that of an extreme dictatorship that wants to present a good “front” with no problems letting such things happen. Sadly, some folks have discovered the pots of gold at the end of United States citizens lives and have figured out how to put those citizens into extreme pain, make the end of their lives a torture and wind up with everything they managed to save so that end of life would be decently lived.

People who do not have endless money to be able to hire attorneys to go to court for as long as is necessary to correct this horrible wrong are at the mercy of tainted courts and -should we say ‘crooked’ attorneys? Even then, I suspect it would be a waste of money because the first attorney and judge did ugly things. Isn’t that illegal? Shouldn’t that be illegal? And what recourse do you have except continuing in court – bleeding money to attorneys – and even then – nothing.

Keep publishing. We need to know these things!

This entire thing has upset me and my family unbelievably because we have a probate attorney we hired to make sure we were all covered with what we need and want for those times we might not be able to or not allowed to control our own lives and this says to me that was just a waste of time and money. Money well into four figures. The court and an attorney can invalidate all of it in seconds.

Whatever happened to the United States and its honest court system? Was there ever such a thing and we only knew the image and not the reality?


Member 3

Thank you for all of your postings about what is happening to Rev. Dr. Bennett. I was a student of his years ago and it grieves me to see what he is going through today.

He is a lovely person. Very quiet, self-effacing and extremely shy!

I was a student at EDS at the time and took his Hebrew Bible Class and a class on Racism he co-taught with his wife, Marceline Donaldson. They also taught that class at Trinity Episcopal Church in Boston, but it was more complete at Episcopal Divinity School.

At the time, when they invited the class to tea at their home, my thoughts were – one day this community is going to attempt to destroy them. They were the only African Americans owning a home in that neighborhood and I knew a few of their neighbors who were not happy with “those folks” living close to them. Besides their comments to me, they smiled nicely when they encountered the couple. I know that because I was with them when one of the neighbors greeted us. They didn’t know Dr. Bennett and his wife so I introduced them. I was so shocked at their response – smiling, lovely, welcoming and just two days prior they were bitter in their comments to me about “such people” living so close.

If there is any way I can help, please let me know. They can’t be left alone in this fight because it is one that affects us all.


Member 4

My husband and I have been calling Robert and Marceline who we have known for years. At first, I could not believe what was happening to them. After some thought, I realized the same could happen to any of us. My work has made me aware of the result beginnings of these Guardianship Corporations which fly under the banner of “helping the elderly who are alone”. We had one problem in our church with a member who was fairly well off and all of a sudden was embroiled with one of these Guardianship groups trying to take them over. It became clear that they were trying to take over and drain off their assets.

Given what we went through with that family, please know that we are here to do whatever we can for Marceline and Robert. They have always been a very beautiful couple. Their sense of humor with each other is great! It is a shame that this is what they are experiencing at this time of life.

We are praying for them – however, we also want to know what else we can do. My husband thought about organizing a group in the church to work with them and keep that group going after their problems are solved to work with others in the same place.

Stay in touch and please keep those write-ups coming so we all can keep up with what is happening with Dr. Bennett and his wife. When I receive mine I send it around to as many people as I can think of who would be interested and the feed back has been dynamite.


Member 5

Reading about all of this it is startling and very disturbing.

We have pictures of Skip Gates – from Harvard University – in handcuffs on his own porch – being arrested by the police for breaking and entering his own home?

And now we have Robert Bennett picked up in a huge drama, which we watched and were appalled at the Cambridge Police for allowing themselves to be so used. Or – were they a part of this whole drama before it happened and were attempting what was attempted with Skip Gates?

Do you realize how the Cambridge and Boston police are becoming “whiter”? Now that we are decades away from what caused these areas to attempt to diversify their police force, that has gradually slipped away and we see the whitening now happening. Will we now see more of this happening in Cambridge? Clearly, African Americans can be picked up in Cambridge, by the police, even though there is not even a hint of criminality involved and they can be imprisoned for indefinite periods of time for no reason. And what happens after that? Any and All Americans can be picked up in Cambridge, by the police, even though there is not even a hint of criminality involved and they can be imprisoned for indefinite periods of time for no reason. Do you doubt that? After this, I don’t!

I guess we consider ourselves so influential that we can make those same African Americans pay for their own imprisonment. Isn’t that what happened with Robert Bennett? I would love to know who paid for all of this? Hopefully, not my tax money and hopefully not the Bennett’s insurance money. Either way I am getting ready to protest all of this somehow.

If you are all sleeping and not paying attention to this and not intervening to make these things stop you could be next. I was raised with the saying – Nazi Germany is what happened because good people did nothing. You are seeing the same thing happening in these United States and what are you doing about it?



Another Court Appearance by Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett

July 2nd, 2020


Thank all of you for your good wishes, your suggestions and so much more.

Robert and Marceline went to court without an attorney because they have not been able to find one. This is a fairly new area and even attorneys are confused as to who best could handle this case.

Most attorneys say – “you need someone in elder law.” However, elder law is about trusts, wills, etc. We feel that this appearance proves that what they need are attorneys who are great litigators because we see medical mal practice, attorney problems, and the Donaldson/Bennett’s should have enormous damages here. We haven’t seen people so poorly treated in all of our time in this work. To have taken away Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett’s freedom the way it was done makes us want to look for another country because it says to us this country is going to put the health industry in control of the police function which will allow picking up and incarcerating people who have done nothing – no criminal activity, not even cross walking in the middle of a block; keeping them incarcerated in hospitals or other institutions; and having the general public through their health insurance pay for the incarceration. We are still trying to heal from the way their rights have been destroyed.

We made a recommendation to the Donaldson/Bennett’s which others should have made from the beginning – especially the lawyer others – however, we also asked them to not make our recommendation public so it will be a few months before that is shared.

They submitted a few documents to the court. The one we will share with you is the MOTION TO DISMISS.


Motion to Dismiss

Just about every right guaranteed to a United States citizen, through the actions taken by SCES, have been denied to Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett.

Attorney James O’Sullivan did a lot of misrepresentation and sometimes outright lies to this court.  It is possible that this happened because Attorney O’Sullivan was misled by his clients who misrepresented “facts” to him which led him to believe he should file certain papers and take certain actions for the protection of an “elder”, but nevertheless the results are the same. 

In the process of doing his work as an attorney, Attorney O’Sullivan should have known he was mis-speaking and misrepresenting to the Court.

It is incumbent upon an attorney who presents misrepresentations to the Court to immediately correct his presentation so that it reflects the facts.  We have no knowledge of this happening with Attorney O’Sullivan.  He has allowed his misrepresentations to stand.

Ms. Nora Al WetAid and Ms. Angela Clary made statements – some under oath – on behalf of Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services –  which could rise to the level of perjury.  Instead of pursuing their job in a professional well researched way, they pursued my family and caused us much grief; large and unnecessary expenditures of money; time; reputation, and so much more.

In that pursuit, they did not have the courtesy, necessity, etc. of contacting us to make an appointment as Protective Service people with Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services to discuss their concerns – to identify the source of their concerns – and all the other things that need to be done in such circumstances.  They just plowed ahead and assumed that whatever ugliness they were being told or thought they dug up and was relevant was totally appropriate considering they were “investigating (even though without cause) an African American family showing their own extreme racism and sexism in the process.

Our family has been turned into the most negative of African American stereotypes.  We stopped being humans to “Protective Services” quite some time ago, if we ever were seen as such.  

This started within the Court by Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services filing a section 12 against Robert Bennett causing him to be picked up by 8 white Cambridge police, along with 5 or 6 EMT’s, two ambulances, the commotion of many police cars all over the street providing the neighborhood with a very negative bit of theatre around an African American family – on very bogus charges and for reasons that were not valid with a misuse and abuse of the psychiatric areas of the Court, the Cambridge police, and the Donaldson/Bennett family.

That is proven by the fact that the section 12 was lifted immediately by MGH because it did not apply to Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett.

That should have been the end of all of this, however, Attorney O’Sullivan, Ms. Nora Al-Wetaid, Ms. Angela Clary and others pushed on making a bad situation much worse.  

It is also becoming clear that what has happened with Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett and his family has also happened to others in Massachusetts with their assets, families, work and more destroyed by  “Protective Services” around the state and the way they have gone about their “work.”

Rev. Dr. Bennett and his family are well  known in their neighborhood.  It is also well known that they have recently been attacked by new neighbors who were appalled to discover they had African Americans living on their block. There are neighbors who have gone so far as to stomping on Marceline Donaldson’s toes in a fit of pique and running away when Rev. Dr. Bennett appeared from around the corner. We have wondered if this was intertwined in this action.

Who is this person being so destroyed:

Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett finished his institutional education with a PhD in Near Eastern studies. Prior to that he received a Masters of Divinity from General Theological Seminary in New York; an Undergraduate Degree from Kenyon College in Ohio with a major in philosophy – which he enhanced by spending time in Denmark where he learned the language and studied the works of the philosopher Soren Kierkegaard.

He has written several books; serves the Episcopal Church as an ordained priest; taught  as a full professor at Episcopal Divinity School, adjunct professor at Harvard University, Princeton University, and Atlanta University.

Rev. Dr. Bennett also served the wider Christian Church by working on Committees for the National Council of Churches – particularly the Inclusive Language Lectionary Committee which produced an Inclusive Language Lectionary still used today – whose goal was “to help shape a more inclusive church reflecting the unity and universality of God.”

Well respected by all those who know him and still today sought out for his counsel and comment and research, SCES  felt free enough to portray Rev. Dr. Robert A. Bennett, Jr. as a mentally and physically incapacitated lump who you could move around, push around, treat in ways to further their individual and collective career goals instead of realizing they made a substantial mistake in all that they did against him.

Rev. Dr. Bennett very  specifically said he did not want the SCES presence or attention or services all of which were forced on him.  He was put in the position by SCES of being address as “hi, handsome” along with many other such “cute’ interactions which he abhorred and was forced to tolerate because he was being incarcerated in a hospital against his will and without having anything which would have had the police arrive to carry out that incarceration.

The arrogance with which SCES did this has been overwhelming to everyone who has seen some of what is happening to this family.

On information and belief, Rev. Dr. Bennett is not the only person who has been so treated byh Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services and other such groups around Massachusetts.  They have been so blatant about all of what they are doing that it has become apparent that this is how and who this pseudo state organization has set itself up to destroy.

SCES and its family of “Protective Services” is beginning to look like a place where, on information and belief, words like ‘criminal conspiracy’, RICO and other such words can be used..

The first court action against Dr. Bennett was the filing of the section 12 and its immediate removal and ‘lifting’ by MGH because it did not apply to Rev. Dr. Bennett. When Rev. Dr. Bennett left MGH after being discharged from this attempt to take away his freedom, reputation, ability to function, he and his wife were warned to be careful because people were all over the hospital investigating them for reasons no one knew why.  

The section 12- is used to protect the public and sometimes the person who has had a psychotic break and has had to be restrained; has had alcoholic problems which  became public and negatively affected that public; had overdosed on drugs and caused a public problem and more in that vein.  None of this applied to Rev. Dr. Bennett who had not even a hint of mental problems before SCES and its friends and family intervened in his life attempting to take away his freedom, does not smoke, drink, take drugs, pills or anything even remotely related.

The section 12 was signed, as it must be, by a psychiatrist who added, in writing, on the charging document, that she had never met Robert Bennett, never examined him, never visited his home, but she also felt free enough not just to send out this document to have him incarcerated but also called his home ‘unsafe”.  

What the psychiatrist, who took out the papers to “section” Dr. Bennett did, was a very questionable if not outright malpractice.

SCES, by sending police out to “arrest” Rev. Dr. Bennett using the section 12 did something they have done against many others, especially many minorities whose lives and families have been destroyed by their actions  misusing a part of the “health law” which is there to be used carefully and appropriately.  SCES used it because it was a quick and dirty way to get someone into their custody to begin the pattern they have put down and regularly practiced against others destroying many families in the process.

Before SCES used the section 12 against Rev. Dr. Bennett,  SCES called the Cambridge Police and asked that a wellness check happen.  A policeman was sent to check out their claims and returned with a report which said all was well at the Bennett home and they found nothing amiss.

Dr. Bennett went to Sherrill House after he was discharged from MGH for rehab.  Both Rev. Dr. Bennett and his wife, Marceline Donaldson, were very positive about this move to Sherrill House because of its Episcopal foundations and what they heard via Episcopal circles about Sherrill House.  They looked at it as a time of spiritual retreat along with the rehab possibilities.  Instead, they found it to be a house of horrors and even polite, culturally dictated ways to act were violated.

When he arrived – by ambulance from MGH – no one welcomed him. No one even acknowledged his human presence with a smile or a hello or any other kind of human to human greeting.

The ambulance driver deposited him to the room he was shown and left.  No one sat with him to outline the program of rehab he would be experiencing.   No one said – we are busy at the moment, but will orient you to our program as soon as possible.   In fact, he was told to stay in bed and call the nurse if he needed to relieve himself.  He was also told he should not get out of the bed under any circumstances.  Since his wife was in the room with him, that was rather strange, especially since he was accustomed to going to the bathroom on his own at MGH, but they followed directions.

He did call the nurse during that evening because he needed to go to the bathroom.  The nurse did not show up for some 45 minutes and by that time Dr. Bennett was quite embarrassed because he followed what he was told about not going to the bathroom, but call the nurse.  

The next day there was still no program outlined with Dr. Bennett as to what his rehab would consist and in addition to that disaster of a first day and night at Sherrill House, he and his wife discovered that Sherrill House was going under quarantine because several people on his floor had the flu. 

When asked if the people with the flu were moved away from the rest of the patients in the rehab he and his wife were told that was not necessary.  

When asked what kind of flu because stories of CovID-19 were circulating, they were told no one knew what kind of flu.

After checking, they discovered this was not a first at Sherrill House, it had been quarantined just months earlier. 

The SCES response to this was anger, arrogance and retaliation against Robert Bennett who dared put his own well being above that of the institution in question.

Given the beginnings of information circulating about COVID-19, Dr. Bennett did not want to stay at Sherrill House and after conveying that information to his wife, who was his Health Care Proxy, Marceline Donaldson took her husband home where he would not be surrounded by the flu of any kind.

Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services called the police for a wellness check.  On information and belief, SCES were the people running all over MGH and the Greater Boston area “investigating” Rev. Dr. Bennett.  

Before that incident, Rev. Dr. Bennett had never shown  even the smallest  possibility that he had mental problems.  However, Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services moved ahead without any contact with Dr. Bennett, without ever having met him or talked to his family as their policies require before making such a move and  sent the police to take him out of his home to be sent to Mount Auburn Hospital. Prior to that if they met Rev. Dr. Bennett on the street, no one at SCES would have even recognized him or known who he was.

It was beyond curious that having just left MGH, SCES did not send him back to MGH, but to Mount Auburn Hospital where he was not known and where he was just three days out of MGH.

He was discharged from MGH within hours with the section 12 lifted and people at MGH saying he should not have been picked up in the first place.  He was discharged without medicines prescribed and with all of his vitals in the normal range including his blood pressure.

Copy of his discharge paper in attached.

This all happened on March 3rd, a voting day and he planned to vote – as he always does.  He was put into MGH from the morning of March 3rd through to about 3:30am on Wednesday March 4th.  Rev. Dr. Bennett said he needed to leave in time to vote, he was told that was not possible, there were many people ahead of him needing to interview with the psychiatrist – so Rev. Dr. Bennett lost his right to vote because of the irresponsible actions of SCES.

Two days later, the police arrived at Dr. Bennett’s house on Friday March 6th about 6pm.  This time only two policemen, EMT’s, ambulance, etc. to once again take him to MGH – this time on a section 19.

The section 12 didn’t work so SCES with its Attorney James O’Sullivan would use the “emergency hearing” route which Attorney O’Sullivan has a reputation for using and on information and belief, abusing.  

There was no reason on any level for such an emergency hearing which included substantial requests.

On information and belief the Emergency Hearing was abused and the items and actions it allowed are not legal because the hearing was not legal in its elimination of notice to Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett.  We ask that everything from that point on be reversed and wiped from the court record.

Clearly, the resolve of Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services was not about what was needed, but what they were going to force through to keep their program going.  The services of Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services were available and if you didn’t use them you would be forced to.  That is their reputation.  

Many people in the Harvard Square area and on information and belief, in other areas also use their and their related state funded services for things like – house cleaning, baby sitting, dog walking and so much more charged under health care insurance and/or paid for by state taxes and individual contributions intended to be used for other more needed uses and for people more seriously in need of such basic health services.  

These ‘extra” services are charged to the patient – or ex-patients health insurance through the  Home Healthcare Service working with the patient or ex-patient, making the huge increase in the cost of health services so exorbitant and becoming even more exorbitant exponentially that all are suffering from this increase.

Also part of their(SCES) reputation is the fact that serious complaints against them are useless because the people against whom the complaints are aimed investigate themselves. If the complaints come in through the elder hotline against SCES – the people talked about do the investigation;  if the complaint comes in through other areas in the state having to do with Elder Affairs the complaint is self-investigated.  If it is a substantial complaint it is “lost”.  If the complaint goes to the Executive office of Elder Affairs headed by Paul Hollings,  Mr. Hollings simply sends any complaints to SCES and the people against whom the complaint is directed for them to investigate themselves and make their own findings.

On March 6th, since the Section 12 didn’t work to incarcerate Dr. Bennett, the Section 19 was activated and the police came to take Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett out of his house with the claim that he was the subject of “Medical Abuse” by his wife and he would suffer serious injuries and harm if he were not immediately removed.

The court hearing which produced that result was heard ex parte without Dr. Bennett being notified.  It was also a hearing in which Dr. Bennett was claimed to be “indigent” and with no one to look out for him and take care of him so SCES was stepping into the breach.

The Section 19 made CLAIMS OF MEDICAL ABUSE BY MARCELINE DONALDSON OF ROBERT BENNETT – HER HUSBAND OF 37 YEARS.  A man who is 87 years old and except for the recent hospital stay has been very healthy all of those 87 years, particularly the 37 he spent married to Marceline Donaldson.

Marceline Donaldson did not know until recently that this was the reason Robert Bennett was taken from his home by the police.  The policeman who came refused to give her any court papers as to why they were there and why he was being removed so dramatically.  She discovered this when told by a Cambridge Policeman just last week.

She knew there were charges of abuse, but thought those were part of the Protective Order.

This section 19 was backed up by an affidavit by Ms. Nora Al WetAid which is full of lies, misstatements and more.  I think if it is investigated by law enforcement it will be found in many places to rise to the level of perjury.

Robert Bennett fell in February, 2020.  His wife called their PCP – Dr.Kehlman to ask if they should come to his office or go to the hospital, or etc. because she was concerned.

Dr Kehlmann said neither – he was going on vacation and he would see Robert after he returned.

Ms. Donaldson asked if there was someone else in his practice they could see. He said no one was available.  

She asked if she should see a neurologist and if he could recommend someone because Beth Israel suggested they see a neurologist for a cat scan in about six weeks.  She said they could do both things at once when he returned.  He said he was busy getting ready to leave on this vacation and had too many patients to see ahead of them.

And then Ms. Donaldson was charged by SCES for “medical abuse” with information from Rev. Dr. Bennett’s PCP added to that which Ms. Al-Wet Aid and Ms. Clary created.

Dr. Kehlman is no longer Rev. Dr. Bennett’s PCP.  The letter of a new PCP arrangement is included with this package to the court.

Actually, this was said through the person on the telephone in his office who put Ms. Donaldson on hold a few times while he conveyed the messages to Dr. Kehlman.

All during the trials and tribulations that the Donaldson/Bennett’s went through,  Dr. Kehlman, according to Ms. Al WetAid’s affidavit, characterized Ms. Donaldson in the most negative terms.  In fact, they both did.  Since none of them knew Ms. Donaldson that was an amazing piece of fiction.

Ms. Donaldson and Rev. Dr. Bennett spent a few days trying to find a doctor. Ms. Donaldson talked back and forth to several friends looking for a recommendation of a doctor who they could see.   

Ms. Ivey’s statement is included on a separate page.

About February 20th Ms. Ivey called Ms. Donaldson to say her friend – Dr. David Pilgrim, chief neurologist at Brigham and Women’s had called her back and advised that Ms. Donaldson call 911 and take Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett to MGH by ambulance and Dr. Pilgrim would keep an eye out over them.

Ms. Donaldson and Rev. Dr. Bennett did not want to call 911 to go to a hospital because they knew the experience of blacks doing such a thing and it was mostly negative.  Being told that Dr. Pilgrim would stay in the background they called 911 and went to MGH where Rev. Dr. Bennett had successful brain surgery.

All of the above was negatively characterized and distorted by Ms. Angela Clary, Ms. Nora Al-Wetaid and others as they misused and distorted actual facts to create a case they could work to justify their existence within SCES and the entire elder care area.

Rev. Dr. Bennett’s experience at MGH began to turn negative when Ms. Angela Clary showed up and started seriously interrogating Rev. Dr. Bennett for over an hour when he had just recovered from the surgery and was less than an hour out from under oxygen.  It was a horrible thing to do and a horrendous experience for Rev. Dr. Bennett.  Not something a caring person would have attempted – especially since neither Dr. Bennett nor his Health Care Proxy gave permission for this to happen, especially in the time frame ms. Clary chose.

We have received over 40 letters of support from people who know Rev. Dr. Bennett and Ms. Donaldson – some of whom have lived with them for fairly long periods of time and who can speak about the fact that they have a loving relationship and no abuse of any kind between them.  We are not sending those with this document because we are not sure of their relevance, but will make them available to the court if the court wants to take these letters into consideration.

We ask that this section 19 be removed and the Donaldson/Bennett’s be left in peace.  They have a large community of friends and family with whom they are very close and have no need of intervention from groups like SCES.  SCES with its related organizations and supporting people – both employees, consultants and others needs to be thoroughly investigated and the state resources better used.

Rev. Dr. Bennett has said he has never been so intruded upon and certainly in his life time never sexually abused until the intervention of SCES who demanded he follow all of their “requests” or be sent to a nursing home as “incapacitated”.

Some of those constant demands were that he and his wife apply for Mass Health even though they did not qualify and had more than adequate insurance; they demanded that he would be let out of MGH only if he and his wife allowed one and only one Home Health Care Company who they wanted them to use into their home on the agencies schedule with the people they sent – the Blissful Agency; that Dr. Bennett’s son come from Washington D. C. to pick him up from MGH and bring him home to his wife even though that meant the son breaking the quarantine and having to cross state borders risking a lot because of this demand.

Rev. Dr. Bennett has friends who live across the street from him who could and would have picked him up from the hospital to bring him home.  That was denied by SCES and the demand again made that only if his son from Washington D. C. come to Cambridge – which meant drive, considering other avenues were not open to them – to pick up his father from MGH to bring him home or he would be put under the guardianship of Jewish Center for Family and Children and sent to a Hebrew Nursing Home immediately.

Threats have been common with SCES people – mostly sent through Attorney O’Sullivan, other demands sent more directly.

Given the above we ask that Rev. Dr. Bennett and Marceline Donaldson be relieved from this intervention and left alone.”


If you have comments about this document – please let us know. The case has been postponed until August 3rd so they need attorneys before then. They think they can move ahead themselves, but we convinced them they really need professional legal help. We know how disappointing it can be when those you put in place to work with don’t produce what you need and then you discover what they could have done and your stomach drops out.

We are looking for your comments, differences, enlargements, whatever you have to say about this Motion to Dismiss. Put it in a different form? More legalese conforming to what a court would expect? Your turn!

Sadly, we are finding there is a serious abuse of emergency motions in this probate and family court which has insured that the Bennett Donaldsons were not in a court of law in the United States, but the abuse of the emergency motion concept, we feel, put them in a court in a fascist country where courts are really only a window dressing to set up a window display giving the perception of something that came out of a U. S. Court of Law, but in actual fact set up the result so the person or persons on the other side would be seriously handicapped if they could ever come out of what was done to them by an emergency motion hearing about which they were not served and did not know.

At some point, there should be a review of past emergency motions in other cases to restore those who were so hurt back to some kind of making them whole.

Our number one recommendation to the Donaldson/Bennett’s is that they use Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to help others in the same place who are at the weakest point of their lives and need help from those interested in helping and not exploiting for reasons of greed, career advancement, bigotry and more. Hopefully, that will happen because Guardianship as a profit making area is moving quite fast and the elderly are being exploited in major ways.

To spend your life working and near its end all of the assets you managed to save so your last years would be comfortable and sometimes even fun and then find there are those in the weeds waiting to rip off every penny you have put aside is totally destructive of the human psyche and everything else.

We saw Health Care Proxies, so carefully and thoughtfully put in place invalidated by the court and replaced by Health Care Proxies you explicitly did not want – your rights destroyed. We saw Durable Powers of Attorney put in place with the same care, invalidated so your estate could be ripped off – and it destroyed our thoughts about planning for those end times.

The Health Industry has its enormously good side. What we are seeing here is the evil incorporated in this Health Industry which will destroy our lives and turn this republic into a Nazi-type country if we don’t deal with where it could go now.


Get Off My Neck! Continuing the story of what is happening to Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett!

June 11th, 2020

We are the new folks on the block and took a look at the papers and other things available on what is happening with Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett. They have asked that we make everything public and transparent for all and any to read and learn from. This is a very ugly development in this society and it is beginning to destroy many families.

We Want to start our part of this investigation with a correction. As we looked at the papers, we found that Rev. Bennett was picked up and forced into Mass General Hospital the first time on March 3rd on a section 12 which was signed off on by Dr. Rebecca Warner, a psychiatrist. What was amazing to us about that was Dr. Warner’s statement, included with the section 12, apparently to cover her rear, that she had never met Rev. Bennett, never examined him, never been to his home and yet she signed a paper for the police to pick him up immediately and incarcerate him in a hospital since he was such a threat to the public by virtue of either – according to what you can do under a section 12 – a psychotic break which was public and that break was threatening to bring harm to the public, alcoholic problems causing Rev. Bennett to threaten the public, drug overdose because of which he was threatening the public, attempted and threatened suicide – I think you get the drift of what this section 12 is about. You can also see how it was misused and was abuse of the court, the police, the law itself and especially of Rev. Bennett.

Dr. Bennett is a quiet, shy, hard working, retired Episcopal priest who works with his wife in their home building a business geared to helping others. He does not smoke, drink, take drugs, and has never had even a hint of mental problems. So what is it Dr. Warner found so threatening about Rev. Bennett that he had to be immediately picked up by the police and incarcerated in Mass General Hospital? SCES had never met the Bennett/Donaldson family – except for a five minute visit where two of their people claimed to be “friends” come to visit with the couple. They had not assessed their home; had no contact with the family on any kind of professional or semi-prefessional basis; had not put in place any program the family was required to follow and had deviated therefrom, – the Bennett/Donaldsons had no contact with SCES at all. SCES had done none of the things their program puts in place requiring them to do before taking such a drastic step as sending the police to remove a man – well known and well respected in his community – from his home.

That is how the Nazi’s were able to fill the concentration camps during the early days of their reign before it became clear what they were about and the need for that kind of subterfuge was over. The Gestapo arrived, knocked on the door or broke it down, took out the person for whom they had come and “incarcerated” them locally before moving them to concentration camps. The parallel to what happened to Rev. Bennett and what SCES had planned for his future is startling in its parallels.

The second time Rev. Bennett was picked up by the police and forcibly taken out of his home was March 6th – after the section 12 was lifted by Mass General Hospital on March 4th at about 3am and he was sent home.

Not being able to incarcerate Rev. Bennett on a section 12, the Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services tried to incarcerate him on a section 19. It does not track that one must remove a man from his home immediately because of the reasons described above and then two days later after that does not stick they are back to attempt to remove him and keep him incarcerated on other charges.

That was the March 6th time he was demeaned by being forced from his home by the police. During these two times the police were always all white and it was always a sick, vicious kind of event calling the neighbors attention to that infamous couple – you know, the African Americans who are probably the only such family in that neighborhood.

The section 19 claims that Rev. Bennett had to be immediately removed from his home because of the threat to his life by his wife. The claim was that Rev. Bennett was so abused by his wife he had to be immediately removed and incarcerated in Mass General Hospital for his own protection and there was no one else around to help him so they had to move immediately. If that was the threat – why was the section 19 not called for before they activated the section 12? One answer is – we have found a couple African American men treated in the same way by the same people.

Now lets see! As to the claim of no one else who could “protect” Rev. Bennett from all of this.

At that time – his adult children were visiting because Rev. Bennett was just home from brain surgery at Mass General. Before they arrived, several friends visited with food, etc. for the family and so much more, but you get the picture. Attorney O’Sullivan representing his clients SCES were building a story out of whole cloth to justify where they were going and to lay the ground work for what comes next so they would be in the winning seat. – which from what we see – that means someone else is losing their lives, their assets, their immediate family and friends and so much more.

After five weeks, Rev. Bennett was returned to his home by SCES to once again live with this wife who was declared by SCES to be so incredibly abusive they had to remove him and incarcerate him and force him to stay in bed lying on an alarm type blanket, only allowed to go from his bed to the chair next to his bed, in a “cell” which was about 7 feet by 9 feet with hospital equipment stored in back of his bed sharing that space with him. What happened to the extreme threat his wife posed to his life?

We give you that background because Rev. Bennett’s wife – Marceline Donaldson – and everyone else thought Rev. Bennett had been picked up by the police to be incarcerated twice under a section 12. The above scenario is unbelievably worse and the arrogance of the court, the police, Dr. Warner and all those involved for doing this and thinking they would get away with it as the beginning of the attempt to strip that family of all its assets, its family relationships, its everything, just boggles the mind. The courts may not have been doing its job and seemed to be more going along with the program, but our investigation is not yet complete so lets keep that door open. We have seen the many lies told to the court on behalf of SCES and no one called to account – so lets keep that door open also.

The abusiveness shown by SCES during all of this with its supporting people preferring to live in an ignorance and claimed unknowingness, allowing all of this to go on seems to be varied – for some it is greed, for some extreme racism, for some the racism which pushed them to go along to get an African American family out of that Harvard Square/Brattle Street neighborhood, for some their career in this ‘guardianship’-‘protective agency’ area and on it goes.

The latest in this true life story is the hearing Rev. Bennett and Marceline Donaldson just went through because, at Rev. Bennett’s request, his attorney of record filed a motion with the court to withdraw as his attorney.

Rev. Bennett asked her to withdraw as his attorney because throughout all of this he, in actual fact, did not have an attorney. He had never met her, she never attempted to contact him, any papers from the court were not sent by her to Rev. Bennett, his wife, his family – so they knew nothing about any appearances, motions, anything that involved Rev. Bennett and so any court actions were allowed to run rampant and always have as the result a “win” for the SCES side.

This group seemed to be setting in place a legal structure to be able to control, wipe out financially, destroy the life and future of Rev. Bennett – attempt alienation of affection between him and his wife and other family members and so much more. And Rev. Bennett had who he considered a “place holder” as an attorney.

That all came to a head when Rev. Bennett was able to get out of the hospital after five weeks; recovered from what was a gruesome ordeal which seriously compromised his health; and he tried to file a motion with the Court which was circulated to many of you – however, they heard nothing from the court.

The hearing on Rev. Bennett’s attorney of record happened this past Monday, June 8th via telephone – which is how such things are being done in this pandemic space. – Judge Gargas in Middlesex Family and Probate Court was the presiding judge

The pleadings for the hearing were sent to the court and a copy of them follows:

———- Original Message ———- 
Date: June 7, 2020 at 8:20 PM 
Subject: Robert Bennett hearing MI 20 P 1699 

For: Emily A Mahoney []

Pleadings for:  Rev. Dr. Robert A. Bennett, Jr.


I am asking that Attorney Myette be allowed to withdraw from any motions, or any other court actions or documents. on which she is named as the attorney for Robert Bennett.

I have never met Attorney Myette, have not talked to her until recently when I contacted Attorney Myette and asked her to withdraw as my attorney on any actions on which she is listed as attorney for Robert Bennett.

I have the right to exercise my rights to choose the attorney with whom I want to work.  My wife asked Attorney Myette to withdraw when she was informed by Attorney Myette in a telephone call that she had been appointed as my attorney, However, since I was in the hospital with no telephone or other access and was not allowed to contact my wife and she was not allowed to contact me,  I was not able to follow through on that request and my wife was not allowed to.

Attorney Myette was appointed as my attorney at a hearing about March 5th about which I knew nothing and so was not able to respond.  

Attorney O’Sullivan asked the court for that hearing which he characterized as an “emergency hearing” and told the court damage would come to Robert Bennett if the hearing was not allowed and Attorney O’Sullivan asked that the hearing be ex parte.  The court complied.

Since Attorney O’Sullivan used that hearing to set in place much of what happened following that hearing – that essentially robbed me of more than my rights some of which are guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States.  

The law says I had, as others have, the right to be notified of that hearing.  There are exceptions, but they do not include an ex parte hearing which does the substantial things which that hearing accomplished at my expense.  What was presented to the court as an emergency hearing was not.  It was a way to get your issues before the court without any challenge to those issues so you can get the result you would like at the expense of the other party.

That hearing should not have happened.  It was a waste of the court’s time, resources and reputation.  In fact, none of what has happened to me and my family over the past several months should have happened.

Attorney O’Sullivan represented me to the judge as being “indigent”.  That representation allowed the judge to appoint Ms. Myette as attorney to represent me.  She came from the CDSC which supplies attorneys to people who are “indigent” and could not afford an attorney without that help.

For Attorney O’Sullivan to tell such a lie to the court – which he knew or should have known was not true – that deprived someone else who needed that kind of help from getting it and it made me complicit – without my knowledge – of cheating the tax payers of Massachusetts who expected their money to go to help others and not to promote whatever game was being played by Attorney O’Sullivan or by Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services at Attorney O’Sullivan’s expense.

Attorney Myette was appointed as my attorney because of Attorney O’Sullivan’s lies to the court – presenting as facts to the court statements he knew or should have known were false.

Those lies could have been responded to at that time and the record corrected if I had known there was such a hearing and I would have had the attorney of my choice representing me in that presentation.  The ex parte hearing was quite illegal and violated laws put in place to make sure things like this do not happen.

Attorney O’Sullivan asked the court for an emergency hearing.  What was happening with me at the time he described someone who needed to be immediately removed from his home by the police 0 for the second time in the same week and only two days apart?

My adult son and daughter were visiting from Washington, D. C. and they came because I was just out of the hospital from brain surgery and they came to be of help and to make sure I had whatever I needed that they could provide.

There was clearly no emergency – to ask for such and appoint an attorney to represent someone he presented to the court as “indigent” is something we have tried unsuccessfully to correct.

What Attorney O’Sullivan did not tell the court was that two days before Attorney O’Sullivan asked for this “emergency hearing” he sent police to my home – eight white policemen with five or six EMT people to remove this African American man from his home in such a theatre/circus setting that people came running to my home from the Charles River.  To do this Attorney O’Sullivan on behalf of SCES  claimed I was either having a psychotic break in public; was publicly drunk and causing an upheaval and upset of the public; or I was overdosed on drugs and causing havoc publicly; or I was threatening suicide and needed to be put under observation, etc.  All things that come under the section 12 removal of a person from their home. I was none of these things.  I have never had the hint of any mental problems – although at the moment that action by SCES has left my reputation in shreds, do not drink, do not smoke, do not take drugs.

I was removed and forced into Mass General Hospital on March 3rd after they actually had orders to take me to Mount Auburn Hospital.  Mass General Hospital lifted the section 12 on March 4th at about 3:30am  and sent me home telling me I should not have been picked up in the first place.  I spent most of the time in the hospital waiting to see the psychiatrist because they were so busy.

At about 3:30am I was discharged from Mass General Hospital with no medicines prescribed and all vitals normal with no high blood pressure.

The day before I was picked up and forced into Mass General Hospital a policeman came to my home about 9:30pm to do a “wellness check”.  He reported back that all was well and he saw nothing out of line.

With that background and my adult children at home with me Attorney O’Sullivan claimed an emergency on behalf of his clients Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services who had been running all around town, the hospital and trying to talk to doctors and others to build a case against me so they could force me out of my home and into a space where I would be under their care and that was a total disaster.  They were not able to build a case so they created one through lies, deceptions and actions which are reflected in the affidavit Ms. Nora Al Wetaid filed with the emergency motion Attorney O’Sullivan requested on behalf of SCES.

SCES through Attorney O’Sullivan went on to make several representations which were not true and could have been responded to at that time, if I had known such a hearing was happening in the court and that could have been done with attorneys of my choice.  My wife and I having worked on civil rights cases for decades – not as attorneys – but as helpers when people had short money and needed such help – we had some idea of what to do and how to do it.  We were not allowed to do anything except be recipients of the worse abuse I have ever experienced.

Because Attorney O’Sullivan knew or should have known that I was not “indigent”, Attorney Myette would not have been appointed in the first place making it possible for her to use her time to work with someone else who needed her help and would have been in tough shape legally without an attorney.

if Attorney O’Sullivan had properly represented the truth to the court what has followed almost destroying my life, my family, my work and more would not have happened.

Attorney Myette was appointed by the court because she was next on the list of the Boston Legal Services (the CDSC) organization which makes available the names of attorneys available and willing to work for those who are “indigent” or close thereto.

The client whom Attorney O’Sullivan represented. Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services knew definitely I was not “indigent”, but apparently represented to Attorney O’Sullivan that I was and represented such to the court. If Attorney O’Sullivan had done a minuscule amount of due diligence, as all attorneys are expected to do he would have known they were lying.

 That client also represented much more to the court which was also not true and the court moved along making decisions based on those misrepresentations, some outright lies and it has resulted in many being hurt and their lives turned upside down unnecessarily.

so, to summarize: – to get an emergency motion Attorney O’Sullivan on behalf of his client Somerville Cambridge Elder Services 

1) lied to the court multiple times and serious lies which we feel would rise to the level of perjury if investigated by law enforcement for such.

2) kept from the court the fact that I had already been seen and discharged by Mass General Hospital on SCES’ first claim attempting to get me incarcerated.

Since that failed they then took the route of ruining my wife’s reputation by claiming she abused me and taking me out of my home on a section 19 which was totally untrue and unbelievably painful for my wife and for myself.  We didn’t know about the section 19 – we thought it was a second section 12 because the police when they came to force me out of my house – dragging me out if necessary – refused to give me or my wife a copy of the order giving the police permission to do what they did.  

3) SCES had the report from a policemen which was positive after he was asked to make a wellness check the evening before they first forced me out of my house.

4) They also kept from the court the fact that my adult children were visiting from Washington D. C. would be with me for several days because they came following my surgery to help with any care I might need.

5) In addition, the psychiatrist – Dr. Rebecca Warner who signed the section 12 added to the document that she had never met me – never examined me – never been to my house yet she called it “unsafe” – never had any interactions with me at all.  She signed it at the urgings of Ms. Noral Al Wetaid and Ms. Angela Clary who already clearly had been lying to make their case.

Given all of the above why is Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services called in to vote on whether or not Attorney Myette should be allowed to withdraw?

I could go on for pages on all the things they did which violate laws, the truth and more but the above gives a good look into what they are about.  They did a lot more and hopefully it will all be revealed to the court shortly.

Additionally, why is Maliça Aronowitz being given a vote?

One of the things Attorney O’Sullivan did on behalf of his clients Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services, was to ask the court to invalidate my current  Health Care Proxy which had been created for me by MGH.

The court obliged and invalidated the MGH Health Care Proxy and validated a Health Care Proxy which had been invalidated November 18, 2019 by being replaced by a proxy created for me by Probate Attorney Donald McInnis.  Attorney McInnis created that Health Care Proxy for me at my request because I discovered about that time that Malica Aronowitz had a Health Care Proxy in my name which named her as my Health Care Proxy.  I knew nothing about that Health Care Proxy.  I wanted and named my wife as my health care proxy.

Attorney McInnis did just that and that HCP was witnessed and signed by Attorney McInnis and Ms. Trudi Van Slyck, both people I have known for many years who are substantial and long time members of this community.   It was signed with all three of us together in my dining room on November 18, 2019.  I have statements from both to that affect.

At Mass General Hospital, my wife and I gave an MGH staff person my Health Care Proxy which named Marceline Donaldson as my Health Care Proxy.  We have been married happily for 36 years and have always taken care of each other.  She is who I wanted as my Health Care Proxy.  She is who went all over town trying to get treatment for me after it became clear something was wrong and she is who found Dr. David Pilgrim, Chief Neurologist at Brigham and Women’s in Jamaica Plain who, in spite of his being in an emergency position with the death of his wife’s father, made us comfortable enough with directions which led us to Mass General Hospital for brain surgery.  

That happened in spite of the fact that the physician who was my PCP – Dr. Kehlman – could not see us because he was going off on vacation and would see me when he returned; did not have anyone else in his group to send us to; and did not know a neurologist to refer us to.  That PCP was my PCP because Maliça Aronowitz insisted he was who I needed as a PCP.

This is who this court invalidated a perfectly legal and legitimate Health Care Proxy which was identical to the Health Care Proxy created for me by Probate Attorney Donald McInnis except for one character from MGH -this is who was put in charge of my health.  

That Health Care Proxy replaced the one Attorney Donald McInnis created for me because MGH was concerned for our safety seeing people all over the hospital investigating us and they didn’t know why.

SCES knew and Attorney O’Sullivan should have known this was why the Attorney McInnis’ Health Care Proxy was replaced.  It had a one character typo.  The Health Care Proxy was the same and so was everything else.

In the SCES affidavit of Ms. Nora Al Wetaid she goes to some length to create the picture of this MGH Health Care Proxy not being valid because of numbers she gives which she claims made me not able to comprehend what I was signing at the moment.

MGH does not create Health Care Proxies and have people sign them who are “incapacitated” and don’t know what they were signing.  I was quite aware of what was happening, was happy MGH took such an interest.  

I was concerned because with that kind of concern from SCES about my ability to comprehend when it was about my Health Care Proxy, they were totally able to question me extensively when I was very groggy, just out from under oxygen and didn’t really know who they were or what they wanted until a nurse told me the next day when I asked who that person was who made me so uncomfortable.

The lack of empathy which allowed Ms. Clary to move on someone to attempt to question them in detail when they are just out of brain surgery to attempt to prove something which would benefit Ms. Clary and Ms. Al Wetaid  – which today in retrospect was clearly trying to find reasons to take me away from my home and family so SCES would have a case to follow and work on is beyond what should be happening if people are qualified for their jobs.

So questioning me under the fog of oxygen when I was not quite conscious was acceptable because SCES people were doing it and the Health Care Proxy which had been signed months earlier with the MGH proxy having changed only one character and kept the same health care proxy was not acceptable.

That goes along with the environment in which they work where if you send a complaint to SCES about something like the above it is investigated by the people against whom you have complained.  It is their standard working procedure.

This same group claimed I was incapacitated and should go immediately to a nursing home and that I was in such bad shape not even technological assistance could help.  That was a lie.  That would have ruined and denied me the rest of my life.  They have no response to that except to keep destroying lives and families.

I was kept by them in MGH for five weeks, forced to take 10 to 15 pills per day of over the counter medication, given hallucinatory drugs and so much more forcing me to stay in bed for five weeks only able to go from the bed to a chair in a space some 7 by 9 feet including hospital equipment.

When I was sent home by them I could barely walk – could not walk without a walker and support by two people one on each side – and was sent home in my stocking feet because my feet were too swollen for shoes.  That is what happened to me under their care.  I was kept away from my wife who was treated abominably and only allowed to see me three times during five weeks and then only with a Security Guard present.  Before that we had not been separated except for two days to a funeral in 36 years.  It was one of the most difficult times in my life.  I now know what it is like to grieve the loss of your spouse.  Sadly, if they could do it again they would – and – because this has been so public we have received many calls from people who have experienced the same thing – all African Americans – and a couple left the state to get away from the Protective Services people.

 When I was forced into MGH for the second time on March 6th I was walking, talking, enjoying life, enjoying my family, doing all the things I had been doing before going into MGH.  When I left, my life was in shatters and so much more.  It took coming back to my family to be able to experience life as an independent person walking, talking, participating in life, picking up my research and so much more.  They attempted to destroy everything I had ever done starting with my reputation.

So why does SCES get to say whether or not Attorney Myette should not be allowed to withdraw?

I am in the process of making plans to move ahead with court actions and have talked to several attorneys about representing me.  Two called the court and were told I already had an attorney.  They called Attorney Myette for some clarification in the process of their due diligence before taking on representing me, but Attorney Myette did not return the telephone calls. That did not inspire confidence in the attorneys that this was a case they should take.

I am asking this court for a clear path to be able to have the attorneys of my choice by approving Attorney Myette’s motion to withdraw from whatever court action in which she is acknowledged as the attorney for Robert Bennett.

Please confirm Attorney Myette’s motion to withdraw. 

I have never met Attorney Myette in person.  I talked to her on the telephone for the first time after I sent her an email telling her I would like her to withdraw as my attorney and that was just days ago. And in-between times Attorney. Myette did nothing for me so if she does not continue I will not be any worse off than I was when she was my attorney.

Please allow Attorney Myette’s motion to withdraw.

Robert A. Bennett                                          Marceline Donaldson

617 497 9166                                                 617 497 9166

Robert Bennett talked and dictated

Marceline Donaldson typed


In addition to the above pleading by Rev. Bennett – Marceline Donaldson submitted a pleading to the court asking that Rev. Bennett’s attorney be allowed to withdraw.

That pleading follows:

———- Original Message ———- 
Date: June 8, 2020 at 7:31 AM 
Subject: My statement for Attorney Myette’s motion to withdraw MI 20 P 1699 

I join my husband’s request to allow Attorney Myette to withdraw from representing him on any and all motions which may have been filed on which Attorney Myette is listed as attorney for Robert Bennett.

Attorney James O’Sullivan asked for an “emergency hearing” around March 5, 2020 which he also asked to be heard “ex parte”.  Attorney Myette was appointed attorney for Robert Bennett by the court at that hearing.

To get the result, Attorney O’Sullivan obtained Attorney O’Sullivan  misrepresented Robert Bennett to the court as “indigent” when he knew or should have known that was not true.  Attorney O’Sullivan made many representations to the court in the process of that “emergency hearing” which were not of the truth, but of lies which would allow him to block the possibility of Robert Bennett and his family hiring an attorney of his or their choice to represent Robert Bennett.

In addition, Attorney O’Sullivan misrepresented the situation he claimed to be trying to prevent by lying to the court about his need for an “emergency hearing” because of the claimed danger which he claimed would happen to Robert Bennett if the court did not intervene.

Robert Bennett was not in a situation which would have required an ’emergency hearing’ and the intervention of the police to remove Robert Bennett from his home against his will with the police, apparently, given the right to break into Robert Bennett’s home and forcibly remove him even if Robert Bennett objected to his removal from his home and family.  If Robert Bennett objected he was to be carried out of his house against his will any way possible.  That is what the police told Robert Bennett’s family if they intervened and prevented them from taking Robert Bennett out of his home of 36 years.

Before this hearing, Massachusetts General Hospital had already ‘lifted’ a section 12 filed against Robert Bennett by Attorney O’Sullivan on behalf of his clients just two days prior.  That section 112 was removed with “no medicines prescribed” and “all vitals normal including blood pressure” along comments by individuals in the emergency room – doctors and nurse practitioners – that Robert Bennett should not have been picked up under a section 12.  

A policeman, the evening before this forced incarceration happened on March 3rd,  was called by SCES and  directed to do a “wellness check.”   He found nothing out of order.  

Robert Bennett’s two adult children were at home with him to be there if he needed anything and to help with any care Robert Bennett needed because Robert Bennett was just out of MGH after brain surgery from the second of two falls months apart because of eye surgery – the first to remove a cataract and it was unsuccessful in restoring Robert Bennett’s vision and the second destroyed Robert Bennett’s peripheral vision in his left eye.  

The psychiatrist, on behalf of the SCES signed for the section 12 and at the same time she was signing for police to force Robert Bennett from his house and incarcerate him in the hospital, she included deniability in case she was wrong in her signing such a document.  This psychiatrist  added to the section 12 that she had never met Robert Bennett, never examined him, never been to his home and yet she declared his home “unsafe.”.  

In addition, neither had Attorney O’Sullivans’ clients, the SCES,  had any contact with the family nor with Robert Bennett beyond a five minute visit which was billed as “friends” visiting Robert Bennett calling to make sure he was fine.  They found a man in very good shape, having a dessert of ice cream in his bed/sitting room.

There was no consultation with the family by SCES,  no telephone calls for an appointment to assess the house for its safety or lack thereof,  nothing with Robert Bennett except intruding on his recovery from brain surgery by appearing in his hospital room when he had just been removed from oxygen after surgery and interrogating him for a very long period of time.  In spite of the above, SCES pushed into Robert Bennett’s life with claims that are not true, but made to justify their attempt to intervene and take over directing his life and its decisions.  On information and belief this is something SCES has done several times with other African Americans and with others with horrendous results for the people with whom they became so involved.

During the “emergency hearing” Attorney O’Sullivan asked the court to invalidate a valid Health Care Proxy created by Mass General Hospital with that HCP based on the one Robert Bennett asked Probate Attorney Donald McInnis to create for him because Robert Bennett discovered from Beth Israel Hospital people that they would not speak to his wife about him because his “Health Care Proxy” asked them not to. That was the point at which  Robert Bennett discovered there was a Health Care Proxy that he knew nothing about, did not sign and nominated a health care proxy he did not want making decisions about his health.

In spite of that, and with SCES knowing the Health Care Proxy they were asking the court to validate as the Health Care Proxy which would be over Robert Bennett -and – with SCES knowing it was not one Robert Bennett wanted, – and – with SCES knowing that Health Care Proxy had been invalidated – even if it were legitimately created – by one Robert Bennett had a probate attorney create for him and one he signed November 18, 2019.  In spite of knowing that and with Attorney O’Sullivan who knew or should have known that the court invalidated Robert Bennett’s Health Care Proxy and validated one he did not sign and did not want.

All of that and more was done in the “emergency hearing” Attorney O’Sullivan asked for and further asked that it be ‘ex parte’ without Robert Bennett being notified.

In that “emergency hearing” with all of its untruths presented to the court Attorney Myette was appointed to represent Robert Bennett.

During her representation of Robert Bennett as his attorney, she had one contact with Robert Bennett’s wife.  None with Robert Bennett – she has never met Robert Bennett.

During the telephone call Attorney Myette made to Robert Bennett’s wife to notify her that she had been appointed Robert Bennett’s attorney by the court,  Marceline Donaldson told Attorney Myette that Robert Bennett’s family would hire an attorney of their choice and she would appreciate Attorney Myette withdrawing so another attorney could take her place.

Other attorneys were hired by Robert Bennett’s family to represent him, none of whom could represent Robert Bennett because of the structure Attorney O’Sullivan put in place using a so called “emergency motion” to abuse the court, abuse the police, abuse the law for his clients – SCES.

Robert Bennett and his family have tried to file motions to remove those attempting to destroy the quality of his life, his life, his freedom and more.  They have not been able to do anything because they were blocked by the fact that the court appointed attorney was acting more as a place saver keeping anything which SCES did not want to happen from happening than as an attorney working in her clients best interest.  

Attorney Myette has not even met her client nor spoken to him from the time she was appointed until he recently contacted her and asked her to withdraw.

Attorney Myette agreed to withdraw, but needed court agreement and she said she would file the needed motion.

Why, in that motion, are people and organizations allowed to be involved with a decision which should be between Attorney Myette and Robert Bennett and not including the people who are benefitting financially and otherwise on the dishonest representations they have made to this court and to others to maintain their position “kneeling on Robert Bennett’s neck.”

I ask this court to please allow Attorney Myette to withdraw and not allow this theatre/circus which started with eight white policemen going to Robert Bennett’s home on March 3rd along with five or six EMT people, two ambulances, police cars all over the street with people running from the Charles River to see what was happening to demean, discharge, shame, defile, destroy Robert Bennett’s reputation and the work of his life by giving it this horrible ending.

Robert Bennett is 87 years old.  He has lived a very healthy life with no hospital admissions and a large belief in natural remedies.  He had no health problems, until Maliça Aronowitz inserted herself into his life with demands that he have his eyes operated on limiting his eye sight and destroying his peripheral vision causing him to fall twice and then telling stories multiplying those two falls caused by the eye surgeries  into many characterizing Robert Bennett as not being able to live on his own outside of the most severe restrictions which he experienced at Massachusetts General Hospital, which almost cost Robert Bennett his life.

Because Robert Bennett went through those two eye surgeries trying to “go along to get along” with his step daughter who has been missing from our lives except a few hours dinner on Thanksgiving and a few hours dinner on Christmas until this past year,  he should not be punished any further.

Attorney O’Sullivan also needs to be sanctioned because of the way he handled this and other cases in which he has been involved.  His past cases need to be investigated as to exactly what happened.  We have a couple names to offer of African Americans whose lives were destroyed and whose assets were taken by these machinations.  They contacted us when they heard what was happening to Robert Bennett.  They are the people taken up by SCES and supposedly “protected” by them to the point of ruining their lives.  One has left the state trying to get away from SCES and its abuses.  

Robert Bennett filed a motion with the court, but has never heard from the court as to a hearing for this motion.  We wondered if Attorney Myette listed as attorney for Robert Bennett prevented such a motion filed by Robert Bennett from being heard.

Please allow Attorney Myette to withdraw and keep this motion to withdraw limited to the two people who are the only people/organizations who/which should be allowed to weigh in on this motion – Attorney Myette and Robert Bennett.

Marceline Donaldson

49 Hawthorn Street

Cambridge MA. 02138

617 497 9166

“deaf to our suffering as the institutional structures creating and changing the republic in which we live are debased.”


Judge Gargas refused to allow Rev. Bennett’s attorney to withdraw. She said she did not want to leave him without legal representation.

Since the reason Rev. Bennett asked his present attorney to withdraw was because he had been – in fact – without legal representation from the time she was first appointed, we did not understand the judge’s reasons for such a ruling.

She did mitigate that by saying when an attorney put in an appearance for Rev. Bennett this present attorney would be allowed to withdraw.

We were amazed at all of this because Rev. Bennett’s right to choose his own attorney was taken away from him from the time Attorney O’Sullivan asked for an emergency hearing and asked that Rev. Bennett not be notified. At the end of that hearing when everything was put in place to determine the outcome of this ugliness then and only then did the judge appoint an attorney to represent Rev. Bennett. That was done because Attorney O’Sullivan lied on behalf of SCES by claiming at the outset of his initial appearances that Rev. Bennett was “indigent.” That claim of being “indigent” gave Attorney O’Sullivan a free hand to absolutely carry out everything he wanted to do to move Rev. Bennett from the hospital to a nursing home where he would be classified as “incapacitated” where not even new technological interventions were possible to attempt to bring Rev. Bennett back to being able to be something other than a vegetable with no one around to support him, etc. so he had to be so incarcerated – according to Attorney O’Sullivan.

When Rev. Bennett’s family tried to get another attorney to represent Rev. Bennett that was not possible – and attorneys tend to be shy when there is another attorney of record that they have to plow through.

As we become more acquainted with all of this we are finding Rev. Bennett’s rights have been totally destroyed and mostly by the court – which really had the power to make this right and refused.

As we looked into the claim of Attorney O’Sullivan on behalf of Somerville Cambridge Elder Services – that there was no one around for Rev. Bennett and so they had no choice but to take over his life and everything in it – except his wife – it was stunningly arrogant for them to make that claim.

What are Rev. Bennett’s support groups?- Obviously his family, which includes his wife and two adult children who are involved with his life and do stay in contact with him.

In an emergency which Rev. Bennett or his family could not handle or for many other reasons, all Rev. Bennett had to do was to call his bishop. As a retired Episcopal priest you do have that possibility and you do have the organization of the Episcopal Church which supports its retired priests and from our investigation that is real support.

As a person who ministered at several churches both in the Greater Boston area and in Baltimore, MD. Rev. Bennett has a circle of friends who were parishioners at those churches who have stayed in touch with Rev. Bennett and his wife and who are very good friends and a supportive circle.

In addition, there are many friends who check in regularly and are there for anything the family needs and there is a reciprocal relationship where the Bennett/Donaldson family has been there for some of their needs.

During another hearing, we understand and have seen several letters from some of these friends submitted to the court.

That is a substantial community which few people have. But that is the person Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services with the help of Attorney O’Sullivan had picked up by the police in an incredible and very ugly display in front of their home and incarcerated twice – for no reason.

When the first attempt at incarcerating Rev. Bennett failed, they tried again with massive lies which we have easily disproven and have given the family what we found – which is kind of massive if we say so ourselves.

What has happened is we are being shown that this society has a legal structure under which any one of us can be forced out of our homes by the police without cause and we will then have to spend our resources trying to get away from the horribleness of that and what comes after.

We started with some doubt about the claims we heard that this was a criminal conspiracy. Just this beginning of this investigation has shown those doubts were not justified. It looks to us clearly as a criminal conspiracy and it extends further than the Bennett family.

Please keep an open mind about all of this. You might need the help of what the Bennett/Donaldson’s have agreed to make public. Each step of their way through all of this will be made public so others can benefit.


And the Primary Care Physician for Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett?

May 26th, 2020

Dr. Glenn S. Kehlman was Dr. Bennett’s primary care physician. He is no longer because Rev. Dr. Bennett sent a letter dismissing Dr. Kehlmann.

We were asked to look into this area and investigate as much as possible and we did. After what we found I feel as though I need a long, very hot shower to wash away the extreme racism that we found doing this investigation.

There are the basics: Dr. Glenn Kehlmann, MD is an internal medicine specialist in Brookline, MA and has been practicing for 37 years. He graduated from the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine in 1983 and specializes in internal medicine. He is a part of the Beth Israel Deaconness Washington Square Group in Brookline, Massachusetts.

We have copied the letter sent to Dr. Kehlmann by Rev. Dr. Bennett in full because it basically has almost everything that we found. Dr. Kehlmann was Rev. Dr. Bennett’s PCP because he was recommended by Ms. Donaldson’s daughter – Maliça Aronowitz. Apparently, he is also Ms. Aronowitz’ PCP.

During the time Dr. Kehlmann was Rev. Dr. Bennett’s PCP he was seen by Dr. Kehlmann once. The first and only time Dr. Kehlmann saw Rev. Dr. Bennett was at the end of 2019 and that is described in Rev . Dr. Bennett’s letter. It is also the first and only time Dr. Kehlmann met Rev. Dr. Bennett’s wife – Ms. Marceline Donaldson. I understand from Dr. Bennett that Ms. Donaldson was not happy with Dr. Kehlmann and said so during that trip to his office. She was unhappy about the way Dr. Kehlmann talked around Dr. Bennett as though he could neither speak, nor hear, nor understand. She asked Dr. Kehlmann to please recognize Dr. Bennett as a whole, functioning person and speak to him directly, he was quite able to respond.

According to Dr. Bennett, Ms. Donaldson was also unhappy about what she found in Dr. Kehlmann’s office and expressed those unhappinesses. When they entered the office from outside to the waiting room they directly faced a large windowed wall with many people working within the room behind that windowed wall. They seemed to be the people doing the “grunt” work for the office. They sat in that room for several minutes watching the people work in that large room behind the windowed wall and noted that they were all – without exception – African American men and women.

When Ms. Aronowitz, Ms. Donaldson and Dr. Bennett were called – their turn to see the doctor – they went down the hall a bit, turned left and walked to the back of the building. There were the offices of the doctors, nurse practitioners and others on that professional level. In that area everyone was white with the exception of a few Asians. When the trio left the back office and were leaving the building, Ms. Donaldson stopped at the window and asked the person behind the glass in the room with all African Americans if there were African Americans in other parts of the building – specifically she wanted to know if there were any African American doctors, nurses, etc. in the back part of the building which they had just left. She was told no there were none. Ms. Donaldson told her daughter and Dr. Bennett she thought they should look for another PCP with a broader view of humanity.

While in Dr. Kehlmann’s office, Dr. Bennett and Ms. Donaldson gave a copy of the Health Care Proxy, drawn up by probate attorney Donald McInnis and signed by Dr. Bennett on November 18, 2019. to both Dr. Kehlmann and to the young Asian woman who was doing quite a bit of paperwork outside Dr. Kehlmann’s office. She asked if this was the right place to turn in this Health Care Proxy because it was replacing the HCP naming Maliça Aronowitz Health Care Proxy for Dr. Bennett which she and Dr. Bennett found out about at Beth Israel Hospital which Dr. Bennett knew nothing about, had not signed and did not want to keep. She was told yes, this was the place to turn that in and so Ms. Donaldson left a copy with the “nurse” and at the same time gave another copy to Dr. Kehlmann.

When they arrived at Dr. Kehlmann’s office, Ms. Donaldson intended to ask Dr. Kehlmann to take her on as her PCP, but after she saw the room with the window and all of the African Americans behind the window with whites in the room down the hall in another part of the building she decided this was not someone she wanted as her PCP and would keep looking.

What we found interesting and tragic was that Dr. Kehlmann – who knew “Dr. Bennett through a 15 minute conversation in his office with two other people and two plus nurses present all talking while he did a very perfunctory examination of Dr. Bennett and in the process said about a couple sentences to Ms. Donaldson and Dr. Rebecca Warner – the psychologist/psychiatrist who signed the section 12 sending the police to pick up Rev. Dr. Bennett from his home and force him into Mount Auburn Hospital, knew Dr. Bennett not at all – had never met him, never examined him, never been to his home and yet she was confident enough to do something as drastic as signing the section 12. That to us is the height of irresponsibility and the attempted destruction of a human being because apparently Dr. Bennett was not worth the time to do an investigation into whatever they saw as a problem to make sure they were not making a mistake which Dr. Bennett would have to pay for over a very long period of time – as we are now seeing as we see Dr. Bennett’s reputation, his life’s work, his vocation and more evaporate into a smoke filled room of unsubstantiated allegations which Dr. Kehlmann and Dr. Warner made about Dr. Bennett.

When we were called about doing this investigation and writing our findings, we expected to find Rev. Dr. Bennett in some serious mental state not able to comprehend, etc. Instead, we found a man sitting at a desk working with his wife and another young man trying to pick up the pieces from the work they started before all of this “mess” happened.

Dr. Bennett was pulling together and organizing the work of his life. His research, lectures, books and more. The group was in the process of finding themes around which to build videos and/or other kind of technical ways to put Dr. Bennett’s life’s work on the internet for others to be able to search, use and possibly find something they could build upon.

This interruption caused by people like Dr. Kehlmann was, for us, an example of why African Americans have such a difficult time earning money and moving ahead; documenting their life’s work and more. Someone who has never held a conversation with you, knows nothing about you, doesn’t care because they don’t have time to be bothered with taking a serious look at an African American – can then ruin the entire end of a human beings life. The kind of ugliness we have seen through all of this will never leave us.


The letter from Dr. Bennett to Dr. Kehlmann follows: – to date, Dr. Kehlmann has not responded to this letter. We should note here that one thing Dr. Kehlmann said which really almost destroyed us was the comment in the motion to immediately put Dr. Bennett in a nursing home because there was no technological assistance that could help him respond and Dr. Kehlman claimed it was an emergency situation which needed to be responded to immediately.

I’ve cleaned up that comment from Dr. Kehlman – meant to go to the court to back up the claim of Dr. Bennett’s “incapacitated” state. As I cleaned it up I looked across the room at Dr. Bennett working very hard on his papers and talking back and forth with the young man assisting him in that endeavor as they worked on the script for a video which will soon be on “You Tube”. This is the incapacitated man Dr. Kehlmann wanted to send to a nursing home for the rest of his life because Dr. Kehlmann claimed he could do nothing and there was no kind of technology which could help change that and no one to whom Dr. Bennett could turn to be taken care of in this almost vegetative state. Did Dr. Kehlmann’s claim come from the reality of who Dr. Bennett is or did his claim come from his racism which did not allow him to see African Americans in any other light?

Let me not mislead you. Dr. Bennett does have some memory loss, but his ability to think, function, work, walk, run, exercise, take care of himself totally is still very much intact. I wonder how many people’s lives have been ruined by such machinations. We have found one in the course of this investigation. When that investigation is complete we will put out a blog about it so you know what is happening in this world in the health industry.


May 4, 2020

Dr. Glenn S. Kehlmann

637 Washington Street Set 100

Brookline, MA. 02446-4500

Re:  Rev. Dr. Robert A. Bennett

Dear Dr. Kehlmann:

I would appreciate your removing my name as being among those for whom you are their Primary Care Physician.

It has been a very trying and extremely difficult relationship from which I have suffered and lost much.

My reasons include:

  1. When I fell because of recent eye surgery in 2019 and went to Beth Israel Hospital, I didn’t know until recently that you were to refer me to a neurologist before coming to see you for a check-up after that hospital visit.

2)  That was to happen because although Beth Israel did not find anything seriously wrong during that visit they did find dots on the CT Scan which they did not know if those dots were recent caused by the fall or if they had been there for quite a long time.  Their concern apparently, was to have me seen by a neurologist in about six weeks after that hospital visit to have another CT Scan taken to see if those dots were still the same or if they were bleeding into the space between the brain and the outside skull.

3)  My wife and I came to your office for a check-up about six weeks after that fall, you checked and said everything was fine.  But there was no neurologist referral either before or after that visit.

4)  I fell a second time in late February because our front stairs were being repaired and re-carpeted and I’d had a corneal transplant without realizing my peripheral vision in the eye so operated on was gone.  Not knowing that and not being accustomed to the loss of peripheral vision, going down the stairs, I did not see clearly and fell.

5)  My wife and I called you about that February, 2020 fall to see if we needed an appointment to come to your office, if we should go to the hospital or etc. and about the same time that was when we also discovered the neurologist referral that was supposed to happen after our first visit to your office did not get made.

6)  After being put on hold for an extended period of time the person from your office came back and said you would see me, but you were going on vacation and couldn’t see me until your returned because you were very busy getting ready for that vacation.

7)  My wife asked the person about a neurologist referral so we could see the neurologist and get a CT scan from our past visit to your office and do everything at once.

8)  Your office person put us on hold again for an extended period and came back to say you did not know any neurologists to whom to refer us.

9)  A few days after that telephone call, we had an appointment to see Dr. Green, the podiatrist.  We asked Dr. Green if he could refer us to a neurologist or if he could recommend one.  Dr. Green said that was your job and we should ask you about such a referral.  We told Dr. Green we had already called your office, but you were going on vacation and did not know of any neurologists to recommend.

10)  At the visit to your office, after my first fall, my wife and I gave you a Health Care Proxy naming my wife, Marceline Donaldson, as the health care proxy who I wanted.  We had that proxy drawn up by a probate attorney, Mr. Donald McInnis, and it was dated and signed November 18, 2019.  We had that done because of the problems we had at Beth Israel Hospital when I did not know there was a Health Care Proxy given to the Beth Israel people naming Maliça Aronowitz as the proxy.  Since she is not who I wanted as my health care proxy, we asked Mr. Donald McInnis to draw up such a form for us.

11)  When I went to Massachusetts General Hospital as a result of the second fall, it is my understanding that you faxed the Health Care Proxy which you apparently had, naming Maliça as my health care proxy instead of the one we gave to you into the person who sits outside your office to make sure another incident such as happened at Beth Israel would not happen again.

12)  When I went to MGH, I gave them my current Health Care Proxy and was told that there were two -the one I gave them and the one which had been faxed to them.

13)  Upon investigation of these two Health Care Proxy’s, MGH created a Health Care Proxy for me because there was a one character typo in the Health Care Proxy from Mr. McInnis and they wanted to be sure my wife and I were “safe”.  “Safe” because there were people running around the hospital “investigating” me and my wife for reasons none of us knew nor understood.

14)  Before giving us the MGH created Health Care Proxy, the person at MGH who handles their proxies talked with me in my hospital room in the neurology department for a very long time to make sure I knew what I was signing.

15)  Since I was very concerned about who was my health care proxy, I wanted to make sure there were no issues with my Health Care Proxy and I was very clear that the proxy from MGH was the one I wanted to be valid because my wife knows me better than anyone.

16)  It was horrifying to me to discover the things that Ms. Nora Al Wetaid attributed to you in her affidavit signed under the penalties of perjury.  Your comments and your position as my PCP caused me much trouble, helped keep me incarcerated at MGH against my will and I feel contributed to what we are discovering was a criminal conspiracy against me and my family and which took away five weeks of my life where I was treated as a criminal without cause and was not able to move very far from the seven foot by nine foot space in which I “lived” during those five weeks.

17)  My wife was charged with medical and physical abuse against me – there were claims of this abuse which were definitely not true.  My wife and I have had a very loving relationship for 36 years.  We were both respected members of this community until you and others destroyed our reputation and much more of our lives.  I do and did not have broken ribs, the bones in my legs were not splintered and other such abuses you and others atributed to my wife.

18)  I was also appalled to find people spreading comments all over about my medical history which I did not know and which they claim came from you.  I thought medical records were private, however, Somerville/Cambridge Elder and Protective Services are the people who claimed many things about my health which they spread far and wide.  They did not have my wife’s permission to access my medical records, nor did you have permission from either one of us to share my medical records with that group nor with anyone else and since my wife was my Health Care Proxy over the time this was going on, there should have been no one out there with permission to so distribute such.

Because of the abuse charges and so many other things which happened in which your name constantly surface, my wife was very badly treated by many people in and around MGH and Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services – a group that surfaced from nowhere into causing a tornado around us.

According to Ms. Al-Wetaid, you said some horrendous things about my wife – a woman you met for about 15 minutes once in your office when she accompanied me to the only time I was seen by you.

Given the above and more, I do not want you to continue as my primary care physician.


Rev. Dr. Robert A. Bennett, Jr.

49 Hawthorn Street

Cambridge, MA. 02138

617 497 9166


Member One responds: I am beginning to get the message of what is happening to Marceline and Robert. I have a grandfather (African American) who did not have much money, or income, but his story is very similar. We need to ask you to help us. The same people were involved – I could give you the names of the attorneys involved as well as the other people and what happened to my grandfather. He was in his eighties when this happened. He is today living outside of Massachusetts because he is scared to death that the Protective Services people will come after him again. They said he was incapable of making decisions on his own, etc. and called him “incapacitated”. We are ashamed to say anything to anyone – however, reading what is happening to you we want our story out in the public. He also has two friends to whom the same thing happened. We don’t know where the protective services people came from, but all of a sudden they were all over us and demanding that we get Mass Health just like what happened to Robert and Marceline. They made constant demands. My grandfather had some assets, but not much and he is now totally broke – everything he had from his life’s work is gone to the people who pushed into our family without cause.

Member Two Responds – Please say more about the “Protective Order” they have over Robert. We went through something like that with our family. The Protective Order they got, happened in a court hearing where we knew nothing about the hearing and only heard about the Protective Order. We never knew what it contained because they “impounded” it. We do know they used that to put my Uncle in a nursing home where he died last week of the Coronavirus. He would still be alive but for those folks pushing into our family. You talk about a “criminal conspiracy”. From what we experienced I think you are right on target. Please continue your work and writing. I hope we can call. We would like you to know who we are and please keep up with us. We are devastated with what happened in our family. We didn’t realize the same thing was happening to others. My Uncle was doing fine until these people just appeared on our door step. It was awful. As we went through this process they lied like dogs. I have never felt so helpless in life as not being able to help my Uncle. He was just taken away from our family – and so were his assets. That seemed to be the point of all this. He was fairly well off, not wealthy but with a nice estate. All of that was gone before he died. It went into the Protective Services people. They were really careless with money and spent my Uncle’s money and other assets like drunk sailors. Our whole family is in shock. We couldn’t get an attorney to represent my Uncle. The Court appointed an attorney in that hearing in which we were not represented and neither was my Uncle. We knew nothing about the hearing. After the hearing we didn’t hear from the attorney and an attorney we tried to hire could do nothing because my Uncle had an attorney – court appointed. When you say the attorney was a “place holder” that is exactly what we experienced. Since we could do nothing in Court we were totally helpless while these people just ripped off my Uncle. Worst was we didn’t see him after they took him away. Something in the Protective Order kept us away although we never knew what that was because we’ve never been able to see the order.

Photos of Robert Bennett and Marceline Donaldson. Somerville Cambridge Protective Services claims Robert is incapacitated and must be forcibly detained in a nursing home for the rest of his life under the guardianship of Jewish Center for Family and Children!

May 21st, 2020

How evil! And they are doing this with tax payers money in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Of course, taxpayers will not benefit as Robert Bennett’s estate is stripped of everything and that money goes to private individuals involved in what we believe is a criminal conspiracy. Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services wants to take Robert Bennett away from his family forcibly and put his guardianship under the Jewish Center for Family and Children. That has always mystified us because Robert Bennett has adult children who are fairly substantial financially and personally; he has extended family who would and have been there for him; he has a wife who would never put him in a nursing home and has more than adequately taken care of him as he has of her. Does this come under “The perils of being Black.” Your assets, for which you worked all of your life don’t belong to you they can be stripped away from you by those lusting after what you have and have figured out how to take what they have not earned.

That Jewish Center for Family and Children has been involved in other such moves which the families are still fighting to get their family member released from being totally destroyed physically and financially some five years later. All of their resources going to attorneys and others. The estate of the person so selected going to pay salaries of many people – some of his family restricted from having access to him on any level. It is a pattern – which has been repeated many times – sometimes even with Blacks who are not well off, but struggling to make ends meet. Whatever assets they have acquired have been taken and when they are totally in poverty they are released from under all that went before and they are on the street. Some have had family pick them up off the street and continue to care for them and try to bring them back to where they were before they were stripped of everything including their dignity.

Robert Bennett and Marceline Donaldson at Whole Foods on May 20, 2020.

Sorry for the look, but this is what happens when hair salons have been closed for a few months.

Take a good look at Robert. If this is how one looks, acts, gets around when incapacitated, maybe we should all try that way of being. From Marceline – “We were delighted to meet a friend at Whole Foods in Fresh Pond and she took our picture. This was May 20, 2020. We will post other pictures on Robert living his life with all that he is doing.”

SCES and others claimed he was “incapacitated” and described his lack of every kind of mental capability. What they did not say is that they are the people who unsuccessfully tried to “incapacitate” him. They filed a “Guardianship” action the day after he was let out of Mass General Hospital.

They had an agreement with Robert’s son that he could leave Mass General Hospital and they would back off all of their past actions. They wanted Robert’s son to agree that a family Health Care Company would be allowed to see him periodically. Robert’s family agreed and complied – SCES broke the agreement immediately, the day after Robert left Mass General, by having Attorney O’Sullivan file a guardianship suit against Robert to have him put under the care of Jewish Center for Family and Children and then delivered to a Hebrew Nursing Home. That was done by SCES with papers served the day after Robert left Mass General Hospital for home.

Some interesting observations that we are now investigating:

  1. Robert’s family thought this was being paid for by Robert’s medical insurance, but we investigated and have discovered that is not true. The reason for Robert having been identified in the first court hearing as indigent is one of the first steps in what we believe to be a criminal conspiracy. Once indigent the police come to take you out of your home without questioning how could a man who lives in such a house be indigent? Second step, the police take you to the designated hospital – we have serious questions about that designated hospital having been Mount Auburn and only became Mass General when Robert and his wife insisted that was where he had been until the day before. If it was not going to be Mass General they were going to have to drag Robert physically out of his house. At the designated hospital there is no charge for an “indigent” person being admitted especially if it is at the request of Protective Services from some part of Massachusetts – in this case Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services. We are still trying to discover who pays the hospital bill. Is this a contribution by Mass General? Does the state pay the bill – which means the taxpayers of Massachusetts or is there some other funding for this. Five weeks incarcerated at Mass General is not a small amount of money – not including all the other fees involved – the lawyers fees and much more. What we also don’t understand is how could Mass General not put this all together? A patient comes into the hospital for brain surgery with adequate insurance. Discharged after surgery. Two days later the patient is brought back as “indigent” and is checked into Mass General with who paying the bill? And no questions from Mass General? I hate to think this hospital that – so far – Robert and Marceline think of very highly is a part of all this! However, we have nothing to show otherwise. MGH has had more than one such “patient” forced into their hospital. At some point “innocence” – “ignorance to what is happening” – all of those kind of excuses by MGH or any other hospital involved in these kinds of kidnapping shenanigans begins to wear thin. What is the criteria before MGH begins to be accused – as the others should be accused – of kidnapping.

2. This really comes down to fraud perpetrated against many – especially taxpayers, Mass General Hospital, and so many more.

Robert Bennett was forced into Mass General using the Cambridge police to do the forcing without his wife or family being given any court documents to say they could – so they does that mean they literally forced their way into the home and accomplished taking Robert Bennett out and bringing him to Mass General without fulfilling the most basic requirement – produce a court document to prove you have the authority to do what you are doing..

At Mass General, Robert Bennett was listed as “indigent” with other little notes embroidered to make the fact that Robert would be kept away from everyone who cared about him for as long as it took to “incapacitate” him.

It also explains why his wife was threatened so many times with Robert being sent immediately to a nursing home if she did not apply for Mass Health – in spite of the fact that they had adequate health insurance and they did not qualify for Mass Health. The pattern this “criminal conspiracy” needed to move along the way it had in the past was the patient having Mass Health – whether they qualified or not. We are still trying to discover why the threats, over a couple months, of what would happen is Marceline did not apply for Mass Health. They couldn’t, all of a sudden, use Robert’s health insurance – which they knew about – that would have clouded the story they were setting up to tell.

If you tried to visit him at MGH you could not because he was not listed as a patient. He was listed on a special list and we don’t know what those on that list have in common. You could not call him because the operator would insist there was no Robert Bennett as a patient at MGH.

So what were they hiding? Robert Bennett was a paying patient at MGH for his surgery. He was a “charity” patient for this forced stay because that is what was needed for SCES and their friends and supporters to take over another human beings life, reputation, assets, and remove him from his family.

Thought I would share this to bridge any unbelievability that an African American man who is totally able to negotiate life physically and otherwise on his own would have to face the kind of vicious harassment Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett is having to face being pursued for his estate by Attorney James O’Sullivan, Ms. Nora Al-Wetaid, Ms. Angela Clary, Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services and others. Our investigation says this is a criminal conspiracy and needs to be investigated by law enforcement.

It is a pattern which is a variation on that which is happening on the border with migrants separated from their families and more. Sort of reminds you of slavery in these United States during which those in charge felt no problems with the way they destroyed slave families; separated slave families; cheated slave families out of any and everything they could and so much more.

We see this as a criminal conspiracy which others have had to also face and negotiate using resources they earned and are now being threatened with poverty because of the greed of the people perpetrating this criminal conspiracy. It may have been legal during slavery days, it is not legal today.

City Council people need to move to stop this from happening in their cities. State Senators and others need to stop this from happening and from using taxpayers money to push this conspiracy to increase the wealth of some and destroy the wealth and life of others.

My favorite story – comparing Massachusetts to the very deep south.

We are looking into what happened to an African American man living in the deep south. Like Robert Bennett he was living in an otherwise all white neighborhood which had kept blacks out for a couple centuries. He bought the home of a very high up member of the KKK. They thought this was great because oil rights were involved and the KKK former owner of the home saw this as a way to sell his house and get the oil rights because colored folks were to “ignorant” to know how to stop him. And then he could be relieved of his property. Unfortunately for the KKK person, that ignorant colored person did know how to get the oil rights which were his anyway by virtue of his home ownership. What happened? The African American wound up incarcerated in the hospital just like Robert. He was picked up by the police and forced into the hospital when no one was home – so his family did not know where he was and they looked all over for him. It took four weeks for this African American man in his 80’s to be able to use a telephone to call his family to let them know where he was. With cell phones – he didn’t have his – pay phones are no longer around for public use – hospital phones were not allowed to him and so much more. His family worked to get him out and home after the expenditure of many resources which should not have been so spent.

Massachusetts brags so about its “openness”. In reality Massachusetts has the reputation for being one of the most racist places in the United States. Sophisticatedly so, but racist nevertheless. Here is a parallel case – how similar things were handled in Massachusetts and in a deep south state in about the same time frame.


Motion Filed in Massachusetts Trial Court by Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett, Jr.

May 14th, 2020

Motion is to:

Dismiss Protective Order

Validate the Health Care Proxy naming my wife – Marceline Donaldson – as my Health Care Proxy

Invalidate the Health Care {Proxy which the court put in place naming Maliça Aronowitz as Health Care Proxy


Sanction Attorney James O’Sullivan

I am Rev. Dr. Robert A. Bennett, Jr. and I ask this court to dismiss the Protective Order, obtained by Attorney James O’Sullivan who asked the court for an emergency hearing in which I was not notified and Attorney O’Sullivan obtained that order in an exparte hearing through lies, misrepresentations, combined with an affidavit sworn to under penalties of perjury by Ms. Nora Al Wetaid and Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services. Ms. Al Wetaid’s affidavit is full of lies from the beginning to the end – and easily disproven.

  1. Attorney O’Sullivan declared to the court in the process of the ex parte hearing that Robert Bennett was “indigent”. Attorney O’Sullivan knew that was not true as did Ms. Al Wetaid, but both presented themselves to the court as being there on behalf of an “indigent” person.

I am Roert A. Bennett, Jr. and I have never in life been “indigent” as I am not “indigent” today.

2) Neither Attorney O’Sullivan nor Ms. Nora Al Wetaid had any reason to attempt to take over my life nor to represent me as they have tried to do attempting to separate me from life, property, family, much more and having no qualms about lying to achieve that goal.

3) Attorney O’Sullivan asked this court for the emergency hearing. To obtain such Attorney O’Sullivan lied to the court about what he claimed were the emergency reasons.

For Example: Attorney O’Sullivan did not tell the court he, Ms. Nora Al Wetaid and Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective services had the police come to my house and forcibly take me out of my home against my will and with no reason. They filed a section 12 against me on March 2, 2020 which was carried out on March 3, 2020. In that section 12 they were trying to force me into Mount Auburn Hospital.

My wife (Marceline Donaldson) and I insisted that if this was necessary then it should be Massachusetts General Hospital instead of Mount Auburn Hospital. I was concerned as to why they would insist on Mount Auburn Hospital when I was just out of Massachusetts General Hospital after brain surgery.

I was forcibly brought to Massachusetts General Hospital after eight white policemen and about five EMT people, two ambulances, theatre acted out on the sidewalk outside my house with a hospital gurney sitting there surrounded by more police and more EMT people waiting for force me onto the gurney.

I had no physical problems, at that point and walked, talked, thought and participated in life as a whole human being. Before this happened, I worked in developing a business with my wife six days a week.

4) I was brought to MGH and put in an emergency room in the section of the emergency room where people who had psychotic breaks, overdosed on drugs and/or alcohol, were a threat to society by the way they acted out in public and police had to be called, and people who were a threat to themselves having tried or threatened suicide.

My wife stayed with me in the emergency room from the time I was brought in on March 3, 2020 in the morning until I was discharged on March 4, 2020 at 3:30am the next morning.

I was discharged with “no medicines prescribed”, vitals in the normal range”, no reason for having been picked up in the first place.

5) Immediately after I was discharged from the dates on her affidavit, Ms. Nora Al Wetaid and Attorney O’Sullivan started the process of doing what they felt was necessary to put me back into the hospital and this time keep me there. Ms. Al Wetaid and Ms. Angela Clary engaged several people in MGH and outside of MGH to be a part of a conspiracy to keep me in the hospital and gave those people a story which was not true, which they knew was not true and which Attorney O’Sullivan also knew was not true, but which was what they needed to keep me in MGH with cause indefinitely.

6) My wife was accused of abuse – without proof – and with lies.

To get the second section 12 and the Protective Order, which they used to put me back into MGH just a couple days after I was discharged from the first section 12, they did not tell the court that this was the second time in 24 hours that they were trying to have me held in the hospital. They did not tell the court I had been discharged because the first section 12 should not have been filed. I did not fit any of the reasons one filed a section 12 against a human being.

After what I went through at MGH for five weeks, under the supervision of Somerville cambridge Wlder and Protective Services, it is nothing short of a miracle that I am in the good condition I am in today, living happily with my wife and family and able to have control over my body without anyone forcing me to stay in bed 24/7 as happened at MGH by the Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services who insisted that I not be allowed out of bed or out of the chair next to my bed in a space which was seven by nine feet and was also occupied by much hospital equipment.

7) A Health Care Proxy which I signed November 18, 2019 naming my wife, Marceline Donaldson as my Health Care Proxsy, was invalidated by the court at the request of Attorney O’Sullivan. Attorney O’Sullivan apparently hid from the court the fact that the Health Care Proxy he asked the court to validate was one which appointed Maliça Aronowitz as Health Care Proxy, it was also one about which I knew nothing, had not signed and did not want Ms. Aronowitz as my Health Care Proxy.

8) I asked Donald McInnis to create the new Health Care Proxy which I signed on November 18, 2019 – another fact Attorney O’Sullivan kept from the court.

I discovered Ms. Aronowitz had a Health Care Proxy about which I knew nothing, had not signed and did not want Ms. Aronowitz as my Health Care Proxy. It is my understanding that Health Care Proxy’s created for and signed by the individual who is the subject of the Health Care Proxy are to be respected and not so irresponsibly invalidated without proof of anything. It was also my understanding that it was illegal to have such an ex parte hearing because this is the kind of thing which can result. There are exceptions to that rule, however, I would not think that a hearing in which my freedom as at stake and which changed my health care proxy would be a hearing about which I would not be notified.

9) In addition, the Health Care Proxy which Mr. McInnis created and had been signed by me on November 18, 2019 had a one character typo which was of concern to MGH because there were people all over the hospital trying to “investigate” me, my family, and more.

MGH issued its own Health Care Proxy and that was done after the woman who handles such for MGH talked to me in my hospital room several days after the operation when I was quite able to understand the conversation and conveyed to her several times that I wanted meh wife, Marceline Donaldson, as my proxy.

MGH is not a “fly by night” institution which goes around issuing Health Care Proxy’s without first doing the work to make sure they are legal and properly executed and are very particular about what they do. This court totally disrespected MGH and the person who issued the proxy and instead validated a Health Care Proxy which Ms. Al Wetaid knew had not been signed by me and about which I knew nothing and which Attorney O’Sullivan knew the same or should have known.

At the very least, Attorney O’Sullivan knew the Health Care Proxy created by Attorney McInnis invalidated the proxy which Maliça Aronowitz presented to MGH because Attorney McInnis’ Health Care Proxy specifically stated any HPC prior to November 18, 2019 was invalidated.

10) If I had been notified of the hearing we would have been able to present the history of the HCP’s which the court invalidated and that I actually appointed Marceline Donaldson as my Health Care Proxy and that was my wish executed by Attorney McInnis and MGH with my knowledge and at my request That would have prevented the pain, horror and loss of weeks of my life that has now happened. That was the beginning of Attorney O’Sullivan pushing into my life and creating a horrible mess, which – on knowledge and belief – has happened before and Attorney O’Sullivan and those like him should be removed from being involved in such decisions and in lives of people whose assets have been taken, who have lost family and friends and some who have sound up homeless.

11) I am asking that the entire Protective Order be invalidated and removed. I would be more specific, but in spite of having received the records of my case from attorneys and not having been able to get a copy of the Protective Order from this court I don’t know what else is contained therein.

Given the way Attorney O’Sullivan handled this and the way Ms. Noral Al Wetaid lied in her affidavit to support Attorney O’Sullivan, I am sure whatever else is in the Protective Order is not in my best interest nor in the best interest of my family.

I have and have had family who cares about me and about whom I care. My wife and I have taken care of each other for over 36 years. We do not need any oversight by these groups, nor did we want Home Health Care Services which is an institution which also has serious problems not the least of which is sexual abuse of those they supposedly oversee. This is what I have been forced to go through by people who are what – lusting after our estate?

Given the fact that the only illness I have had in the entire time of my marriage to Marceline Donaldson, was the two falls which were due to eye surgery which Maliça Aronowitz pushed me into having, which I did not want and which did nothing for my eyes, but which has caused this grief. There are not many in as good shape as we are and should continue to be but for the interference of groups like Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services.

I am 87 years old and my wife is 82 years old we must be doing something right about our life and health.

It took quite a bit to get me back to good health after being discharged from MGH this last time because when I left the hospital I could barely walk even with the help of a walker and when I arrived home I do so without shoes because my feet were so swollen none of my shoes fit. I also had to have help getting into the car which brought me home and two people plus the walker had to help me get out of the car. That is what Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services “intervention” into my life caused me and my family.

When I was forced into MGH I was walking, talking, enjoying the company of friends, had just sat down to a candlelight dinner with my adult children who had driven from Washington, D. C. to spend time with me after my brain surgery and so much more. My wife and I were working on a substantial expansion of the business in which I work and that expansion would have carried us through this COVID-19 time. Instead, we have been reduced to fighting people trying to destroy my life, our marriage, my family relationships and more, using our resources because a few people saw a way to act out their greed” Their need to be Mother Theresa” their overstepping their job descriptions?……etc.

The “Protective Order” and Maliça Aronowitz as my Health Care Proxy forced on me by this court were not in my best interest and, in fact, caused my health to fail. Maliça was picked to be my Health Care Proxy probably because it was clear my wife was not going to allow anyone to feed me 10 t0 12 pills per day without prescriptions and without any diagnosis which said those pills were needed. MaliCa Aronowitz was apparently seen as someone who could be manipulated to the advantage of all those concerned.

I am now walking over 1 mile per day. I am back to work with my wife six days a week without fatigue, my shoes not fit, and my health is as good as it has been over the years. That happened under the care of Marceline Donaldson who stopped the downward spiral Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services along with Ms. Nora Al Wetaid and Ms. Angela Clary and Attorney O’Sullivan and the psychologist who authorized the section 12 without ever having even met me and who signed off on a second section 12 without any qualms about the possibility that something untoward was going on if I had been discharged by MGH and the first section 12 lifted by them.

I was given hallucinatory drugs, psychotropic drugs and many other pills which added up to about 10 pills per day without my knowledge of what they were nor my consent. My wife was kept away and could not visit – she was allowed to visit only 3 times in five weeks and then only for 1/2 hour each time and then only with a Security Guard and policeman present during those three visits.

I think I have been put through enough by this institution and I am asking that my Health Care Proxy that I wanted and asked to be created be validated – that Malica Aronowitz be removed as my Health Care Proxy and my wife put back in that place which was my choice from the beginning – and that these institutions stay out of my life, including Attorney O’Sullivan and Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services.

I am also asking that Attorney O’Sullivan be sanctioned and that Somerville/Cambridge Elder and Protective Services be closed until they can be investigated to see how many people they have so pushed over into their area of power.

We have been contacted by several people who have experienced the same thing and after talking with them extensively, we believe this is a criminal conspiracy which operates within Massachusetts Protective and Elder Services – which at the least needs new management and at best needs to have all of the people they have forced into their sphere of operation questioned to see what happened to them and if they and their families were harmed by this group.

Respectfully submitted

Robert A. Bennett, Jr.

witnessed by:_______________________________-

May 14, 2020

SCES now trying for Guardianship over Rev. Dr. Bennett

April 29th, 2020

They don’t want financial oversight, but they do want to be able to “spend down funds” to pay for Rev. Dr. Bennett’s care. Where do these people come from? They also want the Court to give them the right to give Dr. Bennett anti-psychotic medicine. Doctors have given up their rights to prescribe to the Court? Or is this what happens when there is no diagnosis and the lawyers and others want to medicate patients. Their arrogance is overwhelming to come out of the blue to take over your life when they are incompetent, lie extensively, and so much more. How does one move to ask that an attorney be disbarred and others be removed and the organization be investigated with its management totally replaced or the organization disbanded with some other way of doing what it was supposed to do, but found too many personal conflicts?

 This was sent to the TRIAL COURT OF MASSACHUSETTS          

Why are we making this public? Because we have found too many “secrets” and “under the table dealings” and “Court hearings with only one side knowing of the hearing in spite of a law saying otherwise” and hearing “there are exceptions” – hearing one side of a request where a person’s freedom is at stake should not qualify as an exception. We have also discovered that Health Care Proxy’s are not worth the paper on which they are written. They are invalidated and another put in its place if the persons involved are not as malleable as they should be to rip offs of assets over which people are drooling. Sounds harsh? Yes, we are angry at having to spend our lives and assets on Court actions that come out of the blue and never should have been filed or even listened to with any seriousness by the Court. Is this an example of the Trumpian effect on the Court’s. We didn’t vote for him – nor would we vote for anyone even closely resembling Donald Trump. 

What follows is the response to a motion filed for Guardianship over Robert Bennett filed on behalf of Somerville Cambridge Protective and Elder Services by Attorney James O’Sullivan whose firm represents such Elder Services groups across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

How did they get this far? Through lies, deceptions, manipulation of the Court and more.

Their request is that Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett’s guardianship be placed under the Jewish Center for Family and Children and he be sent by them to a Hebrew Nursing Home – who is this Dr. Bennett? A retired Episcopal priest.  Dr. Bennett does not need nor want any guardianship over him. These people pushed into his life from out of the blue to take it over – why is this “indigent man” being so oppressed, put under such pressure, taken forcibly out of his home for no reason, etc. etc.? You answer that question about this African American who, though being “indigent” as these people claim, lives in the Brattle Street area of Harvard Square and no, he does not live on the street as homeless although they are trying very hard to make that possible.

_______The answer to the motion which has been filed with the Trial Court of Massachusetts follows: Any lawyers interested, please let us know


On information and belief these petitions are a part of a criminal conspiracy against Robert Bennett and his family and need to be tried in a different Court.

In response to this particular motion: 
Their #3 says: “Robert Bennett is an incapacitated person in that Robert Bennett suffers from profound deficits resulting from severe traumatic brain injury.  He has poor concentration and memory and extremely poor insight and judgment about his current and most basic needs and is at great risk of falling and additional brain injury.”

 Our response to their #3.  Robert Bennett is not an incapacitated person.  Attorney Sullivan, Ms. Nora Al-Wetaid, Ms. Angela Clary, unamed MGH medical personnel, Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services, inc. and unnamed others participated in an orchestrated attempt to put Robert Bennett in the condition Attorney O’Sullivan claims is Robert Bennett’s current condition.  They were unsuccessful in their attempt because of the response of Robert Bennett’s family and because of Robert Bennett’s genes and lifestyle before this began.

Robert Bennett survived the attempts to destroy his health and his wealth  by the above named people partially because of his genes, his diet, his care of his health over the decades and more.

He is today a person who walks a mile a day; knows who he is and where he is; has friends who know his current condition and are ready to testify to such to this and any other Court; cares for himself; has health indicators taken over the past two weeks i.e. blood pressure, oxygen levels, temperature and more within the normal range; lives in a house which has three floors and Robert Bennett is up and down those three floors many times a day without any indication of risk of falling, etc.  He also attends to his own most basic needs and still is able to help others as he has done his entire life.

He reads, has good concentration, insight and judgment as can be testified to by several witnesses who have seen him, interact with him,  work with him in his business as they have for decades and have seen him currently as well as over the years.

Robert Bennett is in that position and condition in spite of the way Attorney O’Sullivan and others have attempted to destroy him, his health and his wealth for several months, including in the filing of such Court actions distorting reality and making claims which are bogus and meant to mislead and which in addition have lied to this Court to gain their end.  They have been doing this from the beginnings of their first filings in this matter starting March 2nd or 3rd, 2020.

4.  Their filing continues “The appointment of a temporary guardian is necessary or desirable as a means of providing continuing care and supervision of Robert Bennett.”

Our response to their #4. Robert Bennett does not need a temporary guardian, in spite of the attempts by Attorney O’Sullivan and the above people to put him in such a condition by involuntary and forced incarceration in Mass General Hospital more than once on the same psychiatric claim.    

The first “section 12” which Attorney O’Sullivan filed on behalf of Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services which formally began this criminal conspiracy against Robert Bennett to rob him of his freedom, with his right to vote taken away from him in spite of his request to be allowed to vote on March 3rd.  His ability to do so by this incarceration took that right away.  

This was an attempt to declare him psychotic – among other claims – none of which held up on this first forced incarceration and time spent in Mass General Hospital from March 3rd about 10:30am until being discharged by MGH on March 4th at 3:30am with “vital signs normal and no medicines prescribed”.

                                    That first forced incarceration under a section 12 which was signed, as required, by a psychologist, who also said she had never met Robert Bennett, never examined Robert Bennett, never been to Robert Bennett’s house and yet she signed for this African American man to be picked up and forced out of his home to be forcibly incarcerated at MGH against his will and the will of his family. 

Attorney O’Suollivan’s intent can be seen by the fact that eight white policemen, accompanied by five or six EMT people with two ambulances on the street outside Dr. Bennett’s home, with a hospital gurney on the sidewalk surrounded by police and EMT’s waiting for Dr. Bennett to be brought out and forced into the gurney was beyond overkill unless you were orchestrating a racist trope. 

Robert Bennett, who was quite capable of walking, talking, being aware of his life and surroundings was not allowed to go to MGH any way other than being forcibly laid on the gurney, put in an ambulance and brought to MGH tied down on such gurney.   

It was a circus and show for the neighborhood and those within range of Robert Bennett’s home to such an extent people were running from the Charles River to Robert Bennett’s home to watch what was happening.  It was demeaning, disgraceful, degrading, humiliating, shameful, undignified, belittling, contemptuous, debasing, decrying and denigrative. which Attorney O’Sullivan along with the others involved caused knowingly in what has unfolded as an extensive criminal conspiracy to deprive Robert Bennett of his freedom and lock him into a hospital, which they apparently expected to deteriorate his condition to that described by Attorney O’Sullivan in this and other motions.  It was also a criminal conspiracy meant to forcibly remove Robert Bennett from his home and neighborhood.  It was a racist trope even Hollywood would not believe happened in 2020. 

5.  Their filing continues:  “Robert Bennett’s needs cannot be met by less restrictive means, including the use of appropriate and reasonably available technological assistance.” 

After the first forced incarceration under a section 12 was dismissed by MGH with Robert Bennett being discharged in less than 24 hours after he was forcibly detained and forced into the hospital by all of the police called to carry out this “section 12” – Attorney O’Sullivan and those participating in this conspiracy had Robert Bennett, an African American citizen of these United States, a graduate of Harvard University Graduate School of Arts with a doctorate in his field, having established a substantial career including even to the day of his first forced incarceration into MGH.

This action removed him from his home without cause by abusing the police, the Court, debasing the intended and correct use of “section 12” and more to affect the criminal conspiracy that is still being attempted.  This motion by Attorney O’Sullivan on behalf of those who are a part of this criminal conspiracy is not about the appointment of a temporary guardian, but is `a part of carrying out of that conspiracy.

The conspiracy being mentioned and outlined in Ms. Al-Wetaid’s first affidavit to which she swore under pains and penalties of perjury, which she and James O’Sullivan used to push their way into Dr. Bennett’s family by recruiting people to join, telling them not the truth of the situation, but a version which would allow them to participate easing their conscience as they moved extensively against this African American man and his family. 

6.  Their filing continues:  “Immediate and substantial harm to the health, safety or welfare of Robert Bennett will likely result prior to the return date, and it appears that no other suitable person has authority to act in the circumstances.” 

This is another one of Attorney O’Sullivan’s misleadings of the Court with descriptions to the Court to justify his requests which are not rooted in fact, but in the story telling needed to continue and move along the criminal conspiracy to deprive Dr. Bennett of his freedom, his wealth, his health, separate him from his wife, and life through being incarcerated against his will while his health and wealth and life do actually disappear.

 Dr. Bennett’s life actually being threatened by this request that he be incarcerated in a nursing home, with others making decisions over him and his life in an environment which is producing many dead and/or infected by the coronavirus which has a rate of such deaths and infections in nursing homes substantially above that in the overall society.

Robert Bennett is living at home and has been for several weeks and is thriving from having been removed from MGH after his family, friends and acquaintances moved to bring what was happening in MGH to the attention of those higher up at MGH.

Robert Bennett has lived and continues to live with his family, has a large group of friends with whom he and his wife interact on a regular basis.  They are correct in saying “there is no other suitable person having authority to act in the circumstances” if they mean no other person capable of piercing that family circle to continue their attempts to destroy Robert Bennett’s health and wealth as they have attempted to do.

The people around Robert Bennett are concerned about protecting him from the likes of those engaged in this criminal conspiracy to keep them from further harming Robert Bennett – who has lost five weeks of his life and much more incarcerated in MGH confined to a space seven feet by nine feet having no access to a window to even be able to look outside let alone to be outside having the window in the two bed room cut off from him via a curtain.  

In addition, having been kept in bed during that time with alarms under him in the bed and going from the bed to a chair which was alarmed also so nurses could move quickly to make sure Robert Bennett was not allowed out of bed, it is clear what that kind of incarceration would do to an 87 year old human being who is accustomed to being up and about, taking care of himself, walking on a daily basis, jogging on occasion and bicycle riding on other occasions – there is no one in Robert Bennett’s circle of family and friends who would act in such a way to continue the destruction of Robert Bennett started by Attorney O’Sullivan and his group of conspirators.  

It is clear what Attorney O’Sullivan, who with Ms. Nora Al-Wetaid caused that incarceration under those circumstances expected their and the actions of others in their conspiratorial group to produce.

The intent was clearly to destroy the health of Dr. Bennett during that time in MGH.  But for having very good genes and having lived a life free of alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, with no hint of mental problems of any kind Robert Bennett may not have survived such treatment or if he did, that survival would be the kind of life Attorney O’Sullivan has prepared for Robert Bennett to move him out of his home and neighborhood into one more “appropriate” for this African American man.

7.  Their filing continues: “Robert Bennett needs to be immediately placed in a nursing facility in order to protect his health, safety and welfare.”

Attorney O’Sullivan and those in this group of conspirators threatened Robert Bennett’s family – especially his wife – with all the things they would do to them if they didn’t do what they were told.  They were threatened with Attorney O’Sullivan sending Robert Bennett to an “Hebrew nursing home” with his guardianship under a Jewish Center for family and children if the family did not follow his orders. – This they considered a substantial threat to a retired Episcopal priest and his family.

Most people will recognize that as a very bigoted trope which goes along with the eight white policemen forcing an African American man out of his home in a very white only neighborhood where the institutions, including the banks had a policy of ‘red-lining’ to maintain the whiteness of the neighborhood.

With the advent of our current politicians, it is now possible to attempt to remove those like Robert Bennett and return this society to what it was in the 1950’s on behalf of – on information and belief – those recently moving into that neighborhood who were surprised to find their neighbors on the corner to be African American.  This particular trope, Jews over Blacks,  is and has been commonly used to “divide and conquer”.

To immediately place Robert Bennett in a nursing facility would not protect his health, safety and welfare, especially in this time of coronavirus.  Instead it would be an almost sure death sentence given the conditions and what is happening in most nursing homes around the country.  In East Boston, the elderly have been “locked in” as they have been in most parts of Massachusetts insuring that Robert Bennett would once again be cut off from his family and friends as he was in MGH.

During the time Robert Bennett was incarcerated in MGH he was not allowed to have any visitors, he was not allowed telephone calls from anyone except a couple who were certified “safe” and most likely a part of this conspiracy and his wife was not allowed to visit except for three times during his five week stay and then only for 1/2 hour each time and only with a Security Guard and Policeman present.  She was threatened many times by the Security Guards one of whom threatened to physically throw her out of MGH if she didn’t leave immediately when she arrived to spend the supposedly allowed 1/2 hour with Robert Bennett, her husband of 36 years.   Everyone who knows them will testify to the fact that it was and is a loving, caring relationship where they take care of each other as they have done during that entire period of time.

8.  Their filing says:  “The name and address of any agent designated under a health care proxy is as follows: uncertain at this time.”

Using the health care proxy is one important way Attorney O’Sullivan and his group have controlled Robert Bennett and the lack of care he has received.

There is a Health Care Proxy which should be operational.  Robert Bennett had a Health Care Proxy drawn up by probate attorney Don McInnis and it was signed by Robert Bennett on November 18, 2019.  Attorney O’Sullivan and all others know this to be true and have done everything they could do to cloud this issue because Robert Bennett’s wife is who Robert Bennett named as his health care proxy.

On information and belief Attorney O’Sullivan and those involved in his group lied to the Court about Robert Bennett’s Health Care Proxy because it was to their advantage and to the intent of the criminal conspiracy to cloud and discredit Robert Bennett’s wife as much as possible and they declared – especially in the signed affidavit of Ms. Nora Al-Wetaid –  that Robert Bennett was not conscious of what he was doing when he signed the Health Care Proxy which Attorney O’Sullivan asked the Court in March 4th or 5th to invalidate and put in its place a Health Care Proxy which Robert Bennett himself had invalidated and which caused Robert Bennett to ask Attorney McInnis to prepare a Health Care Proxy for Robert Bennett to sign.

Attorney O’Sullivan completely misled the Court during his March 4th or 5th request to this Court for a “Protective Order” which he used to keep Robert Bennett incarcerated in MGH along with a “section 12” all of which became the central part around which this criminal conspiracy evolved.  The section 12 was never lifted because it was never addressed by the MGH people.   Robert Bennett was forced to take pills which he did not want and did not know what they were for or what they were.

There were five to ten pills per day given to Dr. Bennett – which he was forced to take none of which were prescribed and all were ‘over the counter’ medicines.   A couple were psychotropic drugs which caused Dr. Bennett to hallucinate while in the hospital which was of major concern to Dr. Bennett and a couple others were so difficult for him when they were sent home with him to continue this regime of non-prescribed over the counter drugs which he did not want nor need it was horrendous to watch how painful it was for him to take a couple of the over the counter pills because of his negative reaction to them.  Robert Bennett was only let out of the hospital if his family agreed to continue giving him these pills and would accept the visit of six or more home health people from the Blissful Agency, who were to continue giving Dr. Bennett these drugs.   
Dr. Bennett’s family were not allowed to choose the health care agency they would want to work with, they were told only the Blissful Agency was acceptable.

Both Robert Bennett and his wife were very concerned with all of the people who would be going and coming in and out of their home with the threat of bringing the virus with each person entering or leaving the house, especially considering their age.  They were told that this was the only way Dr. Bennett would be allowed to go to his home.  If they did not accept that, he would be sent immediately to a nursing home since he had to leave the hospital no matter what. MGH social workers assured them they would not catch the coronavirus in spite of having so many different people going back and forth in their home.  It was a horrendous time for everyone in the family knowing that it was very possible either one or both could very well come down with the coronavirus under the circumstances thrust upon them by MGH.

He was sent home to his wife with the Protective Order still overhanging them with the refusal to remove it by Attorney O’Sullivan who – on information and belief – intended to use it against them at some point in the near future.  MGH Social Workers asked Robert Bennett’s son to come to Boston to spend a week to pick up Dr. Bennett from the hospital to bring him home and to stay with the family for the rest of the week.  After that, they were told, they could go home and things would be fine.

They asked Dr. Bennett’s son to choose – stay home and shelter in place as he and his wife had been doing and turn his back on his father, or risk getting the coronavirus and go to Cambridge to get his father out of MGH.

The agreement was that Dr. Bennett would be sent home and would not be harassed by those who had done the harassing in the past, however, two days after Dr. Bennett was released from the hospital, Attorney O’Sullivan served this motion to have Dr. Bennett placed under guardianship by the Jewish Center for Family and Children and suggested that he would then be sent by them to a Hebrew Nursing Home along with other motions and threats made by Attorney O’Sullivan which he is in the process of carrying out because neither Robert Bennett or his wife would, once again, apply for Mass Health at Attorney O’Sullivans’ demand that they do so.

In spite of spending much time protecting her husband and making sure he was healthy and safe, Attorney O’Sullivan and Ms. Nora Al-Wetaid both accused Robert Bennett’s wife of all kinds of negative things including asking the Court to invalidate the Health Care Proxy which probate attorney Don McInnis created for Robert Bennett at Dr. Bennett’s  request along with invalidating the Health Care Proxy which MGH created for Robert Bennett because MGH discovered that Health Care Proxy had a one character typographical error.  

The person at MGH who handles their Health Care Proxies discovered this discrepancy and created another Health Care Proxy for Robert Bennett changing that one character.  She spent about 45 minutes talking to Dr. Bennett alone in his room at MGH to make sure he understood the Health Care Proxy and what he was signing.   

This is the Health Care Proxy that Attorney O’Sullivan misrepresented to the Court as being a change in the person who was the health care proxy and representing to the Court his claim that Robert Bennett was not mentally able to know what he was signing when he signed the Health Care Proxy created by MGH with the one character change maintaining the same health care proxy he had when he entered the hospital.  That person continued as the health care proxy in the one created by MGH and that person is Robert Bennett’s wife, who these forces are trying mightily to move aside because one of their strongest moves has been to separate Robert Bennett from his wife re-creating Dr. Bennett’s wife as some horrible, irresponsible with other negative adjectives being added constantly to the way she is characterized and described by Attorney O’Sullivan and this group forming the criminal conspiracy.

It is clear how Attorney O’Sullivan has attempted to manipulate and lie to this Court as he ends his motion.

He says in “e.” – ” waive the appearance of Robert Bennett: and…”

To waive the appearance of Robert Bennett would not allow the Court to see a man who is healthy, competent, understanding of everything around him and responding as one would expect such a person in complete control of himself, his life, his mind would respond.  Without the appearance of Robert  Bennett that would continue the way Attorney O’Sullivan has brought this motion and others like them forward and succeeded in attaining his goal at the expense of Robert Bennett and his family, friends, acquaintances, business and business associates.

This is how Attorney O’Sullivan manipulated this Court into hearing a motion request for a “Protective Order” against Robert Bennett’s wife, among others, without proof, and how he was able to ask for that hearing to be without his giving notice to Robert Bennett of the hearing being able to manipulate the Court in the most obscene ways.  He started that manipulation of the Court by not telling the Court that MGH had just 24 hours earlier lifted the “section 12”  Attorney O’Sullivan filed against Dr. Bennett as being without cause and without medicines prescribed and with  Dr. Bennett’s vitals normal.  

The same “section 12” Attorney Sullivan was now filing against Dr. Bennett just 24 hours after the exact same charge was lifted with the addition of a Protective Order and the addition of Ms. Nora Al-wetaid talking in her affidavit and amongst people at MGH about conspiring to keep Dr. Bennett in MGH as long as possible.  They thought it was for his health – in fact, it was to have Dr. Bennett’s health, when he would finally be let out of MGH, match the “incapacitated” state Attorney O’Sullivan needed to match the guardianship motion amongst others he was going to file when that time came.

Sorrowfully, in the process of all of this we have heard that this kind of use of a “section 12”, which has other names in other parts of the country, are being used against African Americans to incarcerate them in the hospital – with their insurance companies paying the bill – with that being for no good reason except to incarcerate African Americans  who have committed no crimes and to relieve them of substantial amounts of their assets, their dignity, their respect and to destroy the life and reputation they created before this happened and  before releasing them. 

This Protective Order was impounded and neither Robert Bennett nor his wife knew about it or what was in it for weeks. 

In (d)  Attorney O’Sullivan asks that “health insurance benefits for Robert Bennett, including MassHealth be applied for”.

 This is another way Attorney O’Sullivan has threatened Robert Bennett’s wife and family constantly.  In his original filing, Attorney O’Sullivan identified Robert Bennett as “indigent”.  On information and belief this was done to allow the Court to go along with other requests which furthered the criminal conspiracy Attorney O’Sullivan and the group which did this criminal conspiracy.

The people involved had been to Robert Bennett’s home under disguise, and knew Robert Bennett was clearly not “indigent”.  In spite of that and in spite of knowing otherwise Attorney O’Sullivan misled the Court into thinking that Dr. Bennett was “indigent” and that came around again in his demands to the family, to which they did not acquiesce that they apply for Mass Health for Robert Bennett.  

This request generated threats to the family from unidentified persons – and allowed Attorney O’Sullivan to hide from the Court the fact that Dr. Bennett and his family have substantial insurance coverage which is more than adequate for his and their needs through the Episcopal Church Pension Fund which more than adequately takes care of its retired Episcopal priests – of which Dr. Bennett is one.  Attorney O’Sullivan and his group could never explain why Mass Health was necessary to be applied for when Robert Bennett and his family did not qualify for Mass Health and very much resented being asked to take advantage of something set up for those who needed such when they did not.

As this criminal conspiracy moved along Robert Bennett and his family were contacted by people who experienced a very similar process by Attorney O’Sullivan including the demand that they apply for Mass Health when they did not qualify.  They notified Dr. Bennett because they wanted him to know the reason for the demand that they apply for MassHealth was because the application provides a road map to the assets of the person who applied and did not qualify and that Mass health liens on those assets left them destitute.  All of the people who notified Robert Bennett and his family of such were destitute because their assets were taken – one was put out of the nursing home onto the street and his family, who had been denigrated and described as monsters in Court actions in the most negative way by Attorney O’Sullivan and those he represented to get the end result they achieved – their families were the ones who were there to take them off the street and back into the family which the person didn’t want to leave in the first place.

Their assets were never recovered for reasons we have not investigated, but the appropriate law enforcement agencies could investigate.  The families, at the moment, are terrified with one family group having left the state and will not cross the state line because of their fear after what happened to them through Attorney O’Sullivan’s representation of Elder and Protective Services Groups – which he and his firm apparently represent across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

By hiding and obscuring from the Court the fact that a section 12 was brought and lifted and Robert Bennett discharged by MGH without medicines prescribed and normal vitals, this allowed Attorney O’Sullivan along with an affidavit sworn under penalties of perjury by Ms. Nora Al-Wetaid which contained many untruths, to obtain a Protective Order from this Court which started this action and allowed Attorney O’Sullivan and the Protective Services people to promote the criminal conspiracy they put in place with the filing of the first “section 12” and was deemed quite successful with the filing of a second identical “section 12” along with a Protective Order gained from this Court through misrepresentations, lies, charges against Robert Bennett’s wife – which claims were needed to gain the power over Robert Bennett and to move aside Robert Bennett’s wife including the abuse charge  which had no proof and which should have been brought against Robert Bennett’s Primary Care Physician.

Attorney O’Sullivan and Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services has no reason to be involved with Robert Bennett and/or his life and family but for the  forming of the criminal conspiracy against Robert Bennett and his family to their detriment and to the advantaging of themselves at Robert Bennett’s expense.  They have taken that initial filing and turned it into major legal work and expense for Robert Bennett’s family.

We ask the Court for relief from all of this including for expenses which have been accumulated by Robert Bennett’s family because of this illegal intrusion into their lives by Attorney James O’Sullivan along with Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services.  We also ask for punitive damages because of this motion being added to all the rest in an unrelieved time of stress, anxiety, the draining of their resources when the coronavirus fears have stopped their business and other such negativities this family has lived through.

We also ask that any and all motions filed by Attorney O’Sullivan be negated and this entire time period reviewed by the relevant law enforcement officials to clear Dr. Bennett and his family from having to spend enormous time, money, effort and emotion because of this intrusion into their family by the above people.

We also ask that the Health Care Proxy – the one created for Dr. Bennett naming his wife as his health care proxy be re-established per Dr. Bennett’s wishes both then, and when MGH recreated the Health Care Proxy and now and that the Protective Order obtained from this Court by Attorney O’Sullivan be negated.

Respectfully submitted

The Family and Friends of Robert A. Bennett 

by his wife of 37 years _s/s Marceline Donaldson_

We have many letters, affidavits, and other proofs to submit to this Court including the vitals of Dr. Bennett over the latest two week period;  observations of Dr. Bennett as he goes around Cambridge taking care of his business by those working in the Cambridge Harvard Square Post Office who see him on a near daily basis and have for the past several years; a neurologist who knows the family and their commitment to Robert Bennett and has tried to follow Dr. Bennett medically  through his time at MGH; neighbors and friends who know and have spoken with and seen Dr. Bennett over the past several months and who know he is not and has never been incapacitated nor at risk of falling.

We are not sure how to submit these to the Court and would appreciate some guidance about this – not being attorneys we have tried to follow the form as closely as possible, but hope the Court will look mainly at the content and seriousness of this filing, especially as to how it will affect others coming behind Dr. Bennett experiencing similar atrocities along with those who went before and are suffering from their experience of elder abuse at the hands of those who are supposed to be protecting the elderly from such abuse.

In addition, we have an outline of the affidavit of Ms. Nora Al-Wetaid with proof of the lies she has told and responses to the other papers sent to various people by Attorney O’Sullivan.

Because it takes time to contact and receive information back from the many people we know are involved, it will take time to put this together.  It could be more efficiently and more acceptable to the Court if done by law enforcement people which we request be involved.

We have not received much of the information and motions sent around the Bennett family and friends by Attorney O’Sullivan so we ask the Court’s forbearance as we try to respond to this unbelievable case.  We did not expect to be involved in such and resent being involved, but we will respond as completely and truthfully and with as much kindness of spirit as we can conjure. 

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